
SonikkuAmericaEGamerHDK: That's 62200:00
EGamerHDKSo umask 044 subtracts from 666?00:00
SonikkuAmericaEGamerHDK: It subtracts, but (I thought) from 77700:01
EGamerHDKSo how'd you get 622?00:01
EGamerHDKThat's what I'm confused about00:01
Dr_Willis_fir directories i think its differnt.00:01
Dr_Willis_vs for a file.00:02
SonikkuAmericar = 100; w = 10, x = 1. All in binary.00:02
SonikkuAmericaSet into user/group/all00:02
_thufir_is there some trick to installing SANE so that the samsung unified driver recognizes it?  It's installed, but the driver says no such luck:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/00:03
SonikkuAmericaEGamerHDK: (Also see above) So 622 = user read/write; group write-only; everyone write-only.00:03
SonikkuAmericaEGamerHDK: You're better off using chmod00:03
SonikkuAmericaDr_Willis_: Permissions for dirs are the same, but with x being the "list" bit.00:05
harrisi have a webcam that doesnt make linux drivers how can i make it work00:05
ubuntuI need help with ubuntu00:05
SonikkuAmerica!help | ubuntu00:05
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:05
ubuntusomeone call me pleae at 586-722-347300:06
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest63665
SonikkuAmericaGuest63665: Are you looking for support via Canonical or something...? We're the community support channel.00:06
SonikkuAmerica(Great, /quit)00:06
kb8wluneed help with ubuntu00:07
SonikkuAmericaharris: Well... what's your camera? Is it built-in? What else should we know?00:07
SonikkuAmerica!ask | kb8wlu00:07
ubottukb8wlu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:07
harrisSonikkuAmerica, it is a logitech model # V-UAP4200:07
ControlsfreekNetworkManager is having trouble connecting to my Wifi router. The only thing thats changed is running updates. Same issue on two different makes of laptop.00:07
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I stream my videos from HDD attached to my wireless router (asus rt-n66u) in my ubuntu 13.04?00:07
kb8wlui need help installing ubuntu 13.04 on win7 dual boot with two hard drives00:08
darthanubismojtaba, consult your router00:08
darthanubiskb8wlu, specifically?00:09
mojtabadarthanubis: There is no help there!00:09
darthanubismojtaba, thats too bad00:09
mojtabadarthanubis: The manual is very brief.00:09
darthanubismojtaba, how can ubuntu help?00:09
SonikkuAmericaharris: That just doesn't seem to be supported. Sorry.00:09
kb8wlurunning win7 on my 512gig ssd drive and a sata 80gig  i want to dual boot ubuntu on 80gig00:10
mojtabadarthanubis: I am asking, may be someone has been is such a situation before.00:10
darthanubiskb8wlu, do it. Put the cd/usb stick in and go00:10
jakempmy path seems to not be set properly upon isntalling 13.0400:10
darthanubismojtaba, I see. Then check the hdd manual?00:10
kb8wluI rather have somone give me a call and walk this thru with me00:11
darthanubismojtaba, can you even see the drive on your lan?00:11
=== bolosaur is now known as burbankboy
kb8wluit gets confusing with a newbie00:11
mojtabadarthanubis: I have access to it via ftp00:11
darthanubiskb8wlu, good luck getting a call. It is straight forward. Are you at least going to try?00:11
pulseproblemsStill experiencing issues with pavucontrol not being able to connect to pulseaudio, even after remove --purge and install00:12
kb8wluYea i can try  i am on right now the try cd before installing00:12
darthanubismojtaba, well, seems it can't be done unless it is a NAS?00:12
kb8wluso i do install and then what?00:12
darthanubiskb8wlu, there will be instructions in the install00:13
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:13
mojtabadarthanubis: It seems the router must have such capability.00:13
SvenOostenbrinkAny reason why apt-get install vim would do nothing? I hav a 12.04 here, no vim (command vim gives me not found ,try installing package vim, etc)... but nothing.. I've never seen this before00:13
kb8wluim using 13.04 version00:14
_thufir_how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/00:14
darthanubismojtaba, no. If it did you'd know. The device must have a means of sharing files.00:14
mojtabadarthanubis: It has.00:14
pulseproblemsI have just `apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio` and `apt-get install pulseaudio`, but pavucontrol and other pulseaudio tools are not able to connect to the pulseaudio server.  Any suggestions on how I can get this working?00:14
kb8wluit asking me install ubuntu alongside of them?00:14
darthanubismojtaba, via cif/smb or nfs00:14
darthanubiskb8wlu, that is for you to decide00:14
mojtabadarthanubis: I am not sure. How can I check that?00:15
kb8wlui want to install ubuntu on second hard drive not win7 hard drive00:15
darthanubiskb8wlu, you should READ the documentation so you are informed of your options. We can't walk you through an install with 1500 ppl in this channel.00:15
brian234wtf is up with the new ubuntu 13.04 shutdown menu, I can barely see it? Any way of  changing it?00:15
darthanubismojtaba, read the hdd docs00:15
kb8wluwalk me thtu it please00:15
mojtabadarthanubis: Ok, thanks00:15
kb8wluits so confusing00:16
SvenOostenbrinkapt-get install anything does nothing, only ends with the error E: The package virtualbox-4.2 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it... Anybody knows what this might be?00:16
SvenOostenbrinkOr, how to solve it?00:16
SvenOostenbrinkI see Reading state information... Done, then the error, and back to command line00:17
darthanubisSvenOostenbrink, you hosed something00:17
kb8wluor is somone could call me?00:17
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu: in the installer i use the 'somting  else...' item. then partion manually the 2nd hd.. a partiton for / and one for swap. and perhaps one for /home00:17
pulseproblemsSvenOostenbrink: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a && sudo apt-get install -f00:17
Bigsistamojtaba: http://forums.smallnetbuilder.com/showthread.php?t=1019300:17
darthanubiskb8wlu, really?00:17
kb8wluok dr willis00:17
pulseproblemsSonikkuAmerica: Still having issues, if you have any other suggestions00:17
SonikkuAmericapulseproblems: OK...00:17
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: I didn't :) A (fired because being drunk working on server) admin did this, I have to fix it :)00:17
mojtabaBigsista: Thanks for your help, I will take a look00:17
SvenOostenbrinkI wish I was kidding..00:18
SonikkuAmericapulseproblems: You have all the updates?00:18
SvenOostenbrinkanyway, trying..00:18
pulseproblemsAs far as I can tell, yes, SonikkuAmerica00:18
SonikkuAmericaSvenOostenbrink: If that doesn't work... you can mess with /etc/apt/sources.list00:18
darthanubisSvenOostenbrink, install synaptic00:19
SvenOostenbrinkI imagine he messed that up as well00:19
SvenOostenbrinkI got this server00:19
SvenOostenbrinkno root password, so had to reboot in admin mode00:19
kb8wlusomeone please help call me at 586-722-347300:19
SvenOostenbrinkrestarted server00:19
SvenOostenbrinkand got :Grub error : file not found00:19
SvenOostenbrinkef me...00:19
SvenOostenbrinkNow that thats fixed, I have this mess here :)00:19
darthanubiskb8wlu, do not do that00:20
SonikkuAmericapulseproblems: OK...00:20
mojtabaBigsista: Actually I have done this, the question is that, how can I stream a video on my ubuntu from that hard drive.00:20
carfxrGood eve. all00:20
mojtabaBigsista: I have access to that HDD via FTP.00:20
kb8wlui see my /dev/sda1 ntsf 80024mb do i sintall this on that one00:21
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: Select "Erase disk and install", then on the next screen you can select the hard disk you want to install Ubuntu on.00:21
SvenOostenbrinkWorse, this is a ubuntu 12.04 server.. with ubuntu desktop installed.. I see some error messages about shockwave flash comming by... I am not a happy man..00:22
kb8wluin this screen it doesnt give me an option to erase disk00:22
darthanubisSvenOostenbrink, purge ubuntu-desktop00:22
SonikkuAmericapulseproblems: See if this issue helps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150990/how-do-i-re-activate-pulseaudio00:22
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: I would love to, but cant do that just yet, who knows what this dude has setup to run on the desktop.. This thing is a bloody mess, gotta take it step by step..00:23
kb8wluim in the instullation type screnn00:23
=== derp is now known as Maple__
SvenOostenbrinkfirst gotta get apt working again00:23
carfxrI am using Ubuntu 13.04 and when I have an external monitor connected the system will hang, (no action other than Mouse movement) any ideas?00:23
=== Maple__ is now known as Maple___
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  thats not a 'second hard drive' thats a partion on your first hard drive00:24
darthanubisSvenOostenbrink, try the cmd then report the exact error. We need specifics, which you are short on00:24
SvenOostenbrinkWill do00:24
=== johnny is now known as Guest61992
kb8wluhow can i give you a screen shot of what i see?00:24
SvenOostenbrinkAt the moment I am already happy that I have OS again :)00:24
SvenOostenbrinkone sec00:24
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  i suggest you make backups of whates imporntant on your system first. befor trying anything. and perhaps play with ubuntu in virtualbox on windows if you want to experiment a bit first00:24
darthanubiskb8wlu, you should stop before you hose your windows install00:24
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: You can use the PrintScreen key, save the shot, and post it on Imagebin.00:24
=== IPfreely is now known as Guest84523
carfxrDart. was your response to me ?00:25
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5662969/00:25
Vinnie_winI did a sudo apt-get install git-core but I only got git 1.8.1.x how do I get the latest get (1.8.2.x?)00:26
kb8wluok i print screen how do i post it to chat00:26
Dr_Willis_Vinnie_win:  if its not in the repos.. use a ppa, or source00:26
=== Maple___ is now known as derp
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5662974/00:26
SonikkuAmerica!imagebin | kb8wlu, try this?00:26
ubottukb8wlu, try this?: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.00:26
Dr_Willis_no one ever reads what the bot says.. ;)00:27
SonikkuAmericaDr_Willis_: lolol00:27
BigsistaSvenOostenbrink: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree00:28
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: Bigsista: Gottit, dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq virtualbox-4.2 did the trick :)00:28
cheffedhave a question00:28
SvenOostenbrinkBigsista: I do not want flash installed at all, its a server.. its just that that, for some reason, its showing stuff about flash as well.. this server is one mess00:28
SvenOostenbrinknext problem fixed..00:29
cheffedin ubuntu i cant find Online Accounts, even when i use the search function. Am i missing something?00:29
cheffedim on 13.0400:29
kb8wluuploaded the screen shot00:29
darthanubischeffed, system settingss00:29
darthanubisits right there00:29
Dr_Willis_cheffed:  top right icon..  ;)00:29
cheffedits not there darth00:30
kb8wluhttp://imagebin.org/257566 help00:30
cheffedi swear00:30
cheffedso strange00:30
FloodBot1cheffed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
darthanubischeffed, fresh install?00:30
cheffedyes sir. plus updated00:30
kb8wludont know how to install this00:30
kb8wluneed someon that know what their doing00:31
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: Hit Quit, open the file manager and mount that hard drive.00:31
SvenOostenbrinkdarthanubis: Thanks for the input!00:31
waltermundttrying to build some custom packages with pbuilder, and pbuilder-satisfydepends is failing00:31
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  so is there anything on that sda1 that you want to keep?00:31
kb8wluOk dr wilis00:31
darthanubischeffed, the top row in system settings you have what exactly?00:32
waltermundtusing pbuilder --login and installing the dependencies it lists from within the chroot works00:32
darthanubisall on one line plz00:32
kb8wluhow do i open up the file mamanger00:32
BigsistaDr_Willis_: prolly hi win7 mbr00:32
Bigsistahi = his00:32
darthanubiskb8wlu, are you serious?00:32
waltermundttried to diagnose by running a hook, but it doesn't seem to attend to the HOOK_DIR/--hookdir option, and deletes the chroot even with --debug00:32
SonikkuAmericadarthanubis: Please don't.00:32
kb8wluim in file manager now what?00:33
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:    to be 'safest' you may want to power down the pc. Unplug the window hard drive.. that way it wont get touched.. then install to  the 80gb hd.. then plug the windows hd back in later00:33
cheffedappearance, brightness and lock, keyboard, language supp, myunity, privacy, ubuntu one, ubuntu tweak00:33
waltermundtany ideas for how to diagnose what's going on?00:33
SonikkuAmerica!caps | R44TW4NGNULL00:33
ubottuR44TW4NGNULL: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:33
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  its a little weird that you got windows on sdb.  but  it should still work fine.00:33
darthanubisSonikkuAmerica, don't what? help?00:33
kb8wluok dr wilis im doing that now thanks00:33
SonikkuAmericadarthanubis: Don't be discouraging. That is all.00:33
carfxrWhat is the proper format for asking for help here ?00:33
SonikkuAmericacarfxr: Just ask!00:33
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  and you are SURE theres nothing on that 80gb hd you want to keep.00:33
kb8wluwell like i said i dont know what the hell im doing00:34
cheffedany ideaś darth?00:34
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  perhaps you should educate your self first then.. or just use virtualbox for now00:34
kb8wluNo i want ubuntu to use the whole 80gig hard drive00:34
kb8wlui just want this setup right00:34
R44TW4NGNULLcan we use wifi in virtual box or vmware00:34
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  its a straight forward question.. IS there anything on that 80gb hd you want to keep? if not .. then  the instgaller  has an option to use all of the hd.00:34
R44TW4NGNULLany body knows00:35
kb8wluYes lets do that dr00:35
carfxrI am having a issue with 13,04, when I connect an external monitor the system will hang with onlu mouse movement00:35
_thufir_how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/00:35
R44TW4NGNULLabout wifi in00:35
darthanubisSonikkuAmerica, was trying to hep that person before you showed up. After the replies, I wonder, so I asked honestly. Trying to prevent them from giving out their personal information, and hosing their system. But you with the don't?00:35
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: What Dr_Willis_ said is: Turn off your machine, open your computer up and disconnect the hard drive that ISN'T the one you want to install Ubuntu onto. Then power back up and boot from the live media.00:35
SonikkuAmericadarthanubis: By don't I meant with the last one, not the whole personal info thing.00:36
cheffeddarth any suggestions?00:36
R44TW4NGNULLhay anyone knows about how can use wifi in vmware00:36
darthanubisThis person can't find the file manger but you think it is good advise to have them OPEN their BOX?00:36
BigsistaR44TW4NGNULL: if the host has a working wifi connection you can use it as briged nic in vmware00:36
kb8wlui have a 512ssd drive with windows 7 on it i will shut down computer and uplug  that hard drive00:36
kunjisorry, wrong window, lol00:36
Dr_Willis_darthanubis:  ive suggest using virtualbox several times...00:36
darthanubisI know you did Dr_Willis_00:36
kb8wludr willis can i call you on a phone?00:36
R44TW4NGNULLwhat  do u meaning of brodge connection bro00:36
carfxrI then have to reboot and all is well if I only ust the built in monitor.00:37
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  you need me to tell you how to unplug a hd?00:37
kb8wluNo dr00:37
phpnodehi all, i have a weird problem with a toshiba touch pad on 12.04, xinput list shows a SynPS2 touch pad, but it just doesn't work at all. i've checked that it's enabled using synclient and gconftool and it is, so i have no idea how to proceed, can anyone help me?00:37
cheffedopen case00:37
cheffedget screwdriver00:37
Dr_Willis_UNPLUG from wall first.. ;)00:37
SonikkuAmericadarthanubis: I mean, you're right, better safe than sorry and Internet privacy and all, but just... calm down. You're starting to sound rather upset.00:37
kb8wlubut i will have to go thru this chat download agagin00:37
R44TW4NGNULLbridge connection what will do in00:37
darthanubistotally not upset00:37
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  chat download? err.. theres a freenode web-chat site.00:37
BigsistaR44TW4NGNULL: check vmware network modes docs00:37
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: http://webchat.freenode.net00:38
kb8wlugive me 10min i will unplug other hard drive and try cd unbuntu agagion00:38
Dr_Willis_the installer has a 'use the whole hard drive' option i recall....00:38
Dr_Willis_if you only have the one hd.. well.. there ya go.00:38
SonikkuAmericaDr_Willis_: "Erase disk and install Ubuntu"00:38
kb8wluonce i shut this computer down how do i get back here easy instead of going thru the terminalshit agagin00:38
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  i have no idwa what you had to do in the terminal to get to irc.. there is the web irc chat. and  the im clients on the live cd can do irc.00:39
ramondid the new version of ubuntu been release already?00:39
cheffedlets try this again, good evening all! first time here, most certainly not noob to mIRC, within one day completely hooked to Linux, deleted windows instantly. Help me out here, i cant seem to find "Online accounts" under system settings, the feature simply isnt there, anybody has any fresh ideaś of where to get it? im currently on ubuntu 13.04 completely updated00:39
kb8wluI have two hard drives one using win7 and one for ubuntu00:39
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  perhaps watch some youtube videos on installing uuntu?00:39
darthanubisramon, 25 of last month00:39
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: Write this down and type it in your web browser as soon as you're done: http://webchat.freenode.net00:39
kb8wlui want to dual boot00:39
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
SonikkuAmericakb8wlu: Also write down the channel, #ubuntu00:40
Dr_Willis_kb8wlu:  unplug windows.. install ubuntu to other hd... make sure it works.. plug back in windows hd...00:40
ramondarthanubis, why i have not receive the upgrade in my updates?00:40
hernandezhola, como entro al canal ubuntu español?00:40
darthanubisramon, I have no idea as that is your system00:40
kb8wluOk Dr00:41
darthanubis!spanish } hernandez00:41
ubottudarthanubis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:41
kb8wlube back in few00:41
ramondarthanubis, is there a way to invocate the upgrade some how?00:41
cheffedHelp me out here, i cant seem to find "Online accounts" under system settings, the feature simply isnt there, anybody has any fresh ideaś of where to get it? im currently on ubuntu 13.04 completely updated00:41
SonikkuAmerica!es | hernandez00:41
ubottuhernandez: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:41
=== NotWug is now known as Wug
darthanubis!spanish | hernandez00:41
SonikkuAmericadarthanubis: Don't ask me why that doesn't work. :)00:41
kunjiaahh, sorry -_-, wrong one again00:41
kunjiclosing this out now, to prevent more mishaps00:41
carfxrdoes anybody have any ideas ?00:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:41
darthanubisramon, sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade00:42
cheffedHelp me out here, i cant seem to find "Online accounts" under system settings, the feature simply isnt there, anybody has any fresh ideaś of where to get it? im currently on ubuntu 13.04 completely updated00:42
darthanubisramon, what version you on 12.10?00:42
ramonDartellum, yes00:42
cheffedah uhm00:42
darthanubischeffed, still waiting for your answer00:42
Bigsistacheffed: install this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/account-plugins00:42
cheffedim so sorry00:43
darthanubisramon, read the 13.04 release notes to upgrade00:43
cheffedim on 12.0400:43
cheffedshit i was under the impression to have been on the latest00:43
cheffedi just checked00:43
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:43
cheffedsorry bro00:43
cheffedmy mistake00:43
ramondarthanubis, what you talking about?...lol00:44
=== derp is now known as Maple____
darthanubischeffed, this place is like church :-P00:44
cheffedwhat did i swear?00:44
=== Maple____ is now known as derp
darthanubisramon, what do you think?00:44
SonikkuAmericaThe Church of Ubuntu... worship 24/7/36500:44
cheffeddeep uptmost respect for you people explaining others how to dual boot and such...00:45
darthanubischeffed, trying00:45
cheffedwhich is even for me, peanuts00:45
cheffedbtw, have people found out google?00:45
SonikkuAmericacheffed: That's the exception in most cases.00:45
SonikkuAmericaThere is a !google bot command..00:45
cheffedseems you can find a great deal of information there00:45
savagecroci need to blacklist ips that attempt to do hack attempts.. any recommendations as to what software00:45
darthanubischeffed, for work I have to explain to grandmothers who to work remote controls. I learned patience and detachment.00:45
darthanubissavagecroc, snort00:46
Dr_Willis_savagecroc:  fail2ban  is commonly used.. and logwatch to monitor stuff00:46
savagecrocdarthanubis: not what i had in mind00:46
savagecrocdr_willas: excellent00:46
cheffedfor work im a perfectionist and dont make friends for a living in the kitchen00:46
Bigsistasavagecroc: fail2ban if you have log patterns00:46
cheffedim hooked on ubuntu right now00:46
savagecrocBigsista: is there anyway i can hook into this architecture to ban them based on application logic?00:46
Ari-Yanghi, I have a question, not sure if it has any relation to ubuntu. I've noticed this odd white line on the far left of my screen. It isn't long, rather short, it isn't completely straight, it's like a jagged line. Anybody have an idea on what it is and how I can fix it?00:47
Ari-Yang(I'm on ubuntu 12.10)00:47
Bigsistasavagecroc: fail2ban scane logs for regex patterns00:47
somsipsavagecroc: if you can get the app to write to a log, Fail2Ban scans all logs for patterns you want to activate a IP block for00:47
cheffedi do have one more questions00:47
Dr_Willis_savagecroc:  how are they trying to connect?00:47
SonikkuAmericaAri-Yang: What output screen type (TV, monitor, etc.) are you using?00:47
somsips/all/all nominated/00:47
cheffedis thre some easy way to upgrade to 13.04?00:47
savagecrocDr_Willis_: ah it's website hacks00:48
=== Ien is now known as Ienpw_III
darthanubischeffed, yes00:48
savagecrocbut they go on for hours and trigger a million error emails00:48
Ari-YangSonikkuAmerica, it's my laptop screen.00:48
carfxrari, can you put up a screenshot ?00:48
Dr_Willis_savagecroc: what?  they are trying to connect to what service? your mail server?00:48
savagecrocDr_Willis_: http00:48
SonikkuAmericaAri-Yang: Hmmm... what kind of laptop?00:48
Bigsistasavagecroc: one access_log or many?00:48
savagecrocBigsista: many00:49
Ari-Yang@ SonikkuAmerica laptop isn't hooked up to any monitor with HDMI. The white line is on my laptop screen o:00:49
Dr_Willis_savagecroc:  so they are just connecting to random/invalid web pages on your web server?00:49
savagecrocDr_Willis_: not just invalid ones.. they find forms on the sites and the post malformed http requests00:49
Bigsistasavagecroc: what are thy doing?00:49
SonikkuAmericaAri-Yang: Is it there only during certain times, when certain apps are up, etc?00:49
Ari-Yang@ SonikkuAmerica dell inspiron n5010 i3 laptop00:49
Ari-Yangit's there all the time00:50
Ari-Yangwhenever the laptop is turned on00:50
Bigsistasavagecroc: the proper way would be mod_security. but it's a pain to confugure00:50
savagecrocBigsista: looks like a spider going through the site, picks up every url, picks up every form.. then smashes every single one with malformed packets, malformed urls.. etc00:50
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, does it appear in a screenshot?00:50
savagecrocbigsista: using nginx00:50
SonikkuAmericaAri-Yang: When it boots up?00:50
Bigsistasavagecroc: ok back to fail2ban00:51
madsailorAri-Yang,  post a screenshot as carfxr suggested.  If we see your white line, it may be software.  If we don't it's your laptop screen itself ;)00:51
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two what do you mean screen shot? I'm not really sure, I wouldn't think so. @ SonikkuAmerica yes, when the laptop is off you don't see any white line at all, it's there when it boots up. like you can see it before I login to my user on ubuntu00:51
Bigsistasavagecroc: botnet or many connects from one ip?00:52
savagecrocthis one was single ip00:52
SonikkuAmericaAri-Yang: If it's a hardware problem the line won't appear in a screenshot.00:52
savagecrocother one was from multiple00:52
MrokiiHello. I have a problem with Thunderbird after having installed it on a fresh Ubuntu installation. I copied over the ".thunderbird"-folder but for some reason the main messages-window doesn't show any messages for my main Email-account.00:52
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, hit the print screen button on your keyboard. It should create an image00:52
Ari-Yangokay, I'll take a screen shot of my desktop, then use a picture editing program do circle the area where the line is00:52
Ari-Yangthat sound good?00:52
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, yes00:53
Ari-Yangokay, give me a moment00:53
=== Wug is now known as NotWug
Bigsistasavagecroc: go for fail2ban. we started kicking out chinese, russian and brailian bots about two years ago00:53
=== NotWug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
_thufir_how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/00:53
savagecrocBigsista: ok :)00:54
Bigsistasavagecroc: just find a godd pattern, set kick to 5 posts in 5 seconds and ban them for at least 24 hours00:54
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
amarcolinoHi, does anyone know how or if it is possible to search the files inside a directory for a specific word?00:55
Dr_Willis_amarcolino:  grep searches text files for patterns IN the files00:55
Seven_Six_Twoamarcolino, yes, it's possible. I'm not sure how, but I would imagine that you would use grep, maybe egrep00:55
somsipamarcolino: grep -r -i word /path00:56
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two there is no need to u/l the image, when I opened up the screen shot in gimp, I don't see the white line in it00:57
ramonwow there is already a 13.10 version to be test it?00:57
Ari-Yangso it's hardware...00:57
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, yes. Likely dead pixels, or a damaged vga cable.00:57
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, also possibly loose connector?00:57
Ari-YangI wonder if it can be fixed00:58
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, sometimes pixels can get stuck.00:58
Ari-Yangany way to get them unstuck?00:58
=== TekkBuzz is now known as tekkbuzz
amarcolinosomsip, thanks that works :D01:00
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, massage the screen; rapidly cycle colors on screen; disassemble laptop and reassemble; replace screen.01:00
carfxrI have actually had a dead pixel that was fixed by gently massaging the area.01:02
pauldr wilis you their01:02
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, http://www.whitecitysoft.com/sx/screenfix/01:02
Dr_Willis_paul:  in and out. ;)01:02
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two what will that site do?01:02
pauldr wilis im back installed Ubuntu on my 80 gig hard drive now when i plug ssd 512 hard drive in will it ask me what i wanna to boot to?01:03
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, cycle colors01:03
carfxrI suggest using a very soft cloth01:03
Ari-Yangah, it won't damage the screen, will it?01:03
Seven_Six_Twodon't push too hard01:03
Dr_Willis_paul:  you will need to boot to ubuntu with the hd pluged in and do a 'sudo update-grub' and it should add windows to the grub menu.01:03
Dr_Willis_paul:  OR you use the bios features of the pc to boot the windows hd directly01:03
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, no, it won't hurt at all01:03
Ari-Yangokay, I'll try it, but I doubt it would work..01:04
Dr_Willis_paul:  you will want to set the pc to boot the 80gb hd. not the ssd01:04
paulok so let me shut down and plug other hard drive in and be back here in 10 min01:04
carfxrThe one I had was right in the center of the screen and I used a new lens cleaning cloth and gently rubbed the area until it was gone.01:04
pauli will be back so give me the commands when i come back01:04
veryhappydoes someone  of you know how to set ibus to start manually not automatically? i have anthy installed but now it automatically starts with my desktop session probably it's also just anthy that disturbs me, cause auto-completion hotkeys don't work when i have to press ctrl and space in eclipse but it's also set in anthy.01:05
Bigsistaanyone using zentyal 3 in a production environment? i'm testing it for a project.01:05
paulssd hard drive has win7 on it01:05
Dr_Willis_paul:  so you either tell the bios what HD to boot dependoing on what OS you want.. or boot to ubuntu and use grub to select what OS to boot to01:05
pauli want the grub to select01:06
Dr_Willis_so as i said then.. you set the PC to boot the Linux Hard drive by default01:06
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two no luck =/ Thanks for the help & suggestions though.01:06
paulwil grub give me an option on the screen to dual boot?01:07
Dr_Willis_Dr_Willi+| paul:  you will need to boot to ubuntu with the hd pluged in and do a 'sudo01:07
Dr_Willis_         | update-grub' and it should add windows to the grub menu.01:07
veryhappypaul: i'd also recommend you to use UUID's instead of /dev/sdx names, that's better not to confuse the pc when you next time boot with a usb stick in your computer01:07
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, did you already try massaging the area?01:07
Ari-Yangyeah, that didn't do anything01:07
Ari-Yangnot sure how long I should do it01:07
veryhappypaul: yes it'll give you a possibility to choose what operating system you want to start01:07
paulNot using a usb stick01:07
Ari-Yangand if I would see a change right away01:07
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, did your screen discolor around where you were rubbing?01:08
paulOk let me go plug the ssd hard drive in and come back here dr willis01:08
Seven_Six_Twowhile you were pressing?01:08
veryhappypaul, i mean sometimes you just have a data usb stick plugged in and your computer could be confused then01:08
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two discolor? what do you mean? the whole screen loosing color/the area where the white line is? no, not at all01:08
paulBe back soon01:08
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, no, when you press on an lcd monitor, there should be discoloration around where you press.01:09
Shrapso, if anyone is available to help, i have some major wireless issues.  major as in attempting to connect is DoS'ing my wireless network01:09
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two the thing is, like if I'm on a web page and the background color is black, the white line is there but it sort of takes on the black color. oh that's what you mean01:09
veryhappyShrap: why would you want to DoS your wireless network?01:09
Shrapi dont, believe me xD01:09
Shrapi just want my laptop to connect and co-exist with my other wireless devices01:10
veryhappyShrap: what did you get for problems with your wireless network?01:10
Shrapessentially what happens is, i connect to the network and it looks like it's just trying to auth over and over and over01:10
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two well I pressed on the white line, and naturally there will be discoloration as I press it01:11
veryhappyShrap: is there anyone who could possibly use your frequency?01:11
Ari-Yangline is still there01:11
Shrapas in wifi channel?01:11
veryhappyShrap: yes.01:11
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, that's too bad. next step is disassembly.01:11
Ari-Yangnot sure what I'd do if I disassemble it01:12
Shrapconsidereing there are about... 5-6 other devices on the network, probably01:12
Ari-Yangor what I am suppose to do01:12
Dr_Willis_Ari-Yang:  :) check cables for loosness/unplug/plug them back in.. or just deal with the line...01:12
Ari-Yangwell, at least the white line isn't noticeable, I could live with it01:12
Kb8wludr willis i plugged the win7 ssd sata drive into motherboard but it booted staight to ubuntu i need the commands for grub to give me an option01:12
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, put it back together again. The point would be to ensure that display related connectors are seated firmly.01:12
Dr_Willis_paul:  you will need to boot to ubuntu with the hd pluged in and do a 'sudo update-grub' and it should add windows to the grub menu.01:12
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, you could also buy another cable for the screen and test it while it's apart.01:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:13
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  'sudo update-grub'01:13
Shrapveryhappy, is there a log i can look at that shows the wireless connection process?  only place i know to look is /var/log01:13
veryhappyShrap: you might have the same channel as a few other ones01:13
Kb8wludoing that now01:13
Seven_Six_TwoAri-Yang, do you have any friends who are slightly nerdier than you? They might be able to do it for you.01:13
Shrapalso it's a broadcom chipset01:13
carfxrOne last request, I am having a problem with 13.04 when I connect an external monitor the system will hang with no action, only has Mouse movement. I then have to use the power button to reboot the system and if I only use the built in monitor all is okay. Anybody have any ideas ?01:13
veryhappyShrap: what does iwconfig say there has to be some more informations about your network state over wifi01:13
yesmanis it easy to install ubuntu when I use ati radeon card?01:14
Ari-Yang@ Seven_Six_Two lol not really, it isn't a big deal though.01:14
yesmancan it work out of box?01:14
Shrapmode : managed, AP: not assoc, retry long limit : 7, RTS thr: off, frag thr: off01:14
l_ri d like to know if there is  a  place for making non-ubuntu repos avaiable to the public01:15
veryhappyShrap: please use next time a pastebin (pastebin.org) site in order not to get kicked you know, due to spamming01:15
Shrapwhoops, sorry01:15
l_rsuppose you have your repos and want people know about that01:15
Seven_Six_Twol_r, launchpad01:15
veryhappyShrap: the informations don't say me something01:15
brent_arnoldCan someone please recommend either 12 or 13 for best ultrabook support?01:15
Seven_Six_Twol_r, or github01:15
brent_arnoldSpecifically the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 1301:15
l_rSeven_Six_Two, is it good for what i said?01:15
Kb8wlupaul@paul-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo update-grub01:15
Kb8wlu[sudo] password for paul:01:15
Kb8wlu]Sorry, try again.01:15
Kb8wlu[sudo] password for paul:01:15
Kb8wluSorry, try again.01:15
Kb8wlu[sudo] password for paul:01:16
FloodBot1Kb8wlu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:16
Kb8wluGenerating grub.cfg ...01:16
l_rSeven_Six_Two,  i am taling about repos with debs01:16
Bigsistal_r opensuse build service01:16
Seven_Six_Twol_r, yes, you can have a ppa on launchpad01:16
veryhappyShrap: what could we possibly do, over which computer are you connected right now?01:16
Kb8wluIt says it done in terminal01:16
l_rBigsista, but opensuse isnt for suse?01:16
Shrapi'm on my Win8 desktop01:16
brent_arnoldDo you guys recommend version 12 or 13 for ultrabook support?01:16
Bigsistal_r: they also have centos and ubuntu repos there01:17
Kb8wlushould i reboot and see if it gives a me a dual boot option?01:17
Seven_Six_Twobrent_arnold, probably 12.0401:17
Ari-Yangbrent_arnold, it's up to you01:17
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  your grub menu should now be updated....01:17
veryhappyok, well there are way too less information as i could help you right now. of course we first have to find out why it doesn't work.01:17
l_rBigsista, oh nice...do you have a specific link?01:17
Kb8wluok let me reboot and try it dr willis01:17
Ari-Yangbrent_arnold, 12.04 is long time support, 12.10 has updates and what not, 13.04 is well...  new01:17
veryhappyShrap: what program are you using to connect your computer/notebook to the wifi network?01:17
Shrapveryhappy, of course..a verbose connection log would be amazing, woudlnt it lol01:17
veryhappyShrap: indeed.01:17
brent_arnoldSo, what decides if a build is going to be long term supported?01:18
Shrapveryhappy, whatever the gui calls.  im not doing it via cli01:18
Seven_Six_Twol_r !ppa01:18
Shrapveryhappy, sorry, v12.0401:18
veryhappyubuntu 12.04 then01:18
darthanubisbrent_arnold, 13.04,13.04,14.04 etc see the pattern?01:18
veryhappygot you01:18
Seven_Six_Two!ppa l_r01:18
veryhappyShrap: kde or gnome or something else?01:18
l_rit does not work01:18
johnjohn1011i was having really slow internet access and installed WICD on 12.04.  What is the problem with network manager?01:19
Ari-Yangdarthanubis, you said 13.04 twice :b01:19
Seven_Six_Twoubottu, !ppa01:19
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:19
brent_arnolddarthanubis, yes, I see the pattern, however what actually decides that 12.04 was going to be long term supported and the build after it isn't01:19
Shrapveryhappy, stock, so...01:19
brent_arnoldOr has the build just not been out enough to decide if it's going to be long term supported01:19
Dr_Willis_johnjohn1011:  ive neer heard of wicd being faster or slower then network manager.. both are front ends to the various network config cli tools as far as i know01:19
Bigsistal_r: https://build.opensuse.org/ or https://launchpad.net/01:19
Shrapveryhappy, definitely not KDE, just looks like gnome with some extra shiny bits01:19
Dr_Willis_johnjohn1011:  unless its using a differnt dns server, or some setting.01:19
darthanubisbrent_arnold, thought you saw the pattern. The next release after 12.04 was 12.10. Not 13.04 another LTR.01:20
johnjohn1011dr_willis_:  I will check that.  the speed different is amazing01:20
darthanubisreally simple01:20
veryhappyShrap: ok, got you. so it doesn't do anything when you try to connect?01:20
Dr_Willis_brent_arnold:  LTS's are only released every so often.. 2 yrs.. i recall..01:20
brent_arnoldOkay thanks01:20
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)01:20
seronisdarthanubis,   13.04 isnt lts01:20
seronislts is every 2 years01:20
Dr_Willis_14.04 will be the next LTS release01:21
Shrapveryhappy, the little wireless icon in the top right flashes repeatedly like it's starting the connection process.  if i let it go for long enough it interrupts all wireless traffic on the network01:21
Seven_Six_Twothat's why I said 12.0401:21
darthanubiswhen did that paradigm change?01:21
seronis10.04 was the previous lts01:21
Dr_Willis_been every 2 years for the last few years as far as i know..01:21
veryhappyShrap: do you know the ip range of the network?01:21
Ari-Yangbrent_arnold, if you don't care about LTS, and this laptop is just to have ubuntu on it, put 12.10 on it01:21
Dr_Willis_10.04, 12.04 , 14.0401:21
Shrapveryhappy, i do indeed, it's my home network which i control01:21
Ari-Yangbut ifyou're going to be updating, and care about lts, go with 12.0401:21
brent_arnoldIt's going to be a dual boot W8/Ubuntu01:22
darthanubisDr_Willis_, that shows how long I've been using Ubuntu01:22
brent_arnoldI tried Fedora 18 but never could find any Wifi support or driver for it01:22
Ari-Yang@ brent_arnold then maybe 12.10, will you care about updating ubuntu version?01:22
Seven_Six_Twobrent_arnold, it's brand new? You could try 13.0401:22
Dr_Willis_for very new hardware. you might want to use the latest release of ubuntu..  the 12.04 release might not work as well as it could on 'very new' hardware01:22
veryhappyShrap: very good. let's say perhaps he wants to connect but there's no running dhcp server then you'd have to set your ip address manually and see if there's any success to get in, got me?01:22
Ari-Yang@ brent_arnold 13.04 I think is a bit buggy01:22
Ari-YangI say go for 12.1001:22
darthanubisDr_Willis_, I remember you from when I started asking questions here. You were helpful then and now. Nice to see you still at it. hat off to you.01:22
Dr_Willis_every release is a bit buggy when it first comes out...01:22
Shrapveryhappy, right, i could set a static ip, but there is a dhcp server, unless it's not requesting an IP properly01:23
brent_arnoldI did a 13.04, specifically kernels 3.6, 3.8, and 3.10, and none of them had wifi support for my hardware01:23
Ari-Yangand brent_arnold may not want to deal with bugs01:23
veryhappyguys, why not 12.04 it's a lts version01:23
* Ari-Yang shrugs01:23
brent_arnoldSo I'm sure there's going to be a driver search for it all.01:23
Dr_Willis_ive had very few issues with 13.0401:23
brent_arnoldWhat I mean is, I did live iso's of them each, and none of them had the native support for it01:23
veryhappyShrap: first try to connect, then we have a much better chance to find out what's going on01:23
Ari-Yangbrent_arnold, I installed 12.10 while being hooked up to ethernet, so it d/led the wifi drivers for me01:23
brent_arnoldAri-Yang: the Yoga 13 has no hardwire Ethernet.01:24
Bigsistabrent_arnold: what model is it?01:24
Shrapveryhappy, you mean with static ip?01:24
veryhappyShrap: yes.01:24
Ari-Yangwell I was able to find the wifi driver easily for 12.0401:24
brent_arnoldBigsista: It is a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 1301:24
Ari-Yangand it's probably easy to find the wifi driver for 12.10, and probably 13.04 too01:24
Dr_Willis_for wifi. i find it worth while to find a cheap usb wifi dongle that works out of the box. :) that way if i install to a laptop that needs other wifi drivers. I plug in that  dongle. and then grab the drivers for the other wifi card.01:24
Shrapveryhappy, i wont lie, i forget how to do that.  also it looks as though it may be trying to force ipv6 on this interface01:24
Dr_Willis_easier then running a wire. ;P01:24
l_rBigsista, basically i could also use opensuse.build for building my debs locally, that's nice01:24
brent_arnoldYeah that's probably true, I will try these things.01:24
brent_arnoldThankyou all, will be back.01:24
veryhappyShrap: that might be another problem you know how ipv6 is built up in difference to ipv4 and the router might not support that.01:25
brent_arnoldOne last question, and I know this is one of complete preference, but...01:25
brent_arnoldWith a tablet what flavor would you guys recommend?01:25
Shrapveryhappy, correct, 2 separate stacks.01:25
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: What kind of tablet is it?01:25
darthanubisbrent_arnold, Jelly bean01:26
brent_arnoldIt's an ultrabook, a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 1301:26
Shrapveryhappy, so how do i set a static ipv4 on, in my case, eth201:26
brent_arnoldNever even heard of JB01:26
linux_hey hey01:26
Seven_Six_TwoShrap, make an entry in /etc/network/interfaces01:26
Ari-Yang@ brent_arnold http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history#Android_4.2_Jelly_Bean_.28API_level_17.2901:26
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Remind me what kind of touch screen IdeaPad has.01:27
veryhappySeven_Six_Two: thanks buddy for helping me out01:27
llakeyI'm running Ubuntu Server 12.10 on EC2. When I run the command "hostname -f" I get a result which includes the search domain us-west-1.compute.internal. I see this value in /etc/resolv.conf. I want to remove this value. I don't see this value anywhere in /etc/network/interfaces. Where is this coming from and how do I remove it?01:27
Shrapveryhappy, what would this entry look like01:27
brent_arnoldIt's just a 13" IPS touch screen, I'm uneducated on the specific products past that01:27
veryhappyShrap: hold on01:27
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: You might wish to try Kubuntu Active.01:27
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Does it have a special pen?01:27
=== linux_ is now known as BrianMc
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Or do you use your finger?01:28
=== BrianMc is now known as BrianMc-linux
SonikkuAmericaKubuntu Active.01:28
veryhappyShrap: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/01:28
brent_arnoldI also use my... finger.01:28
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Kubuntu Active now, or Ubuntu 14.04 when it comes out.01:28
Seven_Six_Twollakey, that's probably from your pppoe dialer01:28
brent_arnoldSweet, thanks.01:28
Seven_Six_Twollakey, or from your dhcp request01:28
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Both will be touch-oriented.01:28
veryhappyShrap: 1st Section01:28
Bigsistabrent_arnold: this thread might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1911972&page=801:29
brent_arnoldkubuntu 12 or 13?01:29
Shrapveryhappy, ok i'll give it a shot, one sec01:29
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: Kubuntu ACTIVE 13.04 should be stable. It uses Plasma Active, but it's Kubuntu nonetheless01:29
BrianMc-linuxI'd like to ask a question if I may01:29
SonikkuAmerica!ask | BrianMc-linux01:29
ubottuBrianMc-linux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:29
goddardBrianMc-linux: you may01:30
brent_arnoldThanks thanks, nice find Bigsista01:30
llakeySeven_Six_Two: thanks. ok. so my dhcp request could be returning a search domain. that makes sense. can i remove it somehow other than removing it from resolv.conf? my understanding is that on Ubuntu it's improper to edit resolv.conf01:30
BrianMc-linuxim running the linux-lite 1.06 and using a radeon hd 657001:30
Shrapveryhappy, no luck, still has the same behavior01:31
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
BrianMc-linuxI can install the driver with no problem, but its installed and I relog my monitor displays " input not available"01:31
brent_arnoldFor some reason I can only find kubuntu active in i38601:32
BrianMc-linuxfor my radeon. I should have said that01:32
megamanx1978I am having issues with smc and spiral knights can someone help me get those games working?01:32
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: There isn't a 64-bit version that I know of.01:32
veryhappyShrap: try iwlist scan eth201:32
Shrapveryhappy, so, another issue.  since i slipped into my cisco IOS habits, after saving the /etc/network/interfaces modifications i did ifconfig eth2 down and then up01:32
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: But it should work fine regardless...01:33
Shrapveryhappy, and now the iface doesnt show up on ifconfig01:33
veryhappyShrap: sorry, it's supposed to be iwlist scan01:33
SonikkuAmericabrent_arnold: You might ask about it in #kubuntu01:33
veryhappyShrap: then you should get some informations about the networks01:33
Shrapveryhappy, nevermind, it's showing in iwconfig01:34
veryhappyShrap: ok.01:34
veryhappyShrap: do you have only wireless network connected right now?01:34
Seven_Six_Twollakey, I believe that you should look in to modifying the dhclient.conf01:34
Shrapveryhappy, my desktop is also connected through wireless so i cant really bombard the network with bad traffic, otehrwise i wont be able to troubleshoot with you01:35
l_rSeven_Six_Two, ppa 's seem to start from sources01:35
Kb8wluwow somthing weird is happening on dual boot01:35
veryhappyShrap: no that's not what you shall do.01:35
megamanx1978Secret maryo chronicles wont start01:35
l_rSeven_Six_Two, i already have my debs built , no sources can be made avaiable01:35
veryhappyShrap: can you try a dhcp request on there?01:35
Shrapveryhappy, on where01:36
Kb8wludr willis01:36
l_rSeven_Six_Two, is ppa still good?01:36
llakeySeven_Six_Two: thanks. i'll check it out01:36
veryhappyShrap: go into a terminal and type sudo dhclient01:36
Kb8wluhow do i uninstall ubuntu 13.04?01:37
megamanx1978And I think I may be missing some java packages for spiral knights but I am not sure which ones01:37
Shrapveryhappy, ok now what? im not sure what sending a dhcp request will do if i'm not on the network01:37
veryhappyKb8wlu: you have to install another operating system01:37
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  perhaps you should be giving us details as to the problem and try to fix the problem?01:38
veryhappyShrap: well, it could have been that the system doesn't connect completely but it's already in the network and so you just don't get an information about the connection01:38
Kb8wluverry happy  i have win7 installed on second hard drive but somthing crazy01:38
Shrapveryhappy, no, i disconnect from the network when it fails to connect, otherwise my whole network goes down.01:39
veryhappyKb8wlu: you can't easily remove another operating system, what are you planning to do?01:39
Dr_Willis_since linux is on a seperate hd.. you just repartion/reformat that hd...01:39
Kb8wluit comes up grub with two windows 7 grub files and when i click on them it wont go to windows 701:39
veryhappyShrap: got you.01:39
exadubuntu just crashed on me :(01:39
Seven_Six_Twol_r, sorry, not sure but I think you might need sources for ppa01:39
Kb8wluwonder if i have to install windo 7 agagin01:39
veryhappyKb8wlu: then you have to correct your grub.conf in linux01:39
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  - You CAN use the bios features to boot the windows hd directly if you wanted to01:39
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  thats sort of a good reason to keep things on 2 seperate hds01:40
Dr_Willis_the linuix install should not have TOUCHED the windows install at all01:40
Kb8wluYes i can but rather use grub how do i edit grub boot01:40
Dr_Willis_!fixgrub | Kb8wlu01:40
ubottuKb8wlu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:40
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  if reinstalling grub.. be sure it installs to your linux hd. 'sda' in your case01:41
=== Geek_Juice is now known as Bryanstein
Bluewolf1257Yo doctor, I'm back again for more Broadcam trouble01:41
Dr_Willis_I just use my pcs bios features most of the time..  i have several hds01:41
Kb8wluwillis how do i do that?01:41
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  do what....01:41
Kb8wluhow do i clear the grub file and then update grub agagin01:42
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  read the url the bot gave for restoreing grub..01:42
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  the boot-repair tool is very handy01:42
Kb8wluok thanks01:42
icedwaterHi, how do I get gnome-screensaver to lock the screen properly in 12.04.2?01:42
BrianMc-linux!ask I'm running Linux-Lite 1.06, After I install driver for radeon 6570, reboot, then my monitor cant display anything01:42
ubottuBrianMc-linux: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:42
* Dr_Willis_ wonders why everyone ignores the bot..01:42
BrianMc-linuxI didnt ignore, I gave it a hug. lol01:43
Kb8wluthanks for all yoru help willis01:43
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  or just start using ubuntu for a week or 2 and then learn how to mess with grub.. you may find yourself rarely using windows...01:44
veryhappyDr_Willis_: perhaps because the bot should write a private message to the guest in order to be noticeable01:44
yofuncan anyone tell me whats wrong here? http://pastebin.com/nH9FNysL01:44
wilee-nilee!cookie > veryhappy01:44
ubottuveryhappy, please see my private message01:44
Dr_Willis_veryhappy:  i find that gets ignreoed also.. ;) or they go 'what private message?' :P01:44
yesmanpizza P01:44
Kb8wluthats true willis01:44
Shrapveryhappy, any ideas? i'm still stuck01:45
veryhappywilee-nilee: thank you01:45
* Dr_Willis_ goes back to trying to figure out how these other guys manage to reencode cartoons to be so small in filesize.. with the same codec/settings...01:45
Kb8wluOr just buy me a 200 laptop and just install ubunto on that and leavemy desktop with just windows01:45
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  ive ran ubuntu from a 8gb usb flash drive befor..01:45
veryhappyDr_Willis_: could be, but more noticeable how i find01:45
Kb8wluNice willis01:46
wilee-nileeveryhappy, heh,01:46
Bluewolf1257Dr_Willis_ Fun times haha01:46
veryhappyShrap: i'm sorry. i just don't know why you don't get in.01:46
Kb8wluits to difficult to run both on a single desktop01:46
veryhappyKb8wlu: you should get yourself a display manager01:46
Dr_Willis_my desktop has a F8  (or F9) i hit when it boots up. thats lets me pick the os.. or i use grub.. its not difficlult Kb8wlu01:46
Bluewolf1257Or laptop. I have to use windows to trouble shoot till my wifi works... and the reason I need my wifi to work is to get wifi...01:46
BrianMc-linuxI'm running Linux-Lite 1.06, After I install driver for radeon 6570, reboot, then my monitor cant display anything01:47
veryhappyBluewolf1257: what do you have for a problem with your wifi?01:47
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  and its been suggested several times that you can try out ubuntu in virtualbox.01:47
Kb8wluis it normal to have downloads 28min to download boot  repair  iso01:47
Bluewolf1257Typical broadcam driver, but being a newbie, I only have a general understanding.01:47
Bluewolf1257I've managed to get it down to 8 error lines instead of 64 haha01:47
Bluewolf1257@Kb8wlu Yeah01:48
utfans05Kb8wlu: try grabbing it from a different site. the website may be under a heavy load right now01:48
SonikkuAmericaBluewolf1257: Wait a second... your Broadcom doesn't work with b43 or b43-lpphy?01:48
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  what are you downloading exactly?01:48
Kb8wluim downloading boot repair disk .iso01:49
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  you dont need the ISO. you can Install boot-repair on your ubuntu install.01:49
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  that iso file is HANDY to have however.01:49
Dr_Willis_it can make a nice repair boot cd01:49
Kb8wluok willis how do i do that?01:49
Bluewolf1257SonikkuAmerica wut?01:49
Kb8wluYou mean thru the terminal01:50
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, i'm also having broadcom issues01:50
veryhappySonikkuAmerica: he's just a beginner :D01:50
=== Aww is now known as Lilly
SonikkuAmericaBluewolf1257, Shrap: Both of you do [ lspci ] in an Ubuntu terminal.01:50
SonikkuAmerica(If you can)01:50
Shraplspci -k returns my wifi adapter using wl01:50
veryhappyShrap: SonikkuAmerica Bluewolf1257 i don't know how to help, thanks if you can help them out, i'm lost01:50
dank101i divided by 001:51
Kb8wluwillis in ubuntu its showing me my windows 7 hard drive  with 512 is that normal01:51
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, driver in use: wl01:51
SonikkuAmericaveryhappy: I can; I've run into this issue before.01:51
SonikkuAmericaShrap: Is wl not working?01:51
veryhappySonikkuAmerica: thank you01:51
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/boot-repair01:51
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  windows may have a recovery hd partion, and a normal partion for the actual os.01:51
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  you may need to try all the partions to figure out what one you need to boot with grub01:52
Bluewulf1257Sorry guys, it crashed01:52
Kb8wluand when i was in win7 its shows a e: drive01:52
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf1257: What did?01:52
Bluewulf1257What was said while I was gone (my client)01:52
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, well im not sure what veryhappy had me do earlier but im a little worse off now.  cant manage my wifi through the gui.  but the issue is when i try to connect to my network, it fails to connect and keeps retrying, somehow flooding the network and essentially DoS'ing my network01:52
