
k_alamjoin #ubuntu-uds-plenary13:42
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=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//appdev-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1
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=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | App Developer Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21820/app-developer-roundtable/
rafaelmartinezIsn't there supposed to be a session in here?14:55
nik90rafaelmartinez: it starts in 10 minutes14:57
CimiUDSthere's like a ground bass sound coming from one of your mics :)15:08
christofferCimiUDS yes, I hear that sound aswell15:10
CimiUDStuuuuuuuuuuuu :D15:10
rickspencer3I'll join if there is room for me15:10
CimiUDSckpringle_: lol15:10
christofferstill hear it15:11
CimiUDSjust mute mics15:11
dpm-udsfor anyone wanting to join15:11
ckpringle_CimiUDS: can you see my lower third?15:11
CimiUDSckpringle_: lower third? you mean your name? no15:11
ckpringle_CimiUDS: now?15:12
CimiUDSno, but I know who you are :)15:12
nik90ckpringle_: nope15:12
CimiUDSdpm-uds: I have the feeling you just have one of your jacks plugged in partly or badly15:13
CimiUDSckpringle_: yes now15:13
ckpringle_CimiUDS: nik90 \o/15:13
nik90ckpringle_: hi15:16
ckpringle_nik90: hey dude15:16
ckpringle_nik90: how are you?15:16
rafaelmartinezso where do we chat? on the left or on the right?15:16
nik90ckpringle_: great :)15:17
nik90ckpringle_: I no longer see you in our design hangouts15:17
ckpringle_nik90: :( you will again now, I was in Oakland for a sprint then holiday in Portugal :D15:18
ckpringle_nik90: can't you see my tan?!15:18
rafaelmartinezmhall119_uds: thanks15:18
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nik90ckpringle_: ah ... hehe15:19
nik90ckpringle_: you are a very small box in the hangout video at the moment.15:19
ckpringle_nik90: small box? Smaller than everyone else?15:20
nik90ckpringle_: not smaller than evyerone else..but smaller than the current speaker.15:21
csdevwhy are there two chats (on the left and on the right)?15:23
nik90csdev: just use the irc chat (on the left).15:24
csdevnik90: thanks15:24
nik90csdev: the chat on the right is just part of etherpad for collaborative editing15:24
nik90QUESTION: Why cant we use quickly for other stuff like unity-lens creation or web apps template?15:27
=== Kaleo is now known as KaleoUDS
nik90I think qtcreator does not provide syntax highlight for other languages.15:30
nik90yeah qtcreator is awesome!15:30
nik90yeah it answered the question15:31
faisal-aliQUESTION: Will the design of the Ubuntu SDK Components change between desktop and mobile (tablet and phone)?15:32
faisal-alias in theme15:32
fr33r1d3We can hear David very bad.15:32
CimiUDSdpm-uds: check your mic / headphone cable jack!15:33
dpm-udsCimiUDS, is my mike any better?15:36
CimiUDSdpm-uds: if you're not muted, it's great now!15:37
GuidoPallemansthis may be not so general, but is there anyway that applications send data to each other? I'm thinking about an Intent-like structure from android15:43
who_meI'd be interested. I liked the intro Jono made for Quickly...15:53
rafaelmartinezso am I the only one who doesn't see any video?15:57
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=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | SDK feedback from App Developers | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21825/appdev-1305-sdk-feedback/
JoshStroblSo jonobacon, when are you going to finally get around to that beer? :D16:04
jonobaconJoshStrobl: when the last session is done :-)16:05
mhall119_udswaiting for google to get the hangout ready...16:07
jonobaconmhall119_uds: :-)16:07
jonobacondrop me a URL when it is up16:07
mhall119_udshttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7bd48b7a6dc3ce9499ae52e2fb3e1e9d8f160a57?authuser=1&hl=en for anyone who wants to join16:08
nik90u r live16:10
JoshStroblthe hangout is live16:10
t1mpyes, I see the hangout16:10
kaleo_jonobacon: hangout link?16:11
jonobaconkaleo_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7bd48b7a6dc3ce9499ae52e2fb3e1e9d8f160a57?authuser=1&hl=en16:11
