
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
bachi gary_poster, i updated the machine image, as well as automating it though that isn't done yet, but CI is still failing.  i can't tell what is wrong from the console logs of the two runs i tried.  thoughts?12:29
gary_posterbac, hi, I am out today.13:03
gary_posterjujugui ^^^13:03
bacgary_poster: right, sorry13:05
gary_posterbac if I had to guess from output I would say image is wrong somehow, but yeah, output is not useful at all, and diff than before13:09
bacgary_poster: yep.  go away.  :)13:10
benjihatch: I bet you're not quite in the office yet.13:32
benjirick_h_: I have a YUI event/subscriber question.  Do you have a minute to talk in the hangout?13:38
hatchbenji, correct, should be in about 10 though13:39
benjihatch: cool; you and rick_h_ can race to see who gets to talk to me13:40
hatchlol ok I'm back13:53
hatchstill need the hangout?13:53
hatch^ benji 13:54
benjihatch: I'll meet you in the regular place.13:55
hatchcool be there in a sec just gota grab my headset13:55
Makyohatch, sorry I didn't get to QA last night, doing it now.13:58
hatchbenji, we have a bad connection14:00
hatchtrying to rejoin14:00
hatchbenji, is it all of the attr change facades are sticking around?14:26
hatchor just one?14:26
hatch /some14:26
benjihatch: I don't know about all, but many, many are14:27
hatchalright thats fine14:27
hatchbenji, are there any other attribute facades sticking around?14:28
hatchothers besides change?14:28
hatchMakyo, thanks :) 14:28
abentleysinzui: btw, the app-exception.log is tremendously useful.  Thanks for getting that working.14:30
sinzuiyes it is isn't it. I ponder switching to oops tools instead of sending volleys of errors emails to me now14:31
hatchbenji, sorry, did you see the previous message?14:32
sinzuiabentley, do you want me to request a release of m.jc? I think this will be the first release of using the ES collection migration feature14:33
abentleysinzui: Please do.14:33
bachi hatch14:35
bachatch: jenkins is running again but still unhappy.  can we chat a bit to go over the failures?14:35
hatchI think that failure you want to talk to frankban about14:36
hatchhe was having some issues with the deploy test failing14:37
benjihatch: there aren't enough to show promenently in the heap snapshots, but there may be14:37
bachatch: previously there was a failure sending results to saucelabs.  perhaps that one was transient.  have you seen it before?14:37
bachatch: thanks.  i think frankban is gone today.14:40
frankbanhatch, bac: the failures I was seeing last week are caused by firefox not being able to reconnect the websocket after switching from sandbox to staging.  I think that's unrelated to the current errors. However, I am changing my branch so that the selenium driver is started for each testcase (not once for all tests). This should make our suite more reliable, and slightly slower...14:40
frankbanbac: I am here14:41
bacbut i was wrong!14:41
bacfrankban: is that landing soon?14:41
frankbanbac: I'd like to propose it today. Coding is done, testing takes time14:42
MakyoFor future reference: lightweight checkouts suck for QAing.14:44
frankbanone cool thing about having a separate driver for each testcase is that we have many separate saucelabs videos14:45
Makyohatch, LGTM on QA.14:47
hatchthanks Makyo - landing14:47
hatchbac, still want to chat? 14:48
bachatch: sure, briefly14:48
bachatch: ready when you are14:50
hatchcan you hear me?14:50
hatchbenji, eric said that it's likely our app which is causing the issue 15:00
benjihatch: that's easy for him to say ;)15:00
benjimeanwhile I have a workaround that stops the leak (and might break the app, but you can't have everything)15:00
abentleysinzui: One thing I can't help noticing is that even minutes after restarting elasticsearch, it's still eating a lot of CPU although no one's hitting it AFAIK.15:02
abentleyIt's bouncing around between 10%-70% CPU use and load average is .9615:03
hatchbenji, lol any luck with the repro?15:04
benjihatch: I haven't tried yet, I had the idea for the workaround and wanted to try it first, repro is next15:04
hatchgotcha - I can help with the repro if you want to pass me your testing code15:05
sinzuiabentley, wow. what is in play? it starts the Java vm, the lucene proc, and a web proc15:05
frankbanbac: I duped the 'service not deployed' error locally, investigating15:06
bacfrankban: ok, thanks15:06
abentleysinzui: It appears to be the elasticsearch binary.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5667901/15:07
hatchoh awesome you can watch the uds videos live15:08
abentleysinzui: CPU is now reasonable and load average is dropping.15:10
hatchrunning the tests and streaming a uds video have put my laptop to a new high temperature!15:14
hatch72.5C lol15:16
sinzuiabentley, The current ES release has a number of fixes for hangs. It is probably worth us updating. Lp's imports failed though. I will kick, and if that fails, I will pull the source directly from github15:16
abentleysinzui: Great.15:17
hatchjujugui - new login/logout branch has been merged with trunk15:19
hatchlet me know if you run into any issues15:19
sinzuiabentley, m.jc is not r225. I an sadder note, I think I deleted your very important email that I was not to read until my head was clear. Please resend it...I will immediately move it a safe place so that it is not among the blueprint spam15:24
abentleysinzui: done.15:25
sinzuiabentley, adeuring: I ponder the relationship between the short_url KeyError and promulgated charms. Every example I see is juju-gui, the only promulgated charm that is not owned by charmers.15:27
