
SubhadipHI, I am using Ubuntu 12.04. The version of Unity installed on my computer is 5.18 but I can see the latest version in 5.0 branch is 5.20 on launchpad. Anyone have any idea why is it so?01:59
Mirv(5.20 has not yet veen uploaded)04:13
Saviqdidrocks, ping06:56
didrocksSaviq: pong06:56
Saviqdidrocks, hey, when you have the time, could you please look over https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-api/fix-packaging-multiarch/+merge/16356406:57
Saviqdidrocks, and potentially explain why we only use macro version in SONAMEs06:57
didrocksSaviq: sure, I'm catching up on hundreds of emails though, so maybe tomorrow morning, is it fine?06:58
Saviqdidrocks, sure06:58
didrockswill do :)06:58
mzanettigood morning07:17
greybackhey there07:18
mzanettigreyback: jono contacted me and asked for a video of unity-next running on mir07:20
mzanettigreyback: I tried to create that but I fail unlocking the screen because of the missing mouse cursor :D07:20
mzanettigreyback: any chance you have the cursor visible already?07:20
greybackmzanetti: lp:~unity-team/unity/phablet-integrate-mir/07:21
greybackmzanetti: from your terminal, do "./run -m" and it should open a new VT, and run Mir + Unity inside that07:22
greybackthe usual Ctrl+C to quit07:22
MCR_didrocks, hi - do you have 3 min. ? :)07:22
didrockshey mzanetti, greyback!07:22
greybackdidrocks: hey there, hope you had a good holiday!07:22
didrocksMCR_: still on the catchup, but sure, what's up?07:22
mzanettihey didrocks07:23
MCR_it is about EZoom07:23
MCR_I want to disable it by default07:23
didrocksgreyback: yeah, nice weather! Helped to change my mind :-)07:23
didrocksMCR_: the plugin you mean?07:23
MCR_because of these arguments:07:23
greybackdidrocks: sunshine is good for the soul.07:24
mzanettigreyback: hmm... explains why I haven't been able to unlock it... with your branch I see the cursor, but I can't move it07:24
mzanettigreyback: its stuck in the top left corner07:24
greybackmzanetti: did you chmod the /dev/input ?07:24
mzanettithanks man07:25
didrocksMCR_: you didn't address my main concern07:25
MCR_which is ?07:25
didrocksMCR_: we have no way for people to enable the plugin easily07:25
greybackmzanetti: there are times when we truly use our own language :)07:25
didrocksMCR_: for people needing that a11y support07:25
didrocksin g-c-c though, you can setup the shortcuts07:25
MCR_didrocks, but there is no way without CCSM either07:25
didrockswhich is what the current situation enabled07:25
MCR_that is possible ?07:26
didrocksnot for plugin07:26
didrocksbut for the zoom shortcut07:26
MCR_I did not find those shortcuts when I looked07:26
didrocksso the current situation is still better07:26
didrocksit's there IIRC07:26
MCR_I searched07:26
MCR_I am quite sure it is not in All Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts...07:27
didrocksMCR_: if not, we should expose it07:28
MCR_there is just some "Zoom in/Zoom out" and "Turn zoom on or off", but this is not for EZoom07:28
didrocksMCR_: anyway, I'm not thrilled to change the default configuration as long as we ship unity 7 by default07:29
MCR_I just want to optimize things07:29
MCR_but now I know where you would want to go...07:29
MCR_didrocks, ok - I won't change the config then, although I really have to say it is "not the most efficient solution"07:30
didrocksMCR_: thanks :)07:31
MCR_I'll look into exposing the shortcuts in gcc... but it won't be main priority07:31
didrocksMCR_: sure, making sense07:33
MCR_ok, ack - thx07:33
didrocksMCR_: I really wish we had a better a11y story in Unity 7 tbh :(07:33
MCR_didrocks, Compiz would be capable of delivering that of course...07:35
didrocksMCR_: yeah, it's all on nux/unity side, I know07:35
MCR_we are moving really fast forward with Compiz now07:35
MCR_the best solution in the long run would be to give users CCSM back, but I know you do not want that07:36
MCR_gcc's configuration is kindergarten compared to CCSM in terms of functionality07:36
MCR_CCSM coders were really intelligent guys07:37
MCR_it is the perfect configuration utility07:37
didrockshem, no time to argue on this "perfect", a perfect configuration utility should prevent you shooting on your feet IMHO :)07:39
MCR_didrocks, exactly that is CCSM's strength07:40
MCR_just Compiz could not cope with some issues in the past (and still WIP)07:40
MCR_we are working on making it rock-solid07:40
MCR_didrocks, have you seen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/745159/+attachment/3660185/+files/GridAllFunctionalityFullyFixed.mp407:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 745159 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Segfault in compiz when unchecking "Snap windows back to original size" in the Grid options" [Medium,Confirmed]07:41
seb128MCR_, if modern industry success show anything is that "exposing a zillion options users don't understand" is everything but perfect...07:41
