
Chase993Anyone aboard?05:35
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=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | App Developer Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21821/app-developer-roundtable/
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm-uds
bubbly193Hear you14:02
brunogirinyes we can hear you14:02
brunogirinno delay here14:02
dpm-udsif someone wants to join the hangout14:02
gatox_i can hear you14:02
goddardno delay14:02
goddardi heard you guys14:03
nik90mhall119_uds: god the delay is a lot :P14:03
netcurli1-2 minutes delay14:03
nik90mhall119_uds: pong heard14:03
goddardi already heard it as well14:04
mhall119_udsyeah, that's a long delay14:04
goddardsay ping14:04
goddardsay ping14:04
goddardsay ping14:04
goddardis there an open source google like hangout?14:04
goddardor free software14:05
goddardholy cow that is a delay14:05
mhall119_udshttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21824/appdev-1305-api-website/ is the new site session he was talking about14:06
nik90did the video freeze for anyone?14:11
goddardthis might be kind of a stupid question and unrelated, but is it possible to get an ubuntu touch virtual machine image?14:11
goddardnik90: ya for a second just did a page refresh14:11
bubbly193I would have joined the hangout, but have no webcam and my high-end mic broke14:12
bubbly193goddard, that isn't to stupid a question, as it seam that i do 99 percent of a software testing using VirtualBox14:14
udit_I am late at joining the discussion so i am not sure if it is covered, but i wanted to know is ubuntu planning to have a desktop toolkit like for mobile?14:18
udit_i mean gtk and qt do exist but they are too generic. Is ubuntu planning to have ubuntu specific controls and stuff for develoeprs14:18
udit_to have a unified look for the apps14:18
goddardoh ok so i use unity next14:18
goddardthat would be awesome14:20
bubbly193if the desktop was originally written for GTK+, why did you make the decision for touch to be qt based? not complaining, I'm a qt guy all the way14:22
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udit_i want to ask the same question14:22
udit_and are you planning to have gtk support in ubuntu for mobile?14:22
brunogirinQUESTION: how do you ensure the upstream Qt docs on dev.ubuntu are in sync with upstream?14:22
christofferGood question bubbly193 also interested in the background discussions for that14:23
goddardbubbly193: i think because Nokia did a ton of work for their mobile plateform based on Linux, but then pretty much got paid a crap ton of money from Microsoft then abandoned it14:23
goddardQT is awesome14:24
goddardit makes C++ usable14:24
bubbly193i'm not complaining, i'm a KDE guy, and kde uses QT14:25
kaliudsthe "easier" is not true technically speaking - though I would agree on the previous arguments14:25
udit_yup it makes sense, because if the system is made on qt then gtk support would be an overhead i guess14:25
kaliuds(gtk has the same backend modules as qt)14:25
mhall119_udskaliuds: thanks, I wasn't real sure on that point14:26
udit_the problem is majority developer like me know c not c++14:26
bubbly193i know all about surfaceflinger and it's almost no support for gmas and raedons14:26
goddardudit_: i know PHP so I just had to learn new languages14:27
mhall119_udsQML is easy to learn14:28
who_meudit_: if you're going to use Qt Quick and QML it's not even C++, it's javascript14:28
mhall119_udsnot even that much javascript14:28
udit_oh, didn't know that. never got into qt. bt i think it is time to take it for a spin now14:28
gatox_QUESTION: could you explain the process to propose an app that someone does to be included in the ppa or how to distribute it?14:29
udit_Question: with the latest weird development in nautilus is ubuntu planning to do something about it given we would need the same for mobile too.. I mean a new file manager or a fork of nautilus? PS: Gnome i think have even removed the desktop drawing code from nautilus14:29
udit_ya, that is a good discussion. i want to take part in core dev but don't know how to14:30
brunogirinQUESTION: are there bitesize tasks in the core apps that people with little time on their hands could do to contribute?14:31
who_meQUESTION: on raring, after installing the ubuntu-sdk package, should we also add the relevant ppas to stay current (SDK Release and QT 5 Edgers)?14:32
dpm-uds(and then ping mhall119 or popey)14:32
udit_Question: should ubuntu do something about having android apps support, ie if it is possible. Because that will mean Ubuntu having all the apps from android to begin with.14:32
brunogirinudit_: that would generate a large dependency on dalvik I suspect14:33
nik90brunogirin: that's a really good suggestion14:34
