
phillwknome: I thought the xubuntu session was today?00:55
phillw(well, yesterday for me ... 14th )00:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jibelgood morning07:36
knomephillw, we pulled our sessions out of the "real" UDS schedule to be able to keep them at 20UTC.08:49
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balloonsknome, interesting :-) So it's today at 2000 UTC for xubuntu meeting?12:00
knomeballoons, today as well. we had the first one yesterday; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2013-May/008904.html12:08
balloonsahh :-)12:08
smartboyhwHey balloons:)12:12
smartboyhwballoons, phillw: What did you guys talk about in the Lubuntu session?12:13
phillwsmartboyhw watch the session :) http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21754/community-s-lubuntu-work-items/12:14
balloonsplanned for the cycle12:14
balloonsmostly just Julien detailing his thoughts12:14
phillwballoons: who is / are QA / release manager(s) for kubuntu? I can't see them listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/WhoWeAre12:20
knomeis that page something i should (have) know(n) about?12:24
balloonsknome, that page is something noskcaj started12:38
balloonsin an effort to learn who everyone was :-)12:38
knomei just updated the main QATeam wikipage a bit12:38
knomemostly (markup) formatting12:38
balloonsawesome.. always happy to have updates :-)12:39
phillwballoons: I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/WhoWeAre should have a bit of prominence so that new comers can quickly find their flavor leads :)12:42
balloonsphillw, well we have to all meet as leads.. I think we can discuss it then :-)12:42
balloonsI agree the detail should be somewhere.. but buy-in from everyone has to be there so it stays reasonably up to date12:43
balloonsand of course, I don't like listing people's contact info without them knowing :-)12:43
phillwballoons: well, elfy (QA guy from xubuntu) asked for some details, hopefully he will also update the page with his details :)12:56
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pittiballoons: can you please move the "Automating the Language Pack refresh process" someplace else? seems I'm a key person in both that and the power mgmt one13:55
pittiballoons: yesterday would have been fine, but it got moved13:56
pittiany time after lunch break WFM, or tomorrow13:56
balloonspitti, ok, let me go look13:58
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balloonsnice everything is locked.. it might take someone with more power than me :-)14:01
balloonspitti, I'm afraid I can't move it ^^14:02
pittiballoons: ah, too bad; thanks for trying, though14:05
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balloonspitti, I'll start your session for upstream testing happening in 1414:47
smartboyhw_pitti, query/private message?14:48
pittismartboyhw_: sure (but I'm in sessions)14:55
pittiballoons: thanks; I'll be done with server testing in a bit14:55
pittiballoons: can you PM me the URL?14:55
balloonsfor eveyone who wants to follow along on status for quality community stuff: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/group/topic-s-community-quality.html14:57
smartboyhw_balloons: Why there is no me?!14:59
balloonssmartboyhw_, add yourself to any blueprint you wish14:59
balloonsseriously :-) Even if you couldn't make it to the talk session, you can still help out :-)15:00
balloonsI'm going to send that list to everyone on the mailing list so they know.. Anything you find interesting, join in!15:00
smartboyhw_balloons: I might do another classroom session… Any ideas?15:02
balloonsyou can't hardly have a bad session15:02
balloonsthere was a lot of demand for bug type sessions :-)15:02
balloonsand as always, 'how to test X'15:02
balloonsnot literally x, lol, but 'how to test <insert package>'15:03
smartboyhw_balloons: How to test MIR or Unity (or flavours?)15:03
balloonsall excellent ideas15:04
balloonsmir would get a ton of people interested15:04
smartboyhwballoons: probably "How to use the QA Trackers"? LOL15:07
balloonsnever a bad idea15:07
smartboyhwballoons: Meh probably another testdrive session for new testers…15:11
balloonshave a session on testdrive hacking :-)15:12
smartboyhwballoons: That's Noskcaj's job:P15:13
balloonssmartboyhw, lol15:20
smartboyhwballoons: Damn I'm running out of ideas15:21
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smartboyhwballoons: You are ignoring me:(15:36
balloonssmartboyhw, I'm doing video conversations all day, you know that :-)15:36
smartboyhwballoons: … Give me three suggestions (that I will be good at talking about) :P15:47
* elfy almost commented then ... ;)15:49
smartboyhwelfy: Please do:P15:50
elfywouldn't be ontopic for the channel :)15:50
smartboyhwelfy: Query?15:50
balloonselfy, lololololololololol15:51
smartboyhwAnd we do sometimes go ot15:51
balloonssmartboyhw, talk about testing tools, talk about hacking on something, talk about testing images15:51
knomekids, stop flooding. :)15:51
balloonstalk about contributing a testcase15:51
smartboyhwknome: Meh15:51
smartboyhwballoons: Images then15:51
balloonssmartboyhw, sounds excellent15:52
elfyknome: taps - always stuck on they are15:52
