
cjwatsonoh wow, my client has been logged in here since UDS 13.03 and I forgot about it14:09
zyga-udshi everyone14:30
brendandcjwatson, can you provide me the link for the first session (i'll be running it)14:34
cjwatsonbrendand: I'll start up the hangout once the plenary has finished14:36
cjwatsonI think there are access controls on summit that mean I need to start it up (or bdmurray, but me in this case), but more than happy for you to run the actual session :)14:36
brendandcjwatson, do you know do people need to be specifically invited, or do they just need the link?14:37
cjwatsonthey just need the link AFAIK14:37
cjwatsonso you can pass it on14:37
cjwatsonbut there's a limit of *mumble*14:38
zyga-udswelcome everyone, if you need to join the hangout ask for the link please14:44
roadmrzyga-uds: I need to join the hangout :)14:44
zyga-udsif you wish to help with making notes in the etherpad on the side here, please do so14:44
zyga-udsroadmr: you'll get a link as soon as we get one14:44
roadmrzyga-uds: oooh :) ok heh14:45
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//foundations-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-foundations-1
* brendand feels like trusting people and posting the link here - rather than sending it to everyone privately. thoughts?14:46
zyga-udsit will make it easier for people to join14:48
zyga-udsand if it fails, we'll know14:48
cjwatsonjust fighting G+ to start it up now14:51
sfeolehey zyga14:51
brendandcjwatson, just pop the link in here when you're ready14:51
brendandcjwatson, thanks14:51
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Track: Foundations | Checkbox Certification for ARM Servers | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21723/foundations-1305-checkbox-arm-server/
cjwatsonthere's a fairly substantial lag between the hangout and the youtube video, just so you know14:55
cjwatsondon't know if that's inherent or due to my network14:56
zyga-udswe'll be starting in about 5 minutes,14:59
zyga-udsat 16:05 UTC14:59
brendandcjwatson, new url or same one?15:02
cjwatsonno control over that I'm afraid15:02
cjwatsonI think it's all back now15:04
brendandvanhoof[uds], https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a5bb0a674d670614230e303f5f9e384e7dbbc0e6?authuser=1&hl=en-GB15:04
cjwatsonjust starting the youtube feed15:04
brendandschwuk, want to join?15:04
schwukbrendand, not sure I will have much to contribute, but I'm certainly interested in the discussion15:05
brendandschwuk, may as well, plenty of room15:06
smagounyoutube feed just came online for me15:06
smagouncjwatson: ^^15:06
mahmohit's working for me now15:06
cjwatsonI have no idea whether it's going both ways over my ADSL; if it is, then, well, good luck15:07
roadmrcjwatson: it seems to be working fine, thanks for manning the a/v thingamajig!15:07
* cjwatson puts on the crew hat15:07
zyga-udsgema if you want to join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a5bb0a674d670614230e303f5f9e384e7dbbc0e6?authuser=1&hl=en-GB15:09
gemazyga-uds: I will join if I need to, I am listening for now15:10
=== dannf` is now known as dannf
dannfdoes checkbox use lshw?15:12
roadmrdannf: no, it doesn't. BTW let me know if you want a slot in the hangout, there's plenty of room and we love contributions and discussion15:13
brendandroadmr, can you say that in the hangout?15:13
vanhoofbrendand: ara: you can sign me up to get you access to newer kit for virt15:14
aravanhoof, great :)15:14
=== ts2 is now known as tsimpson_
gemaQUESTION: are you going to evolve checkbox or are you going to keep the level of development you have on desktop and just grow the server side of the tool_15:20
gemabut some tests may only be applicable to desktop15:24
bladernrthose are not run on servers15:25
gemabladernr: ack15:25
bladernrdifferent test whitelists are used15:25
gemabladernr: understood15:25
dannf`device tree15:31
dannf`which kernel exposes from firmware15:31
mahmohdmidecode (lost the stream) has a flag (that I can't think of atm) that will run early support for ARM15:33
spineaumahmoh: good to know, I'm adding a note for that15:35
zyga-udsI need to go AFK for 3 minutes15:37
zyga-udsroadmr:please take over etherpad15:37
roadmrzyga-uds: got it15:37
mahmohspineau: if I remember the flag I'll let you know but it should be easy to find with the tool or ask colin worst case15:38
spineaumahmoh: ok, thanks15:38
bladernrI don't see why we would15:38
bladernrUnless there's some special sort of marketing push for ARM systems, otherwise, a server is a server15:39
mahmohit would be nice to be able to sort on arch15:39
mahmohbut that's not a requirement, just a nice to have15:40
victorp_udshi ara15:40
vanhoofzyga-uds: can you pop in lshw -xml into the etherpad, I lost my session15:41
bladernrIs there anyting special about an ARM chassis that differs from a blade chassis?15:41
victorp_udsOEMs will be selling chassis with sleds on them I guess. So it is probably good to have something for the chassis set up too15:41
zygavanhoof: pop in?15:41
vanhoofadd it :)15:41
victorp_udsbladernr: in some cases they are the same chasis15:41
narindergupta2ipmi test could be one of them15:41
vanhoofbringingmy session back up15:41
mahmohthere are differences but they should be transparent from a cert perspective15:41
zygavanhoof: done15:42
bladernrvictorp_uds: ack15:42
bladernrmahmoh: that was my impression... the chassis is just a 'container' (yes, more than that, but from the actual server/blade POV, it's transparent)15:43
victorp_udsara sorry  I joined late, but are we including MaaS testing as part of certificaition testing for hyperscale servers?15:43
mahmohbladernr: right15:44
mahmohQUESTION ^^15:44
aravictorp_uds, MaaS is going to be greylist for server certification and required for cloud15:44
victorp_udsIt needs to be reuired too for hyperscale servers15:45
victorp_udsotherwise they cant be used15:45
narindergupta2i think we should start categarizing the hyperscale different from server.15:45
victorp_udsbrendand: just use MaaS!!!15:46
victorp_udsbrendand:if you dont test MaaS then you are not testing the full solution15:48
victorp_udsbrendand: definetly15:49
victorp_udsara - are we having a different whitelist for hyperscale?15:49
aravictorp_uds, we haven't decided it15:50
aravictorp_uds, if we can avoid it, we will, if in the end we need specific tests, we will create a new one15:51
aravictorp_uds, we will use the server one until we really need to fork15:51
victorp_udsara - I would rather you use the cloud whitelist rather than the server white list15:52
victorp_udsif you dont have a dedicated hyperscale one15:52
narindergupta2yes it has15:53
victorp_udsvanhoof: \o/15:54
vanhoofvictorp_uds: :D15:54
narindergupta2infact they have power management through chassis15:54
narindergupta2and fan control and power supply control15:54
narindergupta2through chassis15:54
bladernrbut is that really through the chassis, or via ipmi passed from the chassis MM to the blade BMC?15:55
narindergupta2for BL series you are correct but for moonshot it is through chassis as BMS is in chassis15:55
bladernrthat is different :) so instead of each cartridge having it's own bmc, there's then one master that controlls all cartriges (even in a mixed cartridge environment?)15:56
narindergupta2yes i BMC controlling 15 cartridge15:57
narindergupta2so total 3 BMC for 45 nodes within one chasssis15:57
bladernrthat's pretty neat15:57
