
* chilicuil prepares himself a coffee14:28
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Lubuntu work items for Saucy | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21754/community-s-lubuntu-work-items/
balloonsfor anyone who wants to join the sesssion, please speak up for an invite14:56
elfyshouldn't the youtube thing work anyway?14:57
chilicuilI'd like balloons14:57
balloonselfy, you can certainly watch and use IRC.. but if your going to be talking a lot, hop into the video hangout :-)14:58
elfyI'll not be talking at all ;)14:58
elfyno mike :)14:58
balloonsfor anyone who wants to join the sesssion, please speak up for an invite15:01
YorvykI'd like an invite15:04
balloonssure thing Yorvyk15:04
balloonscan everyone see the hangout?15:06
SergioMenesesballoons, no15:06
SergioMenesesI did thanks daker_15:07
elfyso did I15:07
SergioMenesesphillw, are you the penguin?15:07
balloonsthanks guys :-)15:07
balloonsgilir= pengiun = Julien15:07
elfyzip nada nothing here at all15:08
chilicuilI've seen some mail in the qa ml about something like a plan to introduce xp users to lubuntu, is this something official?15:09
chilicuilif it's I think it could be a good idea to try to organizate how it's gonna be done, to me it sounds like a good idea15:09
elfythat's cos I' not even at the right time - you can ignore me lol15:09
balloonselfy, lol.. did you figure everything out?15:10
elfyI'm cool - got a mental disconnect going between UTC and BST :D15:10
=== ts2 is now known as tsimpson_
chilicuiland what about other browsers, such as midori?15:38
jcastrogema: heya, this is our irc16:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Client | Move automated upgrade testing to UTAH | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21830/client-s-upgrade-testing-with-utah/
zygaplars-vuds: hi16:03
zygaI'd love to join16:05
zygaplars-vuds: ^^16:05
josepht_udsI think the key is having utah handle running tests on the images16:26
gemajosepht_uds: that's what we are trying to agree on how to do16:27
gemajosepht_uds: why don't you join?16:27
josepht_udsgema: I have to run in a few minutes16:27
gemajosepht_uds: ok16:29
gema10 minutes to go16:51
zygathanks, I learned a few interesting things just now16:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2
MarkDudeCommunity \o17:01
bkerensajono_: where is the hangout link?17:18
bkerensavalorie: yeah but idk how to pull the trigger on this17:18
bkerensacjohnston: hangout?17:19
bkerensaI guess I have to set it up myself maybe17:19
valoriethe bot doesn't seem to know that we have a session scheduled17:19
jono_bkerensa, session isnt for an hour yet17:20
jono_look at the time17:20
jono_it is not 6pm UTC yet17:20
jono_18:05 - 19:00 UTC17:20
jono_now it is 5:20 PM17:20
bkerensavalorie: heh you worried me I was late to my session17:20
elfyI've been doing that all afternoon17:21
bkerensaelfy: its so early17:21
bkerensaI should be sleeping17:21
jcastroI woke up an hour early if it makes you feel better17:21
elfyand got really worried when I heard wolverhampton mentioned17:21
jcastroI should have been sleeping17:21
valoriedamn it17:22
valorieok, back in a bit then17:23
bkerensavalorie: do you know what time the session is specifically?17:39
bkerensavalorie: I just had family arrive17:39
bkerensaand I do think the issue is mostly resolved now17:39
MarkDudeUTC equals fun confusion at times :D17:41
* MarkDude agrees. Has made clear on other bug its closed also17:42
bkerensaokie dokie17:45
bkerensawoah see17:55
bkerensawe do have a community17:55
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Planning for Ubuntu Community presence on the Ubuntu Website | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21740/community-1305-ubuntu-website-planning/
bkerensawe will be starting momentarily folks17:56
JoseeAntonioRwho's hosting this one?17:57
bkerensajono_ is making the hangout17:57
jono_it starts in 8mins17:57
bkerensaoh yeah indeed17:57
* bkerensa slaps udsbotu17:57
elfybkerensa: so is anyone from the webteam going to be present?17:59
bkerensaelfy: yes17:59
bkerensaelfy: and Jono will be there representing Canonical Community Team too18:00
