
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pittiGood morning04:04
sil2100thomi: ping07:03
popeyhmm. how do you manually attach a /var/crash/..crash report to a bug?07:17
RAOFAttach it as a file?07:17
pittiyou don't07:17
pittiplease, don't07:17
popeyI have unpacked it, so have a bunch of files which may or may not be useful to the bug report?07:17
popeyis there nothing useful in there?07:18
pittiat least not the core dump07:18
popeythere's no core dump07:18
popeyand my bug is private07:18
pittithere might be some logs etc. which may be useful, but attaching a raw coredump into a bug makes things really hard for a triager07:18
pittipopey: oh, python crash?07:18
popeythats all that it contains07:18
popeyi woke to find it crashed and a dialog on my screen saying "Sorry the program 'Rhythmbox' closed unexpectedly07:19
popeyYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyse the problem and send a report to the developers"07:19
pittiah, then it's useless anyway, as the core dump is too big and thus wasn't saved07:19
pittibut I get that crash, too07:19
pittieverytime a song ends, RB crashes in saucy07:19
pitti(if it's that crash)07:19
popeyno, this is if it's left not playing overnight07:20
popeyshould I leave rb running overnight via gdb then get a backtrace the next day? Might be more useful?07:22
seb128good morning desktopers07:22
didrockssalut seb128!07:24
seb128lut didrocks ;-)07:24
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?07:25
seb128pitti, salut, oui, très bien (en dehors de la pluie), et toi ?07:26
pittiseb128: ça va bien ! (et encore soleil ici :) )07:26
didrockspitti: fais attention, seb128 va t'envoyer de la pluie07:27
didrocksc'est ce qu'il s'est passé ici :(07:27
didrocksméchant seb128 :p07:27
jibelgood morning07:36
didrockshey jibel!07:38
didrocksseb128: FYI, I'm uploading that change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~webapps/webapps-applications/trunk/revision/534, it's going to be in binNEW07:40
didrocksseb128: the goal was to add a -dev package where every webapps script will depend upon (it's using a linter script with gjs which is in universe and the scripts are in universe)07:41
jibelsalut didrocks07:41
didrocksso we can keep -common binary in main07:41
didrocksand have this new -dev binary in universe07:41
seb128didrocks, ok, makes sense07:41
didrocksseb128: just a preventive ping if you can review as I want to be able to run the webapps stack quickly then to get that sorted out :)07:42
didrocksseb128: thanks!07:42
seb128didrocks, will do07:42
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?08:09
Laneystrangely tired, but fine thanks08:09
seb128I'm good thanks08:09
seb128shrug, I forgot about that08:11
seb128with the new glib, unity-panel-service segfault every time you close a win...08:11
seb128cyphermox_, ^ we need that libdbusmenu fix from charles merged and uploaded08:12
seb128didrocks, ^ for info08:12
seb128going to be fun for saucy users until it is :/08:12
Laneyhmm, i don't see that08:13
Laneybut anyway if it's that important then we can just upload it08:14
seb128Laney, it's not the end of the world, the service respawn, you just see the menubar be relocated to the app for a second and then be masked again08:14
seb128then you get apport to nag you08:14
didrocksseb128: we can just run libdbusmenu. If the indicator guys didn't want us to disable daily release because they are going to break trunk :/08:15
* Laney is in the middle of being spammed by apport08:15
seb128new glib seems to also make tb unhappy08:15
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ did you notice?08:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, i haven't upgraded yet08:15
chrisccoulsonunhappy in what way?08:15
seb128chrisccoulson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5666939/08:17
didrocksseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue please ;)08:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, g_menu_item_set_detailed_action ?08:18
chrisccoulsonwhat code is calling this?08:18
seb128chrisccoulson, seems to come from libmessaging-menu08:18
seb128so maybe a messaging menu issue08:19
seb128chrisccoulson, tb lost my config/account :-(08:21
seb128when I start it now it gives me the "welcome to tb, do you want a new email"08:21
seb128didrocks, NEWed08:22
didrocksseb128: thanks!08:23
seb128didrocks, re: libdbusmenu, let's wait for cyphermox_, he put the merge on hold because there was a debug printf left in the MR08:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, what's in ~/.thunderbird and ~/.thunderbird/profiles.ini ?08:24
seb128$ ls ~/.thunderbird/08:24
seb128appreg            Crash Reports                  profiles.ini08:24
seb128baistreq.default  messagingmenu@mozilla.com.xpi08:24
seb128$ profiles.ini08:25
LaneyI keep getting facebook "Success" pages opening in my browser08:28
