=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan [20:11] I was at the community roundtable session at UDS today where they discussed the Ubuntu Advocacy Kit [20:12] I tried to install the ppa and subsequent uak package but ran into trouble [20:12] airurando: oh what kind [20:13] followed the three step instructions here [20:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu%20Advocacy%20Kit%20(UAK)/Installing [20:13] step one and two went fine [20:13] but with step three I got [20:13] ok let me try [20:14] airurando: what version of Ubuntu are you running ? [20:14] E: unable to locate package UAK [20:14] 12.04 [20:14] steady eddie me :-) [20:15] hmmm [20:15] says it should work on 12.04 [20:15] so not even a raring issue [20:15] no [20:15] hmm [20:15] let me go and see whats what with the ppa [20:16] cheers [20:19] airurando: trying to add it manually now [20:19] 2 icks [20:24] the steps I took were as follows: [20:24] hmm that faiiled also [20:24] airurando: I'll poke daniel in the mornig [20:24] and see what's what [20:24] ah cool [20:24] unless you want a file a bug [20:24] most odd [20:24] not just me so [20:24] :-) [20:25] working tomorrow [20:25] and Friday [20:25] Will try again at the weekend [20:25] cool [20:25] hows the leg doing ? [20:25] czajkowski: [20:25] leg coming along nicely [20:25] but [20:26] my son Oisin sustained a fracture to his left humerus at football training last Friday [20:26] Jackie is fit to kill both of us :-) [20:26] hilarious me on crutch brining Oising with sling into school [20:27] LOL [20:27] pricelss [20:27] absolutely [20:27] thanks again czajkowski