
=== LarrySteeze_ is now known as LarrySteeze
sergiusensrsalveti: internet works again \o/  https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/fastboot_wipe/+merge/16362501:31
JulinuxHi Everyone01:57
JulinuxI more less speak english01:57
JulinuxI need02:00
JulinuxI want to know how to install Ubuntu Touch in Galaxy Tab 2 7.002:00
JulinuxPlease, I Need Help02:04
wcchandlerJulinux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/p311002:16
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-zzz
bobweaverany one around ? I am having troubles with a ppa and uploading via dput it just keeps on saying that the orig.tar is there even though I run debuild -S -sd  what is up with that ?02:33
bobweaverthe package is a wizard for qtcreator that makes a c++ app with packaging02:33
bobweaverbranch https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/virttabs_cpp_now02:34
bobweaverppa:  https://launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+archive/sdk-extras02:34
Julinuxwcchandler, thanks02:37
bobweaverNM I got it02:41
SleepyDaddySoftwpossibly quick questions about ubuntu phone/tablet app packaging: 1) Can you distribute shared library packages to the phone/tablet versions of ubuntu? 2) Can self-contained applications list these shared library packages as dependencies, just like the desktop software center? Meaning, they are installed when the app is installed, if not already installed by another app with the same...03:21
SleepyDaddySoftw...dependency? 3) Once installed, can end-users overwrite installed shared libraries by some means (tethering to a PC, or accessing some kind of desktop mode by hooking up a keyboard/mouse/perhaps a display)? e.g. to install a custom build of a shared library?03:21
snwhcan someone tell me how one takes a screenshot on Touch?03:42
mhall119snwh: use QtCreator, there's an option in the menyu03:45
mhall119Tools->Ubuntu Touch->Android Debugging->Take a Screenshot03:45
mhall119or ctrl+shift+p03:45
snwhAhh okay, thanks. I was trying to figure how to do it on the device itself.03:46
didrockshey Mirv, how are you?06:16
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Mirvdidrocks: hello and welcome back!06:18
Mirvdidrocks: I'm fine, a lot of things happening (vUDS starting today is crazy!) but coping06:19
didrocksMirv: nice! :-)06:20
didrocksMirv: do you mind giving me a quick update on this Qt 5.0.2?06:20
didrocksMirv: it seems like I received 10 emails about it asking me for a status with no answer :p06:21
Mirvdidrocks: heh, yeah that was my mistake, ogra kind of seduced me to thinking it's ok if it seems to work and we'll find out regressions later, but actually it's a strict zero regressions policy so far06:21
Mirvdidrocks: so Qt 5.0.2 got into qt5-proper PPA prematurely. qtwebkit was backed out since the rebased DPR patch didn't work, qtpim had a hitch that I fixed and now AFAIK the remaining bit is qtubuntu-sensors not picking up the latest qtsensors snapshot06:22
didrocksMirv: did you answer that to Bill and Pat?06:23
Mirvdidrocks: yes, you were not probably cc:d in all of the e-mails06:23
didrocksMirv: is it fixed? should we juts revert to 5.0.1?06:23
Mirvdidrocks: so I just e-mailed that the qtubuntu-sensors could be fixed separately, since afaik that's the only remaining problem. reverting to 5.0.1 seems more problematic with my current knowledge.06:24
didrocksMirv: ok, and this is for both qt5-proper and the daily-build ppa?06:24
Mirvdidrocks: yes06:26
didrocksthanks Mirv, I'll certainly ping you in a couple of hours for the SRU status (I saw some uploads), finishing my emails first :)06:26
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, the SRUs, jenkins, etc are a whole different story :)06:27
didrocksMirv: ok, on SRU now :)07:00
didrocksMirv: seems that sil2100 told me that you didn't have the time to look for the SRU07:00
didrockshowever, I'm seeing indicators and unity manual publishing in raring unapproved07:00
didrockswas that waited?07:00
Mirvdidrocks: I did have time, I'm not sure where sil2100 got the notion. I updated the status in the google docs, in that the ones needing a release have been checked but bugs need the regression potential sections still which I'm waiting from trevinho07:01
Mirvdidrocks: I did tell ken that it's otherwise ready, but I did not get a reply that the releases would have been made07:02
didrocksMirv: it's in raring unapproved, there have been a manual publishing, so great! :)07:02
didrocksMirv: do you mind poking trevhino once he's around? then, pinging the SRU team :)07:02
didrocksMirv: once the Qt thingy fixed, we should plan this week for a 5.0.2 Qt upload to saucy, isn't it?07:03