zygabrendand: really good session, thanks15:58
loolNext: Click Packages15:58
brendandzyga, yeah surprisingly15:58
aragreat, I can stay here then15:59
brendandzyga, i thought we had everything fleshed out already :)15:59
zygabrendand: yeah, same here15:59
mahmohjuju bootstrap ; juju status15:59
* brendand runs off to SDK feedback session15:59
mahmohhi spineau, bye spineau16:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Track: Foundations | Click packages | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21760/foundations-1305-click-package/
aquarius_udshey all16:01
cjwatsonon air shortly16:05
cjwatsonon air now16:05
cjwatsonwho wants to hop onto the hangout?16:06
beunocjwatson, this will all be client side, right?16:06
Laneynot on here16:06
beunoif so, I'll watch from the shadows16:06
apw`cjwatson:yep we can see yo16:06
dbarthit's on now16:06
cjwatsonbeuno: I expect there will be questions about server side too16:06
* Laney stabs firefox16:06
Laneyoh yes16:06
SuperMat1hi guys!16:06
* ogra_ sees two guys hanging16:06
apw`yes you are good16:07
beunocjwatson, ok, ok, I'll hop in16:07
SuperMat1yes, we can see you16:07
aleculoud and clear16:07
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
* xnox is watching you well from New York public library =)16:07
sergiusensyou are hearable16:07
aquarius_udshttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037074.html is the discussion on ubuntu-devel16:08
rickspencer3hi aquarius_uds I was invited to join, so I joined ;)16:10
ogra_joined and left :P16:10
dobeycan qml not be byte-compiled?16:13
mdeslaurAny reason why the manifest file in the binary package doesn't simply point to a public source code repo when the source is available?16:13
mdeslaurie: why even have a source package format16:14
dobeyif random people are uploading it, we aren't distributing it are we? the person uploading it is16:14
cjwatsonwe're certainly (re)distributing it16:14
dobeywe're just a "file sharing service" in that respect16:15
cjwatsonit is not generally that simple :-)16:15
xnoxit would be nice to upload the source and/or download them in addition to the app.16:15
mdeslaurok, source package formay is bzr, and you install it with bzr co16:15
apw`cjwatson:can we not just 'keep' the <package>_src guarenteed available for the source once we have figured it out.16:15
apw`ie, so we have <package>.click and <package>_src.click16:16
xnoxsome people embed src tarball inside the app-package. but it's cumbersome to download on your developer machines. One would want to download it on your laptop instead of your phone.16:16
TheMusodobey: I thought I read somewhere that QML could be byte-compiled, but I may be mixing it up with somethign else.16:17
ogra_rickspencer3, that will eat your disk on the phone fast16:17
rickspencer3hi ogra_ well, that's what I'm asking16:17
rickspencer3how much will it *really* do that, versus how much are we just worried that it will?16:17
dobeyTheMuso: it would seem a bit odd to me if it wasn't possible, at least.16:17
cjwatsonthere are certainly source packages in the Ubuntu archive which are significantly larger than the binaries16:18
ogra_rickspencer3, i want to write a DVB TV app that needs 6 libs plus my C++ source plus the QML for the UI16:18
cjwatsonthough I would need to do some research if you wanted specifics :)16:18
ogra_i would have to include all of that source16:18
rickspencer3ogra_, right, but that seems like an exception to the rule16:18
victorp_udsrickspencer3:I think the amount of apps that will include *a* gpl component will be high16:18
TheMusodobey: Especially if a dev wanted to obfoscate some secret class that they didn't want people to grab.16:18
dobeyTheMuso: right, or an API key for a web service16:19
ogra_rickspencer3, devs are crazy people :)16:19
xnoxHave the "source app store" for the desktop =)16:19
Laneyaren't we going to need a source package format to get stuff built anyway, never mind the distribution problem?16:19
xnoxlogin - and download the sources for apps installed on your phone =)16:19
alecuHi, my team will be working on the UI to install click packages, and we'll need to get a list of apps installed by the current user, and download new application packages, so: QUESTION: who will be handling the database of installed packages? lp:click-package as well?16:19
victorp_udscjwatson:do people need to get to it from the phone? they could download it from an app store website16:19
xnoxLaney: good point.16:19
beunoalecu, no, the server16:20
beunoI lie16:20
beunonot the installed apps16:20
dobeyright, liar16:20
alecubeuno: you usually do :-)16:20
beuno<----  not16:20
dobeyserver will know what's been "purchased", but not if it's installed on a particular device16:21
geofftLaney: Not necessarily. For proprietary apps, my workplace at least is already working around Debian source packaging.16:21
geofftLaney: And I keep pondering just switching to ar and forgetting proper source packaging.16:21
james_wLaney: only if we're expecting to have a buildd system for these. If the developers upload binaries then we don't need it16:21
alecudobey: the android server knows what is installed on each of your devices, though.16:21
barrycjwatson: even on the desktop, leaf packages only, right?16:22
cjwatsonIMO yes16:22
alecudobey: (I'm not saying that's a good idea, though)16:22
glatzor-udsHello, as anaptdaemondeveloper I am interested at which level the new package system will be integrated? Will there be a separate (perhaps DBus) API for the management?16:22
dobeyalecu: right, that's certainly possible. but i'm not sure it's reasonable :)16:22
Laneyjames_w: Indeed, I was assuming we would have that16:22
Laneydon't know what other app stores do16:22
beunothere is no plan to have a build system on the server16:23
beunowe'll ask for built binaries16:23
cjwatsonglatzor-uds: noted, will get to that shortly16:23
AlanBellcan other people host a repository for click packages?16:23
beunocjwatson, see alecu's question about what tracks installed apps16:23
dholbachmaybe we could all prefix questions with QUESTION: so they stand out?16:24
brunogirinaquarius_uds: also if you focus on a simpler packaging model, you won't be able to repackage everything16:24
cjwatsonurgh, my connection fell over16:24
beunoAlanBell, yes, it will just be http(s) downloads16:24
cjwatsonis the hangout still running?16:24
xnoxglatzor-uds: hey there =)16:24
ogra_cjwatson, yes16:24
aquarius_udscjwatson: the hangout is running16:24
aquarius_udsbut it is off air16:24
dobeycjwatson: yes and you're still in it it seems16:24
cjwatsonmy browser periodically loses its mind - I'll have to restart it16:24
LaneyI think the lag is pretty significant16:24
rickspencer3I didn't think I was saying anything quite so controversial that cjwatson had to leave16:24
dobeyor maybe not16:24
glatzor-udshello xnox16:24
zebaszpQUESTION: where would click packages unpack to? and should we be concerned about the FHS?16:24
dobeyoh there it goes16:24
AlanBellhangout has gone . . .16:25
zebaszpoh dammit, it died16:25
xnoxcjwatson: =) now hangout is done pending on you coming back =)16:25
alecuit died16:25
dholbachvolveremos pronto!16:25
xnox"<cjwatson> my browser periodically loses its mind - I'll have to restart it"16:25
ogra_probably someone with a higher bandwith line should be the host16:25
mterry_udsHuh, hangout isn't working for me right now16:25