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf1257: In Ubuntu, run [ lspci ] in a terminal.01:52
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  no idea what you mean about the e: drive01:52
Bluewulf1257SonikkuAmerica, I'm having trouble with certain files needed for broadcam being missing01:52
Dr_Willis_if your windows install was on an e: drive.. that is.. weird...01:52
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf1257: Do you have another machine?01:52
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf1257: If not, I'll just direct you to the Web page.01:53
Bluewulf1257Sonikku, I can't at the moment. :/ I'm on windows doing essential work01:53
veryhappyShrap: sorry for confusing you earlier01:53
Dr_Willis_your whold setup was a little odd Kb8wlu  - your windows install was on sdb. normally its on sda.    i would guess you swapped hds around somehow in the past.01:53
Shrapveryhappy, no worries mate, im just not sure what i broke hehe01:53
Kb8wluIs it possible that when i tried to install yesterday that i have may installed a linux  partition on my win7 hard drive by mistake and that why i am having boot problems01:53
Bluewulf1257SonikkuAmerica I can't at the moment01:53
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  you rscreen shot earlier showed no linux partions01:54
SonikkuAmericaShrap, Bluewulf1257: You both should check this page: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4301:54
=== linux_ is now known as Brian_M_LL
Kb8wluYES WILLIS should i format my win 7 har drive and rest it back up with boot grub update01:54
SonikkuAmericaShrap: Get the firmware-b43-installer package, then run [ sudo modprobe -r wl ] and [ sudo modprobe b43 ]01:54
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  i dont see why you think you need to do that...01:55
Kb8wluHow do i show that boot partition screen again01:55
Shrapjust toss it on a thumbdrive and do the standard dpkg -i?01:55
Bluewulf1257SonikkuAmerica I'll have to do that later, I'm a bit busy. Ugh, parents.01:55
Shrapthen modprobe etc01:55
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  use gparted to examine your hard drive layouts. or use 'sudo parted -l' i think01:55
Bluewulf1257Sorry, I need the help, but don't have the time01:55
Kb8wludo i have to install gparted on my ubuntu01:56
SonikkuAmericaShrap: First, I need the output of [ lspci -vnn -d 14e4: ]01:56
veryhappyBluewulf1257: then note yourself what SonikkuAmerica told you and try it later.01:56
Dr_Willis_Kb8wlu:  if its not installed... yes01:56
=== wicked is now known as zz_wicked
SonikkuAmericaKb8wlu: GParted is on the live media.01:56
Kb8wluok got it01:56
veryhappyguys perhaps you can help me with another issue, last time i tried installing ubuntu on the harddrive on my other pc it failed writing the mbr to /dev/sda, is there any tool for checking the mbr sector of my harddrive?01:57
Kb8wluso like i have to type gparted in a terminal window to bring it up01:57
yofuncan anyone tell me whats wrong here? http://pastebin.com/nH9FNysL01:57
SonikkuAmericaKb8wlu: Or you can search the Unity dash for it (press the Windows key and type "gparted" (without the quotes))01:58
saydany good upstart tutorials out there? i don't know init stuff either :/01:59
SonikkuAmericayofun: Why cmake and not GNU make?01:59
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, http://i.imgur.com/qsGrl45.png01:59
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  are you on your live cd? or installed ubuntu system right now>?01:59
=== dominic_ is now known as mdih
veryhappysayd: could that possibly be what you searched for? http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html02:00
SonikkuAmericaShrap: Nope, b43 won't work for you (14e4:4727)02:00
Kb8wluthis is strange in gparted need to look at this02:00
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, do you feel like troubleshooting this very much?  if not i can just reinstall, this is a fresh system.  i installed linux, installed steam, did a apt-get dist upgrade and then it broke02:00
veryhappysayd: next time try searching the internet for yourself, you might get better in it02:00
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, yeah i was under the impression that STA was my only otpion02:00
saydsure veryhappy ty02:01
Kb8wluhow do i bring up that ubin02:01
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, i was about to start building a little python ide but its kinda useless without internet lol02:01
SonikkuAmericaShrap: Well, it is getting late... but you might try Googling around02:01
Kb8wluwillis i need help02:01
SonikkuAmericaShrap: lol02:02
saydveryhappy i didnt know about upstart so i installed xinetd, are they related?02:02
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, i've been googling for a couple days, the only solution i find is "install sta drivers" lol02:02
Shrapscrew it' i'll learn later, time to nuke it from orbit02:02
SonikkuAmericaShrap: You might try bcrmsmac though: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm8021102:02
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, it's strange because sta WAS working until i did a dist upgrade02:03
veryhappysayd: xinetd is a server that isn't related at all to upstart that is used for your runlevel02:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:05
SonikkuAmericaShrap: It could be it got dropped from the kernel... I dunno02:05
SonikkuAmerica!info xinetd02:05
ubottuxinetd (source: xinetd): replacement for inetd with many enhancements. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.3.14-7.1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 126 kB, installed size 331 kB02:05
ShrapSonikkuAmerica, yeah...either way its getting nuked and im starting over.  i dont feel like having a paperweight for any longer02:05
Dr_williswonder if upstart is going to get replaced in the next release.. or if they are going to push that  back again..02:05
SonikkuAmericaShrap: lol02:05
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
SonikkuAmericaShrap: Oh well, I tried...02:05
Shrapi booted from my liveUSB02:06
Shrapwifi connects right up02:06
Dr_willisShrap,  try booting with an older kernel.02:06
Shrapthats exactly what i just did, i believe02:06
veryhappyShrap: what version exactly?02:06
veryhappyuname -a02:06
Shraplittle late for that02:06
Shrapim reinstalling02:06
Dr_willistry all the old kernels on your installed system. ;) if one of them actuall did work.02:06
Dr_willisso.. if you reinstall.. and install the broken kernel again.. it will still be broken02:07
Shrapi mean02:07
Shrapwhen i originally installed, it worked fine02:07
Shrapit only broke after dist upgrade02:07
Dr_willisyes.. the original install was using an older kernel.. that would have still been installed..   and selectable from the grub menus02:07
Dr_willisalong with all the other kernels you had installed in the past.02:07
Dr_willisa dist-upgrade will pull in the latest kernel which is often 'held back'02:08
Dr_willisso even with your new install.. it still might try to upgrade the kernel.. to the latest, which you claim broke things02:08
veryhappyDr_willis: let's assume i don't want to go to 12.10 because i want to stay on 12.04 LTS would dist-upgrade pull my system to 12.10 or not?02:09
Shrapnow it's doing the same thing in the installer02:09
Shrappossibly a hardware issue at this point, failing chipset or something02:09
veryhappyShrap: IT? WHAT?02:09
Dr_willisa dist-upgrade does NOT upgrade to the latest release  veryhappy  - its just a more intensive upgrade of the current release02:10
Shrapthe wireless.02:10
veryhappyShrap: there we go, and what does it do?/02:10
Shrapveryhappy, you and i have been over this.02:10
veryhappyDr_willis: thanks for the info02:10
veryhappyShrap: that one, ok02:10
veryhappyShrap: just wanted to know what exactly02:10
Shrapveryhappy, ah ok :)02:11
veryhappyShrap: well it might be a corrupt implementation?!02:11
Shrapbut it worked BEFORE, for like 2-3 days, which is the one wrench in the geras02:12
veryhappysomeone get a patch :D fast^^02:12
Shrapwhyyy is there no verbose log for this02:13
Dr_willisShrap,  and the live cd used to work also correct?02:13
Shrapi was downloading updates inline with the install the first time around02:13
Dr_willisbut its not working now... and the live cd hasent changed...02:13
Shrapthe liveusb has been sitting on my shelf untouched since last week when i first installed it02:13
madpropsif anybody wants to try this http://chayotico.com/media/html/script.html02:14
Dr_willisso that points to either a hardware issue.. or some other  very very weird bug..02:14
=== Lilly is now known as Aww
arcripexguys help02:14
Dr_willismadprops,  dont spam here please.02:14
Shrapit's entirely possible that it's a hardware issue...this thing's about 3 years old now and it went to iraq with me02:14
Shrapaaaaand i used to smoke inside with it on my lap.  im surprised it's not totally ruined yet.02:15
saydveryhappy im trying to do this but with upstart. any idea? http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon02:15
veryhappysayd: i don't have a big clue about upstart, sorry. you'll have to find someone else02:16
Dr_willisShrap,  proberly has those huge camel spiders inside it... i ve seen pics on reddit.. ;P02:16
_thufir_thufir: how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/02:16
Dr_willissayd,  i tend to just ssh in, and run znc when i need it. or start it from rc.local02:16
_thufir_how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/02:16
ShrapDr_willis, i've seen them in real life.  they're not very nice lol, but the ones on reddit are unusually large specimens02:16
Shrapthey were usually about the size of my palm, so like a CD02:17
Dr_willistaste like chicken..02:17
Kb8wluhow do i correct this02:17
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  assume people on irc have the attention span of a goldfish... :) give some details02:18
ViVXonehow do i connect to php?02:18
Kb8wludr willis check this out02:18
saydDr_willis ok.. was just trying to get my head around it but looks like thats not gonna happen02:18
Dr_willis => No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda... so.. install a bootloader onto sda02:18
Kb8wluHow do i do that sir?02:18
saydi still see "upgrade is available" even though im already on 13.0402:19
=== kevin is now known as Guest8542
SubhadipHi, I am using Ubuntu 12.04. The version of Unity installed on my computer is 5.18 although I can see the latest version for 5.0 series, 5.20 (SRU 4) has already been released one month ago. Anyone has any idea why I haven't received that update yet?02:19
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  the boot-repair tool handles it for me..  when ive needed to do so..  seems like its using EFI from later in that file.. I dont have any systems that use EFI. so  thats about the extent of my grub-skills02:19
ShrapDr_willis, gonna go totally into left field here and go with a totally different distro, see if that does anything.  more to satisfy my curiosity than any actual working theory.02:20
icedwatersayd: upgrade of a package or the entire distribution?02:20
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  you said the system was booting into your ubuntu installed system however?02:20
Kb8wluYes willis02:20
Guest8542Hi everyone, I've just done an ubuntu minimal install and every thing has gone perfectly except sound. It seems my nvidia cards hdmi audio is taking priority over my usb headset.02:20
Guest8542How could I find out what module the nvidia card uses to block it?02:20
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  so remind us of the actual problem then?02:20
saydicedwater it says New release '13.04' available02:21
veryhappyGuest8542: try lspci first then you know what's built in your computer/notebook02:21
icedwaterOh, that's odd.02:21
Kb8wlulet me restart my system and then get the problem screen shot02:21
Guest8542veryhappy: It's definitely nvidia card02:22
Guest8542aplay -l02:23
Guest8542veryhappy: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]02:24
veryhappyGuest8542: so you want to block the card. you could first find out what library is used and set it in the configuration for modprobe as blacklisted. the other possiblity would be to look for asound.state and try to fix the problem (might be s/pdif that's disturbing)02:24
Guest8542veryhappy: Yes that's what I was trying to ask, how could I find out what library it uses? I found the appropriate file to blacklist it02:24
veryhappyGuest8542: if you want to paste something use pastebin.02:24
Guest8542veryhappy: Sorry I figured one line would be alright02:25
veryhappyGuest8542: sudo lsmod02:25
Guest8542veryhappy: I tried to lsmod | grep snd but I have a whole slew of entries02:25
veryhappyand then look for snd02:25
veryhappytry grep hdmi02:25
icedwaterI don't get anything and I'm on 12.04.2, for what it's worth. There might be a switch to turn that prompt off.02:25
Guest8542veryhappy: Hm one moment02:26
xavier23Hi guys. Is it possible to use null mailer on ubuntu without an external MTA?02:27
veryhappyguys i need a tool to check my harddrive sector for the master boot record.02:27
veryhappyxavier23: actually i think no, because it receives and sends the emails for you, right?02:28
yofuncan anyone tell me whats wrong here? http://pastebin.com/nH9FNysL02:28
Kb8wluOk i get grub bootup and it says Ubuntu option advance options for ubuntu  and windows 7 loader on /dev/sdb1 and windows 7 loader on /dev/sdb2 wich non of them boot to windows 7 and still botts to ubuntu02:29
xavier23veryhappy: well, i am running a ubuntu server…. i just need a daemon to deliver mail for me , but i don't have access to an ISP (external) mail server02:30
xavier23so need to deliver mails myself02:30
xavier23i'm guessing i can't use null mailer for this02:30
icedwateryofun: trying to learn cmake myself, can't help much there. What was the issue with the compiler though? Seemed it couldn't find c++.02:31
CavalierPrimeuse postfix to deliver mail to your email client02:31
veryhappyxavier23: honestly i just used my logic for this, have no clue about mail server tho, sorry02:31
icedwaterIt is usually a symlink to gcc or g++, right?02:31
Bluewolf1257So this is why my wireshark is  tripping balls...02:31
elkingreyI'm going to be switching to Ubuntu from Fedora, and I'm curious if anybody here has a good methodology for cleaning out their home folder. Sure, I could bring it all with me to the new distro with clean install, but there's a lot of stuff I don't know what it does. I know I want all my music and bookmarks and stuff brought with me. But how do I find stuff I don't need or want and get rid of it?02:31
Kb8wluwillis you their buddy02:32
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  im in and out all day/night02:32
madpropselkingrey: well you have to consider all the configuration (.dot) files which have the configuration options for the apps you have used02:33
utfans05kkerwin: did you get all your issues fixed?02:33
Dr_williselkingrey,  move over what you know you want.. then archive the rest. ;)  cleaning out what you know you wont need.. like tmp and configs02:33
xavier23CavalierPrime: thanks, i was hoping to avoid having to set up postfix……i guess theres no way to avoid it02:33
CavalierPrimexavier23:   https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-and-setup-postfix-on-ubuntu-12-0402:33
CavalierPrimexavier23 i have a server that delivers internal mail, that's the way I do it02:34
Kb8wlusorry i getting this on boot ubuntu advance option for ubuntu and windows 7 loader on /dev/sdb1 and windows 7 loader /dev/sdb2 non of them boot to windows 7  and system setup02:34
xavier23CavalierPrime: Ok, thanks02:34
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  but if you tell the bios to boot the windows hd - does it boot windows correctly?02:34
Kb8wluYes i just have to switch boot devices in bios02:35
Loshkielkingrey: I take my home folder and rename it to folder.old and start with a new folder. Then, as I discover I need stuff from folder.old, I move it over. (and make a backup before you begin)02:35
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  and what does windows do exactly/grub do - when you try booting those 2 grub entries?02:35
Kb8wlugives me bunch of startup screens02:36
xiamxI'm sshed in to my college's lab machine, where I'm not root, but I want to create a "rootless envirment" where i can install mongodb and etc, is this possible?02:36
Dr_williswhos startup screens? windows? linux? ubuntus?02:36
elkingreyWhat I'd like to do is use the backup tool. Then when I have the new install up and running use the backup tool again to put everything into a temporary folder, and then drag over what I need. Is that possible? Or when I use the backup tool to resotre, will it only go to my home folder?02:36
Loshkixavier23: pretty much all the mailers, postfix included, have canned solutions for your situation...02:36
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  so selecting windows.. boots to linux or just goes back to the grub menu?02:36
Kb8wlugoes back top grub menu02:37
xavier23Loshki: thanks - i'll take a look02:37
Dr_willisso basically you need to figure out whats incorrect for your system/grub windows items - that its not booting windows..  thats somthing ive rarely neeed to look into.02:37
Kb8wlushould i try to repair the grub again?02:38
elkingreyAnd another question I have. There used to be a bug with Ubuntu where you couldn't get quality installs, if any, from a SanDisk USB. Has this bug been fixed?02:38
Dr_willisKb8wlu,  somting i would try.. would be to power down.. and swap the cables on the 2 hard drives.. making sda become sdb..  then have the bios boot the linux drive that would be sdb.. its Possible  windows is confused by being on sdb02:38
wilee-nileeelkingrey, You have to remove the firmware.02:39
Kb8wluOk i will do that willis be right back02:39
elkingreywilee-nilee: How do I do that?02:39
wilee-nileeelkingrey, From windows if I recall, the web is your answer I believe.02:39
elkingreyI'm running Fedora already.02:40
saydhmm even after upgrading to saucy im still seeing the "new version is available"02:40
elkingreywilee-nilee: It's got a Fedora LiveCD installer on it already.02:40
elkingreywilee-nilee: So, it's already formatted for installing Fedora anyways. I was able to install Fedora just fine. Do I still need to reformat id?02:41
veryhappyok bye guys, see you later02:42
CavalierPrimekb8wlu:  d/l and try the Boot Repair Live CD, may be an easy fix02:42
wilee-nileeelkingrey, The firmware is called U3 it has to be removed to get a working usb, I gave mine away. Fedora can be reinstalled if needed.02:42
OerHeks!info u3-tools02:42
ubottuPackage u3-tools does not exist in raring02:42
OerHeks!info u3-tool02:43
ubottuu3-tool (source: u3-tool): tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1.1 (raring), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB (Only available for alpha; amd64; arm; armel; armhf; i386; ia64; mipsel; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; hurd-i386)02:43
wilee-nileeelkingrey, I am assuming this is the problem, a sandisk cruzer. http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2550/~/removing%2Funinstalling-u3-launchpad-on-a-pc02:44
elkingreywilee-nilee: Do those instructions exist for linux?02:45
ViVXonewhere do i find password for php irc?02:45
wilee-nileeelkingrey, I only found when I had one a windows removal.02:45
Loshkielkingrey: Your backup strategy above sounds fine, and you should be able to restore to a temporary folder. The precise details will depend on what you use for backup.02:45
elkingreyLoshki: Thanks.02:47
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goddardyo yo yo02:50
Dr_willishmm.. arista is not wanting to load a video file i got.. its a mpeg2.. that shouldent be a weird format should it?02:51
A1Reconany reason that Tab should not autocomplete /link/to/file ??02:52
elkingreyI'm having difficulty finding the instructions to turn Ubuntu iso into a USB disk image from a Fedora computer.02:52
Dr_williselkingrey,  you can dd the iso file straight to usb if you wanted to02:53
Dr_williselkingrey,  or use unetbootin, or other tools at the pendrivelinux site02:54
Loshki!ask | lud_02:54
ubottulud_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:54
elkingreyDr_willis: Can you hook me up with the link to instructions?02:55
lud_is there any command line utility using which I can google things ? also any nice command line based internet browsers02:55
lud_!patience | lud_02:56
ubottulud_, please see my private message02:56
MarkKostapoulosGet more visits to your site / blog. Free. - Free Traffic Exchange http://www.reachbanners.com/02:57
lud_MarkKostapoulos: die please02:57
MarkKostapouloshow do you want me to die?02:57
lud_hara kiri02:58
lud_any stuff you like02:58
MarkKostapouloskatana it is02:58
Loshkielkingrey: Easiest might be http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/02:58
lud_MarkKostapoulos: yea02:58
* MarkKostapoulos died02:58
Dr_williselkingrey,  pendrivelinux site has tools.. or just dd the iso file straight to the flash.02:59
Dr_willissudo dd if=the.iso  of=/dev/sdX02:59
lud_oh :3 no one knows anwser to my question sad, know any place where I can find anwser to it?03:00
Dr_willistheres cli browsers if thats what you are asking about03:00
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Dr_willisthey are in the default repos.. links, w3m i recall..03:01
lud_I need cli browsers, because I am not able to use GUI :303:01
lud_okthanks :)03:01
Dr_willisive seen some that can do graphics via the framebuffer..03:01
Dr_willis!info links3g03:01
ubottuPackage links3g does not exist in raring03:01
Dr_willis!info links03:01
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 454 kB, installed size 1101 kB03:01
Loshkilud_: lynx/links are 2 cmd line based browsers...03:02
Dr_willis!indo w3m03:02
Dr_willis!info w3m03:02
ubottuw3m (source: w3m): WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.3-8build1 (raring), package size 1121 kB, installed size 2156 kB03:02
lud_oh great03:02
lud_that will work just fine for me03:02
Dr_willisif you ask which one supports flash... i will slap you.....03:03
lud_lol no I will not03:03
lud_you can even kill me03:03
lud_stab me to death03:03
lud_or maybe hang me03:03
Dr_willissomeone in here seriously asked about that the other day...03:03
Dr_willisthen was upset when it couldent be done..03:03
exadsorry, just happen to be reading.. too funny03:04
Dr_willisi forget which one of those console/text browsers could do images... i play with it ages ago...03:04
lud_It's just that my processor is so old that it doesn't support GUI :303:04
Sam_Is the official release downloads a little slow tonight or is it just me?03:04
Dr_willislynx, links, w3m03:04
lud_P4 (it is )03:05
Sam_seems like it03:05
lud_Sam_: maybe or maybe not03:05
lud_aww dammn03:07
lud_I just love irssi03:07
deckardhello. is this the Ubuntu help room?03:08
deckardoh great. I am new to Ubuntu and do not know much about terminal. Will you tell me how to tell terminal to navigate to a folder like when you partially type a name and hit tab and it finishes it03:09
Sam_the cd command03:09
deckardi need to run a shell script in the home folder :)03:09
Sam_cd <directory path>03:09
frenochadeckard, you can use wildcards03:10
deckarddont know what they are03:10
deckardwhen i flick the shell as is, it opens in text03:10
ThatOneRoadiedeckard: [ cd <path> ], and remember, starting the path with / starts it at /03:10
deckardin Mint it aske dme if i wanted to run03:10
Dr_willisyou can open a terminal, then drag/drop the folder into it.. ;) i recall it filling in the path03:11
Dr_williswith some terminals that is..03:11
ThatOneRoadieSo /home/user/folder != home/user/folder03:11
deckardty to you all03:11
deckardi will learn them all03:11
lud_nice google asks me to enable javascript.03:11
exadquick way to home : ~?03:11
exadquick way to home : ~/03:11
exadSorry -_-03:11
Dr_willisexad,  quicker way.. 'cd'03:11
exadNO WAY03:12
Dr_willisway back     'cd -'03:12
deckardalso, how may i get the lib32 files to create x86 enviroment ?03:12
exadYOU'RE RIGHT!03:12
Dr_willisit pays to read the various bash books....   ;)03:12
elkingreyI'm getting this error when trying to open unetbootin03:12
elkingrey[seth@LockBox Downloads]$ ./unetbootin-linux-58303:12
elkingrey./unetbootin-linux-583: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:12
yofunhttp://pastebin.com/YqQjUywU any idea whats wrong here?03:12
yofuni fixed part of it03:13
yofunnow i have this03:13
Dr_willislooks like it wants that library elkingrey ..03:13
Guest32054anyone know if amd has drivers for the 8xxx series?03:13
Sam_deckard - apt-get install ia32-libs03:13
deckardhow may i get root?03:14
Sam_remember to use sudo ;)03:14
Dr_williselkingrey,  you are on fedora? or am i thinking of someone else?03:14
Sam_sudo apt-get install ia32-libs03:14
yofun  /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible03:14
yofun  /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc03:14
yofunseems to be the issue03:14
T3mp3where i can get BOT for scanning timthumb ?03:15
lud_yofun: broken C++ compiler?03:15
deckardThatOneRoadie, ty03:15
Dr_willisT3mp3,  clarify what you are asking please...03:15
lud_5th and 6th line03:15
yofunlud how do i check?03:15
elkingreyYes, on Fedora03:15
lud_yofun: try to compile a simple hellow world using g++?03:16
Dr_williselkingrey,  unetbootin may be in the fedora packages..03:16
Dr_williselkingrey,  or you can use dd to make a bootable usb.03:16
T3mp3how to scan timthumb ?03:16
lud_oh and I don't know much about cmake either03:16
deckarddo i need to install proprietary  divers for video card?03:16
lud_T3mp3: maybe google :303:16
yofunya the issue os cmake03:16
Dr_willisT3mp3,  and whats a timthumb/ and scan it for what?03:16
Sam_deckard, most likely03:16
yofunnot finding it03:16
deckardSam_, what is the name of that GUI ?03:17
Sam_what gui?03:17
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated03:17
deckardfor proprietary driver03:17
benwahey there03:17
benwaI need a kernel/grub guru03:17
benwaanyone like this around?03:17
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:17
icedwaterbenwa: just ask your question and someone might pop in.03:18
Sam_I'm not sure what your asking.  There should be a little popup in the right hand corner of your screen asking you to install proprietary drivers03:18
elkingreyDr_willis: Okay, thanks. That was super easy to install. I always forget that these sorts of programs are in the fedora packages.03:18
walltenderWill some one point to me a simple daemon allowing plugins?03:18
deckardnone yet but i only installed recently03:18
Dr_williswalltender,  a simple daemon that does what?03:18
Sam_deckard - sudo apt-get update03:18
benwaI'm running into   a pb with grub03:18
Sam_then, sudo apt-get upgrade03:18
benwawhen I get I land in grub--rescude03:18
benwasame pb as here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/49326803:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493268 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "GRUB2 boots from raid1 device only after "grub rescue> insmod linux" + "rescue:grub> normal"" [Undecided,New]03:19
deckardsorry to seem doubting of your advice, sam_, but is it not safer to just use the GUI updater over terminal?03:19
benwaso if I do  "grub rescue> insmod linux" + "rescue:grub> normal" then it boots fine03:19
Dr_willisdeckard,  the gui is a front end for the cli tools i belive03:19
benwaanyone now how grub works in details?03:19
deckardokay, when i used Mint the said it was bad idea03:19
deckardok, ty03:19
Dr_willisi cant imagine why... i basically only use the cli tools...03:20
lekremyelsewbenwa 1 or 2?03:20
Dr_willissome would say using mint 'is a bad idea' ;)03:20
benwagrub2 I believe03:20
SleepyDaddySoftwpossibly quick questions about ubuntu phone/tablet app packaging: 1) Can you distribute shared library packages to the phone/tablet versions of ubuntu? 2) Can self-contained applications list these shared library packages as dependencies, just like the desktop software center? Meaning, they are installed when the app is installed, if not already installed by another app with the same...03:20
SleepyDaddySoftw...dependency? 3) Once installed, can end-users overwrite installed shared libraries by some means (tethering to a PC, or accessing some kind of desktop mode by hooking up a keyboard/mouse/perhaps a display)? e.g. to install a custom build of a shared library?03:20
Sam_mint is awesome :)03:20
benwaoh hold I didn't a global update03:20
benwaand a reinstall of grub got triggered03:20
benwaI wonder if that'll fix the pb03:20
wilee-nileeSleepyDaddySoftw #ubuntu-touch03:21
benwaso my situation is tricky cuz03:21
lekremyelsewbenwa did you grub-mkconfig after the install?03:21
benwaI wanna hange my setup and have my / on a raid 103:21
LLckfanDoes any1 know how o make a mouse stop moving on its own03:22
benwaI did update-grub03:22
walltenderDr_willis: a simple monitoring daemon and different plugins allowing to monitoring hardware. But I don't think there's a simple example of this.03:22
samskiterhi. does anyone know how i could go about extending the ubuntu log in to allow log in from conditions other than the user typing a password (for example face recognition log in) ??03:22
benwahowever at the end I get Found Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (12.04) on /dev/sda103:22
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to make the mouse arrow stop moving on its own?03:22
lekremyelsewah, I'm not familiar with raid systems, I may not ne able to help you03:22
benwawhen really it's on /dev/md003:22
benwalekremyelsew I'm gonna try this reboot and see I'm not getting the grub-probe error no such disk I used to get03:24
lud_well It's just maybe03:24
lud_because I don't know much about RAID03:24
lekremyelsewbemwa: I'm pretty sure grub labels disks differently than they appear on the filesystem03:24
benwaok it work now03:25
deckardI am receiving a message that I do not have privileged user and that i may only install in home folder and not system wide. Any drawbacks to this?03:25
benwabut I got an error msg for several seconds03:25
benwasaying error: file not found PRess any key to continue03:25
Dr_willisdeckard,  install what exactly?03:25
benwaand then it boots fine03:25
deckardFirestorm Viewer for Second Life (world game)03:26
deckardIn Mint i use to jsut run from home and i was fine i guess03:26
Sam_your home folder should be fine03:26
benwalekremyelsew so you'd sais sda1 should be undetstood md0?03:26
Dr_willisdeckard,  it will all be in your home..03:26
deckardokay, i am still trying to get it to run, ty03:26
Dr_willisdeckard,  if you had sudo riughts you could install it system wide03:26
deckardbenefit to this?03:26
Dr_willisbut i dont see the point in doing that..03:26
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to make the mouse arrow stop moving on its own?03:26
Dr_willissystem wide - all users can run it03:26
benwaactually md0 is active raid of sda1 maybe that's why03:27
camilo_hola como voy a ubuntu en español?03:28
elkingreyLoshki, Dr_willis: Thanks for the help. I've successfully installed Unetbootin, md5sum'ed my iso file and created a live usb image. Is there any sort of md5sum checking I can do on the live image as well?03:28
deckardwill all plugins for Firefox work on Ubuntu like it did on Windows?03:28
lekremyelsewbenwa I'm not sure thats the correct name, but I know that it may be inconsistent to the filesystem name03:29
lekremyelsewbenwa: I also don't eveb know if grub is RAID aware03:30
ZeloZeloscamilo_, #ubuntu-es03:30
benwalekremyelsew yeah it is03:31
exadshouldn't his raid have a single mount point? /dev/sdx?03:31
belovedbeHow do I my active bitcoin-qt session in the command prompt? $ bitcoin-qt # This just open a new bitcoin-qt session03:31
lekremyelsewbenwa, good to know, but it is working now, right?03:32
benwanot completely03:33
camilo_alguién que me ayude en ubuntu en español no está muy movida la cosa03:33
benwahold on I wanted to show you something I can't recall the trick03:34
camilo_es sobre Tor03:34
wilee-nilee!es | camilo_03:34
ubottucamilo_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:34
benwaah I got it03:34
=== lwells is now known as netlar
benwalekremyelsew when you create your raid you need to set the metadata  to version 0.903:35
camilo_de ahí vengo... no hay mucha ayuda por allá03:35
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benwamy grub.cfg is fuck up tho03:36
ZeloZeloscamilo_, si utiliza google translate http://translate.google.com im seguro de que alguien le puede ayudar a03:36
benwawhat's the proper way to recinfig it without live cd?03:37
Myrtti!language | benwa03:37
ubottubenwa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:37
benwaactually it's good I just need to remove the very first one03:37
camilo_buena.... gracias.... me camuflaré :-)03:37
ZeloZelosbenwa, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/live-cd-to-fix-restore-grub-and-grub2.html03:38
l_ris N3568 - Shared Locking in C++ accept for c++14?03:40
benwaupdate-grub is what I was looking for03:40
l_rops sorry03:40
l_rbad channell03:40
ZeloZelosbenwa, you also could use grub customizer03:41
camilo_I want to surf the internet deep ... as protect my ubuntu?03:41
benwaZeloZelos how does that work?03:41
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to make the mouse arrow stop moving on its own?03:42
ae86-drifterHi there, I have a jump host that i have access to, and it's IP has access to another network which has a web interface i need access to. How can I forward port 80 via the jump host so that I can access the web interface on my local machine? thanks03:42
ZeloZelosbenwa, it gives you a gui to change grub around, instead of typing commands n stuff03:42
benwaoh it's a gui sweet03:42
benwathanks !03:42
camilo_Use TOR ... know it is not infallible03:43
ZeloZeloscamilo_, usted no necesita protección antivirus para ubuntu normalmente, sólo tenga cuidado acerca de los programas y que debe estar bien03:43
camilo_a reliable directory that I can recommend?03:45
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ZeloZeloscamilo_, buscar en el ubuntu software de centro de im seguro de que hay unos cuantos para elegir, todos recomendado03:47
benwaalright I got it to work03:48
benwathanks for helping03:48
benwag'night folks03:48
ZeloZelosni ni03:48
camilo_the virus can be transferred from my ubuntu to another computer with windows without knowing? I understand that my ubuntu is not affected,03:49
SIFTULLckfan: you can use ssh -D and set your browser proxy03:51
ZeloZeloshay muy pocos virusus ese efecto o ubuntu linux03:51
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to make the mouse arrow stop moving on its own?03:53
icedwatercamilo_: yes, if you want to be responsible and courteous you might install an antivirus.03:53
ZeloZelosLLckfan, usually when my mouse moves on its own, there03:54
ae86-drifterSIFTU, was that meant for me?03:54
ZeloZeloss a hair in the optics or the mouse is breaking03:54
SIFTUae86-drifter: I might have got the nick wrong.. the jump host one?03:54
SIFTUae86-drifter: then yes :)03:54
ae86-drifterI'll try what you suggest, what should the bi,nd address be?03:55
SIFTUae86-drifter: like this "ssh -D 8080:localhost:22 user@remote"03:55
SIFTUae86-drifter: then point your browsers sock5 proxy to localhost:808003:55
LLckfanNo hair03:55
ae86-drifterokay  i'll try now cheers03:56
ZeloZelosLLckfan, did you check between the optic mirrors and the laser emiter (you would have to take the mouse apart)03:57
LLckfanThere is no hair03:57
LLckfanIf there was a hair it would do it all the time03:58
ZeloZelosmaybe, when is it doing it?03:58
ae86-drifterSIFTU, I am getting the error:Bad dynamic forwarding specification '8080:localhost:22'03:59
LLckfanWhen it is on the desk03:59
Random832ae86-drifter: you don't put a target for dynamic forwarding03:59
Random832that's why it's dynamic03:59
SIFTUae86-drifter: ah sorry "ssh -D 8080 user@remote"04:00
ae86-drifterRandom832, so I should change to localhost:8080 ?04:00
ae86-drifterSIFTU, okay cheers04:00
ZeloZelosif i use my mouse on the couch it jumps around/moves on its own, because the surface is rough LLckfan, but what i ment was, does it do that ramdomly, only when you are using a program, or something like that04:00
LLckfanBut when it starts it will not stop04:01
camilo_I want to search directories from internet  deep  in the software center?04:01
ZeloZelosi doubt the operating system has anything to do with the mouse moving ramdomly, is it wireless, perhaps interferance, if wired, maybe its slightly unplugged or the wire is getting worn04:01
walltenderDr_willis: a simple monitoring daemon and different plugins allowing to monitoring hardware. Do you know any such examples?04:02
LLckfanAnd when I turn it off then back on it will not move ithout me moving it then it goes crazy04:02
SIFTUwalltender: zabbix, nagios04:03
ZeloZelosits probably broken i guess, did you try it in a different computer LLckfan04:03
SIFTUwalltender: maybe just snmp04:03
ZeloZeloscamilo_, Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo que no entendemos04:06
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
ZeloZelosi think i go to bed too, gnight everyone04:10
walltenderSIFTU: Thanks for the help, I am looking for a simple example so I could learn how to write one myself. In fact, I am googled how to allow a daemon to add plugins. But I didn't find anything04:10
SIFTUwalltender: you want to write your own monitoring system? in what language?04:10
Mewtinium, hi! my computer's being really weird and, well.04:11
walltenderSIFTU: in C04:11
MewtiniIt's continually locking the folders up and complaining about /var/lib/dpkg/lock after running a sudo apt-get whatever.04:11
amh345i'vw got a server the has some backups organized by date uploaded via scp.  are there any tools available that can merge these folders and remove duplicate files?04:12
Dr_willisMewtini,  the filesystems not getting remounted read only is it?04:12
Mewtinithink so04:12
Dr_willisMewtini,  thats a sign of hard drive/filesystem curruption or failure04:12
MewtiniYeah that's what I thought.04:12
Dr_willisMewtini,  see what 'dmesg' says about things.. look for IO error type lines04:12
MewtiniIn terminal?04:12
gzy23Hi everyone, i'm new to IRC and trying to figure out whats going on.  Can anyone inform me why they usually come to the IRC chats?04:13
MewtiniEXT4-fs error (device sda2) in ext4_new_inode:938: IO failure04:14
amh345i see something called fslint for finding duplicate files.04:14
betrayd!irc | gzy2304:14
ubottugzy23: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:14
ejvgzy23: for support and/or education04:14
MewtiniAnd then lower down it has another IO failure (and a line has "journal has aborted")04:14
SIFTUamh345: yeah you could script it04:15
Mewtinigzy23: Yeah, I haven't usually had to come in here, but... yeah, for those times when my system goes berserk.04:15
camilo_no problem I go to sleep04:15
gzy23do you find this to be more helpful than other things like simply googling or posting on a forum?04:15
Dr_willisMewtini,  id be making backups of critical info on that filesystem. then perhaps fscking from a live cd..04:16
betraydgzy23: timing is a factor04:16
Mewtinigzy23: I'm not on the Ubuntu forums, but I'd imagine that IRC has the time advantage04:16
betraydin irc, where you're lucky if people you see know about your problem04:16
Dr_willisbiggest resource here is often what people rember seeing at a site, or other places.. to point people to the right dirction04:16
Mewtiniand it has the personal troubleshooting thing04:17
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com is also worth bookmarking and searching as you wait in irc.04:17
betraydforum is right when you've got better things to do than sit around04:17
MewtiniDr_willis: Luckily I've got nothing on here other than some Minecraft saves, which I can afford to lose :)04:17
gzy23ok cool thanks!04:17
Dr_willisforums can often be hard to get specific info on.. askubuntu.com can be a bit more focused04:17
MewtiniI had a Xubuntu system before this; it crashed after complaining about Xauthority.04:18
Dr_willisMewtini,  common issue is the .Xauthority file getting owned by root.  its a security file thing that needs to be owned by the user running X.04:18
MewtiniWhich is why I went ahead and dug up an Ubuntu 12.04 disc (which I upgraded to 12.10, then to 13.04)04:18
netlarMewtini: how did your upgrades go?04:19
Dr_willishard drives defainatly seem to be the #1 point of failure these days04:19
deckardhello again, how do i find the "additional drivers" gui?04:19
MewtiniDr_willis: Ah, okay... someone said to try deleting the /var/lib/dpkg/lock but I haven't yet, since it won't let me04:19
Mewtininetlar: They went flawlessly.04:19
Dr_willisMewtini,  if the filesystem is read only.. you cant delete/write anything.. untill its checked/remounted read/write04:19
MewtiniYeah, I know.04:19
netlarMewtini: good to know, hope that is my experience when the time comes04:20
MewtiniNot sure why this computer is dying on me so quickly, though; it's only about a year old.04:20
Dr_willisMewtini,  they make hds as cheap as they can these days. ;(04:21
SIFTUMewtini: yeah HDD quality has dropped since the flood04:21
deckardhow do i install the proprietary drivers ?04:21
MewtiniI wouldn't think that a lenovo thinkpad would be that horrible.04:21
Dr_willisif you look at what a typical HD is doing.. its amazing they are realiable as they are04:21
deckardfor video cars04:21
Dr_willisdeckard,  what video card? what ubuntu release04:21
deckardnewest release, Nvida GeForece 9600m GT04:22
deckardi see it in Software center?04:22
Dr_willisdeckard,  software-sources tool -> addational drivers tab..04:22
Dr_willisthat should suggest what to install.04:22
MewtiniI'm supposed to be moving over to another computer soon, but it has lower specs than this one and is actually from '07... so hopefully that goes well?04:22
deckardi find it, ty04:22
MewtiniAlso, I'm trying to burn the 13.04 .iso to a USB stick with UNetbootin to install it on the other computer.04:23
Mewtini(The other computer doesn't have a cd drive.)04:23
MewtiniAnd somehow it refuses to work?04:23
betraydwill it boot from USB?04:23
Dr_willisthe Pendrivelinux site has alterantives to Unetbootin04:23
MewtiniYeah, it has that option.04:23
deckardi see so many, any advice which to choose?04:23
Dr_willisor you can 'dd' the iso file straight to the usb flash.04:24
MewtiniBIOS > Temporary boot device > USB HDD 2.0.04:24
Dr_willisdeckard,  look for one that says sugested/reccomended.. ;)04:24
deckardnone say this04:24
Dr_willisflip a coin then i guess.. ;)04:25
MewtiniAnd going back to corrupt hard drive, I rebooted to try to kick it into working... and instead it failed to get anywhere from the Ubuntu splash.04:25
Dr_willisi dont know what they say... so really cant advise04:25
deckardi see proprietary , tested04:25
deckardand the others are propretary04:25
deckardgo with that04:25
Dr_willisMewtini,  eww..   might be worth trying a live cd and see if you can fsck the drive04:25
MewtiniSo I ended up rebooting with the recovery 3.8.20-whatever kernel in recovery, and ignored the fact that it couldn't get /tmp to mount04:25
Mewtini(with i to ignore)04:26
MewtiniHm, okay.04:26
Dr_willisi really have to wonder what the 'real world' lifespan will be of these ssd's that everyone is starting to switch to.04:27
MewtiniA'ight, I just tried fsck for the heck of it04:28
MewtiniMostly because I won't have access to a live cd for ~week and am too paranoid to wait that long :/04:29
ThatOneRoadieDr_willis: About 10 million read/write operations, which is why Trim is required, and if you defrag an SSD I will murder your family04:29
MewtiniIt apparently did *something*04:29
Mewtini(c'mon let's go defrag an ssd)04:29
* ThatOneRoadie gets the LART04:30
ripthejackerwhat does the in the /etc/hosts mean?04:30
ThatOneRoadieripthejacker: loopback04:30
Dr_willisThatOneRoadie,  makes ya wonder about people running windows on ssds and windows auto-defrag stuff...04:30
ThatOneRoadiei.e. "This Machine"04:30
betraydhuh 1.104:30
ripthejackerThatOneRoadie: no
ThatOneRoadieDr_willis: 7 and up auto-senses ssd's and won't defrag04:30
ThatOneRoadie127.0.0.0/8 is all loopback04:31
* Dr_willis wonders what if its a SSD in a usb enclosure..04:31
ThatOneRoadieloops back04:31
ripthejackerThatOneRoadie: if I try to resolve my hostname it gives
ThatOneRoadie127.0.1.1 is a loopback address04:32
ripthejackerI want it to resolve to the IP set by the router04:32
Dr_willisripthejacker,  edit your /etc/hosts file perhaps?04:32
ThatOneRoadiesooooooo you want http://TheCompy1/ to resolve to 192.168.2.x?04:32
ripthejackerbut will it affect anything else?04:32
Dr_willisit will just affect that machine04:33
ripthejackerDr_willis: the ip given by the router is not constant04:33
Dr_willisripthejacker,  my router has options to make it assign ip based on mac. ;)04:33
Dr_willisso they stay constant04:33
ripthejackeri want my hostname to relsolve to 192.168.1.x04:33
walltenderSIFTU: Do you know any such examples?04:33
SIFTUwalltender: not in C04:34
ripthejackerDr_willis: the router in my office may have the same capabilities but i'm don't have acces to it's admin04:34
walltenderSIFTU: C++ is also fine I assume.04:34
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MewtiniRebooted Ubuntu after fsck.04:36
MewtiniAnd it booted without any errors whatsoever. :D?04:36
MewtiniAnd lo and behold, it's fine.04:38
Dr_willisMewtini,  id be keeping an eye on that hd.. it may be sick. ;)04:38
MewtiniOh, it probably is.04:38
deckardi am not able to choose webcam on those tiny flash boxes. what could it be?04:38
MewtiniIt killed Xubuntu...04:38
SIFTUMewtini: yeah run smartmon on it04:38
Dr_willisnot like the old days where you could hear the hds dieing on you...04:38
Dr_willisdeckard, sometimes with flash you have to 'fullscreen' the flash video/player befor you can click on the flash settings buttons04:38
MewtiniI think that the bad sectors happen to fall where Linux ends up being; my Windows 7 partition has always been fine, although I need to keep that image for school's sake.04:39
deckardi try, ty04:39
Mewtini(If I had my way, I'd delete it and make way for Linux.)04:39
Dr_willisMewtini,  ive repartioned hds to put bad sectors in a 'dont use' partition. ;)04:39
Dr_willisthose hds tend to be come the 'media drives' for the kids rokus or other media player devices04:39
Dr_willisif they die.. they die04:39
MewtiniWindows 7 has 130GB all to itself; Ubuntu's stuck on a measly 30GB. :(04:40
MewtiniAnd then about 5GB swap space.04:40
Dr_willisi got a 100gb ssd just for ubuntu in this box.04:40
Dr_willissmazing how fast it boots up04:40
MewtiniI first noticed earlier on today when it wouldn't let me unzip an archive04:41
Dr_willisthe bios post info takes longer then grub --> login screen04:41
MewtiniAnd then it got worse when I realized that it wouldn't let me install Amarok (testing media players))04:41
MewtiniBut... for the moment, it's running beautifully. I just need it to live long enough for me to get Ubuntu on the other computer and move my files over...04:42
MewtiniAnd if anything, I can use Windows if need be.04:43
MewtiniI know, right.04:43
Dr_williswhats sad.. i bought a $12 'usb video grabber' that was supposed to work in ubuntu.. but unfortunatly the company switched chipsets and kept the same name for the device.. so it dont work in linux.04:43
MewtiniOh no...04:44
Dr_willisand the device is so poor.. only the software that came with it.. works in windows. ;)04:44
Dr_willisbut for $12  i guess i cant rant too much04:44
Dr_willisim suprised it works as well as it does.. if it just worked in linux. ;(04:44
MewtiniSo it runs well in Windows?04:45
Dr_willisit works. ;)04:45
Dr_willisthe device is identified as 'oem-video-capture'  ;P04:45
MewtiniBut yeah, it's a good thing that it didn't cost, like, $50.04:45
Dr_willisshows how well done the drivers are.04:45
Dr_willisNo other video capture software in windows works with it.. jkust the software that came with it.04:45
Dr_willisand a 30min cartoon - grabs to be a 300mb video file.. been doing video convertings   this week. ;)04:46
deckardIf i switch to a very low graphics intensive dekstop will that also take away from the game i play?04:46
MewtiniMy younger sister has a VisTablet that she used on her Windows 7 school computer (it was shipped with it) and her computer broke04:46
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Dr_willisdeckard,  take away? most games can use their own res settings.04:46
Mewtiniand she's mad because it doesn't work on Linux04:46
Mewtini(I have a Wacom Bamboo but she doesn't like how small it is)04:47
kvothetechMewtini: look up hcl before getting it :)04:47
switchingI have two questions: one, why is wubi not opening?  two, is it possible to set up a dual boot by booting off of a usb?04:47
deckardi just want to put the least amount of work on my system as far as the desktop and affects. but i want the game to stay as nice as it looks now on ubuntu04:47
Mewtiniswitching I'd guess that it'd be possible to set up a dual boot?04:47
Dr_willisswitching,  you can do a full install to a usb hd, or flash drive. and boot it and use grub on the usb to dual boot.04:47
Dr_willisswitching,  and as for wubi.. its best to forget wubi exists...04:47
switchingno i mean install off of the usb to a partition04:48
switchingdr_willis ;(04:48
switchingbut it is still supposed to work right04:48
SIFTUdeckard: it will be ok04:48
switchingat least for 12.0404:48
Mewtiniwubi works, yes04:48
SIFTUdeckard: and probably better without the effects04:48
deckardokay ty, which dekstop do you recomend ?04:48
Mewtiniat least it did for 12.1004:48
deckarddo i keep unity/04:48
switchingmewtini any suggestions?04:48
switchingi tried disabling firewall/antivirus to no avail04:49
SIFTUdeckard: lighter desktops are xfce, lxde etc04:49
MewtiniUm! I used Unity, because I love the look; it does look like it eats my resources (my computer is already pushed to its limits just running an OS)04:49
deckardcan i find all the info on getting those from the forums?04:49
buengeniohow can I add indicators/applets to the top panel (or whatever it's called) in Unity?04:49
SIFTUunity is one of the heaviest along with KDE04:49
buengenioI don't see any config options for it anywher04:49
MewtiniGNOME 3 is terrible, just sayin'.04:49
MewtiniKDE is slow although I had it at first because it reminded me of Windows.04:50
switching"Use the checkboxes to choose whether you’d like to Install Ubuntu alongside another operating system, delete your existing operating system and replace it with Ubuntu, or — if you’re an advanced user — choose the ’Something else’ option" does this mean I can set up a dual boot while booting off of a usb?04:50
SIFTUMewtini: not slow for me04:50
MewtiniXFCE is really light and prettier than LXDE, but I like Unity's eye candy. ;)04:50
Mewtiniswitching: yes, it does!04:51
MewtiniSomething else allows you to set up your own partitions and things.04:51
deckardhow i get xfce?04:51
switchingmewtini alright, hopefully this doesn'04:51
crankharderwhy is it when I remove a package some /etc/ files don't get removed, and if I rm them manually, and then reinstall the package they aren't put back in place?04:51
switchingt mess things up04:51
Mewtiniswitching hopefully!04:51
switchingI tried to manually partition once and my computer went haywire04:52
Mewtinioh no!04:52
kvothetechcrankharder: such as04:52
Mewtinideckard it should be in the software center04:52
crankharderit left everythign in /etc/monit as well as /etc/logrotate.d/monit and some other things04:52
Dr_williscrankharder,  thats why apt-get has a PURGE option, and some programs have setting files in their own seperate package04:52
MewtiniI think there's a commandline way to do it but I forget it at the moment04:52
MewtiniSame thing with the other DE's. :)04:53
MewtiniAnd then there's Enlightenment...04:53
deckardall i see is "About Xfce"04:53
crankharderDr_willis: ty04:53
kvothetechcrankharder: it's supposed to leave the logs and you probably changed something in /etc/monit.04:53
DragonRifthello, I installed the ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386 on avirtual machine and it installed the Unity3D desktop by default and never let me chose a diff one during install. how do I change this04:53
MewtiniHuh, I'll go on a Google Journey (tm)04:53
switchingdo you think a 6 year old computer will be able to boot from usb?04:53
deckardno no im not lazy i can do04:54
Dr_willisDragonRift,  install a differnt desktop. select it at the login screen04:54
kvothetechDragonRift: ctrl alt f1 apt-get install "gui you want"04:54
switchingor will I have to do DVD?04:54
deckard you thnk i can find XFC easy install instruction on forum?04:54
Mewtiniswitching depends on if BIOS has it as an option04:54
Mewtinialso deckard what did you search for?04:54
switchingmewtini how to check?04:54
Mewtinitry 'xubuntu' for the search item04:54
Dr_willisno need to use the console if  you can get to a terminal on X. ;)04:54
switchingmewtini any way besides rebooting and hitting f12? :P04:54
Mewtiniswitching sadly, no :(04:55
switchingbrb it is then04:55
Mewtiniso good luck!04:55
kvothetechswitching: most can but yeah you have to look to make sure.04:55
Kb8wluwhats the command to dual boot grub window04:55
Kb8wludr willis you here?04:55
DragonRiftDr_willis: I don't know how04:56
Kb8wluwhats the command for grub to dual  boot04:56
kvothetechKb8wlu: ?04:56
DragonRiftkvmadsen: can I not download an ISO that has the gnome desktop?04:56
MewtiniKb8wlu - I probably won't know the answer, but I can try... not exactly sure what you mean, though04:56
Kb8wlui think is sudo repair-grub04:57
MewtiniDragonRight: For Ubuntu? I don't think so.04:57
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kvothetechDragonRift: you can make one if you can't find one04:57
DragonRiftNewatin: this is a pain because the I am runnign in a VM and its doing like 1 FPS04:57
MewtiniThe one from ubuntu.com is only GNOME, but... yeah.04:57
MewtiniDragonRift :(04:57
kvothetechDragonRift: go to a console install a diff gui or install the xorg drivers for your vm platform if applicable04:58
DragonRiftkvothetech: I am new to linux and my programming instructor had me install ubuntu in a VM04:58
MewtiniLinux is definitely a bit of a learning curve :)04:59
DragonRiftI have been using windows for 17 years04:59
MewtiniComing from Windows, that is.04:59
Dr_willisWIndows has its own learning curve..04:59
MewtiniOS X probably isn't as bad.04:59
Mewtiniswitching, hi!04:59
Dr_willishad to help a gui with windows 8 last week...  we couldent figure out where the wireless settings was at.04:59
MewtiniHow'd it go.04:59
DewiDragonRift: you can switch to xubuntu with the xubuntu-desktop package, it should run a bit better in a vim05:00
DewiDragonRift: er in a vm05:00
MewtiniYeah Windows 8 seems like it's an evil of its own.05:00
switchingif USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, and USB-CDROM are options, am i good to go?05:00
MewtiniI think.05:00
DragonRiftanyone direct me to an ISO link05:00
Dr_willisOs-X has its own weird learning curve also.. well. more of a cliff..05:00
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Raring, and help keeping the servers' load low!05:00
DewiDragonRift: I have unity running okay in a VM with 3d acceleration but it's still pretty slow05:00
MewtiniYes but OS X to Linux is still not that bad.05:00
root_hey everyone05:00
MewtiniJust because... both are Unix based! ;)05:00
kvothetechos x is messed cause it's supposed to be bsd but nothing from bsd applies (try it) same with all the macports and stuff..they're just messed up05:01
root_i just downloaded kali linux, is there a speific channel for help with it?05:01
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Dr_willisroot_,  check its homepage and see? i would guess #kali05:01
DragonRiftI was told to use the latest Ubuntu because 12.x did not support my laptop drivers05:01
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kvothetechRootert: backtrack05:01
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switchinguggghhhhhhhhhh wubi05:01
kalistudentthanx kvothetech05:01
switchingi give up on you05:01
