
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1
philballewHello, everyone doin good here?14:53
JoseeAntonioReverything looks alrighty14:53
smartboyhw_Community roundtable… what do we talk?14:54
philballewsmartboyhw_, anything that you feel we need to discuss basically.14:54
smartboyhw_philballew: Hmm I can't watch or join in the Hangout…14:55
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21729/community-roundtable/
* philballew should be set to join the hangout assuming JoseeAntonioR did not mess up my webcam setup14:55
smartboyhw_It starts!14:55
philballewalright, I marked myself as very interested in attending, so does that mean I join the hangout?14:56
philballewJoseeAntonioR, ^14:56
smartboyhw_philballew: dholbach will send you the link I thinj14:57
JoseeAntonioRphilballew: nope, that was for physical uds and auto-scheduling :)14:57
JoseeAntonioRphilballew: you only get the link if you're marked as required14:57
zvacetis Ubuntu without community still topic here?14:58
JoseeAntonioRzvacet: I think there's no ubuntu without community :)14:58
zvacetJoseeAntonioR: you know what I mean  ;)14:59
smartboyhw_zvacey: The website?14:59
YoBoYtea time for me14:59
SergioMenesesYoBoY, wise move15:00
zvacetsmartboyhw_:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214397115:00
cjohnstoncan someone make me some tea?15:00
elfysmartboyhw_: the website is just one symptom - the latest one15:00
* JoseeAntonioR gives cjohnston some tea15:00
SergioMenesescjohnston, I think YoBoY can15:00
tiagoscd-udsabout the community thing: http://design.canonical.com/2013/05/ubuntu-com-update/15:00
smartboyhw_zvacet: That's another session15:00
SergioMenesestiagoscd, maybe you can put it on the work tiems15:01
philballewjonobacon, welcome15:01
YoBoYSergioMeneses, cjohnston sure :)15:01
SergioMenesesdholbach, and jono_ are here!15:01
cjohnstonjono_: why stop at twice15:01
jcastroI'd like to plop in15:02
philballewif there is room of course15:02
SergioMenesesphilballew, \o\15:02
zvacetsmartboyhw_: ok I was interested in that one  bye15:02
rrnwexecgood morning all.15:03
* skellat shies away from the hangout15:03
SergioMenesesjono_, I cant I have not camera and microphone :S15:03
smartboyhw_zvacet: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21740/community-1305-ubuntu-website-planning/15:04
zvacetsmartboyhw_: tnx for link  :)15:05
fisch246ben i believe i saw you talking about firefox os15:05
tiagoscd-udsdholbach: hey15:06
smartboyhw_fisch246: You are correct he did15:06
YoBoYI have raised the fact in the locoteams mailing list we still need a DVD cover art with the ISO, can we try to make this appen for the next ubuntu release ?15:07
ptlregarding the ARM architecture, is there any plan to help or support community-based initiatives for porting, e.g. "picUntu" for UG802 and MK802-III like "android" tv sticks?15:07
smartboyhw_YoBoY: For 14.04 LTS I think…15:07
ptllike, e.g. providing help to make Mir run on them15:07
smartboyhw_ptl: I think there is a porting session15:08
ptlah, I didn't see the whole schedule15:08
YoBoYsmartboyhw_, for 13.10 too, and every ISO, I just want some DIY artwork like the other releases15:08
smartboyhw_YoBoY: Hmm, probably ask the LoCo Council15:10
ballockWhat about company LoCos? I've got a couple of people contributing from inside company, any ideas for grouping that?15:10
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: ^15:10
smartboyhw_ballock: Companies aren't LoCos, but then you guys can join in your country's LoCo15:10
SergioMeneseswe are not a company or something like that15:11
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: Answer YoBoY :)15:11
cjohnstonjono_: or anyone else on the hangout.. I can't be around on thursday, but I would like it if Summit were discussed during the round table on thursday.. just quick discussion/feedback from this UDS.. the changes, are they good, bad, what else needs to be done.. request for help... request for charmers15:11
smartboyhw_I am pointing at YoBoY not ballock:P15:11
cjohnstondholbach: jcastro ^^15:11
jcastrocjohnston: ack15:12
ballockSergioMeneses: I don't mean Canonical or whatever, we've got a ubuntu community inside Tieto.15:12
