
=== Guest47677 is now known as Zic
dholbachgood morning06:31
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TheLordOfTimemitya57, merge was handled apparently15:55
mitya57TheLordOfTime: yeah I saw it15:56
mitya57(thanks Daviey!)15:56
mitya57asomething: hi, around?15:57
asomethingmitya57, hi16:05
mitya57asomething: great to see you here :)16:06
mitya57first, are you still planning to look at my woff-tools package or should I ask someone else?16:06
asomethingmitya57, eek... I forgot all about that. I should have time today while lurking on UDS sessions. sorry!16:07
mitya57asomething: no problem, I just wanted to know if you will or won't16:08
mitya57asomething: and my second question: can you please leave a comment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DmitryShachnev/MOTUApplication/ ?16:08
asomethingmitya57, Absolutely!16:09
mitya57asomething: thanks a lot! (I'm also considering to apply for DD this summer)16:10
asomethingmitya57, great! I'd be happy to advocate you for DD as well. Do you have your key signed by two DDs?16:11
mitya57asomething: yes16:13
TheLordOfTimemitya57, ping, your comment on bug 117502716:39
ubottubug 1175027 in nginx (Ubuntu) "crypt_r() failed (2: No such file or directory) when using auth_basic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117502716:39
TheLordOfTimemitya57, wouldn't it help to ask what release they're using?16:39
TheLordOfTimethey could be using raring, and can't check saucy atm16:40
mitya57TheLordOfTime: they can install a deb from Saucy16:43
TheLordOfTimemitya57, assuming they know how.16:43
mitya57TheLordOfTime: or maybe you'll verify it yourself?16:43
TheLordOfTimemitya57, that, and for nginx, you'd need two separate debs, people don't realize that (but we do)16:43
TheLordOfTimemitya57, i could...16:43
TheLordOfTime... if I had a working VM16:43
* TheLordOfTime is on his phone :/16:43
TheLordOfTimemitya57, the question is whether or not they're on Saucy or not16:44
TheLordOfTimemitya57, we can almost guarantee this works on saucy16:44
TheLordOfTimesince the bugfix seems to be in the 1.2.x branch16:44
TheLordOfTimebut if they're on Raring, then I have to go digging in upstream trac for the changes16:45
mitya57TheLordOfTime: let's just close it then (and open a raring task)?16:45
TheLordOfTimemitya57, i'll have a raring VM later, bit i'm not near my computer right now is all16:51
mitya57TheLordOfTime: ok16:55
mitya57asomething: thanks for commenting!16:55
asomethingmitya57, no problem. I took a look at woff-tools as well. Everything looks fine to me, though you might want to know that pkg-fonts is slowly moving to git http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-fonts/SVNTOGitMigration17:05
asomethingI think I set DM upload permissions for it, but it's one of those things that I do so infrequently that I'm always surprised when it actually works17:06
mitya57asomething: thanks, didn't know that (and that page was created after I pushed it to SVN)17:07
mitya57asomething: pushed to http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-fonts/woff-tools.git (fyi)17:22
mitya57(and I probably now should remove it from svn)17:26
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asomethingany one regularly running dput-ng on ubuntu? any gotchas to look out for if I wanted to make the switch?18:06
jtayloruds is already almost over? didn't even notice it had started :O21:10
jtaylorisn't there usually a message over identi.ca?21:12
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