Mirvdidrocks: yay! \o/ compiz would need another update soonish as there has been another important fix, but those in the unapproved queue are indeed what I wanted to be released in the first place, so great07:03
oSoMoNgood morning07:03
didrocksMirv: yeah, let's get it first and we'll see later on :)07:04
didrocksoSoMoN: salut!07:04
Mirvdidrocks: yes, that would be good (for saucy), although I'd suggest a somewhat tested image build against the PPA first07:04
didrocksMirv: yeah, let's have a successful run once you've fixed the remaining Qt bits07:05
didrocksMirv: you think you will get it fixed today?07:05
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:06
Mirvdidrocks: the raring problem is not there on saucy, the remaining problem is just building the remaining modules for saucy. qtwebkit also has a gcc 4.8 problem which I'm trying a cherry-picked fix from upstream now07:06
didrocksMirv: sweet ;)07:06
didrocksMirv: so you copy that between the qt5proper to daily-build-next ppa?07:07
Mirvdidrocks: no, I haven't copied any of the Qt to daily-build-next ppa so far, only between qt5-beta-proper and qt5-proper07:08
Mirvthe desktop developers/users are using only qt5-proper, the images are using both daily-build-next and qt5-proper, and daily-build-next only uses itself07:08
didrocksMirv: is it an issue? I think there is no ABI breakage?07:08
Mirvdidrocks: there is afaik no ABI breakage 5.0.1 -> 5.0.2, but the qtubuntu-sensors issue stems from there07:09
Mirvsince the qtsensors module, which is just a git snapshot, got updated07:09
Mirvand would be fixed with the qtsensors module copy to daily-build-next07:10
didrocksMirv: ok, you are doing that now?07:10
Mirvdidrocks: I'm unsure if someone still wants to say something to that, but yes I'd like to so that qtubuntu-sensors could rebuild against it (tested to be working)07:11
didrocksMirv: feel free to do it so that we can unblock the situation07:11
Mirvdidrocks: ok07:11
didrocksthanks Mirv07:11
dholbachgood morning07:30
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ogra_rsalveti, wow, awesome udev fix !09:04
seb128ogra_, I read the changelog entry but it's chinese to me, what impact will it have in practice?09:07
seb128ogra_, unping, just looked at the patch which has a more verbose description ;-)09:08
ogra_seb128, there will be a /dev/disk/by-name that uses the android partition names09:08
seb128"Forwarded: not-needed" ... why not?09:08
ogra_makes mounting a lot easier since these names are all fixed across devices09:09
ogra_ask the author :)09:09
seb128rsalveti, ^09:09
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
t1mp_I just installed image 118 on the nexus 10, and I don't get the OSK in the login screen10:56
t1mp_so I can only login as guest because I cannot enter a password10:56
t1mp_is that a known bug?10:56
Xramsis there anybody who use ubuntu-touch on droid 4 ?10:59
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nik90popey: ping11:32
nik90popey: if I mark an item postponed in month-1, should I move it to month-2?11:33
popeyyes, so we don't lose track of it11:33
nik90and mark it as TODO I suppose?11:34
popeynik90: ya11:43
ogra_sergiuse1s, how about switching the syncs back on ?11:45
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Mirvcyphermox_: can you push a rebuild button on cu2d-sdk-head? it has now only failed autopilot tests on an intel machine, in a way that looks like random network problem or something similar12:17
Mirvor didrocks, whoever with the jenkins powers is first ^12:17
didrocksMirv: cyphermox_: I would say, seeing the number of utah failures, as we have 2 configurations working, let's do a manual publishing12:17
didrocksMirv: so forcing the publication, as if tests passed12:18
didrocksmaking sense?12:18
Mirvdidrocks: ok, makes sesnse.12:18
* didrocks runs12:18
didrocksMirv: done12:19
Mirvdidrocks: so it seems, thanks12:20
didrocksMirv: yw :)12:20
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cyphermox_didrocks: Mirv: sdk already taken care of?13:10
didrockscyphermox_: yep ;)13:10
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sergiusensogra_: I'm all for switching them back, but let me check the latest emails13:29
* ogra_ wants a tagged raring asap so we can kill it 13:30
sergiusensogra_: well, last nights image works fine except for the browser and facebook, I asked tmoenicke to look into it13:31
ogra_the OSK issue ?13:32
sergiusensogra_: I say we sync it... phone calls can be answered in that one13:32
ogra_ah, cool13:32
sergiusensogra_: yeah, OSK works everywhere but in facebook :-P13:32
ogra_pfft, people should just use G+13:32
ogra_(or wait for facebook-home on ubuntu touch *g* )13:35
morphissergiusens: ping13:38
akronhodhow to set the date,time and timezone on  galaxy nexus?13:39
