
jonathan_is this IRC for audio help or what?00:09
zequencejonathan_: hi00:09
th3pr0ph3thi jonathan_00:09
jonathan_I just want to record through audacity with a lexicon alpha and a condenser mic.00:10
zequencejonathan_: What kind of recording are you doing?00:10
jonathan_I'm having all kinds of problems. Im trying to record with a condenser mic. Acoustic guitar and vocals.00:10
zequencejonathan_: Just one channel, or are yo doing multitracking and mixing too?00:10
zequenceAudacity is quite able to record, but is more of an audio editor than a recording tool00:11
jonathan_Well. I'm VERY new at this. So I'm guessing multi tracking is when you have more than one mic and youre recording separate things? I dunno.00:11
zequenceSo, if you're only doing one channel, then Audacity is as good as anything00:12
jonathan_I don't know how to work ardour and audacity wont pic up my mic.00:12
zequencejonathan_: You're not using jack, are you?00:12
jonathan_I've tried. I started it up and changed my input to lexicon alpha00:13
zequenceYou don't need jack with audacity00:13
jonathan_ive tried without jack as well though00:13
jonathan_thing is when is start jack my mic stops picking up sound00:13
zequenceLet me see how the interface works, Just a sec00:13
jonathan_but... really now i just NEED to record the acoustic guitar, then record vocals. i just need a rough studio recording00:14
jonathan_to get my stuff on a disc.00:14
jonathan_im short of time to do this. i have about a week left and i need to start recording. ill get into better quality studio recordings later. so im just looking to do the basic recording rightnow. which is why im trying to use audacity rather than ardour.00:15
zequenceOk, so in Edit -> Preferences -> Devices00:15
zequenceHost should be ALSA00:16
jonathan_My lexicon shows up in playback but not in recording00:17
jonathan_let me screen shot this for you00:17
zequencejonathan_: When you do that, could you do one more thing, please?00:17
zequenceClick on Recording -> Device, so I can see all your recording choices00:18
jonathan_zequence sec00:20
jonathan_zequence im having trouble getting a screenshot :p00:24
zequencejonathan_: Just use a timer with enough time on it00:24
zequenceOr, it says "delay" on mine00:25
jonathan_zequence ah got it one sec00:26
jonathan_zequence http://imgur.com/cC5sMV600:28
zequencejonathan_: Problem is, I'm not seeing the whole thing00:29
zequenceBut, the way the devices are show in Audacity is a little weird00:30
jonathan_zequence http://imgur.com/ifyOPgY00:30
zequencejonathan_: btw, did you change the sound device in pulseaudio to your Lexicon card. I assume it's a usb device00:31
jonathan_i dont think so...00:31
jonathan_lexicon is a usb interface00:31
jonathan_i dont even know what pulse audio is00:32
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:32
zequencejonathan_: In the volume applet, click "Sound Settings"00:32
zequenceor, from the terminal: pavucontrol00:32
jonathan_ok done00:33
zequencepulseaudio is the desktop sound system00:33
zequencejonathan_: In both Output and Input devices, select your usb device00:33
zequencejonathan_: The green button00:33
zequencemouseover says "set as fallback"00:34
zequencejonathan_: Once you've done that, restart Audacity, and then try it00:35
zequenceIf you don't get sound, choose one of the "default" choices in Edit -> Preferences -> Devices -> Recording00:36
zequencejonathan_: Also, all your output will also be from the usb card now00:36
jonathan_http://i.imm.io/15Vor.png http://i.imm.io/15VoH.png http://i.imm.io/15VoV.png00:37
zequencejonathan_: Your theme looks weird. Is it on purpose?00:38
jonathan_haha i guess so. im new to ubuntu00:38
jonathan_whats weird about it?00:38
zequenceWell, it's not the default anyway00:38
zequencejonathan_: In "Configuration", the profile for the Lexicon is not great00:39
zequenceIt says, Digital out, and Analog Stereo in00:39
zequenceIs there no choice that says Analog out + Analog in?00:40
zequencejonathan_: I'm guessing you are using your onboard card for listening?00:40
SonikkuAmericazequence: There should be... in my experience with !studio, anyway... I used 12.10 before I went back to Unity + metapackages00:41
zequencejonathan_: One way around this is to choose "Built-in Audio..." as the default input in "Input Devices"00:41
zequenceI mean "Output Devices"00:42
zequenceSo, you could use the Lexicon for recording, but the builtin for monitoring00:42
zequencejonathan_: In any case, the input selection is fine now00:43
jonathan_zequence one sec, ill read your replies in a sec. thank you so much00:43
zequencejonathan_: You should be able to record using your usb device, and just make sure in Audacity, that choose a default device that begins with "default:<something"00:43
zequencejonathan_: I would start by trying the first "default:" option in Audacity00:44
jonathan_Zequence, the input is working now.00:44
zequencejonathan_: That's in Edit -> Preferences -> Devices -> Recording00:44
zequencejonathan_: Great00:44
jonathan_However, I cannot hear it00:45
jonathan_because i set my output to the lexicon, and my headphones cant connect to the lexicon00:45
