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delftgateHi there, Is this live as in happening, right now ?13:22
delftgatepopey: QUESTION: Is this on line video - wise right now ?13:25
delftgateOh, it says that it is on at 3pm UTC .. OK13:27
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Quality Community Growth | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21713/community-s-quality-growth/
balloonsfeel free to join in everyone :-)13:59
philipballewballoons, I can join14:02
balloonsgo for it14:02
balloonsohh.. this one starts now, not 5 after.. so let's go :-)14:02
balloonsshould be live in a moment14:03
rickspencer3hi balloons we can see you14:04
=== ElderDryas is now known as Guest9869
rickspencer3well, speaking for myself14:05
Letozaf_my internet connection is too slow just like yesterday, better stay on IRC14:05
gemaballoons: are you feeling alone?14:07
philipballewi might hop  on in a few. Google talk plugin was hating me14:08
smartboyhw_balloons: Give me updates in IRC plz:P14:08
gemaballoons: share the hangout link14:11
balloonsanyone is welcome to join14:11
Letozaf_I can organize to hold  another hangout if you think so14:13
Letozaf_maybe on laptop testing14:13
Letozaf_and on ISO testing14:13
smartboyhw_Hey Letozaf_14:15
Letozaf_Hey smartboyhw_:14:15
Letozaf_if they port ubuntu phone to Samsung Galaxy SIII I would be glad to test it on ny phone14:17
Letozaf_do you think they will port soon ?14:17
Letozaf_autopilot ? I will be very glad to help :D14:18
thomiLetozaf_: there's plenty to do - if you want to contribute, come talk to me or veebers14:19
Letozaf_thomi: sure just let me know when14:19
thomiLetozaf_: what timezone are you in?14:19
smartboyhw_Heck, autopilot is too difficult:P14:19
thomismartboyhw_: to use, or to hack on?14:20
smartboyhw_thomi: hack on14:20
thomismartboyhw_: ahhh, ,well, that's where you should ping the autopilot devs, we can point you in the right direction14:21
Letozaf_I am on CET Rome timezone14:21
thomiLetozaf_: haha, I'm in +1200, so maybe drop me an email instead :)14:21
Letozaf_thomi: :D yeah think it's better14:22
fr33r1d3Is Accomplishment working on 13.04? I couldn't install it.14:23
balloonsfr33r1d3, pm philballew14:25
smartboyhw_balloons: We can attract more youth and teenagers:14:27
gemasmartboyhw_: want to join the hangout?14:28
smartboyhw_gema: Phone…14:28
gemasmartboyhw_: ack14:28
smartboyhw_balloons: What classroom sessions should we do?14:30
Letozaf_what about a classroom session on autopilot testing have we had any ?14:30
smartboyhw_Letozaf_: Nice. And autopkgtest and Testdrive hacking14:30
Letozaf_I mean on writing autopilto automated tests14:30
Letozaf_smartboyhw_: yeah!14:30
thomione issue with an autopilot session is it's always at a terrible time for the two main autopilot devs :)14:31
gemathomi: maybe you guys can do a video14:31
gemathomi: like a hangout and then take video questions on youtube?14:31
Letozaf_yeah a video looks like the only solution14:31
thomiindeed - I've been meaning to for a loooong time14:31
thomiI'm speaking at conferences about it :)14:31
gemathomi: that way it all stays recorded for everyone to see14:32
Letozaf_gema +114:32
gemathomi: and you can play the video at all the conferences from then onwards :P14:32
Letozaf_balloons: maybe record with a camera14:34
thomiballoons: yeah, I don't think we did14:34
thomisounds good to me :)14:34
thomi+1200 FTW14:35
Letozaf_I find videos better14:35
Letozaf_IRC is a bit harder to read14:35
fr33r1d3The interviews were great.14:38
smartboyhw_fr33r1d3: :)14:38
Letozaf_yes the interviews gives the change to get to know testers better and see who's behind the nick14:38
fr33r1d3More info on how different persons work, please..14:39
smartboyhw_balloons: Try to fill in the list before next week:P14:39
smartboyhw_gema: PM?14:39
gemasmartboyhw_: sure, what do you mean?14:39
smartboyhw_gema: Private message;P14:40
gemasmartboyhw_: just query and shoot whatever you want x)14:40
fr33r1d3How they do it. It would be nice for us trying to get into the game.14:40
