
debdebanyone want to answer me a few (stupid?) questions? :-)02:05
debdeb1.) installation of ubuntu is possible on a google-nexus-7, right?02:06
debdebif yes: is it possible to use it like a normal desktop-system, too?02:07
debdebi see some problems for this: no hardware-hdmi-port and usb-otg only more or less working02:08
debdebhow is it with "Miracast"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracast02:09
debdebnexus 4 should be able to work with it. android 4,2+, too. how is it with ubuntu-touch?02:10
debdeb+ on nexus 702:10
debdebi am searching for "linux + miracast" at the moment... havent found a solution02:11
debdebhow is it with "intel-wireless-display"?02:12
debdeband now to usb: does some network-usb-solution work with ubuntu-touch? for using usb-gadgets over wlan?02:13
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iiishad0whi all03:56
iiishad0whow can install touch to lenovo a798t?03:57
iiishad0wwhat should i do?03:57
didrockshey Mirv, how is it going?05:58
Mirvdidrocks: morning. it's ok, would need more to force myself to more pauses as the UDS makes one sit even more in the front of computer..06:00
didrocksMirv: indeed ;)06:00
Mirvdidrocks: I believe we are very near now that we could start Qt uploads to saucy06:01
didrocksMirv: what about the SDK stack? it seems it's failing, right? (one test on one configuration, so should be a racy tests)06:01
didrocksMirv: did you catch some sdk people already?06:01
didrocksKaleo: ^06:01
didrocksMirv: also, can I manually publish the platform stack?06:02
Mirvdidrocks: interesting, that's now the first time the same intel machine is giving a real error, yesterday it was dpkg error and I thought it was just random as ati/nvidia succeeded06:03
didrocksMirv: oh, you didn't look at it yet? (normally, it should really be our first task of the day I guess ;))06:03
Mirvdidrocks: hehe, yes I fired up with the Qt stuff right away, should have looked before06:04
didrocksMirv: right, please get the habit :)06:04
didrocksMirv: do you mind talking about it with the sdk team, to fix the flackyness?06:05
didrocksMirv: also, once you have that settled down, please tell me if I can publish the platform stack for you06:05
Mirvdidrocks: yep, a top most bookmark would work06:05
Mirvdidrocks: I'll try to get someone to help in debugging it. it's a simple select that is failing, so it's a good question what's happening as it works here and on the other test machines.06:07
didrocksMirv: yeah, there are videos attached as well to the jenkins job06:08
didrocksMirv: so quite easy to see if it timed out or so on06:08
Mirvdidrocks: checked platform, that's ok for manual publish06:11
Mirvdidrocks: and heh, jenkins has poor UX but the stuff we have there otherwise is amazing06:12
Mirvit's not immediately clear, but it might the intel machine scrolls too slowly and tries to select an item before scroll is finished or something. sleep(1) might be the friend, let's see06:12
didrocksMirv: platform manually published :)06:16
didrocksMirv: agreed on the UI ;)06:16
dholbachgood morning06:31
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zsombihello guys06:42
tvossogra_, ping07:41
tvossmmrazik, ping07:46
mmraziktvoss: pong07:46
ogra_tvoss, hey08:31
tvossogra_, unping :)08:31
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tvossseb128, ping08:53
tvossdidrocks, ping09:12
didrockstvoss: in a hangout, what's up?09:12
tvossdidrocks, any tutorial on how to add a ppa to a chroot?09:13
didrockstvoss: do you use pbuilder?09:14
tvossdidrocks, ack09:15
tvossSaviq, ping09:16
didrockstvoss: if you have my pbuilder hooks, you can create ~/.pbuilder-hooks/D10aptupdate (make it executable) simply with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5667074/09:17
Saviqtvoss, pong09:17
tvossSaviq, http://yangl.org/pdf/gstudio.pdf09:17
seb128tvoss, hey09:21
seb128tvoss, sorry I was debugging something and got carried away and forgot to pong ;-)09:21
Saviqtvoss, thanks, will have a look09:32
tvossseb128, no worries. Did you have a chance to test the ubuntu-geoip provider on the phone, yet?09:33
seb128tvoss, no, I didn't ... was I supposed to test that or do you just ask in case?09:33