aquarius_udsthe hangout will be back shortly: cjwatson is returning any moment now16:25
mterry_udswhoops, didn't see that was old news  :)16:25
cjwatsonzebaszp: /opt/apps.ubuntu.com/<package>/<version> or similar, which should be FHS-compatible16:25
apw`it is poor that the hangout is owned by any one person, shame on you google16:25
* ogra_ hands out candy from the corridor 16:26
zebaszpcjwatson, thanks :)16:26
apw`oh i miss the candy, though my wasteline may not16:26
rickspencer3hey all, does it seem to be working again?16:26
zebaszpnot for me yet16:26
mdeslaurPlease, stay on the line. Your call is important to us.16:26
brunogirinrickspencer3: no16:26
dbarthnot yet16:26
aquarius_udsit will return shortly16:26
zebaszplol mdeslaur16:26
cjwatsonthere is a lag; the same lag likely applies to startup16:26
Ursinha-udsthere you go16:26
mdeslaurah! back now16:26
apw`cjwatson:we are back16:27
ogra_there we are16:27
xnoxback =)16:27
brunogirinyay, it's back!16:27
apw`cjwatson:i can see you from here16:27
dobeyit's on air16:27
xnoxrefresh webpage to reconnect, btw....16:28
Laneyi didn't have to16:28
brunogirinQUESTION: so are we saying that click-package is a simple way to package simple apps and is not designed to replace .debs?16:29
zebaszpyes brunogirin16:29
alecubrunogirin: I understand that, yes.16:29
cjwatsonbrunogirin: yes16:29
zebaszpI said it first :P16:29
apw`how will security handle evaluating binary only packages16:29
mdeslaurapw`: we'll be confining them16:29
bioevolgenecapw +116:29
alecuapw`: that's what app sandboxing is for16:29
mdeslaurapw`: and the app author is responsable for it16:29
apw`mdeslaur: that is both great, and about the most scarey thing in the world :)16:30
geofftmdeslaur: That seems like the actually interesting part of the design. :)16:30
AlanBellso, version numbers and automatic updates . . .16:30
mdeslaurapw`: well, it's something that is quite necessary if you want a phone with 100k apps16:30
AlanBelland updates from one repository to another, is this all stuff that has been thought about?16:31
alecuapw`: each app will be run as a different user, and within an apparmor profile, and will have limited access outside its sandbox16:31
apw`mdeslaur:yep, i cannot deny it is correct, it is just scarey16:31
zebaszpQUESTION: how are user privileges handled with click packages? for installation, removal, on runtime, etc16:31
geofftI'm reminded of the complaining in the Mac developer community over the Apple App Store sandbox (on the desktop)16:31
mdeslauralecu: not as a different user, no16:31
xnoxAlanBell: server-side, as far as I understand it.16:31
alecumdeslaur: ack16:31
brunogirinQUESTION: should it include a way to package tests (as in autopilot tests)?16:32
dobeycjwatson: if it was via aptdaemon, it'd make things much easier :)16:32
mdeslaurgeofft: if you don't want it to be confined, you get it in the normal ubuntu archive16:32
alecugeofft: good point. But inspecting source code does not scale16:32
dobeyas far as install/remove/upgrade goes16:32
beunoAlanBell, the plan is for the client to ping the server with all the apps it has installed and versions regularaly, and the server responds with newer versions16:32
* ogra_ hopes we'll never get a million apps16:32
geofftI certainly agree that confining is right, just that it's hard :)16:32
zebaszpwhy not, ogra_?16:32
ogra_(i prefer 100k good apps to 1mio crap ones)16:32
AlanBellbeuno: so, if I run a third party repo for my app, can I override someone elses app?16:33
geofftmdeslaur: I'm curious about things like, does it have the Android issue where you can't refuse certain permissions?16:33
jonobaconogra_: agreed16:33
dobeybut if we use aptdaemon, will it be rewritten in c++? or will we ship python on phones?16:33
mdeslaurgeofft: yes, but it's par for the course now...android and ios do it, etc.16:33
ogra_dobey, in javascript ;)16:33
diwicmaybe if the privileges cost extra (if an application declares wanting to send SMS, Canonical takes 30% instead of 20%) that would make apps in general wanting to have the least privileges.16:33
jdstrandre sandboxing/confinement/isolation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement. I suggest taking that up on ubuntu-devel@ mailing list of #ubuntu-hardened on Freenode16:33
cjwatsonwe don't presently have a prohibition on using python for non-long-running things16:33
mdeslaurgeofft: in v1, yes16:33
beunoAlanBell, yes, like it is today with PPAs and such16:33
jdstrandif people have questions (it is tangentially related to this, but really its own topic)16:33
geofftjdstrand: thanks16:34
ogra_dobey, we already ship python (and guess we'll go on doing so) ... you are not allowed to write daemons in it though16:34
dobeyogra_: aptdaemon is written in python though :)16:35
cjwatsona d-bus service is kind of on the edge; IMO it doesn't run for long enough to be a practical problem16:35
ogra_dobey, as long as it doesnt constantly run ...16:35
xnoxREST call to a server, return paged results.16:36
dobeyrickspencer3: having a local copy of the db16:36
zebaszpapt-cache? XD16:36
xnox(e.g. top 10, 20, 50, etc)16:36
mdeslaurcpu is less important than data transfer fees16:36
dobeysearching via aptdaemon would be fine16:36
xnoxzebaszp: no, no =) no apt-cache =)16:36
mdeslaurhaving a local database is a bad idea16:37
dobeyhitting the rest api is going to hit network, which may more costly than just using cpu16:37
ogra_dobey, we dont want a db locally16:37
zebaszpI know, I was just kidding16:37
glatzor-udsnext to the aptdaemon API there is also the PackageKit API (system and session).It would be sad to see another API to trigger installations/updates16:37
ogra_dobey, we generally have SD card speed on the disks16:37
xnoxaptdaemon API is back-end agnostic =) such that you can search clicks and debs and rpms and etc.16:37
ogra_you dont want to search a DB locally if you can avoid it16:37
zebaszpside note: iOS (as far as I know) does not keep a local db for the App Stor16:38
mdeslaurwhatever api, it needs to gain knowledge of using an online db, instead of a local db16:38
xnoxIt's a good isolation point. either of them.16:38
zebaszpCydia (aka APT for iOS) does, though, but we probably don't want to go that way :P16:39
dobeyogra_: if it's a minimal db (and not the apt cache), it's probably not an issue in terms of speed vs. SD16:39
beunothere will be a search api on the server16:39
mdeslaurCydia is painful :P16:39
dobeyogra_: network could be MUCH slower16:39
zebaszpindeed mdeslaur16:39
ogra_dobey, well, show me a package db that works fast on an SD on constrained HW and i'll agree :)16:39
ogra_i simply havent seen one yet16:39
mdeslaura package db that contains 250k packages is going to be big.16:40
xnoxplease no.16:40
diwicmdeslaur, not to mention the network fees to download its regular updates.16:40
zebaszpI don't know about iOS App Store data consumption because I have an iTouch, and I never bothered checking network usage16:40
xnoxno changelogs - i'd rather have them in the app-store / on the web. And not downloaded and stored on my phone pointlessly.16:40
zebaszpI agree with xnox16:41
beunooh, absolutely no local DB of all the apps available16:41
geofftIIRC iOS does the changelog as part of the app store submission, but not as part of the downloaded thing16:41
dobeymdeslaur: i wouldn't store the entire apt cache locally. just an index cache, and hit the network for more extensive data. we don't need to store *everything* offline16:41
