
nOStahlhey guys I am not sure where to ask this, I have minimal ubuntu with just open box and xserver going, how can I set it up to autologin the user instead of it booting up to command prompt00:58
Unit193Install a DM.00:58
SonikkuAmericanOStahl: Get lightdm, it's the easiest00:59
Unit193KDM, GDM, LXDM. XDM, LightDM (ubuntu default.)01:00
Unit193Slim too.01:00
SonikkuAmericaWell, lightdm-gtk-greeter is, anyway01:00
nOStahlI didn't know slim did autologin01:00
SonikkuAmericaunity-greeter is too decorative but it is functional.01:00
nOStahlI'm making a digital display that loads a fullscreen webpage01:01
Unit193Lightdm and LXDM are pretty easy to set autologin, but you need a greeter for lightdm.01:01
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SonikkuAmericaWouldn't lightdm-gtk-greeter do the trick? Or would that pull all of GTK+ in with it01:02
nOStahlwas hoping to not install ton of dependancies for a login manager :P01:02
nOStahlshould be able to throw a line in a config file somewhere01:02
nOStahlI'm looking into rungetty now01:02
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brauleincheni need to install a certificate on firefox. Xubuntu 13.04 64 bits. file is here: http://www.cert.fnmt.es/content/pages_std/certificados/FNMTClase2CA.cer08:01
brauleincheni have no idea how to proceed08:01
brauleinchenthanks koegs08:10
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GridCubeits there a way to edit the gnumeric icons menus order?13:03
GridCubethe font selection box its far to big and eats other options i want to use like color painting of cells13:05
SonikkuAmericaGridCube: I wouldn't know, does #gnumeric exist?13:22
SonikkuAmericaNope, guess not13:22
knomeit's part of the gnome office suite, so maybe people on the gnome channels would know13:23
SonikkuAmerica(I wonder why they can't exist on Freenode.)13:24
Picibecause they have their own IRC network?13:24
SonikkuAmericaTru dat13:24
knomei assume the real question is why they need to have their own network13:24
GridCubewhats that network?13:24
knomeirc.gnome.org ?13:24
SonikkuAmericairc.gimp.org actually13:25
PiciI think.13:25
SonikkuAmericaAll things GIMP Tool Kit (or "gtk")13:25
SonikkuAmericaThe gtk acronym just looks weird.13:25
Piciirc.gnome.org is a CNAME to irc.gimp.net13:25
GridCubenope, blocked by proxy13:25
GridCubei can only join freenode here13:25
knomethey don't have a #gnumeric channel, but they have #gnome-office13:26
knomeGridCube, or just #gnome on freenode13:26
knome" #gnome - Unofficial GNOME help channel on freenode. (irc.freenode.net) "13:26
knomeanyway... i need to run soon13:27
knomesee you later13:27
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p3d4N7icDoes anyone know how to manually set up an LVM with the Xubuntu LiveCD? It doesn't seem to come equipt with the proper controls. Do I have to use a different CD, or do I have to use command line to do it? I just want a little guidance, I'm sure I can figure it out after that16:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:48
GridCubep3d4N7ic, at that level any config will be the same either in xubuntu or mainbuntu16:49
SonikkuAmericaHey stuffin16:49
stuffinhello, this is the xubuntu help?16:49
GridCube!hi | stuffin16:49
ubottustuffin: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:49
stuffinoh good. so i seem to have lost the sound slider , i am in xfce right now16:49
p3d4N7icThank you very much ubottu and GridCube, I really appreciate it16:49
stuffini also dont see any sound settings in the settings manager16:49
GridCubestuffin, go to the panel and re-add the indicatos plugin16:49
SonikkuAmericaGridCube: I keep forgetting about the !hi command... why don't we have that in the other *buntu channels?16:49
stuffino try16:50
GridCubeSonikkuAmerica, i dunno, i have them everywhere16:50
SonikkuAmericaI can't seem to make that !command work... :P16:50
stuffinoh yes! ty GridCube16:50
stuffini can keep the sound now and not the bluetooth icon or the arrows?16:50
GridCubestuffin, remove the broken indicator plugin16:50
SonikkuAmerica<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hi <<< GridCube, that's what I get outside of #xubuntu... weird.16:51