adeuringsinzui: thanks 15:28
abentleysinzui: Yes, that could be it.  The short-form URL I'm using is one of those places where we're forced to assume ~charmers.15:28
frankbanmay the ancient gods kill firefox because he's sick and suffering15:46
hatchfrankban, lol15:47
hatchsome things it does so well....others....not so much15:48
frankbanbac, hatch: so it seems that in firefox the appflower deployment fails because the service block is not visible in the canvas at the default zoom level, and so, the corresponding element's text is just empty. :-O15:50
Makyojujugui call in 1015:50
hatchfrankban, possible issue from the layout changes Makyo did?15:51
frankbanbac, hatch: fixing this in my branch and the fix will be... zooming out before checking for service names in the canvas.15:51
hatchlol 15:51
bacfrankban: thx15:51
hatchI suppose that's the best fix as any15:51
MakyoWhat :|15:51
MakyoZoom levels just act as a viewport.  Things that are outside the viewport are still on the canvas.15:52
frankbanhatch: yes, Makyo's changes are great, firefox is cursed, firefox is the new ie. ok I said that...15:52
hatchMakyo, ahh ok - I wasn't sure exactly how your layout code handled that15:53
hatchfrankban, lol! at least it auto updates so it CAN be fixed :)15:53
Makyohatch, exactly like scrolling.  Elements at the bottom of the page are still within the dom.15:53
MakyoSVG being just a part of the DOM.15:53
hatchI don't think the test knows that it's in the dom, just that it's visible15:53
hatchso I was wondering if your new layout stuff put the new service off the page15:54
hatch(in the soucelabs tests)15:54
frankbanhatch, Makyo: it's just a firefox issue AFAICT. The service block is found in the DOM, and the tests knows both that it's in the DOM and that it's not visible by the user. The problem is that selenium/firefox is not able to retrieve the .name element text if the service block is not made visible. that's really odd15:55
hatchoh boy...lol sounds like a firefox selenium driver issue15:56
hatchso maybe it's seleniums fault not firefox15:57
Makyofrankban, ah.  Yeah, browsers treat SVG a little strangely (HTMLElements vs SVGElement), and some of the attributes/methods are different.  Hopefully it's not that...15:57
hatchfirefox does have issues with svg attributes15:57
frankbanzooming out fixes that, and let's say it's also not horrible, b/c it lets you see the deployed service in the videos15:57
MakyoIf so, though, just means involving D3 in tests, since they've already solved the cross-browser compatibility problem there.15:57
MakyoThat's weird.15:58
Makyojujugui call in 215:58
hatchI'm ok with zooming out as a solution15:58
frankbanseeing things from a wider perspective is always a good idea15:58
benjiby the way, my laptop's wi-fi has been crazy flakey for the last week or so, so if I'm not on IRC, I'll probably be back soon.  You can always text or call me if need be.16:10
MakyoDoing a few quick config change on the ec2 site I just mentioned, just to see if that messes with things at all.16:12
MakyoSeems fine.16:14
jcsacketthatch: looks like your login/logout stuff might be eating urls.16:41
jcsackettif i go to /bws/sidebar, that gets removed as the page loads. i can make the behavior stop by reverting your revision. :-/16:42
bacumm, tasty urls16:43
jcsackettbac: :-P16:44
hatchjcsackett, so when you type that url in manually it is just removed?16:46
jcsacketthatch: right; if i put in $guiurl/bws/sidebar, rather than getting the sidebar loaded, i get just the canvas and the "/bws/sidebar" bit is gone.16:47
hatchok let me look into that thanks16:47
jcsacketthatch: not sure you should be thanking me, but thank you for looking into it. :-)16:48
hatchjcsackett, ok I can reproduce - the sidebar shows up still but the url is gone16:54
jcsacketthatch: i don't reliably get the sidebar. sometimes it shows, sometimes it doesn't. the url is always eaten though.16:57
hatchok it strips urls no matter what17:00
hatchI'll have to investigate this17:00
hatchit's not just on browser17:01
hatchjcsackett, just wanted to let you know I have found the issue and working on a proper workaround18:22
hatchMakyo, are you around?18:29
Makyohatch, just got back.  What's up?18:43
hatchIn order to fix the bug that jc found, to do a proper fix I should implement the redirect 18:45
hatchafter logging in18:45
hatchso.... localstorage or hash?18:45
hatchI am thinking local18:45
hatchor another 'clean' experience I'm happy with too18:45
hatchstoring with some other type of local var18:46
MakyoI say a var, or maybe local storage.  I think the full story has logging in as a step in a process, so we shouldn't need anything as complex as a storage mechanism.18:46
hatchsounds like a plan18:47
hatchalright I'll implement it with this fix18:47
Makyohatch, cool.  Sounds good.  Want to just convert the discussion card to a task?18:51
hatchsure thing18:52
hatchdoesn't look like I can18:52
hatchI can re-make one though18:52
benjiwhy is the gui using jquery?  I didn't know we had that in there.19:30
MakyoOut for the afternoon, stuff fromn earlier turned into migraine.  Back 100% tomorrow20:34
=== Makyo is now known as Makyo|out
hatchget better Makyo|out ! C U tommorow20:37
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bachatch: my ci branch is up for review if you'd like a diversion for your afternoon20:49
baci'm going to try to walk the dog between storms20:50
hatchbac, review has been completed, sorry I forgot to click 'submit' :)21:51

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