seb128tvoss, I tested dconf btw, it's already on the touch image (the phone app pulls it in) and is working fine09:34
tvossseb128, just asking in case, running some test cases here and seeing weird behavior09:34
tvossseb128, @dconf: great09:34
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mlankhorstI was looking through the design docs, but what I'm missing is whether alarms will be supported when the device is powered off. Are you simply going to be out of luck when you set an alarm and the device is powered off at the time?10:06
netcurlimlankhorst: how is this handled on other smartphone OSes?10:08
* mlankhorst tries on android10:09
user82mlankhorst, i am pretty sure off is off. the kernel and everything is stopped in android it theoretically drains zero battery when off10:12
user82or do you think there is a hardware clock that can wake the thing up? doubt it10:12
netcurliaccording to a quick google search it is the same thing on iOS10:13
mlankhorstWell I set the alarm for less than a minute in the future and shut it off, seems  the nexus 4 doesn't seem to wake up, but I think my n9 was capable of it.10:13
user82small ot but this is funny(read on the internet): An app that could turn on the phone (and activate the alarm) from cold would be nice. This would help those who like to leave their phone off at night.10:15
user82yes exactly a java app that runs on top of everything wakes the hardware up :P10:15
mlankhorstmore like programming a rtc alarm, if it's available10:16
user82i doubt there is one mlankhorst10:19
user82or does android keep the date and time?10:19
mlankhorstno idea, I guess if the nexus 4 doesn't, we don't need to either10:19
user82the only 32.768kHz crystal in there is wired to the power management IC as far as i can see10:20
mlankhorstyeah np10:21
Mohammadhi every one10:32
Mohammadcan any one help me?10:32
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Guest77908i want to see a video about ubuntu touch10:32
Guest77908any video link?10:33
SybyAbrahamHello! Anyone here?10:40
Guest77908>> <SybyAbraham> | yes10:41
SybyAbrahamI'm trying to get an error figured out on ubuntu touch.10:42
Guest77908when installing or downloading?10:43
SybyAbrahamPorted, flashed, chroot working well but when I try to start qml-phone-shell I get qml-phone-shell: /build/buildd/ubuntu-platform-api-0.15/src/android/ubuntu_application_api.cpp:51: {anonyymous}::Bridge::Bridge(): Assertion `lib_handle && "Error loading ubuntu_application_api"' failed./10:44
SybyAbrahamI thought the libs were missing but they weren't.10:44
ogra_you have them in your android build ?10:44
t1mpGuest77908: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ubuntu+touch&oq=ubuntu+touch10:44
ogra_(also you shouldnt need to start anything manually)10:44
kalikianais anyone here using a Galaxy Tab? I'm basically stuck at 'Power reset or unknown upload mode' and cannot fix it10:44
SybyAbrahamYep, I do have it in the Android build.10:45
ogra_and it has the ubuntu libs in it ?10:45
ogra_(hybris and platform-api)10:45
SybyAbrahamyes it does, in /system/libs10:45
ogra_did you make sure they are up to date when building (bzr pull in both of the subdirs before running brunch)10:46
SybyAbrahamI did that as well! I pulled both of those branches.10:46
ogra_hmm, then it should tehoretically work10:46
SybyAbrahamI know, but it doesn't. :(10:47
SybyAbrahamI tried quantal, quantal mwc and raring builds all with the same issue.10:47
SybyAbrahamI did bzr branch lp:platform-api10:52
SybyAbrahamIs that right?10:52
SybyAbrahampull instead of branch?10:53
ogra_"bzr pull" inside the platform-api directory of your phablet tree10:53
ogra_same for the hybris one10:53
SybyAbrahamAlright! Thanks! I'll do that and see what happens.10:54
SybyAbrahamDoesn't pahblet-dev-bootstrap do this automatically?10:54
ogra_it should tell you if it updated something10:54
ogra_pahblet-dev-bootstrap does it on the first checkout10:54
ogra_but brunch doesnt keep it up to date10:54
SybyAbrahamoh, okay! Let me try that.10:55
SybyAbrahamPulled, building now.11:04
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popeybug 1180345 ☹11:19