* Laney suspects UOA08:28
seb128that again?08:28
seb128we had that last cycle at some point08:28
Laneyseb128: can you reproduce it?08:32
Laneygo to add a facebook account in UOA08:32
seb128I've on configured08:33
Laneyyeah, just try to add a new one08:33
Laneyhappens the same for me anyway08:33
seb128Laney, can you ping mardy on #ubuntu-devel about it?08:35
seb128Laney, but yeah, it opens in firefox rather than embedded for me as well08:35
seb128Laney, I suspect fb server side changes08:36
Laneyyeah, found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center-signon/+bug/113203008:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1132030 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Facebook account setup opens in external browser, unusable" [Undecided,Fix released]08:37
seb128Laney, that was the one from last time08:38
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seb128Laney, didrocks, chrisccoulson: just for info:09:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180302 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "hit SIGTRAP errors after glib 2.37 update" [High,New]09:19
seb128desrt_, larsu_: ^ hey, please have a look if you can, tb fails to start in saucy, issue with new glib/libmessaging-menu09:20
seb128well "fails to start", it hit that when I receive new messages, but it might be config dependant09:20
seb128desrt_, larsu_: it hits that error:09:20
seb128g_menu_item_set_detailed_action: Detailed action name 'mailbox:///home/user/.thunderbird/idprofile.default/Mail/pop.orange.fr/Inbox' has invalid format09:20
Laneyseb128: would it be alright to promote libgee-0.8?10:11
seb128Laney, want to make it the default version?10:11
Laneynot really, just updating libdmapsharing which deps on this series10:11
seb128we should make it default10:11
seb128but I want to check with mhr3 if that's ok with them before10:12
Laneyit's got a renamed pcfile10:12
Laneyso actual source changes to rdeps10:12
Laneyseems like it's only for the testsuite anyway here, not at runtime10:16
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Laneyseb128: right, uploaded - it will depwait so promote when you're ready please10:33
seb128Laney, cool, will do in a bit10:35
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seb128Sweetshark, hey, do you have a saucy libreoffice upload planned soon?11:08
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cyphermox_good morning11:11
cyphermox_seb128: sorry, my intent wasn't clear11:11
seb128cyphermox_, hey11:11
seb128cyphermox_, how are you?11:11
cyphermox_I do mention there are debug stuff left in; but I don't usually block merges on that unles it was just a printf ;)11:11
cyphermox_not bad, not bad11:11
cyphermox_bright and early this morning :)11:12
seb128cyphermox_, nice11:12
Sweetsharkseb128: why?11:12
seb128cyphermox_, well, new glib landed and unity-panel-service goes segfault everytime you close a win11:12
seb128cyphermox_, so we somewhat need that libdbusmenu to land in saucy sooner rather than latter if we can ;-)11:13
Sweetsharkseb128: AFAIK there will need to be one as the foundation guys will break LO brutally with gcc and boost updates ...11:13
cyphermox_seb128: if the tests pass I'm happy to land it ;)11:13
seb128Sweetshark, because there is a poppler transition waiting to start and libreoffice will need a no-change-rebuild (or any other kind of upload)11:13
Sweetsharkseb128: so, upstream releases are still a bit off. the gcc/boost stuff will happen first.11:15
Sweetsharkseb128: xnox tweaked around with that in Oakland, I havent checked the current state there yet ...11:15
seb128Sweetshark, what about uploading 4.0.3 in saucy?11:16
seb128Sweetshark, did anyone try if that builds in saucy or did it get hit by toolchain changes already?11:16
Sweetsharkseb128: not tried yet. It will shure be hit by the toolchain changes.11:22
Sweetsharkseb128: there is little difference between 4.0.2/.3 wrt that.11:23
seb128so that poppler transition will be blocked on libreoffice to build with the new toolchain11:23
seb128is that something you are working on atm?11:23
Sweetsharkseb128: no, I only came across that by accident. xnox is doing that on some private archives. We essentially agreed that xnox would upload a fixed LO with the toolchain changes and I would then merge them into the debian-SCM.11:34
seb128xnox, ĥey ;-)11:34
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dpmhey seb128, regarding the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1305-printing-stack-with-mobile-in-mind bp you were pinging me about yesterday, I don't think I'll be able to attend to the rescheduled session, as I need to be on the appdev track. But in any case, I think I was added to the blueprint by mistake11:49
dpmI know nothing about printing and I'm not sure how I could contribute to the discussion11:50
