
infinityBenC: D'oh.05:31
BenCinfinity: ?05:31
infinityBenC: Your linux-ppc ended up being based on a kernel we're dumping from -proposed.05:31
BenCinfinity: Errg…I took the latest Ubuntu tag05:31
infinityBenC: There are new ones in the PPA right now, but you may as well just wait a day and rebase tomorrow when we do another SRU round.05:31
infinityBenC: (Today's is an emergency security update, but that will be rolled into what you just rebased on tomorrow for the bigger SRU cycle)05:32
BenCinfinity: So are the PPA kernels tagged in ubuntu-master git?05:32
infinityI'd assume so.05:32
infinityOr, maybe 21.32 is a mess right now.05:33
infinityI'd just wait for 22.33 tomorrow, unless you're desperately keen on turning around this security fix tonight.05:33
infinityBenC: The upshot is that you'll get a tracking bug this time, unless bjf messed that up. ;)05:35
infinityOh, which he did:05:35
infinityIt was not possible to create or handle the tracking bugs for the following packages (their tracking bugs based on this update must be handled manually):05:36
infinitybjf: ^--- shankbot fails at linux-ppc tracking bugs.05:36
infinityBenC: I'll make sure that gets fixed. :P05:38
infinityBenC: Anyhow, you can either attempt to rebase on the 21.32 floating tag and get in on this emergency SRU bandwagon, or just wait a couple of days and get back into rhythm with 22.33.  Up to you.  The latter's probably less effort, if you're not desperately concerned.05:39
BenCinfinity: Not desperately concerned...05:41
infinityBenC: Alright, I'll just poke you in a day or two when we get all our ducks in some sort of row, then.05:42
BenCinfinity: Works for me, thanks05:43
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lagapw: ogasawara: Damn lag!07:46
ckingsmb, perhaps c902ce1bfb40d8b049bd2319b388b4b68b04bc27 addresses that  bug09:04
smbcking, Hm, yeah. Sounds suspiciously familiar...09:06
Laneyis bug #1157880 on somebody's radar?09:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157880 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build on kernel 3.9 [wl_cfg80211.c:2025:3: error: too few arguments to function ‘cfg80211_put_bss’]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115788009:06
infinityLaney: tseliot, perhaps?09:08
LaneyI did try to tab complete him at the time09:08
* Laney gives a bug #1157880 shaped cookie to tseliot09:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1157880 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build on kernel 3.9 [wl_cfg80211.c:2025:3: error: too few arguments to function ‘cfg80211_put_bss’]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115788009:09
tseliotLaney: right, it was on my todo list. I already have a patch for that09:10
infinitytseliot: Dude, you joined the channel literally two or three seconds after I invoked your name.  It was creepy.09:10
tseliotinfinity: hehe :)09:10
Laneyhe said it five times while facing a mirror09:10
tseliotit usually works that way ;)09:11
tseliotapw: have you ever tried bcmwl
apwhmm probabally not, brcmsmac has been pretty good for me09:19
apwtseliot, tseliot oh it isn't in the archive, where is it09:20
tseliotapw: here (it works with kernels up to 3.8 for now) https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/broadcom09:21
tseliotapw: or you can get one that should work with 3.9 here: https://launchpad.net/~eugenesan/+archive/ppa09:27
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rtg_cking, can you create a bug for your raring nexus4 patch 'Enable lttng-modules-dkms to build' ?13:40
ckingrtg_, yup, doh, I forgot to do that13:40
rtg_cking, it is for raring, right ?13:40
rtg_the repo organization is a little chaotic wrt nexus4/make and nexus7/grouper13:41
ckingrtg_, urm, well it's for the nexus4 mako, currently raring, but won't we be moving to saucy with the same kernel?13:42
rtg_cking, we will, but I'm going to add lttng as part of the kernel under the ubuntu directory. see ubuntu-manta for example.13:45
ckingrtg_, that's going to be fun - more bloat - and will lttng work OK if it's built-in? 13:46
rtg_cking, its modular, so the bloat issue is less of a problem. I'm assuming it'll work if the dkms package does.13:47
rtg_cking, Q/A would like to use lttng as a standard logging method. I've added it to the saucy distro kernel.13:48
ckingrtg_, yup, I'm having issues with in on the nexus4 - the output seems to not work with babeltrace and I'm trying to profile it on these devices to see how expensive it is13:49
rtg_cking, is the dkms package from tip on the lttng repo ?13:50
ckingrtg_, i've tried the default package + the tip of the lttng repo13:50
ckingbtw, bug is 118039413:51
rtg_cking, see if you can see that same issues with the saucy distro kernel.13:51
ckingrtg_, so, saucy + x86 it works fine13:51
rtg_cking, shit13:51
ckingand 3.4 + x86 it works fine, but not  3.4 nexus4 13:53
* cking tested x86 + saucy a couple of days ago, not sure about latest saucy kernels13:53
rtg_cking, no change wrt lttng13:54
rtg_only stable updates13:54
ckingrtg_, ok, if you are going to integrate lttng into the n4 kernel I will give it is spin to see if that fixes the babeltrace issue13:56
rtg_cking, I think I'll leaving raring as is, but will build it in for saucy and newer. the touch dudes are going to stop raring development as soon as they flip the container model.13:57