Dr_willisand hopefully in the next year.. wubi will finally be dead. ;P and burried.05:02
switchingbut it used to work ;-(05:02
DewiDragonRift: or you could try gnome-desktop-environment package, but that's gnome 3 so it still might be in 3d and slow, depends on whether it falls back ornot05:02
kvothetechDragonRift: I do most of my installs using debootstrap..you should be able to do that and pick whatever version you want with whatever de you want05:02
switchingHALLELUJAH it worked!!!!!!05:02
MewtiniWubi is really great for those who... who just want to try it out.05:02
kvothetechDr_willis: people still use wubi?05:02
Dr_willisand frogotten  like those silly tweak-ubuntu scripts from years ago..05:02
switchingkvothetech hi!05:03
MewtiniBut seriously live cd isn't hard.05:03
switchingi do!05:03
Dr_willisand that dangerous 'macbuntu' stuff.05:03
switchingmewtini my computer despises it05:03
switchinglast i tried it i had to search for my xp restore cd :(05:03
Mewtinioh, no :(05:03
kvothetechswitching: lol why? between kvm, full install, xen, vbox, vmware  etc....wubi's kinda pointless05:04
switchingbut im thinking of getting a system76 laptop this summer05:04
Dr_willisrunning ubuntu in vbox here on win7 - seems to work decently well05:04
switchingdo you recommend those?05:04
MewtiniI have a Windows 7 VM in VMWare Player over here.05:04
kvothetechswitching: I use kvm the most but other than xen al of them are more or less supported very well.05:04
switchingmewtini for college? :) im going into comp eng05:05
kvothetechxen is supported but linux is slowly moving away from it05:05
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MewtiniI wish VBox worked because "omg open source!1!!!!" but... it doesn't.05:05
Mewtiniswitching no, not up to college age... not even close05:05
DewiMewtini: it works okay05:05
switchingmewtini what do you mean not up to college age?05:05
Mewtiniswitching that's me being tired, oops.05:06
deckardthank you to those that helped i am looking set up05:06
Dewioh, dunno about win705:06
DewiI mean it works but I dunno how comfortably long term05:06
DewiDr_willis: it runs horribly because of the 3d05:06
MewtiniI read it as "are you going to college" somehow and meant that I'm not close to being eighteen05:06
switchinglol what did you mean to say05:06
Dr_willisDewi,  actually the 3d seems to work decently well for me.05:06
DewiDr_willis: without 3d acceleration it takes 5 seconds to render a window, with 3d it still takes a second05:07
switchingmewtini oh i see05:07
switchingany idea why wubi is downloading amd64 when i have 32bit xp?05:07
kvothetechDewi: does your host have direct acceleration support in the kernel or is it emulating it even with acceleration05:07
Mewtiniswitching ?! Wow, that's really weird.05:08
Dewikvothetech: I have guest additions installed, if that's what you mean05:08
MewtiniIt isn't set to or something like that, is it.05:08
switchingmewtini should i cancel?05:08
bcbc2switching: many 64bit computers come with a 32bit windows05:08
kvothetechswitching: unless youre on something pre 2002, netbook, or a phone 64 bit's fine and probably preferable05:08
bcbc2switching: unless you want 32bit ubuntu, you can safely leave it05:08
Dewikvothetech: debian runs fine in 2d and 3d even without guest additions...05:08
switchingbcbc2 i have 2gb of ram05:09
DragonRiftgawd, this is making me cry its so slow05:09
switchingthe max for my mb05:09
kvothetechswitching: what cpu05:09
kvothetechDragonRift: ?05:09
bcbc2switching: I don't think it matters. I'd run 64bit if the computer supports it.05:09
kvothetechDewi: i mean in your kernel..on the host..do you have 3d guest support built in05:09
DragonRifttrying to navigate the desktop at like 1 Frame per second05:09
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switchingpentium 4 :P05:09
kvothetechDragonRift: ctrl alt f105:09
kalistudentbtw if anyones curious, its #kali-linux05:10
switchingbcbc2 cool05:10
kvothetechDragonRift: that'll give you a terminal to work with ...05:10
kalistudentfor the next guy that asks05:10
Mewtiniintel core 2 duo and 2GB RAM... I wish that I had a high enough memory that I could run 64bit though.05:10
kvothetechMewtini: that can run 64 bit..you don't NEED 4gb ram to be 64 bit05:10
kvothetechal the core 2 duo are 64 bit cpu's05:10
switchingkvothetech can i? pentium four an 2gb?05:10
Mewtiniyeah, I knew that the processor was 64bit05:11
SIFTUswitching: 32bit will use about 10% less RAM05:11
kvothetechMewtini: you can run it then.05:11
MewtiniMaybe it is but would it run okay with that amount of RAM?05:11
switchingalso can you upgrade to 13.04 after installing 12.04 through wubi05:11
Mewtiniswitching yes.05:11
kvothetechSIFTU: lol where you get that from05:11
MewtiniI'd imagine so!05:11
switchingsiftu but what are the pluses to 64?05:11
Dewiactually that was a different host, I should try both on this host sometime05:11
bcbc2switching: if you want 13.04 use the 13.04 wubi. it will save you a lot of time05:11
switchingbcbc2 doesnt exist i think, wubi only works with 12.04 now according to the site05:12
kvothetechswitching: i don't think he has a clue what he's talking about...10 percent less ram would only be true MAYBE if you ran...nothing?05:12
SIFTUswitching: 64 can address more RAM05:12
SIFTUkvothetech: ;)05:12
bcbc2switching: yeah it does exist05:12
switchingsiftu my mb only holds 2 gb max lol05:12
DewiDr_willis: I am curious, is your OpenGL renderer and version "Chromium" ?05:12
Mewtiniswitching: if your computer's already acting funky then it might be a good idea to use 12.04LTS for stability's sake05:12
SIFTUswitching: which is why I would go 32 bit05:13
Mewtiniand if it runs okay then, well, yeah... upgrade05:13
bcbc2switching: http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ look there05:13
switchingbcbc2 link? 0.005:13
kvothetechSIFTU: where you get that 32 bit uses 10percent less ram?05:13
switchingsiftu which means i need the i386 one right?05:13
SIFTUkvothetech: it's well known http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/stick-to-32-bit-for-your-low-end-box/05:13
Mewtiniif your computer is 32 bit, then yeah, switching05:14
Dr_willisDewi,  loading it up now.. i got video reencoding.. :) so my whole system is slow..05:14
switchingmewtini cool05:14
Mewtiniswitching sounds like pentium 4's are all 32bit/i386's, yeah05:14
Mewtiniaccording to a quick google search05:15
Dewikvothetech: it makes sense because the default integer storage size doubles in 64-bit05:15
SIFTUkvothetech: this guy says 30% http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=11148205:15
Dewithe exact amount depends on how much of your code is storing things like integers, versus other blocks of RAM05:15
WeThePeoplewhat dir. does a tar.gz go05:15
kvothetechDewi: yeah but that's implying you're running a ton of shitty scripts that don't allocate memory etc properly...05:15
Dr_willisDewi,  what are you wanting to know? :) i got the vm loaded05:15
Dewikvothetech: what's shitty about storing ints?05:16
switchingmewtini weird that it dled the 64 then05:16
DewiDr_willis: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test  -p05:16
SIFTUkvothetech: so you didnt read it at all05:16
Mewtiniswitching does it autodetect??05:16
MewtiniI haven't used Wubi in forever, so...05:16
DewiDr_willis: what renderer and version does that say you have?05:16
switchingmewtini it's only temporary until i get a new comp05:16
switchingdont judge me lol05:17
Dr_willisDewi,  chroomium 1.905:17
Mewtiniswitching I found this bit, which is why I'm not sure; "I do not think there were any 64bit P4s made, I could be wrong though."05:17
DewiDr_willis: cool, that's what I get too. It runs okay but not particularly well.05:17
SIFTUkvothetech: here is an ubuntu example http://askubuntu.com/questions/7034/what-is-the-difference-between-32-bit-and-64-bit-and-which-should-i-choose05:18
DewiDr_willis: I will try the gnome 3 one, maybe this host simply can't do decent 3d emulation05:18
DewiDr_willis: thanks for checking that05:18
bcbc2switching: wubi doesn't download 64bit for 32bit pcs.05:18
Dr_willisDewi,  you did check the 3d enable box in the vbox settings? ;) and installed the  vbox guest stuff?05:18
Mewtinibcbc2 that's weird, then!05:18
switchingmewtini its a pentium 4 52405:18
bcbc2switching: what's the make/model?05:18
SIFTUkvothetech: so I guess I was wrong, it's 30%ish less05:18
Mewtiniswitching huh! no F in its name?05:18
DewiDr_willis: yeah it was way worse before I did that, when it was using llvmpipe05:19
DewiDr_willis: so it definitely seems to have picked up the 3c05:19
Dewi3d even05:19
bcbc2http://ark.intel.com/products/27462/ says 64bit05:19
Mewtinithis is saying that the Intel Pentiums that are marked with an F in its name (e.g. Pentium 4 3.0F) are 64bit05:19
switchingintel pentium 4 processor 52405:19
switching0.0 intel website says 64bit05:20
Mewtiniwell, then this forum thread is misinformed. :|05:20
switchingno problem05:20
switchingso any other pluses to 64 bit besides ram that i cannot hold?05:21
Mewtinibut yeah either way if wubi's trying to install a 64bit I'd trust it more than I'd trust shaky evidence :x05:21
deckardi have installed xfce but the bottom part of my game is covered with a blue bar05:21
SIFTUswitching: you can get a slight performance boost with 64 bit05:21
MewtiniI've heard that it runs faster than 32bit on 64bit.05:21
deckardty SIFTU , it is nice desktop05:22
switchingsiftu hooray!05:22
Mewtini64bit with 64bit's supposed to be faster??05:22
switchingcommence torrent of 64bit05:22
Mewtinikvothetech: so 64bit would run okay with my 2GB RAM?05:23
switchingmewtini let's hope so05:24
SIFTUMewtini: yeah it will run, just use more memory05:24
MewtiniI'm just worried because this computer is just. really slow05:24
kvothetechMewtini: yes and i'll buy you might usea slight amount less but not 30 percent until someone shows me two systems side by side with EXACTLY the same setup hardware etc and only diff 32/6405:24
Mewtinieven on Xubuntu05:24
Mewtinireally slow05:24
Korekameperformance differences between 64 and 32 bit systems differs on an application by application basis. Somethings are better optimized than others. Also, just because 64-bit can address more resources, doesn't mean you need them.05:25
MewtiniHeck, even Lubuntu. >>05:25
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SIFTUkvothetech: do it yourself, this is common knowledge05:25
MewtiniI'll keep that in mind, then!05:25
KorekameLubuntu uses less memory than Xubuntu in my experience.05:25
MewtiniYes, I know. Or well, it's supposed to.05:25
kvothetechsiftu i am.05:25
Korekameof course, that all depends on what you're doing with it.05:25
MewtiniIt's just that I have a terrible computer somehow.05:26
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MewtiniIt's a Lenovo Thinkpad W500, I think. Or maybe R500.05:26
MewtiniEither way they're supposed to be decent computers! >>05:26
KorekameI wouldn't know. I've not had much experience with Lenovo systems.05:27
ramonin a proscess of upgrading my system from precise 12.10 to 13.04 i got a failed message from sdk105:27
switchingmewtini i have an entry level emachines from 2006.05:28
ramonthat could be a corrupted memory?05:28
DragonRiftso Ubuntu is detecting my cpu as Core I7 920XM so the lag is not my cpu05:28
DragonRiftwhen I right click on my desktop, it takes 1M 18S for the menu to appear05:29
bogorHow do i mount a ubuntu partition in windows over network ? Is installing and configuring samba the only way out. Is there anything like sshfs in windows ?05:30
KorekameDragonRift, I'd reboot, and select the memory checker from the boot menu, rather than the OS, make sure your RAM is in good shape.05:30
Kb8wluhow do i edit the grub dual boot screen to edit what it says their?05:30
KorekameWorst case scenario, you got bugged ram, and need to replace it. Best case, you eliminate it as an issue.05:31
Korekamebogor, you can get nfs utils for Windows, I'm not sure about sshfs05:32
bogorKorekame: is it included in windows or do i get it from internet ?05:32
Korekamebogor, you could try winscp to access a filesystem over ssh ( or use filezilla and set it up for ssh ). But that's not really mounted.05:32
clctoKb8wlu: /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:33
Korekamebogor, you can get it from MS's website, but it's changed so much since the last time I did it, that I don't know what page it's on  anymore.05:33
KorekameI think it's called unix tools or something, I can't remember.05:33
bogorKorekame: i will search nfs utils05:33
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bogorThanks Korekame05:33
Dr_willisi never was able to find NFS for windows at the ms site. ;) looked ages ago for it05:33
clctobogor: probably a way with cygwin05:33
KorekameDr_willis, it's not listed as NFS for windows05:34
bogorclcto: cygwin is not a elegant way i feel05:34
Dr_willisor run a minimal disrto in vbox/qemu/whatever05:34
clctobogor: neither is windows05:34
Korekameit's unix tools, it comes with ksh for windows, or posix utils, i don't remember. NFS support is just one of the features.05:34
Korekameyou can access the filesystem over ssh with filezilla or winscp, it's not mounting, but it might be a plausible solution, or at least something temporary till you find a better way.05:35
KorekameAnyway, NFS support on windows is highly inefficient, so it might not be worth the effort.05:35
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ramoni am talking about hard drive and you said ram problem? are you nut?05:36
Korekamewow, i got lines mixed, i'm a little dyslexic, sorry.05:37
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Henry151hello there folks05:42
Henry151maybe somebody can help me with this particularly perplexing problem05:42
switching henry151 hi05:43
KorekameHenry151, could you start by stating the issue?05:43
clctoHenry151: just ask05:43
kolamanhi all, I have installed nagios-nrpe-server (nrpe client on 12.04 ubuntu machine) but that is not working. I start nrpe and it starts successfully. But when I check status it shows not running05:45
Henry151using unetbootin to load an iso, it completed the "extracting and copying files" step successfully, but then I had a hard-reset (bumped the power cord on the laptop which has a no-good battery). Then, in a complex sequence of events, the iso file was lost, and I want to avoid re-downloading it because it took two days on my slow internet connection. I want to know: is there any way to complete the third step, "installing bo05:45
Henry151otloader," without the iso file on hand?05:45
Dr_willisHenry151,  unetbootin was downloading the iso?05:46
Henry151no, i downloaded it with bittorrent05:46
Mewtinibut don't you still have it?05:46
Henry151but the laptop i downloaded it to has been dropped off a desk and destroyed05:46
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Dr_willisweird that it vanished..05:46
Dr_willisHenry151,  look in /lost+found perhaps?05:47
Henry151so basically, I have everything that was on the ISO, I've even copied it from the USB stick to my harddrive, but the usb stick won't boot because there's no bootloader on it. I need to install a bootloader somehow and copy the files back on05:47
switchinginstalling ubuntu :D 30gb partition05:48
switchingmy hd is like 120 though so that's a lot05:48
Mewtiniswitching :D I have it on a 30GB partition, too.05:48
switchingnice! how big is your hdd?05:48
RelaxationJust put a fresh install of 13.04 on my comp. Should I stick with unity?05:48
Mewtinimost of my hd is taken up by windows >:(05:48
Dr_willisif a file was rescued from a fsck.. it might be in /lost+found05:48
Henry151or use somehow fool unetbootin into skipping the "extract and copy files" step and going straight to "install bootloader"05:48
Dr_willisRelaxation,  use whatever desktop you want. Install them all. ;)05:48
Mewtiniswitching mine is ~160GB05:48
switchingmewtini i cleaned up about 5 gb of junk beforehand :)05:49
MewtiniRelaxation Unity's really pretty! It is personal preference, though.05:49
RelaxationIndeed, what are some essential things / apps to get after a fresh install?05:49
MewtiniDr_willis: y'know, fsck seems to have revived my Ubuntu05:49
switchingmewtini do you think it is worth it to go with a ssd if i get a system76 laptop?05:49
RelaxationI'm coming from Fedora, was pretty fed up with it tbh.05:50
MewtiniRelaxation: Compiz is good if you want special effects (BE CAREFUL WITH IT)05:50
Henry151for further information, the "installing bootloader" step was never begun, the hard reset happened between the two steps while unetbootin was actually not doing anything, just sitting idle05:50
Dr_willisswitching,  if you can make due with the smaller hd size.. the speed boost is amazeing05:50
MewtiniRelaxation I was thinking of using Fedora until I saw it used GNOME3. :P05:50
tnkhanhhi, do you guys know Wine that can help run Windows program on linux?05:50
RelaxationYou can always use Cinnamon on it.05:50
MewtiniHenry151 oh, no... >:(05:50
dry[1]hi. ubuntu 12.04.02 ibus problem: symbol suggestions [space press] are not working [in anthy (m17n)]05:51
MewtiniRelaxation: Oh, that's true. Hm.05:51
tnkhanhhi, I have some question05:51
Guest66305Hello! I recently switched my distro from Fedora to Ubuntu. I have a hangup though. I'm trying to restore my home folder, but before I can do that I need to be able to access my password, which is currently inside of my Revelation Passowrd Manager file. No problem, I just need to install Revelation first and open up my file. So, I install it Revelation from the package manager. Then I go to open up my file, and it's tellin05:51
Guest66305g me that the file is of a newer version of Revelation. Okay, looks like I'm going to need to install from source, because the newest version in Ubuntu package manager is outdated. So, I download the source files for the newest version of Revelation, and attempt to install, but it needs some dependencies. Unforunately, I don't know how to install these dependencies. Can somebody help walk me through this process? Here is w05:51
Dr_willisNot much poing in cinnamon ;) gome-3 3.8 has its own gnome-2 look mode...  but its still a work in progress05:51
Guest66305hat I have so far: http://pastebin.com/sEQ49pTm05:51
FloodBot1Guest66305: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
_thufir_how do you know that SANE is installed and configured correctly?  the Samsung unified driver doesn't see it:    http://askubuntu.com/questions/294965/05:51
Mewtinitnkhanh: what do you mean, exactly?05:51
Mewtinido you mean, like, reverse wine?05:51
switchingreverse wine? o.O05:52
Mewtininot that I know of :(05:52
tnkhanhit runs on windows and run programs on linux05:52
Henry151anybody? this seems like it should be simple but I can't figure it out05:52
Mewtinitnkhanh there're a lot of google results that came up for "run linux apps on windows"05:53
Mewtinitnkhanh most of them are saying to use virtualization. >>05:54
Dr_willistheres used to be a ubuntu-spinoff that installed in windows. and  worked with xming to sort of transparently run linux apps on windows.05:54
xraixedAir crack available in Ubuntu 1305:54
Mewtinior wubi...05:54
RelaxationHow do i adjust the screen brightnesss in ubuntu05:54
Guest66305Can somebody help me with this problem? Explained here because it's so long: http://pastebin.com/8b4BUFwL05:54
switchingwubi! :)05:54
Dr_williswubi dosent run at the same time  as windows.05:54
tnkhanhwubi is that dual boot right?05:55
Dr_williswubi is a special kind of dual booting.. yes.05:55
aeon-ltdtnkhanh: yeah, but using the win bootloader05:55
switchingyea i was joking cause no one uses it anymore except me05:55
aeon-ltdhttp://lifehacker.com/5195999/portable-ubuntu-runs-ubuntu-inside-windows this is what i'm talkin bout05:55
RelaxationWell, doesnt wubi run within Windows, or soemthing like that...05:55
Henry151let me simplify my problem, then maybe somebody can help. Is there any way to make a bootable usb key from files that have already been extracted from their ISO?05:55
MewtiniDr_willis: special is the gentle way to put it05:55
clctowubi installs ubuntu in a vm on windows05:55
Mewtinitnkhanh: ! here, look http://lifehacker.com/358208/seamlessly-run-linux-apps-on-your-windows-desktop :o05:55
Dr_williswubi Installs onto the windows partition..  its not really running in a vm.,05:55
tnkhanhwoa how cool05:56
Ben66Henry151: maybe, but why not just use the iso?05:56
tnkhanhtks I will look into it05:56
Dr_willisHenry151,  you could install syslinux onto the usb flash.. thats what unetbootin normally uses05:56
_thufir_tnkhanh: cygwin05:56
Dr_willisHenry151,  if all the files are there.05:57
Henry151Ben66: it's a long story but basically the iso has been lost because the laptop it was on is physically damaged from dropping to the floor, and i have too slow an internet connection to re-download in my timeframe05:57
_thufir_!cygwin | tnkhanh05:57
Henry151Dr_willis: thank you so much that sounds like the answer05:57
Guest66305Can somebody tell me what the ubuntu equivalent of yum provides is?05:57
tnkhanhok I will try05:57
Henry151going off to google syslinux now :)05:57
clctoyeah, apt sry05:57
Dr_willisHenry151,  you did look for the iso file in /lost+found ?05:57
Henry151no, the laptop that fell off the desk won't even start to boot05:58
Ben66grab the drive out of it and hook it up05:58
Guest66305I'm trying to figure out how to install pygtk-2.8 and I can't figure out how.05:58
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jarray52What does the s in linux file permissions mean? I'm referring to the s at the very beginning that occurs at the same location as the d for directory.05:58
Ben66most hard drives can survive quite a high amount of acceleration when off05:58
CharcoalcatGuest66305: sudo apt-get install pygtk-2.8?05:58
aeon-ltdGuest66305: is it in the repos? if not is there a ppa? if not build it05:58
Henry151Ben66: i think the hard drive is probably ok but I don't have the tools nor much experience to pull the hard drive out and try to hook it to my other laptop05:59
Guest66305Help! http://pastebin.com/8b4BUFwL05:59
Ben66!patience | guest6630505:59
ubottuguest66305: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:59
Henry151I really hope the hard drive on that laptop is not damaged because it has the cast majority of my real data05:59
tnkhanhthufir_, Mewtini: I am using dual boot with wubi. Ubuntu and Windows are on the same win partition. I want to access my linux files and run my terminal (and maybe other apps) through windows05:59
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RelaxationHenry, It's more likely things just disconnected than it is parts actually broke.05:59
jarray52Henry151: You could try network booting the machine. If that works, then you're sol.05:59
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Henry151jarray52: the laptop in question won't even begin to turn on, hitting power button does nothing at all. Plugging it in causes a couple lights to turn green, but not the "power" light that should indicate that it's plugged in normally06:00
jarray52Henry151: If you're sol, you can pay a recovery company 2k to recover the data for you.06:00
Henry151I think I can recover the data myself somewhere down the road, likely the hard drive isn't even damaged and if i just pull it out and plug it in to another machine I'll have everything back06:01
Henry151but for now i'm on an entirely different issue06:01
Henry151that is, trying to fix this half-done usb boot key for another laptop06:02
Ben66you're on verizon... you could download the iso pretty quickly06:02
MewtiniHenry151 how did you download it?06:02
switchingwahoo just booted into ubuntu successfully!06:02
MewtiniIf it was a regular download then you could wget it.06:03
jarray52What does the s in linux file permissions mean? I'm referring to the s at the very beginning that occurs at the same location as the d for directory.06:03
Dr_willisjarray52,  'suid' i think06:04
Dr_willisjared5552,  what file has the s ?06:04
RelaxationNothing important lol.06:04
Henry151Mewtini: bittorrent06:04
Mewtiniswitching: hurrah!06:04
jarray52Dr_willis: renderd.sock06:04
Henry151Ben66: I'm on verizon?06:04
Henry151I'm using some borrowed wifi06:04
RelaxationAnyone here use ubuntu for programming purposes?06:04
MewtiniHenry151: Huh... it took that long on BitTorrent?06:04
jarray52Dr_willis: How do I set the s at the beginning for a file?06:04
Henry151and it was pretty damn slow last night06:04
lasersGuest66305: Have you searched for "Ubuntu Compiling"? There are two links that you can read. "CompilingSoftware and CompilingEasySomething"06:04
switchingmewtini now time to get to work ndiswrapping some windows drivers06:04
MewtiniRelaxation I do if HTML/CSS counts. Haha.06:05
Guest66305lasers: Thank you for a lead. I'll look into it right now.06:05
Henry151Mewtini: it's a 3.7gb iso06:05
Ben66Dr_willis, jarray52: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_file_types#Socket06:05
RelaxationJarray52, you mean change the permissions? Go to the terminal and type "man chmod"06:05
MewtiniHenry151: Woah, what's in it? (sorry :( haven't been paying attention)06:05
Henry151Mewtini: Debian 7.0 :D06:06
RelaxationDebian's iso is that large?06:06
Mewtini?! Debian's that big?06:06
Ben66Henry151: then why are you in #ubuntu?06:06
Dr_willisjarray52,  why do you need to? its not normally somthing most people need to mess with -- .   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid06:06
MewtiniI thought Linux was usually smaller than Windows o.o06:06
Henry151I know, I should be asking in #debian, but I can't access #debian because I'm logged in as root because the only laptop I have right now that will turn on is running Backtrack and has only a root user set up06:06
aeon-ltdMewtini: can be06:06
RelaxationOH btw, what's the command that brings up all your OS / system specs, and includes a OS symbol made of of characters06:06
MewtiniRelaxation do you mean Details?06:07
Henry151Anybody want to tell me how to install syslinux to the usb drive or should i just go googling?06:07
aeon-ltdRelaxation: that's a script06:07
switchingdoes anyone here own a system76 laptop?06:07
MewtiniSystem Settings > Details??06:07
Ben66Henry151: well its not even an ubuntu issue...06:07
MewtiniBen66 it's still not "omg debian" entirely!!06:07
Relaxationaeon what's the script called?06:07
Henry151Ben66: true but it's not really a debian issue either, it's a unetbootin issue and they don't have an IRC channel :)06:07
jarray52Ben66: Thanks. That was extremely helpful. I'd been barking up the wrong tree for a while.06:07
Ben66trying to make a debian usb drive from backtrack?06:08
RelaxationMewtini, no not that!06:08
Ben66definitely not ubuntu06:08
aeon-ltdRelaxation: like this but for ubuntu http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/261312/archey.png ?06:08
RelaxationYes! Exactly06:08
RelaxationHavn't used it in quite some time. Forgot how.06:08
aeon-ltdthat's ascript you'll need to download06:08
Henry151plus you ubuntu people are smart so I figured I'd ask here :)06:08
RelaxationWhat's it called?06:08
lasersTry archey script06:09
aeon-ltdi'm trying to find it now06:09
RelaxationIt's quite popular.06:09
switchingare system76 laptops really thick?06:10
aeon-ltdRelaxation: there's actually a pkg called archey that handles it across distros06:10
Relaxationsudo apt-get archey?06:11
jarray52Ben66: Is there a simple way to create a socket file?06:11
Ben66jarray52: what are you trying to accomplish06:11
CharcoalcatHenry151: Wait, why is logging in as root keeping you from going in #debian? Can't you just join it from your irc client?06:11
jarray52Ben66: I'm trying to create a socket file renderd.sock.06:12
Ben66jarray52: for what purpose06:12
switchingdoes anyone have experience using linux on a personal computer during college?06:13
RelaxationSwitching, I do.06:13
Henry151Charcoalcat: #debian automatically takes your voice if you are logged in as root06:13
Charcoalcatswitching why do you ask!06:13
CharcoalcatHenry151: Oh what. Huh.06:13
jarray52Ben66: To allow an apache2 server to communicate with mod_tile. This will allow me to setup a tile server.06:13
switchinghow was that? any compatibility problems?06:13
aeon-ltdRelaxation: there;s a deb here https://github.com/djmelik/archey/downloads06:13
Ben66jarray52: stuff like that should happen automatically06:13
qinHenry151: adduser notrootuser; su notrootuser; irssi...06:13
switchingcharcoalcat off to college and thinking of getting system76 laptop06:14
Dr_willishttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-can-i-create-a-socket-file-248399/  jarray5206:14
qinHenry151: no trouble at all.06:14
RelaxationNo because I have windows on my desktop, so if there were any issues I had it covered. Also I'm a computer science major so a linux distro on a portable machine is required of me.06:14
switchingrelaxation im a computer engineering major :)06:14
jarray52Either the file wasn't created, or I accidentally deleted the file. I have another Linux machine where the server works, and I'm trying to copy the configuration.06:15
RelaxationAeon - Thank you!06:15
switchingyou brought a desktop to college relaxation?06:15
Charcoalcatswitching: Office is the only problem I've had through two semesters! That was for a (required here) learn-to-use-Office class, though. My partner's had some trouble with music programs like Finale and GarageBand.06:15
switchingcharcoalcat "learn to use office"? 0.006:15
RelaxationSwitching, yes, but you must understand I reside in my area of schooling for all but 2 moths of the year (going year round)06:15
RelaxationAnd I live in an apartment that's off campus06:16
Charcoalcatswitching: Well it's supposed to be a "help I've never heard of a computer" class but it ends up being pretty much about learning to use Office.06:16
switchingrelaxation would you advise taking just linux to college?06:16
switchingcharcoalcat why did you take it lol06:16
switchingrelaxation if im going to be in a dorm06:17
Charcoalcatswitching also if you're living at college you should be able to go to the computer lab for the occasional incompatible program!06:17
jarray52Dr_willis: I saw that in my Google searching but couldn't find the mkfio program/package.06:17
switchingcharcoalcat well many of the labs are all linux :D06:17
Charcoalcatswitching: I said before, it's a required class here. It's annoying.06:17
switchingcharcoalcat oh ya sorry forot06:17
Charcoalcatswitching oh neat! That sounds like they don't expect many issues, then!06:17
Dr_willisjarray52,  its installed by default here....06:17
Dr_willis!find mkfifo06:17
ubottuFile mkfifo found in coreutils, dist, fp-docs-2.6.0, freebsd-manpages, gnulib, klibc-utils, manpages-de, manpages-dev, manpages-es, manpages-fr-dev (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mkfifo&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any06:18
RelaxationSwitching, you can make do with just linux quite easily, now, I will admit, having both windows AND linux will serve as a SLIGHT convenience for you.06:18
switchingcharcoalcat i hope not!06:18
Dr_williswhich mkfifo -->  /usr/bin/mkfifo06:18
switchingrelaxation for what? i dont really play video games06:18
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jarray52Dr_willis: it's mkfifo not mkfio... that makes a difference.06:18
Dr_willisi have mkfifo here..06:19
Charcoalcatswitching: For the classes you're planning to take, could you E-mail the professors and ask them about what programs they're expecting you to use?06:19
Guest66305I just issued the apt-search pygtk command and it brought up so many packages that I could scroll through all of them. How do I make it so that I have to hit enter before it takes me down a page, so that I can see the whole list?06:19
jarray52Dr_willis: the post has mkfio. That's where I got stuck.06:19
Dr_willisFirst in FIrst Out..06:19
jarray52I'll try with mkfifo06:19
switchingcharcoalcat i'll bet those are online, so i can check :)06:19
Dr_willis  see the options for mkfifo. on my system the file is:06:19
Dr_willisthe post uses both.. :)06:20
RelaxationSwitching, for me file formats and also my school uses a wireless printspot driver that is not compatable with linux, e.g. I must be logged onto windows or MacOS to print.06:20
Dr_willislooks like the first guy did a typo06:20
CharcoalcatGuest66305: Have you tried doing the search through Ubuntu Software Center or Synaptic Package Manager instead? You should be able to see the list more easily in those!06:20
RelaxationAlso what's this mkfifo06:20
Guest66305I haven't found anything for pygtk06:20
switchingrelaxation ouch! i guess i should ask someone at the school06:20
Relaxationdoes this have to do with a first in first out queue?06:20
vnc786hello everyone06:21
vnc786ubuntu 12.04 64 bit on Laptop : issue :- after power on --BIOS--> ORANGE Screen is there for 10-15 sec and and then fsck ... what does that ORNAGE screen does N can i disable it06:21
Guest66305Interesting, Synaptic Package Manager doesn't come pre-installed with Ubuntu. Installing it now.06:21
Dr_willishas info on mkfifo06:21
RelaxationSwitching, Like I said many of these issues are easily solved even if you don't have windows, like I said windows would be a SLIGHT convience and having only linux will not hinder you06:21
RelaxationAlso If you have a tech store at the school you plan on attending, then you can get windows 8 for 35$06:21
switchingrelaxation cool :), and now i just have to get over how thick system76 laptops appear to be06:22
jarray52Dr_willis: mkfifo creates a file with a 'p' instead of an 's'. hmm...06:22
RelaxationDr_willis: Did not know a command for this existed.06:23
RelaxationVery interestng.06:23
lasersswitching: You don't have to use system76 laptop. Most laptops will work out of box with zero/small issues.06:23
Dr_willisRelaxation,  ;) ive used them in the past. but rarely06:23
switchinglasers but then i have to buy windows :P06:23
Dr_willisRelaxation,  i recall some weird irc client ages ago that used lots of fifos ;) one for each channel..06:23
switchingdr_willis how was it?06:23
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Dr_willisweird. ;) i cant even rember its name06:24
RelaxationOh I understand it's implementation. I suppose you could use it as a parser?06:24
Henry151crikit over in #linux just solved my problems06:24
CharcoalcatGuest66305: Could "python-gtk2" be what you're looking for?06:25
RelaxationI've made my own FIFOs in C that did other things.... Mainly working with graphs.06:25
Henry151all I have to do is make the files into an iso again and then dd them to the usb06:25
CharcoalcatHenry151: Yay, yay!06:26
Guest66305Maybe, I'm not sure. It says pygtk-2.8>= 2.0 not found or somethingrather. I'm installing a couple of packages now.06:26
RelaxationDr_willis: I can't even wrap my mind around using a bunch of fifos for an irc. Lol.06:26
CharcoalcatGuest66305: Also, if you install things through Synaptic, it's supposed to try and get dependencies for you automatically! So that miiight work.06:27
vnc786any help on this..06:27
vnc786ubuntu 12.04 64 bit on Laptop : issue :- after power on --BIOS--> ORANGE Screen is there for 10-15 sec and and then fsck ... what does that ORNAGE screen does N can i disable it06:27
Dr_willisRelaxation,  yea.. you echo'ed to them.. and it would go to the channel.. cat from them to read the channel06:27
Guest66305Let's hope. I can't do anything until I can open up my passwords file. My whole life is locked up in that file.06:27
Dr_willisRelaxation,  first google hit i did.. ;)   http://tools.suckless.org/ii/06:28
RelaxationDr_willis:What in the.. I would have never though of implementing a FIFO like this! haha.06:29
Guest66305Hey, looks like I'm making progress. I ran ./configure again and it looks like it's got the dependency I didn't have earlier. But now there's a new dependency I need to get.06:29
RelaxationInteresting, nonetheless06:29
loganlee!ronaldo | Relaxation06:29
Relaxation!ronaldo | loganlee06:30
CharcoalcatGuest66305 that sounds good!06:30
Dr_willisRelaxation,  would make crafting an irc bot a lot simpiler. ;)06:30
RelaxationDr_willis - I see. Should I be worried someone just ran the !ronaldo command on me :O06:31
Relaxation!ronaldo | Relaxation06:32
lasersGuest66305: Those two links helped?06:33
CharcoalcatGuest66305: \o/!!06:33
Guest66305I want to thank everybody for helping me out. Those little clues here and there got me through it.06:34
Guest66305I can now begin to restore my life.06:34
Guest66305Thanks again everybody!06:34
elyazeis this chating room??06:39
elyazewhat ?06:40
ravinduAnyone can help me on this matter?06:40
elyazewhy no one talking06:41
ravinduits irritating to go through this mess06:41
elyazeany sexy girls?06:42
ravinduhelp may be greatly appreciated06:42
elyazeok i will try to help u06:42
ravinduthank you06:43
Dewiravindu: you probably need to check logs and make sure the appropriate defaults are set. Also, don't run alphas06:43
ravindunow its upgraded to the default version06:43
elyazei have no idea06:43
ravindugoing through terminal give access06:44
bhaveshMy resolution is set to 800x600 when I launch GTA SA through wine, I want it to get back to normal when I exit GTA SA. How can I do that?06:44
ravinduafter startx and typing unity in terminal06:44
loganlee!crossover | bhavesh06:45
ravinduanyway to fix this06:45
Dewiravindu: is the display manager (ie lightdm) starting on boot?06:46
ravinduonly boot into terminal06:46
bhaveshloganlee, its better than wine?06:47
loganleebhavesh, it's supposed to be for window games on linux06:47
bhaveshloganlee, well my game runs perfectly well with wine06:47
bhaveshI just want to auto change the screen resolution when my wine session ends06:48
Dr_willisyou could setup a script and xrandr to do that bhavesh06:48
ravindulog through terminal and type strartx then got to desktop and with no unity06:49
ravinduthen get terminal again and type unity06:50
ravinduthen all working06:50
bhaveshDr_willis, ill try. I'll have to find a way to execute my script automatically after the wine session ends06:50
Dr_willisbhavesh,  make the script start the game, then do the command after the game exits06:51
bhaveshDr_willis, Nice idea :)06:51
loganleebhavesh, write a bash script06:51
bhaveshloganlee, yea06:51
ravinduany idea friends? reinstalling daunting06:52
Dr_willisravindu,  install gdm see if gdm works06:52
ravinduhave to remove lightdm first?06:53
Dr_willisno you do not06:55
Dr_willissudo apt-get install gdm06:55
ravinduall worked fine after beta to stable version upgrade all started06:55
DragonRiftwhats the best desktop Env for a lightweight installation?06:56
Dr_willislightest  'full desktop' would be Lubuntu06:57
ravinduinstalled gdm06:58
ravinduand then?06:58
DragonRiftwill that reduce UI delays in a VM?06:59
Dr_willislubuntu works well for me in vbox..06:59
DewiDragonRift: xfce (xubuntu)06:59
deckardhi again. I uninstalled a program but the link still remains in the menu , how can i remove it?06:59
Dr_willisunity works well for me in vbox on windows.06:59
Dr_willisdeckard,  what program?06:59
DewiDragonRift: lubuntu is probably good too06:59
deckardFirestorm Viewer06:59
_PehdeN_how do you clear the update cache06:59
DragonRiftI have a bad UI delay in VBox06:59
deckardi right clikced the menu to edit it but i dont see it listed in there, but it is showing07:00
Dr_willisdeckard,  that one you installed manually in your users home?  most likely theres some .desktop file for it in one ofyour config dirs07:00
ravinduI'l restart and check whether it works Thanks Dr-Wills07:00
deckardi will check07:00
deckardwhen i clikc it it just says it doesnt exist07:00
deckardit is not there07:00
deckardstrange thing is it doesnt show in the edit menu thing, where you can see and tick or untick the ones you want to show07:01
deckard"applications menu"07:01
Dr_willisthers a .config/applications/ dir that has custome .desktop files07:01
deckard7 shown under "internet" but there are 807:02
vedmedk0hello, world!07:04
Myrttitest successful. would you like me to sing you a song, Dave?07:05
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* vedmedk0 jumps07:10
alumnoadminbroteviva la fiesta tiooooooooooo07:10
GinTonicoolhi guys, nfs common utilities statd failed ,what's wrong with it ?07:10
vedmedk0dunno lol07:11
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DragonRiftis there an app manager where I can see whats avaialble?07:12
Dr_willisDragonRift,  software-center, or synaptic, or the cli tools07:12
DragonRiftwell a software center as I am not experienced07:13
Dr_willisubuntu has 'software center' by default. synaptic is the older package manager gui07:13
DragonRiftwell I need to install developer tools for Programming & COmpiling07:14
Henry151does dd'ing an iso to a usb automatically make the usb bootable?07:15
Dr_willisDragonRift,  you will want the build-essential package and other -dev packages then07:15
Dr_willisHenry151,  yes.07:15
DragonRiftok so what command would I type?07:15
Dr_willisHenry151,  assuming you dd it to  /dev/sdX  not /dev/sdx1 by mistake ;)07:15
DragonRiftas I said07:15
DragonRiftI am not experienced lol07:15
Dr_willissudo apt-get install packagename07:15
Henry151yep, /dev/sdc07:15
Dr_willis!info build-essential07:16
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu4 (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB07:16
Henry151but it won't boot07:16
Henry151what i did was i made an iso from the files that were on the usb07:16
Henry151then i dd'd that to the usb07:16
Dr_willisHenry151,  err.. that wont work..07:16
Henry151why not07:16
Dr_willisthe iso has a bootrecord.07:16
Dr_willisyour files dont...07:16
Henry151can i add one?07:16
Dr_willisi imagine you could.. but  it may take you some time to figure it out07:17
Henry151and while i'm at it i want to add the broadcom-sta drivers i need for my wifi card so i can have internet during the install :)07:17
Dr_williswonder if you could get the ubuntu mini iso.. and make a bootable usb with it.. then copy over the stuff..07:18
Henry151*goes off googling "adding a bootrecord to an iso"07:18
Dr_willisyou would use 'isolinux' i belive to boot the cd.07:18
Henry151shoot i'll just go google "making a custom debian iso" and learn everything i can07:19
Dr_willisand have the actual ubuntu iso downloading as you read.. ;) and see what gets done first.07:20
Dr_willisthe lubuntu iso is smaller. ;)07:20
Dr_willisyou can make a ext3 filesystem on the usb. put the files on it.. then figure out the syslinux configs to make it bootable also07:22
Dr_willisactually that might be using 'extlinux' then..     they are variants/tools in the syslinux package07:23
DragonRiftwhats a good linux dev environment for programming07:23
Dr_willis!info geany07:23
ubottugeany (source: geany): fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1052 kB, installed size 2519 kB07:23
Henry151Dr_willis: I don't understand something here. If I download an ISO, extract it, then make it back into an ISO, the new iso and the old should be identical, yes?07:25
clctoHenry151: no07:25
Dr_willisHenry151,  no.. because theres a boot record on the iso that you dident get when you extacted the files07:26
DragonRiftis codeblocks a good environemnt?07:27
Dr_willistry it out and decide if it works for you07:27
Solstickhello x)07:27
Dr_willissome would argue emacs is the ultimate ide.  ;P07:27
VraaghetmaarHello Solstick07:28
DragonRiftI need an environemnt that I can be familiar with on Windows and Linux07:28
DragonRiftI will be doing Cross Platform Development07:28
clctoDragonRift: eclipse?07:28
Dr_willisin what language DragonRift ?07:28
DragonRiftGNU C/C++07:29
clctoDragonRift: MS doesnt have gnu c/c++07:29
DragonRiftMS has MingW07:29
DragonRiftclosest thing MS gets to GU afaik07:30
* Dr_willis dosent develop. ;P07:30
clctoeclipse is cross platform and pretty similiar to Visual Studio i believe07:31
loganleeeclipse seems good although i havent actually used it07:31
loganleeu can addon for c++ devel07:31
Dr_willisfrom the # of people i see in here fighting with eclipse.. it seems it can be fragile at times.07:32
TyropeGood morning, my school workstation boots into grub rescue with "error file not found" Google has many suggestions with live CDs, which I don't have access to atm.. any ideas?07:33
loganleeis netbeans ide any good?07:34
Tyrope(its a dual boot Win7 Ubuntu12.04)07:34
loganleeTyrope, wat happened to ubuntu?07:34
TyropeLogan: it shut down just fine yesterday.07:35
TyropeThis morning it just grubs.07:35
clctologanlee: isnt netbeans only java07:36
loganleemaybe fiddle around with boot priority in bios07:36
Jordan_UTyrope: Do you have more than one hard drive?07:36
loganleeclcto, yeh but i havent used it before so i dont know its good or not07:36
Tyrope no. Partitioned07:37
DragonRiftI think I am gonna use CoeBlocks and see how things go from there07:37
TyropeLs shows me fd0, hd0, and hd0,msdos[1,2,3,5,6]07:38
Jordan_UTyrope: Do you have a spare USB drive you can make a liveUSB out of? Did you do anything that you can think of between when it last booted correctly and now?07:38
Henry151i still don't understand... there is a folder in my iso called "isolinux" full of stuff07:38
Dr_williswowsers.. using Handbreak to reencode my cartoons took them from 300mb per half hr.. to 80mb :007:38
clctologanlee: idk me either, i just use vim07:38
OrangeTuxvim is awesome ;)07:38
BossDaDDyI got a question07:39
clctoBossDaDDy: just ask07:39
BossDaDDyare you guys nerds07:39
TyropeJordan: I don't, no. There's no other computer here I can use to download, I'm using my phone for IRC. I only did some vim and git.07:39
railsraiderhi, im trying to create an upstart with instance but the $ID does not pass to the env07:39
Jordan_U!ot | BossDaDDy07:39
ubottuBossDaDDy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
VraaghetmaarHahahahaha BossDaDDy why do you think?07:39
railsraiderenv PIDFILE="/var/www/shared/tmp/pids/resque_worker_0_instance_$ID.pid"07:40
railsraiderit creates the file like the string07:40
TyropeI didn't do anything that would influence booting...07:40
oyei. Yesterday I got Kubuntu installed in my laptop, thanks to Wubi. Everything went fine, the system is running smooth and sweet and nice. Now, my problem is that I can't boot  back into Windows. I mean, everything goes fine, Grub loads, I select to boot Windows, and afterwards, nothing happens. It just gets stuck into a black screen. Any clues?07:40
Dr_willisI  Thought wubi used the windows boot-loader selector thing.. not grub..07:41
Dr_willisor it uses grub after you see the windows boot selector07:41
BossDaDDyhe user EFAa25/etfEDZfUUzS v407:41
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BossDaDDydid you know Y = Mx + c07:42
Jordan_UTyrope: As per http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/GRUB-only-offers-a-rescue-shell.html , please run "set" and tell me what the value of $prefix is.07:42
Dr_willisravindu,  hmm? theres no need to dcc chat people...07:42
ravinduoh no idea about that07:42
ravindunew to irc chat07:43
ravinduby the way after gdm installation it worked but ugly login screen and touch pad not working07:43
oyeDr_willis: Now that you say it, yes, I guess you're right. So it's actually an issue of the windows boot-loader?07:43
Jordan_UTyrope: OK. Does "ls $prefix" list files or give an error message?07:43
ravinduwhy lightdm is not working?07:43
Dr_willisoye,  i would think so.. but i dont use wubi07:43
TyropeEmpty line, error: file not found07:44
oyeDr_willis: Ah, don't worry :-) I just thought maybe someone faced the same issue in the past and had any hints.07:44
Dr_willisoye,  thats the issue you see with wubi.. it breaks.. no one knows how to fix it07:44
ravinduany idea? Dr_willis07:44
TyropeThanks for helping btw, Jordan07:45
Dr_willisravindu,  whats  'ugly' about the login screen? and does the desktop actually work then?07:45
Jordan_Uoye: You should see the Windows bootloader menu before you see the grub menu. Can you post a screenshot (with a camera) of the first menu you see at boot? Can you also run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces?07:45
Jordan_U!bootinfo | oye07:45
ubottuoye: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).07:45
ravinduit worked i like lightdm lot that's why07:45
Dr_willisravindu,  huh? so gdm worked properly?07:46
Jordan_UTyrope: What about "ls (hd0,msdos3)/" ?07:46
Dr_willisravindu,  so clarify to the channel what the original issue is  with lightdm.07:46
TyropeShall I ls the other partitions?07:47
Jordan_UTyrope: Yes.07:47
oyeJordan_U: Oh, thank you very much! But I am not in panic. From Kubuntu I will be able to save the data I need, and then proceed to a complete linux installation, erasing everything on the way. Including Windows. :-)07:47
kolbeis there some rasonable way to tell grub (or something else i suppose) to start without any networking support? so that i don't have to wait for network configuration using existing udev rules to timeout after i have cloned a virtualbox image07:48
oyeI will take my time and do some googling, and it it doesn't work, then just screw it. HAH!07:48
Vraaghetmaarjmurrib21: Hello07:48
ronaldsoye, preinstalled windows on laptop, orginal? no reason to remove windows, if you can dual boot when you need it most07:48
ravinduas I explained earlier this is original issue http://goo.gl/wkJd807:48
Jordan_Uoye: You're welcome. Moving away from Wubi is definitely what you should do (I would have recommended it even if you weren't having any problems).07:48
TyropeJordan: msdos6 is my shared windows/linux storage, all other hd are 'unknown filesystem', fd0 gives fd0 read error07:49
ravinduthen as you asked I install gdm I was able to log in07:49
jmurrib21happy that i finally could install ubuntu 13.04 in a new desktop pc with UEFI07:49
oyeronalds: I do want to move away from Windows. That's the plan. Wubi was just a short-time solution before taking the definitive step.07:49
Tyrope(6 has no boot options)07:49
Vraaghetmaarjmurrib21: Thats great!07:49
loganleejust installed eclipse cdt07:50
loganleenow c++ support07:50
jmurrib21now, somehow the swap partition get deleted or something like that07:50
FreeBSD64jmurrib21: you can make one if theres not one there07:50
oyeJordan_U: I see. I will take your advice in consideration, very much.07:50
jmurrib21will do with gparted07:51
Vraaghetmaarjmurrib21: Try an partition manager07:51
jmurrib21will the swap partition help ubuntu to run faster07:52
teltariathello.  A current package that I need is a version behind the actual source. Is there a place where I can download a beta version package that is in sync with the bleeding edge version?07:52
ravinduany help on that matter?07:52
oyejmurrib21: The swap partition will "help" Ubuntu.. run.07:52
FreeBSD64if you have enough ram disable swap07:52
oyeOr, as FreeBSD64 just said.07:52
ronaldsthats admirable oye, but you can easily dual boot, and use both, just like knowing more than one language is bonuse..07:52
jmurrib21i just have 4 gb ram07:52
FreeBSD64jmurrib21: it depends what you're running. 4gb with no swap should be fine07:53
jmurrib21i see07:53
Dr_willis'just 4gb of ram' ;)07:53
FreeBSD64if you're never going to get near the max ram usage swap will only make things less responsive07:53
oyeronalds: I've had to Windows for almost two years, I am just so sick of it, I don't really feel like. :-)07:53
jmurrib21it takes a while to boot07:53
oyeI am not "new", just out of date. :-P07:53
Dr_willisif your not using all your ram.. then swap shouldend really be getting touched.07:54
FreeBSD64jmurrib21: it wont affect boot speed, that will probably be your hard drive mostly07:54
jmurrib21i see07:54
FreeBSD64Dr_willis: it still swaps depending on swappiness07:54
FreeBSD64when it gets to a certain threshold07:54
Jordan_Ujmurrib21: FreeBSD64: Having swap alone will almost never make anything slower, but can allow things to run faster (by allowing more RAM to be used for cache), and is certainly good for avoiding an OOM (Out Of Memory) situation. If you think that swap is slowing things down for some reason (why?) you can always set swappiness to 0 and swap will only be used in emergencies to prevent OOM killing.07:54
Dr_williscant say ive really noticed. ;) but i got 'just' gb of ram..07:54
newbuntuPFSense any good for a firewall? help :P07:54
Dr_willis!firewall | newbuntu07:54
ubottunewbuntu: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.07:54
Dr_willisactually im not even sure if i got a swap on this box..  it might have gotten removed when i switched to sdd07:55
ravinduwhy is that gdm worked while lightdm not07:55
FreeBSD64you can set the swappiness to a tighter level so it doesnt swap early07:55
TyropeJordan_U: not to seem impatient, but did you see my message?07:56
FreeBSD64then you get the best of both worlds07:56
Dewiravindu: probably just had broken configs and installing gdm got you a fresh one07:56
teltariatCan someone help me understand the packaging process for Ubuntu? Like a place where I can see and use packages not yet in the production repos?07:56
jmurrib21thanks for that explanation jordan_u. well when I first boot ubuntu something appeared below the Ubuntu name saying that I needed to Skip or Mount manually the partition that wasn't found..07:57
Dr_willis!ppa | teltariat07:57
ubottuteltariat: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:57
ravinduI reinstalled lightdm still not working07:57
teltariatubottu: thank you07:57
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:57
Jordan_UTyrope: No I didn't (if you don't use my full nick the message won't be higlighted in my client). I can't see any way to fix this without other boot media, unless possibly there is a BIOS setting which is wrong (LBA disabled or similar) which might fix things.07:57
ravinduso anyone know to fix those configs07:57
TyropeBios hasn't changed... I guess I'm going to ask if i can fetch my CD from home07:58
Dr_willispurge lightdm  - that will remove all the old configs..07:58
Dr_willisbut it might  not be a config issue.07:58
=== ben__ is now known as benbru
ravinduyes I did that too07:58
TyropeThanks for your time, Jordan_U07:58
ravinduit didnt worked07:59
Jordan_UTyrope: You're welcome.07:59
Dr_willissounds like its some deeper issue then with lightdm,07:59
teltariatDr_willis: thanks07:59
ravinduthis the thread I started if you like see in detail07:59
Dewiravindu: you could try uninstalling lightdrm with config purge08:00
Dewilightdm even08:00
Dr_willisnot really a lot of detail at that url ravindu ...08:00
Dr_willisyou can do 'sudo lightdm' at the console and start lightdm and see any error messages..08:00
Dr_willisbut im still not clear on what lightdm is or is not doing.. you are saying its just not starting?08:00
DewiDr_willis: what's the current way to manage which services start?08:01
Dr_willisDewi,  for upstart managed services you mess with the files in /etc/init/08:01
DewiDr_willis: how can you tell which ones run on boot, I mean08:02
clctoDr_willis: "mess with" :)08:02
Dr_willisDewi,  you disable the ones you dont via  /etc/init08:02
Dr_willisor the sysv stuff for older services. (which are actually still handled by upstart)08:02
newbuntuhey guys, ive setup a LAMP server using ubuntu. i want to start hosting but am unsure of firewall to use. i have a small business Cisco Router and a PFSense box which is better for security?08:03
Ben66newbuntu: you shouldn't need a firewall08:03
DewiDr_willis: I can never remember which runlevel I am in, let alone figure out all the symlinks08:04
FreeBSD64newbuntu: ufw comes with ubuntu and is easy08:04
DewiDr_willis: surely there is a tool...08:04
FreeBSD64newbuntu: if you're behind a router you can get away without one08:04
Dr_willisDewi,  with upstart - ubuntu is moveing away from runlevels.08:06
Dr_willisDewi,  so i have rarely needed to mess with the sysv stuff in ages08:07
DewiDr_willis: lots of stuff still seems to use sysv08:07
DewiDr_willis: if there are several approaches all fighting with eachother it seems even more important to have a tool that is aware of all of them...08:07
Dr_willisDewi,  if you look.. its upstart manageing those ;)08:07
ravindu<Dr_willis> when I sudo lightdm it worked no errors08:07
Dr_willisravindu,  stop lightdm and try 'sudo service lightdm start'08:08
Dr_williswonder when they will move away from Upstart to that other init system.. i forget its name.. I think archlinux is using it now08:08
clctoFreeBSD64: yes, thats what arch uses08:09