seb128dpm, hey, no worry, Till added the subscribers, I was just trying to get people to join if anyone was interested since nobody was there11:50
seb128dpm, ok, fair enough11:50
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xnoxSweetshark: seb128: yeah, it started building but eventually failed. need to look more into it.14:24
seb128xnox, please let me know before uploading once you get it done14:25
seb128xnox, we have a poppler transition to do and it will need a no change rebuild from libreoffice to pick the new soname14:26
seb128xnox, so I would like to get poppler in first14:26
dobeyLaney: hey, might you have a suggestion on how to actually test the software-center fix for upgrade to 13.04?14:50
Laneydobey: hmm, not so much, short of trying some dist-upgrades and hoping you can show that you could hit it before and not after14:54
Laneyat least it should be possible to observe that it drops off with the new versions on errors14:54
dobeyswitch all the archives to raring on quantal, enable raring-proposed, and do dist-upgrade?14:56
Laneysomething like that14:58
Laneyassuming you get the bug without the raring-proposed bit14:59
dobeydid python-gi with the Breaks: for aptdaemon make it into -updates yet?15:00
Laneyno, that needs to happen with s-c15:01
Laneyyou Break the older software-centers too15:11
dobeyand that's also still in -proposed15:12
dobeyso without -proposed, i expect the issue to happen more often than not (esp. given the e.u.c numbers)15:12
hyperairhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1173886 <-- could someone tell me the reasoning behind hardcoding the colour of the nautilus tile?15:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1173886 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Wrong background colour for nautilus icon in Unity launcher" [Undecided,New]15:24
hyperairbefore i get to work purging said patch15:24
seb128because the automatically picked color was not working well and nobody had time to do the proper fix which is to include that color info with the icon theme15:25
* hyperair facepalms15:25
hyperairyou know, if you shipped some icon metadata along with the specific icon that hinted to unity what the tile should be, that's one thing, but this is rather ridiculous.15:26
hyperairnow i either have to 1) live with it, 2) run a patched nautilus, 3) dpkg-divert the desktop file, or 4) fork the desktop file into ~/.local/share/applications15:27
seb128read the comments on bug #1081691?15:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1081691 in Ayatana Design "Launcher - Update the icons used for the Software Centre, Nautilus, and Software Updater" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108169115:27
seb128see e.g my comment #2315:28
seb128but it's only a color and most users don't change their icon theme15:29
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seb128so it's a pretty minor issue and optimize for the most common case15:29
hyperairi can't help but wonder how many users actually customize their desktop theme..15:30
seb128a small % for sure15:30
seb128we don't even provide an ui to do that15:30
seb128we being GNOME or Unity15:30
hyperairwe don't provide a ui to do that == let's trample all over the dconf settings because we don't give a f___15:31
TheMusoI get the feeling that all OSs are generally moving away from allowing customization. Hell one can't really customize IOS beyond text size for accessibility reasons...15:31
hyperairseb128: also i can't help but note the distinct lack of response to #23.15:32
seb128I agree to patch those icons as a workaround for raring15:32
seb128but only that15:32
hyperairokay, at least we live with a temporarily broken solution.15:33
* hyperair sighs15:33
hyperairhow about sticking metadata into the icons themselves to tell unity what colour it should use?15:33
* hyperair wonders if anyone has tried that.15:33
hyperairah, i see that icon metadata was mentioned in bug #96212015:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 962120 in Unity "Launcher - Add API to allow apps to override the Launcher tile colourisation with a colour of their choosing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96212015:38
hyperairbut https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/962120/comments/4 picked the .desktop approach instead15:38
hyperairgekker, eh..15:38
* hyperair polishes the kitchen knife15:38
Sweetsharkxnox: thx. can I help out there somehow, or is it a mess to get that environment set up?15:47
xnoxSweetshark: it's not a mess =) but I should push "my current state of the art somewhere"15:49
desrt_Laney: rumour has it i owe you a beer :)16:06
=== desrt_ is now known as desrt
desrt(for tricking seb)16:07
Laneythe anti-thunderbird crew16:07
desrtlarsu already cooked a fix16:08
desrtit's trivial16:08
Laneysome mangling of the id?16:08
