
dholbachgood morning06:30
benonsoftwareAfternoon dholbach06:31
dholbachhey benonsoftware06:31
benonsoftwaredholbach, how's it going?06:32
dholbachdoing well - the sun is shining over here - how about yourself?06:33
benonsoftwareStill not that well. I'm not liking this cold winter. :P06:33
dholbachyeah, I can imagine06:34
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smartboyhwHey dholbach06:43
dholbachhi smartboyhwr06:43
smartboyhwdholbach: What was discussed at yesterday's Community Roundtable?06:53
dholbachsmartboyhw, we talked a lot about loco teams, about having the "approved" status and started the discussion about how to enable and support local subteams08:43
dholbachand lots of other small bits and pieces - did you see the notes of the session in summit.u.c?08:43
* benonsoftware should learn a programming language soon.08:49
popeybenonsoftware: learn QML!08:49
popeyforget all those others, QML is where it's at!08:49
benonsoftwarepopey: Is it good for someone starting out?08:49
popeywell, it would be easier to start with qml than do something else and then switch to qml IMO08:50
benonsoftwareAlrighty then.08:51
benonsoftwarepopey: Any recommened guides to read to start out with?08:53
popeyis as good a place as any08:54
benonsoftwareThanks. :)08:54
smartboyhwMeh, I'm learning Python 3.08:58
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jonodholbach, balloons can you spin up the sessions?13:52
balloonsi have the session in comm 113:53
dholbachwill do13:53
JoseeAntonioRhey guys :)13:54
JoseeAntonioRpopey: hey, just wondering if you got to transfer the domain13:59
popeyJoseeAntonioR: not yet, and wont for a week or so14:12
JoseeAntonioRok :)14:19
jonodholbach, can you spin up ubuntu on air? balloons I assume you will spin up the QA session on community next?14:57
balloonsjono, yep14:57
dholbachjono, yes, was just about to suggest it14:57
jonoI will join the hangout in a bit14:57
balloonsfyi, jono and dholbach.. I've got to attend non-community sessions for the rest of the day, so I don't plan on hosting anymore sessions15:56
balloonsping if you need15:56
dholbachjono, can you do the roundtable next? I'll do the unity/touch onramp session15:57
balloonsalso, does anyone know where I can find documentation on how UDS works? jono? I want people to understand how status.u.c works and interacts with blueprints.. that way they can be more involved in the whole process.. and get work items even if they missed the meeting, etc15:57
dholbachballoons, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/ and uds.ubuntu.com15:58
jonodholbach, I will do the roundtable15:58
jonoballoons, not sure if there is much documentation available15:59
* balloons gulps.. 15:59
balloonsI know what that means.. I volunteered15:59
dholbach"lunch" time - rather time to take the dog for a walk - I'll be back for the next session :)16:56
mhall119jono: how long will track leads have to give their summary tomorrow? 5 minutes? 10?17:39
balloonsso g+ is changing sometime his afternoon17:42
balloonsshould be fun :-)17:42
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jonodholbach, I assume you are setting up the community.u.c session18:03
dholbachyes, it's up and running - want to be in there?18:04
dholbachjono, ^18:04
dholbachhugs hugs hugs! see you! :)20:01
jonojcastro, beer session?20:05
jonobkerensa, beer session?20:05
jonoanyone else?20:05
bkerensajono: damn yes20:05
bkerensalet me go grab some beers20:06
jonook will fire up in a sec, grabbing a beer20:06
bkerensajono: friday bbq session right?20:07
jonobeer hangout: everyone welcome - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2e35c93b7aca2d5bc4ce8eeaae65aba61ae84205?authuser=0&hl=en20:10
jonojoin us for today's post UDS social beer hangout - feel free to join us at  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2e35c93b7aca2d5bc4ce8eeaae65aba61ae84205?authuser=0&hl=en or watch at http://youtu.be/xF3SCZ7QFhA20:15
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jonosomeone mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/16/on-brainstorm/ ?23:35
jcastrojono: around?23:39
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mhall119jono: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1ef12e/ubuntu_community_managers_thoughts_on_brainstorms/23:44

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