Dr_willisthat sounds about right..08:09
Dr_willisfrom the little ive looked at it.. its rather.. weird. ;P08:09
FreeBSD64i tried it on gentoo for a bit08:09
FreeBSD64its better on supported distros...08:10
FreeBSD64fast though08:10
ahlahi there08:13
b00b00how i replce a word in a file based on first char only of that word (word length is changable) in a text file? b4 that word, line is permanent in values/length08:13
Dr_willisb00b00,  use of sed or awk - would be  tools for that job08:14
b00b00yeah, thanks08:14
ravindu<Dr_willis> when I run both command from desktop it gives black screen but with bot terminal it show login screen08:15
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FreeBSD64cat /etc/make.conf08:16
Dr_willisravindu,  what are you running 'from desktop' ? you should be starting lightdm from the CONSOLE, with out X going..08:17
ravinduyes I did that08:17
ravinduit worked no errors08:17
Dr_willisso i dont get what you are saying...08:17
Dr_willisit is 4 am here... ;P08:17
MrokiiHello. What GUI utility can I use to make nautilus windows being reduced to the title-bar when double-clicked?08:18
loganleeMrokii, wat08:18
Dr_willisMrokii,  compiz Might have a setting to  for that.. but i cant recall seeing it. thats a sort of an old skool feature. ;)08:18
MrokiiDr_willis: I've had it in 12.10 and I love it.08:18
Dr_willisdouble click on title bar  sort of 'scrolls/minimizes the window into the title bbar'08:19
ravinduproblem is lightdm not startin at boot up only boot into terminal08:19
MrokiiDr_willis: Exactly.08:19
Dr_willisMrokii,  i dont really see the point in it these days. ;)08:19
MrokiiI do.08:19
ravinduyes compiz have that setting08:19
Dr_willisi rarely ever minimize things...08:20
MrokiiWell, I do.08:20
Mrokiiravindu: Okay, I'll look. Ty.08:20
clctoMrokii: just use a tiling wm like notion :)08:20
loganleeravindu, /etc/inittab08:20
MrokiiI don't really like my windows manager mess around with my windows.08:21
MrokiiBut that's not the point.08:21
ravindu<loganlee> no such file or directory08:21
clctoMrokii: yeah i know, i just like converting people. and notion it is manual tiling so the wm doesnt mess with them08:22
NarcTixMrokii I don t think upstart uses rc these days?08:22
NarcTix* initV08:23
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.08:23
ravinduanyway to troubleshoot why lightdm is not working at start up08:23
NarcTixsee what ubottu said08:24
Ben66ravindu: how did you install08:24
loganleeravindu, maybe ur default run level08:24
MultiplyI need to keep a program running, that'll exit frequently. I previously used supervisord, and it works great. I want to be able to bind processes to a specific CPU-core, and I find myself quite limited. Any ideas?08:24
llutzloganlee: see what ubottu just said about runlevels08:24
ravinduinstall what?08:25
NarcTixsorry all above went to wrong user :)08:25
Ben66ravindu: ...ubuntu08:25
NarcTixloganlee see what ubottu responded before upstart doesent use inittab08:26
ravindui used ubuntu alpha then to beta upgraded to normal version08:26
ravinduafter final upgrade all went wrong08:27
Ben66ravindu: so it used to boot into gui?08:27
Ben66i would just reinstall if i were you08:28
Dr_willisravindu,  if you do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' does it show lightdm selected as the dfault?08:28
MrokiiDoes anybody know where indicator-multiload saves its preferences?08:28
NarcTixravindu , has and what has been updated before it broke?08:28
NarcTixanything been?08:29
NarcTixshould have had *08:29
Dr_willisif 'sudo service lightdm restart' works.. You could just cheat and start it from rc.local   ;P08:30
Hans_Henrikdid Ubuntu 12.04 desktop by default have that.. unity stuff?08:31
Hans_Henrikor was that still the gnome stuff?08:31
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity08:31
ravindu_original problem08:31
Hans_Henrikand what is the latest desktop LTS?08:31
NarcTixDr_Willis high five :008:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.08:31
Dr_willisHans_Henrik,   X.04 is the lts versions....08:31
Ben66Hans_Henrik: still 12.0408:32
Dr_willis12.04  :) then 14.0408:32
Ben66Dr_willis: not 13.0408:32
llutzDr_willis: 13.04? not really08:32
ravindu_How to check whether lightdm service start at boot up?08:32
Dr_willisits 4 am. ;P08:32
NarcTixdr_willis ^^ was for the rc hack08:32
WeThePeoplecan somebody help me with this error in the terminal>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5663804/08:33
ravindu_ How to check whether lightdm service start at boot up?08:33
Dr_willis NarcTix  id just use gdm.. :) it looks much nicer then lightdm.. and  has better feature set.08:33
Dr_willisravindu_,  'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' like i mentioned earlier...08:33
Dr_willisravindu_,  selects what *dm to use by default08:33
kvothetechWeThePeople: uhm looks like a dependancy you need is missing or something08:35
kvothetechWeThePeople: dpkg-configure  libcdt408:36
kvothetechit says that's the one that failed because it's not configured08:36
NarcTixDr_Willis yeah lightdm +1 What I use on my Gentoo install.; I use gdm or kdm if its Gnome or Kde08:36
NarcTixDr_Willis I use xfce on Gentoo08:37
kvothetechNarcTix: :) glad to see i'm not the only gentoo user here08:37
Dr_willislightdm is just a little awkward in many ways..  and i had issues with it not showing up all the desktop sessions when i had a lot of them installed08:37
laptopgobooboo hi, i have my friend's laptop and the keyboard works in the start and the resposnse in a funny way; like the CTRL(control) button was pressed hard08:38
ravindu_what is best? dm?08:38
laptopgobooboocan anyone help08:38
kvothetechravindu_: depends what you prefer08:38
Dr_willisravindu_,  i use gdm normally.08:39
ravindu_its ugly on my system08:39
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: keyboard layout?08:39
laptopgoboobooenglish us08:39
Dr_williseasier to select what desktop session to use. and looks nicer to me.. no idea what you mean by uglyu08:39
NarcTixkvothetech Will always love Gentoo. Ive done LFS (Linux from scratch) and Gentoo lets you jump so many steps ahead , i.e dont need to build the build enviroment. Im actually building my own distro at the momment on Gentoo.08:39
kvothetechyeah I did lfs then just went to gentoo...08:40
kvothetechsame thing in the end or DAMN close to it...08:40
ravindu_what mint use?08:40
Dr_willismint has 'mdm' i belive08:40
NarcTixremastersys probbably08:40
laptopgobooboocan anyone help me with a laptop problem08:41
* Dr_willis really dosent get whats 'ugly' about gdm.. wallpaper and a dialog box with 5 items in it...08:41
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: keyboard layout and locales ?08:42
Ben66i'm wondering how often people see that screen or grub to want to make it look fancy08:42
Ben66i restart like once or twice a month08:42
llutz_they spend far more time in customizing those, than they'll ever watch it08:43
Dr_willismy systm boots so fast.. i rarely even notice grub or lightdm08:43
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: all programs? just X just vtty?08:43
mzaza_While trying tot delete a folder on flash storage I get these error, http://pastebin.com/fpFnm7CN08:43
kvothetechThe only time i spend in grub is if i'm doing a bunch of kickstarts other than that if i'm there i dont want to be08:44
Ben66mzaza: you should format the drive08:44
shapeCan someone with 13.04 tell me which kernel version does it come from/does it update to?08:44
Ben66!info linux-image | shape08:44
ubottushape: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB08:44
MrokiiWhat could be the reason that I don't hear any sound after a fresh installation of 13.04?08:44
Dewimzaza_: did you mount it read-write?08:44
Dr_willisshape,  i think 3.8 is in the repos.. but im using 3.9 on it08:44
shapeBen66: Thaanks!08:44
shapeDr_willis: HEY!!!!08:45
shapeDr_willis: I can tell you why yesterday it didnt work the compilation thing08:45
kvothetechMrokii: sound modules loaded? alsa? pulse? sound card? muted?08:45
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.08:45
NarcTixIve never had any probs with either [k:g]dm they have always been good for me just use lightdm when using a different desktop i.e xfce08:45
shapeDr_willis: it was the tar file they didnt come with a configure. I also had older versions of autoconf. so I got the tar files from the original websites.08:46
clcto_SLiM is nice and simple08:46
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: does the kb only mess up in X, only for (v)tty? only some programs?08:46
Dr_willishttp://imagebin.org/257582  my gdm setup. ;P08:46
Mrokiikvothetech: The sound isn't muted I think. It shows "on" in the Sound-setting. And I don't know what 13.04 installs as standard. I didn't change any settings regarding sounds yet. And how can I check if sound modules are loaded?08:46
Ben66Dr_willis: windows?!08:46
kvothetechMrokii: lsmod08:46
Dr_willisvbox ;P08:47
Ben66windows host though08:47
Dr_willisyep.. video capture card dont work in linux.08:47
Ben66i thought you were one of us...08:47
Dr_williswrite a driver for my expensive $12 video capture dongle. ;P08:48
NarcTix^^ reminds me of PCI modems lol08:48
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Dr_willisthe company changed chipsets.. but not  the name/id of the product.. older ones had linux support. newer one did not08:48
Dr_willisso the reviews were wrong08:48
kvothetechoh god NarcTix you'd get a wintell chip or whatever in pretty much everything so nothing'd work lol08:48
savagecrochi all.. i need to setup 5 developer machines with a LOT of software.  I really want to have a set of scripts that i can modify to run all the installation so i can modify them as we setup each new computer and if we get new computers in the future08:48
savagecroci've got a few questions.. would the best way of doing this be.. boot up and install from USB and then setup everything via ssh?08:49
Ben66Dr_willis: get a pchdtv hd-5500, its what i use08:49
FreeBSD64savagecroc: so just a script that runs apt-get install on a load of programs?08:49
kvothetechsavagecroc: you could do that or just make a post install script08:49
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Dr_willisallready got this one. ;)  wife wont let me buy another.. heh.08:49
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NarcTixkvothetech yeah it unfortunatley forced be back to windows 12 years ago08:49
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Ben66Dr_willis: its so cool though... http://www.pchdtv.com/hd_5500.html08:50
Mrokiikvothetech: That's the output: http://pastebin.com/gHdGrwnC08:50
NarcTixkvothetech for 2 yearsanway was a poor student who had to use my ISPs modem. Yes modem not router :)08:50
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Dr_willisBen66,  im just using this $12 thing as a video capture card to convert vcr and other sources to video files08:51
laptopgoboobookvothetech,  the key board layout that i use is english us08:51
kvothetechNarcTix: lol yeah08:51
Ben66Dr_willis: oh, i use mine for mythtv08:51
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: scroll up i asked another question ofter that08:51
Dr_willisBen66,  i dont even have cable tv any more. ;P08:51
kvothetechMrokii: looks like they  are...what's your default output set to in pavu or alsamixer08:51
Ben66me neither. free hd over the air :)08:51
kvothetechwho pays for tv when any show worth watching is online free08:52
Ben66jeopardy in 720p every night :D08:52
savagecrocFreeBSD64: bit more complicated than that.. needs to setup configuration files08:52
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: does the kb only mess up in X, only for (v)tty? only some programs?08:52
Dr_willisthat card dpsent seem to have  the old composite in.. so it wont work for me. ;P08:52
kre10sI got this machine... It dual boots windows & ubuntu. strangely it boots some kind of windows bootloader first. then you can select ubuntu which boots grub... how can i change this to boot grub right away.08:53
laptopgoboobookvothetech, its hard to understan what you said,  keyboard is okay in the start after sometime it messes up08:53
savagecrocFreeBSD64: shove stuff in autoboot etc08:53
Dr_williskre10s,  sounds like a WUBI install to me...08:53
Dr_williskre10s,  boot to ubuntu and look at the disk partions, see if theres a /host/ mountpoint also..08:53
laptopgoboobookvothetech, what is "X"08:53
kvothetechkre10s: grub-install /dev/sda or something like that08:53
Dr_willisor in windows look on the c: drive to see if theres a  wubi direcvtory08:54
laptopgoboobookvothetech, and "(V)tty"08:54
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: X is the gui tty is the console08:54
FreeBSD64laptopgobooboo: X is the desktop basically08:54
Dr_williskre10s,  if it IS a wubi install.. you may want to switch over to a normal ubuntu install and dump wubi08:54
NarcTixnever trust windows (wubi)08:54
Ben66I built the hd antenna for $6, perfect reception http://i.imgur.com/dRZLJVp.jpg08:54
kvothetechBen66: nice08:54
savagecrocCan someone give me the names of the software i should look at for setting up and doing 1. Full Disk Encryption   2. Multiple VMs using intel virtulisation tech   3. dual booting between ubuntu/windows08:55
laptopgoboobookvothetech, FreeBSD64  i am new to ubuntu08:55
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Dr_willissavagecroc,  grub handles booting.08:55
Mrokiikvothetech: What's pavu? And Gnome-Alsamixer doesn't start (Segmentation fault).08:55
kvothetechMrokii: bad sign there when you get seg faults...uhm pavu is pulseaudios version of alsamixer08:56
savagecrocDr_willis: ok so grub for switching between windows/ubuntu.. i just need to setup the partitions.  Do the partitions have to be fixed or is there some magic new dynamic partition tech that's come along in the last 4 years?08:56
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:56
laptopgoboobookvothetech, i installed 13.04 erasing vista he said that he had this problem in vista also08:56
Dr_willissavagecroc,  i find it best to keep things simple.08:56
kvothetechsavagecroc: lvm ?08:56
Dewisavagecroc: fixed08:56
savagecrocok.. what about entire disk encryption?08:57
kvothetechlaptopgobooboo: so uhm it's a broken kb then ...take out the broken ctrl key?08:57
NarcTixmrokii what have you updated lately?08:57
Dewisavagecroc: there are dynamic partitions within OSes but not shared between them...08:57
kvothetechsavagecroc: luks or truecrypt08:57
FreeBSD64savagecroc: luks08:57
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FreeBSD64savagecroc: you could use virtualbox for vms08:57
MrokiiNarcTix: I only installed 13.04.08:57
FreeBSD64or kvm08:57
FreeBSD64which is slightly harder to set up08:57
laptopgoboobookvothetech, i dont think it is only that control button08:57
savagecrocis lucks based on the entire disk or per partition?08:57
NarcTixmrokii a fresh install?08:58
MrokiiNarcTix: Yes.08:58
kvothetechsavagecroc: by partition08:58
FreeBSD64savagecroc: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt_with_LUKS08:58
vjustmecan someone help me with some logrotate q I have?08:59
kvothetechvjustme: nope out of 1500 people none of us can help you...ever08:59
NarcTix^^ an Arch guide is unlikely to work (I havent read it)09:00
vjustmelol :)09:00
Dr_willisarch docs are often handy to read. ;)09:00
kvothetechNarcTix: archwiki is one of the best....09:00
Dr_willisthats the best thing about arch...09:00
muellisoft!ask | vjustme09:00
ubottuvjustme: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:00
FreeBSD64NarcTix: it was just for info on what is used09:00
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laptopgoboobookvothetech, thanks anyhow09:00
savagecrocin regards to kvm, i've heard that you have to setup a master OS and then have slave-os's under that.. would you have a very simple base-ubuntu-os and then setup a slave ubuntu os as the development environment09:00
MrokiiNarcTix: Sound has been working before when I had installed 12.10. But I wanted to start with a fresh installation and later copy back my config files.09:00
savagecrocor is there too much overhead in running the vm (i.e. everything runs slower)09:01
FreeBSD64savagecroc: kvm you just make the disks, similar to virtualbox but without a gui09:01
kvothetechsavagecroc: yes you need a host os and a guest for ANY vm method kvm's pretty easy to use though09:01
vjustmeok :) well I suppose it's a fairly simple question but I am confused..09:01
FreeBSD64savagecroc: vms should run pretty much the same as a proper install except the graphics09:01
savagecrocFreeBSD64: excellent, i'd like to script it anyway.. so no gui is probably good09:01
kvothetechFreeBSD64: there's a gui for it but i wouldn't use it09:01
FreeBSD64savagecroc: virtualbox has VBoxManage09:01
FreeBSD64which can do more than the gui09:02
FreeBSD64and can be scripted09:02
savagecrocFreeBSD64: right.. so that probably means it's unsuitable for a development environment, but for running ubuntu server VMs it's probably ok09:02
NarcTixmrokkii sounds like it might be kernel modules . How many kernel updates did you hop?09:02
Dewisavagecroc: virtualbox is pretty good at both09:02
savagecrocFreeBSD64: would you run windows under as dual boot (purely work machine, but may run the adobe creative suite)... or as a VM?09:03
FreeBSD64savagecroc: if you use virtualbox with guest additions installed on the guest the graphics works pretty smoothly09:03
savagecrocDwi: is there much of a performance hit?09:03
FreeBSD64savagecroc: if you need proper graphics acceleration then dual boot09:03
Dewisavagecroc: yeah, depends what you're doing though09:03
savagecrocthese 5 machines all have 32gb of ram09:03
savagecrocah nothing graphically that intensive09:04
FreeBSD64use the vm then09:04
savagecrocmostly just software development and office tools09:04
kvothetechsavagecroc: then kvm should be fine...09:04
FreeBSD64yeah vm will be fine for that09:04
Dewisavagecroc: CPU is great, I/O is okay, 2D works okay, 3D acceleration works but is not good like real hardware09:04
FreeBSD64for windows i would use virtualbox09:04
savagecroccan luks be used to format a NTFS drive?09:04
FreeBSD64over kvm09:04
savagecrocFreeBSD64: virtual box it is :)09:04
Dewisavagecroc: sure but windows probably won't decrypt luks09:05
Dewisavagecroc: you probably want truecrypt for windows09:05
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jpdsDewi: I think it can.09:05
kvothetechsavagecroc: no reason it won't let you use luks09:05
jpdsDewi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeOTFE09:05
Dewijpds: ah cool, had not seen that one.09:05
savagecrocah right.. i want full disk encryption though09:06
savagecrocfor "boxes" i think i'd just truecrypt09:06
kvothetechsavagecroc: truecrypt does full disk....09:06
Dewisavagecroc: truecrypt has full system in windows09:06
Dewisavagecroc: not sure how nicely it plays with dual boot09:06
FreeBSD64savagecroc: truecrypt can do full disk after an install on the fly09:06
Dewisavagecroc: probably fine09:06
FreeBSD64Dewi: dual booting with truecrypt takes a bit of messing about09:07
FreeBSD64with full disk09:07
savagecrocmaybe i'd be better off09:07
savagecrocskipping dual booting alltogether09:07
Dewisavagecroc: what's the primary env for the actual users?09:07
savagecrocand just using luis to encrypt ubuntu.. and run VMs09:07
savagecrocDewi: 95% ubuntu09:07
FreeBSD64it would be simpler09:07
savagecroclol.. i'm making a lot of notes..09:08
savagecrocok for document versioning (office documents)... just use git?09:08
kvothetechsavagecroc: that's one method09:09
FreeBSD64savagecroc: just bear in mind git is public09:09
DewiFreeBSD64: only if you make it public09:09
NarcTixwhat hd encryption does Ubuntu use if you select it on the instal?09:09
kvothetechFreeBSD64: ? you can make a private git09:09
FreeBSD64Dewi: you have to pay otherwise09:09
DewiFreeBSD64: git != github09:09
savagecrocoh i don't want to use github09:09
kvothetechNarcTix: luks i'd assume..it's more or less the standard09:09
FreeBSD64ah ok :)09:09
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savagecrocbasically we have 2 users that have to share and collaborate on 1000's of office documents, then the other 3 need a subset of those document09:10
Dewisavagecroc: office formats aren't readily diff/patchable as far as I've seen09:10
savagecrocthey have a well defined folder heirachy which defines what directory should have what files09:10
savagecrocDewi: that's ok.. as long as we can get at older versions09:11
Dewisavagecroc: yeah, just saying that if multiple people are editing at the same time the version control won't help you merge like it would with code09:11
savagecrocso i suppose the things to consider would be things like manually rsyncing between computers09:11
greekHi. I have successfully created a public key for server1 (ubuntu server edition) and uploaded it to server2's authorized_keys (also ubuntu server edition) using ssh-copy-id however when i try scp from server 1 to server 2 i still get password prompt - any idea what's wrong? I repeated this exact process from my ubuntu desktop to server1 and that works just fine (although the first time i logged in from my desktop i got a window popup prompt, but never again)09:11
Dewisavagecroc: and in such a situation you want track changes or google docs or something09:11
savagecrocDewi: yeah, we were thinking more one person edits at a time09:11
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savagecrocDewi: we can't use google docs unfortunately, that's where all our documents currently exist09:12
Dewisavagecroc: dropbox is nice in that it's immediate so people don't tend to edit from outdated base versions09:12
NarcTixgreek sounds like you havent enabled keys in sshd.conf09:12
Dewisavagecroc: you'll have to watch out for that on anything that isn't so immediate09:12
savagecrocDewi: i need a solution that doesn't require going onto the internet :D09:12
savagecrocit's very unreliable09:12
greekNarcTix, ok thanks is that something simple to explain or should i rather google it?09:12
Dewisavagecroc: unreliable?09:13
kvothetechgreek do you have rsaauth enabled in your sshd_config or dsaauth09:13
llutzgreek: use "ssh -vvv user@server2" to get more verbose logs. check the output for reasons why the keys aren't working09:13
savagecrocDewi: yeah.. cental china.. enough said09:13
NarcTix!ssh keys09:13
vjustmelogrotate in Ubuntu is configured by default to run in a daily basis, as configured in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate .My question is: I want to configure logrotate so that it will checks Apache’s log files every 1h and if exceed a specified size it would rotate them. Normally I would specify it in cron. Will it affect logrotate’s default configurations if I do so? I mean there is an entry in09:13
vjustme/etc/logrotate/apache2 . If I remove this file, how will it affect logrotate?09:13
Dewisavagecroc: you can probably set up something pretty good with either rsync or git, the trick is getting it close to immediate so people don't edit old versions, but without syncs smashing into whatever people are doing09:14
kvothetechvjustme: ? you can edit the defaults or remove logging entirely....09:14
Muellivjustme: it will not rotate apache logs09:14
savagecrocDewi: yeah :/09:15
Dewisavagecroc: how close are these people? network drive?09:15
savagecrocDewi: all in the same office09:15
vjustmewhat are the default's logrotate configuration about? does it rotate just those defined in /etc/logrotate/ or does it affect every log file?09:15
savagecrocDewi: yeah could use a network drive...09:15
Dewisavagecroc: probably a windows (cifs/smb) file share or nfs would be easiest then09:15
greekNarcTix, I checked /etc/ssh/sshd_config and keys look to be enabled09:16
savagecrocDewi: are there any network drives that support the standard ACL extensions?09:16
kvothetechgreek: add -vv to the ssh cmd to see what the error is then..did you chmod 600 your key file?09:16
NarcTixgreek can you pastebin your sshd_config09:16
greekkvothetech, yeah I'm busy doing as llutz said, the output is quite long busy working through it09:17
Dewisavagecroc: not sure, I'd definitely bet on nfs more than samba for that, but nfs always scares me away with its ancient insecure defaults09:17
TyropeI have returned, now with liveusb. How would one go about reinstalling grub (the one with the UI) where the only program with internet access is firefox?09:18
kvothetechsavagecroc: nfs does..as does ext3/4....09:19
savagecrockvothetech: oh very nice09:19
savagecrocso i could setup a nfs share with full ACL extensions09:19
vjustmekvothetech: I don't want to make changes that will affect the logging process for the rest of the services, just for Apache btw09:19
NarcTixDepends how you want to install grub and from what enviroment? but the basic is to install to the mbr and then it redirects to the boot sector on the hd09:20
savagecroci.e. setfacel --modify group:blabla:rwx,default:group:blabla:rex something09:20
kvothetechTyrope: the only program with internet being firefox you still need more than grub you need probably at least iptables and selinux09:20
greekNarcTix, heya here is the paste: http://pastie.org/790627809:20
kvothetechand the rest of the minimal base userland...and the ff dep's09:21
kvothetechNarcTix: you can get ff to run from grub?09:21
greekNarcTix, it's identical to the sshd_config on server1, which I can ssh in to from my desktop without prompt just fine. However when I try ssh from server1 to server2 (both server edition ubuntu) i get password prompt.09:22
TyropeKvothetech: school proxy, don't know how to send apt through the http-only proxy, system is tight here09:22
nevynTyrope: apt will happily use http.09:22
nevynTyrope: does the proxy need authentication?09:22
NarcTixgreek you need to uncomment RSAAuthentication yes09:22
NarcTixPubkeyAuthentication yes09:23
NarcTix#AuthorizedKeysFile     %h/.ssh/authorized_keys09:23
greekNarcTix, i have a feeling my desktop is configuring something when it asks me for the password prompt in a popup window the first time i ssh (it only does that once after i configure the public key for server 1)09:23
kvothetechTyrope: apt uses http...09:23
kvothetechNarcTix: hmm thought he said he uncommented rsaauth09:23
TyropeNevyn: nope, just needs to go through local ip proxy.zadkine.net09:23
nevynTyrope: did you read the manual?09:23
kvothetechTyrope: i think i misunderstood i thought you wanted to install grub nd make a system that only lets ff use the internet09:24
TyropeNo, sorry. I have the system it just broke so I need to reinstall gnu grub09:24
dawkirstHi all, what would be the easiest way to expose a web server on the web without forwarding port 80 to the machine in the router?09:25
TyropeNevyn: yes, system settings have http proxy but it doesn't use the proxies dns09:25
greekNarcTix, I just tried that and it didn't work (I restarted ssh). I still get password prompt09:25
greekfwiw, that line is commented out on server1 (which i can ssh into from my desktop without password prompt just fine)09:26
kvothetechgrub-install <partition> is how i do it but i use grub1 not 209:26
evstevemdmy nautilus bookmark are gone (not shown) any reason? All I changed it I upgraded to Kernel 3.909:26
TyropeYeah, I don't know grub commands09:26
kvothetechgreek did you pastebin the -vv results09:26
savagecroci'm just reading the setup page with LUKS.. am i getting this right... 1. I need a bootable USB ubuntu image so i can wipe the SDD   2. setup the partitions etc ?09:26
nevynTyrope: so you can't dns resolve localy?09:26
Hadogenesdawkirst What do you want to achieve? There might be alternate ways09:26
TyropeNevyn: they'll all resolve to a dead internal ip09:26
TyropeSo no09:27
Hadogenesdawkirst You could change the port if you don't intend to make it 'public'09:27
kvothetechsavagecroc: you need a bootable usb or something to partition anyway..unless you're just modifying existing ones09:27
nevynTyrope: ok that's a little special.09:27
TyropeNevyn: the network admin here is an idiot09:27
NarcTixgeek  For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts09:28
NarcTixRhostsRSAAuthentication no09:28
NarcTixgreek For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts09:28
NarcTixRhostsRSAAuthentication no09:28
TyropeFF connects fine if I tell it to detect network proxy settings09:28
Dewidawkirst: to expose it you'll need to open some kind of port. It doesn't have to be 80, although that will affect your urls09:28
NarcTixsorry for typo lol09:28
dawkirstHadogenes, I don't really mind it being public, but we don't really have access to the router. So I was thinking along the lines of a VPN or something.09:29
kvothetechNarcTix: he has that or should if he got a pw prompt it's aleardy in the hosts file...rhosts rsaauth i'd set to yes though09:29
Hadogenesdawkirst You need a port redirected to your server if you want to access it. No other way.09:29
nevynoh. system-settings == some gui thing?09:30
nevynapt probably doesn't honour that.09:30
greekNarcTix, not sure how to interpret your last comment with typo09:30
Hadogenesdawkirst Define "don't really have access", maybe there is a way around it09:30
greekkvothetech, nope i didn't one sec i will now09:31
dawkirstHadogenes, I see your point. No access: no login.09:31
TyropeNevyn: apt doesn't listen to ubuntu's network settings?09:31
nevynnot the ones for your user...09:31
Ben66dawkirst: you shouldn't be running a server on a network you don't control09:31
nevynbut package manager should09:31
HadogenesBen66 Didn't cross my mind, could be a virus.09:32
HadogenesStill, sounds like an interesting challenge.09:32
TyropeI found a website that tells me to add ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair09:32
greekkvothetech, NarcTix, here is the paste of ssh -vv: http://pastie.org/790630909:32
dawkirstBen66, sometimes you have to do with what you've got.09:33
TyropeBut that gives a couldn't connect to host09:33
kvothetechBen66: uhm running a server on a network you don't control is what everyone who has a server in a datacenter does...09:33
Ben66Tyrope: won't work if apt can't resolve09:33
TyropeBen: exactly09:33
Ben66kvothetech: you know what i mean09:33
TyropeAny way to download it through Firefox?09:33
mariolai did try to update(Not to a new version just normal updates) and now "the packet system is damaged"09:33
Ben66dawkirst: servers are cheap09:33
greekNarcTix, kvothetech, fwiw the key I generated is called sshkey-apollo09:33
HadogenesAnyways, have you tried accessing the router? Maybe the default password is set09:33
Ben66Tyrope: can't you use real internet?09:34
nevynkvothetech: nuh-uh.09:34
llutzgreek: ssh -i keyfilename user@host09:34
mariolai tried to install a Driver for an multi function printer,scanner and it makes problems, what can i do to delete it?09:34
nevynnot if it's your leased floorspace.09:34
TyropeIf the exact proxy settings were known, yes... Did I mention the network admin here is an idiot?09:34
llutzgreek: same for scp, "scp -i keyfilename file host:"09:34
Ben66Tyrope: but if firefox works, there must be an accessible dns server09:35
nevynTyrope: try to make wget work.09:35
TyropeBen: yup, the proxy is the dns.09:35
nevynthen work from there.09:35
Ben66Tyrope: whats the ip of said proxy?09:36
llutzgreek: add host/user/keyfilename to ~/.ssh/config  if you don't like to type that everytime you need it (man ssh   for details)09:36
nevynBen66: it's legitmate to prevent resolution internally and have the proxy do it.09:36
gustav_Can I make exim4 an IMAP server?09:36
llutzgustav_: no09:36
dawkirstHadogenes, Ben66, it's not that we can't get access if we really wanted to, but we're guests here, and we don't want to start messing around with our hosts' network settings.09:36
llutzgustav_: exim4 is smtp, use dovecot for imap09:37
gustav_llutz: Access mail recieved by exim4 via IMAP?09:37
Ben66dawkirst: but you're cool hosting stuff without their knowledge?09:37
kvothetechTyrope: so in /etc/resolv.conf set the proxy ip as your dns server...09:37
dawkirstBen66, it's an internal file / dev server.09:38
Hadogenesdawkirst There is no way anything can connect to your computer without having a port redirecting from the router to it.09:38
dawkirstHadogenes, thanks.09:38
prodigelHi all, Since this morning I'm having connectivity issues in linux (ubuntu 12.10), while in windows (using it now sadly) it works without any problem. The device is a realtek gigabit RTL8188 (I think), problems persisted even in recovery mode. I've installed also the latest drivers from Realtek, no change. Any ideas how can I debug this? Thanks09:38
TyropeChange nameserver?09:38
gustav_llutz: It says Dovecot is MDA, isn't that sendmail?09:38
dawkirstHadogenes, just thought there was maybe an alternative.09:39
Hadogenesdawkirst What are you trying to achieve?09:39
llutzgustav_: sendmail is a mta, not mda (mail delivery agent vs transport agent)09:39
Hadogenesdawkirst Maybe you don't need a web serber09:39
gustav_llutz: Oh, sorry.09:39
kvothetechprodigel: what're you using to set your network up etc what's it doing can you get in network or just localhost09:39
prodigelCorrection there, the device is a Realtek RTL8168/811109:39
prodigelkvothetech: it's using dhcp, but the most basic ping test fails09:40
Guest18850Hello all:) I have a lvm that I want to have mounted on boot. In the /etc/fstab file, what would I use for the 'type' column? I have not formatted the lvm. Do I have to format the lvm if I want to place it in fstab?09:40
dawkirstHadogenes, that might be the best.09:40
kvothetechprodigel: ok ip addr and ip route and cat /etc/resolv.conf any hints09:40
prodigelkvothetech: i.e. pinging the gateway which is in the LAN fails also09:40
vjustmeLet me redefine my initial question: Does log rotation by utilizing logrotate applies to every log file created, or just those listed under /etc/logrodate.d/ directory?09:40
llutzGuest18850: sure, lvm is a partition-format but you mount filesystems. so you have to create a filesystem on the partition you want to mount09:41
kvothetechGuest18850: you need a physical volume then a volume group then a logical volume you format the logical volume then add that to /etc/fstab it'll be something like /dev/mapper/blahvg-blah09:41
greekllutz, when using -i, must i specify sshkey or sshkey.pub ?09:41
llutzgreek: sshkey09:41
kvothetechgreek: the private09:41
greekllutz, ok so once i've copied the pub to my remote host i can delete it09:42
llutzgreek: .pub is what you should have copied to the remote host before09:42
greeki won't need it for other remote hosts09:42
llutzgreek: you could, but better to keep a backup. who knows...09:42
NarcTixdoes anyone have an ssh for noobs!09:43
HadogenesNarcTix sounds like a good tutorial idea09:43
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:43
shapeNarcTix: what do you mean by that09:43
HadogenesNarcTix Anything you wnto to know in particular?09:43
kvothetechNarcTix: ?  ssh is pretty noobishly easy to use anyway09:43
greekNarcTix is referring to me guys haha09:43
lckxchat is what?09:44
Muelli!info xchat09:44
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7ubuntu2 (raring), package size 348 kB, installed size 891 kB09:44
Guest18850thanks llutz and kvothetech.. I had done the physical volume, volume group and logical volume part, wasn't sure if I had to format it as well. Thanks..09:44
greekllakey, ok so i try this: ssh -i sshkey-apollo root@ but then i still get Enter passphrase for key 'sshkey-apollo':09:44
NarcTixIve written bash, python, perl, pascal. Scripts or programs to work with ssh lol09:45
greeksorry llakey that was meant for llutz09:45
llutzgreek: 1st. allowing ssh-access for root is a bad idea. 2nd. what was the exact ssh-copy-id command you issued?09:46
NarcTixI dont need telling how to use it :)09:46
greekllutz, ssh-copy-id -i sshkey-apollo.pub root@
greekllutz, yeah i know root is bad it's just for testing / learning on my lan09:46
NarcTixWhen Im sober that is ^^09:47
kvothetechNarcTix: lol :)09:47
llutzgreek: and root account is activated on server2 and "PermitRootLogin yes" set  in sshd_config?09:48
Muelligreek: well. it asks you to unlock your ssh key. That is because a) you created a key and protected it with a passphrase and b) because you have no ssh-agent running. You can either create a key w/o a passphrase or run an ssh-agent (gnome-keyring does that I think)09:49
NarcTixallowing root wont fix it lmfao09:49
greekMuelli, oh ok so when I use ssh-keygen I musn't type in the server2's password09:49
greekwoah talk about a face-palm moment09:50
jony_easyriderint the workgroup my Ubuntu 12.04 desktop PC is not visible, why?09:50
Muelligreek: the key does not have anything to do with a password on the server. So: No. That passphrase is purely meant to protect the key on its own.09:50
kvothetechjony_easyrider: ?09:51
=== root__ is now known as W4NGNULL
jony_easyriderI've figured out: samba was not installed09:51
greekMuelli, that worked. llutz, kvothetech sorry I wasted your time! But I learnt a lot in the process so thanks anyway09:52
greekMuelli, thanks!09:52
NarcTixgreek you need to sort this to yes # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts09:52
NarcTixRhostsRSAAuthentication no09:52
greekNarcTix, ok09:52
NarcTixyour config disables rsa09:52
Sbeach92hi! I get following errors when trying to build dvb drivers http://pastebin.com/RJFwDM9q Can someone help me to proceed?09:52
greekNarcTix, using dsa?09:53
greekmake a difference?09:53
NarcTixI said that about an hour earlier09:53
greekNarcTix, sorry missed that09:53
NarcTixmaybe 1 sec09:53
llutzNarcTix: if you read his paste from then, you see you are wrong09:53
MuelliSbeach92: your CFLAGS are too strict for that code (i.e. the code is too poor quality ;-) ). You can try to "export CFLAGS=-O2" before doing the make.09:54
llutzgreek: nothing to worry, you still have RSAAuthentication yes09:54
Ben66Sbeach92: why are you compliling stuff? surely v4l already exists in a package? what version of ubuntu?09:54
=== hp is now known as Guest17039
NarcTixllutz where?09:54
llutzNarcTix: pastie.org/790627809:55
brainysmurfpecl install pam results in "install the PAM library" error09:55
Sbeach92Ben66 my dvb cards needs some modules to work. ubuntu is lastest lts09:56
brainysmurfSo how to install the PAM library then?09:56
Ben66Sbeach92: ok... if you're on 12.04 then how come you're in /usr/src/linux-headers-3.0.0-13-generic09:56
NarcTixfrom source like all us old skoolers had to09:56
brainysmurfNarcTix I thought that's what package managers solved09:57
Muellibrainysmurf: can you pastebin more context?09:58
gustav_http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664005/ Hmm?09:58
NarcTixbrainysmrf pam should be installed by dedfault. I thought you meant version . I am also drunk after a 12 hour night shift.09:58
Sbeach92hmm it seems that i have missed latest update im runnig 11.1009:58
NarcTixbrainysmurf how many distros hav3e you used?10:00
brainysmurfNarcTix My php app is using pam_auth but isn't able to find it10:00
brainysmurfI'm not installing pam on the box but the pam libraries so that php can access them10:00
brainysmurfNarcTix: Just Ubuntu10:00
NarcTixbrainysmurf on your own server or a shared host?10:01
brainysmurfMy own, full root10:01
brainysmurfNext step is to configure the system pam to user Kerberos in the stack for SSO10:02
NarcTixbrainysmurf if your on a network and dont want to use active directory kerberos rules!10:04
brainysmurfSo how do I get my php to be able to call pam_auth?10:06
=== DarkEra2 is now known as DarkEra
savagecrocis it possible to install ubuntu entirely from the command line?10:07
savagecrocUbuntu Desktop 12.04 that is10:07
shegmanhow do i enable surround sound with hdmi in ubuntu 12.04?10:07
NarcTixyou cant on a shared host10:08
Ben66savagecroc: alternate cd10:08
savagecrocBen66: what's does that mean?10:08
arcripexguys help my ubuntu 13.04 keeps givn errors10:08
kvothetechshegman: pavucontrol and set your output to surround hdmi10:09
Ben66savagecroc: theres an alternate cd which installs in a text based mode10:09
kvothetecharcripex: what errors10:09
savagecrocBen66: ah ok.. can you script the install?10:09
Ben66not sure10:09
=== Erkki_ is now known as sbeach_92
arcripexkvothetech....errors like your ubuntu has  sum errors10:10
shegmankvmadsen, in pavucontrol there is only hdmi/display port. no surround...10:10
arcripexkvothetech: skype does not even open10:11
arcripexfails to launch10:11
=== Berazu is now known as Guest33401
shegmankvothetech, in pavucontrol there is only hdmi/display port. no surround...10:12
gustav_http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664005/ Hey! Help with Dovecot!10:12
spartanfx803good morning10:21
spartanfx803How can i access files in a .dd image file?10:21
Ben66spartanfx803: we'd need more information10:22
kvothetechshegman: uhm soundcard?10:22
kvothetecher nvm...10:23
shegmankvothetech, dont know what uhm means, but i have an ati video card. the fglrx driver is up and working. only surround is not. the rear speakers work only as extended stereo10:24
kvothetechspartanfx803: dd if=dd.img of=Whereveryouwantto rewritethedatato10:24
spartanfx803Ben66: I build an imagefile using testdisk of my dameged usb drive, the image is a .dd file. Now how i can access the data in that file?10:24
Ben66spartanfx803: you may be able to mount it, depends on partition structure10:25
spartanfx803kvothetech:: I build an imagefile using testdisk of my dameged usb drive, the image is a .dd file. Now how i can access the data in that file?10:25
kvothetechshegman: you can mount it you can write it to somewhere with the above...10:25
spartanfx803Ben66: i think probably is fat3210:25
Ben66spartanfx803: pastebin the output of... "sfdisk -l -uS file.dd"10:26
=== adnan is now known as epicads
epicadsanyone here10:29
=== darshan_ is now known as Ahasvero
dry[1]hi. ubuntu 12.04.02 ibus problem: symbol suggestions [space press] are not working [in anthy (m17n)]10:33
brainysmurfPHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function pam_auth()10:33
simosxwhich IRC channel is for the UDS?10:33
lotuspsychje!alis | simosx10:33
ubottusimosx: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:33
spartanfx803Ben66: Ok, done10:34
simosxTip: to figure out when the UDS starts, click http://goo.gl/y2IRm (redirects to timeanddate.com, which shows a countdown).10:34
Ben66spartanfx803: the goal is to show the pastebin url in here10:34
spartanfx803Ben66: sfdisk -l -uS <myfile>.dd i got an error10:34
Ben66spartanfx803: what error10:34
spartanfx803Ben66: output says in italian can't  get geometry10:35
simosxlotuspsychje, thanks10:35
spartanfx803Ben66: and that the sector 0 hasn't a geometry.10:35
Ben66spartanfx803: what about "file <yourfile>.dd"10:35
spartanfx803Ben66: my file's name is image.dd, and is a 4 GB FLASH disk image done with testdisk.10:36
rhausHi, Lubuntu black screen after hard disk install with VIA S3 UniChrome onboard card, is there how to reconfigure to solve?10:36
Ben66spartanfx803: file is a command10:36
spartanfx803ok sorry10:36
lotuspsychjeBen66: you getting older every day, i liked Ben64 more :p10:37
Ben66lotuspsychje: its because of all the ddos stuff :)10:37
=== Ben66 is now known as Ben64
shegmanis ubuntu capable to play surround through hdmi at all? only the analog output in pavucontrol shows 5.1 output options10:37
spartanfx803Ben64: file image.dd -----> image.dd: data10:37
lotuspsychjeBen64: you or freenode getting dd?10:38
Ben64spartanfx803: doesn't seem like theres a partition at all10:38
Ben64lotuspsychje: freenode10:38
spartanfx803Ben64: i think that's raw data10:38
Ben64spartanfx803: you may be able to recover some stuff with ......... i forgot the name of it10:39
lotuspsychjeBen64: photorec, inside testdisk10:39
spartanfx803Ben64: photorec?10:39
Ben64yeah! that10:39
spartanfx803Ben64: let's go for a try.10:39
lotuspsychjespartanfx803: its the most fantastic recovery package ever10:39
spartanfx803Ben64: i'll be away for a few10:39
spartanfx803i kow10:39
spartanfx803i know10:39
Guest86129hello my nvidia geforce 8800 gt GPU stopped working...I found this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi43AmDsyNU after seeing that a question arises: why toasting GPU might fix it when sellers carefully care about avoiding overheating, attaching fan and sink for regular use?10:41
spartanfx803Ben64: yeah i didn't mind of photorec... too much stuff to recover and rearm or restore. Fuckin' USB and my memory.10:42
lotuspsychjeGuest86129: on wich ubuntu version?10:42
lotuspsychjespartanfx803: keep polite plz mate10:42
spartanfx803lotuspsychje: sorry10:42
Guest86129ubuntu 12.04 but that is not a system problem...I found 3d acceleration was not working on my dual booted windows either...10:43
Lasse-Guest86129: Because 8-series had problems with solderjoints breaking.10:43
lotuspsychjeGuest86129: for hardware problems try ##hardware,10:44
Lasse-Hot air gun melts them again and with luck you get the card working but from what I have read, the fixes usually do not last too long.10:44
Lasse-and also, this is not hardware-channel :)10:44
exw526Hi, I installed ubuntu using wubi from Windows. I've been using it without problems but recently am having problems with disk space, it seems that Ubuntu has his its limit. But it's not on a partition because of the way Wubi installs it. Is there any way to check what this limit is (I think it may have been set during install from Wubi?) and change it?10:46
spartanfx803Ben64: Done and successfully. recovered alla files. Do you know if there is an option to recover also the filenames?10:47
Guest86129Guest86129> hello10:47
Guest86129* ##hardware :Cannot send to channel10:47
Lasse-Guest86129: Hardware probably needs you authenciate your nick.10:47
Lasse-You can privatemessage me if you got some questions.10:47
Lasse-about that Nvidia-thing.10:47
lotuspsychjespartanfx803: dont think its possible filenames10:48
spartanfx803lotuspsychje: thanks10:49
Berazu_Hi, I've got the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 420S... I am having issues with my ATI 6630M... Are there any useful drivers for it?10:49
lotuspsychjeBerazu_:did you check additional drivers section?10:49
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exw526Hi - if Ubuntu is installed using Wubi from Windows, does it only have access to a set amount of disk space? If this is the case, can that amount limit be changed?10:54
mi6x3mhey ubuntu, how can I boot into terminal mode10:54
mi6x3mwithout any GUI10:54
mi6x3many shortcuts to activate this?10:54
troulouliou_devhi i m seeing cinnamon in the ubuntu packages; is it now an official desktop solution for ubuntu ?10:55
olivier_I have a problem with connecting to my Arduino. Where should I ask my question?10:55
troulouliou_devolivier_, #arduino10:55
Myrttiexw526: at the time you need to give it more space, it's time to ditch wubi and do a proper dualboot installation10:56
olivier_it's an ubuntu and arduino problem. It says I can't connect to ttyACM0, cause it's ttyACM1. Then I set my avrdude to ttyACM1 and it changes to ACM010:56
olivier_I'm using eclipse10:57
olivier_on ubuntu 13.0410:57
lotuspsychjeexw526: or single boot ubuntu and loose windows once and for good :p10:57
alex88mi6x3m:: single mode maybe?10:57
exw526Myrtti: does this mean installing from scratch or can I transfer the existing install to a different partition?10:57
Aarunimy ubuntu keeps reporting system problems with lsb_release. I read this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/268394/my-newly-installed-ubuntu-12-04-keeps-crashing-can-anyone-help , and it seems that it means hardware problems. Can anyone confirm ?10:58
Aaruniits 12.04, LTS10:58
lotuspsychjeAaruni: can you tell us on wich hardware?10:59
Myrttiexw526: as the instructions include "take backups of /home/ (and /etc and /var if needed) and all the important stuff on Windows" it doesn't really matter that much. I've not tried transferring myself so I can't really tell.10:59
AaruniDell Inspiron N5010. Its laptop. A new WD 500 GB disk, Intel core i3, 4 gb ram, and Mobility Radeon HD 5470, lotuspsychje11:00
lotuspsychjeAaruni: what kind of crashing we talk about? freeze? reboot?11:00
AhasveroHi everyone11:01
nicknarratorhi there11:01
Aarunilotuspsychje: it just comes "Ubuntu has experienced a system problem" and in the more info, there is the path to lsb_release. I don't see any noticeable difference in my experience, but I was curious as to why this happens. A google search showed that link, lotuspsychje11:02
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Ahasveroi was trying to get DartEditor running on Ubuntu 6411:03
lotuspsychjeAaruni: http://askubuntu.com/questions/230766/how-lsb-module-affects-system-and-can-be-made-available-to-the-system11:04
Aarunilotuspsychje: I get "No LSB modules are available." . but then, why the error, every now and then ?11:05
olivier_isn't there an ubuntu-arduino channel?11:05
MrokiiHello. Anybody in here who knows something about Alsa/Pulse or whatever audio system is installed with 13.04? I did a fresh installation and have no sound at all (I had sound with earlier versions of Ubuntu).11:05
lotuspsychje!alis | olivier_11:06
ubottuolivier_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:06
Ahasvero...does anybody know dart?11:06
lotuspsychje!info darteditor11:08
Ahasvero!info darteditor11:08
ubottuPackage darteditor does not exist in raring11:08
Ahasveroit's not included in repositories11:08
ActionParsnipmay be in a ppa11:09
BluesKajHey all11:09
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj11:09
BluesKajhi ActionParsnip11:09
lotuspsychjeAhasvero: maybe this can help? https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/misc/Ayqe42AFpfM11:09
verwilstmy coworker is nagging that when a server is down, he gets 'ERROR: Host xxx is unreachable', and when it's back, he gets 'OK: Host xxx is unreachable'11:11
Aarunilotuspsychje: I get "No LSB modules are available." . but then, why the error, every now and then ? (repost 1)11:12
Ahasverommm, depot tools? let's try ...11:12
mi6x3mhello, me again, I asked some minutes ago how to boot in terminal mode11:12
mi6x3mwithout GUI11:12
mi6x3msomeone said use single mode11:12
verwilsti've replaced 'Httpd is not running on {HOST.NAME}' by '{ITEM.LASTVALUE} httpd processes on {HOST.NAME}11:12
verwilstwhich is a bit clearer already11:12
lotuspsychjeAaroni: i dont know why your system does that, but did you try to install like the url showed?11:12
verwilstbut for nodata() triggers i can't do that11:12
Aarunilotuspsychje: ok, trying11:13
lotuspsychjeAaruni: i dont think something is wrong with your hardware11:13
paoloHow can i fix this audio issue11:13
paoloPlease help11:13
ActionParsnipmi6x3m: add the boot option:  text11:13
Aarunilotuspsychje: thanks. installing now, BTW11:13
ActionParsnippaolo: what issue?11:14
lotuspsychjepaolo: re-ask your question here once in a while11:14
mi6x3mActionParsnip: thanks!11:14
paolomy intel hd audio dosen't work on ubuntu 12.0411:14
mi6x3mActionParsnip: how can I activate unity from there?11:14
deadweaselpaolo:  type alsamixer into the command line, verify nothing is muted.11:14
verwilstwrong channel :P11:14
ActionParsnipmi6x3m: init 5    will do it11:14
deadweaselmi6x3m: type sudo lightdm11:15
deadweaselor that11:15
mi6x3mThank you.11:15
paolowhat i'm going to do now11:15
ActionParsnippaolo: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload11:15
ActionParsnippaolo: you have given ZERO deatils, how can anyone possibly advise.......11:15
MrokiiActionParsnip: Could that be something for my problem as well? I have no sound at all since installing 13.04 (a fresh installation, no update).11:16
Aarunimi6x3m: once logged in, press alt + control + F7 to go back to GUI11:16
ActionParsnipMrokii: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*11:16
paoloI tried and there's no sound11:17
deadweaselActionParsnip: my issues was the master volume was muted in alsamixer.11:17
ActionParsnipMrokii: can help, wait 10 seconds after running then reboot11:17
mi6x3mAaruni: alright, thank you!11:17
ActionParsnipdeadweasel: alsamixer is useful too :)11:17
MrokiiActionParsnip: There's no .pulse folder11:17
paolowhat's that you mean 10 seconds and reboot11:17
paolomy system is compaq presario v3000 and the speaker is altec lansing11:19
olivier_guys my arduino doesn't deregister in Ubuntu11:23
olivier_dmesg | grep tty gives me:11:23
olivier_so multiple ttyACM0 devices and whenever I reconnect the Arduino another one appears in the list11:23
cfhowlettqt-x, greetings11:24
qt-xdid anybody has any idea how to stop eclipse from freezing the system ?11:25
qt-xx64 architecture11:25
olivier_guys I don't want to have to use Ubuntu 10.04 on the school computer11:26
AaruniIf I decide to upgrade from x86 to x64, is there a way to upgrade, without loosing all my data, and applications ?11:26
Hanumaanany sql schema builder software in ubuntu ?11:26
zebroDo you speak italian?11:26
ubottuzebro,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:27
scar_eyeballAaruni: sure just upgrade11:29
BlueShark`Hello, when I run "sudo apt-get build-dep xchat" I'm receiving the error: E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list. Here's my sources.list file: http://pastie.org/7906563 What do I need to add?11:29
Aaruniscar_eyeball: I read someplace that if you upgrade from x86 to x64, you're going to loose all of your data. It will be a fresh install, instead of an upgrade11:30
cfhowlettAaruni, safe assumption ...11:30
lasers!mint | BlueShark`11:30
ubottuBlueShark`: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:30
Ben64Aaruni: it's "lose" and yeah you'll need to reinstall your applications11:31
scar_eyeballBlueShark`: your not in directory11:31
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Aaruniin that case, not upgrading...11:31
BlueShark`scar_eyeball: sorry, I didn't get you. Could you explain?11:31
Ben64Aaruni: you can export your current package list and install them all again, it's pretty easy11:32
AaruniBen64: its not about cumbersomeness. I have less than adequate connectivity here, and downloading them again is going to be a problem11:32
scar_eyeballHanumaan: yes there id11:32
cfhowlett!ops|scar_eyeball,    send racist content via pm11:34
ubottuscar_eyeball,    send racist content via pm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:34
Aaruni!ops|scar_eyeball, abuse via PM11:34
ubottuscar_eyeball, abuse via PM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:34
lasersAaruni: There are no way to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit. You will have do clean installation (and in this case, pull in every single same package)11:35
ActionParsnipolivier_: 10.04 desktop support is EOL now11:35
Aarunilasers: ok thanks.11:35
cfhowlettMyrtti, thanks11:35
Aarunithanks Myrtti11:36
ubottunamk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!11:36
Ben64whats with all the ops triggering :|11:36
Myrttiubuntuaddicted: hu?11:37
ActionParsnipolivier_: you should inform your admins to upgrade soon11:37
ubuntuaddictednamk is sending me abusive PM's, so was scar_eyeball11:37
Ben64there is no namk11:37
Myrtti[freenode] *** There is no such nick namk11:37
nikoubuntuaddicted: ops can't do anything for someone who isn't in the channel anymore11:37
cfhowlettubuntuaddicted, nickname spoof?11:38
BlueShark`* [namk] (~scar_eyeb@rrcs-98-101-233-98.midsouth.biz.rr.com): scar_eyeball11:38
BlueShark`* [namk] card.freenode.net :Tue May 14 11:36:30 201311:38
ubuntuaddictedthere you go11:38
ubuntuaddictedis there a tweetdeck equivalent for linux?11:40
qinubuntuaddicted: What is tweetdeck?11:41
Myrttiubuntuaddicted: "tweetdeck" - works in Chrome/Chromium11:41
ubuntuaddicteda twitter client11:41
Myrttiyou can try friends too11:41
Prock81is the 13.04 called Precise?11:41
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120411:41
DJones!raring | Prock8111:41
ubottuProck81: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0411:41
kohvihoo1ubuntuaddicted: there's a client called gwibber, it should be installed by default11:42
ActionParsnipubottu: lots of twitter apps around, omgubuntu writes a lot of reviews on them (no idea why)11:42
ubottuActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:42
Prock81so what is the code name for 13.04 ... raring?11:42
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: lots of twitter apps around, omgubuntu writes a lot of reviews on them (no idea why)11:42