balloonsfr33r1d3, ok, does a video or classroom session meet that need?14:41
fr33r1d3both please14:42
balloonsok, so our plans include doing those.. I want to make sure that is going to meet what your asking about14:42
balloonsfor the next session, if anyone wishes to join, speak up :-)14:59
* pitti invites thomi15:00
smartboyhw_I'm off:P (to UbuntuKylin)15:00
pittiyeah, this is pretty much a "what do you guys need" session15:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Test development in the Saucy cycle | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21727/community-s-upstream-test-development/
balloonsanyone wishing to join, just speak up15:05
gemapitti: I don't see video15:05
balloonswe should be live15:05
gemaor balloons15:05
gemaoh, there it is15:05
alesagesame, no videoz15:05
gemaalesage: reload15:05
fisch246there's a delay, so just be patient15:06
alesageok got it :)15:06
fisch246yup just went live15:06
fisch246so if still no video, just refresh15:06
fisch246i wait until the "please stand by" goes away. it's when they go live.15:06
sergiusenspitti: not needed for the phone world (ap-gtk)15:10
pittiyeah, hence my hesitation15:12
balloonswelcome Letozaf_ :-) We're talking about autopilot gtk desktop tests15:13
balloonsso please speak up15:13
Letozaf_I cannot here well I have a bit of problems with my internet15:13
Letozaf_anyway if you guys need some help on autopilot I will be happy to help15:14
mmrazikLetozaf_:  sounds like autopilot-gtk is not used much and we shift our focux towards to qt world15:14
gemapitti: I'd like to run those tests on our daily smoke testing for desktop15:14
mmrazikwe would need somebody to look/maintain autopilot-gtk15:14
gemawhilst it not converged15:14
balloonsgema good point.. how long till convergence?15:14
balloonsand even after, will the gtk apps still be around?15:15
gemaballoons: I think 14.04, but I am not sure15:15
gemaballoons: no idea15:15
mmrazikgema: which tests? Those that baloons mentioned?15:15
balloonsI mean post 14.04 we'll still have a gtk browser n'est paS/15:15
Letozaf_mmrazik: I would like to look/maintain autopilot-gtk15:15
mmrazikthomi, alesage: ^^^15:15
Letozaf_if you guys want me to, obviously15:15
mmraziksure Letozaf_ :)15:15
thomiLetozaf_: how's your Gtk skills? perhaps you and pitti can work on this together15:15
mmrazikI think there are couple of bugreports, etc15:15
Letozaf_unfortunately I do not know much about gtk but I am willing to learn15:16
Letozaf_if this is not a problem for you guys15:16
thomiLetozaf_: you should be aware that the autopilot-gtk code is somewhat complex, but I'm sure we can assemble a team of pitti, Letozaf_, alesage, and myself15:17
Letozaf_I mean I am happy to learn new things and learn new stuff so if you think I can help I am here15:17
Letozaf_thomi: I can try15:17
Letozaf_thomi: then we will see if I am able to15:17
alesageLetozaf_, we'll all be learning from pitti, most likely :)15:18
gemaLetozaf_: keep in touch with pitti and thomi during this work they are talking about15:18
gemaand see if you feel like maintaining after it is up and running15:18
Letozaf_alesage: well it's an honour to learn from pitti15:18
alesageLetozaf_, indeed :)15:18
Letozaf_gema: sure15:19
alesagethere are also some internal clients thomi; e.g. webapps and thinclient15:20
alesagewe should coordinate with them to see if they're migrating away?15:20
balloonsahh.. interesting.. the age old legacy questions :-)15:21
Letozaf_:( sound is coming and going15:21
mmrazikalesage: thinclient still needs that15:21
mmrazikthere are some long-term plans to migrate to qt15:21
mmrazikbut its more like 14.0415:21
fisch246only for martin for me, though i think he's having connection issues15:21
mmrazikthan 13.1015:21
sergiusenspitti: we are getting lag from you15:22
sergiusenswell at least I am15:22
* mmrazik too15:22
Letozaf_so am i15:22
fr33r1d3me too15:22
balloonssame pitti .. perhaps go down to audio only15:22
mmraziklag + brak ups15:22
Letozaf_I kind of lost the last part, I will have to watch the video afterwards15:22