ckingrtg_, ok - any idea when that saucy kernel will be available?13:57
rtg_cking, I'm working on it today.13:58
ckingok, cool, let me know when it's ready and I will get crackin' on it - I'm keen to benchmark it to see how much overhead it adds on these small ARM devices13:58
rtg_cking, and whether it works at all :)13:59
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ckingrtg, that would be a bonus ;-)13:59
rtg_cking, I assume your second patch is an ABI bumper ?14:01
ckingrtg_, bother, yes, i overlooked that14:02
rtg_cking, s'alright14:02
* cking wonders if this bug fix is kinda academic if the saucy kernel does the trick and that's what we will be using14:04
rtg_cking, its hard to know. I've only done it for manta thus far, and have yet to try to boot it on the N10.14:04
* cking tempted to forget it for now unless anyone screams for it on the raring N4 kernel14:06
rtg_cking, I'll get back to you when the N4 saucy kernel is ready14:07
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apwcking, that second patch, isn't that just checking a CONFIG_* variable and therefore could we not just change the config? (for the N4 lttng)15:48
ckingapw, true, but it means the N4 kernel deviates from our standard Ubuntu kernels for no reason15:49
ckingi just wanted to re-align it because one of the earlier patches adds in features to the makefile that is not what we normally have15:50
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henrixrtg_: are you rebooting gomeisa/tangerine? my session just broke and can't reconnect16:49
rtg_henrix, nope16:49
rtg_I seem to have lost my connection as well16:49
* rtg_ -> lunch16:55
zequenceDid you change the workflow for how kernel sources are updated or something?16:57
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zequencemaster is not containing the commits for the latest versions16:58
zequenceSeems those are in master-next instead16:59
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zequencehmm, wait16:59
zequenceThe tags are there, but where are the commits (am I just being stupid?)16:59
henrixsconklin__: you're probably still fixing the branches? ^^^17:00
sconklin__zequence: I'm going to fix the branches today, but the CVE release from last night will never appear in the linear history for the kernels, it will only be a tag17:01
sconklin__zequence: because we made the security fix on the last released kernel and not the one we had in -proposed, it's impossible to represent everything in th elinear history, including both the security release and the -proposed kernel17:03
zequencesconklin__: Ok, but once you've fixed the branches, I can just pull to get the latest version, right? I'll do that tomorrow in that case (update the -lowlatency kernels)17:05
sconklin__zequence: yes, and that will include the security fix17:05
zequenceok, thanks17:05
* rtg_ -> EOD20:02
infinitypsivaa: *poke*20:40
FroMasterI was provided a VMware VM that has Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS as its base and kernel 3.2.0-30-generic. VMware only provided VMware-Tools for 3.2.0-23/3.2.0-29 not the one I have. The VM is an appliance and thus has unnecessary components removed. Trying to get the Kernel-headers & build-essentials is not possible. I'm trying to find the difference between 3.2.0-30-generic & 3.2.0-29-generic to 21:08
FroMastersee if I can upgrade the kernel and apply the vmware-tools packages via apt-get. 21:08
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rsalvetiapw: pushed flash-kernel support for mako, so we can enable that at the kernel package already22:02
tyrogHi fellaz. Is there a fix for HDMI audio not working coming for Ubuntu 13.04? thanks22:39
infinitytyrog: We've had a couple of emergency security fixes get in the way of pushing that out, but the fix will be in the next SRU kernel (landing in -proposed todayish, and in -updates in a week or two).22:51
infinitytyrog: Assuming your bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116998422:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1169984 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "3.8.0-18 HDMI audio regression: Either oops or opening device fails with -ENODEV" [High,Fix committed]22:52
tyroginfinity: so right now with -20 the fix is not included yet?22:59
infinitytyrog: It's in -20-, and backed out in -21-, and will reappear in -22-23:01
infinitytyrog: The vagaries of emergency security updates trumping long QA cycles for other bugs. :/23:01
tyroginfinity: But I tested -20 and I still dont have my hdmi audio in the sound menu23:01
tyrogand why is it being taken out from -21?23:02
infinitytyrog: Then you might, potentially, have a different bug.  Do feel free to file one ('ubuntu-bug linux') and include as much info as you can, including what you've tested.23:02
infinitytyrog: -21 is -19 with exactly one small patch on top, urgent security release.  -20 was never released (as in, didn't pass QA and other such things yet), so we couldn't base -21 on -20.23:03
tyroginfinity: From what I've seen, it will go directly from 19 to 21 for people without proposed right?23:04
infinitytyrog: Right.23:05
infinitytyrog: If you're okay with running -proposed kernels, -22 should land today/tomorrow, and will basically be a merge of -20 and -21.23:05
tyroggood, thanks :)23:06
ohsixwhat's the small patch/bug?23:08

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