* MarkDude is on irc, figures it makes sense to let the Community folks handle the Hangout18:01
elfywho's MarkDude then :)18:01
philipballewId like to join the hangout18:01
MarkDudephilipballew: 's voice would be better to hear anyway18:01
* pleia2 waves18:01
JoseeAntonioRhey, everyone18:02
MarkDudehangout link (to watch)?18:02
* philipballew sings softly to MarkDude 18:02
elfyyea - but I'm elfy from the Forum Council - is MarkDude just some guy from a Douglas Adam's book or someone from the webteam :)18:02
philipballewMarkDude, ^18:02
* MarkDude is from another Universe18:02
MarkDudeHere as community :)18:02
elfybkerensa: so who is here from the webteam18:02
bkerensaelfy: Peter Mahnke will be18:03
bkerensahe should be in the hangout18:03
bkerensathere he is now18:04
bkerensaso peterm-ubuntu is on the Canonical Design Team18:04
elfyand I assume this session is just about the webpage and not the canonical/community fractures18:04
elfyyep - thanks bkerensa18:04
peterm-ubuntuhi bkerensa is there a ghangout?18:04
bkerensapeterm-ubuntu: jono_  is setting it up for us18:04
hggdhComing in Real Soon Now :-)18:05
peterm-ubuntucool… bkerensa  I am here with Alejandra as well18:05
elfyso there's nowhere at this uds about the real issue - the not letting people know what's going on until it's too late and people shout out18:05
MarkDudeelfy: +118:06
philipballewthe elephant in the room. ^18:06
JoseeAntonioRelfy: the topic may pop-up anyways18:06
MarkDudeBut this session is design oriented :)18:06
elfyI'm about - but camera and mic less :)18:07
* philipballew awaits hangout invite18:08
MarkDudephilipballew: needs invite18:08
dholbachanyone else who wants to be part of the hangout?18:08
dholbachMarkDude, yes yes yes18:08
MarkDudeNot me18:08
dholbachI passed on the link already - it sometimes just take a while for folks to sign in18:08
philipballewdholbach, yes, and if there is room, MarkDude should join18:08
MarkDudeFAir enough.18:09
elfydholbach: thanks for inviting me18:09
cjohnstonsomeone is watching and on air18:09
dholbachphilipballew, looks like MarkDude didn't want to18:09
* MarkDude thinks this being Design stuff18:09
MarkDudeAnd as to general issue of fracture, I see the dialog being strong, and am willing to bet things are gonna SMOOTH a bit.18:09
pleia2cjohnston: it's paused for me, is there an external link to the etherpad so when I load the page it doesn't go all nuts? :)18:09
MarkDudeThats another time tho18:09
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: ^18:10
jcastrocan someone paste the link in irc?18:10
* MarkDude is ALSO willing to bet METRICS will be great on this, not too worried18:10
MarkDudeThe Community's <click links> look safe in long run, IMHO18:11
valoriemy question is still why communication was lacking?18:13
elfythat's nothing new - comes up with boring regularity18:13
valorie"won'tfix" on the bug was very passive-aggressive18:13
czajkowskivalorie: indeed, but it should be noted that wasn't that design teams doing18:14
valorieit stirred the FUD18:14
MarkDudeczajkowski: +118:14
elfyczajkowski: people can see exactly who marked it18:15
czajkowskivalorie: indeed but I don't think we can can blame the design team for this tbh18:15
* MarkDude took exception to team being blamed.18:15
valoriewell, I'm not about blame, I'm about improving the process18:15
* MarkDude is always aware of Design folks being caught in middle or pretty much EVERYTHING :)18:15
hggdhstill. As the hangout is trying to stress, communication (and consequent perception) is a critical thingy to keep in mind18:15
MarkDudeThe Design team18:15
MarkDudeCommunication +118:16
elfyhggdh: agreed18:16
MarkDudeAs a person that has said he was concerned about dialog for last few years. I feel a few things have changed18:16
MarkDudehggdh: agreed18:16
cjohnstonjcastro: +1  yes18:17
* MarkDude feels its gonna get better18:17
hggdhjcastro: state it again. And again. And again. memory is short, and we cannot depend on it. Even though I do remember - -now -- the Brussels discussions, I had already forgotten about them18:17
valoriethe design team isn't on planet, correct?18:17