sergiusensyeah s/lag/jitter/15:22
mmrazikthomi: tvoss was going to look into something for mir15:23
mmrazikwrt multimonitor testing15:23
mmrazikack. no multimonitor stuff for unity <815:24
pittiyeah, but I don't think the lag gets alot better without video, already tried that15:24
pitti(hangouts have never really worked well for me, sorry15:24
balloonspitti, :-( the little bandwith slider at the top right works well for me to slide down15:24
pittiyeah, already did that15:24
mmrazikyeah... unity 8 is probably also too new for this ATM15:25
alesagethen write more tests larsu and desrt ;)15:26
fisch246it's kind of insane that people are already running unity 8, even though it's so unfinished. bit off topic sorry.15:27
sergiusensfisch246: well we run it on the phones and tablet, so you'll have to be specific ;-)15:30
fisch246sergiusens: well they ran it on a mac, but it was basically the phablet os on a computer.15:30
sergiusensfisch246: that was a mir demo, nothing more15:31
alesageyou could even do it in python :)15:32
fisch246sergiusens: yea i know, still it's kinda crazy how people can use your stuff on just about anything. you guys have really started something. glad to be apart of it.15:33
balloonspoor pitti.. lag is no fun :-(15:33
Letozaf_looks like Europe has poor internet connections :D15:34
balloonsindeed.. It's common for it not to work so well in Europe it seems15:34
sergiusensballoons: depends on ISP, at least in Argentina... I had to switch to an ISP that had a good relationship with Google15:40
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Development Onramp for Ubuntu Touch and Unity Next | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21707/community-1305-touch-and-unity-dev-onramp/
* sergiusens wonders why all the _Touch_ sessions are at the same time16:03
dholbachwho else wants to be part of the conversation?16:05
dholbachsorry, the hangout is causing some problems here16:06
dholbachit says "enabling broadcast 99%"16:06
dholbachhere we go16:06
dholbachwho else wants to be part of the conversation? and join the hangout?16:08
YoBoYbut the stream is bad :]16:08
dholbachwhat's wrong?16:08
YoBoYstoping lot of time, but perhaps it's my connexion16:09
YoBoYif I'm not wrong, the DVD cover/artwork is on the advocacy kit, but this artwork will not be produced for the next ISO,16:15
YoBoYhow we plan to fix that ?16:15
dholbachYoBoY, this is "Development Onramp for Ubuntu Touch and Unity Next ( Community )"16:15
YoBoYoups wrong chan sorry16:15
YoBoY(some days…à16:16
bregmawhat is the umbrella project?16:18
dholbachtvoss, what happened? :)16:26
tvossdholbach, sorry, massive conflicts between sessions in these slots :)16:27
dholbach"no worries" I mean :)16:28
ptlhakuna matata then16:29
bregmais the flow of merge proposal to change appearing in the image (or archive) documented anywhere?  With diagrams?16:32
delfgatedholbach: When does this meeting/session begin .. Plz.16:33
dholbachdelfgate, which one?" Development Onramp for Ubuntu Touch and Unity Next ( Community )"?16:33
delfgate"Revamping ubuntu.com/community" ...16:34
dholbachit's on right now: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21707/community-1305-touch-and-unity-dev-onramp/16:34
dholbachdelfgate, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-15/16:34
delfgateit says 18:05 UTC is that correct ?16:35
bregmahow will  Unity 8 in the desktop affect Touch development onramp strategies?16:35
dholbachdelfgate, "date -u" gives you the UTC time16:36
delfgateso basically it starts in half an hour ?16:37
dholbachno, Mi 15. Mai 16:37 UTC 2013 is the current utc time16:37
delfgateoh ok16:38
alecuI've just seen dholbach comment on the lag, so I count 4 minutes of lag16:39
dholbachnot bad16:40
delfgateQUESTION .. There is a person on the https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2013-May/date.html called elfy .. who is that person here Plz . ??16:41
elfythat'd be me :)16:42
dholbachanyone else who wants to get on the hangout?16:42
dholbachany more questions?16:42
elfydelfgate: why?16:43
