
ahoneybunvalorie: 00:26
ahoneybunI agree with apachelogger it would be cool to have it on the KDE sites.00:30
ahoneybunstupid time zones00:31
ahoneybunvalorie: also it looks like there is a export part of moinmoin00:51
valorieahoneybun: have what on the kde sites?01:58
ahoneybunthe docs01:58
valorielike on Userbase?01:59
valorieI doubt other distros do that, but that doesn't mean we couldn't01:59
valorieI have no clue what the policy is on that01:59
ahoneybunI know, yes I am sane btw ;)02:00
Mirvdebfx: hi! answered to the bug report. in summary, your proposals seem good to me, but we'd need to get into agreement with Debian so that we won't diverge.05:04
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.05:42
ScottKWould someone please verify Bug #1177781 as it's almost old enough to be released to updates once verified.05:43
ubottubug 1177781 in amarok (Ubuntu Raring) "QtWebKit causes crash in Amarok" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117778105:43
soeegodd morning06:03
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BluesKajhowdy all11:43
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soeeHiho BluesKaj 11:52
BluesKajhiya soee11:53
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MirvFYI here's my Qt 5.0.2 saucy plan, which I hope to start executing latest next week http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5666894/12:29
jussiMirv: even though it doesnt "touch" me, thanks for sharing - its really nice to have these things discussed. 12:41
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debfxyay new colibri release, thanks agateau13:34
agateaudebfx: you're welcome13:34
RiddellMirv: what does BP stand for?13:50
smartboyhw_Riddell: Blueprints?13:51
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm-uds
MirvRiddell: it reads at the bottom, a short-hand for qt5-beta-proper PPA where I've been doing test builds13:53
Mirvwell wget from upstream directory welcome as well13:53
soeewhat would be the best way to start with developing some plasmoids ?13:54
RiddellMirv: how come qtwebkit is in a different bzr place?13:55
MirvRiddell: we've currently one patch that would need rebasing to 5.0.2, so meanwhile 5.0.1 upload would be wanted to be done first13:55
Riddellsoee: learn QML and get inspiration from existing ones and tutorials? I expect there's stuff on techbase but ask in #plasma for info13:55
Mirv(the big patch that will go away once 5.1 gets released)13:55
Mirvthe ~kubuntu-packagers qtwebkit branch is already at 5.0.2, but I wouldn't want to revert there if this's just temporary13:56
Mirvprobably it's better to push it into ~kubuntu-packagers anyhow so I'll do that, but that's the current location13:57
Riddellok whatever's easiest then14:00
Riddelltxwikinger: ping?15:06
Riddellanyone coming to the hangout?15:06
xnoxRiddell: i'm waiting for it to start.15:07
* xnox watching from a library.15:07
xnoxit has not started yet.15:07
Riddellapachelogger: ping?15:30
smartboyhwRiddell: When will a mumble session happen?15:31
Riddellsmartboyhw: looks like monday has a common time, will send that out shortly15:31
smartboyhwRiddell: Sure15:32
smartboyhwProbably can't come though (Biology test)15:32
Riddellconclusion of uefi/sb chat was going to switch to signed kernel which is obvious thing that's missing15:44
Riddelland backport the enablement stack15:44
Riddellcolin was good enough to take work items for those15:44
Riddellas well as one for the plymouth not being set up issue15:45
lordievaderGood afternoon.16:18
RiddellMirv: ooh 5.1 beta is out http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/05/14/qt-5-1-beta-released/  is that in your plans?16:47
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1180470] "Window title" text box disabled in Window-Specific Settings @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1180470 (by Ibrahim M. Ghazal)17:26