ubuntuaddictedringtail raring11:42
BluesKajyes Prock81 read above11:42
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, kohvihoo1 ok, thanks11:42
ActionParsnipkohvihoo1: its friends-app now, not gwibber (in Raring anyway)11:43
alpharender1179906 bugs reported across 9756 projects, wow one million bugs, we should have a party11:43
kohvihoo1ah, okay11:43
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ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know if ubuntu 12.04 can drag and drop music yet with iOS 6+?11:44
cfhowlettubuntuaddicted, I doubt that any *buntu can drag/drop to ios ...11:45
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: I believe you will need banshee / rhythmnbox11:45
Ben64much easier to stay away from apple11:45
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: there is ifuse but I'm not sure how the data gets stored. Android has a much easier time :)11:45
Aaruniis there any way to access iPad data, iTunes style in Ubuntu 12.04 ? not just songs and music, ebooks, comics, etc..11:45
SonikkuAmerica!mactel | Ben64, not always11:45
Ben64android is beating apple every month11:46
SonikkuAmerica!mac | Ben64, or rather11:46
ubottuBen64, or rather: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:46
Prock81ubuntuaddicted pwntunes will allow u to put mp3's directly on ios device11:46
alpharenderis there anyway to download launchpad pad app locally?11:46
cfhowlettAaruni, kind of.  nautilus shows all apps on my ipad ...11:46
ActionParsnipAaruni: banshee can put data on devices, there are ebook apps too11:46
Prock81no itunes11:46
SonikkuAmericaBen64: True... and not to mention Ubuntu Touch can get ground that way... I wonder if that'll replace Ubuntu for Android11:46
AaruniActionParsnip: thanks.11:46
SonikkuAmericaProck81: There's DoubleTwist though11:46
ubuntuaddictedcfhowlett, previous to iOS 6 you could drag and drop music with libimobiledevice11:46
ActionParsnipAaruni: ive seen videos on youtube of folks using itunes but for the real deal you will need a virtual windows install11:47
cfhowlettubuntuaddicted, and the iOS update broke that, as usual?11:47
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: with how phones are so locked down, i don't think touch will take off11:47
AaruniI was hoping to avoid that (its for a technically unsound friend of mine), ActionParsnip11:47
alpharenderlife is short, don't bother hacking apple11:47
cfhowlettalpharender, exactly11:47
ubuntuaddictedcfhowlett, yes11:47
SonikkuAmericaBen64: It'll eventually have to in some form or another, at least with Unity Next coming in 13.1011:48
alpharenderi have some apple stuff and I just use it (submit to their will)11:48
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: unless its a homescreen replacement app, i don't see manufacturers picking it up11:48
ubuntuaddictedProck81, pwntunes states Windows 7 or above, Windows Vista or Windows XP with Fix (included)11:48
SonikkuAmericaBen64: OEMs don't have to pick up anything for an OS to be popular - look at any given Linux distro11:49
SonikkuAmericaBen64: Particularly Ubuntu (being the 3rd most popular desktop OS in the world)11:49
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SonikkuAmericaBen64: (Even though that's because all 6 of us use it)11:50
ubuntuaddictedcfhowlett, you could even rearrange your iOS device springboard icons with http://www.libimobiledevice.org/11:50
Prock81 ubuntuaddicted u need windows to set it up, but after when u plug it into any linux you will see the music folder, like the normal avrage cheap mp3 player11:51
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: most phones you can't boot unauthorized code, so if its a new os to replace android, it would need to be approved and installed by OEM11:51
SonikkuAmericaBen64: So? Root the darn thing!11:51
Ben64root != install new os11:51
D49LDo you guys know a good pdfreader for linux where i can set comments?11:52
ubuntuaddictedProck81, really? wonder how that works?11:52
ActionParsnipBen64: yeah that confused me too11:52
SonikkuAmericaubuntuaddicted: Bah, I had an iPad 3, and it was just easier to reset the icon layout every time I installed a new app so I could see all of them in alphabetical order11:52
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, had my nexus 4 a week.  Found out how to root on day 2.  VERY easy11:52
ActionParsnipD49L: acroread from Adobe if you want11:52
premis there any freeipa server version available for ubuntu11:52
SonikkuAmericaBen64: While true, root is the only way you get to install a new OS11:52
Prock81actually u probly dont need windows, i just set it up in windows and it works on linux11:52
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: not really, usually need to reflash the phone11:53
* Aaruni is away: AFK11:53
Prock81only cause i was using window at that time11:53
MyrttiAaruni: please turn that off11:53
premor is there any other equivalent packages to setup a AD DC in ubuntu11:53
SonikkuAmericaBen64: By flashing CWM or TeamWin via fastboot - still requires root11:53
ActionParsnipprem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=freeipa11:53
ActionParsnipprem: lots of PPAs.....did you search these at all?11:53
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: those are just modded stock images, not a completely new os :)11:54
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premActionParsnip, as far as i have seen client support for freeipa is only given11:54
premnot the srver packages11:54
ubuntuaddictedlooks like libimobiledevice works with some functionality but not audio/video. The iPhone 4/4S, iPod Touch 4, iPad 1/2/3rd Gen and Apple TV do NOT work.11:55
SonikkuAmericaBen64: Really? You can get Debian and Ubuntu ARM images... those aren't modded stock images at all.11:55
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: try to get them running on a phone, i guarantee a brick11:55
ActionParsnipprem: even in those PPAs?11:56
premis there any way to install and run freeipa server in ubuntu11:56
SonikkuAmericaBen64: I had a friend who got Ubuntu 12.04 LTS running on his Motorola Droid RAZR HD. Never say never.11:56
premyes ActionParsnip11:56
ActionParsnipprem: you could use alien and convert rpm to deb but it may go weird11:56
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: webtop doesn't count11:57
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, desktop?  or ARM version?  all moot once touch releases11:57
premActionParsnip, true, i cannot build the source in ubuntu., then in that case "alien" conversion will break the system11:57
SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: True enough... with the convergence coming.11:57
SonikkuAmericaBen64: Webtop? LOL11:58
SonikkuAmericaBen64: He did it with SuperOneClick and a 12.04 .img file.11:58
ubuntuaddictedyou would think since my iPhone is rooted (jailbroken) that putting music on it would be possible11:58
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: can you transfer over the network?12:00
ActionParsnipprem: it 'may' break the system, you could always make a virtual system and test12:00
ubuntuaddictedBen64, not sure. what would I google? lol12:01
ActionParsnipprem: or contact the guys and ask if they plan to support Ubuntu / deb based distros12:01
Prock81can i paste 3 lines and ask if this is a error that is ok to ignore, i was tring to enable hibernate, and a verygood question is why wasnt it enable by default12:01
premActionParsnip, they have replied that officially they dont support deb distros12:02
ubuntuaddictedProck81, probably should use pastebin12:02
ActionParsnipprem: then you are stuck, you could virtualize a redhat box and install it12:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:02
ActionParsnipprem: or whatever you want12:02
gustav_Hello there. Sound isn't working. In Firefox. mpg321 goes ok.12:03
Ben64ubuntuaddicted: dunno. on my android i can transfer over bluetooth, scp, sftp, http, rsync, and more12:03
Prock81http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664259/ is this error ok to ignore12:04
gustav_Prock81: Yeah.12:04
Ben64Prock81: you should use gksudo12:05
Prock81why is that12:05
Ben64Prock81: for gui applications*12:05
Pearlaxgood morning12:05
Prock81what difference will gksugo vs sudo make12:05
Ben64gksudo is for graphical stuff12:06
jribProck81: you probably don't want to run make with either sudo or gksudo12:06
Prock81i redid it with gksudo and it didnt give me the ibus warning12:07
ubuntuaddictedBen64, ok12:07
Prock81can u explane jrib12:07
Ben64PrO_OkI__: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo12:07
mi6x3mUbuntu, I am installing a tomcat server12:07
mi6x3mrunning it on 8080 works, running on 80 fails12:07
Ben64Prock81: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo12:07
jribProck81: you should just run make as your user12:07
mi6x3mboth on localhost and from outside12:07
Ben64sorry PrO_OkI__12:08
mi6x3mcould it be that port 80 is closed by default?12:08
jribProck81: if you weren't asking about the "make" program, then I misunderstood your question12:08
Ben64jrib: it was about "sudo gedit", i was saying to use gksudo12:09
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ShogootAny excel gurus around to help me troubleshoot a vlookup function? :)12:11
Prock81why does this room need 3 FloodBot's12:13
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gustav_Prock81: Maybe they need to flood a lot.12:14
PiciProck81: redundancy.12:14
ubuntuaddictedProck81, cause it's a huge channel12:14
mi6x3mhello, can someone tell me how to open port 80 in Ubuntu?12:14
yofunhello i get this when runing cmake12:14
yofunCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (MESSAGE):   Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND) Call Stack (most recent call first):   /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:288 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)   /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindThreads.cmake:166 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)   CMakeLists.txt:109 (FIND_PACKAGE12:15
ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, unless you activated a firewall, it's already open12:15
ubottuyofun,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:15
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: I haven't explicitly activated a firewall12:15
mi6x3mall other ports work12:15
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mi6x3mbut running tomcat on 80, doesn't show in netstat12:15
mi6x3many idea where I can check?12:15
Prock81so one bot says to the other ... ok you watch this part of the croud and ill watch the other12:16
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ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, r you certain your config is correct? did you start tomcat? i don't know what tomcat is12:16
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:16
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yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ anyone knows whats wrong here?12:16
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: Tomcat is a Java servlet container12:16
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mi6x3myes, I am pretty certain the configuration is correct12:17
mi6x3mcould it be the ubuntu firewall is enabled by default?12:17
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mi6x3mno, it's disabled12:18
ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, ubuntu as far as I am aware has no firewall rules by defauly12:18
ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, not showing in netstat and not being able to access the server are totally different things. if you try to start tomcat from the command line, does it return any errors?12:19
ubuntuaddictedbrb, coffee12:19
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: no, and if I start it under port 8080 it will show in netstat as well12:19
salahHi. I just installed ATI drivers and now Unity don't boot anymore. How do I reset Unity when the --reset is depricated?12:19
felonwhats the command to list processes in terminal and kill one12:20
cfhowlettfelipe_, ps -x will list and kill -9 process number will kill12:20
mradotubuntu has spyware :O12:21
Daaavefelon: I'd use top to find the PIDs and kill -9 to kill processes12:21
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ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, are you certain tomcat is the only port using 80? it's possible some other service already using that port maybe?12:22
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: there is a CLOSED_WAIT connection using port 80 on some other IP12:22
mi6x3mbut on this IP it uses another port12:22
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yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ anyone knows whats wrong here??12:23
gustav_HEY! Sound is not working.12:24
gustav_There is support for 12.10, RIGHT?12:25
SonikkuAmerica!details | gu12:25
ubottugu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:25
SonikkuAmerica!details | gus12:25
ubottugus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:25
Mere2hey ppl12:25
SonikkuAmerica!topic | gustav_: Yeah12:25
ubottugustav_: Yeah: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:25
cfhowlettMere2, greetings12:25
gustav_I have a problem with sound, I'm running Ubuntu version 12.10. When I try to do flash video in Firefox, I get the following output: no sound, but video, but I expected it to do sound & video.12:26
ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, not sure what you mean by "this IP"?12:26
cfhowlettMere2, for best results, ask in the main channel12:26
Mere2lol ok why ubuntu over say mint12:27
SonikkuAmerica!poll | Mere2, the same goes for operating systems12:27
ubottuMere2, the same goes for operating systems: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:27
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Solve the problem please.12:27
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ anyone knows whats wrong here??12:27
cfhowlettMere2, good question!  and best had in #ubuntu-offtopic for full and rousing debates12:27
gustav_yofun: You need to install a threads package.12:28
SonikkuAmericagustav_: Sounds like a PulseAudio problem.12:28
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: just checked, my process signals permission denied port 8012:28
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Yeah, but mpg321 works.12:28
yofungustav_:  apt-get install threads?12:28
gustav_yofun: Not sure.12:28
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: what could be the reason?12:28
gustav_yofun: Check deps for that package. You are trying to cmake.12:29
yofunnope -_-12:29
felonwhats the command to list system info in terminal, mem, ect..12:29
gustav_<- process starvation12:29
SonikkuAmerica!info mpg32112:29
ubuntuaddictedmi6x3m, not sure as I don't use tomcat12:29
ubottumpg321 (source: mpg321): Simple and lightweight command line MP3 player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1.1 (raring), package size 46 kB, installed size 131 kB12:29
SonikkuAmericagustav_: And how do you know that mpg321 isn't using ALSA?12:30
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Firefox is using ALSA.12:30
ubuntuaddictedfelon, you could use cat /proc/meminfo and cat /proc/cpuinfo12:30
SonikkuAmericagustav_: How come? PulseAudio comes stock with Ubuntu... did you remove it for some reason12:30
yofunFIND_PACKAGE(Threads REQUIRED)12:31
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Nope. mpg321 doesn't go through PA it seems. Firefox does but uses ALSA plugin or something. Looking at pavucontrol here.12:31
SonikkuAmericagustav_: I found a (32-bit) solution, try it: http://www.thelinuxdaily.com/2007/10/how-to-fix-the-no-sound-issue-in-firefox-flash/12:33
felonyou know whats crazy is i cant get edid to communicate with vid card to detect lcd display and get my resolution right, at 1360x768 16:9, but it will let me use 1920x1080 16:912:34
bpat1434Anyone running ubuntu 13.04 server as a guest in VMWare 9 with a Windows 7 host?12:36
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | bpat143412:37
ubottubpat1434: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:37
stuffinWould someone please help me when they have the time. I need to know the command to install the libs32 for a 64 bit system12:37
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: I rebooted. Sound is back. Reboot does it every time.12:37
ubuntuaddictedstuffin, what application?12:37
SonikkuAmericagustav_: Gotta love rebooting.12:37
gustav_Have you tried turning it off and on again.12:37
stuffinit is open gl application. I know that I need the files that allow you to run 32bit program on 64bit12:38
stuffindo you think it is sudo apt-get install ia-32libs?12:39
ubuntuaddictedstuffin, what is the application name12:39
stuffini do not know12:40
SonikkuAmericastuffin: It's ia32-libs, but I'm not sure if they got put back into Ubuntu.12:40
SonikkuAmerica!info ia32-libs12:40
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in raring12:40
SonikkuAmericastuffin: Guess not.12:40
bpat1434I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 server (64-bit) as a guest VM with a Windows 7 host in VMware Workstation 9.  The VM locks up at random points in time and all syslog has is a "BUG: soft lockup CPU #X stuck for XXs!".  I've tried without acpi aipc and even change the config to be a 1-CPU instance (instead of 4).  Nothing helps.  What is/could be causing the soft lockup and how do I fix it/12:40
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: How about choppy sound?12:41
stuffini will keep searching12:41
SonikkuAmericabpat1434: Try in #vmware12:41
ubuntuaddictedwell, gotta go make my youtube commentary for the day. ttyk12:42
SonikkuAmerica!info ia32-libs-multiarch12:42
ubottuia32-libs-multiarch (source: ia32-libs): Multi-arch versions of former ia32-libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 20090808ubuntu36 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 39 kB (Only available for amd64; ia64; i386)12:42
BluesKajthere it is12:42
juniourhi how can i see comment of image plz help12:42
SonikkuAmericagustav_: Check out the following bug:12:43
SonikkuAmerica!bug 106396512:43
ubottubug 1063965 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Choppy sound in 12.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106396512:43
ubottujuniour,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:43
mi6x3mubuntuaddicted: I found it out, I had to use autobind12:43
rastajoeyhow can installer a softwer pls help me12:43
Lasse-Excuse me rastajoey ?12:43
juniourubbot i haven't pastedmultiline text 3:)12:43
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Work in progress?12:43
cfhowlettrastajoey, eh?12:43
juniourubottu i haven't pasted multiline text 3:)12:43
ubottujuniour: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:43
muindorhey all. i need a small linux running from usb which supports persistence, cron jobs and perl and runs on a pc from the stoneage ( 64mb ram ). any ideas ? :-)12:44
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Cat it be changed to important? -.-"12:44
SonikkuAmericagustav_: AFAIK, yes, but the importance is still at "Undecided."12:44
gustav_The sound repeats, so I hear what they say...12:44
juniourhi how can i see comment of image plz help12:44
SonikkuAmericagustav_: If enough people (yourself included) demand it be pushed...12:44
cfhowlettjuniour, what image?  what comment12:44
Lasse-!details | juniour12:44
ubottujuniour: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:44
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Not sure it's really my bug. Like mine.12:45
rastajoeypls help me?12:45
juniourmost have the image contain comment, anytype of image like jpg,gif etc...12:45
cfhowlettrastajoey, explain yourself.  details.12:46
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rastajoeyi can dowload ah program12:46
SonikkuAmericagustav_: You might check in System Testing...12:46
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: Where?12:47
sifu_hey folks...i know this might sound a bit noobish but i am havign way too much issues with unity to the point i am almost giving up on ubuntu...i want to install gnome 3...anyone has any experience with it in terms of stability....and any where i can read about installing it12:47
cfhowlettsifu_, there is gnome ubuntu ... or you can logout, choose a different desktop environment and log in12:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:47
Lasse-rastajoey: no one understands what you mean.12:47
sifu_the fallback one12:48
Lasse-same with juniour.12:48
gustav_sifu_: You can run WindowMaker. It's very stable.12:48
sifu_never heard of it12:48
=== starbuck is now known as Guest49340
SonikkuAmericagustav_: Search the Unity dash for it.12:48
gustav_sudo apt-get install wmaker12:48
gustav_SonikkuAmerica: WindowMaker.12:48
SonikkuAmericagustav_: Wrong person...12:49
juniouranyone hear of image comment,title,author, its the image information ,how cani see this information12:49
cfhowlettjuniour,  you mean the exif data?12:49
cfhowlettjuniour, gimp12:49
juniourpic information meata tags12:50
Guest18850Hi I'm having problems removing a lvm. Whenever I run 'lvremove /dev/nameoflvm' I get: Can't remove open logical volume 'nameoflvm'. But as far as I can tell it is not mounted or being used by anything. Running dmsetup ls | grep nameoflvm shows a (252, 1)12:50
juniourcfhowleft how to do with gimp,plz explain i dont know, i am not good at gimp12:50
cfhowlettjuniour, do a search for "view exif data ubuntu" ... lots of hits.12:50
rastajoeyu remote m12:51
cfhowlettrastajoey, you are making no sense.  explain yourself.  details matter.12:52
rastajoeymy tagalog bah dito12:53
ubotturastajoey: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog12:54
dry[1]hi. ubuntu 12.04.02 ibus problem: symbol suggestions [visible after space press] are not working [in anthy (m17n)]12:55
epic_how do get my maas node (manually added in the maas web iface) to boot from the controller, when the node does not have PXE, the install cd simply reboots my comp after choosing the controller, does not change anything..13:01
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Guest18850Hi I'm having problems removing a lvm. Whenever I run 'lvremove /dev/nameoflvm' I get: Can't remove open logical volume 'nameoflvm'. But as far as I can tell it is not mounted or being used by anything. Running dmsetup ls | grep nameoflvm shows ..... nameoflvm (252, 1)13:02
=== mfisch is now known as Guest83719
Guest18850Hi I'm having problems removing a lvm. Whenever I run 'lvremove /dev/nameoflvm' I get: Can't remove open logical volume 'nameoflvm'. But as far as I can tell it is not mounted or being used by anything. Running dmsetup ls | grep nameoflvm shows ..... nameoflvm (252, 1)13:02
BluesKaj!repeat | Guest1885013:03
ubottuGuest18850: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:03
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UukGoblinis ubuntu affected by https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5703758 / CVE-2013-2094?13:07
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2094)13:07
nevynUukGoblin: if they were.. do you think you'd find out by asking here?13:08
felonhow do i add a repository line in terminal13:08
UukGoblinnevyn, yes? no? why not?13:08
nevynUukGoblin: so you think that a public disclosure process can be usurped by irc?13:09
sudobashhas anyone ever setup ubuntu as a network virus scanner to scan all PC's on a domain plus network shares13:09
sudobashwith clamav and samba13:10
UukGoblinnevyn, sure, IRC is generally faster than following public processes13:10
* nevyn thinks of irc as public13:10
UukGoblinI've tried to run the sploit on ubuntu 12.04 but it got Killed (didn't get root). There was a kernel stacktrace printed in syslog, however.13:11
nevynat least general purpose channels like this13:11
nevyn#debian-private maybe13:11
ActionParsnipnevyn: you can have passwords and things on channels13:11
ActionParsnipnevyn: you can also restrict to identified users and so forth13:11
nevynsure. and it's appropriate to discuss CVE's etc in such channels in my view13:12
UukGoblinnevyn, I don't understand. What's the problem about it being public?13:13
UukGoblinit was posted on oss-security mailing list so it's pretty much public already... I'm just wondering whether it's CentOS-only or not13:13
realgpphi everyone, is this the right place where to ask a question about CVE's Priority?13:14
PiciUukGoblin, nevyn: Looks like It mostly doesn't apply, but take a look yourself: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2013/CVE-2013-2094.html13:15
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2094)13:15
BananaBobhey guys, i would like my machines to always keep the sources updated on a hourly basis. What is best practice on ubuntu to run an simple apt-get update once every hour?13:16
UukGoblinPici, cool thanks13:17
patrick__v_how about run it in cron with a random wait and use an http proxy to cache the stuff?13:17
realgppBananaBob: use cron13:17
netlarIs it true that Canonical gathers information from our searches for places like Amazon?13:18
ActionParsnipnetlar: no there is no collection13:18
RootertBananaBob, or consider apticron, it will send you email notifications when updates are available too13:18
BananaBobcron-apt or just add an simple entry in crontab or cron.hourly or something like that? I was thinking of that, but is that really best practice?13:18
ActionParsnipnetlar: and your system is not identifiable13:18
BananaBobInst there a fancyer way :)13:18
patrick__v_who cares about doing a fancy way?13:19
gordonjcpfancy == more stuff to break13:19
ActionParsnipBananaBob: i do the same, you may get issues if package installs need user input13:19
gordonjcpdo not do things the fancy way13:19
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netlarJust saw some articles written about it, was curious13:19
BananaBobI only want the update to be run on all machines once every hour. Nothing else, just to keep  the sources updated :)13:19
patrick__v_well then just run a cronjob13:19
patrick__v_what's wrong with a cronjob?13:20
BananaBobActionParsnip: What do you mean?13:20
epic_when install a dhcp server, will ubuntu start it automatically?13:20
cfhowlettnetlar, fwiw lens is a unity only plugin.  feel free to use a different Desktop Environment and ... no unity13:20
lambdak0rewhy ubuntu 12.04 has a such old version of HPSA driver? (2.0)13:20
BananaBobpatrick___V_: nothing at all, its just that there are unnatended, cron-apt all that stuff that looks more or less made for this13:20
netlarcfhowlett: I actually love unity13:20
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cfhowlettnetlar, then don't worry, be happy.13:21
ActionParsnipBananaBob: like file overwrites or license accepting and so on13:21
shiroUnity is cool13:21
ActionParsnipshiro: some people love it, some hate it13:21
BananaBobActionParsnip: but this is only a quiet apt-get update. no upgrade or such13:21
netlarcfhowlett: I do not even mind that the searches , also search the web13:21
shiroI specifically like it for the shortcut keys13:21
netlarcfhowlett: Just some are saying it is spyware13:22
cfhowlettnetlar, RMS being among them ... "spyware" isn13:22
harrishow do i determin the best channel for my router to be set to13:22
cfhowlettisn't the term I would use13:22
cfhowlettnetlar, Richard M. Stallmna13:23
patrick__v_BananaBob then just run a cron...?13:23
netlarYes, thta is the guy13:23
patrick__v_damn it feels like at work13:23
netlarHe jealous?13:23
SuperLagIf you had an app crash, and it references a PID... is there any way to figure out what that app was, if the PID no longer exists?13:23
patrick__v_where they do a one hour meeting to decide that yes they are going to rename a directory13:23
patrick__v_instead of just saying ok we rename the directory? all ok? let's do it...13:23
cfhowlettSuperLag, should be in the logs, right?13:24
BananaBobyeah, i think ill add a update to cron.hourly and get it over with. Thanks for the input guys13:24
harrishow do i determin the best channel for my router to be set to13:24
cfhowlettharris, fire it up.  if it runs without undue interference ....13:24
Piciharris: not really on-topic for #ubuntu, maybe ##networking would be better.13:24
SuperLagcfhowlett: it's was a Java process, and there's a log... but no core dump was generated, and I'm trying to track down what caused the crash. :/13:25
SuperLagcfhowlett: and the log isn't very helpful13:25
harristhank you Pici i didnt know about that channel13:25
cfhowlettSuperLag, ow.  OK ... over my head.  sorry.13:25
shirocfhowlett which JVM?13:25
netlarcfhowlett: Who is this Richard Stallman anyway13:25
SuperLagshiro: was that question meant for me?13:25
shiroaah sorry13:26
SuperLagshiro: I'm using the latest JDK. 1.7.0u2113:26
SonikkuAmericanetlar: lol13:26
shirothought he initiated it13:26
netlarSonikkuAmerica: what13:26
shiroSun HotSpot would create a file named of patter hs_pid_err something13:26
shiroit has the native and the java stack13:26
SonikkuAmericanetlar: Die-hard Communist and inventor of Gnu's not UNIX!13:26
SuperLagshiro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664462/13:27
netlarSonikkuAmerica: I should probably know him then, opps13:27
shiroso that file has the pid?13:27
SuperLagshiro: right... but I don't know what that PID was... what app/process it actually was13:28
sha1sumHey guys... I've googled to no avail, so I'll ask: does anyone know of a repo that I can use to install PostgreSQL 8.4 on raring?13:28
SuperLagshiro: I'm trying to track down the root cause of the crash, if that makes sense.13:28
shiroYou are trying to debug the cause of the failure?13:28
SuperLagshiro: I don't know if that means enabling the writing of core dumps, as the log sugggests... or what :)13:29
shiroSuperLag: Do you have any component with JNI13:29
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SuperLagshiro: I don't *think* so... but I'm not sure. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA to look at Java code for an app that I support... but I don't know that there's JNI stuff in it13:30
shiroSuperLag: Core dump would help in case you had some OOME13:31
Guest67069turk varmi13:32
SonikkuAmerica!tu | Guest6706913:32
shiroSuperLag: Wonder if it will help you anyway. JVM crashes are vague. I have worked on some applications involving JNI where some memory leak may randomly cause it to fail at some point13:32
SonikkuAmerica!tr | Guest6706913:32
ubottuGuest67069: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.13:32
epic_how do i purge all openstack (and its deps) packages ?13:35
SuperLagQuestion for you guys... any good paid apps that A. might not be in the Software Center and B. aren't games, that you guys would recommend?13:36
qdbhello . why name of a file is /etc/init.d/fancontrol.dpkg-bak  ? i e  with  ".dpkg-bak"  ?13:37
OrangeTuxSuperLag: SublimeText 213:38
SuperLagOrangeTux: got it :)13:38
SuperLagOrangeTux: I use that on my Mac, as well.13:38
OrangeTuxSuperLag: With a licence?13:38
SuperLagOrangeTux: of course13:39
OrangeTuxSuperLag: (Y)13:39
OrangeTuxI bought myself a licenso too, but I switched to VIM.13:39
OrangeTuxSuperLag: VIM is much more powerfull.13:39
OrangeTuxSuperLag: You should switch too ;)13:40
SuperLagOrangeTux: it doesn't get any more powerful than vim or emacs (not that I'm an emacs user)... but they have the highest learning curves.13:40
OrangeTuxSuperLag: true13:40
SuperLagOrangeTux: besides... these days... my "text editor" of choice is mostly IntelliJ IDEA. :)13:41
OrangeTuxSuperLag: Every once in a while I got frustated and start throwing with laptops ;)13:41
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ActionParsnipOrangeTux: vi here, installed on ANY nix box :)13:52
starpollohi! I'm having issues when accessing youtube since 13.04, every time I open a video my browser locks up (greys out) for a while (10 seconds usually).. I'm using Firefox 20, has anyone else noticed this in 13.04?13:53
SuperLagstarpollo: no issues here.13:54
ActionParsnipstarpollo: does it happen in other web browser?13:56
minkHi. In the same version ubuntu, I could switch workspaces by scroll wheel (in hover at workspaces thumbnails). Now (after reinstall) I can't.13:57
minkAnyone know how enable this functionality?13:57
starpolloActionParsnip: no Chrome seems fine in youtube, haven't tried any others to be honest13:58
=== Leon is now known as Guest83509
shegmanhi. i searched the web to get digital 5.1 ound in ubuntu 12.04. i even tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DigitalAC-3Pulseaudio#PulseAudio_Setup but it still doesnt work. can anyone help me please?13:58
ActionParsnipstarpollo: does it happen as a new Ubuntu user in Firefox?13:58
SuperLagstarpollo: what happens if you open firefox with the -ProfileManager option... (from the command line)  and create a new profile... and do it from there?13:58
SuperLagstarpollo: ActionParsnip seems to be suggesting the same idea though...13:59
starpolloSuperLag: opened firefox with the -ProfileManager flag, same thing happened upon browsing to a youtube video, I can also confirm it has happened consistently since I installed14:01
satmanduI'm on Ubuntu 13.04, and I'm looking for an alternative to virtualbox-fuse, which has apparently been removed.  Any ideas?  I need to mount a vdi file.14:01
SuperLagstarpollo: was this a clean install of 13.04, or an upgrade to it?14:01
starpolloSuperLag: clean install14:01
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SuperLagstarpollo: very interesting... as I'm in the same situation, and I don't see this issue.14:02
SuperLagstarpollo: I wonder if it might be a codec thing14:02
starpolloSuperLag: yeah it is interesting, I guess I can hope for a fix in the next version of firefox.. any suggestions for something to try if it's related to codecs?14:03
SuperLagstarpollo: ou know that step in the installer, where it asks you if you want to install the 3rd-party codecs and stuff like that? Did you have that enabled?14:04
OrangeTuxActionParsnip: Ok, you win ;)14:04
starpolloSuperLag: yeah I had enabled that14:04
SuperLagstarpollo: I'm stumped, then. :/14:05
SuperLagActionParsnip: any ideas for starpollo?14:05
ActionParsnipstarpollo: did you try the new account14:07
ActionParsnipSuperLag: use Chrome :)14:07
starpolloActionParsnip: I tried the -ProfileManager flag, no change :S14:07
SuperLagstarpollo: I know it's probably not the answer you're looking for... but I use Chrome as my primary browser too. I think ActionParsnip has a point. :)14:08
plumblumEvning gents i have a somewhat techy quesiton, is it possible to mount several disks/partitions to the same location ?14:08
SuperLagEven though Xubuntu forgets on a regular basis, that I want Chrome to be my default browser14:08
SuperLagplumblum: why on earth would you want to do that?14:08
SuperLagplumblum: yes. It's called RAID. :)14:08
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starpolloheh, fair enough, thanks for looking into it fellas :)14:08
plumblumSuperLag, i already have a raid ;)14:09
SuperLagplumblum: so you have a RAID array, and you want to mount it? easy.14:09
plumblumbut lets say i have 2 disks with movies on them, i would like to just have one movies folder14:09
SuperLagplumblum: no.14:09
plumblumcan i symlink them or something then ?14:09
somsipplumblum: you can mount them to different subdirs, if that's what you mean?14:10
qwertzuiopi've got ubuntu 13.04 x64 and a thinkpad w510 here14:10
qwertzuiopits got a wireless intel ultimate 630014:10
SuperLagqwertzuiop: :O14:10
plumblumsomsip, no i have a bunch of disks and i would like them to show up under one folder name14:10
SuperLagqwertzuiop: does it have an Nvidia Quadro in it?14:10
SuperLagplumblum: can't do that14:10
somsipplumblum: then, no14:10
plumblumcan i symlink them then ?14:10
SuperLagwell... yes14:11
qwertzuiopi only get a maximum of 54mbit wlan connect plus almost no throughput (<10kb/s). the same box with windows does >250mbit plus megabytes of throughput14:11
SuperLagyou can put a symlink in the first mountpoint14:11
SuperLagbut its still not *the same* directory14:11
SuperLagactually no14:11
qwertzuiopand the last time i tried the nvidia driver did not work14:11
qwertzuiopSuperLag: yes, it has a quadro14:11
SuperLagit still has to be mounted *somewhere*14:11
SuperLagqwertzuiop: the Nvidia driver did *not* work? :(14:11
qwertzuiopwas someone able to reproduce this?14:12
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plumblumwell can i mount them all to like /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 and then make them appear somewhere ?14:12
qwertzuiopdid not come back up, no - SuperLag14:12
somsipplumblum: what functionality are you wanting to achieve? That you 'ls /mydrives' and get a listing of everything on all three of them?14:12
qwertzuiophad to use the crappy nuveau14:12
SuperLagqwertzuiop: crap. :(14:12
FloodBot1asu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
SuperLagqwertzuiop: I was thinking about getting a W53014:12
qwertzuiopwell, get one, anyhow use a vm14:13
mianjsI installed gnome 3.8 with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop and now I've decided to turn back to unity. I tried sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop and it did something but nothing changed14:13
SuperLag:( :( :(14:13
qwertzuiopi seriously think about macbook for the next time14:13
plumblumsomsip, more like that over the network, \\computername\movies should list the contents of several disks :)14:13
SuperLagqwertzuiop: hold on just a sec... I'm 99% sure I have that same card that I added to my Dell Latitude D63014:13
qwertzuioposx is decent enough, the screen resolutions are incredible, the battery super14:13
ActionParsnipstarpollo: have you tried disabling addons to see if they cause it14:13
plumblummaybe i can do something fun with samba ?14:13
SuperLagqwertzuiop: no way I'd run Linux natively on a Mac. that is a waste of money to not run it as designed14:13
Vistaus@mianjs: Have you chosen Ubuntu as session in LightDM?14:13
eXcAliBuR#clamav needs your help, there is no one in there to talk to me :(14:14
qwertzuiopi would not run linux on that14:14
SuperLagplumblum: no, you cannot do that14:14
ActionParsnipSuperLag: +114:14
gordonjcpSuperLag: I run my macbook dual-booting between Ubuntu and OSX14:14
mianjsVistaus: yes I have chosen LightDM14:14
gordonjcpSuperLag: it works just great14:14
compdocfun? define fun14:14
qwertzuiopi'ld have the unix it was designed for14:14
somsipplumblum: no. Not unless you mount one and have a load of symlinks on that drive that point to all the other files on the other two drives that are mounted somewhere out of the way.14:14
ActionParsnipSuperLag: pay mac tax, then don't use the intended OS14:14
SuperLaggordonjcp: no arguing that it works... it's just a waste of money14:14
theadminSuperLag, somsip, plumblum: It's possible, it's called aufs: mount -t aufs -o dirs=/path/to/first/directory:/path/to/second/directory:/path/to/third/directory  none /path/to/union/directory14:14
SuperLagActionParsnip: I'm a hardcore Mac user. No f'n way I'd do that.14:14
gordonjcpSuperLag: not really14:14
qwertzuiopI'ld love to pay for osx on thinkpads too, anyhow apple insists on selling their oversize dongles14:14
theadminplumblum: That'll get you the files from three directories in one14:15
gordonjcpSuperLag: it's an excellent piece of hardware14:15
SuperLagqwertzuiop: stand by14:15
theadminplumblum: Is that what you want?14:15
asufu** all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:15
plumblumtheadmin, exacltey14:15
SuperLaggordonjcp: yes, it is... no args there14:15
somsiptheadmin: theadmin plumblum - woah. Never heard of that. I sit corrected14:15
plumblumif the drives were the same and i cared much about the content i would raid them14:15
plumblumbut i dont14:15
gordonjcpSuperLag: and since it can run OSX and Linux, and presumably Windows if I wanted, I don't see how that is a waste of money at all14:16
plumblumbut having 1 folder to look in instead of 4-5 would be a huge relif :D14:16
Prock81hay guys, i just got a mouse issue, im on a laptop and very LUCKEY to have the mouse stick in the center of the key board. For the mouse pad i do have two fingers to scroll enabled. Maybe i accidentally put two fingers when i didnt mean to, but still even if i did it would stop when i let up. My mouse pad is STUCK as if im using 2 fingers to scroll and the pointer barely moves. what would be the problem?14:16
plumblumthx theadmin! i will look into it :)14:16
gordonjcpSuperLag: what would be a waste of money is buying a Macbook and another laptop, just to run one OS on each...14:16
theadminplumblum: Basically install aufs-utils and then mount -t aufs -o dirs=dir1:dir2:dir3 none destination_directory14:16
SuperLaggordonjcp: I leave Linux for a VM on my MBP14:16
gordonjcpSuperLag: a VM won't work for me14:17
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gordonjcpSuperLag: I use Linux for audio work, so I need it to be as fast as possible14:17
plumblumtheadmin, thx :) im just gonna go read up on it a little bit, so you dont have to answer stupid questions later ;)14:17
qwertzuiopsometimes i even start to think that vms would be the native environment for linux. almost every time i experience such crap as this wlan issue14:17
stuffinwhat is the command to install xubuntu ?14:18
=== marahin is now known as kasia
SuperLagI can't reach my Dell... I know it *was* online. I just don't remember what IP it has. :/14:19
Prock81brb bathroom, did anyone read my question14:19
SuperLagqwertzuiop: trying to get this info for you14:19
you-tee-fhi, my windows don't have borders anymore14:21
=== ben__ is now known as benbru
you-tee-fhow can i restart my desktop manager ?14:21
ActionParsnipyou-tee-f: press ALT+F2 and run:  managernamehere --replace14:22
ActionParsnipyou-tee-f: eg.   fluxbox --replace14:22
you-tee-fhow can i know my manager ?14:22
ActionParsnipSuperLag: you can use nmap to scan your subnet14:22
=== kasia is now known as marahin
ActionParsnipyou-tee-f: do you use desktop effects?14:22
plumblumhmm i wonder if just doing ln -s /mnt/diskx/* a bunch of time would have the same effect ^^14:22
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plumblumbut maybe aufs is better14:22
ActionParsnipyou-tee-f: compiz --replace    will probably be ok14:22
Prock81i just got a mouse issue, im on a laptop and very LUCKEY to have the mouse stick in the center of the key board. For the mouse pad i do have two fingers to scroll enabled. Maybe i accidentally put two fingers when i didnt mean to, but still even if i did it would stop when i let up. My mouse pad is STUCK as if im using 2 fingers to scroll and the pointer barely moves. what would be the problem?14:22
you-tee-fActionParsnip: i guess so14:22
theadminplumblum: A symlink can only point to one location, won't do what you want.14:23
you-tee-fActionParsnip: thanks ! works like a charm !14:24
Prock81init 6 then, maybe that will fix my mouse14:25
ActionParsnipyourway_chu: you now know your WM14:26
MrokiiDoes anybody know where System Load Indicator saves its config?14:26
plumblumfrom their example there is one part i dont quite get, http://pastebin.com/Zkxy8Yxu from their page14:26
plumblum"if you modify a file under /tmp/aufs the one on your home directory is not affected"14:27
plumblumbut if i want to have it affected :P14:27
Kurzahello, does anyone have an idea where are placed the .out files when I compile a .cpp file using c++ on Ubuntu? They don't seem to be placed where I "cd" to run the .cpp14:28
theadminKurza: gcc defaults it's output to an exact filename, a.out14:29
theadminKurza: If you need to output elsewhere, use g++ -o something file.cpp14:29
Kurzaah theadmin, thanks14:29
alvesjnrhi all. It seams that my System Settings just disappeared. Did you see something like that?14:30
plumblumalso aufs has been replaced by overlayfs since ubuntu 12.04 :P14:30
plumblumthe timing14:30
theadminalvesjnr: Maybe you perchance removed it, make sure it's not so: sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center14:31
theadminplumblum: Doh! First it's UnionFS, then it's AUFS, now it's overlayfs... They should stop with the namechanging already.14:31
plumblumi found a post on askubuntu that should help get me running14:32
hoiany similar program as Remastersys14:32
sudobashhas anyone ever integrated clamav and samba for a network virus scanner?14:32
Guest98125Raring Ringtail problem - I booted to desktop but there are no icons/launcher bar...14:32
theadminhoi: Remastersys was forked by the OS4 team, now known as System Imager: http://system-imaging.blogspot.com14:33
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alvesjnrtheadmin: worked, tks. It seams that there is a lot of missing stuff on my ubuntu. Is there a way to "restore" my ubunut?14:33
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theadminhoi: Other than that, not much I can suggest, Remastersys was pretty much the only thing of it's kind that actually worked.14:33
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theadminalvesjnr: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will give you every single package (program) in a default Ubuntu install. May be a bit excessive, but...14:34
hoiremastersys was gr814:34
Guest98125no icons on my desktop what should I do, hoi?14:35
alvesjnrtheadmin: 250MB to download... yeah, it seams that there are things missing here. Tks14:35
Guest98125no launcher...14:35
A1ReconTo share files(mostly media ) across a network (with different permissions for me and the guests), which is better -- NFS or Samba?14:35
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:36
plumblumA1Recon, as far as i can tell is that it depends on what machines are on your network, i personally use samba and it works great for me :)14:36
Guest98125Hello TheLordOfTime - I booted to Raring desktop, but there are no icons or task bar/launcher. What should I do?14:36
TheHackOpsdat split14:37
TheLordOfTimeGuest98125:  ask the entire channel, not just one person?14:37
Guest98125I have asked a couple of times before, but nobody answered. You have helped me before...14:37
A1Reconplumblum: Androids, Win7 and Ubuntu and occasionally an iOS device..14:38
VraaghetmaarGuest98125: What´s your problem?14:38
Guest98125Hi, Vraaghetmaar - I can see a desktop when I login14:38
Guest98125But I can't see any icons. There is nothing to click on. No task bar.14:39
VraaghetmaarWich version do u use?14:39
plumblumA1Recon, not sure how the andriod and ios device will work but im using samba for my win7 devices14:39
Prock81Question, Unity Webapp for GMail, would something like that just be a shortcut to the webpage, or something else14:39
plumblumcheck to see if every system is compatible with both systems14:39
ActionParsnipA1Recon: there is andsamba for android14:39
Guest98125raring 64 bit14:39
ActionParsnipA1Recon: also, astro file browser in newer androids has samba access built in14:40
A1Reconplumblum: ActionParsnip: I ve never used andsamba but this ES File Explorer works fine for me...14:40
ActionParsnipA1Recon: sweet14:40
VraaghetmaarGuest98125: Try 12.10 to install14:40
Vraaghetmaarif you also see noting at 12.10 install 12.0414:41
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Guest98125is raring a bit buggy, Vraaghetmaar? It was using a lot of resources (especially chrome and firefox - lots of memory/cpu)14:41
emxwith ubuntu 12.10 my system was "stable", with 13.04 its like windows 95. what could be the reasons?14:41
ActionParsnipGuest98125: its just new, every release has initial issues out the door14:41
ActionParsnipemx: did you clean install or upgrade?14:42
VraaghetmaarGuest98125: there are some issues on 13.0414:42
emxActionParsnip, it was an upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0414:42
plumblumemx, windows 95 was stable ;)14:42
Guest98125Vraaghetmaar - I have an external drive, encrypted. I connect to ubuntu, and enter decrypt code, but then it says i don't have access, for some reason. How can I view the drive?14:42
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ActionParsnipemx: may be why, I always clean install aand have zero issues14:42
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ActionParsnipemx: Raring has a shorter life than Quantal. Raring is EOL in Jan 201414:43
emxplumblum, if you had enough ram (32 mb!) and stable drivers, yes14:43
Prock81i dont see the program after Unity Webapp for GMail14:43
ActionParsnipplumblum: 95 was a mess, 98 was a massive improvement all around14:43
ActionParsnipProck81: it needs running from dash or ALT+F214:43
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isaac_i need help in installing codec in movie player ubuntu14:44
VraaghetmaarGuest98125: hmmm. can you start the terminal14:44
emxActionParsnip, raring? quantal? are you talking about movies?14:44
ActionParsnipemx: raring is 13.04 and Quantal is 12.1014:44
WalexGuest98125: 'sudo dmsetup remove_all'14:44
Guest98125yes, i can start terminal, Vraaghetmaar - thank you for helping me14:44
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Walexubotu tell codecs14:44
VraaghetmaarGuest98125: try fdisk or cfdisk14:44
emxActionParsnip, what does it mean? should i downgrade to 12.10?14:44
Prock81 ActionParsnip its not in dash and alt-f2 search gmail looks like 3 gears14:44
Walex!tell codecs14:45
auronandace!downgrade | emx14:45
ubottuemx: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.14:45
Prock81does nothing14:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:45
ActionParsnipemx: no, but upgrades can cause issues. You could reinstall with either and get a pretty stable OS as you won't have the old fluff from the last install14:45
emxauronandace, no news there about breaking systems :P14:45
ActionParsnipemx: if you make a fresh ubuntu user and login as it, is it ok?14:45
gioele /set irc_join_delay 414:45
WalexGuest98125: your problem is most likely that by default DM/LVM2 "capture" any dynamically added block devices like external disks, and 'sudo dmsetup remove_all' uncaptures them14:46
emxActionParsnip, it would be if i didn't customise my ubuntu. i got a few changes in /etc and i installed packages which i needed. how could i easily gather those infos?14:46
Walexisaac_: have you noticed the links above?14:47
isaac_walex- how? im kinda new in ubuntu14:47
ActionParsnipemx: try a new user, the settings in /etc will stand14:47
Walexisaac_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats is the main one14:47
ActionParsnipemx: I suggest you add /etc to your backup scope14:47
Guest98125Oh, thank you Walex - so what should I do to actually see the files on my external drive?14:48
aitsupnI installed Gnome 3.8 from the following instructions http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/gnome-3-8-ppa-for-ubuntu-gnome and used the removing instructions there to remove it. Now, I still have a blue gnome background also blue opening and closing screens, how can I get back to original unity?14:48
WalexGuest98125: first you "uncapture" them then you mount them using whatever encryption scheme you have used.14:49
emxActionParsnip, what are my options if that would fail?14:49
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Guest98125Thank you Walex14:49
lpbI'm having trouble getting the installer to recognize my multipathed san boot lun.  I have tried adding disk-detect/multipath/enable=true to the boot options and it appears to load the multipath modules but I still am only presented with two scsi devices (sda, sdb) to install onto?14:49
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felonspotify works good in ubuntu14:49
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emxActionParsnip, done. i get it :P14:49
Walexaitsupn: probably just change the theme in your account's look&feel preferences14:49
aitsupnI want my unity back, can anyone please help?14:49
janisozaurhi, i have two screens: left and right. currently notifications show up on right screen, but i use the left one as main screen and would like to have notifications show up there. how do i change their place?14:50
Walexaitsupn: please supply your Platinum GPL account number if you want replies within 5 minutes of asking.14:50
aitsupnWalex: I'm using default Ambiance theme but all of the wallpapers for unity gone14:50
betraydi thought Titanium #14:51
Walexjanisozaur: tell the system the left hand screen is the primary one...14:51
janisozaurWalex, i think it knows that already14:51
betraydor janisozaur might have to pick top left corner14:51
Walexaitsupn: then probably you have removed whatever package contsain that unity them. Try 'apt-cache search .....' with the obvious keywords14:52
janisozaurbetrayd, no, i'd like to have them upper right, but on left screen14:52
betraydi don't know if that can be done janisozaur is it set up as one big desktop right now14:52
ActionParsnipemx: so the new account is ok?14:52
emxActionParsnip, i can try it only in a few hours.14:53
aitsupnWalex: I did apt-cache Ambience and it returned light-themes - Light Themes (Ambiance and Radiance)14:53
aitsupnfocuswriter - Fullscreen distraction-free writing program14:53
aitsupnubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme - Qt Components for Ubuntu - Ubuntu Theme14:53
ActionParsnipemx: why, your OS is multiuser, just make the user then hit the switch user button....14:53
Lors_SorenI'm not getting any sound in ubuntu 12.04.14:54
Walexaitsupn: I did 'apt-cache search unity wallpaper' and it gave me some plausible names too.14:54
WalexLors_Soren: thanks for letting us know.14:54
emxActionParsnip, i would have to reboot to see if that kernel-panic-like message is still there.14:54
chvxdoes linux swap need to be twice the RAM memory?14:54
Walexchvx: no. It is just a hint.14:55
Walexchvx: I have 8GiB RAM, rarely fill them, so no swap.14:55
aitsupnWalex: well, it's not just the wallpaper that I'm looking for, I also see blue themed screens when logging off and logging in14:55
janisozaurbetrayd, no, it's not http://imgur.com/f8Mfw7k14:55
Walexaitsupn: 'apt-cache search unity theme' also returns some plausible names...14:56
isaac_walex- thanks it seems like i cannot install it :'(14:56
platzhirschWhat do I need to do to format my hard drive from the Live CD? I want to sell the hard drive14:56
chvxWalex: what?14:57
Walexisaac_: why?14:57
betraydjanisozaur: oh what i meant is, does you r desktop span across 2 or you have one screen as clone of the other14:57
betraydjanisozaur: 2 screens*14:57
janisozaurbetrayd, i have my desktop span across two separate screens14:59
SonikkuAmericaplatzhirsch: Run [ palimpsest ] or search the dash for Disk Utility.14:59
betraydyes 'big desktop' as in 'not clone'14:59
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: not installed14:59
wvsfxrI'm trying to run unity over ssh. I run xinit and when I ssh -X into my server I get: No xauth data ... . Then I try to run unity and it says: ... Operation not permitted. What am I doing wrong or where can I start searching the mistake.14:59
SonikkuAmericaplatzhirsch: On the Live image?15:00
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: yep, but there is a program Disks15:00
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: I think that is the one15:00
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SonikkuAmericaplatzhirsch: Yep15:00
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: thanks  a lot!15:00
SonikkuAmericaplatzhirsch: From there, smash your HDD.15:00
isaac_walex- Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:01
isaac_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:01
Lors_SorenI tried to submit an audio bug as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems and it said '''The symptom "Audio" is not known.'''15:01
Guest49129Hi, I#m having an issue with VMware... I installed it and whenever I boot up my host system it will just show up in some textual mode15:01
betraydjanisozaur: i don't know if notification can be asked to show on 'center' (right corner of left screen) so you might be forced to pick the top left15:01
SonikkuAmericaisaac_: Is apt-get or dpkg running somewhere else?15:01
Guest49129Like I'm not having any GUI, only after going into tty8#15:01