cjohnstonand it looks like you already put that in and I missed it JoseeAntonioR15:13
cjohnstonsorry jono_ ^15:13
smartboyhw_ballock: How big is Tieto? (Sounds like the Tokyo Metro)15:13
YoBoY(arg phone not stopping to ring T_T)15:13
SergioMenesesballock, I see and what is Tieto?15:13
ballockA company, 20k employees, over 500 ubuntu users, mostly developers.15:14
dholbachis there anyone else who wants to get on the hangout?15:14
SergioMenesesdholbach, ask yo czajkowski15:15
* SergioMeneses hides15:15
czajkowskican't at present have a deadline of stuff for today15:15
* dholbach hugs czajkowski15:15
JoseeAntonioRurgh, I'm dropping :)(15:16
JoseeAntonioR:( *15:16
smartboyhw_ballock: Where is your company coming from?15:16
skellatjono: Left a hunk of text in the Etherpad in notes.15:17
cprofittI agree with you Jono... I like the idea of allowing people to grow organicly... cities, states, etc...15:17
YoBoYdoing like mozilla do now to their events ? people who wants a promotional pack have to fill a request with the details of the events, and have to write about the event before and after to promote it.15:18
ballockFinland is the main site, we have active people in Sweden, Poland and some active people from other Tieto sites too.15:18
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smartboyhw_ballock: Hmm15:19
ballockok, it might be difficult to get a group photo in these conditions...15:20
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: czajkowski: Any ideas?15:20
cjohnstonrrnwexec: can you mute please when your not talking.. background noise gets really loud15:20
SergioMenesesI want to add something ....15:20
SergioMenesesbut in the reapproval process we can get a lot of information about our teams, and I think this is the best part of the process by instance https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/ApprovalApplication2012 ...if we remove this process, we have think in a different way to get this information. imho15:20
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: +115:21
czajkowskithe reapproval gives us a chance to show others what they are doing15:21
czajkowskijust feels liek a lot of the work we've done is kinda gone to waste tbh15:21
czajkowskimails go to shippit - and they reach out to council already!15:23
cprofitthate to leave this dicussion, but I have a doctors appointment15:23
JoseeAntonioRSergioMeneses, czajkowski: any of you can join? :)15:23
cprofittgood topic all15:23
czajkowskiJoseeAntonioR: nope working :) and lack of notice on topic meant cant change15:23
cprofittthanks for bringing this forward15:23
SergioMenesesbesides, we work with the teams in another issues as you can see here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bug/107584815:23
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1075848 in Ubuntu LoCo Teams "Re-approval, ubuntu-ca" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Darcy Casselman (dscassel)15:23
YoBoYtransform the reapprovals in healthcheck perhaps15:24
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, I dont have camera or mic, I am not at home15:24
skellatjono: I've got no problem with you're notion.  I've been waiting on it to be executed since UDS-1303!15:26
ballockI'm trying to make sense of it. Is the LoCo discussion just a question of sending out CDs/perks?15:27
philballewGetting a conference is pretty easy currently the several times I have had to get one. I have a conference pack for a show I am doing in two weeks and I am going to take pictures of all the stuff I hand out and the talks. The pictures alone make great pr and are worth the cost of the pack.15:27
philballew If the LoCo has gotten a conference pack before and not has a problem, it should be easy and not have to fill out as much paperwork.15:27
philballewWill we be giving away flash drives soon?15:27
philballewDistros like Fedora give those out15:27
rrnwexec+1 for deprecate15:28
philballewInter LoCo is very needed15:28
YoBoYinter loco ?15:29
skellatdholbach: Can you join me in to the Hangout?  I finally found headphones now.15:29
dholbachskellat, sure15:29
philballew+1 here15:29
dscassel_+1 deprecate.15:30