udit_thanks.. I am so glad to hear that14:34
udit_brunogirin: I know but don't you think it would be worth? I mean Android already has everything a mobile platform needs.14:35
asomethingAre there any plans to bring community developers working on the Core Apps inside the formal Ubuntu community structures?14:35
asomethingWill those projects eventually allow community developers the same kind of control over the project the distro developers currently have? I.e. control over commit permissions?14:35
brunogirinudit_: true but if you just want more apps, it might be easier to support sailfish, BB10 or WedOS apps out of the box14:36
brunogirinnik90: thanks :-)14:36
udit_brunogirin: ya anything tbh. I mean we need something that already gives us edge and Ubuntu mobile does not need to have a journey of 4-5 years before having good enough apps. Ubuntu desktop still lacks with this problem. We need to tackle this problem.14:37
asomethingmaybe my question is more suited for the community-roundtable?14:40
udit_hmm. Thanks.14:41
bubbly193Remember, Ubuntu Touch is a desktop/phone-tablet OS not just a phone-tablet OS.14:42
brunogirinQUESTION: are there things we can learn from quickly and port to the SDK / QtCreator?14:42
mhall119udit_: brunogirin: porting BB10 and Sailfish apps to Ubuntu would be relatively simple for most apps14:42
CheesBurgSorry I joined. Did realize UDS started yesterday14:43
brunogirinmhall119: that's what I suspected and in an ideal world, QML APIs between the 3 would eventually converge to minimise porting14:43
udit_Question: Given ubuntu as a desktop has never had the best of graphics drivers from any of the major players(nvidia/ati), how will we ensure that Ubuntu mobile gets better support for the same. Or the core team would think about polish the open source drivers?14:45
CheesBurgQUESTION: Once the SDK reaches 1.0, will Canonical prefer developers for desktop apps to use it? Also will the core apps have desktop versions? I think they should so other developers can could use them a reference for the own apps like how developers on OSX uses Apple's custom as guides.14:45
asomethingthanks guys, I'm just glad people are thinking about this...14:45
bubbly193Sorry i was helping take care of my nephew, so i missed most of this, and I will be unable to attend the next App Developer meeting, as I'm going to the foundations meeting14:47
brunogirinmhall119: my wishlist: packaging and autopilot test templates14:47
goddardim not a huge fan of launch pad14:48
goddardit needs an interface upgrade14:48
mhall119brunogirin: packaging is already there to some extent14:48
nik90goddard: I might say that launchpad interface is so much better over others like gnome bugzilla for isntance14:51
schwarzburgAbout getting more contributors to core apps: I guess that information about the current status is hard to find. It seems as if most of the apps wait for designer input at the moment (?), and starting without these designs might be wasted time...14:52
udit_I am glad to hear that Ubuntu is talkign to hardware manufacturer for this14:52
goddardnik90: true14:53
goddardnik90: i guess i am spoiled with github14:53
nik90goddard: :)14:53
CheesBurgCore apps needs to be on all forms of Ubuntu so that developers can have a standard they can look at.14:54
nik90CheesBurg: that's the eventual plan14:55
brunogirinQUESTION: should this take inspiration from responsive HTML techniques? Some of the complicated issues in supporting several form factors are well documented with responsive designs.14:55
nik90CheesBurg: There are many core apps which is currently being designed for the mobile platform. However we should expect desktop designs to land once they are done.14:55
bubbly193When will Unity Next be integrated into a stable release?, when will Mir?14:57
CheesBurgI understand, I just want to stress it. My personal goal is to make sure that Ubuntu is developer friendly, Even more so than Android14:57
udit_ Question: When Unity next be integrated with the desktop, does that mean Ubuntu going away with Native gtk apps like Empathy etc?14:57
brunogirinQUESTION: what about supporting right to left languages and how it affects layout?14:58
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | SDK Tools & QtCreator | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21768/appdev-1305-sdk-tools/
udit_Thanks for the clarification15:01
udit_thanks guys for the session15:02
ne0enHi All. i have this bug in qtCreator 2.7 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/15afg52ngjtdugf/qtcreator.png). Any solution. I found just this. http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/2761015:04
andre_ne0en: is that a no-webkit build?15:05
GuidoPallemanswe can hear you15:06
t1mpI can hear you15:06