xnoxI really don't care about changelogs any more on my phone. It just updates.16:41
victorp_udsaquarius_uds: +116:41
victorp_udsaquarius_uds:make it optional16:42
zebaszpthe App Store (I know, sorry for bringing it up yet again) does that, it shows a "changes" box on each app in the upgrade list16:42
xnoxif I want to read it, I read them on my computer on the apps store "big" webpage.16:42
mdeslaurdobey: storing a cache with a limited subset of data adds complexity for very little benefit16:42
xnoxzebaszp: is it app store, or the app on first launch showing it? i remeber apps themself have a "changelog widget"16:42
cjwatsonbrunogirin: where are we expecting that these would be run?16:42
zebaszpthe app store, xnox16:43
dobeymdeslaur: and yet necessary if we want a fast UI16:43
victorp_udsaquarius_uds:seems that we are forgetting that an app will also have a web page that people can refer too?16:43
apw`cjwatson:tests might want to be in the same 'hole' as source16:43
zebaszpat least, when I go to the upgrade section, each app with available upgrade has a "changes" dropdown16:43
cjwatsonperhaps, yes16:43
cjwatsonzebaszp: yeah, but it often says "Bugs fixed", right? :)16:43
mdeslaurdobey: oh, caching the app store data is a different issue16:44
dobeymdeslaur: if we're going to have live search or let users filter results while they're coming in, we're going to have to cache some data for speed16:44
mdeslaurdobey: why? ios doesn't, android doesn't...16:44
brunogirincjwatson: as part of validating that the app doesn't break anything and as an option for users to run them locally (ok, scope creeep for v1 :-))16:44
zebaszpcjwatson, sometimes, but you'd be surprised16:44
mdeslaurdobey: search is better served online16:44
olli-udsthere are existing tests16:44
zebaszpI think changes on the last version also appear on the store itself, before downloading a *new* app16:45
achiangwhy would an end user want a test suite on the phone?16:45
rickspencer3hi mdeslaur o/16:45
achiang... downloaded as part of the app isntall16:45
brunogirinachiang: to file a bug report16:45
achiangbrunogirin: i highly doubt any normal consumers would want that16:46
jdstrandfyi (again)> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement16:46
zebaszpas an example, check Feedly's store page, the "What's new" section works as a changelog of sorts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/feedly/id39606955616:46
mdeslaurI can join the hangout with people want to discuss security more16:46
zebaszpbut with mobile apps, you don't need much more than that16:46
zebaszpwhen apps upgrade to major revisions, though, they tend to do an advert-like changelog16:48
xnoxIn app purchases, addons, extensions?16:48
zebaszplike "We've redesigned the whole interface so it is now easier to do x and y", and that sort of thing16:49
dobeyi wrote an alternate package manager once16:49
xnoxare those going to be implemented? or those will be separate apps? (e.g. a free app and a paid app)16:49
brunogirinachiang: you're probably right, it could be a future extension to enable the Ubuntu app store to validate the quality of an app (or lack thereof)16:49
mdeslaurUsers should be able to rate apps16:50
mdeslaurI don't think the platform is in a good position to be rating developer's apps16:50
dobeycjwatson: if it's all abstracted behind aptdaemon on the client, does it matter much?16:50
beunoyes, we have ratings and reviews16:50
dobeyaquarius_uds: similar to when all branches on lp were upgraded to bzr v2 format16:51
zebaszpbeuno, on USC, yes, but what about Touch? I thought the Dash would replace USC, can we rate apps from there?16:51
brunogirinQUESTION: ideally, we'd want to minimise app dev's effort to re-package apps from one release to another: how can we do that?16:51
zebaszpis there/will there be one-click packaging on QtCreator or something along those lines?16:52
alecubrunogirin: good point. My guess is that packages should work from release to release16:52
dobeyzebaszp: it would be part of the "preview" in the dash, i'd suspect16:52
beunozebaszp, yes, the plan is to keep using the same system16:52
cjwatsonthis is mainly an SDK job to maintain maximal compatibility16:52
cjwatsonif you look at the format as present, it has a framework field so that you can pick different versions if need be16:53
jdstrandbeuno: maybe I misheard-- I thought we would have a gate on manual review (even if that was not an in depth review)?16:53
mdeslaurI assume device compatibility via capabilities is going to be in the manifest file, and needs to be looked into server-side16:53
beunojdstrand, we will have a manual review stage, yes16:53
beunohow in depth, I can't say  :)16:54
davmor22QUESTION:  is there a danger here that more space will be taken up if the apps are installing all their own libs?   Also is there not more chance of malicious software being hidden in libs attached to apps?16:54
brunogirinalecu: yes, otherwise you release a new version of Ubuntu and some take several months to be updated or are never updated at all16:54
zebaszpyay! :D16:54
dobeydoes the SDK currently do cross-compiling for all the necessary archs?16:54
cjwatsondavmor22: (a) yes if taken too far, but the primary focus is apps built against the SDK (b) apparmor confinement16:54
cjwatsondobey: we have a need to discuss cross-compiling with the SDK folks in detail16:54
cjwatsonaiui it doesn't yet16:55
cjwatsonimo it should :)16:55
dobeyright, it will have to if developers are going to upload binaries16:55
zebaszpjust looking at his face, rickspencer3 is not amused16:56
cjwatsonbeuno: bingo16:56
dobeyarm, i386, x86_64 at least16:56
beunoralsina1, you listening?  :)16:57
aquarius_udsralsina1:ping :)16:57
xnoxwell, mostly =)16:57
geofftQUESTION: So this clearly isn't in the space of 0installer/listaller/etc. now, given sandboxing. Is the plan  explicitly that it never will be?16:57
dobeybeuno: alecu and i are at least16:57
geofftNamely, for an ISV (like my workplace) that sells software that's inherently unsandboxable, this is sounding less interesting than it originally sounded16:58
geofftWhich is not a complaint, just worth knowing.16:58
xnoxgeofft: nothing is set in stone. But so far for really large apps (compiled with their own libraries and large / precise dependenices) .deb and normal apt archive is the best way to go.16:59
zebaszpQUESTION: why isn't Rick as cheerful as the rest?16:59
rickspencer3hi zebaszp16:59
zebaszpI want to hear you laugh :P16:59
rickspencer3HA HA HA16:59
xnoxgeofft: e.g. skype is a .deb multi-arched and in canonical partner repository. I'd be expecting that on the desktop for a while still.16:59
dholbachthanks everyone!17:00
aquarius_udsralsina1: so, could you please track the work items that arise from the app lens design in the click packages blueprint?17:00
zebaszpthat doesn't count :(17:00
xnoxgeofft: it's not sandboxable it should be on ubuntu phones =/17:00
geofftxnox: I'm also thinking of the companies who currently distribute things via RPM or .tgz only.17:00
cjwatsongeofft: the plan is, at least, to always require sandboxing for this; one of the purposes is to use that so that apps don't get snarled up in indefinitely long review queues17:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305//foundations-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-foundations-1
zebaszpoh! 1 hour break!17:00
