
bkerensaslangasek: do I have to bzr branch MP's everytime just to merge them?00:13
bkerensa1. bzr branch then bzr merge?00:14
bkerensawhy does it add a revision sometimes when I do it00:14
bkerensainstead of just using the contributors commit?00:14
slangaseka merge is its own commit00:14
slangasekand normal practice is that when merging another branch, you create a commit summarizing the whole branch... this ensures, for instance, that a bisect down the main branch gives you consistently-usable results00:15
bkerensaslangasek: is there a wiki that breaks this all down? I am re-writing Ubuntu Doc Team wiki and we might need to add this00:16
slangasekthere's the Ubuntu Packaging Guide00:16
slangasekthere might be some generic bzr docs, I don't know00:16
bkerensaslangasek: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/saucy/revision/21200:18
bkerensawas that a clean merge?00:18
bkerensathat even00:18
bkerensaI guess it was looks fine to me as far as how the revision showed up00:18
slangasekbkerensa: if you didn't have to resolve any merge conflicts, then yes, it was a clean merge00:31
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
MarkDudebkerensa: was 1305 dropped?15:46
MarkDudeerror when I load it15:46
MarkDudeI found it15:48
bkerensathats not a blueprint15:48
MarkDudeI think the email link was formed wrong15:48
MarkDudeIm on the pad now15:49
MarkDudeThis one15:49
=== blkperl_ is now known as blkperl
* blkperl is disappointed that there is no mdraid docs in the ubuntu server guide23:07
blkperlonly for the installer section...23:08
bkerensablkperl: file a bug or do work23:08
bkerensablkperl: bzr branch lp:serverguide23:09
bkerensablkperl: make changes23:09
bkerensablkperl: commit and merge propose23:09
blkperlbkerensa: I have commits in the server guide, its not very rewarding to contribute though23:09
bkerensablkperl: pfft23:10
blkperlthe last server guide only had a few contributers23:10
blkperlit needs more love23:10
bkerensablkperl:  why is it not rewarding23:10
blkperlbkerensa: thankless job, and theres other sources of docs23:10
blkperlmaybe if more people contributed it would be better and useful but most of the time its only good for basics23:12

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