MCR_seb128, that is why we have tooltips explaining things to users07:41
seb128MCR_, what users want is something that just work, with only simple options for things they need07:41
seb128MCR_, you miss the point07:41
MCR_seb128, which I cannpt find in gcc for example07:41
seb128I don't want to go through 15 panels reading tooltip for half an hour07:41
seb128if you need tooltips you loose07:42
MCR_seb128, I still do not know what  "Zoom in/Zoom out" and "Turn zoom on or off" means07:42
seb128the tooltip concept doesn't even work on a touch screen07:42
MCR_in gcc07:42
MCR_seb128, sorry I do not care about touchscreens too much...07:42
seb128well, that's only one limitation of the tooltips07:43
seb128but let's not argue about that07:43
seb128ccsm is a fine power user tool agree07:43
seb128normal users just don't want that much complexity07:43
seb128and "zoom in/zoom out" does what it says07:43
seb128it zooms in or out07:43
seb128and turn zoom on or off is pretty self explanatory as well07:44
seb128it turns zoom on or off...07:44
MCR_seb128, which zoom ?07:44
seb128that settings is coming from GNOME07:45
MCR_I know07:45
seb128and zooming is built in for gnome-shell07:45
MCR_but it is not ideal to configure Compiz07:45
seb128how the zoom is implemented doesn't matter to users07:45
MCR_and is far less powerful07:45
seb128well, it's not the UI that is buggy there, it's our integration07:46
seb128we should ping a plugin that can do zoom07:46
seb128and bind those actions to the increase/decrease zoom effects07:46
MCR_I'll look into that (see above)07:46
nic-doffayAnyone available for a QML review?08:31
laptopgobooboohi, i have my friend's laptop and the keyboard works in the start and the resposnse in a funny way; like the CTRL(control) button was pressed hard08:32
laptopgobooboocan anyone help08:32
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luvmardy: Hi, I would like to add GUI for signon_identity_signout to gnome-control-center-signon - I understand I will need signond from branch lp:~mardy/signon-keyring-extension/lp1172710 ... that's all fine, what I don't know how to do is how to build .deb packages from that branch.09:00
luv(or anyone else who can help, is there a easy way how to build .deb from a "custom branch" (for an already packaged software) on launchpad?)09:01
Saviqluv, `bzr bd`09:01
Saviqluv, and if you want it to build in a PPA09:02
Saviqluv, `bzr bd -S` and then push to the PPA as usual - `dput ppa:something package-file.dsc`09:02
Saviqwhere the dsc file was created by bzr bd -S09:02
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didrocksmzanetti: hey, do you install desktop-autopilot or the touch one when you run the medium tests to merge unity8? (and maybe you know about apps as well?)09:32
didrockssil2100: ^09:32
mzanettididrocks: desktop for now. touch too as soon as we have the hardware set up to run them09:33
didrocksmzanetti: so the apps and media medium tests should run just fine with desktop-autopilot for now?09:33
didrocksautopilot-desktop* (sorry)09:34
mzanettididrocks: yes. om26er fixed them all and is currently re-enabling the jobs...09:34
mzanettididrocks: btw: quite some broke already...09:34
didrocksmzanetti: excellent, finally a clear info! we saw some failures as well. Thanks :)09:35
nic-doffaySaviq, when I run the greeter via ./run touch events aren't being picked up. Any idea as to why?09:35
mzanettididrocks: actually introducing bugs that would have been catched if tests would have been enabled09:35
sil2100mzanetti: yes, we saw some AP failures finally and were wondering what was happening09:35
nic-doffaySorry not ./run09:35
mzanettisil2100: yeah... they were disabled too long09:35
nic-doffayon the device.09:35
didrocksmzanetti: I asked fghinter to enabling them back during the sprint, that didn't happen?09:35
mzanettididrocks: no09:35
didrocksshrug :(09:36
mzanettididrocks: yesterday I decided to take care about it myself09:36
didrocksmzanetti: yeah, I was away for a week. I thought that asking it was enough…09:36
didrocksmzanetti: thanks for taking care of that09:36
mzanettididrocks: np... it has been a lession for us all...09:37
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/oif_fix_dest_typo/+merge/16367009:50
Saviqnic-doffay, not really, are you sure there's nothing on top of what you're looking at that eats the events?09:57
nic-doffaySaviq, most likely. Any idea who is best to ask about this.09:58
Saviqnic-doffay, you mean it works fine on desktop, broken on device?09:58
Saviqnic-doffay, just put a MouseArea at the bottom of Shell.qml and see if inClicked gets fired09:59
nic-doffaySaviq, will try.09:59
Saviqnic-doffay, we never had any such issues, anything I could try on one of mine devices?09:59
nic-doffaySaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/infographics-with-lightdm10:00
nic-doffayIf you have time could you do the review too?10:00
Saviqnic-doffay, I'll try and get to it soon, yeah10:01
nic-doffayta Saviq10:01