cjwatsongeofft: so if sandboxing is literally impossible for your application (why?), then I would say it's out of scope17:01
aquarius_udsI would be interested to hear why an app is unsandboxable, too17:01
cjwatsongeofft: as I said earlier in the session, I'm intentionally not trying to supersede all uses of .debs17:01
geofftcjwatson: Well, the primary thing we sell is desktop virtualization :)17:01
geofftSo unless there's an apparmor profile that lets us get to the virtualization interfaces, well....17:01
geofftI'm also thinking of things (both from my company and others) like backup clients that read everything in your homedir or your system17:02
cjwatsonthere will certainly be situations where .debs are still required/useful, and I don't think e.g. that it would be worth spending lots of time going through and converting the Ubuntu archive (for one thing, we'd be taking on an incremental maintenance commitment by doing that)17:02
cjwatsonI think mdeslaur would have to speak to the specifics of confining such things17:02
cjwatsonboth whether it's possible and whether it's useful17:02
dobeygeofft: i presume sandboxed wouldn not preclude a way to allow the user to say an app is allowed to access certain data17:02
geofftI was curious if this would be useful as a simpler replacement for .deb for companies that can barely be bothered to distribute RPMs.17:02
cjwatsonhowever I'm reminded of the fact that Android has a permission called "BRICK"17:03
jdstrandgeofft: they can be confined, but required hand-crafted profiles. that is out of scope for apps in the app store in the shrot term17:03
dobeygeofft: facebook app for example would want to access your photos, so you could upload them, for example17:03
cjwatsonthat doesn't necessarily render them out of scope for this package format / independent distribution though17:03
dobeydoh, i said "for example" twice there17:03
jdstrandyou can still use apparmor with debs, etc, so like cjwatson said, that is always available17:03
geofftjdstrand: if the implication is "possibly okay in the long term", cool!17:04
mdeslaurgeofft: I'm missing some context...you want to get your application in the app store?17:04
cjwatsonFWIW, I think sandboxing is kind of orthogonal to listaller/0install/etc.17:05
zebaszpexamples, examples, examples! </ballmer>17:05
cjwatsonin that the thing that executes apps is (in principle, mostly) independent of the thing that installs them17:05
cjwatson0install does define a "how to run this app" command for each app17:05
geofftmdeslaur: I'm mostly just thinking about proprietary apps I've run as a user that distribute themselves as poorly-made RPMs.17:05
cjwatsonlistaller probably does too (haven't looked in detail), and we clearly need to17:05
geofftSo, like, IBM's TSM backup client, VMware Player (which isn't even an RPM), proprietary VPN clients, ....17:06
dobeyi must be off though, as that session ate through my normal lunch time. :)17:06
geofftFrom the description of "better format for people who don't care about Debian packaging complexities", it sounds like it fits those.17:06
mdeslaurgeofft: well, a backup client is a bit special, but the other apps you've mentioned should work file with both the packaging format, and the app confinement17:07
geofftFrom the description "and sandboxing", it sounds like it fits none of those, so I'm just realigning my expectations17:07
cjwatsondon't care and can't be persuaded to care :)17:07
mdeslaurgeofft: if you're just looking for a way to distribute your stuff internally, the click package format is just a simplified deb at the moment, so you have nothing to gain from using that vs. regular debs17:07
mdeslaurgeofft: and the deb format is just an archive really...you don't need a source package to create one17:08
geofftYeah. Work is currently using actual debs (slightly less than actual source packages) and actual CDBS.17:08
cjwatsonright, I think if you already have in-house .deb experience the gains are less interesting17:08
geofft_I'm_ happy to do Debian packaging, but not everyone is.17:08
cjwatsonin that a sizeable part of this is simplifying things for app developers17:08
cjwatsonnow, there *are* other gaisn17:08
mdeslaurgeofft: so instead of generating your .deb files from source packages, just create them as an archive17:09
cjwatsonthings like speed of app installation, guaranteed independence if things go wrong - at the cost of flexibility though17:09
cjwatsonso it depends, if you were relying on being able to do non-trivial maintainer script things, you're probably still better off with .debs17:09
cjwatsonif it's "unpack a filesystem tree", this might be simpler17:09
* cjwatson <- not a salesman17:09
geofftSounds reasonable17:10
kiwinoteso the app store server will allow us to upload deb files as well as click packages?17:10
kiwinoteor does deb files imply an own distribution channel?17:11
cjwatsonnot in v1 at least; I think if you're doing debs you might consider getting them into Ubuntu (if appropriate) or partner (if appropriate)17:11
xnoxkiwinote: correct. debs should go into PPA / Ubuntu Archive / self-hosted and will not be available to install on the phone. initially at least.17:11
cjwatsonerr, "not be available to install on the phone" is a strong statement, you mean through the dash integration stuff17:12
xnoxkiwinote: there is also myapps / extras.ubuntu.com for deb apps.17:12
kiwinotethanks, looks like canonical partners seems the best fit here17:12
xnoxcjwatson: normal debs -> imply writable root-fs -> which we do not have, until convergence is delivered & enabled.17:12
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades calls for a switch to enable apt17:13
cjwatsonand nothing to stop you reflashing with extra things installed ... anyway I'm mostly just objecting to the use of categorical negative statements that are likely to scare people :)17:14
* xnox looks at my "convergence" poster again =) sure normal debs will need to start working rather sooner than later.17:15
* xnox off to find lunch.17:15
* cjwatson -> dinner17:17
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Track: Foundations | Image based updates | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21725/foundations-1305-image-based-updates/
cjwatsonon air now18:05
diwiccjwatson, still "starting soon..." here18:06
apwno sign of the stream on the u-tube bit18:06
loolstarted here after reloading18:06
mfischdiwic: thats youtube being stupid, force reload several times18:06
loolreload the page18:06
diwictried that, this time it worked though18:07
apwwhat junk ... there now18:07
cjwatsondiwic: there's a time lag18:07
diwiccjwatson, btw last session one could see the background color of your screen reflecting in your face :-)18:07
jdstrandinformation disclosure18:08
cjwatsondiwic: heh, not much I can do about the lighting in this room - wasn't designed for video18:08
timrcachiang: always get a kick out of your profile picture18:08
* achiang is on video mute because eating lunch now (i had another call last hour)18:09
* lool hasn't joined the HO but is watching and might jump in later18:10
gQuigsanyone have direct youtube link?18:10
gemagQuigs: for joining the hangout or just watching?18:11
gQuigsgema: just watching18:11
zygaQUESTION: stgraber, does that mean the recovery partition and the upgader itself cannot be upgraded if they have issues?18:11
gemagQuigs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Nddn4duIR2c18:11