GridCubestuffin, sorry i dont understand16:51
GridCubeSonikkuAmerica, oh well16:51
stuffinwhen i choose indictor, it is sound, bluetooth icon and two arrows, one up one down16:51
GridCubeyes thats networking16:51
stuffini just want sound16:51
GridCubeif you rea-add the indicator the pavucontrol  doesnt reappear?16:52
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GridCubeif you "close" the plugin indicators it will restart itself for networking16:52
GridCubebut it will not re add the sound control16:52
stuffini rea-add the indicator three times it always give me back those 316:53
GridCubeyou have to manually restart the plugin indicators for the sound application to re appear16:53
GridCubeoh, it has to have them 316:53
stuffinok, but now i also dont hear the sound when adjusting the audio, like the little "plop"16:53
GridCubebe sure you are outputing to the proper device16:54
GridCubecheck the last tab for the sound settings, check that sound its going to programs in the proper output16:54
stuffinit is, ty16:54
GridCubeif you have hdmi and analog it might be going to the one you are not currently using16:55
stuffinall speake tests work16:55
GridCubeopen alsa-mixer on a terminal and check that nothing its muted16:55
stuffinhope do i open it?16:56
GridCubeopen a terminal and type alsamixer16:57
stuffinthey all look good16:58
stuffinmaybe just a restart16:58
stuffinone last question if i can. I decided to install the most recent proprietary driver, is that ok? i didnt see much difference with the other proprietary.16:59
GridCubeyes thats fine17:02
GridCubegeneric should work though i dont have any problem with them, though i do not have privative for this machine to try P:17:03
stuffingeneric wont work well enough17:03
stuffinhey, do i need install gstreamer?17:03
GridCubeif you installed xubuntu-restricted-extras you got all what you need17:04
stuffini dont think i did17:04
stuffinunless it come with it17:05
GridCubeif you checked the "install media stuffs" in the installer while installing you should, you can do a fast check using sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras17:05
stuffini will ty17:06
GridCubeif it says its in its latest version you already have it, if it ask you to install a gazillion programs its not installed :P17:06
stuffinit is installing, ty again17:06
GridCubedont worry :)17:07
stuffindo you know of good usenet download?17:07
GridCubenot really17:07
GridCube!search usenet17:07
GridCube!find usenet17:07
ubottuFile usenet found in cameleon-doc, crack-common, emacspeak, evolution-common, language-pack-gnome-cs-base, language-pack-gnome-de-base, language-pack-gnome-el-base, language-pack-gnome-en-base, language-pack-gnome-es-base, language-pack-gnome-eu-base (and 13 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=usenet&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any17:07
GridCubeoh there seems to be some many17:07
stuffinhotdog! i try17:08
blue_pearlin Xubuntu 13.04 command in /etc/rc.local not executing when computer starts , what can be the problem?17:39
brainwashblue_pearl, rc.local might be executed even before the X server is running17:41
brainwashblue_pearl, try to delay your command in rc.local17:42
blue_pearlbrainwash, ooh , i see17:48
brainwashblue_pearl, you can also use the lightdm script hooks to run commands on startup17:50
brainwashblue_pearl, or upstart :)17:50
blue_pearlbrainwash, ok, thanks17:50
jdrHi Folks, I've got a pc with xubuntu 10.04 on it (booting from sda3). I want to install xubuntu 13.04 (but have no usb bootable pc and no cddrive).18:12
jdrAny solution on how I can install xubuntu from a partition?18:13
SonikkuAmericajdr: Does it have an Internet connection?18:13
SonikkuAmericaAll you need18:13
SonikkuAmericajdr: STEP 1: Open a terminal and type [ do-release-upgrade ].18:14
SonikkuAmericajdr: That will get you to 12.04 LTS.18:14
jdrI tried so, but it does not want to boot any more after I upgraded18:15
SonikkuAmericajdr: Why not?18:15
jdrsome errors like colord? group did not exist etc18:15
bekksWhich errors exactly?18:15
jdrdo I have to upgrade all of my packages first before doing the upgrade to 12.04?18:15