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kenvandineKaleo, ^^16:25
Kaleokenvandine: GPU programming tips https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1L6sXEowkzpUx3gUvO_3q76h9EsMzHSnzzJedjgFzTF016:28
jonobaconKaleo: can we get that content on developer.ubuntu.com ?16:29
schwarzburgQUESTION: I would like to have more information about plans for including typical mobile needs (e.g. maps / accelerometer / compass /...) directly in the Ubuntu SDK. (The qml-mobile versions I found are mostly about Nokia stuff...)16:33
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, ^^16:34
GuidoPallemansSo maybe this is a better place to ask if there is a way of communicating with other apps like android has intents?16:37
schwarzburgmostly , yes16:37
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, gps API will be available soon16:37
pmcgowanfor maps16:37
GuidoPallemansjust ignore if it isn't relevant :D16:37
Mirvschwarzburg: qtsensors module is the msot ready to use at the moment, you can for example use it to get acceleration data16:37
schwarzburgok, thanks16:37
Kaleokenvandine: best performance related documentation: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick-performance.html16:38
pmcgowanKaleo, is there a good answer to the question about something similar to intents above?16:41
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, thats the other session running right now, background tasks16:42
bobweaveris this live ?16:44
kenvandineKaleo, ha... one of the things to avoid "calling JavaScript functions"16:45
bobweavernever use guy16:45
bobweavergu *16:45
bobweaveruse math16:45
GuidoPallemanswhy not let the mainview define what files or links or data the app loads? an app always has exactly one mainview, so...16:47
bobweaverwhy not use mimetype the way unity 2d did ?16:47
bobweaverso application id and  mimetype16:48
t1mphere is the bug related to the toolbar tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/117734116:48
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1177341 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Need to expose custom autopilot APIs for Toolbar and Tabs" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Juhapekka Piiroinen (juhapekka-piiroinen)16:48
GuidoPallemansok, that seems like a good solution for the intent problem, if it will be ported16:50
JoshStroblQuestion: Any plans for "email" echoMode / inputMask for Ubuntu SDK's TextField?16:51
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, yes, it will come from the settings work16:51
bobweaverwhy not just set via user and file a sqllight DB ?16:52
bobweaverQUESTIONS ^^16:52
bobweaverthen users can use DB in there app16:52
bobweaverlike a common DB16:52
JoshStroblQuestions ^16:52
pmcgowandate time picker16:53
mhall119_udsbobweaver:set what?16:54
nik90JoshStrobl: ping16:54
JoshStroblI am developing a two-step authenticator16:55
JoshStroblFirst input is email16:55
JoshStroblI'd prefer to not have to deal with validation on the software end, rather just via QML16:55
bobweaverwhy not just use Ubuntu SSO in web view16:55
Kaleovalidator property16:56
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, you seem to be getting these posts quite late, maybe the webchat client?16:56
bobweavermhall119_uds: set ?16:56
JoshStroblfigured I'd ask16:57
KaleoJoshStrobl: best is to file a bug so that we don't forget about it16:57
bobweaverjust a suggestion for auth16:57
bobweavermhall119_uds: ^^16:57
JoshStroblI'd prefer native over webview16:57
bobweaverlike a web engine16:57
pmcgowanmhall119_uds, ok16:57
GuidoPallemanswhy don't you ask the questions in irc too?16:58
bobweavernot the whole webpage just a idea16:58
sdklfhsdlfjksis it already possible to have for the ValueSelector an ID with Shown Text... Like a 2D array with id as value and text as what shown in valueselector?16:58
JoshStroblmine is specific to my startup, so SSO wouldn't apply since my startup has it's own account system and API system16:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//appdev-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1
