
=== ljw_ is now known as ljw
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | General X.Org plans for Saucy | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21764/client-s-xorg-general/
DavidChengood morning/evening everyone14:57
bafuDavidChen: hi14:58
mlankhorstg'day mate14:58
DavidChenbafu~~~  you are here!14:58
bafuDavidChen: yeah, good to see u ha14:59
tjaaltonseb128: so, when do I get the hangout link? :)15:03
seb128tjaalton, should be on summit I think15:04
mlankhorstoh we now have a pic of seb128, wee15:04
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: /msg it to you15:05
seb128please share with others that should join15:05
seb128tjaalton, coming?15:06
tseliot1seb128: me too, please15:06
tjaaltonhuh, didn't have the plugin installed15:06
seb128tjaalton, way to be ready :p15:06
mlankhorstwhat a massive lag o.O15:06
seb128if anyone else, please ping me for the link15:06
=== blitzkrieg3 is now known as jmleddy
kgunnseb128: if its light, i'll take the link15:08
seb128kgunn, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/03d384463476f28c0e4ef7a1cbfd964aa4abcab5?authuser=015:08
seb128let's just share it on the channel15:08
seb128I doubt people will abuse it ;-)15:08
olli-udsmlankhorst: should be just on the left15:09
mlankhorstwhat a lag o.O15:09
liuxinghello  everyone15:09
seb128shrug, I'm getting what I say a minute ago coming now15:11
mlankhorstyeah there's a lot of lag15:11
seb128ok, better, I had the summit playback video in a tab15:12
ppisatiaren't we dropping panda images? so why do we care about X on omap?15:15
rsalvetimlankhorst: so we'll be maintaining 2 different versions of the x stack?15:15
rsalvetippisati: not sure if we're indeed officially dropping for this cycle already15:15
mlankhorstrsalveti: yeah, pandaboard just won't get updates15:15
olli-udshow big is the diff/change15:15
olli-udsfor Unity15:16
mlankhorstolli-uds: small15:16
rsalvetimlankhorst: how will you manage 2 different xorg versions there?15:16
mlankhorstrsalveti: I explained on the stream, it's a bit laggy, maybe it came through now :)15:16
rsalvetippisati: problem is that it doesn't work for touch either, no updates for the drivers even at the android side15:16
ppisatirsalveti: my last info was that we were dropping omap4 images15:17
ppisatirsalveti: R was the last one15:17
rsalvetikgunn: you should help us getting a newer driver for panda :P15:17
rsalvetippisati: right, thought about the same, just didn't hear an official statement15:17
kgunnrsalveti: i wish15:17
olli-udsapw: we are here ;)15:17
olli-udsapw: kgunn: it will be Unity 7.x (nux) on a pure X stack15:18
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apwolli-uds, i assume that is the same whether mir is underneath as a system compisitor or not15:19
olli-udsapw good catch15:19
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* apw seems to have lost the stream15:24
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olli-udskgunn:do we need anything specific for/from X?15:25
kgunnolli-uds: don't think so...other than stability :)15:26
kgunnolli-uds: i'll follow up offline, but my understanding15:26
kgunnis that any extension discussions we've had are relatively x version indep15:26
bregmatouch is just very complicated and there's not a lot of usage15:31
bregmawe've been working on it for 3 years, it's still not quite right15:32
jmleddyyeah that bug is a pita15:32
jmleddyI think we will need 12.04 too...15:33
smagoun+1....OEMs are expecting to ship a lot more Ubuntu systems (laptops, all-in-ones) with touchscreens. We need to make sure we have solid touch support in the OS15:33
smagounWe need a solution for 12.04, that is correct - OEMs are shipping 12.04, and will shift to 14.04 later in 201415:34
jmleddytjaalton: what about prime integration into lightdm so that it "just works"?15:38
ritz__I have an older radeon card with my laptop, open for testing15:38
jmleddytseliot1: script should be in the distro though15:40
mlankhorstany other questions?15:40
seb128mlankhorst, I seem to lag, do we need a W.I for the unity/barrier changes?15:40
tseliot1jmleddy: definitely, it won't live in a ppa15:40
jmleddymlankhorst: that's a separate issue though...15:40
jmleddytseliot1: okay, just wanted to make sure it was covered15:41
jmleddyI want that part fixed as well :)15:41
smagounlots of lag here I think....is there some documentaion on how mir will handle hybrid gfx and switching GPUs?15:41
tkamppeter__What about wireless screen connection WiDi etc?15:41
kgunnsmagoun: an advanced topic for mir team, we've got on the list (captured in our convergence blueprint)15:42
kgunnsmagoun: but something we haven't spent time on15:42
jmleddyadvanced as in 14.04?15:43