delfgateelfy: And you are to-do with membership, right ?16:43
elfyonly on the forums16:43
delfgateDo you have a launchpad profile ?16:43
ptlwild thought here: what if you can use some people from outside of canonical to lead some UDS sessions? Is it feasible?16:43
elfyyea - same name https://launchpad.net/~elfy16:43
elfynot sure why still though :)16:44
ptllike e.g some prolific external contributor, or a game developer16:45
ptlit's over?16:45
delfgateAhh .. I've just relized it's Elizabeth from G+ .. I use Xubuntu .. but I'll leave that for another channel ...16:45
alecuptl: it seems so.16:45
alecuptl: I don't think there should be any impediment for somebody outside of canonical to lead a UDS session; they should just contact the leaders of each UDS track to get a session added.16:46
alecuptl: at least, that's how it worked at non-virtual UDSs.16:47
alecuptl: maybe dholbach has more info ^16:47
alecuptl: do you have any session in mind?16:48
dholbachsure, anyone can lead a session - it's just a few folks (the track leads) who can update summit16:51
dholbachand the ordinary g+ account can just deal with 10 people in the session, while the one used for canonical.com accounts can do 1516:51
dholbachbut that's not a real problem if you ask me16:51
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1
fisch246i'm watching the keynote of google i/o right now lol17:02
philballewfisch246, any good?17:02
fisch246it's alright17:02
fisch246s4 looks good, running nexus os17:02
philballewalright, so add my to the hangout for the com website talk if needed17:03
fisch246ok may i provide some feedback to this vUDS?17:05
bkerensaI'm in17:05
fisch246It's really great. I don't work at canonical, nor am I really that big part of Ubuntu. Yet I can provide feedback because I simply care about it so much. However the only thing I'd say it's missing, is a good keynote. Something to tell people where we're headed.17:06
philballewLooking forward to fisch246 's good keynote next UDS.17:07
fisch246I'm down17:08
fisch246Just give me the notes17:08
fisch246I'm just saying like... 10-15 minutes about the next steps. Maybe just play a video from Mark.17:09
philballewfisch246, well at physical uds's mark speaks17:09
fisch246Yea I know, and I miss that.17:10
philballewfisch246, life...17:12
fisch246I do see that if you did that this UDS, it'd be like CES 2013. "Yea so, we announced everything already. We're doing the same stuff, nothing new... Alright cya everyone, enjoy the show!"17:13
fisch246so i trashed my backup nexus 717:22
fisch246now there's only 1 left17:23
fisch246kiwi went down17:27
fisch246things always seem to go down when you need them lol17:27
fisch246oh dear... this coffee is really hitting me17:31
elfyhi :)17:54
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Revamping ubuntu.com/community | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21706/community-1305-community-website-revamp/
elfyhi pleia217:56
kotuxhello pleia217:56
epikvisi0ngood morning philballew!17:58
philballewepikvisi0n, hello!17:59
dholbachwho wants to be part of the conversation and join into the hangout?18:02
=== stuart is now known as Guest12739
pleia2me please18:02
Guest12739me please18:03
philballewwell hello18:04
elfyI'll justhave to listen again :)18:05
dholbachlet me know if you want to get on18:05
elfyit's not that I don't want to dholbach - I can't :)18:05
epikvisi0nhi UbuPhillup18:06
philballewid like to join the hangout if thats tight18:06
elfykeep losign the video18:11
fisch246video is fine here18:11
dholbachplease help updating the pad: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21706/community-1305-community-website-revamp/18:12
epikvisi0nI don't have the video at all. :(18:12
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fisch246though i have like... super internet now... so maybe i'm unique18:12
epikvisi0nnvm I have it.18:12
asomethingcan we get this into version control or are people wed to the pads?18:17
gerhartcuighkjono: Your not activating your Lower 3rd .. ??18:18