desrtthat's what he was going to do16:09
desrtthen i reminded him that he's using the wrong API in the first place16:09
Sweetsharkxnox: yes, please do ;)16:09
desrtthe detailed action parsing only applies if you use an API that takes detailed action names16:09
desrtwhich he should not have been doing, since there is no possibility of a target16:09
desrtit would have caused problems before if someone used an action with a '::' in the name16:11
desrtbut now it's fixed properly16:11
larsu_Laney, cyphermox, seb128: patch is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-messages/lp118030216:16
desrtsee https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70039816:16
ubot2Gnome bug 700398 in gapplication "Warn about detailed_action parameters" [Enhancement,New]16:16
seb128larsu_, great, thanks16:16
desrtthis bug is about the trap that larsu fell into16:16
seb128larsu_, I'm in a vUDS session atm but will try as soon as it's over16:17
desrtseb128: bonjour de montréal!16:17
seb128desrt, bonjour de france ;-)16:18
desrtoh.  you're visiting france today? ;)16:18
larsu_seb128: tested on cyphermox's machine. Thunderbird is still rnuning..16:24
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cyphermoxas opposed to crashing without touching anything, yeah, it's improved16:25
Laneycyphermox: can you get it uploaded to saucy?16:28
cyphermoxyes, will do it16:30
desrtseb128: so.... this g_error() in GMenu should have been a g_critical()16:44
desrti want fatal criticals16:44
desrtonly for developers16:44
* larsu blames this whole bug on desrt now!16:44
desrtso i have an idea i want to bounce off of you16:44
desrtwhich is that we turn criticals fatal only if we find glib.h is installed16:44
desrtie: if you install -dev packages, you get fatal criticals16:44
desrtthis is a good way to ensure our developers are fixing problems properly while not hurting "normal users"16:45
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desrtcould also base it on the -dbg/-dbgsyms package being installed16:53
seb128desrt, sorry, I was in an hangout17:00
seb128desrt, well, devs can optin easily by setting an env variable17:00
desrtseb128: but nobody does.... we need a good 'automatic' hook17:00
seb128there is no good automatic17:01
desrtanother possibility that i consider: if your session crashes as the result of a fatal critical, we give you the option to login again with fatal criticals disabled17:01
desrtso that people don't get 'stuck'17:01
seb128like making your shell or im client or email client not start is going to make you not able to get work done and you are not the one who is going to fix those in most cases17:02
desrtlook at what happens today17:02
desrti use g_error() because everyone ignores criticals17:02
desrtthen _everyone_ suffers17:02
seb128everyone running unstable17:02
larsuyou shouldn't have used g_error...17:02
seb128which is probably close from the set of those having -dev installed17:02
desrtlarsu: i shouldn't have to contend with a log file full of ignored criticals17:03
desrtseb128: not toward the end of the cycle...17:03
desrtseb128: i'd still support an opt-out17:03
desrtG_DEBUG=not-fatal-criticals or so17:03
desrtso people could easily work around17:03
desrtanyway... cyphermox wants lunch now17:03
seb128I think it's a social issue more than a technical one17:03
desrttime to go :)17:04
seb128the people who care should opt in17:04
desrtseb128: i agree.17:04
seb128desrt, enjoy!17:04
desrtbut ya... bye :)17:04
larsufrom desrt: the people who don't care, are the ones who cause the problems. And then the people who do care, and opt-in, are not the best people to fix the problems17:06
larsuif everybody was automatically opted in, then there wouldn't be a problem17:06
seb128larsu, a discussion to have over beer17:06
seb128larsu, I blame you and desrt for not doing opt-in, it's a bug in your code, you should have noticed it :p17:07
* seb128 hides17:07
seb128larsu, and go for lunch before you all starve in front of your keyboards ;-)17:07
desrtseb128: it's an integration problem -- nobody's fault and everybody's fault, as usual18:05
didrocksrobru: did you poke the archive admins about reviewing the packages in NEW?18:19
didrocksrobru: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue18:19
robrudidrocks, nope... in a vuds session though brb18:20
didrocksseb128: you can't talk, do you have time? they should be easy ^18:20
seb128didrocks, suuuure18:20
seb128didrocks, hum, first on I review (unity-webapps-googleplusgames), copyright has:18:28
seb128"Files: */*.png */*.svg18:28
seb128Copyright: various18:28
seb128License: trademark-controlled"18:28
seb128which is weird18:28
seb128since the source has no such files18:28
didrocksseb128: I guess this is for robru ^18:28
seb128could be18:28
didrocksseb128: it's all robru's, I think he's going to fix all those ;)18:28