Cracknelwhat about subteams?15:34
elfyfrom a forum point of view I'd agree with jorge15:34
YoBoYbut these new team will be official teams or subteams of the actual loco/country/state teams ?15:34
hggdhI agree with Randall -- this would be more of a grassroots movement (which would help us)15:37
dscassel_+1 for in-person city teams. Online, I agree with Jorge. A city mailing list for our town would be dead, but the Canada list is good and helpful and I'd like to keep it that way.15:38
SergioMenesesdscassel_, sure! this is the same issue in a lot of counties15:39
dholbachgrr, I just got dropped and rerouted to login.u.c - did the feed drop?15:40
dholbachjono_ (and everyone else): https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1305-enabling-local-subteams - will schedule it for thursday once it's in summit15:41
dholbachplease subscribe to it if you're interested15:41
fisch246yea what sucks about minnesota is that our Loco team doesn't want to share power with anyone, and our local LUG is very um... xenophobic to put it lightly. so our events have been just one sponsored event, and just guys meeting for beers.15:41
YoBoYmy experience with city teams (we have 5 in France) is they start great but they slow down fast for most of them15:41
SergioMenesesczajkowski, ↑↑↑15:42
JoseeAntonioRany opninion from the LC?15:42
czajkowskiJoseeAntonioR: not all here tbh and not something that can just be resolved in 2 mins tbh, we've been looking for the last 3 months at a few options and it's not so simple so wanted to have a lot of tha facts and examples laid out to make things easy15:43
YoBoY+1 jcastro I join your locoteam now :D15:44
fisch246The sponsored event, and the beer, has nothing to do with the Loco team. The beer is me, and the sponsored event is our LUG.15:44
fisch246We did start a podcast, that is on hiatus right now. Again nothing to do with the Loco.15:45
fisch246My point is, that we have people who can lead, but our Loco team doesn't want anyone else to lead.15:46
skellatczajkowski: I'll be happy to contribute outside the UDS times and give reflections as necessary15:46
czajkowskiskellat: thanks15:46
JoseeAntonioRsame here15:46
YoBoYThe french experience and position on city teams in France, is everyone can creat his city team, and we (the loco) try to help them with ressources (web, ML, goodies, advices…)15:47
fisch246ok i can go with that15:47
srinathhi guys15:48
fisch246cause i can take lead on the west metro side of things15:48
YoBoYbut to work like that, we have to start with a well established loco15:48
dshimerUsing Ohio as example, I can see local less formal groups just getting together then being a resource that "Ohio" could tap into.  They wouldn't need resources but could provide them.15:50
jcastroskellat: jorge@ubuntu.com is my contact info15:50
dholbachit's scheduled: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21812/community-r-sustainable-translations/15:50
dholbach2013-05-16 15:05..16:00 in Community 215:50
YoBoYskellat, if you pay the travel, I can send you some french members :D15:50
dholbacherr sorry15:51
dholbachwrong link15:51
dholbachhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21835/community-1305-enabling-local-subteams/ - here we go15:51
srinathwhen is the documentation team meeting??15:52
srinathsorry for barging right in15:53
YoBoYThere is no possible way to really "track" the activity of a locoteam15:54
dscassel_+1 Absolutely I'll set up a city team on the LoCo directory, so long as I can keep the Ubuntu Canada mailing list, etc.15:54
cprofittjonobacon: could there not be a way of automatically removing from 'display' teams that do not have activities scheduled on loco.ubuntu.com15:55
cprofittsome period of time -- 1 year, 2 years, etc...15:55
cprofittI do not want the structure or formal stuff to inhibit team growth15:55
YoBoYwe are not forced to use the loco portal15:56
cprofitt+1 on enabling organic growth15:56
commandoline+1. My experience is teams do revive.15:57
YoBoYI'm afraid we will have a lot of empty teams in the future with that… and for users looking for a local help, it can be a problem to find an empty team…15:58