sergiusensmorphis: pong13:39
morphissergiusens: read that you're working on the build scripts for the phablet environment13:40
morphissergiusens: afaik images are build and then sync'ed to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/, right?13:41
morphisI see there several directories for several daily builds, do you know how long they will stay there?13:41
ogra_morphis, three days for dailies13:42
ogra_morphis, though we are switching to cdimage based builds soon ... they are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/13:43
morphisogra_: ok, I am just asking for the reason that we're using in the webOS ports project the same phablet environment for utilizing everything through libhybris and it would be nice if we can just use what is already build by ubuntu and not to do the same work again13:44
morphisogra_: ah, the builds are still manually sync'ed?13:44
ogra_by cron13:45
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ogra_the raring builds happen in a jenkins instance and are synced over then .. the saucy builds happen on cdimage13:45
ogra_raring builds are supposed to stop soon13:46
ogra_as we need to focus on saucy13:46
morphisogra_: for sure13:47
sergiusensmorphis: 3 day rotation13:49
boikorsalveti: ricmm: can you guys top approve this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/platform-api/new_apps/+merge/16354813:50
sergiusensmorphis: well, what ogra said :-)13:50
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boikorsalveti: ricmm: or can I just go ahead and happrove it (as you guys already approved)?13:54
morphissergiusens: it would be nice if you could create an archive of the debug symbols of the android system in the build process too14:01
ogra_morphis, not sure thats easily doable ... since all android cross built packages have to be arch all14:03
* ogra_ would call that an advanced task ... initial focus should be to get it built at all14:04
morphisogra_: there is afaik a directory called symbols int the out dir14:04
morphisjust create an archive of it and name it as the system image just with -symbols suffix14:04
ogra_well, i clearly hope we wont have one huge package in the end14:05
=== Ursinha-zzz is now known as Ursinha
ogra_(even though thats how we'll likely start in the beginning)14:05
sergiusensmorphis: ogra_ well we can archive that... but don't miss out on the vUDS session on packaging most of the android stuff14:06
pmcgowanmorphis, if you see opportunities for collaboration between UT and open webos let us know14:08
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morphispmcgowan: with being one of the maintainers of libhybris I see there more a collaboration for all projects using libhybris to create a common base system for android driver enablement14:08
morphisas having a stripped android system is always the base for using libhybris14:09
pmcgowanmorphis, agreed14:09
morphissergiusens: can you give me a link to the event at UDS?14:09
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ogra_morphis, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-130514:10
morphispmcgowan: I was very pleased to see ubuntu did the job as first so we have now a solid base to start upon14:10
ogra_it is just starting14:10
morphisogra_: thanks14:10
rsalvetimorphis: having a dbg symbol package for android is indeed useful14:10
rsalvetiand not that hard to do14:10
ogra_(have a youtube/hangout capable machine ready)14:10
* ogra_ trusts rsalveti here 14:10
rsalvetiit's also produced automatically from the build system, we just need to strip the symbols and put it somewhere under a -dbg package14:10
morphisrsalveti: yes14:11
morphiswe're doing this already in webOS ports14:11
morphisand with latest libhybris we have a simple python script you can source in gdb to load all symbols automatically14:11
rsalvetithat's nice indeed14:11
morphisso no longer calculating the right offset :)14:11
rsalvetiright, I had a small shell script for that14:11
rsalvetibut hooking python there is the right thing14:12
morphisogra_: I am wrong or is it just a long to vUDS in general?14:12
ogra_the page above ?14:12
ogra_its the schedule14:12
ogra_and infos how to participate14:12
morphisah ok14:12
ogra_currently there is the opening session going on14:12
morphisI thought it was a link to the event sergiusens mentioned14:13
ogra_jono telling you to eat enough veggies etc ...14:13
ogra_thats the session sergiusens mentioned14:13
ogra_morphis, do you guys have a way to avoid fsck on boot in webos ?14:14
* ogra_ would find input from someone with experience here valuable for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21808/foundations-1305-non-interactive-touch-boot/14:14