gQuigsthanks gema18:11
loolzyga: they can be upgraded just like all the android bits can be upgraded including the bootloader18:11
cjwatsonstgraber: sure, sorry18:11
gemagQuigs: you just need to click on the embedded version of the videos where it says "YouTube" and it takes you there, no probs18:11
zygalool: thanks18:11
loolbut we likely wouldn't do this too frequently18:12
Laneyis there going to be any UI for the apt update route?18:12
gQuigsgema: wasn't loading for me at all... oh.. because I'm on the wrong talk :/ oops18:12
loolstgraber: FYI, green on black a bit hard to read over stream; white on black or black on white might be better18:13
stgraberzyga: the update may contain changes to any partition including the android bits, basedband or even recovery partition18:14
zygastgraber: interesting, thanks18:15
zygastgraber: and totally impressive demo18:15
gemacjwatson: can you unclick stgraber?18:15
gemaso that others take the screen when talking18:16
victorpstgraber, how are system configurations, like operator branding is kept at update time. I am assuming it is not stored on the data partition18:16
cjwatsongema: done18:17
gemacjwatson: ta!18:17
victorpstgraber, so is that file then automatically re-install in an update?18:20
Laneyso operators and oems would have to offer an apt archive too, right?18:20
stgrabervictorp: yes, it'd appear as if it was part of our read-only base system18:20
zebaszpQUESTION: what about superphones/desktop-capable mobile devices? how would you update those, do you disable apt for the base system packages?18:21
stgraberLaney: nope, they'd have to provide us with a .tar.xz overlay to apply on our base system18:21
Laneystgraber: but you can get yourself out of overlay upgrade mode18:21
geofftwho generates the diff images? I guess this is part of the server?18:21
stgraberright, in which case those bits will likely not be updated18:21
victorpstgraber, lool are default apps installed in the system partition?18:22
sergiusensogra_: yeah, how are ports going to be maintained?18:22
victorpogra_, yes with rickspencer3 branding18:22
victorpogra_, shouldnt we give the community the option to have the same set up?18:24
infinityogra_: Is there any reason we need to have enough Android userspace installed that these weird directories are being created?18:24
ogra_infinity, persistent properties are stored in direcories and files in /userdata18:25
infinityogra_: I don't see why we need the bits that create all that junk if what we really need is just a libc and a few binary drivers.18:25
sergiusensvictorp: not all devices are _fastboot_ devices and simple to tinker with18:25
victorpsergiusens,  agreed, I thought we were talking about the "official" community devices that we produce images for18:26
victorprather than all devices18:26
TheMusoinfinity: Thats the impression I was under as well.18:26
infinityIt sounds to me like we're including more of Android's userspace than we actually need.18:27
victorpinfinity, we are using more than that right now18:27
infinityBut that's probably out of scope for this conversation.18:27
ogra_infinity, we include HAL, all sensor drivers and userspace tools, the audio system etc .... and the platform-api makes use of these18:28
sergiusensinfinity: not really18:29
victorpogra_, seems like you need another session for that?18:29
apwit seems like this is getting into rather tooo detailed, it sounds like the two sides need to get together offline and "work it out"18:29
victorpthat = partitions and folders18:29
victorpapw, +118:29
ogra_victorp, well, we're short on free slots18:29
victorpogra_, make one slot with you, lool and stgraber :)18:30
ogra_as long as the syystem can adapt i'm happy though18:30
victorpogra_, adapt and assimilate18:31
sergiusensogra_: if that happens include me in the slot as some of that work will fall onto me18:31
ogra_fine with me, i just dont want to find out by end of the month that what i implemented will never work :)18:31
ogra_sergiusens, sure18:31
* victorp hugs ogra_18:32
* ogra_ hugs victorp 18:32
lool(I hear nice bird cheeps coming from one of the streams)18:32
ogra_might be me18:32
ogra_i have the window open18:32
victorpvery relaxing18:33
timrcBird Song as a Service18:33
cjwatsonacronym isn't great18:33
infinityI prefer Bird as a Service.18:34
loolvictorp: apps provided with the system are installed in the system partition for now; I've suggested that we could possibly bundle them as .click packages and install them on first boot in the future, but it seems it's a bit early to consider this18:34
ogra_pidgin mail ?18:34
victorplool, sure , makes sense18:34
victorplool, it would be nice for all apps to be manage/upgraded the same way18:35
victorpas long as you can install newer versions of apps in the system partition as clicks so you dont have to wait for updates that maybe gated on who knows what18:36
sergiusenscjwatson: I guess you can start with the community core apps18:36
victorplool, ^18:36
cjwatsonvictorp: that's definitely a new technical requirement - may be interesting issues with having different versions of apps installed in different places18:37
apwpresumably the image updater does not care what format they are18:37
loolvictorp: exactly; there's no reason that the app update frequency and OS update frequency need to match; especially for e.g. OEM apps18:37
infinityThere's nothing wrong with the Android-style hybrid of having a package both in the base system AND in the store.18:37
cjwatsonit doesn't but click-package certainly would :)18:37
infinityAssuming we can overlay that sanely.18:37
sergiusensinfinity: +118:37
cjwatsonwe'd need to make sure that the app executor can cope, basically18:37
infinityThe upshot of the Android hybrid model is that if your store app update explodes, you can remove it and you're back to the base system core apps that work.18:37
loolany other question from anyone?18:38
victorpcjwatson, that happens lots where a manufacturer install a partner app as part of the system but then the publisher releases newer version for the store18:38
gemawhat kind of testing are we planning on this?18:38
victorpe.g. dropbox18:38
cjwatsoninfinity: do they just have an executor that looks in both places?18:38
timrcIs there going to be a rollback feature?18:38
apwstgraber, i have been adding what I am _hearing_ as actions, they should be reviewed before the end in case I miss understood18:38
sergiusenslool: is it going to be possible to rollback?18:38
apwstgraber, and some need owners if they are right18:38
infinitycjwatson: I'm not sure, TBH, how that works.  The older version just "disappears" from the UI until you uninstall the new one.18:38
infinitycjwatson: On the underside, I'm not sure what they're doing.18:39
loolsergiusens: oh that's a good one18:39
gemaQUESTION: What about testing, what are you guys going to do/expect from QA?18:39
geofftAre there plans / thoughts to make this work on the desktop?18:39
victorpsergiusens, +118:39
geofftIt sounds like all this discussion is very Android-specific.18:39
zebaszpQUESTION (I asked this earlier): what about superphones/desktop-capable mobile devices? how would you update those, do you disable apt for the base system packages?18:39
timrcsergiusens: was that coincidence that we asked the same question?18:39
sergiusenstimrc: interesting, didn't see it.18:40
timrcsergiusens: freaky18:40