dholbachasomething, no, it'd be a wordpress site with a team of people who can edit18:18
jonogerhartcuighk, oops, setting up now18:18
asomethingdholbach, I'm wondering about how to best get feed back on potential edits18:19
dholbachasomething, ah ok - I think that could be just a "hey, can somebody have a look at my set of changes"? what do you think?18:21
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
asomethingI suppose, but I like merge proposals and diffs =)18:22
dholbachyeah, me too :)18:23
elfyI give up - it's all dropping out for me18:23
epikvisi0nWhat is the goal for the Documentation team for Saucy?18:24
dholbachepikvisi0n, that's in community-218:25
* dholbach hugs pleia218:25
UbuPhillupdholbach: in community-2 is »Growing a strong translation community«18:26
dholbachah sorry18:26
dholbachepikvisi0n, that's in an hour18:26
dholbachnext session18:26
epikvisi0nmhm, ok18:26
fisch246odd... i am so behind live right now, yet the video keeps freezing.18:27
fisch246i even opted to use the youtube site, instead of the summit one.18:28
gerhardcuighfme too .. just refresh and use the Kiwi in a second tab-page18:28
fisch246i'm using irc in pidgin18:29
gerhardcuighfjust refresh the webPage then.18:29
fisch246oh it's probably google i/o that's causing the problems. all the bandwidth being stolen by it.18:29
gerhardcuighfQUESTION: Will Tweets and reddit buttons be incorporated into the Community page on ubuntu.com ?18:31
fisch246ha well there we go. the keynote ended and it's working now. guess i was right.18:32
elfypleia2 bkerensa jono - if you want extra help with content review - I'm happy to look18:32
pleia2perhaps not quite yet, but I learned about this contribution tour yesterday: http://www.ubuntu-it.org/comunita/orientamento18:33
pleia2elfy: thanks, added a work item for you too ;)18:34
fisch246since we're talking about /community, don't forget about locales.18:34
elfypleia2: k18:37
bkerensadholbach: you are going to set this one up for me too right?18:50
dholbachdocs? yes18:50
bkerensagodbyk: do u have G+?18:51
bkerensagodbyk: would love for you to be in the hangout18:51
godbykbkerensa: I do.18:52
* bkerensa whacks udsbotu 18:55
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Shaping a plan for the future of Ubuntu Documentation Team | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21693/community-1305-doc-planning/
bkerensaAnyone essential for the hangout for the doc session?19:01
pleia2 19:02
pleia2can you add me?19:02
srinathhi guys19:06
kotuxhey srinath19:06
srinathhi kotux19:07
srinathi'm new here19:07
srinathwhat about you??19:07
dholbachanyone who wants to join the hangout?19:08
kotuxWhat's the team's goal for Saucy?19:09
pleia2kotux: just added that as an agenda item19:10
* kotux is epikvisi0n19:10
kotuxsrinath, I've been around for a while.19:10
srinathgood to know19:11
srinathnow i know whom to pester19:11
kotuxbut I want to be part of the doc team.  how about you?19:12
srinathme too19:12
srinathanyway i can help19:12
dholbachsrinath, what would you like to help with? the "getting started" docs?19:12
kotuxdholbach, where can interested people get started?19:13
srinathanything is fine by me19:13
ballockI have some Ubuntu enterprise desktop docs I wanted to create anyway19:14
kotuxpleia2, yeah!19:14
GunnarHjAs I said a few weeks ago on the list, I'd be happy to work with a minimal "getting started tutorial" to make it easier for new contributors.19:15
ballockYou can treat me as a volunteer for a getting started guide, would need that anyway.19:16
srinathme too19:17
kotuxlet me mention that askubuntu and ubuntuforums has far more information than the documentation.  There are many nuggets of knowledge that could be in the official one.19:19
srinathwhat is the state of documentation for developers??19:19
dholbachsrinath, you mean for writing apps for Ubuntu or for hacking on Ubuntu itself?19:20
srinathwriting apps19:20
godbyksrinath: The developer documentation is handled by a different team.19:20
dholbachsrinath, that lives in a separate place - it's http://developer.ubuntu.com/19:20