jcastro"let's fix community.ubuntu.com" has been the recurring thing we haven't been able to fix for as long as I can remember18:17
cjohnstonNothing stops any community member from blogging about this too.18:18
valoriethat should be fixed, IMO18:18
elfyhggdh: this is the thing - if there's been some sort of 'we discussed this sometime ago, now we're ready to do something - so this will be happening' makes life easier for everyone18:18
bkerensaAny questions or feedback from IRC?18:18
MarkDudeOr FOSS in general :) blogging that is18:18
valorieplease put the design team on planet18:18
hggdhbkerensa: ^18:18
bkerensavalorie: they are18:18
pleia2valorie: theya re on planet18:18
bkerensabut they didnt announce the plan to take down the link18:19
valorieok, I've missed that then18:19
bkerensauntil the day after they did the spring clean18:19
* popey typed a question in the comments section of etherpad.18:19
bkerensaand the community.u.c site well its been something that apparently was discussed over years18:19
bkerensathere was disconnect as to whether the spring clean was related to the link removal18:19
bkerensaespecially with the delay in the blog post18:19
czajkowskipeter +118:20
MarkDudePERCEPTION by folks may be broke. I DONT think the processes are ALL broke inside of Ubuntu/Canonical.18:20
* MarkDude has seen quite a few things improve18:20
popeyGIANT +!18:20
popeyToo quickly people assume canonical are out to screw the community.18:20
czajkowskipopey: +1 it's so disheartening tbh18:20
MarkDudepopey: +118:20
popeyPeople think we're deliberately messing things up just to mess with people18:20
MarkDudeThey are NOT18:20
valoriewell, announcing what is happening nips that in the bud18:21
hggdhit has been getting better -- although I am a bit biased. But we still lack a bit more of  proactive announcements18:21
popeyand we've been around for _years_ yet every single damn time this happens, people jump on us with the blog posts, the bitchy bug reports, the stupid videos.18:21
valoriepeople always do that, so plan ahead to circumvent it18:21
popeyIt's _incredibly_ depressing for those of us working at Canonical who actually _care_ (which FWIW is all of us)18:21
philipballewwhat we do not want to assume that community members  can just see a "problem" Canonical did, and be quick to judge without finding out what might really be the issue. the problem is we as community members have a disconnect to talk to canonical people.18:21
* MarkDude thinks there is a disparity between results being ok most the time, and some not being able to see it18:22
popeyThere's certainly occasions where we (canonical) just don't expect the flak - like when shopping lens came out - we really were surprised at the negative feedback.18:22
cjohnstonphilipballew: Ben asked questions on two different places and was answered both times.. before the bug was filed. where is the disconnect?18:22
elfypopey: you're not the only ones who care - but try seeing the picture from this side - you might all be constantly talkign about things - but if it stays that side - then the first thing people see is stuff like community suddenly disappearing :)18:22
hggdhpopey: we *know* there will be complaints (and, this time, I was one of them). So what we could do is been more proactive about announcing it (as valorie suggests)18:23
valorie"surprise!" is almost always seen badly18:23
popeyelfy: but people could talk to us, but they don't, they just jump right on blog posts, bugs, social complaining18:23
valoriegeeks don't like surprises18:23
elfyindeed valorie18:23
popeyrather than _talking_18:23
MarkDudeEXAMPLE: I was given help by Canonical folks , as well as many other offers of help for making bug for this- as well as open process for Blueprints18:23
philipballewcjohnston, the problem is there is a difference between Canonical and Ubuntu community and that should not be.18:23
philipballewWe should not have people labeled as "community" or "Canonical", just label everyone as "people who help make Ubuntu"18:23
elfyphilipballew: +1 to that18:24
