=== hugo is now known as Guest97170 === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk === dednick_ is now known as dednick === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Applications Development of UbuntuKylin | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21765/client-1305-ubuntukylin-applications-development/ [13:51] TigerLuo === Guest77794 is now known as TigerLuo [13:54] hi, all [13:54] hi [13:55] csslayer, hi [13:55] hi [13:57] ypwong, it seems that my VPN got some problem, would you please help to chair the session first. [14:01] csslayer, hi [14:15] maclin: sorry for interrupt.. is there a link for hangout? [14:15] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3f399901093affca6063d4113420c6417b76ccef?authuser=0&hl=en [14:15] csslayer, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3f399901093affca6063d4113420c6417b76ccef?authuser=0&hl=en [14:18] maclin: thanks! [14:18] csslayer, discussion is taken following "Whiteboard" on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+spec/client-1305-ubuntukylin-applications-development [14:19] csslayer:welcome === olli_ is now known as olli [14:25] Some personal suggestion: mute you mic when you're not talking [14:25] Background noise is annoying === panda is now known as Guest90061 [14:57] 总结work item 没有 === app_ is now known as liuxing === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | UbuntuKylin Images | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21755/client-1305-ubuntukylin-images/ === tiger is now known as Guest74335 [15:01] Hi UbuntuKylin people;) [15:10] I would think you would want to support ARM [15:11] may be [15:12] http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/ [15:15] i assume you will want to support ubuntu touch in the near future as well [15:16] i think so it will support ubuntu touch ,may be develop app for ubuntu touch for chinese [15:16] today ubuntu touch development is happening on ARM [15:16] for the following devices [15:17] galaxy nexus & nexus4 [15:17] yeah [15:17] it might be possible for you to leverage all that work (kernel/bootloader etc) [15:17] and test against those devices [15:17] yes test nexus4 [15:17] wonder if QA team might be able to help with testing/using their infrastructure [15:18] balloons: ^ [15:20] weather forecast for ubuntu touch UI look like nice [15:25] wonder if its using a program/binary name to create the string ? [15:25] bregma: ^ [15:25] bregma: they are saying the "unity desktop" string can't be localized? [15:25] yes [15:26] I can't find anything in the code like that, it may be a visual asset [15:26] i think it shoud can define for user [15:26] at any rate, it needs a bug filed so we can follow up [15:27] i read unity code it write 'ubuntu desktop' [15:29] the language package translate "unity desktop" to “ubuntu桌面” [15:31] QUESTION: is there a seed file for ubuntu kylin [15:31] zyga, nope [15:31] so that it can be installed remotely with netboot [15:32] can we make one? [15:59] hi [16:00] good bye === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Ubuntu Key Performance Indicators | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21728/qa-dashboard-kpi/ [16:02] hi [16:02] do we have a link to the hangout? [16:03] zyga, i am not sure, do you have more information about that? [16:09] yay we have video [16:10] good/bad as in "works/doesn't work"? or do you want something quantitative so you can rather say "better/worse than yesterday?" [16:10] QUESTION: will this include mobile/arm platforms (of any kind) [16:11] but just a % is somewhat meaningless, right? what if it's 99% good but the 1% that's bad is what I need? [16:12] ypwong: sure, sorry [16:12] just my 2 cents - for the most part app developers want to know what is stable (e.g. subsystems, i can use audio but not camera) [16:12] kgunn: yes [16:12] kgunn: wanna join the hangout? [16:12] ypwong: I'd like to create a virtual machine or a netbooted phyisical machine that runs ubuntu kylin [16:12] whereas OEM's will care about "performance indicators" [16:12] ypwong: to do that I need to know the set of packages that go into ubuntu kylin [16:12] kgunn: I am not sure if they'll care [16:12] we'll show the reference devices that are in the lab, ideally [16:13] gema: sure [16:16] from a community perspective, we would love to see a page tracking what's "good", what's "bad" currently in the dev release [16:16] balloons: +1 [16:16] that can help drive efforts for everyone from development to QA to tester [16:20] doanac: +1 [16:22] gema, I dont think OEMs are going to be looking at it as such [16:22] victorp_uds: good point [16:22] maybe developers at the OEM team will, but they will have the same req that community guys [16:22] victorp_uds: ack [16:24] this isn't really the session to bring it up, but hey, kgunn is here :-) I'd like to see smoke testing for the display stack (aka, Xorg and most importantly, Mir) [16:24] cjohnston: can you mute yourself whilst typing? [16:26] balloons: whatcya thinkin' ?....i'm more familiar with mir, where there's tons of unit testing & example clients [16:27] and i'm working with ThomiR on adding stress testing [16:27] which we think we might do short run stress testing to add in for CI of MP's [16:27] kgunn, I saw the sessions but wasn't quite able to attend them sadly [16:27] This sounds familiar [16:28] kgunn, unit and stress testing is great.. I'm speaking of more at a system and integration level. I suppose the unity tests might solve some of this. But, I would like to see the display stack being run across a plethora of hardware [16:29] there's a bunch of configurations.. drivers + graphics cards that it would be good to have some basic assurance is working properly [16:29] balloons: yeah, totally agree...i think system/integ tests are needed (as we finally get unity8 shell running on mir) [16:29] gema, how did you do bootspeed, did you set a threshold, e.g.? [16:29] balloons: wrt hw configs, i would