ahayzenloud and clear :)15:06
josepht_udswe hear you15:06
rafaelmartinezAll is well15:06
ne0eni don't know. It's from ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa.15:06
GuidoPallemansWill it be possible to use the Library pane in the Design section of Qt Creator with the ubuntu components?15:08
mhall119https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/317b938809450301c770a6a40a733504a6543654 if anybody wants to join15:08
kaliudsplease use QUESTION, it's gonna be hard to spot all questions otherwise15:08
GuidoPallemansQUESTION Will it be possible to use the Library pane in the Design section of Qt Creator with the ubuntu components?15:08
rickspencer3I don't hear an eco15:09
fugue88The youtube stream doesn't have echo.15:09
christofferNeither do I (watching the stream)15:09
MirvGuidoPallemans: currently there is no Design tab support, even though it's visible in the UI. support for such features is later in the roadmap15:10
rickspencer3QUESTION: what is the status of daily quality for QtCreator and the SDK?15:11
rickspencer3(I noticed that regressions are common and bug reports are often languish without being actioned)15:11
GuidoPallemansindeed, only very simplistic15:13
brunogirinQUESTION: at the moment, you can create a new functional test project: are there plans to add the ability to add test files to an existing QML project rather than create a whole new project for your tests?15:14
rafaelmartinezQUESTION, for a beginner in developing; Is the documentation and resources on the wiki etc. adequate enough for learning with the changes coming?15:14
KaleoMirv: you could answer that :)15:14
mhall119rickspencer3: do you have specific examples of regressions?15:15
rickspencer3I was asking about QtCreator and the plugin itself15:15
GuidoPallemansFOLLOW-UP but it would be useful to be able to make the high-level structure of the app in the designer, maybe at least support for pagestack and tabs should be added?15:15
mhall119rickspencer3: so the plugin itself stopped working?15:15
rickspencer3mhall119, yes, often15:15
rickspencer3mhall119, and then bug reports languish until I ping someone15:15
rickspencer3I think we should have tests that run over QtCreator to test our plugin and that we don't tolerate regressions, basically, daily quality ... treat the SDK as a release15:16
Kaleorickspencer3: +115:16
t1mpso, do with QtCreator what we are doing with the UITK now15:17
pmcgowanMirv is hard to hear15:17
rickspencer3is it possible to treat them together as a "release"?15:18
rickspencer3built in -proposed, smoke tests, etc...15:18
rickspencer3QUESTION ^15:18
pmcgowanKaleo, can you ask mirv to raise his mic15:19
t1mpwhat is the advantage of testing "together" instead of separately?15:20
t1mpor: what does it mean to test together?15:20
rickspencer3here's an example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/117971615:21
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1179716 in touch-preview-images "QML Scene does not reliably start" [High,New] - Assigned to Juhapekka Piiroinen (juhapekka-piiroinen)15:21
rickspencer3yes, they are typically from the Plugin15:21
rickspencer3I think that QtCreator is generally very useful now15:22
pmcgowanI think its Qt and qtcreator and the plugin is the interesting combo15:22
pmcgowanwe need  use our apps to test with the toolkit and avoid regressions there15:22
rickspencer3so rather than focusing on adding more features, it's time to start ensuring daily quality for what we have?15:22
Kaleopmcgowan: right15:22
Kaleorickspencer3: +115:22
Mirvwe currently have JP's work separately at https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins , and it's manually made into a patch. having it as a separate source package would be a first step to get 'normal' plugin build process15:23
Mirvand tests run (which it currently lacks)15:24
brunogirinMirv: yes, that was my next question :-)15:24
pmcgowanMirv, right, plugin needs to be separated15:25
pmcgowancan we record that as a work item15:25
brunogirinmhall119: more or less yes, a basic (empty) test and a way to run it15:25
t1mpthe examples will become larger and more complicated if tests are added to the template programs. won't that scare new developers?15:26
mhall119t1mp: not if they aren't in the way15:26
brunogirintlmp: not if we keep it simple15:26
Mirvpmcgowan: it's there in the etherpad now15:26
pmcgowantimpI dont think so, good incentive to insert test framework15:27
Kaleorafaelmartinez: ^15:28
rafaelmartinezthat's what I was referring to15:29
rafaelmartinezthanks a bunch15:29
pmcgowanyes its doc'd in the roadmap15:31
pmcgowanwhich is a google doc right now, needs to be promoted to the wiki15:31
andre_QUESTION: have you ever talked to QtCreator "upstream"?15:31