* MarkDude made point about SURPRISES- a few understood, most were unhappy at no warnings ;)18:24
* JoseeAntonioR waves18:24
popeyI have seen people inside Canonical say they actually don't want to talk to the community because they're afraid of the InstaFlak which comes with it. Which shouldn't be the case.18:24
MarkDudephilipballew: +118:24
hggdhjono_: +1 -- there is no "Canonical" and "Community" as different groups. We are all in this together18:24
MarkDude+1 on common themes18:24
valoriethink of it like good parenting18:24
elfypopey: and I +1 that18:24
valoriewarn the kids well in advance18:24
jcastrohmm, forgot to blame cjohnston during the hangout18:24
MarkDudeHang in there folks, I STILL say there was a disconnect. water under the bridge18:25
cjohnstongo for it18:25
jono_always cjohnston's fault18:25
elfyit was subliminal jcastro18:25
popeyquestion in teh etherpad!18:25
popeyjono_: bkerensa18:25
MarkDudeDialog is good18:25
cjohnstonjcastro: jono_ questions in etherpad18:25
popeyjono_: see Comments:18:25
hggdhjcastro: nowadays, it is always cjohnston (cannot blame me anymore :-)18:25
* MarkDude made SURE cjohnston was not blamed18:25
asomethingthere's a session tomorrow right? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21706/community-1305-community-website-revamp/18:25
MarkDudeAt least by me18:25
MarkDudeNeed to clarify Jono and jcastro helpful too18:25
dholbachasomething, yes - that's about the actual site itself18:25
elfyasomething: yea - more about the page itslef18:25
elfysnap :)18:26
bkerensavalorie: I agree with jono_ its hard to be aware of everything going on... I do not see this as a lets dogpile Canonical but more along the lines of just the Community being passionate about the project they are contributing to and due to the lack of being able to be aware of "all the things" we are very vigilant in defending community18:26
MarkDudeTnx. and lets write some things about *making bridges *18:26
dholbachand hey asomething! good to see you again! :)18:26
jono_who left that comment?18:26
bkerensaasomething: yea18:26
popeyjono_: me18:26
jono_popey, well volunteered :-)18:26
elfypopey: I'd assume that would be tomorrow too18:26
popeyjono_: saw that coming18:26
valorieI'm not targeting "canonical" -- but anyone who is considering making big changes18:26
valorieannounce well in advance, and you get buyin rather than FUD18:27
bkerensashould let the community know somehow18:27
bkerensavalorie: +118:27
valoriethat includes community people too18:27
hggdhvalorie: correct. That's pretty much all there is to be done18:27
valorieall teh teams18:27
dholbachI think that's very very hard to do18:27
bkerensavalorie: indeed  I think Community is just as responsible for ensuring we announce changes18:27
bkerensathis car has more than one driver18:28
valorienaturally, or we'd all do it more18:28
dholbachand that's something worth thinking very hard about - if ALL THE TEAMS announce everything all the time, we'd drown in information18:28
dholbachwhich wouldn't help solve the problem18:28
dholbachwe have weekly team reports on the mailing lists by some team - who reads all the details in there?18:28
* valorie is already drowning, nothing new there18:28
cjohnstonand more time would be spent writing announcements than doing work18:28
MarkDudeSimple suggestion- if there are metrics- or maybe hurt feelings involved ASK18:28
dholbachit's easy to ask for more info and more transparency18:29
MarkDudeSome folks feelings were hurt by this18:29
dholbachbut you have to be careful about how to do it18:29
MarkDudeTOSW has some good suggestions18:29
dholbachI'd love for us to have a great overview over what's going on all across the project :)18:29
elfyno-one should expect minutia18:29
dholbachbut one that'd digestable somehow :)18:29
MarkDudeAnd wants some of the great Ubuntu examples of openness-18:29
hggdhdholbach: how about setting a place on the web, split by area-of-interest, where links to teams' announcements are put? Like a "central" information booth18:30
MarkDudeTnx for the session folks :)18:30
valorieyes, thanks to all who participated18:30