nic-doffaySaviq, who wrote the shell?10:23
nic-doffayThere's a comment I'd like to enquire about.10:23
greybacknic-doffay: lots of people contributed. Which comment, or in what part of the shell?10:25
nic-doffaygreyback, Shell.qml line 51710:26
greybacknic-doffay: "his should be handled in the input stack, keyboard shouldnt propagate" ?10:27
nic-doffaygreyback, yep10:27
nic-doffaygreyback, basically trying to figure out why the touches are being swallowed on the infographics.10:27
greybacknic-doffay: it's there because at the moment, the shell receives _all_ touch events, even those destined for the application. For the case when the OSK was open on top of the shell, we wanted to stop the shell reacting to a keyboard press. Hence that mousearea, which is the same size as the OSK.10:29
greybacknic-doffay: I doubt that mousearea is to blame for your issue anyway10:30
Saviqmzanetti, do you remember what to do for cobertura to find the source files? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-api-raring-i386-ci/13/cobertura/src_unity/Exception_cpp/10:39
mzanettiSaviq: use the latest build10:40
Saviqmzanetti, that is the latest build, no?10:40
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... it seems it is..10:42
nic-doffaygreyback, any idea how to propagate the touch events to the infographics?10:42
mzanettiSaviq: ah... I guess the workspace is not exported to the public jenkins10:42
Saviqmzanetti, ah, might be10:43
Saviqnic-doffay, does it work on your desktop and not on the device?10:43
Saviqmzanetti, yeah10:43
nic-doffaySaviq, yeah10:44
Saviqnic-doffay, I will try in 5 mins, bear with me10:44
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm used onPressed.10:44
nic-doffayThe branch a linked you to has onClicked.10:44
Saviqnic-doffay, both should work10:45
Saviqnic-doffay, it works just fine here on a Nexus 1011:13
nic-doffaySaviq, O_o11:13
Saviqnic-doffay, only issue I can see straight away is that it changes the data source twice for some reason11:15
nic-doffaySaviq, I'd ask pete-woods about that.11:16
nic-doffayI need to find out why it's not working on my device too.11:16
Saviqnic-doffay, i.e. for each user switch in tablet mode I get two "Data sets for..." one "old" and one "new"11:16
Saviqand there's an error, too:11:17
SaviqGreeter/Infographics.qml:75: TypeError: Cannot read property 'presentUnlockAnim' of null11:17
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm using a Galaxy Nexus.11:17
Saviqnic-doffay, mine's charging, will try as soon as its usable again11:17
nic-doffaySaviq, that error is also related to the data sets from what I recall.11:17
Saviqthere's some blocking, too, when switching users11:18
nic-doffaygreyback, any idea why touch events wouldn't be working for the infographics on a Galaxy Nexus, but working on Saviq's Nexus 10?11:18
Saviqi.e. the user doesn't switch smoothly, it jumps once or twice11:18
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Saviqnic-doffay, does everything work when you run shell from the image?11:18
Saviqnic-doffay, when did you last flash?11:18
nic-doffaySaviq, now.11:19
pete-woodsnic-doffay, Saviq: the present unlockAnim error is one nic will have to sort out, it happens when the data set is empty - I'll investigate the double data set change issue11:19
nic-doffaypete-woods, right. I'll handle that when I'm writing the tests then.11:19
greybacknic-doffay: is the MouseArea where it should be on the phone - check by putting a Rectangle inside it. I'd need to see code to investigate further11:20
pete-woodsin terms of the non-smoothness, I know that changing user was very slow after mterry's phablet-greeter-lightdm branch for a while, then he added some performance-related change that helped a lot11:20
nic-doffaygreyback, I see no reason why not if it's in the correct place when running on the desktop.11:20
pete-woodsit might still be in tat area11:20
Saviqpete-woods, yeah we fixed that11:21
Saviqpete-woods, and I'll merge that branch in today if everything's fine11:21
Saviqpete-woods, nic-doffay, so you'll be fine working on top of trunk11:21
pete-woodsour's depends on that branch (being more lightdm stuff)11:21
pete-woodsSaviq: woo! hopefully I can get to the bottom of the double change thing, then11:22
greybacknic-doffay: nor do I. Phone and desktop should behave the same. But there are differences, the GU definition for instance11:22
nic-doffaySaviq, if it is fine then yes. I'd like to get to the bottom of this Galaxy Nexus issue though so I can check the frames of the circles.11:22
nic-doffayIf everything is ok then I'll begin writing tests.11:23
nic-doffayAnd make amendments.11:23
nic-doffayBut I'd prefer to do that after potentially re-writing code for any GL related changes.11:23
pete-woodsnic-doffay: see line 64 "if(presentCircles.count === 0 || pastCircles.count === 0) {" of Infographic.qml11:24
pete-woodsthat's where I "fixed" one of the empty data set issues11:24
