
bkerensagodbyk: fix all the things we must00:00
bkerensapleia2: yeah I know how to do the whole release process for the most part... some of our tools and processes are broken though00:00
bkerensapleia2: much to be discussed and decided on at UDS00:00
pleia2I suspect mdke can make himself available for small questions here and there if we can't figure it out00:00
bkerensaplan we must00:00
godbykbkerensa: Is there anyone other than you who is active and has commit access to the bzr repositories?00:01
bkerensagodbyk: :) No00:01
bkerensagodbyk: Not for ubuntu-docs specifically00:01
bkerensaI mean there is serverguide folks who have commit00:01
bkerensabut they only hack on serverguide00:01
godbykHmm.. okay.00:01
godbykWhat's the current procedure for gaining commit access?00:02
godbykI think usually folks had to be vetted and recommended by other docs admins.00:02
godbykBut in lieu of there being other admins, how would you suggest I request commit privileges?00:02
bkerensagodbyk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam00:02
bkerensagodbyk: specifically there is not a process that is well written but essentially it is... 1) Do good work 2) send e-mail to list and ask for access00:03
bkerensagodbyk: if you would like why dont you do this help.ubuntu.com fix00:03
bkerensaand I will review it00:03
godbykbkerensa: Works for me.00:03
bkerensagodbyk: so the CC is currently the team admin :) and I guess at UDS we will discuss how that all will work down the road00:04
bkerensagodbyk: they added me00:04
godbykSounds like a plan.00:04
bkerensaright now we need to improve our wiki... document the processes for release so the info is not just known to a few00:04
bkerensaand then get momentum and leadership00:04
bkerensagodbyk: your optimism and interest in helping has been great though just FYI!00:05
godbykbkerensa: Agreed. Have you had a chance to draft the release procedure/instructions yet?00:05
godbykI'm happy to test them out.00:05
bkerensagodbyk: I have not yet... I hope to do that this weekend... With UDS and meetings this week I'm pretty slammed00:06
bkerensasomehow I have to make the UDS session tomorrow00:06
godbykI'm going to try to attend the UDS session.00:08
godbykbkerensa: Merge proposal submitted.00:09
bkerensagodbyk: looks good to me00:12
bkerensagodbyk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/saucy/revision/21200:16
bkerensaI think it takes a few hours for the cronjobs to run and generate all the things and for it to go live00:17
bkerensamaybe once a day00:17
godbykThat's something we should probably find the answer to as well. :)00:22
knomebkerensa, o/11:27
knomebkerensa, i'm active and have commit access... but i work mostly with the xubuntu docs too11:28
knomebkerensa, just FYI :)11:28
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