seb128I guess that's not a stopper18:28
didrocksyeah, it's weird18:29
seb128hum, -amazon lacks a COPYING (not blocker)18:32
seb128Files: debian/*18:33
seb128Copyright: 2012 The friendly pkgme.net robot18:33
seb128License: public-domain18:33
seb128 18:33
seb128lol ;-)18:33
seb128same for -wordpress18:35
didrocksI think robru isn't done with webapps yet :p18:40
seb128didrocks, accepted indicators-client though18:43
didrocksseb128: thanks!18:43
seb128ok, newing the webapp ones, the issues I listed before are not stoppers but would be nice to fix18:45
seb128robru, ^18:45
robruseb128, didrocks: don't look at me! this is how I inherited it from alex-abreu18:48
didrocksrobru: we are *staring* at you!18:48
alex-abreurobru, don't do finger poiting :)18:48
robruseb128, which apps did you find had copyright files that referenced files that don't exist?18:49
robrujust googleplusgames?18:49
seb128robru, no, the 5 I just newed18:49
seb128I guess the copyright is all coming from the same original source18:49
alex-abreurobru, seb128 we should review those and update the license indeed18:49
alex-abreuseb128, yeah, it was done a bit too fast there18:50
alex-abreurobru, I think that's why (at the time) I didn't include some webapps ... (e.g. g+ games)18:51
robrualex-abreu, this should be your motivation to fix them all ;-)18:51
alex-abreu*my* ? :) ... yeah send me a list and I can have a quick look18:51
seb128cyphermox, how is the indicator-messages landing going?18:52
alex-abreufeel free to share the "burden"18:52
cyphermoxjust about done18:52
seb128cyphermox, \o/18:53
cyphermoxseb128: it's standard jenkins/autopilot delayu18:53
cyphermoxas soon as it fails I'll publish18:53
seb128cyphermox, no worry, I'm just making sure it lands today so people have their email client back to be working tomorrow18:54
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cyphermoxyes, I want to land today but I didn't want to disable autopilot in case we could actually have successful results eventually19:10
cyphermoxit looks like ATI might not fail this time19:10
cyphermoxso I'm just waiting to see what the results will be19:10
cyphermoxseb128: ^19:10
seb128cyphermox, ok, as long as it's built by tomorrow morning I'm happy ;-)19:12
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mterryChrisTownsend, so I'm testing your Ubuntu One patches to duplicity for inclusion in saucy/raring20:49
mterryChrisTownsend, they don't seem to change anything.  I still get 500 errors20:50
ChrisTownsendmterry: Well, it doesn't address the real problem of why errors are occurring, it just gives it a chance for the retries to actually work by resetting the file pointer back to the beginning of the file.20:51
ChrisTownsendmterry: I'm not sure why the errors occur.20:51
ChrisTownsendmterry: Before, the retries would always fail because of the file pointer.20:52
mterryChrisTownsend, OK.  But you made it sound like usually retrying will allow DD to continue, but I'm still reliably getting the error.  This is on GET requests20:52
ChrisTownsendmterry: I was reliably getting 404 Bad Request errors on retry.  Now it works mostly better, but I have seen the retries even fail on occasion.20:53
ChrisTownsendmterry: So my fix supposedly addresses those 404 errors by resetting the file pointer and resending out a good request.20:53
ChrisTownsendmterry: Perhaps we should still have the U1 team involved on why other errors are occurring???20:54
mterryChrisTownsend, maybe... but I still suspect it's something we're doing client-side, since only 13.04 shows the bug20:55
mterryChrisTownsend, maybe we're signing the oauth stuff bad or something like that20:56
ChrisTownsendmterry: Hmm, yeah.  About 95% of the time now, I can get through a backup now where before, it would always fail.20:56
ChrisTownsendmterry: So you said you see 500 errors and not 404's?20:57
ChrisTownsendmterry: Probably more than one bug on this one.20:57
mterryChrisTownsend, mine are 500s yeah20:58
mterryChrisTownsend, will look into it my 500s20:58
ChrisTownsendmterry: That's a generic Internal Server Error which is different than what I was chasing.20:59
ChrisTownsendmterry: Cool, let me know if I can help anymore.20:59
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sil2100thomi: ping!21:51
sil2100thomi: hi!21:51
sil2100thomi: so, actually even after merging in my branch, there are still around 10 failures in autopilot21:51
sil2100thomi: https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/more_ap_ap_test_fixes/+merge/16403721:51
sil2100Here's a branch in progress that we can co-work on, the description has the path to the latest AP run with my merges merged in21:52
sil2100thomi: you think you could find some time to look at those fixes, add them to this branch and maybe even get it all reviewed?21:52
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