sil2100oSoMoN: ping!14:14
morphisogra_: not really14:15
morphisit's still on the growing list of things to solve :)14:15
oSoMoNsil2100: pong14:15
sergiusensmorphis: ogra_ sorry for long delays, having many parallel conversations14:16
morphissergiusens: no problem14:16
morphisogra_: ah the meeting is on thursday14:18
morphissadly thats not written on the meeting page itself :)14:18
ogra_its in the schedule that i linked you first to14:18
ogra_well, thats linked from the front page14:19
morphisyes, I see it there14:19
morphisbut not on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21807/foundations-1305-android-builds-revisited/14:20
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rsalvetiogra_: pushed a patch to udev to create the by-name partitions under a android kernel14:25
ogra_rsalveti, i saw that ! the awesome !!!14:25
ogra_i'll base the container flip on it now ;)14:26
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rsalveti_boiko: I'll approve it, sorry, was waiting a working ci output there14:34
boikorsalveti: thanks!14:34
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sergiusensmorphis: it's right under the session title... just doesn't give the week day14:39
fgintherZDmitry, ping14:40
ZDmitryfginther, pong14:41
fgintherZDmitry, I found the issue with konsole-qml-plugin not updated in the ppa14:41
ZDmitryoh, I saw. Thanks for fix.14:41
fgintherZDmitry, no problem. Please let me know if you have any more issues.14:42
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mptDoes anyone know anyone who is working on the Mallit keyboard integration?14:57
ogra_mpt, judging by the discussions above i would guess tmoenicke14:58
ogra_s/above/above in another channels backlog/ :P14:59
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sergiusensmzanetti: Saviq do you guys have someone working on the qml-phone-shell autopilot tests and their translation for 1.3?15:32
mzanettisergiusens: already happened15:32
rsalvetiseb128: (about udev) the forward is not needed because this property is only available at android based kernels15:32
rsalvetiso we need to get the kernel patch upstream first15:32
seb128I see15:32
seb128rsalveti, thanks15:32
mzanettisergiusens: I updated them yesterday. got merged yesterday evening15:32
sergiusensmzanetti: hmmm... but not released?15:33
mzanettisergiusens: right... not released15:33
sergiusensmzanetti: ah. ok15:33
mzanettiSaviq: seems we need a release ^. I'll prepare15:33
rsalvetididrocks: sergiusens: so did we add the qt5-proper as ppa dependency for daily next already?15:33
Saviqmzanetti, yup, was just about to do it15:33
sergiusensmzanetti: no hurries, I'll just pull and use that15:33
rsalvetiafaik that was one of the issues we wanted to solve once didrocks was back15:33
didrocksrsalveti: no, it's not possible as it's not an extension of the archive15:33
rsalvetididrocks: welcome back btw :-)15:34
didrocksrsalveti: thanks ;)15:34
rsalvetididrocks: right, so how to deal with such differences now?15:34
didrocksrsalveti: there is a discussion with bill timo and sergiusens about it15:34
rsalvetihopefully there's no api changes, but not that sure15:34
didrocksrsalveti: I think for head "daily-build-next" should be where stuff are pushed15:34
didrocksfor "head"15:34
didrocksso raring now, then, once in saucy, it will be saucy15:35
sergiusenssorry rsalveti you aren't in the email thread... :-)15:35
rsalvetithat's fine, we just need to make sure we're fine with the qt bump we had15:35
didrocksrsalveti: I've asked this morning Mirv to copy it for now15:35
rsalvetisergiusens: sure, np, as long as you're on top of it I'm happy15:35
sergiusensrsalveti: that's what happens when you go out on holidays...15:35
sergiusensrsalveti: outcome is to copy and I guess rebuild to be on the safe side15:36
rsalvetisergiusens: right, cool15:36
rsalvetisergiusens: that's fine :-)15:36
Mirvdoing the copy as soon as this UDS hangout is done15:37
didrocksMirv: this discussion was after the qt-sensors one btw :)15:37
Mirvdidrocks: error too many discussions I believe :)15:37
didrocksno worry :)15:38
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sergiusensmzanetti: once the copy is done, I will disable Qt5 proper from the image builds15:49
sergiusenserr not mzanetti15:49
sergiusensMirv: once the copy is done, I will disable Qt5 proper from the image builds15:49
sergiusensheads up ogra ^^15:49
Mirvsergiusens: copying done, binaries waiting for publication for 10-20mins still15:55
Mirvdidrocks: powerpc will kill itself now..15:55
didrocksMirv: yeah, making sense15:56
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user82does anyone run the build from today on a nexus 4?16:21