ubot5`bug 1180345 in gallery-app "Auto enhance crashes gallery app and deletes photo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118034511:19
* tvoss complaints about gps cold starts taking _ages_11:27
popeytvoss: don't worry, gps takes _ages_ on android anyway11:32
tvosspopey, +1 on your comment on Marco's post :)11:35
SybyAbrahamogra, same error!11:37
ogra_well, did the bzr pull actually update something ?11:37
SybyAbrahamIt did, it pulled 3 files along with a changelog11:37
SybyAbrahamfor platform-api11:37
SybyAbrahamDidn't pull anything for hybris11:38
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mardyrenato_: ah :-)11:41
mardyrenato_: it's about qdbusmenumodel, I can't get it to work11:41
mardyrenato_: I'm trying the QMenuModel example file (render-menumodel.qml), but I always get an empty view11:41
mardyrenato_: I changed the busName and path to "com.canonical.indicator.messages" and /com/canonical/indicator/messages/menu11:42
mardyrenato_: and I added a few qDebugs here and there. I see that the model is connected, and that QMenuModel::onItemsChanged() is called with "added" > 011:42
mardyrenato_: but the view still stays empty11:42
mardyrenato_: any ideas?11:42
gianguidohi chan :)11:42
renato_mardy, the desktop messaging menu is not compatible with the new one11:43
renato_mardy, you need to run the new messaging menu server or use any other new indicator11:43
mardyrenato_: ok. Where do I find the new messaging menu server?11:44
renato_mardy, messaging menu server is very trick because it uses the same dbus name11:44
mardyrenato_: I can try another one, I don't need exactly that one11:45
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Mirvcould I get someone, preferably two, to test the bug #1179937 on device? simple task, instructions in the description11:46
ubot5`bug 1179937 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "OSK does not appear in webapps" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117993711:46
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mardyrenato_: I also tried indicator-network-menu-server, but I get the same empty model11:49
mardyrenato_: can you point me at some indicator which is known to work?11:49
renato_mardy, let me check the example11:49
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ogra_hmm, why the heck do we use a modified mountall11:53
ogra_(instead of just putting an .override file in place)11:53
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Namidairodouble dare you to have a ubuntu-on-air chat during the i/o keynote12:08
renato_mardy, there is something wrong with the test or the library itself I need to investigate12:10
renato_mardy, do you need this urgent?12:10
mardyrenato_: it's actually almost blocking me12:11
mardyrenato_: I could find something else to do, though12:11
renato_mardy, I will take a look soon, I have some meetings during the morning12:13
mardyrenato_: thanks!12:13
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
ogra_rsalveti, hmm, so doing the container flip might become hard on maguro ... for some reason the boot.img size is limited to 4.5M ... with the kernel being 4.1M big12:27
ogra_i dont manage to produce such a small initrd12:27
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renato_mardy, I found the problem13:26
mardyrenato_: you rock! \o/13:26
renato_mardy, the example does not work because sometime ago I changed the qmenumodel to be a treemodel and I forgot to update the example13:26
renato_mardy, take a look on this example: https://pastebin.canonical.com/91028/13:27
renato_mardy, I did not make it fully functional but you can have some idea how the treemodel works on QML13:27
renato_mardy, you should be able to test it with "exportmenu.py" in the example folder13:28
mardyrenato_: thanks a lot, I'll have a look13:28
kenvandineSaviq, for the people lens, what do you think about us dropping the avatar cache in friends and just providing the urls for avatars in the model?13:28
kenvandineand just rely on qml's image caching13:29
mardyrenato_: maybe I can use something like this on the treemodel: https://codereview.qt-project.org/4956413:29
Saviqkenvandine, we're dropping the people lens TBH, but the functionality should be there in $contacts_app13:29