tkamppeter__Any idea about wireless screen connection?15:43
tjaaltontkamppeter__: what's that?15:44
kgunnjmleddy: advanced as in convergence (i say that as in its a deliverable)15:44
tjaaltonjmleddy, smagoun: yep, we'll get the touch fix for 12.04.4 at the latest :/15:44
kgunnjmleddy: admittedly, we have a long row to hoe before getting to topics like simultaneous multi gpu support15:44
tkamppeter__tjaalton: similar to AirPlay, you have a video (also live stream) on your laptop and want to forward it to the TV, or even get your desktop on the TV, but wireless.15:45
seb128mlankhorst, did you see my question earlier? "do we need a W.I for the unity/barrier changes?"15:45
kgunntkamppeter_: as for mir, wifi display should just be another display15:45
jmleddykgunn: okay15:46
tkamppeter__kgunn: is there some active work done on that under Linux?15:46
mlankhorstseb128: that was probably intended for precise, for saucy we'll just upload unity together with the new xserver15:46
kgunntkamppeter_: altho, there is a question of having proper rtp plugin support (e.g. miracast)15:46
kgunntkamppeter_: which might be a question for foundations team15:47
tjaaltoni guess widi has drm written all over it, and no drivers for linux15:47
seb128mlankhorst, "just upload unity", is the patch to support the protocole change done or does it need an assignee/workitem?15:47
tjaaltonseb128: it's done, but not upstream yet15:47
kgunntkamppeter_: wrt active work on linux, android has this actually built in today15:47
kgunnas part of jellybean15:47
mlankhorstseb128: it's a small change, if you use the x1.14 ppa on raring you'll have the updated unity for raring.15:48
tkamppeter__kgunn: will this code move into X, MIR, Wayland for desktop Linux? Perhaps we will have wireless projectors in the future.15:48
tkamppeter__kgunn: and Ubuntu Touch would also be great to connect to Monitor/Keyboard/mouse completely wireless/15:49
mlankhorsttkamppeter__: bluetooth :-)15:50
mlankhorstor write something that uses the kernel uinput module if you want to go crazy15:50
tkamppeter__mlankhorst: for keyboard/mouse it works, but for screen BT has probably not enough bandwidth.15:50
kgunntkamppeter_: all the wifi aspect should be up to a hw abstraction layer, making it just look like a new screen has appeared15:50
mlankhorstyeah but nothing does15:50
kgunntkamppeter_: so it shouldn't be in mir/wayland/x15:51
mlankhorstit's 474 megabyte/second15:51
mlankhorstfor 1080p @ 60 fps15:51
tkamppeter__kgunn: in which part of the OS will this be implemented then?15:51
tkamppeter__mlankhorst: does Bluetooth that speed? I think WiFi is even not that fast.15:52
mlankhorstnah ofc not15:53
mlankhorstbut for wireless mouse keyboard it's good enough15:53
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Printing Stack with Mobile in Mind | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21732/client-1305-printing-stack-with-mobile-in-mind/
seb128tkamppeter__, there?16:06
seb128tkamppeter__, your session is starting, hangout url is https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/14bdba95931d5f848a5321673c459a77f66b9131?authuser=016:06
seb128who should be there?16:06
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss|dinner_lun
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Printing Stack with Mobile in Mind | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21732/client-1305-printing-stack-with-mobile-in-mind/
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
=== tvoss|dinner_lun is now known as tvoss
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Stress testing on mir | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21757/client-1305-mir-thrash-testing/
kgunnseb128: are you my monitor for mir testing ?19:04
seb128kgunn, hey, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/01715a02682e4a34c409e8ead9999d1194873738?authuser=019:04
seb128kgunn, no robert_ancell?19:05
cjohnstonseb128: could you please add the view link to summit19:08
gemayeah, or give us the link to it19:09
seb128cjohnston, sorry, forgot to press the save button19:09
rickspencer3o/ all19:09
cjohnstonheya rickspencer319:10
seb128rickspencer3, hey19:10
josepht_udsplease use your lower third19:10
gemakevin Gunn talking right now19:11
cjohnstonseb128: kgunn ^19:11
seb128done for me19:11
cjohnstonseb128: I don't see it19:11
seb128maybe it takes a bit to apply?19:12
cjohnstonthere it is19:12
balloonsdelay is killer :-)19:12
gemathere is a bit of lag, indeed19:12
gemabut the comments appear before the video says it, so it is also kind of cool19:13
balloonsgema, lol19:13
gematvoss: because the hard drive may have bad sectors,19:17
gematvoss: you have hardware interactions, etc19:18
