
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Dance Like A Chicken Day! :-D http://youtu.be/9aKd_vQTwpw08:38
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beunosoren, care to join #ubuntuone?  chaselivingston20:02
beunoer, IRC fail20:02
beunochaselivingston, you around?   :)20:02
beunoanyone else from support?20:03
beunosoren, trying to track someone down20:04
chaselivingstonbeuno: here20:04
beunochaselivingston, hi!20:04
chaselivingstonbeuno: hi!20:04
beunosoren here lost his 2fa devices20:04
sorenI've flashed my phone and apparently clicked my yubikey too many times. So both my devices are useless.20:04
chaselivingstonbeuno: ah, toykeeper would be best for that20:04
sorenI still have a session open with Launchpad itself, but login.launchpad.net asks me to authenticate.20:04
soren...and I'm guessing I need an open session with login.l.n to manage my 2fa stuff?20:06
beunosoren, you won't be able to reset 2fa without 2fa, of course  :)20:06
chaselivingstonsoren: meet ToyKeeper20:07
sorenToyKeeper: Greetings.20:07
chaselivingstonToyKeeper: soren needs 2fa help20:07
soren20:04 < soren> I've flashed my phone and apparently clicked my yubikey too many times. So both my devices are useless.20:07
ToyKeepersoren: email?20:07
sorenbeuno, chaselivingston: All sorted. Thanks, guys.20:40
beunosoren, np20:43
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
facundobatistadobey, ralsina, I just upgraded from Q to R, and was bite by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/109311122:20
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1093111 in Arch Linux "Sync Daemon UnpicklingError" [Undecided,New]22:20
facundobatistaverterok, ^22:20
facundobatistadobey, ralsina, I mean: I don't have installed the fix for the bug22:21
facundobatistadobey, ralsina, this is very strange:22:22
facundobatista~$ apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client22:22
facundobatista  Instalados: 4.3+r1361-70~precise122:22
facundobatista  Candidato:  4.3+r1361-70~precise122:22
facundobatista  Tabla de versiĆ³n:22:22
facundobatista *** 4.3+r1361-70~precise1 022:22
facundobatista        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:22
facundobatista     4.2.0-0ubuntu1 022:22
facundobatista        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main i386 Packages22:22
dobeyfacundobatista: you upgraded through without having the latest nightly version installed, but with an older nightly version that is still "newer" than the current stable version. re-enable nightlies ppa and upgrade, or uninstall the u1 packages, and re-install them from the raring release pocket instead22:28
facundobatistadobey, I suspected automatic disabling in the upgrade when trying to understand that ^, yes22:29
facundobatistadobey, I already re-enabled it and I'm updating22:29
facundobatistadobey, great! now all seems ok, thanks!22:35
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