bobweavergreat I get launch on work now and now there is not sessions17:01
t1mpsdklfhsdlfjks: ah after some delay I understand your issue now17:03
t1mpsdklfhsdlfjks: no currently not, the values have to be in the list, so you would have to generate the list from your 2d array17:04
t1mpsdklfhsdlfjks: but your question makes sense. Can you request the feature by filing a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit ? Please also describe your use case. thanks17:04
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | SDK Roadmap | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21767/appdev-1305-sdk-roadmap/
rickspencer3wow, quite a lag!18:08
rickspencer3like 2 minutes18:08
aradpm, you look tired :)18:08
JoshStrobllots of lag :\18:08
rickspencer32 minutes :)18:10
dpmWe're currently discussing proposals/feedback for new widgets (in case you're affected by a long lag and you want to suggest any)18:19
schwarzburg_suggestion: colorpicker18:19
rickspencer3i think that's a great idea18:20
rickspencer3my.* in VB18:20
bubbly_Embeded IRC is not working for me, had to use konversation18:21
JoshStroblrickspenser3 -> maybe phone.*18:21
dpmbubbly_, sorry about that, we're aware of it and will try to fix it as soon as we can18:21
dobeya gui toolkit wrapper for standard db stuff? sort of like what gnome-db has?18:22
dbarthqt/qml support sqlite by default, don't they; so it seems to be already covered by the sdk18:23
rickspencer3yeah! color picker ftw!18:23
rickspencer3I've needed it a few times18:23
mhall119dbarth: they do, but there's more setup than necessary18:23
dobeydbarth: yeah, but not sure if they abstract displaying data so it's really easy to do.18:23
dbarthright, so it's a matter of having the glue in between and a sample app18:24
rickspencer3it's like a namespace that pulls together tons of simple stuff18:25
rickspencer3so you don't go hunting around18:25
rickspencer3then nevermind :)18:25
dobeySysInfo doesn't tell you anything18:25
dobeythere are multiple things that have it, but there's no single namespace with all the basic things18:26
_NerdyMe_IDEA: User Account integration with the SDK. If you make an email client you can access the user account login from there without having direct access to the password etc.... in planning or did I just miss it?18:26
dobey_NerdyMe_: i think that's what the online accounts and keyring apis are for. not sure there's anything special that would fit in qtcreator for that18:27
dbarthmhall119: do you have a pointer to that api (u1 account)?18:28
dbarthah nice18:28
kenvandinemhall119, oh yeah... you asked me to put together a toplevel page in the docs18:28
mhall119kenvandine: oh right, did you?18:29
kenvandinemhall119, no :)18:29
kenvandineKaleo, yes please!18:30
dbarthkenvandine: sorry, i'm confused, is that working with u1 as well?18:31
bobweaverThis is what I am talking about let the user set the data http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhLuZRSOk6U18:31
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1129966 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[hud] Hidden HUD instance in MainView can cause problems when developers also define their own HUD" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Tim Peeters (tpeeters)18:31
kenvandineit would be nice if apps didn't need to import Ubuntu.HUD18:31
kenvandinedbarth, not yet18:31
kenvandinedbarth, that is a different topic, not sure the status of a u1 SSO plugin for UOA18:31
kenvandineKaleo, then it would just work on platforms that didn't have HUD18:32
kenvandinelike windows18:32
* kenvandine wants app developers to be able to develop anywhere :)18:33
t1mpmhall119: It is still under discussion, but currently I think it would be a good idea to do it in the same way as toolbar actions18:33
kenvandinemhall119, HUD?18:33
Kaleokenvandine: I see18:33
CimiUDSsorry guys for popping in later - I have a question on the date/time picker. Are we considering this independently with a calendar we might want in indicators?18:33