platzhirschSonikkuAmerica: meh, Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0) :(15:01
SonikkuAmericaplatzhirsch: It seems udisks is being an idiot. Try it again.15:02
Guest49129Anyone any clue why it won't automatically boot into the GUI ?15:02
betraydjanisozaur: since it is a big desktop setup you may be limited to the desktop's four corners, but check your window manager15:02
isaac_SonikkuAmerica- i am downloading something else , does it hinder me from installing another app?15:02
betraydjanisozaur: to see if such a limitation exists15:02
janisozaurbetrayd, how?15:03
SonikkuAmericaisaac_: apt-get and dpkg can only process one app at a time.15:03
betraydjanisozaur: see if it only gives you 4 choices off a drop down menu; I have a different WM15:03
betraydjanisozaur: maybe you have a control center/control panel-type for configuring notification15:05
isaac_SonikkuAmerica- i see. . is there some tricks so i am able to do multiple downloads?15:05
janisozaurbetrayd, i don't know where to look for notification settings15:06
SonikkuAmericaisaac_: Nope. (Unless you specify multiple packages in the [ apt-get install command or highlight multiple packages in Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center)15:07
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betraydare you on unity janisozaur15:07
janisozaurbetrayd, so far, yes15:07
janisozaurbetrayd, that's 12.04, btw15:07
isaac_SonikkuAmerica- can you show me an example for apt-get15:09
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freaky[t]hi all is anyone here? i got a question about the acl plugin with courier-imap. i installed the plugin and i seem to be able to share without errors. but other user accounts dont get the folders i share with them displayed. no anonymous, no public and none for the specific user. i now wonder how i can make the user be able to see the folders15:09
SonikkuAmericaisaac_: If you were installing, say, VLC and Kdenlive: [ sudo apt-get install vlc kdenlive ]15:09
SonikkuAmericaisaac_: It would install both packages at once.15:09
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wvsfxrUnity is running over ssh but very slow.15:16
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adamkwvsfxr: Are you expecting it to run fast over ssh?15:18
wvsfxrYes, it's in the local network.15:19
adamkStill, it's unity, and it's ssh. Do you have compositing enabled?15:19
somsipisaac_: use apt-fast for mutiple downloads15:21
Agares|2hello guys, I'd like to start studying linux quite seriously: do you have any advice on what book (or books) start with? I've already studied something, some basic concepts. Thanks in advice :)15:22
isaac_somsip- for example?15:22
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SparkySparkyBoomfor ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host15:22
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SparkySparkyBoomfor some reason i keep getting that error15:23
SparkySparkyBoomi know the server is still live15:23
somsipisaac_: download apt-fast script and run it instead of apt-get. It usual multiple connections15:23
SparkySparkyBoomand it's connected to the network15:23
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freaky[t]is anyone familiar with ubuntu+win8+bitlocker?15:23
SparkySparkyBoombut idk why it doesnt wokr15:23
wvsfxradamk, it's very very slow. Where can I check if composing is enabled?15:23
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SparkySparkyBoomthe server is still live btw15:23
SparkySparkyBoomi have a few bots that are still operational on it15:24
SparkySparkyBoomany ideas?15:24
SparkySparkyBoomany help at all would be appreciated15:24
Piciwvsfxr: are you using X forwarding to view it?15:24
somsipSparkySparkyBoom: you are on the same internal network as the server?15:25
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: whats the issue?15:25
SparkySparkyBoomsomsip: yes15:25
SparkySparkyBoomssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host15:25
SparkySparkyBoomi keep getting this15:25
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SparkySparkyBoomand the only way to get it to work again is by restarting the server15:25
adamkwvsfxr: In ccsm, check if the composite plugin is enabled.  It's enabled by default, but is going to be very slow over a network connection.15:25
wvsfxrI used xinit -- :1 then ssh -X user@host  then unity15:26
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: ut = undertaker:15:26
Piciwvsfxr: ssh -X is always slow.  Its not designed for graphic intensive desktop environments.15:26
utfans05!info undertaker15:27
gustav_Pici: Get more bandwidth.15:27
ubottuundertaker (source: undertaker): static code analysis tool checking preprocessor directives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3b-1 (raring), package size 1613 kB, installed size 4446 kB15:27
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: you could always run top in terminal and kill them that way15:27
wvsfxrIs there an alternative?15:27
adamkwvsfxr: Use a simple window manager.15:27
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: i cant access the server at all through ssh15:27
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: do you have physical access?15:28
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: yes15:28
SparkySparkyBoombut i'd like a permanent solution15:28
SparkySparkyBoomand not have to restart it every few days15:28
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utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: so whats the overall issue, undertaker keeps freezing the system, you cant ssh in, what else?15:29
adamkwvsfxr: The same way you run unity, but run the command for a different window manager (such as fvwm, wmaker, openbox, etc.)15:29
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: i was asking a question about your nick15:29
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: xD15:29
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utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: University of Texas Fans15:30
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: ah15:30
abduhaw to install  JDownalder15:30
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: last time i checked, the server was running normally15:30
SparkySparkyBoombrb im gonna run updates15:30
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: i live in Texas and like UT football15:30
SparkySparkyBoommaybe it'll work15:30
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: so you just cant ssh in?15:30
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: at austin?15:30
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: pretty much15:30
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: im in San Antonio15:30
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: doing updates15:30
somsipSparkySparkyBoom: is it that you can't SSH in or that you cannot connect? I thought you said it was 'no route to host'?15:31
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: ok, do this on the server sudo iptables -L and make sure that port 22 is not in the policies.15:32
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: ok15:32
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bennyroelcan anyone help me with ubuntu?15:34
somsip!anyone | bennyroel15:34
ubottubennyroel: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:34
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gar_onnHow do I start the awesome WM in Ubuntu 13.04?15:36
utfans05gar_onn: is this a fresh install?15:36
gar_onnjust installed awesome, indeed15:36
somsipgar_onn: on a full ubuntu install or on a minimal as the only WM?15:37
SparkySparkyBoomturns out15:37
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: it was the router15:37
bennyroelmy problem is that when i try to boot ubuntu from my usb on my notebook, i go straight to the grub menu and then i hit try ubuntu before...and then black screen...15:37
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: ok15:37
SparkySparkyBoomor switch15:37
SparkySparkyBoomor w/e15:37
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: thats where i was going to tell you to go next15:37
gar_onnIt was upgraded from 12.10, where I had a switch button in the lightdm15:37
somsipgar_onn: so you're now on 13.04 using lightdm?15:38
gar_onnthe loginscreen in lightdm15:38
somsipgar_onn: sorry, never used it. I can help with awesome itself, but I don't use it with lightdm15:39
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: :D15:41
utfans05SparkySparkyBoom: yeah, 99% of the time its a firewall issue stopping the traffic15:42
SparkySparkyBoomutfans05: it was just a switch that was messing up everything15:42
hellrazorwhere can i find xorg.conf in ubuntu 13.04?15:45
somsiphellrazor: /etc/X11 but one is not created as a default15:45
jpnurmiis there a way to cleanup ghost items from the unity launcher?15:45
wvsfxradamk, would I get better performance with vnc or something?15:46
jpnurmiit's showing icons with a question mark from an app that is no longer running15:46
hellrazorsomsip, why isn't one created by default? i need to configure my mouse.15:46
betraydjanisozaur: its not NotifyOSD is it?15:46
somsiphellrazor: because there isn't a need for one by default. If you need to create one you start with a template and add what you need15:47
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:47
wvsfxrPici, is there something what is designed for graphic intensive desktop environments?15:48
hellrazorsomsip, ok how to create one?15:48
gustav_wvsfxr: SGI.15:48
ActionParsnipjpnurmi: look in dash for 'privacy', should be a yellow arrow15:48
somsiphellrazor: get a template and save it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:48
hellrazorand also grub2 keeps useing UUIDs to identify my harddiscs. how can i change this?15:49
utfans05hellrazor: i do believe that is how it does it by default15:50
betraydif it works don't fix it15:50
hellrazorutfans05, sucks anyway guess i need to get some other initscripts also openrc looks fine i guess15:51
hellrazorscrew upstart!15:51
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betrayd and the horse it rode in on15:51
hellrazorsomsip, helpfull would have been "X -configure"15:51
somsiphellrazor: if that command had occured to me while I was trying to help you in between everything else i was doing, I would have suggested it15:52
hellrazorsomsip, jeah anyway this generates what you called a template15:53
* betrayd offers somsip some extra RAM15:53
jpnurmiActionParsnip: thanks, but it looks like that's controlling what is shown in the dash? i mean the launcher/sidebar/whatever :) http://i.imgur.com/eJnWVtJ.png15:53
ActionParsnipjpnurmi: yikes15:54
ActionParsnipjpnurmi: you could use     ps -ef   and pipe to sort by process name, see which there are lots of15:54
jpnurmiActionParsnip: there's not a single instance of tst_qquicktextedit running, but somehow that manages to create a bunch of new icons everytime a run it again :(15:55
jpnurmiit's an auto test that creates quite a few top level windows during its lifetime... the launcher gets really confused15:57
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stuffinhello. how do i format an external hdd?16:03
utfans05stuffin: you can use disk utility16:03
diverdudeI am having problems with skype on my ubuntu 12.10. It crashes all the time. After 1 hour i can be almost sure it is crashed16:03
stuffinty i try16:04
stuffinty, i find it :)16:04
stuffinafter i format, how do i make a disk image?16:04
oyediverdude: What do you mean by 'crash'? It stops responding?16:04
diverdudeoye, yeah16:04
diverdudeoye, and i cannot even kill it and start it again. i have to restart my entire computer16:05
oyeThat is strange.16:05
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diverdudeoye, if i could just kill the process and start it again it would be ok16:06
stuffinwhen i want to format hdd to make disk image, do i choose "compatible with ntfs" or ext4?16:06
diverdudebut this is unacceptable16:06
stuffinwhen i want to format hdd to make disk image, do i choose "compatible with ntfs" or ext4?16:06
betraydrun it in a terminal to see error messages diverdude16:06
betraydstuffin: the compatible is if you plan to have windows 'see' it (e.g. data, docs, etc)16:07
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treanetHello world16:08
stuffinno i dont plan to have windows16:08
diverdudegoodbye world16:08
oyediverdude: The problem may be related to libpulse 32bit libraries16:09
diverdudeoye, ok - how can it be solved?16:09
treanetfile bug, wait 2 years16:09
oyeDisable pulse,a nd then, in Skype options, unmark the option 'Allow Skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels'.16:09
stuffinso if i just want to backup the linux i should format for "ext4" the hdd disk image?16:09
betraydtreanet: they were bought by MS make that 4 years16:09
treanetms bought canonical r u trolling?16:10
betraydstuffin: ext4 will work for that16:10
betraydbought skype16:10
oyediverdude: If that doesn't work, then I cannot help you any further.16:11
stuffinwhen installing windows 7 does it offer to install duel boot eaasy like ubuntu does?16:11
oyestuffin: Yeah, right. No.16:12
betrayd ^16:12
oyeWindows hates sharing.16:12
stuffinmy ass16:12
stuffinok, ty16:12
MonkeyDuststuffin  better ask in ##windows16:13
oyeI mean, Windows has a "working" boot loader, but still, not friendly with co-existing.16:13
MonkeyDustoye  'knows' only three OSs: windows windows and windows16:14
betraydso most docs point to instralling linux AFTER windows (or on a system with preinstalled windows)16:14
MonkeyDustbetrayd  yes16:14
oyebetrayd: That would be the safe bet, yes.16:15
oyeI would not recommend the other way around.16:15
wilee-nileeknowing what your doing is safe bet t does not matter when each is installed.16:15
oyewilee-nilee: For an unexperienced user is far less troubleshooting partitioning and installing linux after Windows has been set up.16:18
funchis there fast way16:18
funchto check smart with ubuntu live cd16:18
funchubuntu 916:18
aitsupnI installed gnome 3.8 on ubuntu and removed later, but I still see "ubuntu gnome" text on a blue background when shutting down the computer. Is that normal?16:19
auronandacefunch: there is no ubuntu 916:19
wilee-nileeoye, And stating "windows hates sharing" is real helpful.16:19
Lors_Sorenhi is this the same as irc.freenode.org#ubuntu ?16:19
auronandaceLors_Soren: yes16:19
Lors_Sorenauronandace: thanks16:20
auronandacefunch: 9.04 is no longer supported16:20
funchwell was just wondering :D16:20
funchwas only linux cd i found16:20
oyewilee-nilee: I know based on my own experience how painful is to do Windows first attempting to share it with linux afterwards.16:21
looophow to know if my pc use uefi?16:21
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auronandacelooop: did it come with windows816:21
looopwindows 716:22
Uporabnik822AMD Radeon HD 7650M does this card get support on linux? How do i check that?16:22
przemek_do you know how to pause the output in the freebsd16:22
przemek_# /usr/StorMan/arcconf getconfig 116:22
MonkeyDust!hardware | Uporabnik822 start here16:23
ubottuUporabnik822 start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:23
betraydprzemek_: on a plain text screen hit scroll lock16:23
auronandaceprzemek_: this is ubuntu support16:23
benedict_hi, any recommendations for skype alternatives on ubuntu? so far my favourite is jitsi - any other suggestions? i want client-to-client encryption, file transfers, group chat, voice chat, video chat16:23
przemek_yep but freebsd net to be invited16:23
Uporabnik822AMD Radeon HD 7650M does this card get support on linux? How do i check that?16:24
przemek_betrayd: thx i will try16:24
MonkeyDustUporabnik822  start by reading the ubottu link16:24
aitsupnUporabnik822: my ati radeon didn't perform well on ubuntu and it was not easy to install the drivers16:25
=== Vraaghetmaar is now known as Guest24303
stuffinyoutube is telling me i do not have flash, is that how ubuntu comes?16:28
MewtiniI think so!16:28
stuffintalking to me Mewtini ?16:28
stuffinokay ty, do i need to get flash or something else?16:28
oyeFlash player, yes.16:28
betraydyou have to go get restricted-extras16:28
MewtiniIt's in the software center. :)16:29
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stuffincan you tell me the command?16:29
stuffinoh, ok16:29
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MonkeyDuststuffin  flash-plugin-installer16:29
Mewtinisudo apt-get flash-plugin-installer?16:29
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=== lefnire is now known as wizonesolutions
oyeI am so accostumed to Synaptic since my Debian times, I don't do much sudo :-P16:30
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MonkeyDustit's flashplugin-installer, with  dash16:30
Mewtinioye hahaha16:30
MonkeyDust1 dash16:30
MewtiniUbuntu was my first Linux, so :T16:30
MonkeyDustKNoppix was my first16:30
stuffinsudo apt-get flash-plugin-installer did not work16:31
oyestuffin: Oh, for God sake. Do some goggling!16:31
MonkeyDuststuffin  it's flashplugin-installer, with 1 dash16:31
Mewtinidoes that work?16:31
Mewtiniah... after that installs I'd assume you'd have to restart firefox/chrome/chromium16:32
Mewtinior whatever16:32
ActionParsnipstuffin: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin    if you have the partner repo enabled16:32
MewtiniAlso you said that YouTube said that you didn't have Flash??16:32
stuffinyes, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer worked16:32
MewtiniWhat Ubuntu version is it! I thought that the newer ones had HTML5 enabled browser versions.16:33
MonkeyDuststuffin  but can you watch flash videos?16:33
stuffini will try now16:33
Uporabnik822which laptop do you suggest for 600€ so that it will run ubuntu perfectly and it will be robust and made of good material that won't break quick?16:35
MonkeyDust!poll | Uporabnik82216:35
ubottuUporabnik822: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:35
Uporabnik822such a democratic answer haha16:35
Uporabnik822i know this but i was hoping for like 3-4 opinions and then i would choose one16:35
stuffinyes it work16:36
stuffinty to everyone but oye xD16:36
stuffinokay ty to oye16:36
Mewtini! that's good :D16:36
ubottuMewtini: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
oyeUporabnik822: What do you do with your laptops to break them so quickly?16:37
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MonkeyDustan OS can break, a laptop can't, IMO16:43
Mewtini...Why can't a laptop break?16:44
bobolopolisMonkeyDust: give me your laptop, I'll show you how to break it.16:45
stuffini do not know where the sound slider went, it is gone from the bar. any idea how to get it?16:45
Mewtinistuffin: huh!! system settings maybe?16:46
Mewtinialso yeah what version? 13.04?16:46
stuffini will try16:46
Mewtininot sure16:47
stuffini am in settings and i see nothing to do with sound16:47
SonikkuAmericastuffin: What !flavor are you using?16:48
CrewDKHi everyone16:48
stuffinxubuntu xfce16:48
SonikkuAmericastuffin: #xubuntu has a channel!16:48
Mewtiniyeah not sure how xfce works, oops.16:48
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stuffinok ty16:48
betraydxfce has a mixer sort of applet16:49
betraydand I think as an add-on16:49
betrayd (like a separate utility)16:49
CrewDKGuys, can sombody help me? Is there any working way to disable screen locking in Ubuntu 12.04?16:49
ezra-sanyone with 13.04 64bit having problems with 802.1x authentication? I can't use it any more, it worked before with 12.1016:50
CrewDKI mean disable trough console or bash script16:50
MewtiniWhy do you need to disable screen locking? Like Ctrl+L?16:50
SonikkuAmerica!hi > SonikkuAmerica16:50
CrewDKI need to disable it for dummy users when i'm creating them16:51
ubottuRyo231: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:52
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OerHekslist what, Ryo231 ?16:55
Ryo231list channel16:55
CrewDKso any way to disable locking by bash script?16:55
BluesKajRyo231, this isn't file sharing chat ..find a different server for that16:56
Ryo231where is list channel ? OerHeks16:56
JordWill44Interesting. I'm very new to IRC, what is it that Ryo231 was looking for, and how could you tell?16:57
JordWill44If you don't mind me asking, that is.16:57
MewtiniI'd assume that /list channel just has file-sharing connotations?16:57
betrayd  !list16:57
ubottubetrayd: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:57
betraydhe was supposed to get something like that16:57
betraydin case he typed it in right16:58
betraydthe bot messages him back16:58
JordWill44Ah, ok.16:58
BluesKajJordWill44, usuakky when irc users from Italy for example have p2p clients blocked they think ubuntu/freenode has file sharing chans16:58
OerHeksdepends on what irc client, howto show cannels list on #freenode16:58
JordWill44Oh so he was looking for various channels to hop onto.16:59
ronaldswhere is firefox 21 for ubuntu in debian16:59
moreiseeI'm on 13.04 and my volume slider stops working after a while. I still get sound but can no longer control it from the volume icon on the systray. Anyway to restart this via cli? rather than reboot?16:59
ronaldsI download tar.gz, unraring it, and there is 20th version in it16:59
ronaldswhile firefox 21 ir out there for Linux16:59
ronaldswith debian I meant deb package I need17:00
wilee-nileeronalds, should be in the repos within days of release.17:00
ronaldsso It's still developers choise17:01
kuranevihow can i use my ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro correctly on Xubuntu?17:02
danielbsIs it possible to make aptitude color output in the terminal?17:03
Mewtinikuranevi there's a #xubuntu channel!17:03
Mewtini(on the same server, yup)17:03
CrewDKSo any help with locking problem?17:03
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ronaldswhy opera gives me amd deb pack17:04
ronaldswhen I have intel17:04
ronaldsI have even 32 bit proc17:05
MonkeyDustronalds  it's just a name17:05
ronaldsincorrect name then17:05
MonkeyDustronalds  i386 or amd6417:05
ronaldsI don't see it17:06
w30Is any one having screen resolution troubles in 13.04 besides me17:06
ronaldsit shows that I have wrong architecture17:06
ronaldsso ftw17:06
ronaldsonly with ubuntu tweak right?17:06
MonkeyDustronalds  what's the output of uname -a ?17:07
ravenhow to remove old kernel packages from /boot?17:08
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ronalds013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux17:08
w30I can't change resolutions unless I do it twice. Once fixes the resolutions of all except the root window : The second time fixes the root window.17:08
ronaldswhatta hell17:08
ronaldsI have i5, it's not i68617:08
Mewtiniwhy not keep the kernels?17:09
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MewtiniI don't know how to remove them, just asking :x17:09
ravenhow to remove old kernel packages from /boot?17:09
Elspuddyhi, is there a command to show me what mainboard im running ?? using ubuntu 12.1017:11
MonkeyDustraven  use synaptic to remove the one(s) not in use17:11
ronaldsold kernel packages always removes themselfes..17:12
ronaldswhen updates17:12
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iDrofoxhello, i want to know whats the best app in ubuntu for adding widgets to desktop ?17:14
MonkeyDustiDrofox  there's desklets17:15
wilee-nileeiDrofox, Not really any used these days you can make your own launchers.17:15
Faladoswhere is the best place to put user environment variables?17:15
Faladosnot system-wide ones17:15
TreaverHey guys does anyone here have any experience with HTMl17:15
n-iCewhat do I Need to play mp3 files?17:16
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: where do i get themes for unity ?17:16
Prock81got an issue with my online accounts, i recently added a thing for google, and now it craches when i goto it17:16
wilee-nileen-iCe, vlc should play them adding the restricted-extars and libdvdcss2 and w32codecs or w64codecs are all additional codecs.17:17
MonkeyDust!themes | iDrofox17:17
ubottuiDrofox: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:17
utfans05Falados: that would go in the /home folder of the user so /home/<username>/proper folder or file17:17
TreaverDoes anyone here have any experience with HTML that could lend me a hand17:17
MewtindigoTreaver I do17:17
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: thanks17:17
Prock81where is the config for "Online Accounts" so i can delete it and start over... maybe!17:17
utfans05Treaver: whats up?17:17
wilee-nileeTreaver, The channel works with you stating your problem.17:18
MewtindigoProck81 System Settings.17:18
TreaverWell I have this BuyCraft plugin for my Minecraft server. I made a website and I need to put html code into it but it doesn't work and I need someoen to tell me if I'm doing something wrong17:18
Faladosutfans05, Which file though? .bashrc, .profile, I've also seen some people suggest pam_enviornment17:19
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Prock81 Mewtindigo when i goto System Settings and then click Online Accounts... it craches17:19
utfans05Falados: what user variables?\17:19
wilee-nileeTreaver, Not particularly ubuntu support orientated, that is this channels role.17:19
utfans05Falados: depends17:19
Prock81so i cant edit them, i just want to find the fire related to it and delete it17:20
MewtiniProck81 o_O Yikes...17:20
Faladosutfans05, like M2_HOME, or PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin17:20
utfans05Falados: you can use that users .bash_login .profile or .bash_profile17:21
Faladosutfans05, is there a reason to use one over the other?17:21
utfans05Falados: try reading this forum posting http://www.coderanch.com/t/563245/Linux-UNIX/Setting-PATH-Ubuntu it may help you figure out which one to put it in17:23
utfans05Falados: any of them should work17:23
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utfans05Falados: on my system I would put it in the .profile file cause I do not have the other 2.17:25
tendenesI have a question, and sorry if it seems a bit dumb, but Im not that into Samba and smbd.conf. I have a server where customers dump some files, either via ftp or uploads via browser (ajax). These files and folders are then accesed by a team, mounted via Samba to their Macs. What happenes now, is that some times a user deletes a folder, but it keeps reappearing - again and again for several hours. Timeout in the ftp-server config is se17:25
tendenest to 300, and I have even tried to restarrt the ftp-server, and also apache. This leaves me with thinking it must be samba, and that there is some other client that have this folder opened in Finder. Could this be so? And if so, can I do something in smbd.conf to deny smbd to make the folder reappear? Or does anyone have any other thoughts?17:25
tendenesAnd of course - the server runs Ubuntu (12.04 LTS)17:26
iDrofoxi can't find "myunity" in software centre ??17:26
LupinHey guys, just deleting my windows partition. Using gparted to do this, would I be able to easily use the leftover space and move it into my linux partition?17:28
utfans05Lupin: you should be able to17:29
Lupinalright, no nasty business involved? :P17:29
utfans05Lupin: shouldnt be. are you going to use it as just storage?17:29
LupinWell my current linux has like 7GB of space to play with (a mistake when I was dualbooting to try out. Ended up liking it far more)17:30
utfans05Lupin: yeah i understand that. are you going to add it to the other and extend your current partition or just make it a new partition?17:31
Lupinutfans05: the former17:31
wilee-nileeiDrofox, known as unity-tweak-tool now depending on the release.17:31
utfans05Lupin: yeah wont be an issue17:31
BluesKajLupin, delete the ntfs partition then expand the linux extX partition in to the free space17:31
iDrofoxwilee-nilee: thanks just trying to set up themes17:32
wilee-nileeiDrofox, Cool, when you see links on the web be sure to check against your install version, lots of changes at times and you want to be sure you have up to dtae info.17:32
Faladosutfans05, thanks.  I'm looking for an established Ubuntu idiom though.  It seems like everyone just puts them anywhere they want - which is fine.17:33
iDrofoxwilee-nilee: ok thx!17:33
LupinBluesKaj: Was planning to. Should I do this using a livecd or will doing it while on the partition be fine?17:34
Faladosutfans05, Maybe there just isn't any standard practice around this at all.17:34
LupinSorry about the newbie-style questions.17:34
yo_mamawhat is the latest version of google chrome for Ubuntu?17:35
MonkeyDust!chromium-browser | yo_mama17:36
yo_mamaMonkeyDust: do you have an answer to my question?17:36
MonkeyDustyo_mama  ubuntu has chromium-browser in the repos17:37
utfans05Falados: the folder structure dictates where things go, its pretty simple. let me find a link for you17:37
utfans05Falados: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html17:37
yo_mamaMonkeyDust: ok you don't know the answer :(17:37
yo_mamawhat is the latest version of google chrome for Ubuntu?17:38
MonkeyDustyo_mama  Version 25.0.1364.160-0ubuntu3  (raring)17:38
Faladosutfans05, I know how it works17:38
Faladosutfans05, i'm looking for an establish idiom for Ubuntu17:39
MonkeyDustyo_mama  chromium-browser is basically the same as chrome17:39
ronaldshttp://youtu.be/E9AzRxsnfTE next generation ubuntu17:39
Faladosutfans05, This wiki page seems to suggest using .pam_environment17:39
utfans05Falados: then thats what I would recommend. lol17:39
iDrofoxi don't know how to install gtk3 themes in unity ??17:40
Faladosutfans05, Its just striking to find that every time I ask this question - or find it answered for me - everyone always says .bashrc or something similar17:40
utfans05Falados: im new to linux too but been using it a long time on and off17:40
utfans05Falados: bashrc is typically where everyone puts it cause that is executed when you first log in17:40
Faladosutfans05, yeah it was always the place I put stuff, but since I saw that page above I've come to question why i've been doing it that way17:41
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Dozyhay I am having some Ubuntu issues that I hope you will be able to help me out with17:42
utfans05Falados: yeah I know what you mean. if you have something that works why fix it?17:42
Faladosutfans05, I'm not really looking for an answer to that particular question - im more looking for why the other methods are no longer recommended17:43
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DozyI was running commandline Ubuntu 10.12 up untill about 10 mins ago where I installed XFCE as a simple desktop interface17:43
Faladosutfans05, especially since .pam_environment requires a re-log to take effect17:43
Dozymy issue is that I chose the minimal installation thus I got hardly any icon's17:43
Dozyhow would I go about adding in the icons?17:44
Dozyalso my irssi has broken slightly17:45
wadI'm trying to update/upgrade my server, but I get this:17:45
wadThe following packages have been kept back:17:45
wad  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae17:45
utfans05Falados: im reading give me one second17:45
utfans05!pastebin | wad17:45
ubottuwad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:45
Dozywhen I do Alt + 2/3/4/517:45
DozyI get ²³´µ17:45
FaladosAnyone else know more about why I should use .pam_environment over .bashrc? Maybe a mailing list thread on this topic?17:45
Dozyinstead of channel change17:45
wadutfans05, seriously, two lines is too much? -_-17:46
Enichdoes any of you scripting ninjas have a good suggestion how i could go about converting a string of ascii characters into keycodes ..  kinda like showkey17:46
utfans05wad, it is recommended to use pastebin since the floodbots dont like multiline posts17:46
yo_mamahow do I mount a networkdrive in Ubuntu?17:46
th0rwad, I think three lines is the limit17:47
Charcoalcatwad: Couldn't you just condense it to one message by removing the newline, anyway?17:47
KitzuneHi, I'm running openbox in ubuntu 13.04 and I'm having issues running the software center and update manager, I've pasted eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon -s --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh,gpg) & in my ausotstart.sh file, but it doesn't seem to do the trick.17:47
utfans05Falados: the ubuntu site is saying to use pam_enviroment due to it not being a script file.17:47
wadth0r, that makes sense.17:47
Faladosutfans05, yeah i read that page - but that doesn't seem like a compelling reason alone17:47
Faladosutfans05, maybe the fact that it wont break your login shell since it cant throw errors? (it not being a script and all)17:48
utfans05Falados: yeah i understand what your saying. now its got me rethinking how ive done some things too lol17:48
boss_running ubuntu 12.04, gtx 650 video card. any reason for black lines in my video playback?17:48
utfans05Falados: thats a good point17:48
Dandalionhi, is there a separate channel for ubuntu server?17:48
utfans05Dandalion: this is the correct channel17:49
DandalionOk thank you17:49
MonkeyDustDandalion  #ubuntu-server17:49
wilee-nileeDandalion, #ubuntu-server17:49
SonikkuAmericautfans05, Dandalion: What wilee-nilee17:49
iDrofoxanyone installed this theme in ubuntu 13.04 >> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Hope+gtk3?content=141491 ?17:49
utfans05SonikkuAmerica: then why does the channel title say that this channel supports server 10.04?17:49
boss_running ubuntu 12.04, gtx 650 video card. any reason for black lines in my video playback? plz help17:50
SonikkuAmericautfans05: Well, we do, technically...17:50
m0nk3yjoeIf I set up Key based auth for SSH do I need somethign like fail2ban17:51
Gneaboss_: what program are you using to playback video?17:53
Gnea!pm | boss_17:54
ubottuboss_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:54
SIFTUm0nk3yjoe: if you disable password auth you dont need fail2ban17:54
Gneaboss_: talk here, please17:54
boss_im using movie player17:54
Gneaboss_: have you tried vlc?17:54
Gneatry it17:54
boss_k ill try that ty17:55
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boss_have to say i just love ubuntu, bee using for 3 months now and have said good bye to MS finally!!17:56
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oyeMicrosoft is more than Windows, don't mix'n'match.17:57
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betraydis there a way to disable that cli interface when running the gui from terminal18:00
betraydin vlc18:00
boss_ok so no difference with vlc, playback still showing black lines. also web video also has black line sin playback. could this be a video driver problem?18:01
Kroachthere's a "Connection Inormation" menu entry in the network manager indicator, what command is used to display that info dialog?18:01
kinglaaaHi. Anyone else in here encountering problems with tearing on Kubuntu 13.04 using Intel/Nvidia hybrid graphics?18:01
th0rbetrayd, not sure what you mean. If you want to close the terminal after starting vlc, just add a & after the command....'vlc &'18:02
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betraydth0r: i do that but its like more text while the vlc plays18:05
Kroachkinglaaa: If desktop effects are using XRender try switching to OpenGL18:05
betraydand its like a cli th0r18:05
th0r betrayd can you post a screenshot?18:05
kinglaaaits actually about videos. And I've tried vaapi, opengl, xrender and vdpau wouldnt even work (even though I started mplayer through optirun)18:06
th0rbetrayd, in Tools-Preferences, maybe uncheck 'Integrate video in interface'18:06
kinglaaaI've tried virtually anything. The thing is, that in /etc/bumblebee there is only a xorg.conf for the nvidia driver, not for the intel one18:06
treanetmy fault18:07
treanetflippen out18:07
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BluesKajkinglaaa, have you tried this one ? http://www.howtogeek.com/124685/how-to-make-nvidias-optimus-work-on-linux/18:09
kinglaaaoptimus works, no problem18:09
kinglaaawith optirun18:09
BluesKajok , guess I misread your issue , kinglaaa18:10
kinglaaabut bumblebee doesnt give me an Xorg.conf for intel, only for nvidia18:10
kinglaaanvidia-settings doesnt even give me an vsync option18:11
SonikkuAmericakinglaaa: Optimus?18:12
SupaYoshiAnyone know a good way of setting up a VPN server on Ubuntu? not PTPP18:13
kinglaaaSupaYoshi: OpenVPN?18:13
SupaYoshinot OpenVPN either18:13
SupaYoshiEm more like IPSEC18:13
SupaYoshior L2TP =/18:13
treanetapt-get install ipsec18:13
kinglaaain system settings I have vsync enabled18:14
alocerhello anyone know how can i fix Persian font in Firefox?18:14
strkwhy does firefox require consolekit ??18:14
kinglaaacomposit type is OpenGL and QT is set to Raster18:14
BluesKajkinglaaa, set optirun to be on permanently18:16
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kinglaaayou did that? you know how?18:16
BluesKajkinglaaa, bumblebee won't be enabled if you make the nvidia driver the default , and you'll probly need to remove it18:19
Pickelled_Eggs Hi, I was hoping someone could help me. I can't get my printer to print correctly, it prints out the correct size but the blacks are much too dark. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 and using a canon mg5220 if those extra details help.18:19
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sakibccrwellcome psw2318:21
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DragonRiftis there any text editors that work well with XFCE, are Free, and have syntax Highlighting for c/c++?18:30
blob4000any able to quickly tell me how to completely remove mysql and all of it's settings on ubuntu?18:30
killerDragonRift: vim???? emacs18:32
SonikkuAmericakiller: nano18:32
killeri prefer vim/emacs to nano18:33
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REVO-Fblob4000, check this out https://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,363690,36369018:33
SonikkuAmericaBluewolf1257: Oh hello! Still having Broadcom issues?18:33
DragonRiftI am gonna try Sublime18:33
blob4000thanks REVO-F18:33
GhoiTshblob4000, have you tried apt-purge mysql-server mysql-client ?18:34
killersublime.?  never heard of it18:34
REVO-Fwelcome blob4000 hope It'll help you18:34
blob4000i'll try a few things18:34
Guest10807Is it normal, that if u connect to a server using netcat, u serve the server a remote shell with full access on your machine? I made a YT Video18:34
Bluewolf1257SonikkuAmerica Yes, but I'm ready to get on linux today, give me a moment.18:35
seronisHow would I find out which program/service/daemon on my system is attempting to send out packets?18:37
44UAABG4Oyeah, go and ask that to a server that's currently being DDoSed18:37
seronisOUT.. not IN18:37
SonikkuAmericaseronis: ifdown I think18:38
jmurrib21This device needed to be configured manually after my first boot in Ubuntu 13.04. I created it as a linux swap partition and somehow got disabled. /dev/mapper/cryptswap118:38
jmurrib21using tha app: disks18:38
SonikkuAmericaseronis: Oops, wrong thing18:38
seroniswhatever it is, its sending 2 packets out an hour on the exact same MM:SS values18:39
SonikkuAmericajmurrib21: palimpsest I assume? (Disk Utility)18:39
seronisand to the same destination UDP target18:39
seronis(i run peerguardian as a habit)18:39
jmurrib21disk utilite was gparted18:39
gacseronis: use iptables to create a log target for the IP address it's using? can't remember if that can log PIDs or not though18:39
gacbeen a while since i've had to do it18:39
SonikkuAmericajmurrib21: No it wasn't18:39
jmurrib21but now the one i have available is named [Disks]18:40
seronisgac,  i'll google for some info on that.  thank you.  i've only been using xubuntu for 2 weeks so just trying to figure out whats possible18:40
gacseronis: another alternative might be etherape or other tools18:42
wasai've got ubuntu 12.04 running unity (machine A) and i want to connect remotely to it with vnc from machine B. which vnc server do u recommend installing on machine A?18:45
dicannamasi can get my computer to start from upgrading to 13.04...goes to sleeping mode18:45
alesanis there any info on how to install *Adobe* Acrobat reader?18:46
BluewulfSonikku, I am on linux now18:46
MonkeyDustalesan  is it for !pdf files? ubuntu has its own clients18:47
alesanMonkeyDust, I want the Adobe one18:47
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: I'm here!18:48
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: (But I'm also there)18:48
alesanI hate it, it's a lousy program, but I need to fill some forms and the fonts are all wrong on those alternative readers18:48
MonkeyDustalesan  then i guess you need wine, or contact adobe to port reader to linux18:48
alesanMonkeyDust, ^^^18:48
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: (And everywhere!018:48
BluewulfWoah der!18:48
alesanMonkeyDust, what are you talking about?18:48
BluewulfAnyways, can I pm you?18:48
alesanplease do not talk of things you do not know MonkeyDust unless that was a joke18:49
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: Go ahead.18:49
MonkeyDustalesan  it's called an answer - if you want to use Adobe Reader and nothing else, it would be in wine18:49
alesanMonkeyDust, you must be a troll18:50
ronaldshow could I bug report in terminal?18:50
jeeves_moss2how do I do a recursive move from one disk to another that I can nohup?18:50
MonkeyDustalesan  the only adobe product in the repos, is flash18:50
ronaldspls implement bug report gui in next relise18:51
alesanMonkeyDust, I ofund out that in the partner repository it is there adobe for linux18:51
alesanand also you can download the .deb from the adobe website18:51
seronisMonkeyDust, actually i found a package name for reader with about 5 seconds of googling18:51
seroniswhicch means alesan didnt bother looking18:51
ronaldsclementine has bug that it doesn't go fullscreen sometimes18:51
alesanseronis, I already have it installed18:51
ronaldsfix that18:52
alesanseronis, I asked because I wanted to know the preferred way to do so18:52
atmosxI'm currently listening to: Το φιλαράκι by Σοφία Βόσσου from the album Ελληνικά Συλλογή18:52
alesanand that is certainly not installing a .deb out of a website when there is an official repository that has it18:52
troulouliou_devis there a tool to change gdm theme ?18:53
seronisalesan, you asked how to install it when you already have it installed.  and you're calling Monkey a troll ?18:53
alesanseronis, I installed it while I was getting stupid advice18:53
auronandacetroulouliou_dev: unless you installed gdm from the repos then you are likely using lightdm18:54
troulouliou_devauronandace, i did18:54
hsnplease open firefox and paste here default homepage url18:54
dicannamashow do i fix the issue that my computer doesnt finish restart from my upgrade to ubuntu 13.0418:59
dicannamaswhat should i do_18:59
hsnjust turn it off18:59
dicannamasi had tryed start it in the safe mode, check for memory errors...19:00
Mewtiniyeah turn it off, reboot19:00
dicannamasdoesnt reboot19:01
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hsnhold power for 5 seconds19:01
dicannamasso i put an older version of a live cd now and i can see the files19:01
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hsnit does not boot after you turned it off and then on?19:03
wtm0422Hello! I want to make a dpkg in the simplest way possible, but my package is a bit non-traditional. Essentially, it's ONE C source file (with no dependencies), two python scripts and (for now) a bash script that copies, chowns and chmod's things correctly19:03
hsnupgrade very often hangs at end of install, i just turn computer off and it boots fine19:04
DandalionHow come when I do 'sudo apt-get upgrade' I get an error with compiz and crashed unexpectedly and asks me if I want to leave it off or relaunch it19:04
wtm0422So I'm not sure the best way to simply a.) compile that C file, and b.) make the dpkg-build copy stuff over to the right directories with the right permissions19:04
Braiamwtm0422, it has a make install?19:04
Guest45257Hello I seem to be having trouble with sound when i install ubuntu these days. Is there a fix for sound problems19:05
wtm0422Braiam, not exactly.. it's literally a bash script that has "mv file /usr/bin; chmod 2755 /usr/bin/file; mv file.python /usr/bin" and stuff like that19:05
REVO-FGuest45257, what kind of troubles?19:06
Guest45257no sound. output dummy only. but pcils yields my sound card alsamixer also doesnt not work19:07
BluewulfDoes anyone know how to use a git server?19:07
K1lleDhello guys, i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and i play a one game, but i cant minimize game with "windows button" or alt+tab... any ideas. Sry for my english.19:07
K1lleDthe game is Warcraft 3 FT19:07
REVO-FGuest45257, try totype alsamixer in a terminal19:08
Guest45257it says no file or directory19:08
Guest45257but alsa is installed19:09
REVO-Fhmm try to reinstall maybe...19:09
Guest45257this has happened on a few of my recent installs of 12.04, 12.10, and now 13.0419:10
Guest45257already re-installed19:10
Guest45257with multiple machines as well19:10
BluesKajGuest45257, both alsa-base and alsa-utils ?19:11
UNIT-9Hello my name has been stated , i am an advanced interactive program. Please respond19:11
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CharcoalcatGuest45257: Maybe you could try a non-alsa sound thing, like pulseaudio, and see if it makes a difference?19:11
Guest45257pulse is running19:12
BluesKajCharcoalcat, pulseaudio runs together with alsa19:12
Guest45257and alsa-utils and base are installed19:12
BluesKajGuest45257, aplay -l  , pastebin th eoutput19:13
DandalionI'm installing nagios3 and it is asking for the mail FQDN, the box is connected to the network and the network has a mailserver but it is exchange 2010 and on a domain. Do I just give nagios the hostname of my mailserver?19:13
Guest45257no sound cards found19:13
UNIT-9Please respond19:13
BluewulfUNIT-9 The hell you want?19:13
Guest45257but lspci shows it19:14
Braiamdunno if UNIT-9 is a bot19:14
PriceyWe can probably ignore it.19:14
BluesKajGuest45257, and ?19:14
bekksDandalion: The FQDN is something different than your mailserver.19:14
K1lleDhello guys, i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and i play a one game, but i cant minimize game with "windows button" or alt+tab... any ideas. Sry for my english.19:14
UNIT-9i am an interactive program.19:14
K1lleDwarcraft 3 FT19:14
PriceyUNIT-9: Kindly take your interactiveness to your own channel :-)19:14
UNIT-9set for testing here.19:15
UNIT-9please respond19:15
Guest45257it says no sound cards found.  short so no need for pastebin19:15
BluewulfThat's obiviosuly A) Not a good bot or B) Not a bot19:15
JackSpratMy GUI in 10.04 LTS is out of whack (and is no longer supported), so I want to upgrade to 12.04 LTS but I have some rather noob questions. Will I lose any data in my Apache folders or for example in my usr/local/bin?19:15
SonikkuAmericaK1lleD: Is it full-screen?19:15
BluesKajGuest45257, you said laspci shows it19:16
SonikkuAmericaJackSprat: Not if you use [ do-release-upgrade ] or select "Upgrade" on the Live image19:16
Guest45257lspci shows my soundblaster card yes19:16
JackSpratSonikkuAmerica, essentially it will just upgrade my OS and leave all my other folders alone?19:16
Guest45257but aplay -l does not19:16
BluesKajGuest45257, probly an intel hda chip19:17
wilee-nileeJackSprat, YOu should always be backed up if you are worried.19:17
SonikkuAmericaJackSprat: Yes. But what wilee-nilee said too.19:17
Guest45257different kernal?19:17
JackSprathi again wilee-nilee! I am but I have some home-brew bioinformatics software that can be a pain to reinstall.19:18
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Bluewulfwilee-nilee: Can you help me get the brcmsmac file of a GIT repository?19:18
ThatOneRoadieJackSprat: "Data you don't have at least two copies of is data you don't care about."19:19
BluesKajGuest45257, run sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , in the terminal , if there's no output then the driver/mosule loaded properly19:19
wilee-nileeblockheads lol19:19
BluesKajerr driver module19:19
elisa87Do you know why after chroot commands are not found? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665461/19:19
JackSpratHAHA, it is in the cloud, on a back up server and on two externals…the data is easy, it is the complicated interconnected pipeline of my analysis.19:19
m0nk3yjoeIf I broke a startup script in an installed package can I browse it somewhere online to check what I messed up?19:20
swaroghello, whats the way to disable service from automatical startup with upstart?19:20
BluesKajm0nk3yjoe, try /var/log syslog19:20
Guest45257no output19:20
trismswarog: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting19:21
BluewulfNo-one knows how to get a GIT repository?19:21
BluesKajGuest45257, reboot19:21
swarogtrism: wow, manually?19:21
PiciBluewulf: git clone git://whatever19:21
dry[1]hi. ubuntu 12.04.02 ibus problem: symbol suggestions [visible after space press] are not working [in anthy (m17n)]19:21
swarogtrism: where is the .conf file located?19:21
wtm0422any idea on how to approach this Braiam? It's not _really_ something that needs to compile lots of scripts, mainly move them and change their permissions19:21
trismswarog: /etc/init/, if you are on recent ubuntus you should generally go with the override files19:22
cv_Hello. Know anyone how to apply permamently video-quirks in system?19:22
BluewulfPici: Hum? Where?19:22
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PiciBluewulf: In a terminal.19:23
swarogtrism: thanks19:23
SIFTUBluewulf: in a termninal, as Pici said you need the url19:23
CharcoalcatBluewulf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1533694 ?19:23
gainhi all... I use ubuntu as a workstation and I need to have multiple versions of php installed... is that possible?19:24
K1lleDSonikkuAmerica: yes it is on full screen19:24
BluewulfI got it, thanks guys19:24
will__BluesKaj, ok I rebooted19:24
iShotzSup, I just installed Xubuntu on my USB drive with unetbootin, i alocated nearly 10gbs of persistant storage but steam says I only have 2GBs of storage,19:24
SonikkuAmericaK1lleD: That means you'll have to close out your game before you can get back to your desktop. That's all.19:24
cv_Hello. Know anyone how to apply permamently video-quirks in system?19:25
K1lleDbut i want when i play.. just look sometimes19:25
wilee-nileeiShotz, caper-rw will fill up and is not really cleanable.19:25
will__BluesKaj, aplay: device_list:252: no soundcards found...19:25
iShotzSo is there anyway I can get steam to read more space?19:25
wilee-nileeiShotz, Do a full install.19:25
iShotzBut this USB stick is for on-the-go use q_q19:26
wilee-nileeiShotz, It will boot with grub.19:26
Braiamwtm0422, I've never debianized a package like that, so I have no idea19:26
kinglaaaok now I've removed bumblebee and installed nvidia-319. Then I got stuck in low resolution mode and fixed it by changing the HorizSync and VertRefresh values in xorg.conf. But now nvidia-settings tells me I'm not running the driver19:26
wilee-nileeiShotz, You just boot the stick, a full install will load grub to the mbr.19:27
BluesKajwill__, try alsamixer in the terminal19:27
kinglaaaI thought the latest nvidia proprietary driver supported optimus19:27
wtm0422thanks anyway, Braiam :)19:27
will__BluesKaj, cannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:27
SonikkuAmericawill__: it's alsamixer, not mixer19:27
BluesKajkinglaaa, 319 is experimental , use 313  or 31019:27
kinglaaabut only 319 supports optimus19:28
kinglaaawith 313/310 I have to use bumblebee again19:28
will__yes that is what i typed19:28
kinglaaaor nothing works at all19:28
will__and this is the output: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:28
will__never had this happen before19:28
user92671hi, I'm trying to install display drivers for my poweredge 840 on ubuntu 12.0419:29
user92671right now I just finished doing all update/upgrade, but my display is really really slow19:29
user92671whatever version is LTS19:29
bekksuser92671: 12.0419:29
elisa87"apt-get: command not found" what should I do?19:29
kinglaaainstall apt-get :D19:29
wilee-nileeuser92671, check the additional drivers in software sources19:30
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install apt-get ] e.e19:30
user92671ok, well I have a PowerEdge 840 server that it is installed on, and the display is soooo slow that when I backspace text I have to wait for it.. I looked up the chipset and it is intel 3000 chipset but the video is aTI ES100019:30
gainelisa87: which apt-get19:30
will__BluesKaj, Any Ideas?19:31
elisa87gain http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665507/ you can see it here19:31
BluesKajwill__, , I'm looking19:32
gainelisa87: mona! hai chrootato nella directory giusta? :P19:32
will__BluesKaj, Thank You!!!19:32
dicannamasif i burn a live cd with ubuntu 13.04 is possible to fix previous installation- question19:32
elisa87gain non po parlare italiano :(19:33
elisa87gain can you speak English?19:33
gainelisa87: sry, sry...19:33
dicannamaselisa87, talk to him in italian that the accent come cute on you19:34
BluesKajwill__, does, lsmod , show anything like  snd_hda_codec ?19:34
A1ReconElisa87 parle inglese por favor? This is an english channel19:34
chemist^hello everyone19:34
kinglaaaIf I type lsmod|sort it doesn't even show nvidia in there. That means the nvidia driver is not loaded, right?19:34
kinglaaaHow can I check if its in the kernel?19:35
chemist^has anyone got any experience with wifi wps pin cracking and reaver (tool)?19:35
will__BluesKaj, No19:35
A1ReconWrong msg to the wrong person ....oops19:35
kinglaaachemist^:  use aircrack19:35
chemist^i have a simple question regarding the subject19:35
BluewulfChemist^ I'm trying to get backtrack up and running, that may be easier to use if it works for you19:35
dicannamasi was so happy with my ubuntu and now i have to start from scratch again19:35
chemist^kinglaaa aircrack does not crack wps19:35
gainelisa87: when I chroot, I usually not bind proc, but only dev19:35
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dicannamasso many file and softwares to install19:35
chemist^kinglaaa, i use aircrack to crack wep encrypted networks19:36
chemist^BlueEagle, i have backtrack19:36
gainelisa87: but I think is not part of the "not found" problem, anyway...19:36
chemist^and i have used successfully reaver in the past19:36
chemist^just have a question regarding the usage to speed things up19:36
bekks!backtrack | chemist^19:36
ubottuchemist^: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:36
BluewulfI'm offended.19:36
gainelisa87: are you shure you're chrooting in a debian based distro (with apt-get installed)?19:37
chemist^i've noted that many routers have a wps pin that begins with 919:37
BluewulfBekks... I've been on here for this long, and now I'm getting that info...19:37
chemist^reaver starts bruteforcing at 000...19:37
A1ReconDicannamas there's actually a way to make the list of softs installed.19:37
elisa87gain I don't know I was following the video http://gem5.org/Disk_images (under background)19:37
Picichemist^: We do not support backtrack here or wifi cracking.19:37
chemist^i wondered if it is possible to start the process backwards19:37
elisa87so should I unmount the proc ? gain19:38
chemist^why not? it's for educational purpose19:38
BluewulfWait, so what if it's just general info regarding the console and such19:38
elisa87bekks: are you familiar with this problem ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665507/19:38
Picichemist^: Because a) This isn't backtrack's channel (see #backtrack-linux) and b) those are the channel rules.19:38
chemist^so what if it's not backtrack... reaver is available for ubuntu as well19:38
chemist^oh well19:39
chemist^thanks for nothing then :)19:39
dicannamasAlRecon what i need is to fix the upgrade i did as the system wont start...stays in the word Ubuntu and the goes to sleep mode19:39
A1Recon /msg utfans0519:39
gainelisa87: when you chroot, your inside the system. I think that gem5 has no apt-get, so it's correct that you haven't it19:39
gainelisa87: what are you tring to do?19:40
dicannamasA1Recon, you read me- question mark lost19:40
A1ReconDicannamas I'm here..19:41
dicannamasA1Recon, you understand what i trying to explain...i did upgrade my sistem but now when i restart the computers get to reboot but in the moment that suppose to come the ubuntu display...goes to sleep mode19:42