elfydholbach: this community website thing - could have been really positive  community issue if it didn't feel like we're trying to catch back what got thrown away18:31
valorieand kudos to bkerensa for driving this18:31
dholbachhggdh, we tried that with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports - still you have some teams mailing stuff to the mailing lists or blogging it - depending on where their primary interest group is18:31
dholbachstill you'd need somebody to pre-digest all the details in there18:31
hggdhdholbach: care to talk about that later18:31
dholbachelfy, this has been discussed for 2 years already18:31
elfythe FC team report is REALLY easy to reed :)18:31
valoriedholbach: teamreports is so difficult to do18:31
cjohnstonDoesn't the weekly newsletter do that?18:31
* hggdh is starting to be afraid he will end up with something to do18:31
elfydholbach: yes maybe - but where?18:31
valorieI've never been fully successful at making it work18:31
elfybecause I never saaw much about it :)18:31
dholbachelfy, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityWebsite?action=info which is the most recent incarnation of the project - 2012-12-05 22:05:14 the site was set up18:32
elfyanyway - this is just circular - but I think everyone is of the same mine - comms didn't work too well18:32
dholbachhggdh, we can chat briefly now if that's OK - I planned to drop off after the last UDS session18:32
MarkDudeelfy: +118:33
hggdhdholbach: can be another day, I also have a (work) meeting in a few18:33
dholbachhggdh, sure! :)18:33
elfyyes - but that's just a list of edits to a wiki page I didn't even know about till I happened to see you talking about it in ubuntu-community-team :)18:33
dholbachyeah, that's what I talked about18:34
dholbachgoogle for the page and see where it was mentioned before18:34
dholbachI know that Jono blogged about it and it was mentioned elsewhere18:34
dholbachthat's the signal/noise/communication channels problem we have to solve :)18:34
elfyI agree :)18:34
elfybut after 7 years I'm just a bit cynical about seeing it change :)18:35
dholbachcome on18:36
dholbachthat's a problem we have to solve together18:36
elfyin as postive a way as that can be read :)18:36
cjohnstonThere is no perfect way. There is planet, theres voices, there are team blogs, there is the weekly news letter, how many more places do things need to be published?18:36
elfyperhaps something/somewhere that's less full of the diverse and more specific18:37
elfywho knows - if I had all the answers I'd tell you ;)18:37
dholbachit's a very hard problem to solve and we had sessions about it in the past which didn't result in much unfortunately because it is hard18:37
elfywhich should just be more reason to fight through it18:38
dholbachand I can understand the demand for transparency18:38
dholbachbut it's hard, there's often time pressure, lack of a good process, etc18:38
elfyshould add it to the community roundtable ...18:39
elfywell - thanks for the time, got some early evening stuff to get done18:39
cjohnstonits more than just a roundtable discussion18:40
MarkDudedholbach: you are fully correct. Being Open does not mean EVERYTHING, private is fine at time- especially when looking at POSSIBLE details18:40
dholbachI guess what I'm just a bit unhappy about is that there are many asking for more info, more detail, more transparency -- which I totally understand -- but up until now I didn't see many folks acknowledging how hard it is, spending some time to think about it and willing to put some work into it18:40
elfyI know - but at the moment it's a lot of disparate groups complaining at each other - someone has to grab the thing by the scruff of the necj18:40
dholbachMarkDude, yeah, I understand18:40
MarkDudedholbach: _ FULLY have your back on that18:40
MarkDudeI do18:41
* MarkDude will email you with some follow up ideas18:41
elfycjohnston: that was for you ^^ not dholbach :)18:41
MarkDudeI have seen this happen  in other places, its not just one place that has this18:41
elfydholbach: and you know that I'm often about - I do talk to people :)18:41
elfygtg now - cya for tomorrow's session on it18:42
