
harolddongis there any fix yet for Ktorrent not being able to successfully download blocklists in 13.01?00:50
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softmetalharolddong: perhaps ask in #kde?01:29
hbgoerquestion. every time I open a new terminal, it reads   "bash: export: `DISPLY:0': not a valid identifier". Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? any help is appreciated01:31
Jeruvyhbgoer off the top of my head that looks like a typo01:35
Jeruvyhbgoer which 'terminal' are you opening?01:36
Craigwd_2000I'm trying to print CD/DVD Avery labels from my HP Pavilion dv6z-1100 which ran AMD64 Kubuntu 12.10 back when it was still current; I made sure to keep current with updates...  I have a HP PSC 1350 that I was trying to print a label on via the HPLIP PSC 1350 driver; the issue is that whenever I attempt to print my label it's always way-off center.  I use the Avery CD/DVD label template from back when OpenOffice.org was still i01:36
Craigwd_2000Before anyone asks I have plenty of ink left in both the Black & Tri-Color cartridge too...01:39
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pepeehi. what's adept manager? I'm trying to upgrade my system from quantal, and it fails because it isn't in my ssytem02:33
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oye_Why amaroK keeps telling me I need an mp3 decoder, when I actually have it?08:34
valorieoye_: how old of an Amarok are you using?08:40
oye_Shipping by default with 13.0408:41
valorieprobably you should just install the package 'kubuntu-restricted-extras'08:41
oye_valorie: Thank you.08:44
valoriedoes that fix the problem for you, oye_?08:44
=== oye_ is now known as oye
oyevalorie: Give me a minute :-)08:45
oyeSynaptic is doing it's magic.08:45
valorieah, I used to use synaptic08:46
valorie<3 muon and the cli now08:46
oyeI am used to Synaptic since my Debian times. Some habits are hard to change.08:46
valorieeh, I love learning how to do things in more than one way08:47
oyeI've tried Muon. It enforced my desire to get back to Synaptic. Maybe I am an old-fashioned :-)08:49
valoriewell, you moved from Debian to Kubuntu08:49
valorieso maybe not!08:49
valorieeveryone should use the tools they like, IMO08:50
oyeYAY, it works!08:51
oyevalorie: Thank you very much for the tip!08:51
valoriebtw if you have any more amarok probs, there is #amarok08:52
valleycatvalorie:  :O my name is valerie (random not at all related to topic...sorry)08:54
oyevalorie: I know. But I felt it wasn't a strictly amarok related issue.08:55
valorieand indeed it probably was not08:55
fractalineanybody home?09:12
valorie!ask | fractaline09:16
ubottufractaline: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:16
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fractalinevalorie,  sorry it's my first time using kde i'm not even sure what to ask09:20
rd1381why when i click on a bash script it downt run but it runs from terminal09:31
oyeBecause it is a shell script?09:44
rd1381no i meant ir is a executable file that runs in terminal and load the gui app but not when i double click it09:51
BluesKajhowdy all11:43
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* robotdevil wonders if these new sets of updates would have straightened out 13.04 for me12:10
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veliti set my default browser to opera from the default applications menu, now when i open links from various applications it correctly opens the link in the browser, but it keeps the icon of opera near the mouse for some time13:30
velitas if it's trying to open the application for the first time, the same thing happens in the task manager toolbar13:31
velitthe default launch line in the default applications menu for opera is "/usr/bin/opera %U", i don't know if that's correct or not13:32
Walexvelit: looks good...14:00
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taylsHi all. I'm trying to find the 7Zip app within the software centre and cant seem to find it. Anyone able to help? Someone mentioned to me about changing the multiverse? Not sure what this means.14:44
hateballtayls ☞ in settings for muon, you can edit software sources14:47
hateballtayls ☞ tick the box for multiverse and save14:48
taylshateball: Many thanks. Ticked that and it still seems unable to find it. I assume 7Zip is on there? As it's on Ubuntu and XUbuntu.14:50
hateballtayls ☞ there is a package called p7zip, but it's nothing I've used14:51
hateballquite content with gzip :)14:52
taylshateball: Hmm can't find p7zip nor gzip. Am I doing something wrong with my software centre lol?14:53
taylsWould you mind reminding me how to search for software via the terminal please? Just incase it's my software centre playing up..14:54
hateballtayls ☞ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search 7zip15:01
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Whiskey`Wonkahalps! =)15:06
Whiskey`Wonkaim running 3.8.0-19-lowlatency and there are no vbox modules15:07
Whiskey`Wonkai need to run the -lowlatency kernel as it solves my over heating issue (the cpu fan works!)15:07
Whiskey`WonkaAny idea why virtualbox is not building modules on this kernel (its all stock install via moun)15:08