superflyDarkwing: ping17:38
Darkwingsuperfly: Poong17:38
superflyDarkwing: I am the KMail moaner who conversed with you on G+ today :-)17:39
Darkwingahhhh hah.17:39
DarkwingGive me a few.17:39
superflyno worries, I need to get my things together, and then I'll mail them to you. Just wanted to touch base in IRC17:39
DarkwingI'm always logged on... I may not always be here but drop a message and I'll get it.17:40
superflyyeah, same here.17:40
Darkwingquassel-core FTW17:40
superflyprecisely :-D17:40
DarkwingI'm watching Google I/O keynotes17:42
superflyI wondered :-)17:42
superflyI have children to keep me occupied17:42
DarkwingLOL Yeah, I'm a big Google guy on top of my Linux/KDE stuff.17:42
ahoneybunDarkwing: 18:14
=== Adityab_ is now known as Adityab
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)18:30
bkerensaRiddell: Is Kubuntu docs still dead? Someone had mentioned the other day that they were going to revive it but were having a UDS session on doc today and I wanted to know what the status was going into that18:39
ahoneybunbkerensa: me and valorie are moving it and editing it to a wiki18:40
bkerensaahoneybun: will it be coming back to the repo at somepoint or just wiki based?18:40
ahoneybunnot sure, valorie wants to have it on both18:41
ahoneybunstill a work in progress18:42
ahoneybunbkerensa: want to see?18:43
bkerensaahoneybun: maybe in a bit I have to get a agenda for the doc session together here18:44
ahoneybunoh thats more important for sure np18:44
ahoneybunI want to be in that session18:45
ahoneybunbkerensa: I was trying to make my own branch on lp for my changes to the docs18:49
ahoneybunbkerensa: ?21:09
valorieahoneybun: did you attend the vUDS doc session?21:19
ahoneybunyea I was there21:20
ahoneybunkinda I was a bit late21:20
valorieoh well21:20
valorieit's all available by video21:20
ahoneybunyea I know but being there is better21:20
valoriebut it's great to get our voices heard21:20
valorieI went to two: the community link session, and u-w planning21:21
ahoneybunI wish there were more of us in this21:21
ahoneybunyea the women in ubuntu thing21:21
valorieI'll email the list and elicit feedback about how many attended, and thoughts21:22
ahoneybunI got my changes to the kubuntu-docs pushed to my personal branch21:22
valoriehow did you do that?21:22
valoriehand-make the changes?21:22
ahoneybunidk really21:22
ahoneybunits bad kinda cuz I did not write where I made them21:23
valoriedid you import from the wiki, or edit what was already there/21:23
valorieI really want to eliminate trying to edit in two places21:23
valoriebecause all those damn typos will stick around that way21:24
valorieand other cruft21:24
ahoneybunwell it is the original DocBook on my branch21:24
ahoneybunI think it would have been better to fix up the DocBook and then import the xml files21:24
ahoneybunthinking now21:24
ahoneybunthe most changes on my branch is the images are updated about 75%21:25
valoriethat's cool21:28
ahoneybunI'll be on later you can see the branch and email the changes I need to make21:28
valoriebut that means all the typos we fixed are probably still in your branch21:28
valoriewhich -- that's what drives me insane21:28
valoriewe've done the work, but don't have the process fixed yet21:29
MamarokAnd we have a bugfix version out: http://amarok.kde.org/en/releases/2.7.122:11
jessieMamarok: Praise the gods!22:13
Riddellkubotu: newversion amarok 2.7.122:13
jessieMaybe now it won't crash so much.22:15
Riddelljessie: still needs packaged, fancy taking that up?22:18
jessie... I have no idea how to do that. But sure!22:18
yofelQuintasan: your kdeplasma-addons merge doesn't like kamoso:  plasma-runners-addons : Breaks: kamoso (< 2.0.2+) but 2.0.2-1ubuntu3 is installed.22:19
yofelwhat debian did there looks rather fishy though...22:19
Riddelljessie: if you have a spare hour or so I can take you through it22:19