pete-woodsyou might need to robust that up a bit11:24
pete-woodsme not knowing QML at all11:24
pete-woodsstrange that the diff in launchpad is nonsense - it seems to be including the changes from mterry's branch11:31
pete-woodseven though that's down as a prerquesite11:31
Saviqpete-woods, yeah that happens sometimes, I'm about to approve mterry's branch so that should be gone soon11:32
Saviqjust checking if it works on the galaxy11:32
pete-woodsokay, cool11:32
Saviqkatie, ping11:39
katiesaviq pong11:40
Saviqkatie, hey, can we ask you for a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity/phablet-greeter-indicators/+merge/15733011:40
Saviqkatie, re: tap on indicators in greeter opens device menu11:40
katieSaviq, is this in the latest build?11:42
Saviqkatie, no, it's not merged yet11:42
Saviqkatie, I wasn't sure we should merge it before that issue was raised11:43
nic-doffaypete-woods, I'm doing some subtle changes to the way the animations are done.11:43
nic-doffayI'll let you know when I've pushed it, mind checking if it's broken anything I'm unaware of?11:43
katieSaviq, what would you like me to comment on in particular?11:44
nic-doffaypete-woods, will there always be past circles?11:45
nic-doffayI mean surely not?11:45
nic-doffayRegarding your check on line 64...11:45
pete-woodsnic-doffay: no - not if a particular user has no data yet, or you're on the guest account11:46
katieSaviq, just realised what you're talking about :) will comment now11:47
nic-doffaypete-woods, mind pushing a branch for me where there are no past circles?11:47
pete-woodsnic-doffay: that was just a quick hack to stop it from crashing all the time11:47
pete-woodsnic-doffay: just select the guest account11:47
nic-doffaypete-woods, ok great!11:48
pete-woodsI'll change some of the user's data so that they have some present and no past, though, just to test that situation11:48
nic-doffaypete-woods, awesome cheers. I'd like to cater for every situation.11:49
nic-doffayEven before testing.11:50
pete-woodsnic-doffay: just to be clear about the API - it will always try and give you "complete" months, just the data values might be null - this way it carries the concept of the length of the month, and for days without any data11:51
nic-doffaypete-woods, I see. I assuming 0 would be passed. I guess that's the reason so many things are breaking.11:51
Saviqnic-doffay, works fine on a Galaxy Nexus, too11:54
nic-doffaySaviq, this is weird.11:54
nic-doffayAny ideas?11:54
nic-doffaySaviq, what's the frame rate like?11:54
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Saviqnic-doffay, seems fine11:58
Saviqpete-woods, one thing I can see is bad for sure: nextDataSource() takes 250ms12:03
pete-woodsnic-doffay: I'm getting two calls to setUesrname from the GUI in the API12:04
Saviqpete-woods, it needs to be asynchronous12:04
Saviqpete-woods, that might be the hiccup when switching users12:05
pete-woodsSaviq: I'll have a look at it12:05
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pete-woodswonder what on Earth I could be doing12:05
pete-woodsI'm only copying two lists with 30 floats in12:06
Saviqpete-woods, generateFakeData() needs to be called as a slot12:09
Saviqpete-woods, nextDataSource should be a signal12:10
pete-woodsSaviq: okay, will make that change! :)12:10
Saviqpete-woods, to which generateFakeData() is connected12:10
Saviqpete-woods, this way nextDataSource() will return straight away12:10
pete-woodsSaviq: I'm still concerned about why it's so slow, though12:11
Saviqpete-woods, generateFakeData looks quite intensive12:11
Saviqa lot of rand()s12:11
pete-woodsSaviq: that's only called once12:12
Saviqah right12:12
pete-woodsI get 50 ms on a desktop machine, which is still not great12:12
Saviqpete-woods, /me can't read12:12
Saviqpete-woods, yeah12:13
Saviqnic-doffay, here's the dump from a single data switch http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5664285/12:16
Saviqnic-doffay, at first it's fine, but as the count of circles grows we're getting past the 16ms mark12:16
Saviqnic-doffay, pete-woods remember you can connect to the device with the QML profiler to see a lot of profiling data12:18
Saviqnic-doffay, pete-woods, ./run_on_device; Analyze > QML Profiler (External) and give it the IP of your device12:19
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nic-doffaySaviq, brilliant thanks.12:19
nic-doffaySaviq, still stumped as to why the infographics don't have any touch events on my phone though.12:20
Saviqnic-doffay, does the shell at all? i.e. put a huge MouseArea at the bottom of Shell.qml and console.log() onClicked12:21
nic-doffaySaviq, how will I be able to test that one the phone? I won't see any output...12:21
Saviqnic-doffay, with ./run_on_device you get all the output12:22
Saviqnic-doffay, it's just like you'd run it locally12:22
Saviqbut it goes over adb+ssh to the device12:22
nic-doffaySaviq, ah ok.12:23