knometalk about testing and making sure testcases are up-to-date and accurate15:52
smartboyhwballooons: OK…15:52
smartboyhwballoons: ^15:52
smartboyhwballoons: Add that workitem for me in blueprint please, I need to sleep15:53
balloonssmartboyhw, sure thing15:53
smartboyhwballoons: Thx:) GN15:53
elfydid I amuse you balloons ?15:54
balloonselfy, very much so15:54
elfyglad to be back and of service :)15:54
balloonsI'm looking for blueprints documentation15:55
* knome waves the whip - better be...15:55
balloonshow they work, etc.. I feel like I've confused everyone in asking them to take part15:55
knomewhat would you like the docs to say?15:55
knomefor me personally the work items stuff is pretty natural once you've used 5 mins in learning it15:56
knomeor a min really15:56
elfyknome: lol15:56
elfyballoons: is there a contact detail for scottk anywhere?15:57
elfythat you know of15:57
knomeelfy, /msg ScottK15:57
knomeelfy, or any at https://launchpad.net/~kitterman15:57
elfythanks knome15:57
balloonsknome, I agree.. but in this virtual world, it gets confusing for people I think15:58
balloons@ physical UDS it's a bit more straightforward15:58
meetingologyballoons: Error: "physical" is not a valid command.15:58
balloonsty meetingology15:58
knomethe irony..15:58
knomei wonder if that is the official canonical position about UDS :P15:59
knomei don't know what the problem is really. you had to register your attending to the blueprints even in IRL UDS's to even have the possibility of sessions not overlapping too much16:00
knomethe only thing that i think is somewhat misleading is some sessions not having a LP blueprint...16:00
knomeelfy, you might want to check out this session: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21794/semiannual-release-schedule-review/16:04
knomeelfy, register at: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/attend_meeting/21794/16:04
* knome puts the community roundtable on the background16:05
* elfy does too 16:05
elfythanks knome - that first one was the one I was trying to find last night but failing at16:05
knomenp :)16:05
elfysent that mail now16:06
elfymarked as attending16:07
knomeand right, i was about to comment on that16:07
elfyI changed it a 'little' bit16:07
* knome looks16:07
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SergioMenesesballoons, chilicuil phillw \o16:28
balloonsSergioMeneses, aloha16:32
balloonsUDS is in high gear16:32
SergioMenesesballoons, I cant be present this morning :S16:32
balloonsno worries16:33
* SergioMeneses hugs balloons 16:34
chilicuilSergioMeneses: good morning =)16:48
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* balloons hugs SergioMeneses 16:59
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pittijibel: what does that want to tell me?18:37
pitti$ sudo bin/otto -i ~/download/ubuntu/saucy-desktop-amd64.iso start18:37
pittiusage: otto [-h] [-d] {create,destroy,start,stop,help} ...18:37
pittiotto: error: argument cmd_name: invalid choice: '/home/martin/download/ubuntu/saucy-desktop-amd64.iso' (choose from 'create', 'destroy', 'start', 'stop', 'help')18:37
pittioh, obviously that I can't read --help output, sorry18:37
pittijibel: nice warning about g-session already running18:38
jibelpitti, this is the default error format of argparse, I haven't read its doc for a while, I'll see if it can be made more human readable.18:48
pittijibel: nah, I just put the -d before the start18:48
pittijibel: as soon as IRC lets me go, I'll try this18:49
pittijibel: awesome!18:58
pittijibel: that works really nicely18:58
pittijibel: one question, why does it use bsdtar and unsquashfs instead of simply loop-mounting the iso? is that because of the loop device leaks?19:01
pittijibel: I have an idea about that (but will try tomorrow)19:02
pittithat would avoid having to copy the .squashfs file to /var/cache/otto/19:04
jibelpitti, good to know :) yes, it's to avoid loop-mounting the files not really the device leak, essentially a matter of taste19:04
pittiespecially on smaller/slower devices (like the n7), copying the extra .8 GB around is noticeable19:05
pittiso I'm wondering if (recursive) loop-mounting would be bad in any way19:05
pittijibel: but anyway, details (for tomorrow)19:05
pittijibel: it's magic!19:05
pittiI even see plymouth19:06
jibelpitti, added you to https://launchpad.net/~otto-dev if you want push fixes during the night ;)19:06
pittishutdown doesn't work in multiiple ways, but again, details19:06
pittijibel: well, I think I'll go for MPs at first19:06
pittijibel: I'm somewhat allergic to running commands through shell (subprocess.getstatusoutput and the like), but I don't want to trample over your code19:07
pittijibel: so, big thanks for this, this is a really nice and quick way to test something on an iso with full hw access19:07
* pitti donne une accolade à jibel19:08
* jibel donne en retour une accolade à pitti :)19:08
jibelpitti, glad you like it, but again it's only a couple of days of coding so any improvement is welcome19:09
pittijibel: would you like me to investigate the double loop-mount approach, or is that something you already tried and rejected?19:10