kenvandineit works now18:33
kenvandinewith the PPA18:33
kenvandineit works18:33
kenvandinein the unity HUD18:33
bobweavercool kenvandine18:33
KaleoCimiUDS: you are the one working on it :)18:34
kenvandinemhall119, right... but they are parallel installable now18:34
bobweaverkenvandine,  that is the unity-next branch ?18:34
bobweaverkenvandine,  what is branch ?18:34
kenvandinewell, daily-build-next PPA18:34
kenvandinebut standard unity in raring18:34
CimiUDSKaleo: calendar and date/time picker are different18:35
daker_bobweaver: smoking can kill you and we still need you :)18:35
CimiUDSdate time is usually like three sliders we scroll to select day, month, year18:35
CimiUDScalender is the calendar as we have in the indicators18:35
bobweaverdaker_,  lol18:36
kenvandinebobweaver, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next18:36
bobweaverkenvandine,  yeah I am looking at that should I start 13.04 or 13.10 minimal ?18:36
kenvandineworks fine18:36
kenvandinebobweaver, np18:37
kenvandinebobweaver, ok, it was working fine 2 weeks ago :)18:39
CimiUDSif in the sdk we need to integrate18:39
CimiUDSthe date time picker18:39
CimiUDS(with three sliders)18:39
kenvandinebobweaver, it doesn't blow up though, just not finding anything when i search18:39
CimiUDSor the calendar18:39
CimiUDSor both :)18:39
t1mpKaleo: let me update the blueprint, the generic toolbar is done.18:39
CimiUDSzsombor proposed having an external library with 'composed widgets'18:39
CimiUDSthat might be useful for other applications18:39
CimiUDSbut not basic enough to be considered for the main sdk18:40
dobeyKaleo: yeah it would be nice if the qt5 ports of qtmobility libs were packaged up. they're not in raring18:49
CImiUDSthere's a misunderstanding here, let's put this aside18:53
CImiUDSI can work on both if you need18:53
dobeythere's lag between the hangout and the live stream "on air" being streamed via youtube18:54
t1mpKaleo: the general idea for the tools is to make it super awesome! :)18:55
dpmWe're wrapping up the session, any other questions from IRC?18:55
bubblyAs a kubuntu user I love the fact that the SDK uses qt, as i'm much more familliar with it than gtk18:57
bubblyHow will SDK integrate with other flavours of ubuntu?18:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Growing the Ubuntu SDK Apps Collection | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21711/appdev-1305-apps-collection/
t1mpdpm: ^ question from bubbly19:00
brendandQUESTION: Is there any plan to support python at any level in the SDK?19:01
mhall119brendand: not at this time, no, but a Qt5 binding for python should give you everything you need19:02
brendandmhall119, that's what i was getting at. will those bindings be packaged?19:02
mhall119brendand: if somebody packages them19:02
dobeydoes pyqt support qt5 yet?19:03
t1mpdobey: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/news/pyqt-5-snapshots19:03
dpmdobey, brendand, I think pyqt supports qt5, pyside doesn't19:03
brendandnot sure pyside is going anywhere19:04
dpmand as far as I could tell pyside is more or less dead19:04
dobeywould be nice to get pyqt5 packages in ubuntu then19:04
dpmlast thing I saw waas them planning to do a rewrite before they could port to qt5, so at this point I'd deiscard it as an option to use19:04
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dpmand thanks bobweaver, nik90 and everyone on IRC for your participation19:05
mhall119next session's hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d134e44963d5d5cea08a0a51328ba73889e12b5a?authuser=1&hl=en19:06
* JoshStrobl wonders if there'll be another 2 minute delay :D19:07
brendanddpm, we want checkbox at some point to be able to run on the phablet image19:09
t1mp"and we're live" <-- now you know how much the delay is19:09
JoshStrobl"ways to grow our collection..."19:10
JoshStroblnot much delay it seems19:10
t1mpand now you see that the video starts for us :)19:11
goddardi dont have any delay19:11
dpmbrendand, then it might be worth assessing PyQt (and its license), how much of QML it supports.19:12
JoshStroblyea there is a video delay19:12