pete-woodsSaviq: that doesn't work for me12:24
pete-woodsmaybe I'm doing something wrong12:26
pete-woodsbash: cd: shell: No such file or directory12:26
pete-woodsmaybe that's the right error message12:26
Saviqpete-woods, run_on_device doesn't? did you run_on_device -s first?12:33
pete-woodsrtm :$12:33
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pete-woodsSaviq: just trying to wrap my head round this asynchronous stuff12:45
pete-woodscurrently nextDataSource is a slot12:45
pete-woodsyou were saying it should be a signal12:45
pete-woodsthe UI reacts to the signals directly from the data i.e. the QAIM and label properties12:46
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, but it's calling it as any other method, not as a slot12:47
pete-woodsSaviq: so how do I call it as a slot? (completely have no knowledge of QML here)12:47
Saviqpete-woods, so it's blocking until it return12:47
Saviqpete-woods, if nextDataSource would be a signal12:48
Saviqpete-woods, infographic.model.nextDataSource() would emit that signal12:48
pete-woodsso I listen to my own signal?12:49
Saviqpete-woods, yes12:49
pete-woodsSaviq: right, okay, that makes sense, thanks!12:49
Saviqpete-woods, but regardless, it shouldn't take so long indeed ;)12:50
pete-woodsSaviq: I found the crunch point, it's the call to data.first_month.setVariantList(new_data->first_month.variantList());12:53
pete-woodsclearly I must be doing something dumb in there12:53
pete-woodsI think I'm inadvertently copying the list about 5 times12:54
Saviqsomething like that must be happening, yeah12:54
mzanettiSaviq: lightdm is merged! \o/12:57
Saviqmzanetti, indeed12:57
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mzanettimterry: approved13:07
mterrymzanetti, Saviq: thanks, sorry that took so long!13:08
Saviqmterry, right back at you :)13:08
mzanettimterry: no worries. it was a quite complex merge13:08
mzanettimterry: do'h! now that its merged I've found a small issue :D13:09
mzanettimterry: I think we don't need qtdeclarative5-xmllistmodel-plugin in the deps any more13:09
mterrymzanetti, hah13:09
mterrymzanetti, I believe we used it elsewhere13:09
mterrymzanetti, at least we did back when I started it13:10
mterrymaybe things have changed in the last months  ;)13:10
mzanettimterry: hmm... I remember adding that dep for the greeter... but I'll check again and will clean it up if not needed any more13:10
tedgalesage, Howdy, it seems we have a branch not autolanding: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/context-api/+merge/15893913:13
Wellarkalesage: hi13:15
kgunngreyback: any joy ? (segfault, efence)13:18
greybackkgunn: some, that old segv has been cured anyway. I'm hitting the issue racarr mentioned in his mail, re who gets the Surface first.13:19
greybackkgunn: I'm looking more into that, and learning the code on the way13:20
nic-doffaypete-woods, all the dots are filled for the first infographic too. Any idea what's going on?13:20
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dandraderCimi, tsdgeos I'm getting this when running tests: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664445/13:21
kgunngreyback: cool, feel free to pester alf & alan_g in #mir13:22
tsdgeosdandrader: your sdk is old13:22
dandradertsdgeos, ok. will dist-upgrade13:22
greybackkgunn: yep understood13:22
tsdgeosdandrader: make sure you have the sdk ppa13:22
dandradertsdgeos, http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/desktop-deps/ubuntu not enough?13:23
tsdgeosno clue13:23
tsdgeosnot what ./build adds13:23
dandradertsdgeos, you don't use that ppa?13:23
tsdgeosi do13:24
tsdgeosbut the sdk doesn't seem to be there13:24
tsdgeosis there?13:24
dandradertsdgeos, seems not. I must be getting it from raring itself13:25
* dandrader checks the ppas added by the build script13:26
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Saviqmzanetti, we're using it for the video preview13:29
Saviqmzanetti, xmllistmodel, that is13:29
mzanettiSaviq: ah. thanks13:30
tsdgeosdandrader: that's not good enough anymore, get the ppa13:30
dandradertsdgeos, yeah, I'm running "./build --setup" now. lot's of packages being installed or upgraded (I also didn't have qt-edgers ppa)13:31
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm not getting any output with ./run_on_device ...13:36
nic-doffayAdding a MouseArea test to shell works on the desktop too.13:36
pete-woodsnic-doffay: I don't know what would cause all the dots to be filled13:40
pete-woodsit's not something I've been able to reproduce13:40
Saviqnic-doffay, what do you mean no output? none at all? or just nothing you'd expect?13:40
nic-doffaySaviq, none at all.13:40
Saviqnic-doffay, did you ./run_on_device -s first?13:41
nic-doffaySaviq, no, what does -s do?13:41
Saviqnic-doffay, read CODING13:41
Saviqnic-doffay, or at least ./run_on_device -h13:42
nic-doffayWill do ta Saviq13:42
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dandraderSaviq, as requested: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_move_test_targets/+merge/16371513:48