ogra_user82, some are, yes16:28
ogra_(there was actually some testing before it got synced to cdimage today)16:28
user82ogra_, do you know about 3g data?16:29
ogra_not implemented16:29
user82ok thanks!16:29
user82two more weeks ;)16:29
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kenvandineyay... new dailies :)16:50
didrockskenvandine: with all commits content!17:02
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mfischsergiusens: is there a wiki page on steps to follow if your install fails, if not, I will volunteer to start one17:53
pmcgowanmfisch, not that I know of, there are some notes in the install page itself where errors can occur18:04
mfischpmcgowan: okay, the issue we had with the guy I was helping is that he needed to boostrap and the failure was the dead robot18:04
pmcgowanmfisch, a troubleshooting the install page would be great, there are some faqs on xda as well18:05
mfischpmcgowan: I think boostrap also wipes /data, right?18:06
pmcgowanmfisch, not sure18:06
pmcgowandont think so though18:06
pmcgowansergiusens, would know18:06
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sergiusenspmcgowan: mfisch: it does now... well once rsalveti approves my MR18:18
mfischsergiusens: cool, thanks18:18
user82_pmcgowan, how is the 3g network? or does that question slowly bother you ;)?18:18
mfischsergiusens: is it ever harmful to keep using -b with phablet-flash? I ask because I was helping someone and I didnt know the state of their device, I was going to recommend just using -b to get the phone into a known state18:19
pmcgowanuser82_, ed of month is the goal18:20
user82_okay thanks. so it is extremely unlikely to appear soon18:20
sergiusensmfisch: it's only harmful in the sense that it deletes everything18:21
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sergiusensmfisch: sdcard included, which is part of data18:22
mfischsergiusens: right, this is a test device, but we should not recommend that to normal people18:22
sergiusensmfisch: well... if you join the update session now, everyting is going to be destruvtive18:24
sergiusensmfisch: if you want to have saved stuff, manual deploys are the option18:24
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bobweaverHi there I have seen to have lost all networking  on my touch VM I try to run dhclient eth0 and it says that it is no where to be found20:28
bobweaverifconfig also only has lo20:28
sergiusensbobweaver: VM?20:29
bobweaverit is x1120:29
bobweaverwith unity-next installed on it20:29
bobweaverbut somehow I messed up all the networking :( I guess I could re-install20:30
bobweaverI started with Ubuntu Min20:30
goddardcan anyone tell me where a ubuntu touch qemu image is?20:35
kenvandinegoddard, i've never heard of one... but would love to have one :)20:35
goddardoh some one at uds told me to just get a qemu image20:37
goddardis there some other virtual machine image20:39
goddardto do testing on?20:39
bobweaverif I knew how to make a qemu image I would have one20:50
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bobweaverhow to make a qemu image where is the kernel ect ?20:50
bobweaverI was reading this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core/InstallationExample   but getting no where20:51
bobweaverI have also tried rootstock but no luck20:51
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goddardis there some other virtual machine image21:33
goddardi can use of ubuntu touch21:33
goddarddo test apps on?21:33
user82_so will end of may already include mir instead of surfaceflinger?21:44
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bobweaverAny one know how to get the parent or a xml item ?  example:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665921/       I need to get the parent on the 2nd xmllistmodel do I can run tests on it22:18
bobweaver/        XmlRole {name: "chanchan"; query: "..ChanId/string()"}     << no workey22:18
bobweaverso that id chanchan is = to ChanId      then I can place the values  in a grid for a channel schedule22:19
bobweaverbut if I can not call the parent in the xml then I can not test22:20
bobweaverFull Code   http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665936/22:21
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bobweaverEr this is super stupid I can not enable my networking on my device because the keyboard will not show up to enter in password !22:54
bobweaverso I can not ssh in extra time to re-install22:54
bobweaveragain ...22:54
bobweaverLooks like cloning from my machine to device worked that is super cool !22:59
user82_popey, good work updating the site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/Nexus23:08
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