jessieYeah, I should be able to spend ~1 hour or so.22:19
Riddelljessie: what's your launchpad id?22:19
Riddellok setting up the ec222:21
jessieCreating a fresh install of Kubuntu?22:21
Riddellyep, in the cloud22:23
jessieMkay, sounds good. Is that common to build packages? Should I have a VM set up for building packages?22:23
Riddellthat's probably a bit much, you can use debootstrap to make a chroot22:24
jessieEh, but I'm generally on beta-alpha type packages. ha22:25
Riddelljessie: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-224-94-150.compute-1.amazonaws.com22:25
Riddelljessie: then run   byobu22:25
Riddelljessie: type something22:26
Riddellcool :)22:26
Riddelljessie: ok make a directoy to get the old source and apt-get source amarok22:26
Riddelljessie: you have sudo22:28
Riddellrun an apt-get update I think22:28
Riddelljessie: ah the amazon mirror isn't updated for saucy22:29
Riddelljessie: remove us-east-1.ec2. from the sources.list22:29
Riddelljessie: no no, that just removed them all22:30
Riddelljessie: change us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com22:30
jessieRiddell: Mkay, now what?22:34
Riddelljessie: in the first directoy download the new amarok tar22:35
Riddelljessie: the tar needs a very paticular name22:36
Riddellrename it to amarok_2.7.1.orig.tar.bz222:36
Riddelljessie: untar it22:37
Riddelland copy the debian/ directory from the old version into it22:37
Riddelljessie: wee tip, you can avoid the "j" from tar arguments these days22:38
Riddellit's smart enough to work that out22:38
jessieOh, nice. That's good to know.22:38
Riddelljessie: dch -i   will add a new changelog entry22:39
Riddellfix the template to have the right version no and your name/email22:39
jessieRiddell: What other info should I put in the changelog?22:41
Riddelljessie: you can change unreleased to saucy22:41
Riddellit's ready to compile22:41
Riddellrun  debuild22:41
Riddelljessie: oh hang on22:42
Riddelljessie: the version number inthe changelog isn't right22:42
Riddelledit debian/changelog and fix it22:42
Riddellshould be 2.7.1-0ubuntu122:42
jessieWhat's the 2: in front about?22:42
Riddelljessie: that means someone screwed up the version number at some point22:43
Riddellsince new packages always need a larger version than the previous version22:43
jessieAhhh... That makes sense.22:43
Riddellso it get a number called the epoch infront of it to reset it22:43
Riddellthat someone might have been me back when I was new to this game22:43
Riddelljessie: let me look at this22:44
Riddellwith a real editor!22:45
jessieLmao, an Emacs fan, eh!?22:45
Riddelljessie: ok that's them updated22:49
Riddelljessie: debuild   away22:49
Riddelljessie: install pbuilder22:50
Riddelland run /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends22:50
Riddelljessie: oh install aptitude too22:50
jessieRiddell: I take it the fake backend is fine for building?22:52
Riddelljessie: yeah22:53
Riddelljessie: lovely, time for a cup of tea22:55
jessieSomething something, XKCD link.22:56
jessieSo this is what using Gentoo is like? :-P22:57
Riddellyeah pretty much :)22:57
Riddellhmm maybe I should have started a faster ec223:03
jessieSo, while we're waiting, it seems everyone here prefers Quassel over Konversation. Why?23:06
Riddellit's installed by default for historical reasons23:07
Riddellit can be run on a server to keep your connection permanantly23:08
Riddellpersonally I use irssi23:08
jessieOh, that's a big plus.23:08
valoriekonversation <323:10
valorieso not *everyone*23:11
valorieKDE provides a nice bnc23:11
jessievalorie: Agreed. Though I do wish that the SASL authentication stuff would get moved into a package.23:11
valorieI thought that was done?23:11
valorieI like text logs23:12
jessieMaybe? I had to install from git for 13.0423:12
valorieno way I'm going to use a db to search online23:12
valorieour 13.04 package was made from git23:12