tvossgema, which brings me to the question what sigma we are talking about :)19:18
gematvoss: if you constrain your testing condition enough, probably not much19:18
plarsassuming that it's going to be the same isn't helpful, running it multiple times will tell you if it is or not though. If the stddev is high, then you know you *really* have a problem. If it fluctuates by a few bytes from one boot to the next, well... I'll let you decide the criticality of that19:19
tvossplars, agreed :)19:20
plarsalso if you have some corner case that causes the memory to drastically vary once in a while, multiple runs will expose that too19:20
=== hikiko__ is now known as hikiko-uds
gematvoss: I'd like to know what stress conditions you guy define for mir19:20
hikiko-udssorry, connection problems :)19:20
gematvoss: and what test cases you want to run under those19:20
gemanegative testing and positive testing would be functional, not stress19:23
sergiusensQUESTIONS: what's the running cadence going to be and at want point in time from "code to in the image" is this going to be run?19:25
gemahow do you know that under stress the system is working?19:26
gemayou need to figure that out19:26
gemawhat does it mean the system is working under stress19:26
sergiusenskgunn: during an MR, during a package build or after an image builds in cdimage19:27
sergiusensbut thomi got it19:28
* thomi high-fives sergiusens19:28
* sergiusens hi5s thomi back19:29
sergiusenstvoss: can't the target MR reviewer take that into account?19:35
sergiusenstvoss: or do you want to do it during MRs?19:36
gemaif you don't define what a regression is in terms of stress, you are not going to get regressions and you cannot know what makes a test fail19:36
gemastress tests sometimes don't fail, they just slow everything down19:36
sergiusensgema: well if it is going to block stuff, it needs to be defined19:36
gemaand how much slow down is bad enough to fail stuff19:36
gemasergiusens: indeed19:36
gemasergiusens: we should block submissions on functional testing19:36
gemalots of stress testing not enough functional doesn't work19:37
kgunnit seems we've established 24 hours worth of testing is too long19:37
gemakgunn: one week of stress testing sounds good to me19:37
gemakgunn: when you don't block submissions on it19:37
kgunni don't vote for blocking submissions19:37
sergiusenswell, for stress... it is a special case, where you run and I believe you just need to capture the good stuff and then sit down and analyze19:37
* gema is confused as to what stress testing means here19:37
kgunnsergiusens: yes19:38
kgunnmainly before a mobile oem gets his hands on it :)19:38
gemakgunn: can you put someone to do a test plan, define conditions, document them , publish them for others to know and test further?19:38
gemakgunn: so that we know where you guys stop testing and where we need to start?19:39
notcliveis there a reason not to do a large stress test for each commit?19:39
gemanotclive: that'd be too slow19:39
gemait's not too much lag, we can do a run weekly of stress testing19:40
gemaat the distro level19:40
sergiusensin all honesty, stress is special case, it needs to be in distro or people won't notice it19:41
gemasergiusens: agreed19:41
gemakgunn: you should aim at mir not eating all the memory after being used for 2 months19:42
gemakgunn: which is what is going to happen in real phones19:43
gemapeople wont reboot them every day19:43
sergiusensthomi: exactly, you need to sit down and do a lot of data crunching and figure out what happens19:43
kgunngema: never heard that before ;)19:43
gematvoss: very good point, defining what health system is and be able to report when things are not looking healthy19:44
gematvoss: surely those phones can send emails, right?19:44
balloonsnightly reboots: shudder19:45
sergiusenstvoss: phones take 10 minutes19:46
sergiusenstvoss: if you want to run it in the full os19:46
gemathomi: doesn't sound easy to me, can you involve us in the review of it?19:50
gemathomi: so that we can then capitalise in distro QA and do something at the distro level19:50
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tvossgema, what's your timeframe for getting it wired up in distro testing? would it make sense to go ahead for Mir, and integrate with distro testing over time?19:53
ollithx everybody19:54
tvossthx olli :)19:54
olliI did the hard part19:54
olliletting people talk that know their stuff with out interrupting ;)19:54
tvossolli, o/19:54
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== racarr|lunch is now known as racarr
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1

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