MarkDudeAnother project I work with has some folks VERY upset over a decision that was made. They dont think it was open. At this point it looks ok, but they are trying the appeal type process18:42
MarkDudeSuggestion if the BLueprints made a BIT more sense, I would not have needed to waste others time that much18:43
MarkDudeMostly the Blueprint -vs- BP for UDS18:43
valoriewhen the issue is seen as "open" vs "closed" -- it's a class issue, and no one likes to discuss class!18:44
cjohnstonMarkDude: which part of the instructions I wrote don't make sense?18:44
valorieMarkDude: link to blueprint in question?18:44
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Women UDS-1305 Goals | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21741/community-1305-ubuntu-women/
dholbachit works now19:09
dholbachbut for me at least it lags or starts/stops every now and then19:09
* pleia2 waves19:09
IdleOneI think the trolling on the eitherpad is more than enough now.19:10
* IdleOne waves19:11
MarkDudeUW rox! Keep up the good work folks :)19:14
dholbachMarkDude, does the video feed work ok for you?19:16
* MarkDude needs to go leave to meet a Fedoran from Burkina Fasso in SF19:17
MarkDudeProlly better for me to be quiet on more things ;)19:17
MarkDude<working on it>19:17
* dholbach 'd love to go to Burkina Faso19:18
dholbachhaving a capital which is called Ouagadougou is already reason enough to be keen to visit it19:18
dholbachbut for me the video feed is still starting and stopping :-/19:18
MarkDudelol that is where he is from19:19
Cheri703dholbach: try the youtube direct link?19:19
Cheri703we do have small gaps of silence, so that might be the problem?19:19
dholbachCheri703, good point - let me try19:19
=== hikiko__ is now known as hikiko-uds
dholbachit's getting better now - thanks19:21
valoriesorry to be late19:23
valorieoh, new plugin19:24
fisch246you could start with a group at conference, to try and get word around about the ubuntu  women project. then eventually lead to hosting events, and conferences yourselves.19:27
Cheri703yeah, the difficulty is that we are all spread out really far19:27
Cheri703so trying to get in-person activities is complicated.19:28
Cheri703that would be another benefit of collaborating with other grups, we could have more mass to work toward events19:28
fisch246true, and you could just keep it open source for now. maybe make an open source conference sponsored by ubuntu women project, and other open source related projects19:29
fisch246ha like the hat in the background19:32
IdleOnelol, no pressure pleia219:33
valoriethanks, fisch24619:34
pleia2haha, just saw the etherpad ;P19:35
valorielots of places to keep up with what's going on19:36
fisch246i could contact chris and see if one of you could get an interview on Linux Action Show19:40
pleia2that would be cool19:41
valoriebtw, it's announce@linuxchix.org19:41
JoseeAntonioRok, time for me to run now :)19:41
JoseeAntonioRsee you all later19:41
fisch246that's his account19:42
fisch246that's another way to contact him :)19:43
Cheri703awesome, thanks19:43
valorieSysters, Linuxchix, DevChix, OpenHatch, CodeChix are some ideas19:44
valoriealso there is a G+ circle for women in open souce, or women in FOSS19:44
pleia2I didn't know about the G+ circles19:45
valorieI'll forward you the circle or however one does that19:45
valorieaha, there is a planet for that19:45
valorie.....can't remember the name19:45
fisch246if you mean community, you could post the link here19:46
valorieand right, lcx has an active planet19:46
valoriemaco will remember19:46
fisch246cool :)19:47
pleia2that's the one I was thinking of19:47
valoriehmmm, ok, didn't know about that one19:48
Cheri703June 11 in #ubuntu-women-project19:48
Cheri703next uw meeting19:48
valoriegreat meeting!19:49
valoriethanks all19:49
IdleOneGreat meeting, thanks all.19:50
Dolasillasorry for initial mess with the double video sound :/19:50
fisch246no prob19:50
fisch246great session19:50
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=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2

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