srinathright the developing team maintains it19:21
srinathmy bad19:21
dholbachno worries :)19:21
srinathone simple question what is it that we are supposed to have in documentation??19:21
srinathi mean we can have a zillion things19:22
kotuxdocumentation should be treated like software.19:22
srinathbut what are the most sensible things to add??19:22
GunnarHjThere seems to be a lack of input from developers, package maintainers etc., i.e. the doc team seems to be on their own. Is that an issue that should be dealt with?19:23
dsmythiesHelp.ubuntu.com does not update by utself. I have bene doing it.19:23
srinathdsmythies wow19:24
kotuxdsmythies, that's a lot of work for one guy.19:24
srinathya there should be someone kind of coordination between teams regarding the documentation being generated19:24
godbykdsmythies: Okay, that's good to know.  How do you know when to update help.ubuntu.com?19:24
dsmythiesNo. it is not. It's almost automatic from the master files.19:24
dsmythiesI was just rerring to an earlier comment that help.ubuntu.com wasn't updated.19:25
dholbachany more questions, concerns or agenda items from irc?19:25
dholbachor missing work items?19:25
pmatulis_hey dsmythies o/19:25
YoBoYperhaps we can plan to put some eyecandy on the frontpage of the documentation, to highlight the last docs, and put the community doc with a clear text of what it is (something with boxes, big buttons, or something else…)19:26
dholbachhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21693/community-1305-doc-planning/ if you haven't reviewed it yet19:26
kotuxwe can try breaking categorization into chunks.19:27
* YoBoY have connexion problem and lost the feed :]19:28
pmatulis_bkerensa: i've always been in favour of promoting community docs to the official docs.  there is a lot of overlap.  copy & paste in both directions19:28
kotuxhey ahoneybun19:28
ahoneybunis this the uds for docs?19:28
ahoneybunwill there be any talk about the kubuntu docs or just ubuntu docs?19:29
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YoBoYofficial documentation dont cover everything19:31
dsmythiesOften the community documentation is up to date whereas the offical is not.19:31
kotuxYoBoY, agreed. the official one should be the ultimate reference.19:31
ahoneybuncurrently I am working on getting the kubuntu-docs moved to a wiki19:32
ahoneybunwith valorie19:32
YoBoYOn the french documentation, we have one rule "don't rewrite what exists somewhere else", and we follow this simple rule pointing the good docs everywhere19:32
pmatulis_ideally both community and official docs would be in the same place.  the community stuff would consist of added commentary to the official stuff, and potentially merge it to the official docs later19:32
kotuxtakes clear process.19:33
pmatulis_having them in different places is fundamentally broken19:33
srinathelse we can just have19:34
srinathlinks in the official docs to community docs19:34
ahoneybunI pulled the branch from kubuntu-docs on lp and copying it but also editing it on the spot, and updating the images19:34
ahoneybunyou are echoing btw19:34
srinathi may be off topic19:36
srinathbut are there any docs  for new contributors19:36
srinathto ubuntu??19:36
kotuxwhat tools are essential for the doc contributors?19:36
ahoneybunkotux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam19:36
godbykTo whomever wrote 'standardize tools', what did you have in mind?19:37
* pleia2 needs more comfortable headphones19:37
godbyksrinath: What do you mean by 'contributors'?  Contributors to the documentation or developers or something else?19:38
ahoneybunwhat does cadence mean19:38
ahoneybungodbyk: this is about docs19:38
pleia2ahoneybun: regular flow19:38
srinathi mean contributors to developers19:38
pleia2srinath: that documentation tends to be maintained by each team19:38
ahoneybunidk what needs to be done there19:39
pmatulis_deleting community docs is ok but you run the risk of making some people angry as they may intend to keep updating the community page but now will probably stop due to the large barrier to official docs19:39
