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henrixapw: yo! my irc logs say you've tried to contact me in last few days08:48
henrix(i was off yesterday and friday)08:48
apwhenrix, heh yeah ...err08:48
henrixapw: do you still remember what you wanted from me? :)08:48
smbSuch a long time to remember. :-P08:49
apwhenrix, yeah i was wondring if it was you who did the fixes for CVE-2013-3076, and if lucid being missing was deliberate or an application error08:49
apw(if you can remember :)08:50
henrixapw: give me a min to check...08:50
apwno rush ... yawn08:50
henrixapw: ah, got it. yes, i prep'ed the patchs for that CVE but not for lucid because it doesn't seem to be affected08:51
henrixapw: i haven't updated the cvetracker file yet (its in my TODO) because you were messing with the CVE scripts at that time08:51
apwhenrix, ahh great, i am all done with them, so cool08:52
henrixapw: ok, i'll update the cvetracker today then08:52
apwno rush as long as it is in hand i can forget about it08:54
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henrixapw: yep, i'll take care of that. thanks08:55
smbapw, There seems to be the unpleasant business of framebuffer replacement sticking to our heels. Or so I would read the latest comment on bug 110038608:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 1100386 in linux (Ubuntu) "Raring server installations on VMs fail to reboot after the installations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110038608:55
apwsmb, sigh ... you had some sync patches for that didn't you ?08:56
apwthough i thought that they did some more upstart work to avoid that ... hmmm08:56
smbapw, I had something long long time ago. But as you say I / were told that that would not be the place to do it. And I am not sure it really worked well then. 08:57
smbRemember vaguely that there is not much the kernel can do when plymouth hold its clutches to the buffer08:58
apwi am pretty sure i saw some upstart work from slangasek to avoid the overlap08:58
smbYeah, guess we need some investigation. Might depend on certain hw (speed) too.  Unfortunately I am using Xen most of the time and that does not "suffer" yet from a drm drivers support09:00
apwsmb, i cannot see these changes in upstart, but they could be somewhere else09:02
smbapw, Probably best to try to get in touch with slangasek 09:03
apwsmb, ok the work was from tjaalton and at least in part in plymouth09:03
apwsmb, it was also only in -updates09:03
apwso it missed the release09:04
smbapw, Ah. Doh! So probably have to ask for trying ssh in and updatign09:04
tjaaltonhmm it was only on desktop, needed changes to both plymouth & lightdm09:05
smbplymouth is in server (sadly imo)09:05
smbbut not lightdm09:05
tjaaltonso it's not the same race09:06
smbAs far as we saw (and if I remember correctly) it is something with plymouth rendering that dotty screen while kernel modeset tries to replace the efi fb with cirrusfb09:07
* cking reboots09:07
apwbah ... it seems that one need to charge laptop batteries, go figure09:12
* apw is getting issues with 'dig' showing format errors when everything else works with its results09:36
apwapw@agent57:~$ dig www.google.com09:36
apw;; Got bad packet: FORMERR09:36
apw139 bytes09:36
apwanyone else seen it?09:36
ogra_i get a proper reply here09:37
ckingapw, works ok for me09:37
apwalways works the first time, and not the 'rest', so someone is caching it09:38
apwi think it is my BT home hub ... hmmm09:40
hrwbug 1178847 - does someone has it with other devices?10:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1178847 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "chromeos 3.8 kernel fails to boot when compiled with gcc-4.8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117884710:02
* henrix -> lunch12:14
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psivaahello, bug 1179509 is impacting the daily smoke tests, would be helpful for some feedback on it. i.e. any more logs needed etc,13:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1179509 in linux (Ubuntu) "'unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 2' is reported and causing kernel hang when floodlight tests are run using utah" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117950913:18
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slangaseksmb, apw: there have been no changes to plymouth regarding fb driver replacement races.  I still think it's a kernel bug that something from userspace having the fb open can break the kernel's fb replacement15:30
