
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
UbuPhillupwhy there is no chanServ in this channel?13:37
smartboyhw_UbuPhillup: Because there was a prob with ChanServ.13:38
smartboyhw_Or, the channel was designed not to have it13:38
UbuPhillupsmartboyhw_: but now very thing is fine or not?13:38
smartboyhw_UbuPhillup: Should be13:38
UbuPhillupsmartboyhw_: hmm, okey thanks mabe later a ChanServ will come ;)13:41
smartboyhw_UbuPhillup: Um, ChanServ is not necessary, why do you need it?13:42
UbuPhillupsmartboyhw_: i dont need it but when the channel is empty it will lose the topic13:44
smartboyhw_UbuPhillup: This channel will NEVER be empty, no worries;P13:45
UbuPhillupsmartboyhw_: when you mean ;)13:46
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm-uds
teolemonthe uds server seems to have issues17:38
teolemoncan anyone access the pad17:38
teolemonor irc17:38
dpmhi teolemon, last time I checked there were issues with the pad. Best thing is to ask on #ubuntu-uds17:47
dpmhi teolemon_  last time I checked there were issues with the pad. Best thing is to ask on #ubuntu-uds17:50
teolemon_it's back17:51
teolemon_looking at IO in //17:51
dpmteolemon_, are you all set for the translations session? As I said, I'm on other sessions, so I cannot attend unfortunately, but dholbach or balloons should be able to help on the community track17:59
teolemon_the hangout window will appear automagically ?18:00
teolemon_the headcount in the pad is beginning to increase18:00
dpmteolemon_, dholbach or balloons will give you the hangout link for you to join. Be sure to be on the #ubuntu-uds-community-1 IRC channel for them to find you18:03
teolemon_we're on 2 :-S18:03
dpmsorry #ubuntu-uds-community-218:03
dpmyeah, you're right18:04
teolemon_can you all come on the chan18:20
dpmteolemon_, have you talked to balloons or dholbach? They're telling me there's no one to lead the session?18:23
dpmcould you please ping them on IRC?18:23
dpmteolemon, have you talked to balloons or dholbach? They're telling me there's no one to lead the session?18:27
dpm could you please ping them on IRC?18:27
teolemonmy connexion is going crazy18:27
dpmteolemon, could you ping them to let them know?18:28
dpmteolemon_,  could you ping them to let them know?18:29
teolemon_not sure about the full composition of the ubuntu coordinators team19:01
* UbuPhillup finde the way ;)19:01
teolemon_i have 15 minutes left before I need to move19:01
UbuPhilluphi hannie19:02
teolemon_hi hannie19:02
hanniehey, long time no see19:02
YoBoYhi here19:03
hannieI will join the docs session in 3 minutes19:03
YoBoYme too :)19:03
YoBoY(just the irc channel, I have nothing to say)19:03
hannieYoBoY, me too19:03
hannieteolemon_, do you know when the nest UT meeting will be?19:04
teolemon_so, in the shared calendar19:04
teolemon_there's the one tomorrow19:04
teolemon_for the technical side19:05
teolemon_if you can join19:05
teolemon_and then regular meetings19:05
teolemon_every two weeks19:05
teolemon_on fridays19:05
teolemon_we can postpone this week's19:05
hannieyes, I'll be there. But I meant a meeting for Ubuntu Translators19:05
teolemon_if you want19:05
teolemon_I have one schedule for this Friday19:05
teolemon_would that be ok with you all ?19:06
hannieteolemon_, we could ask on the mailing list who will be attending on a regular basis and what date is convenient19:06
UbuPhillupat whitch time?19:06
hannieThis friday is fine with me19:06
UbuPhillupfriday is fine for me too19:07
teolemon_i'll send a reminder19:07
hannieI see you, guys19:07
teolemon_we have decided on this already19:07
teolemon_via Doodle19:07
teolemon_i'll send a reminder19:07
teolemon_on the list19:07
UbuPhillupteolemon_: okey i see http://doodle.com/vn577kkgybpn7hsd#table19:08
UbuPhillupso bye19:10
=== tiagohillebrandt is now known as tiagoscd

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