balloonsfor the next session, please speak up if you'd like to be in the video16:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Expanding QA community coverage | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21714/community-s-quality-coverage/
balloonsplease speak up if you'd like to be in the hangout for this session on Expanding QA community coverage16:03
elfyI'll be here and watching - as this IS the right time and place :)16:03
bkerensaballoons: \o if a slot is available but not essential16:04
chilicuilsame as bkerensa16:04
bkerensaactually I will watch :)16:05
cjohnstonballoons: I'm assuming you haven't started it?16:05
balloonsanyone else?16:05
balloonsno, I'll kick off in one moment16:05
balloons5 mins is way too short16:05
cjohnstonsuch a long way to walk16:06
elfy5 minutes is fine from where I'm sitting with a cup of tea and my feet up :p16:06
balloonslol.. hosting sessions is a bit harder16:06
cjohnstonblah :-P16:07
* thomi yawns16:07
balloonscan you see the broadcast?16:08
elfyballoons: nope16:08
thominot yet16:08
balloonstry refreshing the page16:08
elfyhow many times balloons16:08
balloonsmy bad16:08
* philipballew wonders why he can.16:08
cjohnstonballoons: there aren't any urls in the db16:08
balloonsi told you 5 mins wasn't enough16:09
elfygot it now16:09
cjohnstonnow its there16:09
thomime too :)16:09
elfyyou might want to turn the echo off ...16:09
brendandballoons, can i hop in?16:09
chilicuilballoons: if you want I can share the link for you, so you can focus on the hangout16:10
balloonschilicuil, go for it16:11
roadmrsuper productive!16:12
cjohnstonto those in the hangout, please use the lower third to identify yourself16:14
thomiIt's worth pointing out that the 1.3 conversion is pretty trivial.16:15
svwilliamsIts in the hangout toolbox16:15
svwilliamsfor people looking for lower third16:15
svwilliamsballoons: wouldn't you consider autopilot one of our tools16:17
balloonssvwilliams, indeed16:18
chilicuilwe should add more manual testcases for all the default apps in all the ubuntu flavours16:20
elfychilicuil: +116:21
svwilliamschilicuil: +116:21
chilicuilI think we should focus on that, and letting the depth coverage as a second priority16:21
elfyI didn't catch what you said balloons :)16:22
svwilliamsIf we had more initial coverage it might be easier for new people to help increase depth, like chilicuil at this time depth is a secondary priority16:22
roadmrdo you want to be 95% sure that 5-10 apps work, or 50% sure that 50-100 apps work?16:22
svwilliamsdepends roadmr I'd like to be 95% sure that at least one browser works …16:23
roadmrsvwilliams: ok so "variable depth" :) makes sense though16:24
elfyflavors obviously have their own priorities :)16:24
svwilliamsWhere are we lacking, where do we feel we're lacking.   Do we have a good breadth at this point, because increasing breadth is easier (because its shallower) than increasing depth16:26
svwilliamsif we have good breadth then its time to dig deep and go after depth16:26
elopioit's easier to add depth when there's already a simple test case to start with.16:27
elopioso for newcomers, adding depth is easier, if the experienced people is adding a bootstrapping set of tests.16:27
svwilliamssay that again16:27
balloonselopio, true16:27
svwilliamssounds good to me16:30
svwilliamsPerhaps I'm ignorant about the methods for testing but what about Juju and Maas16:31
phillwI'm a server type person and will help out :)16:33
svwilliamsI can try16:33
Letozaf_I can16:34
chilicuilI can help too16:34
svwilliamsfyi your sound has cut in and out16:36
fisch246i haven't had issues16:37
roadmrsound is OK here16:37
elopioI can hear you alright.16:37
svwilliamsok it may just be me :-)16:38
elfyfine here too16:38
elopioballoons: are we going to have an emulator to test touch?16:39
chilicuilthat would be cool balloons16:40
balloonselopio, an emulator?16:40
elopioballoons: if somebody don't have a phone that runs ubuntu, how can he test ubuntu touch?16:41
elopiook, thankss.16:42
chilicuilI think that just a system which could allow people to suscribe to new builds will be enough, nothing fancy to add to the qa system16:43
chilicuilI though it was only for iso images16:43