kenvandineSaviq, that's what causing the slowness in friends-app13:29
Saviqkenvandine, so I'm good with that13:29
kenvandinetoo many files in the avatar cache13:29
kenvandinewe could solve that by splitting it up, etc... but not sure it's worth it13:30
kenvandineSaviq, cool13:30
renato_mardy, this is great :D, I have create a similar component in the indicators-client component, where you can export the treemodel as a flatmodel13:30
renato_mardy, is a bit different because my model export all nodes in the same level13:31
kenvandineSaviq, it's amazing how much smoother scrolling is when it loads the avatars online instead of from local files :-D13:31
rsalvetiogra_: is that the size of the partition?13:37
ogra_rsalveti, the partition is 8M ... the kernel defined ramdisk size is 8M in the kernel config too13:39
ogra_the only thing i can imagine here is a hardcoded value of 4.5M in the bootloader13:39
rsalvetiogra_: that's weird, what happens when you flash something bigger than 4.5?13:40
ogra_it hangs at the google screen13:41
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asdHey, someone here?14:04
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gianguidohey asd14:13
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MacSlowSaviq, if you could take another look, I did the remaining fixes... https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity/phablet-notification-renderer/+merge/155512 (rev. 599)15:17
nerochiarosil2100: i found out what's preventing my fix to the autopilot tests, basically when i run the app once to setup the DB, i have to terminate it by sending it an ctrl+f4, but the autopilot keyboard object doesn't seem to exist on the test15:17
SaviqMacSlow, cheers15:18
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scottrosenquistHey. Could anyone tell me about saucy-preinstalled-armel+mako.zip. Whether it's currently available, where I can find it?15:51
ChickenCutlassscottrosenquist, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/15:56
ogra_scottrosenquist, for the android bits use the raring zip ...15:57
ogra_it would be identical to a saucy one anyway15:57
Saviqtsdgeos, actually... maybe you should check if it's a number, too?15:57
tsdgeosSaviq: what should be a number?15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, the timeout15:58
scottrosenquistogra_ so I can use todays mako .zip from raring with the armfs .zip from saucy?15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, I most often convert compare(obj.prop, value, message) to tryCompare(obj, "prop", value, message)15:58
ogra_scottrosenquist, use the mako zip from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ ... together with the saucy userspace from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, which results in 0 timeout...15:58
ogra_scottrosenquist, right15:59
Saviqtsdgeos, and quiet failure15:59
tsdgeosSaviq: ouch15:59
scottrosenquistogra_ excellent, thank you so much. Final question, if I'm flashing through clockworkmod, I would flash the mako zip before the userspace, correct?15:59
ogra_i dont think the order matters, though i never tried flashing them the other way round16:00
ogra_but they write to different partitions16:00
tsdgeosSaviq: yep, will do as soon as this one gets approved16:01
tsdgeosstep by step16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, sure16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, it'd probably be useful to make sure that the first argument is an object and the second a string?16:02
Saviqtsdgeos, just to complete the sanity checks16:02
tsdgeosSaviq: if second is not a string it fails16:03
Saviqtsdgeos, ok16:03
tsdgeossince atYEnd16:03
tsdgeosis nothing16:03
tsdgeoswell, you could write 316:03
tsdgeosand then no clue what would happen16:03
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, exactly ;)16:03
scottrosenquistogra_ Thank you!16:03
tsdgeoslet's see16:03
tsdgeosSaviq: tries to access property 3 and ends up failing16:04
Saviqtsdgeos, right, 3 could be a valid thing if it was an array16:04
Saviqnot sure that's supported, though16:05
tsdgeosand same thing for using a 3 as item16:05
tsdgeosit ends up failing16:07
tsdgeosguess tries to access 3["atEnd"]16:07