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: It should…15:16
smartboyhwWe fixed that problem (at least before Raring releases)15:16
Whiskey`Wonkasmartboyhw: yea thats what i thought. guess ill uninstall it and start over15:16
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Install virtualbox-dkms using terminal15:17
Whiskey`Wonka* Starting VirtualBox kernel modules  * No suitable module for running kernel found15:17
Whiskey`WonkaYea I did that already15:17
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Reboot?15:17
smartboyhwAnd do you have linux-headers-lowlatency installed?15:19
Whiskey`Wonkaah il check on that one15:19
Whiskey`Wonkanope that is not installed15:19
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Install15:21
smartboyhwAnd then reinstall virtualbox15:21
Whiskey`Wonkado i need ot do this with every new kernel? seriously the modules should just build15:22
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: When there is a new kernel it will update both the headers and image15:23
smartboyhwBut yep, the driver will recompile when you update15:23
OerHeksstill experiencing this bug: my time goes  -2 hours, checked settings, disabled UTC, only Amsterdam timezone, still after boot time goes off by 2 hours, why ?15:32
OerHeksbios time is correct15:32
Whiskey`Wonkasmartboyhw: still no dice15:34
Whiskey`Wonkayes rebooted too15:35
Whiskey`Wonkaim importing to the other laptop15:35
Whiskey`Wonkaneed to figure out a way to get the modules to build15:36
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Hmn15:36
smartboyhwOut of ideas15:36
Whiskey`Wonkagoodie =)15:36
smartboyhw!paste | Whiskey`Wonka15:37
ubottuWhiskey`Wonka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:37
smartboyhwPaste the error log there15:37
Whiskey`Wonkayea its a gui error, i forget where vbox keeps its logs15:38
Whiskey`WonkaKernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)15:38
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Try `sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox-dkms` in terminal15:39
smartboyhwa.k.a. konsole15:41
Whiskey`WonkaDKMS: install completed.15:42
Whiskey`Wonkayes i know what the cli is15:42
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Retry15:42
Whiskey`Wonkathats working, wth. i DID that already15:42
Whiskey`Wonkabefore the uninstall/reinstall15:43
smartboyhwWhiskey`Wonka: Can you peep in to #ubuntustudio and ask zequence?15:44
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lordievaderGood afternoon.16:18
l_rhow can i unlock a guest session? it asks for the password17:02
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rd1381i have a problem with running a executable script18:11
=== Adityab_ is now known as Adityab
oye!ask rd138118:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:58
rd1381when i run chrome-wrapper from termianl it loads fine but when i double click it in dolphin nothing happens19:00
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:01
guile__Xubuntu is better20:17
guile__light weight is better20:17
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elijah_I need some advice upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04. I believe the upgrade has been botched.20:39
elijah_What would be the most useful trouble shooting information?20:40
ahoneybuntried using Muon Update Manager?20:40
elijah_ahoneybun: yes. This is what I tried at first but it kept failing to obtain a lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:41
ahoneybunelijah_: reboot when that happens, thats what I do20:41
ahoneybunsomething is using handling packages20:42
elijah_That is what I concluded, so I disabled the automatic updating that would appear once the 13.10 sources were changed20:42
elijah_I think my package lists are all messed up20:43
ahoneybunlook at /etc/apt/sources.list20:43
elijah_ahoneybun: http://paste.kde.org/744662/20:46
ahoneybunwhat version are you on20:47
ahoneybun12.10 right?20:47
elijah_yes. cat /etc/issue20:47
elijah_Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l20:47
ahoneybunwell your sources are pointint to precise 12.0420:48
elijah_Do you mean 10.04? That is what I upgraded to 12.10 from.20:49
elijah_I guess the "precise" give the 12.0420:50
ahoneybun10.04 was Lucid, 12.04 is Precise, and 13.04 is Raring20:50
ahoneybunchange all the precise's to raring and do20:50
ahoneybun"sudo apt-get update"20:50
ahoneybunin a terminal20:50
ahoneybunI think you moved from 10.04 to 12.04 as the default setting I believe for a LTS is to move to a new LTS20:51
ahoneybunand you might have changed something without knowing20:51
ahoneybunany sentence that does not have a ## is active20:52
ahoneybunlike deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise is active20:52
elijah_The update completed without error.20:54
ahoneybuneverything connected20:55
ahoneybunok now do "sudo apt-get upgrade" this will update all your packages with versions from the right repository20:55
elijah_pretty much complained of unmet dependencies20:56
elijah_recommends "apt-get -f install"20:57
ahoneybunFix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place.20:58