rickspencer3small thing: would be nice if the device tab showed the current build # of Ubuntu Touch on the device15:32
GuidoPallemansdesired feature: like android (:D) run the app inside the actual operating system. I have run unity next* on my computer today, and it would be nice to just run the app in that (* http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/ )15:32
GuidoPallemansMaybe jono's remark from yesterday should be added to this sessions' pad: a seperate launcher for ubuntu sdk - qt creator15:33
mhall119GuidoPallemans: good idea15:34
pmcgowanI added to the items15:35
pmcgowanimo we have good contacts with digia and upstream15:41
Mirvjust to point out, the "JP" we talk about regarding qt creator is jppiiroinen on various channels15:41
micah2QUESTION: Has anyone else had problems watching global JS variables declared at the file scope in qtcreator?15:43
t1mpmicah2: how do you do that? and why? I always declare all my variables inside the qtquick component15:44
t1mpmicah2: (code example?)15:44
GuidoPallemansI had a problem once where my qt localstorage was not yet initialised on a project, is there a way to reset it (this is more qt-side ofc)15:44
mhall119micah2: that's better suited to askubuntu.com15:45
micah2mhall119: Sorry, just wondering if that was a known issue with qtcreator that needed to be addressed.15:46
bobweaverwho's got the bird ?15:54
mhall119if there are any last question, best to ask them now before we run out of time15:54
bobweaverwhat session is this ?15:55
netcurliSDK Tools & QtCreator15:55
t1mpbobweaver: finishing http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21768/appdev-1305-sdk-tools/15:55
t1mpah its in the topic :)15:56
pmcgowandpm-uds, there is a single doc15:56
bobweaverQUESTION: wh yare you all using json for wizards and what not why  not the wizards.xml and what not ?15:56
t1mpmhall119: screenshots will be a lot of work, mainly because the designs are changing a lot15:56
dpm-udsthanks pmcgowan, yeah, Florian mentions the SDK tools is simply a tab in that doc15:56
t1mpmhall119: I mean if we put the min there manually15:57
pmcgowandpm-uds, we have a document as well with more detail, I can work on it with bz15:57
pmcgowandifferent detail15:57
deniswhttp://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qcheckbox.html#details has images15:57
dpm-udsgreat, thanks15:57
mhall119bobweaver: I don't think there's enough time to answer why/why not questions :(15:57
bobweaverQUESTION: why not have debian packaging set up by wizards ?15:58
mhall119bobweaver: click packages are the focus going forward15:58
mhall119and yes, we discussed using a wizard there15:58
bobweaverseems like none of the packaging tools work under build_>ubuntu-> make deb ect15:59
bobweavernone of them are working for me on 12.04 I tried last night15:59
mhall119worked when I used it15:59
mhall119on 13.0415:59
bobweavermhall119,  did you try the ppa that I made ?16:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | The next Ubuntu App Showdown | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21710/appdev-1305-app-showdown/
bobweaverQUESTIONS: are there going to be tutorials and examples fpr qtcreator  ?16:01
bobweaverdang it needed to get out of work faster16:01
bobweaverwhy are thee not on the weeksends when people are not working ?16:01
dpm-udsbobweaver, for that question, you might be interested in the last session tomorrow: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-16/display16:01
bobweaverthough I work on weekends also16:01
bobweaverthanks dpm-uds16:02
bobweaverI thought that people well normal people work from mon-fri ?16:03
bobweaveranyhow I am just flustered because I missed the one that I really wanted to be at lol16:03
kaliudsbobweaver: a number of people from canonical need to be here and wouldn't have time on the weekend16:04
kaliudsit's difficult to make it work for everyone16:05
bobweavergood kaliuds yeah I was flustered16:05
bobweaverthat is all16:05
kaliudsI can understand16:05
bobweaverbelive me I know all about beeing somewhere at crazy times16:05
kaliudsI gotta be doing half the day work and half the extended day is uds16:06
bobweaverand kaliuds hate to be devils right hand man here but they had time at non virtual uds16:06
kaliudsnot that great either16:06
bobweaverat any rate I am sure that people see this and it might help in the future :)16:07
kaliudsthe physical uds was also in the week16:07
kaliudssame as now16:07
kaliudsyou'd have taken vacation then16:07
kaliudspersonally if I can throw an idea out there, split the sessions in half over more days16:08
kaliudsthat makes it easier no matter where you are16:09
mhall119https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/741d3ca226a88664856631cb3360400eb437ab95 if anybody wants to join the hangout itself16:09