say pick 1 to hold as kind of golden [16:30] e.g. you would gate release on [16:30] alesage: bootspeed is a trend graph [16:30] kgunn, yes on the ubuntu touch stuff, we get a bit of a pass because we can control the hw :-) [16:30] alesage: we keep measuring and show a line as we go [16:30] but to gate on multiple hw configs isn't realistic [16:30] so phablet isn't so bad [16:30] balloons: actually...its just as bad.... [16:30] on the desktop, grabbing the big 3, with open/closed drivers is sufficient [16:30] balloons: we're just limiting exposure :) [16:31] how do you identify inflection points in the graph that need your attention? manually? [16:31] so intel/amd/nvidia with amd open/closed, nvidia open/closed [16:31] balloons: agree on desktop approach [16:31] kgunn, ofc, ofc.. It's only a baseline for assuring it works [16:32] but I think that small number of setups should be doable for smoke testing [16:32] balloons: i do agree tho, mobile oem's will do loads of testing for tuning to their hw config....so they will understand [16:32] if we test against say nexus4 or something its really only "reference" [16:33] In the dashboard we spec'd a year ago the user determined the limits for notification which was stored in a db === jzheng is now known as jzheng_afk [16:43] gema, what is the eta for getting an iteration 0 up? [16:45] gema, is there a blueprint that tracks this? [16:45] tvoss: yes, it's linked to the session, it's the qa-dashboard one [16:45] tvoss: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-s-dashboard is the dashboard BP [16:45] gema, cjohnston thanks === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2 === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Connectivity (not networking) | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21783/client-1305-connectivity-not-networking/ [18:08] has the session started? [18:08] ptl: yes [18:08] there's no video yet [18:08] can you see the video? [18:09] cyphermox: ?! I have no video? [18:09] just a second [18:09] thanks! [18:09] sorry, it wasn't on air yet [18:09] seeing us now? [18:09] I don't see any video yet [18:10] me too [18:10] cyphermox: nope, "please stand by" [18:10] *neither [18:10] should be a few seconds we're supposed to be on air now [18:10] ah, now [18:11] yes [18:11] awe: yes [18:11] I can see the video [18:11] there's a slight delay it seems :D [18:11] I can see it! [18:11] awe_: yes [18:11] yes we can [18:11] and 3G data [18:12] we need 3G data \o/ till the end of this month :P === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away [18:14] if anyone things they should join the actual hangout, ping me plz [18:14] *thinks [18:14] or ping jasoncwarner :D [18:15] cyphermox, you guys should just share the link on IRC ;-) [18:15] cyphermox, I've been doing that and there was no issue so far [18:15] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/621c24ff5f6a9e6a9bf540260cb27ea0275cc9c7?authuser=0&hl=en [18:16] jasoncwarner: thanks! [18:17] \o/ [18:17] cyphermox, Those are tracked in the indicator-backend blueprints === blitzkrieg3 is now known as jmleddy [18:17] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/indicator-backend === mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik [18:22] ack [18:29] awe_, oh no, it was already confusing enough with the number of ricardo's that we had! ;-) [18:32] awe_: cyphermox yeah, I can do it [18:32] awe_: wrt udev, did you happen to try the current version in my PPA by any chance? [18:33] pitti: I have not, remind later [18:33] awe_: I know upstream systemd has done quite a lot of work to make all this work in containers [18:33] pitti, no I haven't [18:33] otherwise, please feel free to give me a WI to investigate thsi [18:33] the bigger problem is that we're running android components which consume uevents [18:34] hm, uevents are not meant to be "consumed" though? [18:34] but I don't know what android changed in that regard [18:34] pitti, maybe we can talk after the session [18:35] I can't follow both threads at simultaneously [18:35] *nod* [18:36] Doesn't that require some UI changes? (WPA Enterprise) [18:36] yes [18:36] It seems like we wouldn't be able to prioritize that work... [18:36] * tedg is worried enough about the work items he has [18:36] I think that's a 14.04 thing, not a 13.10 one. [18:39] I think that we probably have a req open for the network UI work... if someone is here and interested [18:39] awe_, cyphermox, ack [18:41] cyphermox: mtp had patent issues I've been told [18:41] mtp server that is [18:44] tedg: what do you mean open req? [18:44] tedg: I spoke to mpt about it, he knows my concerns, but I did mention it wasn't a priority [18:44] Employee position. [18:45] I'm just trying to avoid people pain when wpa enterprise (or anything else really) needs to be added and dramatically changes the design [18:45] because that would just be sad [18:46] pitti, the short answer re: udev is that when we started it in our container... it caused breakage in our images, so we disabled it [18:47] awe_: btw, bluetooth session in a few hours at Google IO... [18:47] awe_: I have a current (from yesterday) phablet install on my n7, so I can test a current version there [18:47] I believe we could make it work, however no work has progressed on this due to our work to try and verify the container flip [18:47] awe_: what should I look out for, i. e. how does the breakage manifest? [18:48] pitti, you'd have to ask ChickenCutlass [18:48] but again, I think we want to see how ogra makes out on the container flip work [18:48] awe_: curious that nothing in our image actually listens to uevents; I had assumed that not much will work at all without them [18:48] awe_: ack [18:48] awe_: ok, let me know if you need anything [18:48] pitti, will do === udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2 === racarr is now known as racarr|lunch === hikiko-uds is now known as hikiko === racarr|lunch is now known as racarr