ahoneybun           This option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages20:58
ahoneybun           to permit APT to deduce a likely solution.20:58
ahoneybunso run that and see what it shots out20:58
elijah_What think happend was the automatic updater was installing updates when the sources were updated but before the release was updated20:59
elijah_It still seems to be issuing automatic update notifications20:59
elijah_Is there a way to stop this behavior?20:59
elijah_does moun run as a daemon?21:00
ahoneybunnot sure, I'm sure someone here know21:00
ahoneybunno its not started on boot21:00
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elijah_I think I need to disable apper somehow.21:09
elijah_It keeps trying to update and automatically upgrade every 5s21:10
goodtimeumm i had that prob also and im trying to remember what i did elijah_21:13
elijah_goodtime: I will never ever elect for automatic updates again21:14
goodtimei wouldnt disable apper elijah_21:14
elijah_Its going all space odyssy on me21:14
goodtimeelijah_: it might never update again untill you inable it21:15
elijah_goodtime: I will just use a cron script to update and not apper21:15
goodtimewell theres always the terminal but sometimes there is many options to that and you need to know how to do that right21:15
goodtimeyeah i just would be careful disableing a defaulted app for your updates elijah_21:16
taylsHi all.21:17
goodtimebut you could try the other21:17
taylsIf you have it set so that you have more than one desktop, how do you switch between them?21:17
elijah_scroll wheel on the desktop21:17
taylsMany thanks =D21:17
elijah_also should be on icon representing them in the toolbar as well.21:18
taylsAnother one for you.I can't seem to find certain software (7zip, gzip, Skype) via the software centre yet others I have spoken to can. Any ideas?21:18
elijah_What version are you running?21:19
goodtimeright click on the square bubbel looking icon thats on your panel21:19
goodtimeadd virtual desktop21:19
goodtimei add 421:20
goodtimethen i get the desktop cude effect21:20
elijah_Seems to me like you have a problem with 3rd party sources21:20
taylselijah_:  If I do a search via terminal I can find gzip. Yet can't via software centre. Is there some feature I need to change via the software centre to allow me to see those apps? Wouldn't be a restriction to the fact that I'm on the UK server would it?21:21
elijah_For clarification, are you trying to execute programs from the terminal or install them?21:22
taylsInstall them.21:22
elijah_apt-cache search [name of package]21:24
taylsAre you able to see Skype/Gzip/7zip in your software centre?21:24
elijah_I am able to view those packages via moun package manager.21:26
elijah_tayls: Could you provide the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list21:29
taylselijah_: Just doing a restart. Be back soon (and thank you so far =D)21:33
elijah_tayls: No problem, cheers.21:33
fractalinejust getting started on my first kde setup21:36
fractalinei was using compiz on unity and mate.  a hassle to get it working with kde?21:37
fractalinewould it get messy if i swiched back and forth between window managers?21:39
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elijah_fractaline: To clarify, you want to have multiple desktop managers or you want to switch from one to another21:51
fractalineswitch back and forth22:04
TiriliI need some space on my root partition to install openssh-server. Name a huge package that I can remove to get free space, which a normal guy who is just surfing the web doesn't use. ?22:04
TiriliI am talking to him on the phone.22:05
TiriliThe plan is that he installs open-ssh server and I connect to him. I have already logged into another machine on the same lan per ssh. He just has to install and start the ssh server.22:06
genii-aroundWhy not just do sudo apt-get clean  ... to make some room?22:07
TiriliThat's all? What will happen?22:07
TiriliDoes it remove downloaded and installed packages?22:07
genii-aroundTirili: It will delete all the packages which were downloaded the last time from your cache directory, making room22:08
TiriliThat sounds very useful22:08
genii-aroundTirili: No, it will not remove or uninstall anything. It will just get rid of the files which the packages came in22:08
TiriliThank you, genii-around !22:08
fractalinei have downloaded a desktop theme that shows as installed but does not show up in the selection22:27
keithzgHmm, KRunner seems to return incorrect times. For example, if I type "time MDT" it claims "The current time in MDT is 17:46", despite it being 16:46. Same if I check MST.22:46
keithzgAlso, I tried to check what the date and time settings were by right-clicking on the clock and then going to that module . . . but it gave me an error popup when I tried to set it to use NTP, and now it claims everything's fine but it's showing the wrong timezone.22:51
keithzgSeems to be stuck on UTC now.22:51
keithzgAnyone have any ideas why it's refusing to connect to any NTP server I point it towards? Even tried one on the local network and it still claims it can't find it.22:55

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