Saviqdandrader, aactually... do we actually still have the "check" target?13:49
Saviqdandrader, I think that might be why alltests failed, 'cause we dropped the "check" target that was make-specific13:49
Saviqs/failed/didn't run everything/13:50
dandraderSaviq, right, there's no "check" target now.13:52
Saviqdandrader, problem is "test" is not really a target13:53
Saviqdandrader, that's why we had a custom "make test" target13:54
Saviqdandrader, if you can find a way to do "$generator test", that would work then13:54
dandraderSaviq, I'll add a commit to this MP that removes "check" and "alltests"13:55
Saviqdandrader, k13:55
dandraderSaviq, after that, what else would be missing or needed13:55
Saviqdandrader, nothing, if we can live without the "alltests" target13:56
dandraderSaviq, without the "check" target it doesn't make sense anymore13:56
Saviqdandrader, yeah I agree13:57
tsdgeosMacSlow: i totally reproduce the problem in my local chroot13:59
tsdgeoschroot pow3r13:59
MacSlowtsdgeos, hm13:59
tsdgeosi'm going to randomly guess the need for a waitForRender call14:00
MacSlowtsdgeos, before the mouseClick()?!14:00
dandraderSaviq, done14:01
tsdgeosMacSlow: yep14:02
MacSlowtsdgeos, waitForRendering(object) ?!14:03
tsdgeosMacSlow: see ./tests/qmltests/Dash/tst_PeoplePreview.qml14:03
pete-woodsguys, I'm still having trouble running the run_on_device script14:03
MacSlowtsdgeos, ./Dash/tst_PeoplePreview.qml yes....14:03
dandraderSaviq, actually, without alltests tests/plugins/Utils won't be run by any "top-level" test target. should it be added to qmlunittests?14:03
pete-woodsI deployed networking and ssh14:03
pete-woodsand ran the run_on_device -s stage14:03
pete-woodsbut running the shell I get a strange error14:03
Saviqdandrader, won't it run with "test"?14:03
tsdgeosMacSlow: i'm randomly guessing that what happens is that at the second 000000 you are getting both buttons at the same position since they haven't been layouted yet14:04
tsdgeosif that's the case, it makes qmltest a bit too flacky14:04
tsdgeosbut oh well14:04
pete-woodssaying debug port option not recognised, but split over like 30 lines, one character each14:04
MacSlowtsdgeos, going to try now... thanks for the hint14:04
dandraderSaviq, ah, right. yes, it will14:04
Saviqpete-woods, that's just a warning, not an error14:05
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pete-woodsSaviq: whoops, then it says "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50001) with this library (version 0x50002)"14:08
pete-woodshave I managed to install an incorrect version of Qt somehow?14:09
pete-woods(I just reflashed the tablet)14:09
Saviqpete-woods, apt-get upgrade14:09
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pete-woodsd'oh, it's my computer that's out of date then14:09
pete-woodsSaviq: thanks14:09
Saviqpete-woods, no, it's the device14:09
Saviqpete-woods, but it's installed some Qt 5.0.2 packages14:09
Saviqpete-woods, and left the previously installed 5.0.1 not installed14:10
pete-woodsoh, right14:10
pete-woodsall a bit confusing, but okay, feel a proper noob today14:11
pete-woodsall working now, thanks muchly! :)14:14
tsdgeosMacSlow: actually you can probably replace that wait(0) with the waitForRendering14:14
tsdgeoseverywhere we have a wait(0) we should have a waitForRendering i'd say14:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, sounds about right... still waiting for the currently started build to finish (and hopefully succeed)14:15
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alesagetedg, Wellark, investigating14:25
tedgalesage, Thanks!14:27
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alesagetedg, fginther with a question for you about the context-api branch which needs autolanding14:34
alesagetedg, a prerequisite has landed in hud/phablet but not in lp:hud, question mark?14:34
tedgHmm, phablet should have merged into lp:hud.14:35
tedgPerhaps the resolver there can't see that?14:35
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tedgalesage, Checked, yes, all of phablet is in lp:hud14:36
fginthertedg, hmmm. would it be possible to resubmit the merge proposal without the prerequisite?14:37
tedgfginther, Sure14:37
fginthertedg, thanks, that should allow the MP to land. I don't think I tools are complex enough to recognize the lp:hud/phablet has merged into lp:hud14:39
tsdgeosMacSlow: failed it seems :-/14:43
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MacSlowtsdgeos, yeah :/14:43
tsdgeosgood thing14:44
tsdgeosis if i remove the wait(0)14:44
tsdgeosi can reproduce the error in my chroot all the time14:44
tsdgeosfinding how to fix it14:44
tsdgeosi.e. remove the wait0 and see what needs to get added14:44
tsdgeossince the wait0 seems just a workaround14:44
tsdgeosand is probably speed dependant14:45
tsdgeosMacSlow: do you know how do i make jenkins run a +junk branch of my own?14:46