tsdgeoswhatever that is :D16:07
tsdgeosam i here?16:07
Saviqtsdgeos, yes you are16:08
Saviqtsdgeos, some lag, but yes16:08
Saviqtsdgeos, so yeah, some sanity check could be useful there :)16:08
tsdgeosgreyback: CI failed now that we have the real tryCompares :D16:10
tsdgeossad, works here :-/16:10
greybacktsdgeos: blast16:10
tsdgeoswill check tomorrow16:13
tsdgeosprobably needs some waitForRendering or something16:13
nerochiarosil2100: ping16:19
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nerochiarosil2100:  om26er: hi, can you please check if this MR fixed the jenkins issues with notes-app autopilot failures ?16:50
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om26ernerochiaro, where is the MR ;)16:52
nerochiaroom26er: whoops sorry: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-fix-autopilot-db-issues/+merge/16400316:54
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Manishhello guys17:02
Manishhello everybosy can anyone help me?17:07
ogra_MAhow would we know ?17:11
ogra_!ask| Manish17:11
ubot5`Manish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:11
Manishubots i need a devolper to help me17:11
davmor2Manish: it means ask the question then a dev might be able to help you17:13
Manishi plan to launch ubuntu touch for mobile in india so as i am not a devolper i would need devolper to help me because i want to make customized ubuntu touch and launch in india17:13
Manishi want to add lot of things in ubuntu like i would change the ui and add lot of other features but first i need to test it on a device so am stuck there i dont know how to install ubuntu on my phone..17:15
om26ernerochiaro, confirmed, your branch fixes the db issue17:18
priyahii can i install ubuntu tounch on iball slide17:19
priyaplease answer??17:19
Manishhello priya you van install17:20
priyathanks manish17:20
priyawill try today itself17:20
om26ernerochiaro, both the failing tests pass on the desktop however17:21
Manishi need a dev who can help change the curent ui of ubuntu touch and add dual wifi support17:25
OrangerManish: Dual wifi ?17:26
Manishyes ability to connect 2 wifi connections into 1 to get higher speed17:27
Manishor you can ability to connect 2 data connections into 1 ...17:28
Manishoranger is it possible?17:30
OrangerManish: I heard about it, but I don't know how to implement this17:30
Manishoranger its alredy running on huwaei android phone17:31
OrangerManish: And I don't see why it would be in ui ^^17:31
OrangerManish: Is it in core yet ?17:31
Manishnot in ui oranger17:31
Manishoranger sorry i am not dev so i don knw wat is core..sorry17:32
OrangerManish: Oh ok :)17:32
OrangerManish: But, you are not a ui dev ?17:32
Manishi am not a dev..i am a business man17:32
awe_Manish, if you mean 802.11n support, it's already supported17:33
Manishawe can i connect 2 data connections onto 1 and use it?17:33
awe_you connect to a single AP17:34
awe_and the thruput goes up if the AP supports 802.11n17:34
Manishok awe17:35
awe_802.11n supports multiple antennas, which can make the thru-put go up17:36
Manishawe is it possible to build a system which can connect internet via usb dongle??on ubuntu17:36
Manishawe thanks a lot for info17:36
awe_sure... but this isn't something we're focusing on right now for touch17:36
Manishi know awe its a very small thing17:36
awe_making the core networking features work ( wi-fi, 2g/3g data, ... ) are more important17:37
Manishawe can we change the Ui of ubuntu touch like in android each company has there own ui17:37
Oranger"each company has there own ui" ?17:38
awe_I'm not a UI guy, but yes...as everything's open source, it should be possible for UI customization.   You might want to ask more specific questions on the mailing list17:38
Manishoranger for eg Htc has sense ui,samsung has touch wiz17:38
awe_I actually have to go offline for awhile...17:38
OrangerManish: Oh ok, so yes you can of course :)17:39
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nerochiaroom26er: ok, i'll look into these two other failing tests tomorrow18:01
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sergiusensmzanetti: you still about?18:43
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