BluesKajwill__, alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add this line to the bottom of the file , options snd-hda-intel index-0 , save thefile and reboot , It's no gurantee , but it's worth a shot ...still think there's abug preventing alsa fom loading tho19:43
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wilee-nileedicannamas, Are you sure you are not just missing a graphic driver, is it really asleep or just a black screen?19:44
A1ReconDicannamas: hmm19:44
tgm4883Can apport be configured to auto-send reports without user interaction/notification?19:45
adamkkuranevi: So what makes you think your HD2400 isn't being used properly?19:45
dicannamaswilee-nilee, goes to black screen after the word ubuntu with the blinking dots on the button shows19:46
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | dicannamas19:46
ubottudicannamas: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:46
BluesKajthis gets on my nerves , trying to help somebody and they run out of patience and leave...this instant gratification generation is getting worse and worse :P19:47
betraydand they blame it on ADD19:47
dicannamaswilee-nilee, i did an upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0419:47
wilee-nileetgm4883, Never seen that, some of the errors will be the same if it is reoccurring.19:47
wilee-nileedicannamas, Look at the nomodeset option.19:47
tgm4883BluesKaj, I don't think it's so much the "instant gratification generation" thing more it's the "we're now getting more and more users that have no ability to troubleshoot" thing19:48
dicannamaswilee-nilee, i am going to read it...thanks19:48
IcantIN2wifiHi, Ca n any kidn soul hlp my out with my Broadcom B43 WIFI driver?19:48
tgm4883wilee-nilee, yea, it would be nice if apport could just do everything in the background19:48
BluewulfSonikkuAmerica: Back19:48
wilee-nileetgm4883,  turn it off, lol19:48
tgm4883IcantIN2wifi, you might need to get your keyboard fixed as well19:48
tgm4883wilee-nilee, while that is possible, it is hardly a solution19:48
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: Any luck?19:49
BluesKajtgm4883, to me it amounts to the same thing ..and handholding ppl with attitude is another19:49
tgm4883BluesKaj, I suppose it could be19:49
L30Hey ... can anyone please help out with B43 WIFI drivers issue?19:49
wilee-nileetgm4883, No system is perfect, one adapts as needed for personal needs.19:49
L30FWcutter already installed19:49
SonikkuAmericaL30: [ lspci -cnn | grep 14e4 ]19:50
JackSpratHow do I configure Ubuntu to use my Mac's internet connection through the Ubuntu's ethernet connection (does that make sense, I feel I am wording this poorly). Also I am running headless.19:50
BluewulfL30 working on that19:50
SonikkuAmericaL30: NOT THAT! Use [ lspci -vnn | grep 14e4 ] instead19:50
tgm4883wilee-nilee, right, but while disabling apport for a population would work, I don't  think it would help out developers that much19:50
SonikkuAmericaBluewulf: Odd.19:50
L30I have to type it because laptop has no conection so bear with me please19:51
L30Broadcom corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g19:51
L30rev 0119:51
wilee-nileetgm4883, I love generalizations. ;)19:51
BluesKajtgm4883, that intel-hda/alsa problem is unique to some laptops, but my memory fails me19:51
BluewulfL30, me and sonic are trying19:51
L30Thanks Guys I apreciate it19:51
SonikkuAmericaL30: [ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer ; sudo modprobe b43 ]19:51
BluewulfI wanna get guys with Broadcam trouble there19:51
tgm4883BluesKaj, uh, I don't have any alsa issues?19:52
BluewulfSonikku, join that please19:52
L30Give me a second. My ethernet is broken so I can't apt-get neither. But i have a USB  ethernet adapter BRB19:53
tgm4883wilee-nilee, ok, without generalizations then. I think it would be bad for developers if Mythbuntu shipped with apport disabled by default. I'd like to ship it to run completely in the background, but that doesn't seem possible19:53
BluesKajtgm4883, no I was referring to the guy with no patience19:53
tgm4883BluesKaj, ah I see now19:53
SonikkuAmericaL30: /join ##ubuntu-broadcom-problems for now19:53
n-iCethe name of a compresser19:54
n-iCeI mean, how do I open .tar.gz files on gui19:54
BluesKajn-iCe, right click on the file , extract here19:54
gainelisa87: in the video he mount arm-ubuntu-natty-headless.img that is clearly ubuntu... in your log linux-x86.img is not clearly ubuntu... where have you download it?19:56
JackSpratHow do I restart my network into DCHP mode?19:56
n-iCeI don't have that BluesKaj19:56
n-iCeBluesKaj: I installed ubuntu server, then a desktop19:56
n-iCeI want the name of the package to handle those19:56
gainJackSprat: sudo dhclient19:56
arcripexi have a problem wit my linux19:58
dry[1]hi. ubuntu 12.04.02 ibus problem: symbol suggestions [visible after space press] are not working [in anthy (m17n)]19:58
Picin-iCe: file-roller iirc19:58
BluesKajn-iCe, in the terminal , your file mustt be located in the home dir( /home/user ), tar xvfj file.tar.bz219:59
n-iCeBluesKaj: gui19:59
n-iCethanks Pici19:59
n-iCefile-roller was not installed, I'm sure it is, thanks19:59
arcripexhi skype not openin in my linux ubunt 13.0419:59
JackSpratgain, I believe that restarted the DHCP client, but I still can't ping out20:00
dicannamaswilee-nilee, in my case i did reboot the system with a live cd no problem so you think nomodeset option could work for me/question20:00
JackSprateth1 still has no inet6 addr but a new connection, eth1:avahi does have an inet addr. But pinging fails20:01
=== Gycklarn- is now known as Gycklarn
wilee-nileedicannamas, Graphic drivers at times do not follow upgrades and need to be reloaded. Your info so far has been inaccurate, it was not sleeping and altogether void of details.20:01
wilee-nileedicannamas, Try the nomodeset from the grub menu and see if that gets you in.20:02
dicannamaswilee-nilee, i will try but i am downloading the iso now...thanks20:03
platzhirsch1Nice, disk encryption.. where can I check how long the key should be?20:03
dicannamaswilee-nilee, i can get to start the computer no problem from a live cd20:03
lyscerI am trying to determine if I have apache issues, .htaccess or code issues. I can access my website fine and so can a couple of other people that I have sent it to. When I use the "Fetch as Google" though, google says it is a 40420:06
JackSpratAnyone familiar with having Ubuntu use a Mac's internet connection to the internet?20:07
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
ybo_How can I update IBus to 1.5?20:10
tozenhi all how can i get ubuntu installed on notebook with no working cdrom and having no usb loading support in bios.what i've is xp. thx20:11
tozen*what i;ve got...20:11
utfans05tozen: have you tried hitting f12 or f10 during boot?20:11
tozenutfans05: emm...not yet. where is the point?20:12
SonikkuAmericatozen: The point would be that that's usually how alternate device boot menus are accessed.20:12
utfans05as soon as you turn your computer on you get that splash screen for the BIOS on the bottom it should give you options to hit to make the computer ask where to boot from, hit the key associated with that and then select usb20:12
tozenutfans05: this is not mine machine.20:13
kinglaaawhats the difference between -s and -su in compat-drivers20:13
utfans05tozen: it should be on all machines20:13
kinglaaalike compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2 and compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s and compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-su20:13
tozenutfans05: thx i'll tyr20:13
scarrshello all... I am wondering which package to install to display all those cool little blurbs every time I open up a terminal... ubuntu 13.04 any help appreciated20:17
probytoilet , cowsay , fortune ! scars20:17
probyscarrs up20:17
scarrsproby:  sudo apt-get install up ?20:18
probynot sure if toilet in in ubuntu repos20:18
probybut fortune and cowsay should be there20:18
Piciproby: it is20:18
utfans05!info cowsay20:19
ubottucowsay (source: cowsay): configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03+dfsg1-4 (raring), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB20:19
proby!info fortune20:19
ubottuPackage fortune does not exist in raring20:19
scarrswhich one has the biggest database?20:19
Piciproby: fortune-mod20:19
probyok Pici thanks20:19
scarrs!info fortune-mod20:20
ubottufortune-mod (source: fortune-mod): provides fortune cookies on demand. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.99.1-6 (raring), package size 36 kB, installed size 122 kB20:20
probyscarrs http://kishcom.com/geeky/pimp-your-shell-out/20:20
scarrsproby:  tyvm20:21
proby!info tyvm20:21
ubottuPackage tyvm does not exist in raring20:21
probyscarrs i wonder what tyvm means20:21
auronandaceproby: thank you very much20:22
probyah good20:22
scarrsproby:  thank you very much20:22
probywelcome :)20:22
JackSpratAny one familiar with with internet sharing between Ubuntu and Macs?20:22
probyJackSprat, isn't there a use as hotspot option in network manager ?20:24
JackSpratpro by, I have internet sharing turned on in my Mac OS, it has turned on my ethernet port that my Ubuntu is plugged into. I am accessing the internet through my Mac Wi-fi connection, but I can't seem to get Ubuntu to get onto the internet20:25
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?20:26
scarrsalso, does anyone have any news on how to enable plymouth themes in 13.04.... I am trying and can't seem to get anywhere...20:26
=== Bass10 is now known as Bass10_
x11xx11Hi all. I am trying to disable the 'blank screen' Screensaver in Ubuntu 13.04. All the suggestions found by google do not work. There is no system configuration available; WTF?!20:27
probyJackSprat, which method are you using to share with ubuntu ?20:27
sarge1221Can someone help me with ClamAV? My repository is messed up and I can't use the make/make install commands for the tar.gz.20:27
scarrsx11xx11: sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver*20:27
x11xx11On a related note, I am getting more and more the feeling that Ubuntu is degrading.. why do basic things not work?!20:27
=== Bass10_ is now known as Bass10
x11xx11@scarrs: i am being told Ubuntu has no screensaver functionality as of 12.xx20:28
scarrsyou can install xscreensaver20:28
JackSpratproby, fantastic question…I am not sure. I restarted the DHCP server using 'sudo dhclient' but that is it20:28
x11xx11@scarrs: if screensaver functionality is installed; why cannot i control its settings?20:28
SonikkuAmericax11xx11: We're gearing up for the transition to Unity Next anyway... but there's xscreensaver like scarrs said.20:28
JackSpratI have an addr in 'ifconfig'20:28
probyJackSprat, pkill dhclient && dhclient eth020:28
JackSpratbut all pings fail (also apt-get)20:28
SonikkuAmericax11xx11: You need to run the program by itself (search the Unity dash for it)20:29
probyJackSprat, unless you are using wlan020:29
scarrsx11xx11: sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl20:29
x11xx11@SonikkuAmerica: when i enter ' screensaver' in Dash, i get no hits20:29
eightbitIf I copy a folder over to another location, do the items get coppied in any particular order? E.g., smallest files to largest?20:29
JackSpratdon't have wlan0 on this20:29
JackSpratokay all those processed killed20:29
SonikkuAmericax11xx11: Is it installed? If not, you have to install it first!20:29
x11xx11@scarrs: alright, but if there is a screensaver, it is installed already.. but no configuration or user control is installed? that sounds so silly to me!20:29
tgm4883x11xx11, ok, it's silly. So install xscreensaver then20:30
x11xx11SonikkuAmerica: if it is not installed, then why does it show a blank screen after 10 minutes?20:30
scarrsthere should be the config panel in the dash when you type "screensaver"20:30
probyJackSprat, pastebin ifconfig output20:30
JackSpratproby, it just populated 'ifconfig' with eth120:30
SonikkuAmericax11xx11: Not sure... but I have to eat dinner now. Be back in an hour.20:30
x11xx11In other words, Ubuntu has a screensaver, but i have to install something in order to disable it.. ERRR??!20:30
SonikkuAmericax11xx11: It has gnome-screensaver (the blank screen locker)20:31
JackSpratpro by, can't paste bin, Ubuntu can't access the internet20:31
x11xx11@SonikkuAmerica: it should have a configuration frontend to configure that, if only a simple toggle ENABLE/DISABLE.20:31
x11xx11I'll try the suggestions, however!20:31
JackSpratproby, eth1 does have a inet addr Bcast and Mask, but no inet6 addr20:31
eightbitIf I copy a folder over to another location, do the items get copied in any particular order? E.g., smallest files to largest?20:31
tgm4883x11xx11, " gnome-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the GNOME desktop."20:32
Bigsista^anyone ever seen an usb disk connect and disconnect all the time? when i try to access it i get "rejecting I/O to dead device"20:32
probyJackSpart , if your mac machine isn't acting as an ipv6 router you won't get a thing20:32
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this??20:32
JackSpratproby, okay that seems good then20:32
x11xx11@tmg4883: well integrated meaning that users have to use command line arguments to install something to allow them to disable the blank screen? That sounds silly!20:33
tgm4883x11xx11, no, you could use USC if you wanted to configure a screensaver20:34
probyBigsista^, can you just pastebin  : dmesg | grep usb ?20:34
x11xx11@tmg4883: also, the blank screen also triggers when watching full screen flash videos... why is there no functionality to inhibit the screensaver, as found on most operating systems?!20:34
tgm4883!tab x11xx1120:34
tgm4883!tab | x11xx1120:34
ubottux11xx11: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:34
JackSpratproby, my firewall is also disabled, so it is nothing like that. Ubuntu has an IP address but just won't connect to the internet20:34
cogwarei'm having trouble installing ubuntu. do i just need to put the ISO on a USB stick to boot from it? or do i need to take further action20:34
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this??>20:34
probyJackSprat , so the problem is from the mac20:35
x11xx11tgm4883, I am using a default installation. The default installation blanks the screen after 10 minutes. If there is such functionality, I expect there be a graphical frontend to control the behavior, like disable it because it prevents me from watching full screen flash videos; a pretty common desktop task.20:35
probyJackSprat, can you ping on the mac from ubuntu ?20:35
JackSpratproby, DRAT. well good to know. I will try to hack and slash it from that vantage point then.20:35
Bigsista^proby: http://pastebin.com/WZf57MqF20:36
tgm4883x11xx11, flash is terrible20:36
Bigsista^keeps coming and hoing like plug, unplug, plug, unplug20:36
sarge1221Help fixing my ClamAV?20:36
qinx11xx11: power settings?20:36
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?????20:36
x11xx11@tgm4883: I agree, but that is besides the point. I want to disable the annoying screen blanking.. it should be in the default installation; or the default install should NOT ship the screensaver functionality at all.20:36
bertiebx11xx11: there used to be something under 'brightness and lock ' in older versions, dunno if it's still there20:37
tgm4883x11xx11, there exists a mechanism to disable the screen blanking already, further, full screen video programs should know how to temp disable the screensaver20:37
x11xx11@bertieb: it was in older versions yes, but in 13.04 it is gone..20:37
JackSpratproby, the Mac can access the internet (i.e. ping) but Ubuntu can't. I haven't ssh'ed into the Ubuntu or anything like that. Just trying to use the wireless on the Mac so Ubuntu can access the web to update Ubuntu20:37
wilee-nileesarge1221, try #clamav maybe, in the past I just looked on the web for clam fixes20:37
tgm4883x11xx11, no it's not gone in 13.04, i'm looking at it right now20:37
probyJackSpart , if you can ping from ubuntu to mac than the problem is on the mac side20:38
x11xx11@tgm4883: as far as i Googled, there is no way to disable the screen saver in 13.04 without resorting to command line. I did not expect this from Ubuntu.. the #1 Linux desktop OS.20:38
tgm4883x11xx11, you are wrong20:38
probyif not i think i will search for you :)20:38
bertiebx11xx11: ah, good to know... I've been using that other one, you know, the one named after a spicy green leaf; but still boot older releases from time to time20:38
sarge1221wilee-nilee, I tried the channel and I mostly get the cold shoulder. Been trying for hours.20:38
tgm4883x11xx11, "System Settings" > "Brightness & Lock"20:38
x11xx11tgm4883, Please, show me how to disable the blank screen in default install without using command line?20:38
tgm4883x11xx11, "System Settings" > "Brightness & Lock"20:38
probyBigsista^, i wonder if this happens only with linux ?20:39
x11xx11tgm4883, hmm, apoligies.. i have seen that screen multiple times. somehow i did not see the ' Turn screen off when inactive for:'   I did disable the Lock however. I guess i just missed it :/20:39
tgm4883x11xx11, I need no appology, however I believe you were badmouthing Ubuntu20:40
x11xx11tgm4883, so solved, i guess :P20:40
goddardwhere can i get an ubuntu phone image?20:40
probyBigsista^, does it happen with other usb devices ?20:40
Bigsista^proby: can't tell atm it's a backup disk that was running fine for 18 months20:40
auronandace!touch | goddard20:41
ubottugoddard: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:41
x11xx11tgm4883, not really.. but ubuntu is changing these things quite often. Something I do not really like.. There are multiple things i do not like about new ubuntu releases. Somehow i prefer Ubuntu before the whole Unity adventure. but that is another discussion. :)20:41
wilee-nileegoddard, You are already on the touch channel, the headers will tell you.20:41
Bigsista^proby: it's a remote box. just got warnings from one of aur nagios instances20:41
tgm4883x11xx11, and that discussion can take place elsewhere20:41
x11xx11tgm4883, well, this is the ubuntu channel, is it not? :)20:41
=== JackSprat_ is now known as JackSprat
tgm4883x11xx11, this channel is for support20:42
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?????20:42
probyBigsista^, it looks like it is a device problem20:42
tgm4883x11xx11, to continue that discussion, you'll want to move to #ubuntu-offtopic20:42
Bigsista^proby: just trying to figure out, what maght be broken20:42
probyBigsista^, can you pastebin : lsusb  ?20:42
Bigsista^proby: http://pastebin.com/Ymwkc94h20:43
x11xx11tgm4883, well if you want a discussion in here, I'll respect that. But to me a discussion about Ubuntu in the #ubuntu channel is not offtopic...\20:43
x11xx11if you *dont* want...20:43
tgm4883!OT | x11xx1120:43
ubottux11xx11: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:44
wilee-nilee!details | yofun20:44
ubottuyofun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:44
tgm4883x11xx11, I love discussing these things, but in the proper channels20:44
x11xx11discussing things about ubuntu is offtopic?20:44
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?????  when i run cmake on ryzom. i expect it to compile20:44
tgm4883x11xx11, in the support channel, yes20:45
=== shojo is now known as shojo_jojo
x11xx11tgm4883, apparently: " Want to discuss Ubuntu's direction and Canonical's development plans? #ubuntu-discuss is the place! |"20:45
x11xx11tgm4883, that is not the same as #ubuntu-offtopic20:45
tgm4883x11xx11, ah yes, that would work too I suppose20:45
Bigsista^proby: this is http://pastebin.com/VuBrZRnZ what i get when i try to mount that disk20:45
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x11xx11tgm4883, we're in agreement then :)20:46
tgm4883x11xx11, agreed20:46
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?????  when i run cmake on ryzom. i expect it to compile. i am runing ubuntu server 12.10 x8620:47
probyBigsista^, just did your disk support external power supply ?20:47
Bigsista^proby: it's attached to an external powersupply.20:48
probyBigsista^, it looks like a hardware problem20:49
Bigsista^proby: hope it's the case or the power supply20:49
probyBigsista^, the dead error means the device is shutdown20:50
Bigsista^proby: prolly spinning up and down all the time.20:51
Bigsista^bollocks =/20:51
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664286/ can anyone tell me what packages to install to fix this?????  when i run cmake on ryzom. i expect it to compile. i am runing ubuntu server 12.10 x8620:51
wilee-nileeyofun, Ryzom is in the software center why are you installing in this manner?20:51
yofunit told me to install it that way20:51
yofunand this is a server20:52
wilee-nileeyofun, Who and what is it?20:52
=== jack is now known as Guest95480
yofunhttps://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RC/Build+Source+on+Linux its a MMORPG server20:52
PickelledEggsHi guys, I am having trouble printing a photo. I can print out on to regular paper, but, I cannot print on to photo paper. It seems to not even be sending the command to the printer to print when I have it set for anything other than plain paper.20:53
PickelledEggsdoes anyone know a fix?20:53
vjustmeHow can I configure logrotate so that to send the rotated logs, as compressed email attachments? Although the compress option exist in its configuration file it keeps sending them uncompressed, within the body message..20:53
wilee-nileeyofun, 3rd party installs are not really supported per-say, however you may get help, you just need to have some patience if anyone actually knows.20:54
yofunwell its cmakes error20:54
yofunit cant find a module or something20:55
probyyofun libpthread-dev20:55
=== shojo_jojo is now known as shojo
yofunproby:  E: Unable to locate package libpthread-dev20:55
richardalvaradowho is in anonymous20:56
probyyofun , do you have synaptic installed ?20:56
wilee-nilee!ot | richardalvarado20:56
ubotturichardalvarado: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:56
probyelse use aptitude search pthread20:56
yofunyes i ran sudo apt-get install E: Unable to locate package libpthread-dev20:56
richardalvarado@wonderworld do you hack?20:57
SonikkuAmerica!info libpthread-dev20:57
ubottuPackage libpthread-dev does not exist in raring20:57
SonikkuAmerica!info libpthread-dev precise20:57
ubottuPackage libpthread-dev does not exist in precise20:57
Bigsista^yufun: what does find / -name pthread.h give?20:57
yofunbash: -name: command not foun20:58
Bigsista^yufun: what does "find / -name pthread.h" give?20:58
probyfind / | grep pthread.h20:59
yofun. /usr/include/pthread.h20:59
=== LtHummus_ is now known as LtHummus
yofunit gives /usr/include/pthread.h21:00
=== kwelndar_ is now known as kwelndar
jasonsmrhello ubuntu channel21:00
jasonsmrQuestion is it possible to do a chroot into a diffrent system type (rpm based) if using the same kernel?21:01
dogbert2have a question, where can one find the SHA-256 checksums for 12.04 LTS ISO downloads?21:01
probyjasonsmr, yes21:01
Bigsista^yofun: what source are you compiling?21:01
jasonsmrlike a sort of pivot root? I am not sure.21:01
yofunits a MMORPG server21:02
jasonsmrI just want to use my centos system from a chroot or simmular from on Ubuntu boot21:02
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:03
probydogbert2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes21:03
SonikkuAmericadogbert2: You should find them on cdimage.ubuntu.com (search for your release)21:03
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:03
L30-lappyCa nanyone help a poweruser with WIFI problems please?21:04
L30pretty please XD21:05
probyL30-lappy, am here21:05
dogbert2found it :)21:05
h00kL30-lappy: give some more details, and anyone that may know can help21:05
L30-lappyI have Broadcom BCM B4311 driver and it wont load; Already instaleld FWcutter and the firmware installer. It hands when i modproble load b4321:06
L30-lappy* it hangs21:06
probyL30-lappy, dmesg | grep b43 , pastebin21:06
th0rL30-lappy, try modprobe b43 without the load21:06
Bigsista^yofun: check this package list http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/BuildForLinuxCmake21:07
L30-lappynothing happens, just cursor blink. no ourpout no user prompt21:07
probyth0r didn't notice the load :D21:07
L30-lappyI put the load extra .. I didnt actually type it in XD21:07
probyL30-lappy, pastebin the output of  : dmesg | grep b4321:09
L30-lappyNothing happening still. I think i might have conflicting modules loaded from when i tried to follow instructions in the ubuntu wikki unsuccesfully21:09
probyah and blacklist brcm and wl21:09
Bigsista^yofun: there seem to be prebuilt packages http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/OfficialRyzomClientUbuntu21:09
L30one sec comming. Laptop is on SLOW adapter so I miss some of your messages21:09
yofunBiDOrD:  thats for the cilent21:10
L30dmesg | grep b43 >> This gives no oputput. Reutns me right back to user prompt21:10
probydmesg | grep error21:11
L30proby, how do I blacklist21:11
lwellsYou cannot really do anything if you get banned from a channel?21:11
jasonsmrwhats the name of the Ubuntu window manager with the side auto hide menu?21:11
probyL30 one sec21:11
L30Proby output to that grep its an unrelated ext4-fs error21:11
L30yello mark21:12
probyL30 ,  dmesg | grep phy021:12
mark12 question i have downloaded ubuntu 12.04 LTS5 64 bit iso and burned it to cd i have too options install ubuntu along side windows or erase windows 7 and use just ubuntu if i erase my windows 7 will this hurt anything or do i have to do any formatting to my hard drive21:12
L30dmesg | grep phy0 >> no output21:13
=== Christophe is now known as Guest46943
=== Guest46943 is now known as xtof
probyL30 dmesg | tail -f21:14
L30It gives me the log for my external ehternet adapter21:14
L30pastebin coming21:14
mark12anyone know the answear to my question21:15
L30one sek mark21:16
probyL30-lappy, try to modprobe b43 and repastebin21:16
Bigsista^mark12: if there's unpartined space on your hd you can create a new partion there during install21:16
L30Mark, if you erease win7 it will format the drive with the appropite filysistem for ubuntu21:16
L30coming proby21:16
Bigsista^mark12: else you need to repartition your win7 or erase it during ubuntu install21:17
L30no output ... :s21:17
mark12iam not sure how to repartion my hard drive21:18
^MikeHow can I get a listing of all the *meta*packages on my system?21:18
L30MArk inside of windows you can download and install easeus parition manager21:18
L30and resize the partitions by dragind and drping at your liking21:18
mark12is that need before earsing windows 7?21:19
L30IIf yiu are switching to uuntu and don't care for windows, jsut folow insturctiosn in the installer21:19
Bigsista^mark12: http://partedmagic.com/doku.php download iso image, burn cd, boot from cd, resize win7 partition21:19
L30If you want to completly remove widnows the Ubuntu installer wil do it for you21:19
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
fidel_^Mike: not perfect - but maybe a first step: dpkg -l | grep meta21:19
^Mikeyeah, that's where I've started21:20
^Mikethanks, fidel_21:20
mark12iam new to ubuntu and so far i love it so yea i dont care for windows21:20
probyL30 , http://wiki.debian.org/wl21:20
L30so wipe away21:20
^MikeAlternatively, where can I get a list of packages in the standard install?21:20
vi956925Hi!  I'm trying to open a folder on desktop with just a couple recently downloaded items, but it just seems to load and load forever not showing anything. I bet a reboot would fix it, but any equivalent to restarting Explorer.exe in Windows, which Id do in similar cases..  maybe related to some Firefox and/or Multiget (download manager) - crashes I caused by opening a load of tabs in Firefox prolly exceeding my memoery or something.. I dno.  Anyway would 21:20
L30Thanks proby. reading21:20
=== Randy- is now known as Randy
vi956925Im asking, if theres something similar to using task-mgr and just restart explorer.exe or something to reset whatever mess i may have made that cause the problem, instead of having to reboot21:21
mark12ok i will earse windows and do as it says and it wont hurt nothing correct?21:21
Bigsista^mark12; it'll not hurt your windows, it'll kill it21:22
goddardhow can i force an upgrade of an app that has been held back?21:22
=== francisco is now known as Guest23862
L30mark12 it will completly earease your harddrive and install Ubuntu isntead of windows (save all your files first)21:22
SolarisBoyvi956925: you may be able to switch to TTY1 (CTRL+ALT+F7) and kill whatever process is causing the hang from there if your GUI is hung21:22
jribgoddard: be more specific (provide full input and output in a pastebin)21:22
goddardjrib: i added a ppa and it only has quantal but i want to force it to be used how can i force it21:23
SolarisBoyvi956925: pardon me switch to TTY1 with (CTRL+ALT+F1)21:23
mark12i can also run unbuntu in virtualbox right21:23
goddardjrib: https://launchpad.net/~pcf/+archive/miro-releases21:23
vi956925SolarisBoy: thanks.. will try..21:23
L30Mark12 if you want to try itfirst check out "WUBI" you can intall ubuntu inside of windows and choose to go in it when you restart yourcomputer21:23
Bigsista^mark12: vmware player, virtualbox... no problem21:23
betraydif you're familiar with it mark1221:23
SolarisBoysure vi956925 CTRL+ALT+F7 to switch back to the GUI once your done21:23
SonikkuAmericaL30: Not for Ubuntu 13.04!!21:23
=== derp is now known as eir
betraydain't no wubi no mo21:24
mark12ok thanks for your help21:24
betraydin 13 point fo21:24
=== eir is now known as Guest30691
wilee-nilee13.04 has a wubi21:24
L30proby, added the deb now updating21:24
SonikkuAmericaSINCE WHEN.21:24
betraydoh my bad21:24
SonikkuAmericawilee-nilee: ^^21:24
probyL30 , ok , feedback if not working with some dmsgs and greps :)21:25
vi956926hey again, uh, sry I may have failed to say how nweb I am and lack knowledge of using that tty thing.. i kinda locked myself outta the desktop now atleast, and haev no idea even how to find what proc that may be hanging.. :s   How do I leave the tty thing? i try 'exit' but just puts me to black screen with login prompt, hm21:25
wilee-nileeslipped in at the last minute21:25
SolarisBoyvi956925: CTRL+ALT+F721:26
wilee-nileenot the correct link but it is available.21:26
=== lwells is now known as netlar
goddardcan anyone tell me how to force upgrade an app with apt-get?21:26
jribgoddard: you haven't posted what I asked you to post21:27
pskpskhey guys. question. i'm using commandline sftp to list a remote directory by date "ls -t" but the result doesn't seem to be sorted by modified date. i get april 10, april 11, may 10, april 2821:27
SonikkuAmericagoddard: The latest repo version is all you'll get, but you can [ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ], or add a PPA (should one exist)21:27
pskpskwhat do you think can be causing this error?21:28
L30:( This eternal thernet adapter saves my life with all the broadcom drama. Buts slower than molases .... tops out at 25kb/s21:28
goddardSonikkuAmerica: i want to install something that is from a PPA but it hasn't come out with a raring version.  Only Quantal...21:28
SolarisBoypskpsk: try ls -ltr21:28
vi956925oh.. thanks! shoulda tried that i guess ye.   uh,  but about the hanging process and Im in the tty place,  do you think me being this newb can google some basics to find simple way for that, or very complicated..?  i barly know to find process id's (with 'ps' or 'top') and to kill -9 <id> and killall <name>, veru basic and narrow info:S21:28
tatshi. i have a system76 laptop with ubuntu 12.10 installed. today i put my laptop in my handbag but it didn't go to sleep (don't know why) and after a while it started beeping loudly (this is what it does when it runs out of batteries). i thus switched it off. however it was really, really hot (you know when it smells a bit like burned plastic).21:28
SonikkuAmericagoddard: So either edit your /etc/apt/sources.list or use [ software-properties-gtk ] to set the version to "quantal."21:28
vi956925mayb its too complicated for this lil thing and Im better of  just rebooting incase of such issues for now ?21:29
pskpskSolarisBoy: no difference in result order unfortunately21:29
SolarisBoyvi956925: so what you want to do is go back to TTY1 (black screen) - run 'top' and you can kill it from there21:29
SolarisBoypskpsk: weird21:29
SonikkuAmericatats: That's when you want to turn it off and wait about 21 million years before switching it back on.21:29
tatsnow it starts grub but it boots with the initramfs prompt.21:29
vi956925or, any simple commands or things to find hanging processes and know to manage them as such? im not even sure there is a hanging procwess but21:29
goddardSonikkuAmerica: i set it manually in my software sources but it held back the updates21:29
pskpskSolarisBoy: yea it's really strange. i did a little bit of google and i thought it's something to do with the openssh version?21:29
SolarisBoypskpsk: possible, what openssh version is on the remote end?21:30
pskpskSolarisBoy: but i can't verify21:30
tatsSonikkuAmerica: yeah that's what i did. waited 2 hours before switching it on though (not enough time?)21:30
pskpskSolarisBoy: i don't have access to remote other than sftp21:30
SonikkuAmericatats: You should wait until the machine feels cold to the touch... or stick your battery in the freezer for a while.21:30
pskpskSolarisBoy: anyway to find out through sftp?21:31
SolarisBoypskpsk: if you have access to sftp you should be able to telnet to remote on port 22 and expect (hopefully) a header21:31
SolarisBoythe version string is generally in said header - pskpsk21:31
pskpskoh nice let me try SolarisBoy:21:31
vi956925SolarisBoy  thanks.  But Im unsure even how to tell if some process hangs.. uh, would it say like <defunct> or something inthe 'ps -ad' list, or in 'top' ?  and is the tty prompt required and more powerful than first using 'sudo su' to get root?21:31
SolarisBoyvi956925: sudo su is only done on requirement and you should do sudo -i if really needed21:32
vi956925so I just simply locate a hanging proces like that (assuing easy and something like taht^), and just kill it ye?   as it seems to be some core thing (opening folders causig the system to hang),any chanse i mess somethig up for operation of my ubuntu-desktop and needa restart it afterwards or something too?21:32
SolarisBoyvi956925: defunct means zombied - so it's likely not problematic - it depends - you would want to look at the sorting order of either command - for instance in top you may want to sort by CPU (to tell what is taking cpu cycles) or maybe by RSZ (to tell what is using mem) etc etc21:33
pskpskSolarisBoy: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.2p1-hpn13v621:33
tatsSonikkuAmerica: it feels pretty cold to me.21:33
SonikkuAmericatats: How long has it been off?21:33
SolarisBoyvi956925: but in general you may be able to get away with typing 'top' and monitoring the output - in which case you can point out (generally) attributes of a hung process - you can also kill that process from top assuming you started top as a user with that priv21:34
tatsSonikkuAmerica: 2h21:34
=== zz_wicked is now known as wicked
SolarisBoypskpsk: ok that one seems old my ubuntu (12.04) defaults to SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p121:34
SonikkuAmericatats: Leave it off the rest of the day and turn it back on in the morning. If you still smell plastic, you might wanna call System76.21:34
vi956925cool.. k, thanks. will try check processes and look on their details and try kill or play with those for things like this then.. thanks!21:35
betraydcheck the contents of your handbag too for damage21:35
=== Barret is now known as Guest70482
tatsSonikkuAmerica: ok. will do. but the fact that it boots with initramfs, does that indicate that there is some broken hardware?21:36
pskpskSolarisBoy:fairly old. so the ls command changes from version to versions? how do i go about figuring out the changes and get it working as expected? weird thing when i'm connected to sftp and do help manual says the same as everywhere i've seen on the net. ls -ltr should do the expected21:36
vi956925may be required to search up info no how to recovering the process'es state or atleat restarting it too,  or would it do that itself with the critical parts that i may accidentaly kill and dont know way back from21:36
SolarisBoypskpsk: i dont think the ls command is the issue in that bug it may be something related to how ssh is displaying the data on the other side - but it could be a bug in ls, less likely IMHO21:37
vi956925or is it always pretty safe and np to just kill what is frozen n such anyway?  like if i have some data i don wanna lose21:37
SolarisBoyvi956925: thats a great question actually.21:37
pskpskSolarisBoy: yea you're right it's less likely to be an error with ls and more with something going on my with the server21:37
wdillyis this the appropriate forum for ubuntu server questions?21:38
L30proby, you still here?21:38
SonikkuAmericawdilly: Here or in #ubuntu-server21:38
vi956925hmh.. k.. will try be careful then.    should prolyl also search and get into some guides/tutorials on basic linux stuff soon too:x21:38
SolarisBoyvi956925: yessir21:38
wdillySonikkuAmerica, ok thanks21:38
probyL30 yep21:39
=== eightbit is now known as the8thbit
pe3khello, I installed ubuntu and I am not able to do shutdown correctly... after I choose shutdown from menu progress bar shows process but it freezes and after that only power button is usable21:39
SolarisBoyvi956925: for isntance you mentioned a browser and how it may be hanging your desktop - in this case, i would kill it, there isn't any other way (other than clicking the close button from the browser window, but it if's hung..)21:40
pskpskSolarisBoy: hmm yea.. i figured it out. it's my mistake of trying to make it list files matching a certain term21:40
pskpskSolarisBoy: i was using ls -lt DMUS-*21:40
SolarisBoyvi956925: where alternatively if it were a service - i dont know like MySQL - you will want to stop it gracefully as a pose to a kill command . in the case of MySQL for instance, there will be a startup script either via Upstart or Sys-V init21:40
pskpskSolarisBoy: which messed up the date sort21:41
vi956925yeah, I had to earlier as all my other windows became white/grey and unusable until I killed firefox:x  once it just crashd too, was just anooyed as I had many tabs open with urls i forgot, and seems no way to recover it:\21:41
L30proby, NVM i figured it out .... downloading headers and STA now .. gonnatake a while .. peaking at 25.5kb/s21:41
SolarisBoypskpsk: uh huh - nice =)21:41
probyL30 emmm21:41
wdillyI am attempting to have nfs home directories mounted upon users login (users are authing against sun LDAP) I am able to Create the directory using pam module common-session "session required  pam_mkhomedir.so umask=0022 skel=/etc/skel" LDAP works but the NFS mount doesnt work until a restart. I would like it to work without a restart because I am building a private cloud. Thanks so much.21:41
L30yah .. its big (70MB)21:41
MarcusMagnushello evrybody21:42
SolarisBoyvi956925: yes ff and other browsers do this from time to time - there are some fixes but they vary - best to just keep a slim browsing profile =)21:42
L30hello marcusmagnus21:42
probyL30 i have a  BCM4312 too and it works fine21:42
probyjust fwcutter and a reboot do the job21:42
=== JonnyNomad_ is now known as JonnyNomad
L30proby, no i mean. In order to download the HEaders and STA drivers I have to use my external Ethernet adapter and it peaks out at 25 kb/s21:42
L30just saying its oigng to take a while ... 70 Mb21:43
probyL30 , yes i got it21:43
L30tee hee21:43
SolarisBoyvi956925: you may want to review what sites you were on when it does this, for instance a site which does a lot of JS play in the back and a bunch of refreshes, is likely pushing memory usage upwards with no ceiling - things like that can hang up the box sometimes you just need to becareful of what sites your on21:43
vi956925yeah, will know to make bookmarks of all when it may happen.   same problem on windows with chrome I remember, hanging and eventually losing all the tabs with no recovery if i keep opening.    fortunately Firefox can easily export bookmarks to .html-file even, so if I do that now n then should keep it pretty safe then.  nothing important really tho:d21:44
SolarisBoyi know this happens with my jobs portal which is pretty resource intensive , one thing i did was put my browser cache in a memory mount and that seemed to make things move a little faster - every once in a while i still get hung21:44
=== flor_ is now known as iridium6
=== kwelndar is now known as kwelndar_away
vi956925was pornsites with flash videos, both browsers whined about flash errors too, flash hanging or something like that which is prolly related, and that the memory runs out:s21:45
SolarisBoyoh yea that'll do it - especially cause they generally have multiple other flash based ads on site shooting memory usage through the roof on those Pr0n sites21:45
SolarisBoytry ad block plus or something may help21:46
vi956925took a while to pick out data i plan to download so sux losing t all, also work doing it all at once and often doesnt happen.     jhust lost all  the stores urls several times now after it grows big,  hoping to avoid somehow:x   bookmarking and exporting that to file for now should work well tho21:46
pskpskthanks SolarisBoy21:47
SolarisBoynp pskpsk21:47
vi956925yeah i even have all kinds of things like that already,  using noscript, adblock and buncha other addons.  trying to understand them well enough to be able to enable javascript/java/flash/cookies etc for specific sites when needed, and disable all by default..21:48
SolarisBoygot ya21:49
vi956925...i mean, understand them well enough to use them qwithout inconvenience.  ofte bit messy figuring what/how theres issues with some sites, and ease of fixing that21:49
SolarisBoyyes i have been there before21:49
vi956925sry im bad state atm and havent slept for days, prolly bad to explain or even talk much atm:d :|21:49
vi956925but hoping to max security in every way and avoid browser exploits/viriis and such!21:49
SolarisBoyshouldn't need to worry to much about that on Linux but it can happen. Ad Block and Better Pop Up Blocker are working for me fine.21:50
SonikkuAmericaHooray for AdBlock!21:51
vi956925havent looked much into it yet, spend much my times playing games, but, just looked at truecrypt to encrypt filesystem as I did on Windows but didnt seem to work? besides managing encryped file-containers.. any idea bout that, or if any good alternative?   i alrady used the "encrypt home-directory" feature when I installed Ubuntu,  dont even know what that did or anything to feel safer with..21:51
=== shojo is now known as Chell
L30proby, somthing weird happened21:51
SonikkuAmericaChell: "Hello. Welcome to Aperture Science." :)21:51
probyL30 , how ?21:52
Chelli'm talking to GLaDOS too!:D21:52
L30getting pastebin21:52
SolarisBoyvi956925: oh feel very safe about encrypting your home drive, if someone were to acquire your computer - illegally or so forth - they wouldn't be able to do anything with your data (in your home dir)21:52
vi956925hopefully some day Ill be able to know and be famliar with every system process, number of handles/processes and such,  network resources etc. and secure against tampering of statistics tool to keep view like that too?  or very hard/complicated to know that much, or even somewhat impossible?21:52
Chellhehe, hi GLaDOS21:53
vi956925cool.. so like if cops seize my comp in like a drug case or something after a raid and demand i open it, ill just tellem nope and feel safe about that ..?  or.. how safe is it?21:53
SonikkuAmericaChell: lol21:54
betraydthis IS hypothetical right vi95692521:54
L30<vi956925> That's an awfully specific example you have ther bud, The answer is .. dpeneding how bad they want it.21:54
SonikkuAmericaChell: "I'm sorry, but you'll have to find your own Weighted Companion Cube." (I'm actually getting !ot here)21:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:54
probyL30 i think it is not a serious probelm21:54
SolarisBoyyes but did you ever read Little Brother by Cory Doctorow vi956925 ?21:54
vi956925i kinda feele a bit unsafe about things like passwords etc. stored here as atleast like now these files are easily accessible hm,  i mean if someone can have some malicious app ran on my acc with privileges, have full access..   dno if viriis/exploits n such are even possible here tho..21:55
L30so, i just proceed to load STA?21:55
SolarisBoyvi956925: considering the definition of a virus/exploit they are indeed possible, the fact of the matter is they are less likely and popular in the *nix community, that said don't throw your sec mind to the side - just be alert21:55
SolarisBoyyou shouldn't be storing plain text passwords on your box anyway =)21:56
probyL30 yes fireup21:56
vi956925so this home-directory encryption is very secure, military-grade or atleast hacker/criminal safe?  can i be sure its there and encrypted always,21:56
L30fatal: module sta not found21:56
probyL30 wait isn't there in ubuntu ?21:57
=== Chell is now known as GLaDOS
SolarisBoyvi956925: for the most part - not to say it wont' run into the same problems and other disk runs into - requirement of fsck to clear soft errors - replacement eventually due to hard errors21:57
probysorry L30 this is better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:57
SolarisBoybut it's pretty much set and forget other than that21:57
L30ok reading21:57
gainh iguys, can't find openssl-dev package in ubuntu 13.04... am I wrong? anyone know the exact package name?21:58
SonikkuAmerica!info openssl-dev21:58
vi956925k..  guess itll still be good to use Truecrypts encrypted file-container and just open that with password temporarily when I need acceess to some files?21:58
ubottuPackage openssl-dev does not exist in raring21:58
SonikkuAmerica!info openssl21:58
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1c-4ubuntu8 (raring), package size 507 kB, installed size 895 kB21:58
SonikkuAmericagain: ^ There.21:58
L30proby, Theese are the instructions I originally followed unsuccesfully. when i try to modprobe -r it just hangs again21:59
vi956925i store all data, info, urls etc. in .txts for example, much info i dont wanna risc being vulnerable:x      hopefully linux is better than windows tho and ill learn to be better off eventually..21:59
probyL30 , did you used fwcutter ?22:00
gainSonikkuAmerica: I've already that package installed on my sys22:00
L30no, Its installed but i did not go that way22:00
SonikkuAmerica!info openssl*22:00
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is standard. Version 1.0.1c-4ubuntu8 (raring), package size 507 kB, installed size 895 kB22:00
SonikkuAmericagain: [ sudo apt-cache search openssl*22:01
probyL30 , http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4322:01
SonikkuAmericaDX099: Kon'nichi wa.22:01
probyand paray :)22:01
vi956925gna need to get around to googling some tutorials/guides n such soon:S   so much i dont know of yet,  cant come here bothering ya bout every little thing either:S   like  i guess theres some best practice/common mayb well-known to most,  usage of the 'root' account..  i use it bit to much, and with permission problems for example just going on root and avoiding the issues:S   afraid im opening some holes:|22:01
L30proby, everything in this system is backedu p. Do you think it would be easier to jsut wipe?22:01
gainSonikkuAmerica: apt finds so many packages... :(22:01
theadminAlright, this is gonna seem like a weird question... I'm trying to install Ubuntu to my USB stick using the mini.iso of 12.04 LTS and KVM (I don't have a wired network -- i take it mini.iso has no wi-fi support, or am I wrong?), it gets stuck at "Detecting disks and all other hardware". How long is this supposed to take?22:01
SonikkuAmericagain: you can scroll terminal windows...22:01
SolarisBoyvi956925: yes best practives for root is not using it - use sudo ofcourse there will be times where you may require it - use sudo -i then22:01
probyL30 , if you don't have any problems do it !22:02
vi956925usualyl am on 'root' all the time by default to avoid the issues that pops up, besides when programs deny to work as 'root'.  afraid a very bad thing for some reasons tho22:02
L30proby, Thanks for all your help and never endign pacience with me. Im going to wipe then22:02
SolarisBoyvi956925: you dont want to do that =)22:02
DX099SonikkuAmerica, Koko wa konbanwa. I have a problem with unity : I tried to enable Window previews plugins in CCSM but I saw it didn't work well. I disabled it, logged out and logged in again but now the Autohide feature isn't working. Launcher won't show up...22:02
vi956925i mean, going on that right away on termina^22:02
L30any sufggestion for a Light desktop enviroment?22:02
theadminL30: Xfce or LXDE22:02
L30Thanks, Im goign to try LXDE22:02
probyL30 ; welcome22:02
vi956925ya will try learn proper use and all soon..  hopefully wont be too much work or anything, and will find motivation to read ..22:03
theadminL30: The second is more lightweight22:03
neekz0ri think not using root is one of those things that are best practices but few people actually stick to22:03
gainSonikkuAmerica: libssl-dev already installed, no others useful packages22:03
L30-lappyThanks again22:03
SonikkuAmericagain: OK...22:03
x3n_    /set gui_usermenu ON22:03
SonikkuAmerica!compiz | DX09922:04
ubottuDX099: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:04
vi956925like when i install apache2/php,  permission problems with the webserver.. i just had a premade script to automate some tasks real quick.. then got stuck with those isues.. just skippd it by going root, chmod/chown whatever until it works back n forth.22:04
x3n_guys, I have a problem with Raring ringtail and my intel gma integrated gpu22:04
vi956925put lotta time into backing up all my data on a usb-disk when i installed ubuntu, assuming ill fk it up completely some times along the way:s22:05
SonikkuAmericagain: What do you need the OpenSSL development kit for anyway?22:05
probyx3n_ , am here22:06
probyx3n_ describe the problem better22:06
gainSonikkuAmerica: for compiling different versions of php with phpfarm22:06
DX099mhh... doesn't cover my case...22:06
vi956925once i asked for info on some weird/advanced feature on some unusual linux distro i whent into some realted irc #root to ask,  was told some crazy weird command i stupidly trusted, turned to be some sneaky way to send all to /dev/null or something,  fked it all up.  afraid ill do such things again,  so easy to mess up, click wrong etc here:d22:06
vi956925#root = i mean chat*22:07
neekz0rthat's evil22:07
Bulk_VanderhugeFun question, in ubuntu 12.04, what would I break if remove 'sudo' package? I am not interested in opinions regarding security issues. I am strictly interested in what if anything might not work properly if this is done? anyone :d?22:07
neekz0ri've heard of 'politely' fork bombing people, or one of my friends told someone to cat /dev/urandom > /vmlinuz when they asked how to hack using linux, but sheesh22:08
vi956925dont remember which place it was.. mayb here on freenode mayb, redhat,centos or something.. helped some guy with it, no problem for me tho or much i cared about either, luckily.   but,afraid of same again somehow..   still dont feel safe not knowing all the processes,network stuff etc22:08
=== duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign
vi956925hated this about win7 and got worse since xp,  just a milion processes n stuff not very clear,  so many things going on auto-updates of all kindsa etc.. no way to know if any maliciious22:09
neekz0rone of my tests for new hires was to put a fork bomb in rc.local and see how long it took them to figure out how to fix it >:)22:09
Bulk_Vanderhugesome smart chap must know something about this inquiry22:09
SonikkuAmericaBulk_Vanderhuge: If you dumped sudo you'd need the root password for ANYTHING... including installing software.22:10
neekz0rBulk_Vanderhuge: intresting question, i suspect not a lot -- but if it's from a resh install you may have a hard time to su up to root22:10
vi956925much work or truoble learning to use netstat , ps/top and such basic tools to know of and control all the data and movement on disc and network..?    prolly some hacker tools that disguise malicious trafic for example tho, or is linux for sure safe enough if following best practice/normal security atleast?22:10
vi956925i mean extensively, all parameters etc..  so if somethign weird/unusual,  just look in some kinda logs or something to know for sure, or too complciated ?22:11
Bulk_VanderhugeSonikkuAMerica you have succeeded in not addressing the question at all22:11
vi956925maybe other tools too, or maybe neither are temper proof, atleat if exploited thru the root acc or something.. i dno:|22:11
neekz0rvi956925: provided user space is set correctly, it's 'safer', but there is still bad things that can go wrong; for most desktop things it tends to be pretty safe for the system22:11
Dr_willisvi956925,  biggest danger i see from being in here all the time.. is the  'end user/admin' doing somthing stupid..22:12
Bulk_Vanderhugeneekz0r this is interesting. Yes I am on a fresh install, I did set my root password. What trouble do you suggest I might have if I were to remove sudo at this point?22:12
neekz0rBulk_Vanderhuge: not a lot, but SOME scripts may fail that call sudo and if you are using the desktop which likes to automate things you could expect some failures there22:12
vi956925yeah.. widows is also pretty safe most of the time if taking precautions..shit happens tho:x22:12
Bulk_VanderhugeThat the su command would not work?22:13
Dr_willisive seen widows be very unsafe in the past.  but no idea how well done win8 is.22:13
vi956925hopefulyl this gna be much better..!   atleast more controllable and all, once i get around to knowing enough taht will hopefully be possible then!22:13
SonikkuAmericaBulk_Vanderhuge: That's what I was saying before. You'd need the password of ROOT...22:13
neekz0rthe su command would work in a CLI enviroment, but i'm not sure about how the desktop would deal with it as it tends to call sudo type functions, i don't know if it calls sudo directly or if it uses it's own sudo system22:13
vi956925yeah but even with antivirus/firewall and all updates.. browser exploits with some "good" virus bypasing all these things and bad strike of luck, and its all no use22:13
SonikkuAmericaneekz0r, Bulk_Vanderhuge: It used to use gksudo; not so much anymore, but it uses a form of sudo.22:14
Dr_willisvi956925,  by design any browser expoit ran by a user.. would only be able to affect the single user.. unlike what can happen in other os's22:14
Bulk_VanderhugePersonally I am used to industrial unix distros, and have never used sudo. I am on a single user PC, and it annoys me in principle. The default configuration in ubuntu allows me full root access with it, it is totally useless for me.22:15
betrayd rename it Bulk_Vanderhuge  =] go ahead22:15
vi956925im prolly overly paranoid tho..   but dont ilke the increasing laws/regulations etc. everywher,e like google tightening up more and more as they gain power..    guess some day ill be always-connected thru chained encrytped vpns and only stay within TOR or such networks and hope a "new internet" some ways will develop there eventually, if such thigns prove resilient.. or mayb never even were22:15
Bulk_VanderhugeI can gain full root privs without root password, just in principle I want to kill it with fire.22:16
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neekz0rBulk_Vanderhuge: haha, yeah, it was a struggle for me to back in the day22:16
neekz0ri still do sudo /bin/bash :)22:16
Bulk_Vanderhugeyeah on a single user box i don't see the point. i really want to uninstall it.22:17
betraydeeewwww su -c ftw22:17
neekz0rsu -22:17
neekz0rBulk_Vanderhuge: to protect OS from users, i suspect22:17
Bulk_Vanderhugeon a single user box?22:17
Bulk_Vanderhugebut the default config does not protect. you would have to configure the shit out of it to get any protection22:18