godbyksrinath: See http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/developers19:39
godbykpmatulis_: Hopefully we can reduce the barrier to entry for the official docs.19:39
pleia2srinath: http://www.ubuntu.com/community has links to a few resources, and we're currently working on a new, improved page for that (had a session about it last hour)19:39
kotuxwhat tools should contributors use to edit and merge docs?19:40
srinathdid not know that19:40
srinathmy bad19:40
godbykkotux: We'll be updating the documentation on that soon. But at the moment, you only need a text editor and bzr.19:40
kotuxright, that's what I thought.19:40
kotuxmost importantly, the team needs an agenda for this release cycle.19:40
kotuxand make sure that the work doesn't end up being a one-man show.19:41
pleia2kotux: there are several folks with work items now (take a look at the etherpad)19:41
pleia2we'll have regular meetings to check in on things19:41
pmatulis_php documentation is an example of how the 2 can be merged.  but yeah, bit undertaking.  http://www.php.net/manual19:43
ballockI can't find the mailing list, it doesn't seem to be on launchpad19:43
godbykballock: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc19:44
kotuxpleia2, at the moment, where can prospective contributors start? The session today suggested we begin review of the raring docs19:44
pleia2pmatulis_: that's similar to the sumo software, do you know if what php.net uses is open source?19:44
godbykkotux: A great place to start would to be to review the current documentation and suggest improvements.19:44
pmatulis_pleia2: no, i don't know19:44
godbykkotux: If you can offer specific textual changes to be made, that'd be best.19:44
knomegodbyk, it would be great if that was documented19:45
ahoneybunkotux: right now the kubuntu-docs is like a 2 man show19:45
godbykkotux: You can do this by emailing the list or submitting merge proposals.19:45
ballockgodbyk: thanks19:45
kotuxgodbyk, can you define merge proposals?19:45
pleia2kotux: if you don't know about MPs, you might just want to review and send changes to the mailing list, defining and explaining merge proposals is part of what we (bkerensa will be documenting)19:46
godbykkotux: To create a merge proposal, you'd use bzr to check out the current docs code. Modify your copy.  Then, via Launchpad, you can create a merge proposal that sends notification of your modifications to the docs team so we can merge them in to the main bzr branch.19:46
godbykkotux: As pleia2 mentioned, we'll be working to document this process more clearly soon.19:47
godbykkotux: If you subscribe to the ubuntu-doc mailing list, I'll post there when we have updated instructions and you can help us test them out.19:47
godbykkotux: In the mean time, if you notice anything that's out of date or incorrect with the current documentation, you can email the list or file a bug.19:47
epikvisi0ngodbyk, sure thing.  Thanks!19:48
godbykepikvisi0n: No problem. Thanks for volunteering to help out!19:49
epikvisi0nWhat are some essential knowledge that a documentation volunteer should have?19:50
ahoneybunepikvisi0n: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam19:51
godbykepikvisi0n: Most importantly, you should be able to write clearly and explain how to do something or how something works.19:52
epikvisi0nahoneybun, is documentation writing essentially technical writing?19:52
godbykepikvisi0n: Knowing all the tools and markup languages isn't quite as important at the moment.19:52
godbykepikvisi0n: Essentially, You want to ensure that the documentation you've written can be understood by a fairly general audience.19:53
epikvisi0nah, ok.19:54
godbykIt looks like our time is up here.  If you'd like to continue to discuss documentation, you can join us in #ubuntu-doc.19:56
godbykThanks for coming, everyone!19:56
kotuxthank you godbyk19:56
kotuxthanks pleia2 and bkerensa19:57
ahoneybunbkerensa: thanks for the help19:58
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