slangasekand I don't think we can ever reliably solve this from the userspace side15:30
apwslangasek, there is a change in plymouth that adds a new event which i htink is specifically to allow us15:31
apwslangasek, to ensure that we have let plymouth unsplash before X starts or something15:31
slangasekthat has nothing to do with the bug you're talking about15:32
apwi thought that was to ensure we closed the DRM driver before we opened it again15:32
slangasekI know about the new event in plymouth, I helped tjaalton implement it - that's entirely to do with a race where lightdm can start before plymouth has shown its splash screen, and is unrelated to the kernel drivers15:33
apwthat either is going to fix most of it, or maybe allow the fixes that smb was trying to do, to work15:33
apwslangasek, sounds liek there is some confusion and i would like (when not in sessions) to get you, smb, and me together15:34
apwas i think smb had a handle on the main issue, which is frambuffer rippage, but we needed plymouth to let go15:34
smbslangasek, apw ack would be a bit to much to follow15:34
apwand i think plymouth may be guanreteed to do so now or something15:34
smbIn my memory I had something that waited till the fb resource in the kernel would be free but that would not happen until userspace (plymouth) released (closed) it15:35
apwsmb, right ... i think it was not waiting, just doing it, but if you made it do it, then it just sticks15:37
ppisatiFYI: just came out of the X session, and got to know that there'll be an S omap4 desktop img, thus we need to keep the Q/omap4 kernel around (as we did in R)15:48
ppisatirtg_: ^15:48
rtg_ppisati, is that just a pocket copy from Quantal ?15:49
ppisatirtg_: right15:49
rtg_ppisati, nm, just read for content15:49
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* rtg_ -> lunch17:28
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araogasawara, sorry, the lag was terrible, so our questions came like 5 minutes later :D19:25
araogasawara, I asked about the 12.04.3 HWE stack, is that happening?19:25
apwppisati, rtg_, for completeness the omap4 will be so far behind, that X will be doing a h/w enablement stack of old bits for the omap install ... this will likely make it break more :)19:25
arathere was some conversations about keeping the same stack as in 12.04.219:25
rtg_apw, I wonder why we are bothering with the omap4 desktop image ?19:26
bjfara, yes19:26
apwi think there was some new generation intel stuff which needed it at a minimumm19:26
ogasawaraara: yes, we will have a 12.04.3 enablement stack using the kernel from 13.0419:26
bjfara, 12.04.3 will have the raring kernel19:26
ppisatiperhaps you missed it in the foudnation channel but...19:26
arathe lag was terrible :)19:26
apwrtg_, cause it is our only arm desktop image19:26
ppisati21:14 < ppisati> AFA arm is concerned, 3.11 is way better if we want to ad exynos5 support to -generic19:26
araso our questions came in when the session had already finished19:26
ppisatiogasawara: ^19:27
apwppisati, yeah, newer is pretty much always better for us19:27
apwall round19:27
ogasawaraara: ah shoot, will have to remember the lag in the next meeting19:27
ppisatiin 3,10 we can have as a separate flavour, but there're a lot of bits missing19:27
ogasawarappisati: ack, I'm in favor of 3.11 myself19:27
ppisatijust FYI19:27
apwogasawara, the lag is very very variable, i find if you reload anyhow, it gets pretty near instant19:27
apwhaving done notes for a number of sessions i cirtainly wasn't more than seconds behind19:27
apwit may of course depend on where the originator of the channel is physically 19:28
* ppisati gets some food19:28
apwwhen cjwatson was doing them i had good lag, but then we are relativly proximate in the world19:28
* cking pops his kids to bed19:28
cjwatsonI have no intuition on what it depends on19:29
cjwatsonI don't think it can be mainly bandwidth since I have ridiculously little of it19:30
cjwatsonbut I suppose there could be some kind of spiralling latency effect19:30
* rtg_ -> EOD20:09
bjfjsalisbury, can we mark bug 1089818 Fix Released ?20:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1089818 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel crash when mounting encrypted (device mapped) ext4 partition" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108981820:15
jsalisburybjf, sure 20:15
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