bubbly193have to install the plugin, on a new Kubuntu install16:12
t1mpmhall119: isn't it dangerous to offer potentially unlimited prize money? ;)16:16
faisal-aliConsidering games are a big part of a mobile ecosystem, shouldn't games be given a separate category in the showdown?16:17
bobweaverQUESTION: remember how you all did a 24 hour community google hangout for charity ?  could you tie the 2 together ?16:18
bioevolgenecWould a port of an already existing desktop app be acceptable?16:18
t1mpwhat is the "lack of rotation support" blocker? THere is auto rotation in the MainView: file:///home/tim/dev/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/propagated/documentation/html/qml-ubuntu-components0-mainview.html#automaticOrientation-prop16:20
CheeseBurgWhat have missed so far? Have the rules been set?16:20
bobweaverjust a idea lol16:20
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bobweavercomon mike !16:21
t1mpbobweaver: thanks for volunteering ;)16:21
dpm-udsCheeseBurg, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21710/appdev-1305-app-showdown/16:21
anvil201QUESTION: can a developer enter two different apps in the contest? secondly will you accept apps that started development before the start of the contest?16:21
CheeseBurgdpm-uds: says I do not have authentication16:22
labsin_Does 'No direct file access' only imply on QML?16:22
t1mpdpm-uds: I don't immediately see something missing in the list16:22
dpm-udslabsin_, yes16:23
bubbly193Technical Dificulties16:23
mhall119CheeseBurg: join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad16:23
anvil201ok thanks16:23
t1mpQUESTION: are Canonical employees free to join the competition?16:24
bobweaverQUESTION: you are talking about qprocess ?  david ?16:25
CheeseBurgmhall119: Done. Still can't access the notes.16:25
kaliudslabsin_: currently you need C++ for file access16:25
t1mpdpm-uds, mhall119 yes, I was assuming apps to be developed in the spare time :)16:25
mhall119CheeseBurg: try refreshing now16:26
CheeseBurgmhall119: Yea ok works now. THANKS16:26
t1mpI'd say if people fix the blockers for their apps, they get bonus points :)16:26
faisal-aliQUESTION: Will the judging process be any different from the last showdown?16:27
CheeseBurgQUESTION: So is this oonly for phablet apps?16:27
bobweaverQUESTION: is the amount of money going to be 10 USD ? this is set in concrete ?16:28
t1mpQUESTION: can you explain the judging a bit? Will developers have more chance of winning if they write prettier code?16:28
t1mp^ ok that's already being explained now16:29
CheeseBurgIDEA: There should be themes for the next contest. Like a contest purely for games, one for social apps, utility apps, map apps, etc. I understand that this is upcoming contest is for SDK purposes BUT for the next contest, you should have a specific theme, probably in the area that you believe Ubuntu is lacking apps in.16:31
t1mpbobweaver: 10 USD PER participating app16:33
ayr_tonIDEA: A good enhancement could be give the ability to the editor slit in separated windows. It will improve the productivity of dual head users.16:33
CheeseBurgIDEA: I think for the current contest, you should have each form factor as it's own category. Like one for phone apps, tablet apps, desktop apps, and TV apps(?).16:33
bubbly193SDK is about creating one program for all Ubuntu foms16:35
mhall119bubbly193: +116:36
CheeseBurgBut the convergence isn't there yet16:36
mhall119CheeseBurg: it's coming16:36
CheeseBurgmhall119: This is true.16:37
faisal-aliWill a month be enough to address these form factors within our app though?16:37
ayr_tonIDEA: A good enhancement could be give the ability to the Qt creator* slit in separated windows. It will improve the productivity of dual head users.16:37
t1mpCheeseBurg: I added that to the blockers list. But it will come :)16:38
CheeseBurgIDEA: A good prize idea would be the Dell XPS. You can put a condition on it that it will only be available as a prize if x amount of people enter the contest, x being whatever number you want16:39
bobweaverIDEA: gift cards to places local or online for prizes16:39
CheeseBurgIDEA: Ubuntu swag could also make good prizes16:40
CheeseBurgThen just give out nexuses as prizes16:41
faisal-aliFeatured app?16:42
bubbly193Bragging rights16:43
CheeseBurgA free add on ubuntu.com homepage16:43
t1mpQUESTION: Will you add big adds for the App showdown to http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ and http://developer.ubuntu.com/ ?16:43
bobweaverIDEA: what about Ubuntu Pens or pins for the 10 uds fee. something that will fit the margins16:43
CheeseBurgbut I think that isn't revelent to many developers16:44
CheeseBurgthey just want money or stuff16:44