jonathan_they have to connect directly to my computer00:45
zequencejonathan_: Ok, so in the pulseaudio mixer (volume applet -> sound settings), set your builtin is fallback for the "Output Devices"00:46
zequencejonathan_: You have two separate audio devices, and though you can use them both at the same time, one for input and one for output, you can't use both with the same sound server for both input and output00:47
zequenceOnly one device may use the output, and only one device may use the input configuration for the desktop audio server00:47
zequencejonathan_: So, just keep your Lexicon as the input, and set your Builtin as the output, and that should work for your workflow00:48
zequencejonathan_: Later, if you use jack, you'll be better off only using the usb device, for both input and output. And, using Ardour is much preferred over Audacity when it comes to recording and mixing00:49
jonathan_Why is that?00:50
zequencejonathan_: Why is ardour preferable over audacity?00:51
zequenceAudacity is better suited for editing audio. It's an audio editor. not a studio recording tool00:52
zequenceYou'll realize this when you start getting into Ardour00:52
zequenceArdour is designed for recording, mixing and mastering musix00:52
zequenceAudacity is designed for editing audio, which it is really great at00:53
jonathan_ah I see.00:54
zequenceBut, if you only do simple recording of acoustic sources, then it doesn't really matter00:54
zequenceFor that you could use any tool that is able to record, really00:54
zequenceHowever, with your special configuration, using one device for input and the outher for output, currently, Audacity seems like a smart choice after all00:54
jonathan_Thanks a lot for the help man.00:57
jonathan_Much appreciated00:57
zequencenp. Hope you get some nice recording done :)01:00
jonathan_zequence i just made some changes and now im getting static01:16
jonathan_physical changes01:16
jonathan_zequence nevermind lol. i had the wrong mic set01:17
=== scarecrow_ is now known as Duke`Togo
=== DarkEra2 is now known as DarkEra
Guest68233hello help needed using US13.0411:55
Guest68233who can i address to11:56
Guest68233need help thanks in advance11:56
ubottuGuest68233,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:56
Guest68233thanks ubottu , whenever i use LMMS after using it sound from chromium youtube goes away11:57
Guest68233i tried resetting pulse audio but no help11:58
Guest68233even banshee songs no audio11:59
Guest68233seems i have no sound output , now if i reboot the laptop everything works normally12:00
Guest68233its just any audio production tool i use it creates trouble for playback or sound output12:01
Guest68233thanks cfhowlett12:04
cfhowlettGuest68233, wish I had an answer for you, but as my sound has never glitched ...12:06
Guest68233oh thanks anyway cfhow12:06
SonikkuAmericazequence hasn't woke up yet? Uh-oh...12:15
Guest68233got the sound back by doing this ---   sudo alsa force-reload12:20
Guest68233just sharing now LMMS no sound output seems something disconnects programmes from the default soundcard12:21
Guest68233if anyone has any inputs please share12:22
smartboyhwSonikkuAmerica: He has waken up normally at this time.12:27
opiwahnhello. I am beginner with ubuntustudio. Just set-up my ubuntu-studio-13.04-64bit. "normal" sound works, also alsa-test with "aplay wavefile.wav". but I have no sound-output from ardour or hydrogen f.e.12:32
DarkEraopiwahn, you need jack up and running for ardour12:33
opiwahnyes, I think that jack is up12:33
DarkEramake sure it's set up properly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro12:34
kuranevihow can i use my ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro correctly on Xubuntu?17:03
kuranevii have only 1024 resolution17:04
kuraneviUbuntu Studio 13.0417:04
DarkErakuranevi, if you use xubuntu it's better to ask in their channel #xubuntu17:06
zequencekuranevi: Is that a pretty old graphic card? If you are unable to adjust resolution with arandr, then you might need to create a custom xorg.conf17:06
kuranevii use UStudio 13.04 and in Arandr i have max. 1024x768 resolution17:10
kuranevii dont know how i can work on Xorg.conf17:11
tetehi, i have a sennheiser mm 550x and i would like to use it but somehow i can not change the sound settings so i am unable to change the quality - can someone help me?18:45
teteits a bluetooth headset18:46
teteand somehow i am unable to find it when using the ui but hcitool scan works18:47
mlpugsox is nice tool for processing audio in scriptable manner. Is there similar tool for video. I would like to adjust colors of videos, implement transitions between clips, etc basic video work in commandline manner.18:50
mlpugI guess ffmpeg is pretty close to what I am after but 13.04 ffmpeg seems to lag upstream ffmpeg a lot (and miss a lot of functionality like filters)18:50
kuranevimy many much youtube videos dont open or open too late19:32
SonikkuAmericaIn Ubuntu Studio?19:41
kuraneviyes ubuntu studio19:43
SonikkuAmerica12.04, 12.10 or 13.04?19:43
ArkhanaKuranevi, here I am19:44

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