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MacSlowtsdgeos, actually no... I just use to rebuild a job mzanetti once set up14:46
MacSlowtsdgeos, just hijack one of my older ones http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests/863/ and use your own branch there (once you click "Rebuild")14:47
tsdgeosi see14:48
tedgWellark, Landed!14:55
tedgThanks fginther and alesage!14:55
alesagetedg, our pleasures!14:55
tsdgeosMacSlow: this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aacid/+junk/unity-phablet-notification-renderer-debug-buttons/revision/674 works on my chroot, ran a qmluitest now, let's see15:00
ubot5`Launchpad bug 674 in loop-aes-source (Ubuntu) "update to kernel 2.6.10?" [Medium,Fix released]15:00
MacSlowtsdgeos, that's with or without the wait(0) at the top?15:01
tsdgeosnope, without15:01
MacSlowtsdgeos, also trying it like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~macslow/+junk/unity-phablet-notification-renderer-debug-buttons/revision/61215:01
ubot5`Launchpad bug 612 in openssh-krb5 (Ubuntu) "ssh-krb5 will not install on Ubuntu due to malformed dependancies?" [Medium,Fix released]15:02
tsdgeosnot sure notification helps15:02
tsdgeossicne what we really want to make sure has been layouted is the buttons15:02
tsdgeosbut let's see15:02
MacSlowtsdgeos, yeah15:03
MacSlowtsdgeos, although... buttonRow is only visible if the passed notification is a snap-decision... not that waitForRendering(buttonRow) will wait forever if a non-snap-decision notification is processed15:06
tsdgeosMacSlow: well, the tests passed here15:07
MacSlowtsdgeos, sweet15:07
tsdgeosnot sure waitForRendering cares about "visible"15:07
dandraderSaviq, any idea on how to we deal with device-specific settings/defines? through some CMake parameter ?15:07
MacSlowtsdgeos, well it does not seem to, since it passed on your system15:07
Saviqdandrader, we should avoid them if possible - we're not building in a device-specific way, what's your issue?15:09
bregmaso, who made the decision to remove CCSM?15:10
dandraderSaviq, the max deviation property of DirectionalDragArea is like a filter for noise in movement of a touch point. and this is likely touch-screen specific15:11
nic-doffaypete-woods, can you increase the average scale of the past circles by 0.3?15:11
nic-doffayOr do both past and present have the same scaling code?15:12
nic-doffayFrom the backend?15:12
pete-woodsnic-doffay: the scale is 0.0 -> 1.0 for both15:12
pete-woodsI see it as the UI's job to translate that into something pretty for the UI15:12
nic-doffaypete-woods, ok nm then. It's best it stays the way it is.15:12
Saviqdandrader, then that will probably go in device-specific defaults for $settings_backend_that_we_don't_yet_have15:15
dandraderSaviq, well, we can leave it as a qml property for now15:16
Saviqdandrader, yup, let's15:16
mzanettihmm... is the device still Qt 5.0.1 based?15:18
Saviqmzanetti, no, but the image seems not to have all 5.0.2 packages, just apt-get upgrade15:18
Saviqmzanetti, or, it doesn't have any 5.0.2 packages, but whatever you install on top of the image will be 5.0.215:19
Saviqand that's when it starts to complain about 0x50001 != 0x5000215:19
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nic-doffaySaviq, for the Infographics tests should I base them off running a standalone version of the Infographics?15:25
nic-doffayAnd then just take things from there.15:25
pete-woodsnic-doffay: I've pushed a commit that makes the infographic the exact same size as the old fake PNGs15:26
nic-doffayOk great pete-woods I pushed something also a few mins ago15:26
nic-doffayI had the scale hard coded before the data was introduced which I missed. So that's gone.15:27
pete-woodsI'm looking at the user set twice issue now15:27
nic-doffayCool, any ideas yet?15:27
kenvandinesil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/uoa_tests/+merge/16373615:28
kenvandinesil2100,  please :)15:28
pete-woodsnic-doffay: I think I've fixed it15:32
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mzanettiSaviq: I'm trying to grab an ApplicationScreenshot of the currently active app with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664827/15:43
mzanettiworks fine on the desktop but not on the phone15:43
tedgTrying to build Unity and getting a bunch of deprecation warnings on g_icon_info_free()15:50
tedgIs there a branch to fix that?15:50
Wellarkalesage: where did the packages land from that HUD MR?15:51
alesageWellark we're not sending them to ppas; they'll be in a daily release15:53
sil2100kenvandine: done!15:53
Wellarkalesage: I have a branch depending on those new packages in the HUD MR, so how do I get my MR to pass now?15:56
kenvandinesil2100, thx15:56
alesageWellark, let me confer with colleagues15:57
tsdgeos_MacSlow: worked :-)15:59
tsdgeos_MacSlow: well, now it failed in     qmltestrunner.ListViewWithPageHeader::test_headerPositionAfterDownMove but that0s a different story ;D15:59