cjohnstonballoons: 15 minutes left16:46
svwilliamssounds good16:47
chilicuilmaybe sending a mail will work better on that balloons, I'd love to help, but I don't have the hardware16:54
elopiothank you balloons.16:56
roadmr\o/ thanks balloons !!16:56
balloonsthank you everyone!16:56
balloonsohh is it lunchtime?16:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Improving the testing experience for contributors | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21716/community-s-quality-userstory/
balloonsk, hangout links all setup18:03
balloonsplease join if you'd like to express your opinion18:03
balloonswithout having to type so much :-)18:03
* chilicuil say hello to everyone18:04
philipballewhola chilicuil18:05
balloonsanyone want to join?18:05
balloonsthis is mainly a feedback session for you :-)18:06
balloonsLetozaf_, chilicuil, phillw, philipballew, svwilliams care to hop in?18:07
chilicuilI'd like to enter balloons18:07
balloonsfor anyone who wishes18:07
balloonshave at it18:07
philipballewgotta do a meeting in community 218:07
balloonsstarting the broadcast18:08
Letozaf_ok for me18:08
balloonsyou'll want to mute the video from the page18:12
balloonsLetozaf_, et la :-)18:12
balloonsotherwise it makes for some massive delay18:12
svwilliamsit's pretty funny18:12
svwilliamsthe delay18:12
svwilliamsyeah between Hangout and the video on the UDS page18:13
svwilliamsso mute the youtube video18:13
Letozaf_weired the delay :D18:15
balloonsLetozaf_, yea, you have to kill the video page when you join the hangout18:15
balloonsor otherwise stop the video from playing18:15
Letozaf_when I connect I start getting a delay even if I turn the video off18:18
balloonsa delay from what? :-(18:18
balloonstry turning everything off to audio only18:18
Letozaf_I hear you guys talk after  a while18:18
fisch246finally the kiwi is working now18:18
chilicuilnot sure if I'm using the correct words =), I mean that the tracker should take more active actions to show in the testing tracker the bugs reported against the packages we're testing18:20
chilicuilyeah, a more verbose option18:21
balloonsLetozaf_, after joining there's a button in the top right that looks like a phone reception icon18:22
chilicuilyeah, launchpad itself does a good job finding duplicates18:22
Letozaf_maybe we just need some classroom sessions on how to search bugs correclty18:23
balloonsyou can lower the bandwidth requirements to audio only18:23
balloonsthat should help18:23
chilicuilyeah or the most common18:25
phillwwe are planning to re-run some of the classroom sessions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom as some of our testing tools are now functioning better in 13.0418:25
chilicuilphillw: that'll be nice18:26
sakIf we are talking about finding duplicate bug, could bugs of the same program are made, be put under one category?18:26
Letozaf_can you send me the link again I lost it18:26
balloonsLetozaf_, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/67b89b7c84196026cc7e60116dd25e9bf09eade8?authuser=2&hl=en18:26
balloonsand anyone else who wishes to join :-) https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/67b89b7c84196026cc7e60116dd25e9bf09eade8?authuser=2&hl=en18:26
chilicuilwe need to make emphasis in the fact that running tests and finding issues is a good thing, we don't need lots of tests without results18:27
Letozaf_when I connect its a mess, I lowered bandwidth and turned video and audio off18:28
chilicuilLetozaf_: =/, it's somekind slow here as well18:30
Letozaf_chilicuil: fiew! I was worried :D18:30
balloonssorry guys :-)(18:31
balloonsfeel free to participate via irc18:31
balloonsno worries18:31
Letozaf_I think that maybe it's just a problem due to that people do not understand how to report a bug18:32
Letozaf_so I think the problem could be solved with some classrooms or hangouts on bug reporting18:33
Letozaf_maybe some tips and tricks on bug reporting18:33
svwilliamsDo we have tips and tricks for offline bug reporting … how do I report about a machine that can't connect18:33
svwilliamsA) do x to get log18:34
Letozaf_maybe a video is easier than reading an how to :D18:34