sergiusenstimrc: but it had to be asked... today we have lots of mechanisms to move around18:40
loolah it's actually timrc's question too18:40
apwQUESTION: how are these updates going to interact with the propose 'staggered updates' we are moving to for .debs ?18:41
cjwatsonYM phased updates I think?18:41
victorpzebaszp, superphones are first of all phones. So i will assume they update more like phones that desktop for the core base packages18:41
loolsergiusens, timrc: Will ask as soon as the current discussion ends18:41
apwcjwatson, indeed phased18:41
timrclool: Thanks18:41
zebaszpthanks victorp, but then what happens to non-core user-installed desktop packages?18:44
lool(URL rewrites basically)18:44
victorpzebaszp, indeed what happens18:44
loole.g. channels.json?model=galaxy-nexus&country=fr18:45
loolzebaszp: these are installed in the userdata partition18:45
victorpzebaszp, if they are store in the data partition18:45
mwilleyIt would be interesting to apply these techniques on the desktop as well; is it considered?  Something like a chromebook.18:46
loolwhich is not updated18:46
victorpthen they can be updated with apt, they wont be wiped by this, but it creates an interesting game with dependecies18:46
ogra_mwilley, if it proves to be good, i dont see why not18:46
loolmwilley: it's definitley something we'd like to apply to desktop, but we will need to study the additional requirements for converging with desktop use cases and supporting the installed userbase18:46
victorpmwilley, agreed - this is interesting for some desktops and thinclients18:46
victorplool, 14.04 :)18:46
rsalveti"developer" mode :-)18:48
victorpstgraber, so you can't install .deb packages in the userdata partition?18:48
loolno; unless you are root and create a whole Ubuntu chroot there  :-)18:49
xnoxwell it will be an "upgrade", whice leaves things rw & offers no other upgrade paths.18:49
ogra_rsalveti, and we'll make them tap 8 times !!!18:49
sergiusenslool: how is convergence going to be taken into account then?18:49
rsalvetiogra_: o/18:49
victorplool, does that work for a converge device?18:49
sergiusensah, youtube lag answered my question :-P18:49
xnoxsergiusens: not targeted for 13.10.18:49
victorpalright stgraber just answer my question18:49
rsalvetiand not properly planned I'd guess18:49
loolany other question?18:50
victorpstgraber, that needs some thinking about for 14.0418:51
Laneyhow will we be delivering SRUs?18:51
Laneyrolling them up into a weekly image or something?18:51
ogra_weekly ?18:51
barry(probably needs a better name + a real lp project page)18:51
loolvictorp: we've actually discussed it in the past, but didn't settle on a design for this18:51
xnoxLaney: monthly delta image.18:51
geofftThere's some mention in the blueprint about multiple /var/lib/dpkgs etc. Did that end up being relevant?18:51
ogra_yeah, monthly sounds more like it18:51
victorplool, I agree that it doesnt not need to be solved for 13.1018:52
geofft(I'm interested in that for a couple of reasons, only one of which is an implementation of image-based updates)18:52
xnoxgeofft: that's rough plans at how to handle convergence.18:52
timrcso if I skip 10 updates, and then update, will I have 10 separate updates in tandem to do?18:52
geofftxnox: So not relevant for a pure image-based system, until apt starts being user-exposed?18:52
xnoxand having some ReadOnly dpkg packages while others RW.18:52
loolvictorp: one approach could be to have split dpkg/apt databases between system and userdata, but that brings some issues with it that I think stgraber was listing; another approach would be to maintain an Ubuntu chroot under the userdata partition and update it like an app -- a bit like the Ubuntu for Android idea18:52
achiangtimrc: it depends on what kind of user you are18:52
xnoxtimrc: if upgrader calculates, that a full image is quicker, it will simply take that.18:52
xnoxgeofft: correct.18:53
timrcxnox: okay18:53
victorplool, that is what I was thinking18:53
geofftOK. Idly, is there current work towards that in some bzr branch or something?18:53
loolgeofft: it's definitely one of the two approaches that we're considering18:53
xnoxtimrc: see stephane's demo earlier.18:53
geofftI was half wanting to fiddle with that in my spare time18:53
jsjgruber-udsQUESTION: When would the updates happen so the user isn't impacted by the reboot?18:53
victorplool, anyway - we should understand it better by october, via UfA work18:54
stgraberserver code: https://code.launchpad.net/~stgraber/+junk/phablet-update18:54
victorpand we can talk again then18:54
timrcjsjgruber-uds: when you open the kindle app and get into a good book18:54
stgraberclient code: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/+junk/resolver18:54
loolvictorp: exactly; also, we will have had some experience with these image based updates and a better understanding of them too18:54
timrc(my experience with android :))18:54
achiangtimrc: that will be the model for commercial phones -- you have to do upates in serial18:54
victorptimrc, user error... stop reading books and the world will be better18:55
achiangtimrc: however, note that for a commercial phone, it won't be 10 updates, but more like 1 or 2 over the life of the device18:55
timrcachiang: aye18:55
loolachiang: depends18:55
timrcvictorp: hah18:55
victorptimrc, also the download will be done in the background (wifi only) so you would not know18:56
* barry enjoys the relaxing birdsong in the last few minutes18:56
Laneywill we have a way of presenting the changes?18:56
apwpresumably we will be taking into account whether they have b/w for this18:56
Laneyso you can see how much you want to reboot or not18:56
sergiusensachiang: well you could do like the chromebook and subscribe to the _developer channel_18:56
apwfor example being on wifi does not mean i want updates, i may be proxying 3g onto wifi for example18:56
infinityapw: Some people have ISPs that show up within a few days of them moving in.18:57
infinityapw: Don't let your BT bitterness colour spec writing.18:57
apwinfinity, i think i was just asking for 'download when i click only' 'download on wifi' 'download immediatly always' as option18:58
chilukthat actually brings about an important issue.  has it been made possible to only pull updates over wifi?18:58
LaneyI suppose there should be a system API for this18:58
infinityapw: (And yes, "always", "wifi", "manual" seem to be the usual choices for this sort of thing)18:58
Laneyit'll affect e.g. uploading pictures too18:58
sergiusensstgraber: is this new recovery image going to be backwards compatible with update.zips ?18:58
apwinfinity, design tends to not like usual options18:58
mwilleyAgreed on "wifi" does not necessarily mean open season on downloads.  My "wifi" is actually a bandwidth-capped satellite connection half the time.18:59
ogra_sergiusens, as i understood it will be just an ubuntu initrd18:59
ogra_with special scripts etc18:59
infinityLaney: On the one hand, I like the idea of a system wide "when to abuse my bandwidth" setting, on the other hand, updates are hugely different from when to upload a picture or something.18:59
sergiusensogra_: well, for non fastboot phones, updating recovery is a dangerous operation :-)18:59
ogra_sergiusens, well, dd :)18:59
geofftyeah, an NM interface for "am I on a reasonable connection or not" would be great18:59
ogra_just dont run out of power18:59
apwstgraber, some of us are saying being on WIFI is not enough to know my b/w is free18:59