brunogirinQUESTION: if I create an app, how do I add it to the list?19:12
JoshStroblhe just said adding Work Items and that happened several minutes ago19:12
JoshStrobloh well19:12
faisal-aliqml and pyside should be possible19:12
t1mpNOTE: We should not only focus on NEW apps, but also porting existing apps to use Ubuntu SDK19:13
t1mp^ that means, re-writing the graphical part of the app in QML using our UITK19:13
dpmbrendand, but it might just be as easy to create a qml frontend for Checkbox19:13
brendanddpm, thats what i was hoping to be able to do19:14
t1mpbrendand: what is checkbox? url?19:14
t1mpis it the name of an app?19:14
goddardwhat is the google plus community?19:14
brendandt1mp - it's the 'System Testing' app19:14
faisal-aligoddard: https://plus.google.com/communities/11135078027092554054919:15
brendanddpm, i just hope we won't have problems gluing the qml to the python3 backend19:15
t1mpif we add existing apps to d.u.c, they can also be used as examples/tutorials19:16
brendanddpm, due to the fact that pyqt was not packaged in 11.10 we ended up having a compromise solution with Qt UI code glued to the python backend via dbus19:16
victorpdpm, I didnt even know the collection existed until you mentioned19:17
t1mpmhall119: there is a link to posts on the blog on https://developer.ubuntu.com/, but not a prominent link to the blog itself19:18
t1mpor maybe I am not seeing it19:18
t1mpmhall119: ok I can find it via community :)19:19
victorpdpm, perhaps and option on the SDK where you can install the apps with onclick via QTCreator19:20
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victorpwhen I was starting finding source and what you can actually do with qml help to think about it19:20
t1mpyou can install on devices via qtcreator :)19:21
victorpt1mp, exactly19:22
victorpI meant a one-click19:22
popeyvictorp: you can19:22
popeyvictorp: CTRL+F1219:22
victorp I meant as example apps19:22
popeyyes, samples within qtcreator?19:22
victorpi.e install sample apps on the phone19:22
popeyyes, the sdk guys are working on that actually19:23
popeythey want to have a "gallery" in qtcreator which is like the ubuntu software centre19:23
popeyhas a bunch of apps which you could choose from and see the code and build upon it19:23
popeywhich can be added to over time, more examples19:23
victorpIMHO collection should eventually be a set of example/showcase app19:23
victorpdpm kickstarter :)19:26
victorppopey, that is how I am funding dogfight v2.019:27
popeyI'll pay!19:27
* kenvandine chips in19:27
victorpwill 1.0 is not even finished19:27
popeyHere, take 0.0000000000000000000000000001 Bitcoins19:27
victorpBB10 even19:29
brunogirinmhall119: WebOS19:29
victorpblackberry is qml based19:29
popeyI'd love to see a series of youtube videos from _someone_ going from Zero to Hero19:29
victorpqt forums - digia19:30
t1mpwow! there is an xkcd app! \o/ :)19:30
faisal-aliIn terms of games, there are a lot of HTML5 games. Reaching out to groups at reddit.com/r/gamedev to package their HTML5 games for Ubuntu Touch.19:30
kenvandinevictorp, how easy is it to find source for blackberry apps?19:30
* t1mp installing :)19:30
popeyfaisal-ali: good idea19:30
victorpkenvandine, easy for the developer ;)19:31
kenvandineany open source ones?19:31
victorpI am sure that BB is doing developer events, we should just gate crash19:31
bobweavervictorp,  http://qt-project.org/forums19:32
bubblyblackberry apple and android developers don't let source out to just anyone19:32
black_puppydogre html5 games: get plugins/exporters out for things like construct2, just to draw people?19:32
kenvandinethat's what i thought19:32
black_puppydogit's mostly jscript I guess...19:32
popeynik90: heh, i just created the trello board before we caught up with the video where you said you'd do it ☻19:33
popeynik90: give me your trello ID and I'll add you to it19:33
nik90popey: 1 sec19:33
popeynvm, found you!19:34
nik90popey: nice :)19:34
victorpmhall119 this game (maroon) should be ported for Ubuntu. Greate little game https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtdeclarative/trees/c81d942ab0297cf894f2dd20700b4188afa07c25/examples/demos/maroon19:35