Letozaf_liek the ones done for testing ISO-s18:34
chilicuilthat surely can help Letozaf_18:34
roadmrI would only resort to video if it's something hard to show on a document (like tying a bow tie)18:36
roadmrthe reason is that most people can read and process faster than what a video can show - there, you're limited to the presenter's speed18:36
Letozaf_maybe someone good ad reporting bugs can have a kind of tips and tricks to avoid reporting duplicate bugs :D18:36
balloonsroadmr, I agree.. I speed read, so I like text ;-)18:37
Letozaf_have some tips and tricks to avoid duplicate bugs18:39
chilicuilI dont think we need a desktop client18:39
Letozaf_audio is coming and going here :(18:39
phillwbzr is still on my to-do list :)18:42
svwilliamscould you repeat your question18:42
simosxI suppose that people do not use the ISO tracker because it's a new thing to learn, and they would rather have a walkthrough document.18:43
sakStill need more training on merging a testcase. The bzr howto, is very technical18:43
simosxIs there a walkthrough document?18:43
Letozaf_I do not find the tracker difficult, but I do not know about the others18:43
chilicuilwho has birds nearby ? =)18:43
phillwthe bzr one is at http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/18:44
Letozaf_sounds better now18:44
chilicuilidea: add the 'contribute an manual|automatic testcase' to the ubuntu accomplishment system18:47
svwilliamsmaybe a couple accomplishments around testcases18:47
brendandsvwilliams, there is a way to save the apport info for reporting later18:47
chilicuilI can do it balloons18:48
Letozaf_I also hear the birds :D18:48
chilicuilnooo! I enjoy the sound =)18:49
svwilliamsbrendand: I did that while testing maas and when I tried to grab it the report didn't save … should have submitted that as a bug but it was late18:49
sakWhat does the "accomplishment" do?18:49
brendandsvwilliams, what did you try exactly?18:50
maclinballoons: I have a question about how to show the testcases in Chinese on tracker? or is it needed?18:50
Letozaf_maybe put some links to the documentation in the tracker18:51
sakSo the "accomplishments" it is a summary of your contributions?18:51
svwilliamsoh man … balloons was helping I don't remember it was a way to save the system log to a location and I saved it to a root of one of my partitions but there was no file there when I logged in with my main partition18:52
roadmrwouldn't translations have to go both ways? unless you have someone who can read chinese "transcribing" the reports, if someone can't read english it's reasonable to assume they also can't write it, so translation would be needed twice18:52
simosxsak, "accomplishments" is a program that you run on Ubuntu, and whenever you perform one of the supported tasks, you get a badge/star that you have accomplished it.18:52
chilicuilmaybe if we export the testcases as a package or something to launchpad, i18n teams could treat it as other packages languages, doing it possible to translate them, the spanish team for instance I'm almost sure could translate them in no time18:53
Letozaf_I find submitting results easy, maybe we should just make the documentation much easier to find by putting links in the tacker18:53
sakThank. Good way to keep of what you have done and what need to be done18:53
chilicuilthanks for the session =)18:57
Letozaf_audio keeps on coming and going her :(18:57
balloonsthanks :-) Sorry the hangout didn't work out so well18:57
balloonswas it me Letozaf_ ?18:58
fisch246i still have yet to have audio issues18:58
roadmrballoons, Letozaf_ : I don't think so, it was rock-solid on my end (watchiing the youtube stream)18:58
balloonsor everyone? I suppose I was the one talking18:58
Letozaf_no I do not think so18:58
sakthis was good18:58
Letozaf_I have had problems during18:58
balloonsI just get nervous hearing it :-)18:58
Letozaf_the whole hangout18:58
roadmrthanks balloons !18:58
balloonsthanks everyone!18:58
Letozaf_thank you balloons:18:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1
=== hikiko__ is now known as hikiko-uds
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1

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