CheeseBurgBut since the Ubuntu store is so small I figure you need a better pull to get more developers16:47
CheeseBurgA month seems fine16:48
faisal-aliAny rules regarding teams?16:49
CheeseBurgfaisal-ali: How could you stop teams?16:51
RobotexI late. Did they announce date?16:53
faisal-aliRobotex: Sometime August16:54
CheeseBurgRobotex: August16:54
Robotexit will be mobile apps?16:54
CheeseBurgQUESTION: Only open source?16:55
goddardthat sucks16:57
dpm-udsany other last minute questions/feedback?16:58
Robotexthank you16:59
bubbly193Good day!16:59
CheeseBurgI am very excited for the contest16:59
faisal-alinope, thank you16:59
goddardthank you!16:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/appdev-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | New API documentation website | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21824/appdev-1305-api-website/
mhall119https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2b865e268d0e403c41a0fd12aa4817d8eee11940?authuser=1&hl=en for those who want to join the hangout18:02
mhall119we'll go live in a few minutes18:02
mhall119and we're live18:04
mhall119again, anybody who wants to can jump on the hangout using the link above18:04
goddardyo yo18:06
bubbly193only html/js18:08
ayr_tonI'm a web developer.18:09
ayr_tonWe can use html5boilerplate.com18:10
ayr_tonfor make a responsible design18:10
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bubbly193I'm joining18:17
mhall119bubbly193: joining the hangout?18:19
ayr_tonWell. I want to help. Which area is good for getting started?18:19
ayr_tonfrontend? django backend?18:19
ayr_tonI could help with the layout, for start.18:20
bubbly193I'm in the hangout, i have the mic problems18:20
bubbly193ok, as i said, probably my slightly antiquated hardware.  It's a relatively high end mic18:22
ayr_tonI can help with mockup, html, layout and templates.18:23
mhall119ayr_ton: what's your launchpad username?18:23
ayr_tonmhall119: ayrton18:23
bubbly193I can also help with HTML18:24
bubbly193mhall119: Bubbly19318:25
ayr_tonmhall119: ok. No problem. I can ping the design team later.18:26
bashrcI found that the documentation for the application indicator and messaging menu API is out of date18:26
ayr_tonmhall119: Ok. Can you send me his e-mail?18:28
ayr_tonmhall119: I can help with juju charm too.18:30
ayr_tonI'm doing some learn of juju charms recently.18:30
ayr_tonmhall119: ayrton@ubuntu.com18:30
nik90ayr_ton: you should join the hangout since you seem to be more involved in this18:31
mhall119ayr_ton: yes, if you can, please join18:32
ayr_tonnik90, mhall119: I would like it. But no camera or mic here at this time.18:32
nik90too bad18:33
bubbly193A working mic18:33
ayr_tonone sec18:34
mhall119ayr_ton: can you try saying something?18:36
bubbly193is canonical requiring W3C standards be kept?18:39
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Core Apps in Ubuntu Touch preview images | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21709/appdev-1305-touch-image-coreapps/
bubbly193having problems conecting to the youtube vidoe, very frozen19:10
pmcgowanQuestion: mhall119 would it make more sense to pull the terminal and file manager in with other developer tools?19:10
thomi|udsWhy can't we run those autopilot tests on the PS hardware & setup?19:11
bubbly193i'm back19:11
pmcgowanlike when we grab the dev tools for compilation etc19:16
pmcgowanwith qtc19:16
pmcgowanand qt5 devel version etc19:16
pmcgowansuggestion that we have apps ux designers review them as well19:17
pmcgowanto approve their inclusion19:17
pmcgowanand we should do code audit with other app devs or sdk devs19:18
pmcgowanqtc loads it to the device19:20
pmcgowanthere is an option19:20
pmcgowanfor native compile now19:21
pmcgowanthis delay is tough19:21
victorprsalveti, +1 to installing them by default until GA19:22
victorpalthough you could argue that 13.10 is a developer release anywya19:23
rsalvetibut yeah, let's have them now19:23
pmcgowanfolks on apps team mhall11919:23
pmcgowanolivier, ugo, guenther19:23
pmcgowansame guidelines I would say for collection19:27
pmcgowansergiusens, some collection apps could be included by default19:29
pmcgowanusing same criteria19:29
=== hikiko-uds is now known as hikiko
victorppmcgowan, you should join the hangout19:31
pmcgowanno headset19:31
sergiusenspmcgowan: I don't have one either19:31
sergiusenspmcgowan: g+ does a good job at echo cancellation19:31
victorppmcgowan, agreed on the CLA19:35
victorpbut no CLA19:38
* victorp just adding a T5019:39
=== goddard is now known as Guest92302
=== francisco is now known as Guest83331
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/appdev-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1
=== goddard is now known as Guest69376

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