jibelpitti, of course you can, I'm on the customization of the target container and tomorrow I'll be working on collecting log files during a run19:11
pittijibel: great, so I'll play around with that tomorrow morning, before UDS19:16
* pitti waves good night19:16
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phillwballoons: yay! we have a fix for Lubuntu Software Center :D21:26
phillwyup, Jorg worked out the error (LSC worked fine when installed on xubuntu) and tracked it back from there. Fantastic work from a guy who came onto the lubuntu facebook account not more than 48 hours earlier to ask wht LSC was under threat :D21:39
phillwelfy: by the way, if xubuntu want a low resource GUI for software center, LSC works fine... you may want to re-brand it though :D21:41
elfythanks for letting me know21:42
elfyI think we started looking at that at one point - but then I went awol21:42
Noskcajphillw, you could always rename it "light software centre"21:43
* SergioMeneses is back21:43
phillwelfy: stephen and his friend did a lot of work on getting up and running. But, as happens, they have moved on which left LSC facing being abandonware as my attempts to secure a competent python programmer failed. Then, at the last hour... one dropped by... You really cannot make this sort of story up, as no one would believe you :D21:44
phillwNoskcaj: I'm sure that Julien would have no objections to that if xubuntu want to include it.21:45
phillwtwo teams using it would increase the chances of always having an active maintainer (or two!).21:46
knomephillw, i assume that would come with the maintaining burden..21:48
SergioMenesesonly two maintainer?21:52
phillwknome: it would mean having someone familiar with python available should Jorg leave.21:52
knomemy brain converts that to maintaining burden21:52
phillwknome: okies. I  was just a thought :)21:53
knomehihi, what a typo21:53
phillwmemo to self... do not try to type when pouring out a glass of wine :D21:54
knomeat the same time? wow... :)21:54
phillwknome: anyways, the guy said it worked fine when installed in xubuntu, but not as default in lubuntu. That allowed him to track down the bug :D Have a look at it in xubuntu and see if it would fit in with your existing systems for installing / removing stuff via GUI without using synaptic package manager21:57
knomewell we're using USC right now21:58
knomeit's not perfect, but at least we're not maintaining it..21:58
phillwknome: USC is pretty heavy on resources, too much so for lubuntu to use.21:58
knomei see your point, and agree. i've purged USC myself..21:59
phillwgive LSC a try, you may even find it tollerable... I know we on here tend to use command line, but the users do not :D22:00
phillwknome: btw, what games does xubuntu ship with as default?22:04
knomephillw, not many... i can't name them, but look at the seed :)22:06
phillwI do keep meaning to bookmark where the seeds are.... link, please? :)22:07
knomei haven't got it bookmarked either  :P22:08
Noskcajphillw, soduko and minesweeper22:08
Noskcajmaybe just minesweeper22:08
knomeand probably one more22:09
Noskcajknome, no, just those two.22:09
knomei remember we dropped some before we changed to a USB sized ISO to keep under the limit22:10
phillwknome: so, lubuntu is once alone... the only flavour on a CD :/ It's getting lonely out here in space :D22:15
Noskcajphillw, netboot is still a cd sized image ;)22:16
Noskcaji'm off to school, bye22:16
phillwknome: do you have a link to your meeting last night? I understand it was not help via vUDS22:17
knomefor yesterday and today22:17
phillwballoons: when you get chance, I cannot add in http://pastebin.com/2Fs1FzFZ as a comment on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfy_GxKHL0M&feature=youtu.be ? Am I using the wrong link, should it be linked to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21754/community-s-lubuntu-work-items/ and if so, can people view the etherpad without having to sign up?22:52
knomephillw, they can't, they need to be in the etherpad users group22:52
phillwknome: hmm, is there a way to add a pastebin to a you-tube video?22:53
knomephillw, i imagine you can always edit the description of the video if you're the posted22:54
knomeor you should be able to comment once you log in to youtube/google22:54
phillwI can comment, but it refuses to allow me to add the link to pastebin area...22:55
knomehow are you trying to add it?22:55
knomeas a html tag or just the address as plaintext?22:55
phillwI have an you-tube account. I tried to add it as html22:56
knometry as plaintext22:56
knomei think youtube converts urls to links automatically22:56
phillwknome: it seems I have cookie problem.... switching now to a REAL browser... Ffox. There are times when Chromium REALLY gets my goat up!23:00
phillwmay the good Lord protect the team about to switch to chromium as their default... lubuntu are heading in the other direction now that FFox has been put on a diet!23:02
phillwhe he... launching FFox and using my gmail address caused it to request the 6 digit code sent to my mobile (cell) phone.... Gotta love the guys who look after my email account!23:05

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