MacSlowtsdgeos_, yeah... same here too15:59
tsdgeos_greyback: did you do .ListViewWithPageHeader::test_headerPositionAfterDownMove ?16:00
greybacktsdgeos_: yep16:00
tsdgeos_any idea why it may be failing on MacSlow's branch?16:00
greybacktsdgeos_: nothing hits me immediately16:01
MacSlowAll is fine with http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests/868/16:01
MacSlowtsdgeos_, there no issue with ListViewWithPageHeader in http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests/86816:02
tsdgeos_good stuff16:03
tsdgeos_so let's go ahead with that16:03
MacSlowtsdgeos_, got to run (EOD), but will be back later16:03
MacSlowtsdgeos_, thanks for the hint with waitForRendering()16:03
tsdgeos_i might not be here :D16:03
tsdgeos_close to eod too16:03
MacSlowtsdgeos_, see you tomorrow then16:03
tsdgeos_MacSlow: you're welcome :-)16:03
Wellarkalesage: I need to grab some dinner.. ping me and I will get back to you16:05
alesageok Wellark, have a second to discuss now?16:06
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mterryracarr, heyo!  Did I hear you are involved with integrating Mir with the phablet images?  I'm looking forward to that for some lightdm work.  Is there anything I can help test or do?16:18
racarrmterry: It's true. What needs to go on for lightdm in this context?16:21
mterryracarr, well, lightdm isn't capable of using surfaceflinger, so either we stuff X on momentarily, or we wait for Mir before we can use lightdm16:22
mterryracarr, so I just need Mir on the images for my purposes16:22
mterry"just"  :)16:22
racarrOk. I'm just not aware of the full scope of what lightdm is going to be doing on the phablet I guess. Hmm16:26
racarrso. in terms of mir/unity16:27
racarrthings are kind of being reconstructed and it involves building a bunch of branches that don't work at this exact moment (though should again very soon ;)) anyway16:27
racarrbut perhaps you just need mir as the system compositor, or some sort of mir in which casssse16:27
racarrmterry: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/installing_prebuilt_on_android.html16:28
racarrMaybe this can get you going or do you need full unity mir?16:28
mterryracarr, sorry, didn't notice you were talking here, got distracted by vUDS16:30
racarrNo worries :)16:30
racarrI'm fully asynchronous :p16:30
mterryracarr, lightdm itself just needs probably the system compositor.  But the greeter it will use is basically a slightly modified unity binary.  So if we can't run unity on Mir yet, we can't run the greeter on Mir16:30
racarrOk. Ill get back to you in just 2-3 hours then :)16:31
mterryracarr, well, I'm happy to help with branches or test things if that would help you16:31
racarrthe basic story is we got it going, then did some refactoring in mir to make the same code work on android/desktop16:31
racarrthen now updating the Qt bits...16:32
racarrthen I will give you some branches to test which would definitely be helpful :)16:32
mterryracarr, cool, looking forward to it  :)16:32
racarrmterry: Great. Cheers :)16:34
racarrMore multimonitor fun :) trying to set desktop wall to switch seperately per monitor17:33
racarrbut it doesn't seem to do anything17:33
racarris there an additional step? Is this just broken?17:33
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kgunngreyback: ping17:42
greybackkgunn: pong17:42
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DX099I have a problem with unity : I tried to enable Window previews plugins in CCSM but I saw it didn't work well. I disabled it, logged out and logged in again but now the Autohide feature isn't working. Launcher won't show up unless I summon it with Super key...22:20
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kgunnDX099: did you actually restart unity ?22:23
DX099I log out from the session and logged in again .. wasn't that enough ?22:24
DX099also, I did a "pkill unity"22:24
kgunnDX099: i'm no expert myself...but "setsid unity"22:24
kgunnshould restart unity22:25
DX099It did22:25
DX099but the problem remains22:25
kgunnDX099: curious how did you "reset" ccsm ? ....was it "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/"22:27
DX099I didn't.22:27
DX099I just unticked the "window previews" option after noticing bad behaviour from Unity22:28
kgunnDX099: its my understanding "dconf reset -f /org/compiz/" will take ccsm back to the defaults22:28
DX099should I try to reset compiz ?22:28
kgunnDX099: well that's what ccsm is....its just a gui for settings for compiz22:30
kgunnagain i'm no expert...but alot of folk always seem to raise an eyebrow at the mention of ccsm :)22:30
DX099kgunn, thanks ! It worked ! Reset compiz and relaunching Unity did the trick22:30
kgunnDX099: hey glad it worked22:31
DX099kgunn, unfortunately, most of us can't spend hours in dconf-editor maze...22:31
kgunnDX099: i understand22:33
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