popeynik90: let me know if you have a problem getting into it19:37
victorpbobweaver, that looks good19:37
t1mpQUESTION: If I talk with a Qt app developer, how do I convince them that Ubuntu is the coolest platform to develop for?19:37
kenvandinevictorp, i think i have a branch somewhere for maroon19:37
t1mpor more general, a mobile app developer19:37
kenvandinenot finished... but i started it at some point19:38
popeyvictorp: https://trello.com/victorpalau is you?19:38
victorppopey, it is19:38
popeyadded to trello19:38
bubblylol "...and also in the embedded world. Qt is a C++ framework, which is a plus if you don't like Java that much. "19:38
victorpwe were using it, but not anymore... we move to LKK because of you!!!19:38
popeyand we left LKK ☻19:38
bubblyor java at ALL19:38
nik90popey: if works .. no issues19:39
t1mpmhall119: good answer :) thanks19:39
bubblyall-in-one platform FTW19:39
t1mpdpm, mhall119 thanks :) more good points19:39
bubblySo will the mobile os reach a final version by 13.1019:40
popeyt1mp: also we have a spaceman, spacemen are cool right?19:40
popeyYeah, we're unashamed pimps!19:41
t1mppopey: of course! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxCCngdz-LY19:41
popeyvideo froze for me19:42
t1mppopey: the conclusion is "nothing beats an astronaut"19:43
popeyhaha t1mp ☻19:43
bubblyby final i did mean a stable release, although i consider the first stable to be the last beta :)19:43
JoshStroblYea, I think saying "your app could be used by a former astronaut" is a pretty compelling reason to develop for Ubuntu Phone.19:43
goddardwhat phone should I get?19:44
goddardto install ubuntu on?19:44
mhall119_testgoddard: Nexus 419:44
JoshStrobl+1 to the Nexus 419:45
popeygalaxy nexus if price is an issue19:46
victorpdpm I would help on a particles tutorial :)19:46
goddardwill the nexus 4 work on sprint?19:46
victorpgalaxy nexus is nice19:46
goddardsamsung galaxy nexus?19:46
dpmvictorp, excellent, I'll sign you up for that, thanks!19:47
victorpgoddard, a qemu image19:47
victorpthat will be good19:48
popeybobweaver: we're currently looking at the best way to setup a VM19:48
bubblyHow will we convince sprint kricket vorizon etc. to support ubuntu for phones, they care alot more about money than anything19:48
bobweaverthanks popey19:48
popeybubbly: we dont need to, thats for commercial sales people ☻19:48
t1mpangry tux!19:49
victorpmhall119 you can do that with particles19:49
bubblyt1 mp,^ Yes19:49
t1mpoh, it exists, of course :)19:49
popeyis the video freezing up for anyone else?19:49
schwarzburg_yes, all the time19:50
popeyah ok19:50
victorpmhall119 you can work out gravity and physics with particles19:51
JoshStroblI don't think Google+ Hangouts can handle all the amazing sessions going on right now.19:51
victorpyou could easily write angrybirds with particles19:51
goddardvictorp: i need to buy a new phone but i am on a cdma network so trying to figure out a good phone for my network and will work with ubuntu19:51
goddardi guess i can always use the qemu image19:51
goddardmy video is fine probably just your connection19:52
bobweaverhttp://gitorious.org/tiled/   http://box2d.org/      http://www.mapeditor.org/19:53
victorpmhall119 it gives you something like it. That is what I use to hit devices19:53
bobweavermario game I wrote with box and tiled/s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwc4sn_RYZk19:55
goddardwe can go as long as we want!19:55
dpmwe're wrapping up the session, any other ideas on IRC?19:56
popeylooks good19:56
victorpmhall119 is you are interested the component to work out impact is called Affector19:57
mhall119_testvictorp: is that part of the Particles library?19:57
victorpmhall119 yeap19:57
victorpsomething to do maps will be awesome19:58
bubblyreally wish i was viewing this in Ubuntu, but right now i'm forced to use my Arch19:58
victorpmaps of game levels I meant19:58
victorpbye bye19:59
popeyexcellent session19:59
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