geoffton desktop, that may want to be conditionalized by e.g. what ESSID I'm on19:00
Laneynot according to whether Three decide to raid my walle they aren't, sadly19:00
sergiusensogra_: so if I were a person (which I think I am) I would want to move from cyanogenmod to ubuntu touch perhaps, but just use one compatible recovery mechanism19:00
Laneybut I might want to prioritise its usage, yeah19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Track: Foundations | Ubuntu Kernel - Misc Topics | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21777/foundations-1305-kernel/
geoffte.g. the desktop apt daemon should download updates when I'm at home or work, but not on a tethered phone or at Starbucks19:00
ogra_sergiusens, well, you would pull the zip for your device (using phablet-flash) ... and that zip would replace the recovery part.19:01
loolgeofft: I think these are great ideas; it's hard to factor them in at this point though as we don't even run the basic mobile update features yet, but they seem like good convergence features19:01
mwilleyI like the NetworkManager bandwith guide idea.  Time of use can be expressed too.  B/W free on my satellite during middle night.19:01
sergiusensogra_: not on non fastboot devices ;-)19:02
stgrabersergiusens: the current work for the recovery image is a remastered cyanogenmod recovery partition with added tar, xz and gpg support, so in theory there's nothing preventing us from support update.zip in there but it's not a priority as it's not the update format we'll be using19:02
ogasawaracjwatson: do I ping your or bdmurray for hangout url for next foundations session?19:02
ogra_sergiusens, what non fastboot devices are there that we support atm ?19:02
cjwatsonogasawara: I believe bdmurray will be running it19:02
sergiusensogra_: thinking about community here19:02
ogasawaracjwatson: ack, thanks19:02
cjwatsonI've run three in a row now :)19:02
cjwatsonwell, been crew for, anyway ...19:03
ogra_sergiusens, well, they use android based phones atm ... and thats using fastboot mostly19:03
* timrc pretends he's eating a churro and drinking a coke while he waits for the next session19:03
ogra_and as long as our platform-api is so closely bound to android i dont see that changing19:03
aratimrc, lol19:03
sergiusenstimrc: you can do it for real too :-P19:04
cjwatsonbdmurray: ...19:05
* rsalveti waves for the kernel session19:05
bdmurraycjwatson: setting it up19:06
cjwatsonyou seem to be on air now19:09
cjwatson(lower third reminder)19:10
timrcbirds singing, white noise… are you people trying to put me to sleep?19:10
smbHm, is it just breaking up a lot for me?19:12
jmleddyI don't hear anything19:12
jmleddythere is a lot of static19:12
jmleddythat just went away for a little bit19:12
loologasawara: there is like a white scratch noise, but no feedback on the stream19:12
mdeslaurogasawara: I hear you19:12
kamal-udsthe audio sounds fine to me, no feedback19:12
timrcYeah lots of static but it went away for a spell19:12
sforsheeogasawara, do you have the youtube stream open?19:12
loologasawara: do you have a tab of the meeting open?19:12
jdstrandogasawara: do you have your google+ and your etherpad/etal window open? I recommend pausing the one next to the etherpad19:12
bdmurrayI think she sorted it out now19:12
jmleddywhat happened to phb-crystal-ball?19:13
loologasawara: these are just desktop (non-touch) kernels, right?19:13
vanhoofjmleddy: http://phb-crystal-ball.org/19:13
bubblyI would, as of currently, say 3.11.x if all possible19:13
jmleddyoh nice, it's back up19:14
jmleddyvanhoof: thanks19:14
rtg_lool, correct19:14
xnoxthe video feed says "please stand by"19:14
xnoxare we on air?19:14
loolxnox: it's on19:14
loolxnox: reload maybe19:14
TheMusoI'm getting video here.19:14
ppisatiAFA arm is concerned, 3.11 is way better if we want to ad exynos5 support to -generic19:14
xnoxah, yeah came up now.19:14
ppisatirtg_: correct19:15
ppisatiogasawara: ^19:15
loolppisati: aren't we tracking android kernel trees for each target touch SoC anyway?19:15
ppisatilool: yep, talking about desktop here19:15
vanhoofppisati: +1 exynos5 in generic, ike is involved there, ogasawara ^19:15
loolppisati: ah exynos5 is a desktop target too?  ok19:15
bubblyMy opinion, if the generic flavuor doesn't fit your liking, compile your own kernel19:16
ppisatilool: i've no idea if there's any exysno5 project going on, just an observation19:16
rsalveticool, should be able to test nexus 10 later today19:16
loolppisati: ack19:16
* ppisati notes the video stream is really crappy here... :(19:16
smbppisati, Same here19:16
jdstrandogasawara: we discussed that there might be something we can do with update-manager as well19:18
jjohansenogasawara: yep from security team19:18
jdstrandogasawara: like a one-time 'this kernel is EOL, blahblah...'19:18
araQUESTION: can you elaborate more on that, please?19:18
arawhy we are not upgrading people?19:18
ogra_ara, nope, only software19:19
araogra_, lol19:20
araI certainly need an upgrade19:20
arait is time for ara 2.019:20
ogra_nah, you are good19:20
=== hikiko__ is now known as hikiko-uds
xnoxogasawara: why was that in place before? or was that decision post-poned until there is a second backport kernel?19:20
* ogra_ wonders why the stream is so choppy this session19:21
apwogra_,  i have found a reload on the stream can help when that happens19:22
cjwatsonI'm not sure how much of it depends on the person running the hangout19:22
jmleddywasn't it always that way?19:22
cjwatsonbut it's bizarre that anyone else running the hangout might make it *worse* than me doing so19:22
jmleddyor are you talking about the images?19:22
* ogra_ reloads19:22
bjfogra_, bdmurray is running the session on a nexus419:22
cjwatsonunless it's CPU-dependent rather than network-dependent19:22
ogra_really ?!?19:22
apwany further questions, #ubuntu-kernel on freenode19:23
* smb blames the UK people with big pipes draining the bits19:23
bubblyI don't upgrade becauseof hardware issues19:23
jmleddyif it isn't broke don't fix it19:23
arawe are still getting a new HWE stack in 12.04.3?19:23
araQUESTIOn: ^19:23
apwsmb, you just need to spend some more of your hard currency, harder than mine anyhow19:23
gQuigsara: yea.. I remember something about raring not getting a backport to 12.04.219:24
apwara ask that again over on #ubuntu-kernel, folk have gone19:24
jmleddyara: I think so, it's just not going to be automatic upgrade19:24
xnoxara: i think there was consultation, and in the beginning there wasn't going to be one, but than later there was demand for it, so it should be there. but my info can be out of date =) ping ogasawara on #ubuntu-kernel.19:25
kentbara: afaik that is the plan (to have a 12.04.3 stack) and like jmleddy siad, no automatic upgrade. OEM's like Dell are really relying on an HWE stack for 12.04.3 because of new server hardware rolling out later this year.19:25
cjwatsonxnox: er, or she's in the session right here :)19:26
xnox"This live event is over" =)))))))19:26
smbxnox, better than "this life event is over" :-p19:27
xnoxsmb: "this second life is over" :DDDDD19:29
smbthankfully, this first one is depressing enough 3:)19:30
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=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/foundations-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-foundations-1

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