
RAOFHeh. “I was very fed up with Ubuntu at the time anyway because our bug tracker once again exploded after the Ubuntu release.”00:10
RAOF*One* way of interpreting that would be “Ubuntu's mesa stack is terrible”00:10
RAOFThe other way would be “Almost all of our users run Ubuntu” :P00:10
mlankhorstlooks like we *might* have a patch for the touch bug, finally06:38
tjaaltoni told the same last week06:38
tjaaltonthe patches are on the list now06:38
tjaaltonit's still buggy on nexus7 though, but x86 is fine06:38
mlankhorsttjaalton: not that, some patch on top of that06:38
mlankhorst[PATCH] dix: call UpdateDeviceState() for emulated TouchEndEvents06:39
mlankhorstI'm testing now06:41
tjaaltonwhere's that?06:41
mlankhorstoh he didn't send it publicly, http://paste.debian.net/4065/06:42
mlankhorston top of the -v3 branch06:43
tjaaltonoh there's v3 now06:44
mlankhorstit's a rebase of -v206:44
mlankhorstbut another patch is going to get added to it, make check is crashing06:44
mlankhorst[PATCH] dix: devices must have valuators before touch is initialized06:47
mlankhorstI guess that's the make check fix06:47
tjaaltoni'm building it as well07:08
starkspoint of inquiry: will mesa be built with ilo?07:13
starksit's been really awesome as an experimental platform and it doesn't seem to get in the way of dri unless you set xorg.conf to use it07:14
starksRAOF, the new gallium stuff for i96507:20
RAOFOh, yeah. That one.07:20
tjaaltonmlankhorst: failed to build07:20
tjaaltonstarks: maybe for 9.207:22
RAOFstarks: What's particularly awesome about it? It seems harmless to enable, although unfortunately we no longer have the dri-drivers-experimental package.07:23
tjaaltonwe do, it's just empty07:23
starksi see potential for state trackers and gpgpu seems to be on the way. classic mesa is boring. you can't extend it and nothing hooks together. don't like how intel separates their opencl stuff07:24
starksmaybe another day i'll share my findings, too tired and i need to pass out07:28
mlankhorsttjaalton: worksforme, but I'm stilll doing some analysis07:35
mlankhorsti mean it applies, it doesn't fix my issue :)07:37
tjaalton/home/tjaalton/xorg-server-1.14.1/build-udeb/dix/../../dix/main.c:361: undefined reference 07:37
tjaaltonto `dixFreeRegistry'07:37
mlankhorstoh that07:37
mlankhorstI don't build the udebs07:37
tjaaltonyeah it only failed there07:38
tjaaltonwhat's your "issue"?07:38
mlankhorststuck mouse button if i double tap the dash icon on the nexus07:39
mlankhorstsecond time i start to drag the icon a little07:39
tjaaltonhmm looks like the workqueue svg's don't update anymore09:26
mlankhorstyeah :/09:26
tjaaltonprobably time to move the hosting somewhere else09:27
tjaaltonor the scripts09:28
mlankhorstmoving to canonical hosting would be good09:31
tjaaltonI was thinking somewhere else, so when a person leaves C. the scripts won't get deleted or otherwise become inaccessible09:32
mlankhorstwell i dont think there is hosting at ubuntu.com for this kind of thing :/09:33
mlankhorstwould be nice if I was wrong, though09:33
tjaaltoni was thinking of alioth09:34
mlankhorsthm maybe09:34
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: you can put stuff on people.canonical.com/~platform09:40
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: that's where we host e.g http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html09:40
seb128so it's not tied to one employee09:40
seb128it gives access to any platform team member09:40
mlankhorsthow do you join platform?09:41
tjaaltonseb128: that would work, but still needs some place to run the scripts09:41
tjaaltonand iirc it's quite heavy so probably needs to happen on a personal machine after all09:42
seb128tjaalton, well, p.c.c is the box running versions (the script building the page I just show) and most of the ubuntu-archive reports (sru, mir, installability, component mismatch, etc)09:42
seb128mlankhorst, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-ubuntu-platform ... you should be in there through desktop team?09:43
tjaaltonoh it works via sdo09:45
seb128tjaalton, right, "sudo -u platform -i" should work on the p.c.c box if you ssh to it09:45
mlankhorstif only I could remember my password there, heh09:46
tjaaltonpassword? you need an ssh key iirc09:46
seb128you don't have a password09:46
seb128what tjaalton said09:46
mlankhorstthe sudo command wants my password though09:46
tjaaltonnot here09:47
seb128weird, maybe you are not in the right group or something...09:47
mlankhorstI'll ask internally, thanks09:50
mlankhorstseb128: porting_team was required :)10:25
seb128mlankhorst, you were not in there?10:25
seb128weird, I though that was automatic10:25
mlankhorstapparently not!10:25
seb128you managed to be added?10:25
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tjaaltonoh bah, forgot UTC is -3h from EEST13:00
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah it's late for me too, I sleep early nowadays so I'm in bed at 22:00 normally :/13:04
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: for what sessions is tht an issue? xorg plans are in 2 hours and hybrid graphic is at the same time tomorrow13:07
tjaaltonactually hybrid is an hour earlier tomorrow13:11
tjaaltonwell they are best times available for me, can't complain anymore :)13:11
mlankhorstoh xorg moved?13:12
tjaaltonno, hybrid13:12
tjaaltonfirst it got cancelled due to a mistake, then we got a better (best) slot for it13:13
mlankhorstkind of weird to have xorg general and kernel lts stack in the same slot13:13
mlankhorstcan one be moved?13:13
tjaaltonthe kernel one is for cloud13:13
tjaaltonadded a few Mir bits to the xorg bp13:23
tjaaltonwell, questions13:23
mlankhorstI can't answer those, we'd need RAOF for that, not sure if he'll show up though13:23
tjaaltonthere are other folks from the team attending, it seems13:23
tjaaltonat least subscribed13:24
tjaaltonif nothing else, we'll just add the questions as work items :)13:24
mlankhorstSarvatt: join the uds hangout you slacker15:13
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