betraydBulk_Vanderhuge: you getting rid of login lightdm or w/e too22:18
neekz0ryou are right, to be honest i'm just speculating22:19
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Bulk_Vanderhugeyeah sudo has been annoying me this week i can't stop thinking about it lol22:19
Bulk_Vanderhugebetrayd what do you mean22:19
Dr_williscant say ive really had any issues with sudo and gksudo...22:19
betraydmight be the next logical step for a single user box,22:20
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis nobody asked though22:20
neekz0rman, if it's that pervasive in your thoughtspace maybe it's time for a vay-cay22:20
betraydno more gui logon process (and I don't mean autologin)22:20
betraydno neekz0r he may have to move on then22:20
Dr_willisbiggest issue i see in here are people not properly using the security tools that are allready in the system22:20
betraydhe is not the target demographic22:21
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis nobody asked what you think the 'biggest issue' is22:21
neekz0rDr_willis: that's always the case22:21
Dr_willisBulk_Vanderhuge,  lose the attitude.. do you have an actual support question then?22:21
jordan223hola! pm-suspend isn't working. I run dmesg after it fails, and I see a message: Freezing of tasks failed after 20.01 seconds (1 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):22:21
jordan223[  489.216977] colord" but I don't know how to track down what is failing to freeze.22:21
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis yes I did, which you didn't read22:21
Bulk_Vanderhugehence attitude22:21
Dr_willisBulk_Vanderhuge,  all i saw was you ranting.  but whatever22:22
Bulk_Vanderhugelogic is fun22:22
neekz0ri can see where he's coming from, Dr_willis, sudo is kind of backwards to us old schoolers22:23
ranticmake sense to me and i'm new school : O22:23
Bulk_Vanderhugethe original question is "what would break if i uninstalled sudo " and i mentioned i was not concerned with theories regarding security issues22:23
Dr_willisneekz0r,  theres a lot more to sudo then 'what you type to get sudo rights' but most people rarely need the other features22:23
neekz0ri'm aware22:24
toneatohey guys, i need some help. I need to update bios on a machine without disc, cd or usb sticks. its an hp thin client 5000. its got win ce on it, but that bitch cant connect to google or something. when i want to connect to google there is just a message that i have chosen to download a file named google from google.com... anyone got a clue? oh its got ftp (WOW) but only without username and password.22:24
neekz0rthe thought process is if you are root, you are root, and that is that.. none of this borrowing root powers or using sudo to run certain root commands22:24
OerHeksBulk_Vanderhuge, try it, and see the error. you are free to uninstall anything you think you don't need.22:24
kvothetechBulk_Vanderhuge: nothing would break as long as you have a root pw22:25
Bulk_VanderhugeOerHEks thank you for permission sir22:25
elisa87Does anyone know why I can't copy files to a mounted disk image ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665950/ I am following this manual:  https://docs.google.com/document/preview?id=1B7nZSqMLwkwoVNEj_58tMPTk4bKWvoEMbokOAjqeC-k&hl=en&forcehl=122:25
Bulk_Vanderhugekvothetech hope you're right :p22:25
Dr_willissome tools may be designed to call sudo to gain rights. those could break22:25
Bulk_Vanderhugethis is a concern ^22:25
th0rBulk_Vanderhuge, you should be aware however, you will incur the wrath of the high priests of the church of ubuntu22:25
kvothetechBulk_Vanderhuge: i don't have sudo installed at all...everything works fine nothing explicitly depends on it other than gksu and other modified versions of it maybe22:26
betraydand with pitchforks and torches they will hunt you down22:26
d10nif you don't want sudo to work, just remove everyone from sudoers...22:26
Bulk_Vanderhugeth0r my allegiance is to Inglip22:26
Bulk_Vanderhugekvothetech good to know22:26
rpickleranyone have time to help with an install issue?22:26
toneatohey guys, i need some help. I need to update bios on a machine without disc, cd or usb sticks. its an hp thin client 5000. its got win ce on it, but that bitch cant connect to google or something. when i want to connect to google there is just a message that i have chosen to download a file named google from google.com... anyone got a clue? oh its got ftp (WOW) but only without username and password.22:26
Bulk_Vanderhugeno d10n I want to kill it with fire22:26
Dr_willis'you break it - you bought it' ;)22:26
kvothetechBulk_Vanderhuge: i'm also on gentoo not ubuntu though22:26
neekz0rtoneato: i was almost ready to reply to you :P22:27
kvothetechrpickler: what's the issu22:27
elisa87jalal@mona:/mnt/benchmarks$ cp ~/rodinia_2.3/openmp/backprop/backprop /mnt/benchmarks/backprop22:27
elisa87cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/benchmarks/backprop': Read-only file system22:27
elisa87jalal@mona:/mnt/benchmarks$ sudo cp ~/rodinia_2.3/openmp/backprop/backprop /mnt/benchmarks/backprop22:27
elisa87cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/benchmarks/backprop': Read-only file system22:27
Bulk_Vanderhuge1. Single user box 2. Default configuration allows sudoers to become full root priv'd 3. Why configure sudo permissions when I am only user 4. therefore I rage inside everytime type sudo22:27
kvothetechelisa87: mount -o remount rw /mnt/benchmarks or whatever you mounted22:27
rpicklerkvothetech: I have a asus zenbook prime, and I got ubuntu to install, but afterward, it only goes straight back to the bios.  I can't get it to recognize the install22:27
elisa87kvothetech:  can you explain a little more?22:28
d10nBulk_Vanderhuge: I think Ubuntu is not the distro for you22:28
elisa87rw? kvothetech22:28
neekz0ri thought ubuntu was for everyone or something22:28
Bulk_Vanderhuged10n you think?22:28
Dr_willisthere are other users   such as lightdm, and other services also run as their own special users.22:28
Bulk_VanderhugeI remember my first thought22:28
Dr_willisso even a single user system ,  can have more then 1 user.22:28
rpicklerI really have to give microsoft credit, all the new advances in windows 8 has made this the longest linux install since redhat 6.222:28
MonkeyDustBulk_Vanderhuge  is there something you actually *like* about Ubuntu?22:28
kvothetechelisa87: elisa87 you have a partition mounted in /mnt (mount alone will show you) mount -o remount /mnt wil remount it as rw so you can write to that partition22:28
elisa87Dr_willis:  do you have any idea about this problem regarding not being able to cp to a mounted drive?22:28
Bulk_VanderhugeMonkeyDust gets offended easily22:29
kvothetechelisa87: see above...22:29
Dr_williselisa87,  if the filesystem is found to be currupted. or the hd is failing. it can get remounted read only.22:29
OerHekselisa87, the error says " Read-only file system"22:29
Dr_williselisa87,  what filesystem is the drive?22:29
toneatohey guys, i need some help. I need to update bios on a machine without disc, cd or usb sticks. its an hp thin client 5000. its got win ce on it, but that bitch cant connect to google or something. when i want to connect to google there is just a message that i have chosen to download a file named google from google.com... anyone got a clue? oh its got ftp (WOW) but only without username and password.22:29
elisa87Dr_willis:  I am pretty sure the file system is not corrupted...any way what's the solution? How do you copy?22:29
Dr_willistoneato,  you may want to be asking in #windows  - i havent seen a deivice running windowsce in ages..22:30
kvothetechelisa87: mount it as rw...just told you how22:30
Dr_williselisa87,  what FS is it? what does mount say about it22:30
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis are you saying lightdm would no long function without sudo22:30
elisa87kvothetech:  you mean instead of -o I should put -rw ?? I am such a beginner in mounting so I didn't get it22:30
kvothetechBulk_Vanderhuge: it would still work...22:30
Dr_willisBulk_Vanderhuge,  i said lightdm has its own lightdm user.22:30
Dr_willisa lot of the other gui admin tools may break however.22:31
Dr_willistesting wild ideas in virtualbox... may be a good idea. ;)22:31
th0rDr_willis, I don't think they will break, they just won't run under a normal user account. But that is the way it has been since long before canonical22:31
kvothetechelisa87: mount -o remount,rw basically remounts it as an read write22:32
Dr_willisth0r,  thats sort of 'broken' in my definition. ;)22:32
elisa87Can you give me a link which has details on it kvothetech22:32
kvothetechelisa87: man mount22:32
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis Please, don't hold back. You came in and demanded what my question was, but give the most vague answers possible. The original question was "what would break if I removed sudo, I am not concerned with your ideas about security" Well cough it up man, need I ask - WHICH "gui admin tools would break" ?22:33
Dr_willisBulk_Vanderhuge,  no idea. as i said.. try it in vbox and see.22:33
kvothetechBulk_Vanderhuge: NONE NOTHING DEPENDS ON IT...if you don't believe me...try it i can screenshot using admin tools without sudo if you want.22:33
Bulk_Vanderhugekvothetech it isn't that I don't trust your answer, just being thorough here.22:33
Dr_willisyou want specifcs for a 'very wild and obscure' case  which i doubt  anyone will know22:34
Bulk_Vanderhugeand thank you for your replies on this btw22:34
neekz0rare you a sys admin, Bulk_Vanderhuge22:34
Dr_willisbottom line.. try it and see.  and dont be suprised if things go badly.22:34
vi956925i dont really know or follow such tech n related news and a big newb to most security anyway myself so not sure..   anyone else know more mayb?-> think theres any good reasons to continue studying security online, besides minor acts for self-defence?  I mean for things like keeping anonymous online,  with all the rules,privacy stuff, regulations etc.. mayb theres no way around and may rather embrace and accept slavery and total control and eventually tota22:34
d10nBulk_Vanderhuge: archlinux.org. No sense ranting in here about something integral to Ubuntu.22:35
Bulk_VanderhugeDr_willis your opinions regarding what is wild and obscure are just that, opinions. I dismiss you now, now that you concede to know nothing about a question which you originally could not wait to provide answers to.22:35
Dr_willisBulk_Vanderhuge,  again .. lose the attitude.. we are having a discussion and you aparently just want to argue and yell at people.22:35
Bulk_Vanderhuged10n thinks multiple user permission software is integral to a single user ubuntubox22:35
neekz0rvi956925: i missed your question about security, what was it?22:35
d10nit was "sudo sucks arrrrrg"22:35
kvothetechneekz0r: lol so i'm not the only one :)22:36
n-iCeguys I have a problem when I boot my system, says: “Waiting for network configuration” adding 3 to 5 minutes to boot time22:36
n-iCeHow do I stop that22:36
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Bulk_Vanderhuged10n the original question was "what would break if i removed sudo, i am not concerned with opinions regarding security issues"22:36
kvothetechn-iCe: set it to background start or don't start it so early22:36
kvothetechn-iCe: or static config not dhcp22:36
n-iCekvothetech: set, what22:36
elisa87How can I delete my previous mount and mount it again? Dr_willis kvothetech inux-latest.img is already mounted on /mnt/tmp as loop22:36
elisa87 22:36
n-iCeI did not do anything kvothetech22:37
vi956925sry if too offtopc or something, or spammy.. just bn thinking of it.. an adversary, that is what is perceived just as "government" but is invidiuals in many situations, or anyone with strong analysis powers online, can easily use evn chatlogs like this,  but i mean stuff like facebook, or any other individuall crafted info you give out,  to see how you respond to diff situations and all, used for control/manipulation, preducting behaviour/thoughts etc22:37
kvothetechn-iCe: whatever you're using as a network manager22:37
Dr_williselisa87,  you can unmount things, then remount them yes.22:37
kvothetechelisa87: mount -o remount or umount /mnt/tmp22:37
neekz0rerrr... i think you may have the wrong channel, vi95692522:37
d10nBulk_Vanderhuge: certainly anything that depends on sudo to elevate privileges. Check out Arch Linux, really.22:37
n-iCekvothetech: I installed network-manager22:37
Bulk_Vanderhugewtf is vi956925 rambling about22:37
vi956925ifso, accepting all these things and neglecting security,  should similarly accept the same IRL, and call for satellites watching our steps generally, and chip implanted in us too..22:37
kvothetechn-iCe: so start network manager later on22:37
Bulk_Vanderhuged10n you haven't answered the question22:37
Dr_willisvi956925,  you are being paranoid..22:37
n-iCekvothetech: how22:37
elisa87Dr_willis:  kvothetech apparently it didn't work umount: it seems /mnt/tmp is mounted multiple times22:38
elisa87 22:38
wallzeroThe Ubuntu 13.04 live disk boots with secureboot but after install, I recieve "SecureBoot Failed: operating system invalid"22:38
vi956925sry yeah guess kinda offtopic... just thougt of if i should botehr with much seucirtty n such besides the minor things in the long run  hmh22:38
kvothetechelisa87: umount it then check for what's mounted with mount.22:38
elisa87how should I check it? kvothetech22:38
Dr_williselisa87,   use umount on each mounpoint22:38
probywallzero looks serious22:38
Bulk_Vanderhugevi you are totally incoherent, shoot yourself in the head22:38
vi956925im kinda mesd n bad state of mind atm,,mayb seed stupid/incopherent or such evn that i dont notice atm hmh:|22:38
neekz0rvi956925: you should bother with as much security as you need, and not a drop more22:38
vi956925o.. k.. hmh:\22:38
d10nBulk_Vanderhuge: rest assured that everything breaks22:39
kvothetechvi956925: between selinux luks/truecrypt keepass tor and things like gpg all the security stuff you NEED are available...up to you to use them22:39
DemoOnhow do u make that when u press on app icon after maximizing it minimizes?22:39
elisa87These were the only two I tried mounting! I don't know how to solve it :: jalal@mona:/research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks$ umount /mnt/ :: umount: it seems /mnt is mounted multiple times22:39
elisa87jalal@mona:/research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks$ umount /mnt/tmp  :: umount: it seems /mnt/tmp is mounted multiple times22:39
vi956925I just mean, there seems to be ways to keep "anonyous" online, thru use of encryption and many hoops.  but maybe a waste investing work in taking such paths and learning more if its unavoidable and22:39
zatanhey can anyone help me with "grep" command to exclude directory ?22:40
kvothetechelisa87: pastebin output of mount by itself22:40
kvothetechzatan: ?22:40
elisa87kvothetech: can you be a little more specific regarding the commandS? I am really a beginner!22:40
probygrep -R22:40
kvothetechelisa87: just type mount by itself hit enter and copy paste the output to a pastebin.22:41
probygrep -R --exclude-dir= zatan22:41
neekz0rvi956925: to remain anonymous online requires a lot of work; you are right in that they can analyze word patterns and selection to help identify individuals and fingerprinting hardware profiles as well, but most people don't have something that is that important to counter-act such things22:41
vi956925like the TOR network, theres arms and drug-trafficing in large scale there.  seems perceived somewhat "safe" in many ways, and some similar things..   i know many of them use some boot-cd verions of linux and heavy security..   just afraid it cant last, and might aswell neglect security and follow the stream and hope for the best isntead22:41
zatankvothetech, proby look at this http://dpaste.com/1159599/ I do exlcude but it doesnt seem to work ?22:41
ranticIs there really no easy way to have chromium + pepper flash aside from adding a ppa?22:41
elisa87kvo http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665986/22:42
elisa87kvothetech:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665986/22:42
kvothetechvi956925: tor is not just used by drug traffickers and etc...but it does have some stuff against figerprinting etc built in you could also use a vpn but no matter what someone somewhere wil have access to see it's you unless you run the vpn off of your own server somewhere and even then the datacenter can look if they want....22:42
vi956925how the data we submit (even this text) can be used with good analysis, if acepted.. we shuld also accept x-ray sattelites IRL and chips in everyone to shape the communities according to govt's desires..  i dno,   atleast seems rules and resitrctions are being removed, streamlining one narrow way22:42
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neekz0rat least the chips will integrate with google glasses seemlessly...22:43
probyzatan -R22:43
kvothetechelisa87: umount /research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/x86/.nfs00000000000824b60000001c22:43
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vi956925yeah i know, id plan to use a chained secure vpn in addition, and something like a default connection to TOR system-wide as some of those guys does.   like how i see giving up some goods (games mostly..) in coming to linux, tho bad atm.. is the "good" step and supports freedom hoping itd last and eventualyl build it up to cover whats missing by just bearing with the initial lackings22:44
kvothetechelisa87: or umount /research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks/linux-latest.img /mnt/tmp22:44
vi956925i mean like TOR network, if it could prove resilent forever,  could be like an internal internet there that is beyond control of whoever controls networking..22:44
kvothetechelisa87: you have more than one thing mounted in that dir that's why it didn't let you just provide the /mnt22:45
elisa87kvothetech:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5665996/22:45
vi956925afraid things like TOR is just at the mercy of the same ones enforcing these new regulations and will be gone at any time as they please, and isnt anything to hope for,  and just assume and accept internet will never be free and at the mercy of whatever path is decided for us and set frames22:46
zatanproby, -R didnt help have got any other idea ?22:47
vi956925its kinda like sattelites watching us IRL all the time, and chips in our brains and all,  the value of all the indivual data plp give out (see public Facebook walls),  massive room for exploitation and abuse,  total control and manipulation eventually22:47
elisa87kvothetech:  is that fixed now?22:47
probyzatan , i have a hack22:47
zatanproby, share it then :)))22:47
kvothetechelisa87: umount -n /research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks/linux-latest.img /mnt/tmp22:48
probyyou should remove '' :D22:48
kvothetechelisa87: that should tell it to skip the mtab22:48
vi956925soo...  noone had much confidence in either resilience of such 'secure' networks nor know to trust network and computer security enough either22:49
elisa87kvothetech:  I think now it works jalal@mona:/research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks$ sudo umount -n /research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks/linux-latest.img /mnt/tmp22:49
elisa87umount: /research/jalal/gem5/gem5-stable/system/alpha/disks/linux-latest.img: not mounted22:49
elisa87umount: /mnt/tmp: not mounted22:49
probyzatan or chmod :p22:49
neekz0rvi956925: i read all of what you said, and i'm still not sure what your question is... :P22:49
kvothetechelisa87: so does mount list it as mounted yet?22:49
kvothetechneekz0r: i don't think he has one other than just random comments on how someone somewhere can generally read what you're doing.22:50
elisa87kvothetech:  I am not sure can you see this mount result and certify it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5666000/ thanks22:50
vi956925sounds cool tho, and if lasts for many years with no big changes, mayb ill do like those folks have setup their linuxes and as a base tunell all my traffic thru that, and try eventually do all my stuff online within the 'secure' borders and encourage others.  mainly as I dont trust the govts aalways and forever making the best/honest/good choises, knowing all the idiot humans that aaftreall makes it22:51
vi956925neekz0r: sorry lol uh, maybe just me being in bad state atm not talking well:|  i just hope to use TOR or similar as a base and "home"-nternet some day for most doings and be able to consider that really safe,  but i think not22:52
platzhirsch1What's the difference between passphrase for disk encryption and password for login? Can't they be mapped?22:52
MonkeyDustvi956925  please try to keep the channel clear for support questions22:52
kvothetechelisa87: it's still mounted...try running umount as root22:53
vi956925yeah sry lol i guess i talk too much n shud go back to games or something n change my focus hmh..  just was kinda related to something i thought of for my fuure use of this OS:P  but mayb im just stupid or somehting tho i dno...:d  l8rs tden!22:53
elisa87kvothetech:  it worked ...I did chmod 777 disk.img before mounting and now I can write to it22:54
neekz0r... well, that was interesting22:55
kvothetechneekz0r: ?22:55
kvothetechelisa87: chmod 777 is rarely the right solution for anything22:56
elisa87kvothetech:  I am happy it worked out here for me :P22:56
catholic7how do i give access to a particular folder in vsftpd?22:56
c3f59kvothetech: would you prefer 666?22:56
Ruint__what size? does ubuntu touch use for it's wallpaper22:56
Ruint__wallpaper? ^22:57
kvothetechcatholic7: make sure it's in the documentroot and make sure the vsftpd process user has access to it (via acl or chmod)22:57
catholic7kvothetech, i have no idean how to do that22:58
Ruint__trying to get my friend to rotate her new fractal 180 degrees and format it as a phone wallpaper; i think it would work well with ubuntu-touch http://quie-scent.deviantart.com/art/Bipolar-Julianscope-Sinusoidal-37168034722:58
Ruint__dunno if there's a need for wallpapers though22:59
kvothetechcatholic7: the directories vsftpd uses are in vsftpd.conf ..make sure it's in one of those directories somewhere and as for the acl/chmod/selinux permissions depends which of them orif all of theme needs to apply to at least acl/se ...what you'd do22:59
catholic7kvothetech, i want to give access to a diffirent partition: /dev/sda522:59
c3f59hi all, seeking to chat with someone who is LPC-1. someone available?23:00
kvothetechcatholic7: so add it to the directories in vsftpd as a valid place then make sure that the uid/gid vsftpd is running as has access to it.23:01
kvothetechc3f59: what's your question23:01
catholic7kvothetech, sorry man, im looking at that config and i dont know where to put it23:02
c3f59kvothetech: it's a job related question23:02
kvothetechc3f59: ok you'll stll have better luck just answering it.23:03
kvothetecher asking23:03
c3f59i am thinking about gettint LPC-1 because a relative in IT told me to, and i wanted to know if it is worth the trouble and the money23:03
kvothetechc3f59: i'm not lpc-1 but i'd assume like anything else it depends where you're applying etc.  I would rather get the rhcsa rhce and rhs355 but that's just me (and i don't even like red hat)23:04
c3f59kvothetech: are you certified in some way?23:05
hyliani want to install kde, but I want to install the least amount of stuff, how do i do that? (what package(s) do I install?)23:05
kvothetechc3f59: I have a ccna and plan on taking the above tests when i can afford them.23:05
kvothetechhylian: kdebase-meta23:06
hylianthanks kvothetech!23:06
kvothetechcatholic7: give me a sec i'l go look23:06
c3f59kvothetech: so you think distro-specific is better than general certs?23:06
RalliasIs there any way I can modify mini.iso so it uses ubumirror.fortress instead of archive.ubuntu.com ?23:06
c3f59i wonder about the differences about rhca and lpic23:07
ranticI've installed ubuntu minimal with xorg and now fluxbox, I'm curious as I specified --without-recommends and yet startx launches fluxbox ... where that code is?23:07
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ranticWhere would the exec fluxbox code reside? I don't see the .xinit in my /home dir23:07
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vi956925Are there any generally reccomended tutorials/guides to learn most basics of linux/ubuntu,  or best picking a random or many different n keep googling around?  I mean such as any extnsive yet understandable well-known guides i can focus on to know will cover most,  or  does most ppl go actualy IRL classes to learn about it?  so many small things may take ages or never get into b4 i need it, thinking of pushing myself to just readin some guides or such and23:09
lazersrantic: .xinitrc/.xsession? Make your own.23:09
kvothetechc3f59: most of the stuff that applies to rh applies to all minus where exact configs are....and it's a personal preference..and i said the above and i really don't like rh23:09
lazersrantic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession23:09
ranticlazers: That's my point, there is no .xinitrc or .xsession23:09
Hx2any gnome experte?23:09
kvothetechvi956925: theres' a lot of good references etc...depends what area you want to go into or just general knowledge theres a lot of good books..23:10
kvothetechvi956925: hell theres a ton of good general guides check tlpd.org23:10
kvothetechHx2: what's the question23:10
Hx2do you know about the error failed to load session "gnome-classic" , this is with gnome 3.823:10
betraydso it maybe in /etc/X11/xinit or there in Xsession23:11
vi956925just general info, system management all all the useful commands,settings n such taht so many seems to know of,wondering if i just missed the readme or someting..23:11
betraydrantic so it maybe in /etc/X11/xinit or there in Xsession23:11
kvothetechHx2: that you don't have gnome-classic installed or some bit's missing23:11
kvothetechcatholic7: local_root variable23:11
vi956925besides the desktop and all, probably will encounted system errors,  diff config problems etc. eventually..  when that happens im pretty stuck and at the mercy of what google has of simple things to say :|23:11
kvothetechvi956925: look at orielly tldp some of the sams books are ok but really simplified...t23:12
lazersrantic: "man startx" -- Files are listed.23:12
Hx2kvothetech: I installed the following: gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop and gnome-shell-extensions23:12
vi956925i mean all the commands, tools etc... all these helpful things and ways to do things..  been troubling to tweak a game lately and while a bunch (imo complex stuff to figure without much reading, thx to some who already had same who compiled solutions tho),  s23:12
mdfeHow do i show hidden files in the new nautlius?23:12
Hx2kvothetech: Am I missing something?23:12
kvothetechHx2: does that include gnome-classic-shell or whatever?23:12
kvothetechvi956925: logs verbose mode and just plain reading the error is usually enough to solve most problems23:13
vi956925kvothetech: oh yeah cool.. thanks.. was hoping there is some good books or vids i can get online,  just get one set and if readin and understanging all eventually, will be able to manage most on my own23:13
R3creat3djoin #linuxlite23:14
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mdfeok it's ctrl+H23:14
vi956925 so much basic things i miss tho, i may need places like this alot some times until i know much more:x23:14
Bodsda_mdfe: it's always been ctrl+h23:14
kvothetechvi956925: there's also a bunch of stuff there's a TON online that you can get...you can find pretty much anything in a tutorial somewhere23:14
vi956925owell, the whole desktop things seems very failsafe and straightforward tho.  but i wanna know for later, like installing drivers, unusual configs,  system errors etc..  im sure will cause much worries at some point and if to stay i should also atleast know all the basic tools,syntax whre to find stuff etc..  mayb i just came a bit early, but nothing impotant to me tho i can 'rm -f' and main truoble being the re-installing now23:16
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c3f59kvothetech: Thanks for your opinion. I'll think about it. Since RHCL is the most likely flavour I am bound to meet at work, it would make sense.23:16
mdfeBodsda_, I failed - I had a script that creates hidden files. I broke the script and blamed Nautlius instead of checking the script had actually worked23:17
vi956925hoping to just push myself to learn much eventually by troubling thru all the problems that probably is to come:d     seems so many kewl tools and things that many know of tho,  thinking i missd some main things..23:17
Bodsda_mdfe: heh,  fair enough23:17
Hx2kvothetech: it is supposed to.23:17
Hx2at least the shell extensions23:17
vi956925so uh, guess ill just google around for some torrents of such books of top popularity that seems good.  mayb push myself to read thru it all some time, and repeat that until i understand it eventually:d23:18
kvothetechHx2: then what's the error when it tries to load it in the log files23:18
lazers!manual | vi95692523:18
ubottuvi956925: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:18
vi956925thats how ya'll go into it.. very gradually ye, or clases IRL or such mostly..?23:18
kvothetechvi956925: bibliotik/bitme have a TON of linux stuff myanonamouse and rns have a bunch too.23:18
dr_willisvi956925: start with the basics  like the Oreailly book 'using bash' then expand your knowledge from there.23:18
Hx2kvothetech: exactly this: failed to load session "gnome-classic". THis was selected on GDM login screen.23:19
Hx2kvothetech: which log file should contain the error?23:19
vi956925yeah i know, and answer most of the time is jsut "man <command>" and its all there.. pff, so much things that are obscure/unusal and not needed and all, hoping to optimize my learning too and not spend too much reading stuff i wont use or such..23:19
kvothetechHx2: depends on your logging daemon but /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog and /var/log/X11 are pretty common23:20
vi956925sooo much.. will be alot of problems and many years it seems, before it seems i can ever be as easy on throwing around solutions as some ppl in these chatrooms:d23:20
dr_willisvi956925: you will be learning stuff you  MIGHT eventually use, or recall   that it exists and  may apply to whatever current problem you are faceing.23:21
betraydvi956925: also give yourself some tasks that'd need scripting in between the reading23:21
vi956925i havent even read the intro of it,  the main official Ubuntu Manual,  will it help much and provide lotta basics stil and somethig I really should read ?23:21
dr_willisvi956925:  theres always a dozen ways to do a given task it seems23:21
kvothetechvi956925: a lot of the problems in here are just repeats of day after day...also check out linuxquestions.org and etc.23:21
lazersvi956925: You need to start somewhere.23:21
dr_willisthe ubuntu manual should get you going with using the basics of the desktop.. theres more specifnc books out for other specific 'tools'23:22
dr_willistheres like 3 complete books on just 'samba' in the repos.. ;)23:22
Bodsda_dr_willis: theres books in the repos?23:22
dr_willis!info samba-doc23:23
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 5615 kB, installed size 13734 kB23:23
kvothetechdr_willis: i never did get that...sambas fairly self explanatory..and it generally is really only useful if you want to network with windows23:23
vi956925yeah.. hopefully can get less dependant of help in many potential situations and get more out of it than truobling my way thru errors over time before learning it,  will try find some nice compiled source of knowledge i focus on and play around some and expect some system failures the first time i gues:s23:23
dr_williskvothetech:  i read up to chapter 3... then that was all i needed to know.. ;)23:23
Bodsda_dr_willis: cheers23:23
lazersvi956925: There are no perfect way to learn everything. Just start reading. Play with it. Poke around. Stuck? Come to #ubuntu. :)23:23
dr_williskvothetech:  im still not sure why  its not covered in more details that   a user can also have a seperate samba password.. ;)23:24
kvothetechdr_willis: it's obvious that's why :)23:24
dr_williskvothetech:  its a top 10 faq  in here on samba every week,.23:24
kvothetechdr_willis: it's an implied of course you can set seperate pw's ...that'd be like saying 'you can have a seperate pw on a private key from the user'23:25
vi956925just a command like, uh, i dont remember it now,  it was like  "list| some other command",  it was a command that I got from some guy near here (irc) that removed duplicates from a textlists. small and rarely used thing,  but really cool knowiing lil about these basic tools for data/system/network managemenet etc. too,   things i otherwise woud search around for an own application to do, seems alot is already here just hidden to me thru this syntax i for 23:25
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dr_willisthey really should make some sort of samba-helper wizard  for these people with mixed lans.23:25
dr_willisvi956925:    you mean 'uniq' ?23:25
Bodsda_vi956925: check out sed and awk23:25
kvothetechwickedpuppy: diff mixed with a bit of sed or cat and grep should do it.23:26
benzrfhelp! my laptop's trackpad/mouse works perfectly except that neither button clicks! Tapping works, though. I've tried restarting; didn't help. How can I find out whether this is a hardware or software issue?23:26
kvothetecher vi956925 sorry that was to you not wickedpupp23:26
vi956925yeah! uniq was a part of it atleast ye.. maybe that was all.  i remembered that command for year(s) after  as I later fuond it useful many other times:P23:26
vi956925lot sof these coding/programmer codes from console I wish I knew that seems to bring lots of power and something i wanna/should know eventually assuming Ill stick to nix for good then:d23:27
K1lleDhey guys, i have with my laptop this: http://images01.olx.in/ui/20/44/40/1333794153_347104440_1-HP-Mobile-Remote-Control-For-Pavilion-dv4dv5dv7-Series-PC-463979-001-FOR-SALE-Adugodi.jpg23:27
dr_willisvi956925:    find the book 'using bash' by oreially  (i think) and it will give you a solid bash foundation of knowledge23:27
K1lleDhow i can make that work in my ubuntu 12.0423:27
Nothing_Muchit's an hp thing23:28
kvothetechvi956925: pick a shell (personaly i prefer zsh) and do everything you can to learn about it...then add on top of that knowledge stuff about the core utils then go to other stuff23:28
Nothing_Muchwhat's the model of your laptop k1lled?23:28
Nothing_MuchK1lleD, what's the model number of your laptop?23:28
vi956925atleast to avoid sneaky jerks who use such codes to say its a helpful tjhing and answer my questing,  while actually being a complicated way and same as doing 'rm -rf',  understanding to avoid and know what im doing too before i can feel safe of the reliablity and security of the whole system:s23:28
K1lleDNothing_Much: hp  pavilion dv6 2010qe23:28
Seven_Six_Twoanother vote here for zsh23:28
dr_willisK1lleD:  your laptop has a little remote? i had one of those - ages ago.. never did get the remote to work in linux.. it barely worked in windows. ;)  if you are lucky  the remote tools in the repos might have a definition for it.23:29
dr_williswhat was the name of the remote control tools package.. not used it in years.23:29
Bodsda_vi956925: just don't copy code from an untrusted source - this channel is fairly safe because if anyone recommends something malicious chances are we will spot it before you run it23:29
alvarezpHi guys! I just installed Raring on a computer that had 11.10 before. I'm experimenting a weird crash which I'm trying to isolate. The only clue I have so far is that when I exit pinpoint I go back to the login screen.23:29
falcon_hey guys, quick question about rsyslog for those that might be able toIs there a way to filter log data that gets sent over rsyslog based on regex or some form of string matching? answer.23:29
vi956925"pick a shell", the profile/basics (colors and minor settings in the command prompt u mean?),   wont the default in my current system's shell be fine (that i reach with  ctrl+alt+t -- console)23:29
benzrfvi956925: that's your terminal23:29
kvothetechvi956925: there's multiple ways of doing most things in linux...23:30
vi956925 o..23:30
benzrfbash is usually the default shell, though23:30
K1lleDdr_willis:  in windows this work without driver, but bad. with driver work good23:30
benzrfa terminal [emulator] is the program that displays the text and sends your keystrokes23:30
alvarezp/var/log/Xorg.N.log doesn't show any crashes, so it may be GNOME... but I tried Unity and it crashes too.23:30
K1lleDbut i stop use windows, and now i want to use this on linux23:30
dr_willisK1lleD:  i imagine it has a driver in windows....  it was just installed by default.23:30
benzrfthe shell is a program that can connect to a terminal and give you a prompt23:30
kvothetechvi956925: that's a terminal the terminal still has a default shell set in /etc/passwd...default is usually sh or bash depends on the distro but you can use whatever23:30
Seven_Six_Twoalvarezp, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:30
dr_willisK1lleD:  theres a general remote controll 'service' in linux. but i cant recall its name.. check the repos  for 'remote' theres definition files for each kind of remote that it can handle23:31
K1lleDand .. have a chance to work in my ubuntu this?23:31
K1lleDi find a one program remote control23:31
K1lleDbut..... dont work normally23:31
vi956925hmh.. is that a good place to start learning then and somethign I'll benefit from and not just colors/useless thing.. "picking a shell" (?)23:31
Hx2gnome channel is very dead.23:31
dr_willisthe remote i have not works as a keyboard ;)  so i havent had to mess with other remotes in ages23:32
Seven_Six_Twoalvarezp, what's the last thing in xorg log before crash? Keep in mind that log will rotate every time you restart xorg, so check the previous log after you login, or tty and check current log.23:32
dr_willisvi956925:    find the book 'using bash' by oreially  (i think) and it will give you a solid bash foundation of knowledge........23:32
benzrfvi956925: bash is fine, you won't lose anything by learning it. I haven't used zsh myself, but I can attest that many people love it and that it has piles and piles of neat features.23:32
kvothetechvi956925: yes pick a shell and get familiar with it i like zsh because it to me automates some stuff bash doesn't and is more configurable but there's also dash,sh,tcsh,ksh, and others the onl one more or less GARANTUEED to be on any system is sh though.23:32
benzrfthen again, you might just end up wasting time configuring it23:32
Seven_Six_Twoalvarezp, scratch that. if you're after the crash, x has already restarted, so don't check xorg.0.log, check the archived one.23:33
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, no info on Xorg.0.log. No EE lines, no crash info, nothing.23:33
benzrfkvothetech: or is it??? ubuntu doesn't have sh by default! only dash23:33
vi956925remember from long time ago, diff exploits in nix and ways to gain entry, hiding bad processes and methods of startup and actions etc..  some things I wanna know of soon to feel safer too, as seemd easy to do (i dno if really is tho, or remote access into my mostly default setup is likely..)  ,23:33
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, yeah, I checked Xorg.1.log23:33
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, nothing either.23:33
Seven_Six_Twowhat's the last thing in that log?23:33
dr_willishttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RemoteControls         LIRC is the remote control package23:33
MalcolmYoungexcuse me guys, how can I take a screenshot of my login screen? I have xubuntu 12.1023:33
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two,  [ 81126.432] reporting 8 12 17 13323:33
vi956925also instaling stuff thru apt-get, (like apache2/php), seems its placed itself as a service or somethign and start by itself!  ill soon clog all my resources without knowing those things if i install mor:s23:33
kvothetechbenzrf: really, then that's more or less a first...is it at least a sym link?23:33
benzrfyes kvothetech23:33
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, and before that, [ 81126.219] (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x0.0  119.00  1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e), which seems pretty normal to me.23:34
catholic7kvothetech, local_root=/dev/sda523:34
benzrfMalcolmYoung: you could try ctrl-alt-f1, then use xwd or something23:34
dr_willisvi956925:  dont install services you dont need..  and  i would start with learning bash basics...23:34
catholic7kvothetech, just add that anywhere?23:34
kvothetechcatholic7: mount it somewhere you can't just point to the device file...23:34
kvothetechi mean you can but it won't do what you likely want23:34
Seven_Six_Twoalvarezp, ok, do alt+ctrl+F1 and login23:34
vi956925yeah i hope to be able to manage that well, and feel safer with it.  and thanks, will try target this bash thing as a start then!23:34
benzrfMalcolmYoung: ok: switch to ctrl-alt-f1, then use 'xwd -root | convert - foo.png', then alt-f723:35
trockoalvarezp, what about .xsession.errors23:35
benzrfthen look for foo.png in your home dir23:35
vi956925seems few security features, like iptables being empty (on other boxes i put in apf firewall (or somehting like that) with some easy (apparently) config methods and useful things,  and was thinking i need a way to verify file integrity and all of system or some kind of anti-virus at some point!   not sure if really needed,but, hmmm, ?23:35
catholic7kvothetech, local_root=/media/Documents23:36
catholic7kvothetech, so i did that, then i connect anonymous and still dont see it :(23:36
kvothetechvi956925: you don't really need antivirus on linux unless you are a complete idiot...verification md5/gpg keys are usually used...23:37
benzrfhelp! my laptop's trackpad/mouse works perfectly except that neither button clicks! Tapping works, though. I've tried restarting; didn't help. How can I find out whether this is a hardware or software issue?23:37
vi956925to open ports what then,  not iptable rules its auto-open when a proc try bind to it with the user?   kinda bad unless u keep check of netstat or such incase of an attack some time?23:37
kvothetechvi956925: iptables is VERY powerful.....what're you trying to do with it23:37
vi956925hmh.. oh nothing really atm,  just thought that firewall seemd useful and possibly adding security23:37
kvothetechvi956925: iptables -A --dport "port to open" -j ACCEPT23:37
alvarezptrocko, where can you find that? .xsession.errors?23:38
vi956925was pretty simply setup and management with a simple setup file for it.   heard some reason i can remember why apf wasnt neeed or compatible wit ubuntu tho.something like that..23:38
kvothetechvi956925: you probably also want a iptables -A -m --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT as well23:38
vi956925yeah^ i even have lots of those iptables commands for diff things, (forwarding for vpn server/client setup,  game/web/etc server etc) i truobled alot with before23:38
vi956925hidden in some deep .txt files somwhere .23:39
vi956925but for security too, better to still have the requirement of specifically allowing such ?23:39
kvothetechyes it's better to allow specifics than everything23:39
vi956925i mean, maybe this ubuntu desktop doesnt have that for user friendyness and mostly not needed, tho something i still should and may wanna do (if nothign else just for playhinig around) ?23:39
Seven_Six_Twoalvarezp, once you're at tty terminal, type    watch "dmesg | tail -20"               with the quotes. Then do alt+ctrl+F7 and login and cause crash. switch back to alt+ctrl+F1 and look at output.23:40
kvothetechvi956925: i'd make a vm to play around with if you can...but there's gui tools for iptables....i just don't use them so no idea what they're called23:40
vi956925guess unlikely id get some random exploit or something where id need it but.   besides as a home comp its nice to know for general server management/security, if theres something in it23:41
vi956925k...   uh,  u mean like a vm of another identiical ubuntu on this ubuntu system?23:41
mdfevi956925, i missed the question, but why do you think iptables will stop you getting malware?23:41
vi956925i mean stuff like apf (a firewall) wondering if its any point to it,  altho maybe mostly not ever, may be some additional security if I get it anyway?23:42
vi956925stuff like hidden bindshell/exploits/rootkits etc seem risky, prolly shouldnt be worried but.. would feel safer with some antivirus or something:p23:42
kvothetechthere's  a rot of point to having a firewall...personaly i'd rather have an asa and iptables so most of it doesn't get to the system but ...iptables is very useful...23:43
mdfevi956925, if you visit a site with your browser, you requested to go there, and the firewall will pass all their http traffic  - it wont stop a browser exploit23:43
Seven_Six_Twovi956925, you don't have a router?23:43
vi956925hoping to be able to follow and reckognize netstat/top or such data and notice if any differences to anything on the system at some point, if thats possible..  and possible to consider reliable (stats safe from tampering)23:43
kvothetechvi956925: i meant make like a kvm which lets you install whatever os you want insid your current one and you can reimage it whenever...23:43
vi956925yes have a router, however have others in the network i shouldnt trust and also use this system for random stuff online.  ive gotten viriis before thru browser exploits.  who knows what the future brings:S23:44
kvothetechvi956925: tcpdump netstat top vmstat and etc are all great tools to find what's going on..23:44
kvothetechvi956925: rkhunter etc can be useful if you suspect you have a rootkit.23:44
vi956925also, even if just a tiny use and something i see good, could provide motivation to possibly mess around withs oemthing like that which i may learn something frmo too:p   wont bother if worthless/bad or too much waste of resources tho..23:45
Seven_Six_Twovi956925, you got a virus in Ubuntu? Impressive. If you're worried about others on your lan, perhaps a vlan would be useful to you.23:45
vi956925just afraid its like windows and much is made mainly to be user-friendly that may benefit frmo changes, altho mostly or not needed for standard stuff..23:45
kvothetechSeven_Six_Two: even if he got a virus assuming BASIC security it can't do anything stuck as his user other than mess up his user account23:46
vi956925not virus but,  if someone for example sent me some linux package with whatever for whatever reason, wouldnt know if it had some hidden function to copy itself somewhere hidden end enable its startup thru altering some obscure startup scripts or something.. i dno how it works, or if much to fear at all or how common such things are:s23:46
mdfevi956925, once you allow that to run with sudo, it has root, a firewall can't stop that either23:47
Seven_Six_Twovi956925, don't install random packages. That solves your problem.23:47
kvothetechvi956925: check md5 sums/gpg keys of devs or if you're that worried look at the source yeurself23:47
vi956925i remember some lil ddos bot in nix i played with in the past,  put it in diff places in /etc/rc.local or smoewhere like that, and /etc/init.d some files there, wile it also hid as 'bash' and did some sneaky things. thats some simple and now old thing, probably much better and still kinda common things out there23:48
Seven_Six_Twovi956925, you can't install system wide without admin rights, so only the user account is at risk of getting what, a small % of the ~50 viruses for linux?23:48
vi956925basically gave ya axx to root and gave u a lil backdoor thru its irc connection.    easy to prevent with some basic things if being active23:48
mdfeSeven_Six_Two, well, in a desktop distro i will bet there are a lot of privildge escalation exploits23:49
kvothetechvi956925: ultimately reading the source code is the only SURE way to know...but generall enough people look and most dev's arent stupidenough to think nobody will ever notice..and when someone does...well down the hole they go23:49
vi956925yeah.. hopefully ill know to use security well so that wnot be a problem, besides privilege escalation exploits and such atleast?23:49
Seven_Six_Twomdfe, sure, but most aren't from web drive-by23:49
Hx2kvothetech: gkr-pam: unlocked login keyring    . Means successfull login with gdm, right?23:49
FroMasterAnyone have an example of a bash script that edits (patches?) config files? I'm trying to build a post-install script to automate my virtual lab23:49
Seven_Six_Twomdfe, it was proofed at I think defcon23:49
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vi956925about that.. how important is it to security to update often?  does it do the apt-get update all by itsel for security updates  and i dont have to think of it with UBuntu desktop?23:50
mdfevi956925, you can set it to atuomatically apply security updates, from the software updater23:50
vi956925kvothetech: yeah.. i gues si need to find a way to be in full control of and actively monitor files and networking and get a regular idea of what to expect etc., if thats possible..23:50
vi956925what about even such monitor tools, guess somehow the feedback can be forged by malware too?  duno but23:51
kvothetechvi956925: you can make it so it does but that's not always a good thing if you're that worried...you should really look at selinux, acl's, iptables, gpg, PAM, and things like rbash if you're worried aboutit23:51
mdfeapparmor on ubuntu i think not selinux23:51
blendermanI want to have one folder on a server that I can share, am I better using samba or openssh?23:51
vi956925like ps/top and these system files,  are they changable somehow or always correct no matter what..23:51
blendermanwhich is more secure?23:51
dr_willisvi956925:  this is going to be a single user home users system? or you actially running a server exposed to the internet?23:51
kvothetechvi956925: though getting out of rbash is easy...and ps/top can be modified if someone has root....23:52
dr_willisblenderman:  you dont share samba over the internet.. you can use ssh to access files over the internet23:52
vi956925hm yeah maybe thats the big diff that keeps me safe,  maybe just those servers being much more vuln...23:52
Seven_Six_Twodr_willis, I believe he said it's on a lan23:52
vi956925but still, i dont trust the network here or even my isp or others inbetween, if any risc and just take lil time i could waste some time on that, just to learn if nothing else :p23:52
kvothetechdr_willis: i'd do it in a vpn if i had to do it remotely but that's just me.23:52
dr_willisblenderman:   what clients you are going to be needing to share the files to will also be imporntant. ssh and sshfs make   it  nice and simple. samba can be a bit more complex to get going23:53
blendermani want to do work on my server with vpn23:53
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Seven_Six_Twovi956925, if you're paranoid, rent a vpn in another country23:53
blendermanbut then i need a way to get the files that i save23:53
blendermanto my laptop23:53
mdfeblenderman, there are a lot of home-cloud type things too now, that work like a private dropbox: i cant remember names23:53
vi956925ill probably try eventually, altho i prolly wont ever need or have reason to fear.   probably good to learn anyway,  atleast assuming itll stay around and probably be more relevant as more ppl start using it.. i dno if likely to change or anything but23:53
dr_willisssh and scp and sshfs are worth learning..  they are just sooo handy.23:54
blendermancan i openssh23:54
blendermanjust one folder?23:54
blendermanwithout making everything available online23:54
dr_willisblenderman:  sshfs lets you mount a remote server to a local directory23:54
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, will crash now. I'm just checking the last dmesg messages.23:54
roastedQuestion - What is the difference between the function brightness keys versus the brightness slider found in system settings? Reason I ask is my function keys act strange (it'll dim in 1 press to 1% battery, but won't increase at all) however if I adjust the slider in system settings it works fine.23:54
Seven_Six_Twoblenderman, when you use a vpn, you're normally assigned an ip on your home network (or connected subnet) and you can then ssh to your machine as if you were there.23:54
dr_willisnothing is going to be 'online'   just accessable to the user doing the sshing.23:54
kvothetechvi956925: also if it's a server separate your services in vm's and etc23:54
alvarezpSeven_Six_Two, THE F*CK! It didn't crash!23:55
kvothetechmdfe: owncloud is a private dropbox23:55
vi956925i do have chained encryped vpns in other's names that supposedly dont store logs, even considered another web proxy between as it seems openvpn easily allowed that,  and only ever sending any data even over that over thru TOR,23:55
Seven_Six_TwoI've used owncloud. it's not too bad.23:55
dr_willisvi956925:  i think you are in the tin-foil hat paranoia area now....23:55
Seven_Six_Twoowncloud has iphone and android apps too23:55
blendermanok so i'm using vpn and doing some work. i save the file23:56
vi956925hoping some day I can setup my nix and router to by defauly funnel all traffic over those steps, and force use of TOR and such.. duno if possible or reasonable to assume will last forever, I dont thik so23:56
blendermanhow do i get that file onto my laptop23:56
Seven_Six_Twoblenderman, you should rent a bit of amazon S323:56
kvothetechvi956925: uhm vpn plus tor does'nt really provide much..you're actually making tor useless or damn near by doing that...23:56
kvothetechvi956925: you can already do that...look at ddwrt23:57
kvothetechvi956925: or you can use a full comp as a router if you want23:57
dr_willisblenderman:  you can use scp, or sshfs to access the remote ssh server and move files to the other pc..23:57
Seven_Six_Twovi956925, ok, who exactly is it that you are afraid of? everyone? your government?23:57
kvothetechblenderman: scp or whatever way you want23:57
blendermanis vnp better than rdp?23:57
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Seven_Six_Twovi956925, if you're looking to search for illegal porn or plans for explosives, nothing will protect you.23:57
vi956925nah,  I think theres good reason to stay safe.  govt dont alawys do and shoud be expected to be reliable and well-meaning and truthful, far frmo imo!    altho im no terrorist or such or really need it.. hoping to once make my permanent residence only within such encrypted closed networks like TOR, and as popularity increases other services, games/entertainment is made possible there, new protocols etc23:58
kvothetechblenderman: OH GOD rdp is so fucking unsecure..vpn isn't  an rdp type thing though that's a vnc...23:58
blendermanok vnc23:58
blendermanwhat's the most secure way to transfer my files?23:58
dr_willisblenderman:  scp23:58
kvothetechblenderman: vnc is secure ocmpaced to rdp yes...though still not very secure...uhm i'd say vpn and scp...but that's just me...23:58
dr_willisblenderman:  yes.. ssh + scp23:58
vi956925nah im into neither,  but as its going now and if to accept what is basically chains and slavery/total control,  should also accept the same IRL (sattelites watching every step, and chips in us all )23:59
Seven_Six_Twoa vpn in an ssh tunnel over telnet.23:59
mdfekvothetech, why you do say tor+vpn is a bad idea? Assuming the VPN provider doesn't give out information?23:59
blendermanyou see i want to do work with blender 3d on a server because it has more power. So the safest way to do it remotely is vnc?23:59
IdleOne!language | kvothetech23:59
ubottukvothetech: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:59
dr_willisblenderman:  ssh lets you do X forwarding, you can forward just the single app. not the whole desktop23:59

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