SonikkuAmericajdr: You shouldn't have to. But bekks is right. We need !details18:16
jdrok, I give it another try then and post the errors as I encounter them. sec18:17
SonikkuAmericajdr: It's recommended that you run [ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ] first, just to be safe.18:17
jdrThat's idd what I am going to try first. Make sure my system is up to date, then upgrade to 12.0418:18
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:19
peyamMy thinkpad gets very hot with xubuntu18:19
jdrThis will take a while though, so will get back to you later18:19
SonikkuAmericajdr: k18:22
SonikkuAmericapeyam: Your ThinkPad gets hot, eh?18:22
peyamSonikkuAmerica: it goes up to 70 after using 30 min18:24
superbootpeyam: 70c?18:24
peyamit is pretty high for a intel computer18:25
SonikkuAmericapeyam: Cant touch dis (literally)18:25
peyamwhat does it mean?18:25
SonikkuAmerica== this18:25
peyamI thonk it should eb modified in the bios18:26
SonikkuAmericapeyam: MC Hammer18:26
peyam70 is very high18:26
peyamMC hammmer? you are from March? I dont understand you :(18:26
* SonikkuAmerica thonks his CPU to make sure it's not overheating.18:26
peyamSonikkuAmerica: sorry Im not so good at english18:26
SonikkuAmericaHe's a rapper18:26
superbootpeyam: It's not your english. He isn't making any sense. :)18:27
peyamthere is an offtopic channel as well18:27
peyamgo there :)18:27
SonikkuAmerica!ot | All of us18:27
ubottuAll of us: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751689 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "ThinkPads overheat due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,Confirmed]18:27
peyami find this18:27
hyliani was wondering if anyone knows that Xubuntu 12.04 LTS help docs say "Welcome to Xubuntu 11.10!"18:47
hylianit says it in18:48
hylianit says it in file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/about/xubuntu-index.html18:48
knomehylian, it's outdated, but known bug18:48
hylianok, so long as it's known about. That's all I needed to worry about. So it is on launchpad or something? And, do I use launchpad, being that i am not a directly Ubuntu user?18:50
hylianwell, i answered my own questions, with google, thanks knome!18:52
knomehylian, i don't know if it's in launchpad, but we (xubuntu team) are working on it18:52
knome*can't remember :)18:52
knomeno problem18:52
hylianbefore I go, i have to say that Xubuntu rocks! KDE is now my second fave, but it still holds no candle to XFCE.18:53
seronisknome, does the xubuntu team also fix bugs / missing features in things like Thunar?  So far in 2 weeks i've found that it doesnt allow editing (or even seeing the status of) the executable bit on files.  And it doesnt support  ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab for navigating between tabs19:02
knomeseronis, not really. check the xfce bugzilla for that19:02
knomeseronis, (we can if it's critical, but this is more towards feature request)19:03
seronisok thanks for quick response. i havent bothered filing bug reports / feature requests on those yet BECAUSE they're such small issues. Waiting till im comfortable enough with the environment to be able to submit a patch along with the report.  just wanted to know which group would be most receptive19:06
knomeseronis, ubuntu-bug thunar files a bug about thunar to launchpad against the thunar package in ubuntu, but with xfce we usually forward people to file upstream bugs anyway19:07
jdr@SonikkuAmerica: I've updated all packages, and now running Distribution upgrade to 12.04. I encounter error as in: http://pastebin.com/gNSSnKyD19:21
jdrWill killall xscreensaver and killall xlockmore do the trick here?19:21
SonikkuAmericajdr: Instead of that...19:21
SonikkuAmericajdr: I would recommend disabling the screen saver and the screen locker in xfce4-settings-manager19:22
jdrok upgrading19:26
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jdrSonikkuAmerica: upgrade went fine right now. System could reboot.  to get from 12.04 to 13.04: does this require me to get to 12.10 first ?20:18
SonikkuAmericaAnd you'll have to tweak [ software-properties-gtk ] to do it.20:20
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