jessieHmmm... Maybe in 13.04 I finally didn't have to install from git.23:13
valorieVersion 1.5-branch #421523:13
valorieI have no problem with quassel being available, but feel we should be using KDE packages by default23:14
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | Kubuntu Council election: Voting in progress | saucy meeting Monday 15:00UTC
Riddellsaucy meeting Monday 15:00UTC23:16
ahoneybunvalorie: 23:19
valorieRiddell: I tested mumble on this puter last night and I get shrieking23:20
valorieI'll keep trying though23:21
Riddellvalorie: hum, I've not tested it recently23:22
valorielast time I couldn't participate because it didn't work for me, but this is a different computer23:23
ahoneybunvalorie: only issue is that I don't know how to put my changes from the wiki into the docbook23:24
valorieahoneybun: yes, that is THE issue23:24
jessieRiddell: You weren't kidding about this instance being slow. What is it, a Micro instance?23:24
ahoneybunyou sound upset23:24
valoriewe'll have to figure that out for this to be a success, really23:24
valorieno, it's just a problem we haven't solved yet23:24
valoriemost problems are solvable23:25
valoriewe'll do it23:25
ahoneybunI thought I could copy and paste but its a bit more if a process23:25
valorieand we have 4 months or so23:25
Riddelljessie: a small one23:25
ahoneybunvalorie: that neither of us can write docbook?23:26
ahoneybunits just the &subject things that mess with me23:26
valorieit's just xml23:26
ahoneybunlike &linux23:26
valorieI actually prefer xml to moinmoin markup23:27
jessieRiddell: I have to go home and work on my car now. If I don't the wife is going to kill me. :-/23:27
ahoneybunbut moinmoin look like plain text to me23:27
valoriebecause I'm used to writing html by hand23:27
Riddelljessie: ok, ping me tomorrow or anytime to finish this23:27
Riddelljessie: thanks for starting it23:27
jessieRiddell: Yeah, thanks for helping me learn. We'll see you tomorrow.23:27
valorieRiddell: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Mumble+meeting&iso=20130520T15&p1=1440&am=4523:28
ahoneybunyea I know I'm a bit used to that as well23:28
ahoneybunvalorie: what does the words in yellow mean? with the & in front?23:31
valoriewhat words in yellow?23:31
valorienot sure where you are looking23:31
ahoneybunwell in kate they are yellow23:31
ahoneybunthe xml23:31
valorieoh, that might be kate doing that23:31
ahoneybunvalorie: 23:33
ahoneybunvalorie: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpOnXmlPages23:33
ahoneybunmoinmoin can render docbook pages23:34
valoriebut can it go the other way?23:35
valorieI know it's possible, but can WE do it?23:35
ahoneybunI'll see about it on for the welcome page first23:36
ahoneybunwell the tool Python4Suite is dead23:37
valoriebecause it would be great to have our wiki version always 'in work' for the next release23:37
valorieand then be able to output html pages for the website, and docbook for the release23:37
ahoneybunyea I know23:38
valorieone wiki to rule them all23:38
valoriebut like I said, we have a while to figure this out23:38
ahoneybunthat would be cool]23:38
valoriethe sooner the better for the webpages23:39
valorieit would be good to have someone work on the kde help center, so all the docs displayed right23:39
valoriethe kde doc team is really cool23:40
ahoneybunvalorie: http://wiki.tldp.org/ this wiki has the function23:48
ahoneybuncan we move it there?23:48
ahoneybunor make a copy and then export?23:48
valoriedinnertime here now -- I'll be back in about 4 hours, since it's my night with my daddy23:49
ahoneybunok I'll be on23:49
ahoneybunwhat should I do23:49
valorieahoneybun: might be a good thing to discuss at the mumble meeting?23:49
ahoneybunwhen is that?23:49
ahoneybunI'm at work23:50
ahoneybuncan you talk about it there for me?23:50
ahoneybunRiddell: 23:52

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