
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== francisco is now known as Guest49422
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Flag Bearer Charms (application) | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21704/servercloud-s-juju-flag-bearer-charms/
mattgriffinmarcoceppi: how does one join the hangout?13:59
marcoceppimattgriffin: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fa6dea509240bfe96361ee99a233312bebed02b0?authuser=0&hl=en13:59
arosalesAny question please preced them with [QUESTION]14:05
arosalesWelcome to Flag Bearer Charms (application) session :-)14:05
bkerensa[QUESTION] Will there be preferred languages for textbook charms?14:05
* bkerensa jolts marcoceppi 14:06
bkerensamaybe have a textbook charm in all the most common languages?14:08
bkerensauhh loud phone14:10
bkerensaif you going to pycon have a py charm14:13
bkerensaruby event have a ruby charm14:13
bkerensathat way if people say well lets see ruby we have one14:13
bkerensaCould we maybe have a screencast showing the anatomy of them?14:14
marcoceppibkerensa: docs will have that14:14
arosalesbkerensa, ya we'll definitely do an anatomy of a charm web cast.14:15
arosalesFlag Bearer Charm Session ended14:41
arosalesjcastro, in regards to work items in the pad I think it is useful to first collaborate on them in the pad, and then just to a past afterwards into the BP.14:42
arosalesas launchpad can stomp multiple folks pasting, but if that is coordinated in the hangout no worries14:42
jcastroI just pasted in the notes to the BP14:45
jcastroI've just been burned by buried notes and WI not making it into LP in the past14:45
m_3jcastro: thanks... I was just worrying through trying to figure out what work-items we needed to capture14:50
jcastroI had one cycle14:51
jcastrowhere I missed an entire blueprint14:51
jcastrolike next month my boss is llike "how's it going?"14:51
jcastroand I was like man, what is he talking about14:51
m_3well 0 workitems works too: "It's going great!... what do you mean?"14:54
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Charm Policy Review | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21705/servercloud-s-juju-charm-policy-review/
arosalesCharm Policy Review starting in a couple of minutes15:05
arosalesIF you want to join us please feel free to. We are at https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a8dd2bb22ca20fe5b4473891f25210fe2d5710da?authuser=0&hl=en15:05
cjohnstonso professional15:07
arosalescjohnston, hello15:08
utlemmingI don't care where the bits land, as long as they are in the same place15:11
utlemmingits really hard to do a backup charm with everyone dropping the bits anywhere they want15:11
arosalescjohnston, utlemming feel free to join us in the hangout :-)15:12
arosalesURL is above ^15:13
arosalesavoine, hello15:14
arosalesIf folks want to join us in the hangout the URL is in the pad15:17
arosalesor just give me a ping15:17
arosalesalso preface questions with [QUESTION] so we don't miss them.15:18
robbiew-udsjcastro keeping them honest!15:21
wedgwoodwow, reminder fail. just tuning in15:35
avoine[QUESTION] Does charm writer will have access to per commit test run?15:38
wedgwoodI'm just catching up. I don't see any surprises.15:38
wedgwoodjcastro: question ^^15:39
wedgwoodor arosales ^^15:39
arosaleswedgwood, ack15:39
arosalesAny other questions?15:45
wedgwoodhave we discussed anything about how a ratings system might relate to or affect policy?15:46
wedgwoodjcastro: +115:48
wedgwoodIt would be nice to be able to say we require a certain quality rating for production environments15:48
wedgwoodI'm good thanks15:49
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Audit Charms | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21703/servercloud-s-juju-audit-charms/
arosalesjcastro, ping16:05
arosalesStarted session: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21703/servercloud-s-juju-audit-charms/16:08
arosalespad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1305-servercloud-s-juju-audit-charms16:09
arosalesGoogle hangout URL is in the pad if you are interested in joining us. Be sure to preface questions with [QUESITON] so we don't miss them.16:09
=== francisco is now known as Guest53340
arosaleshttps://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charm-store.html --> should we add an "audit charm" guide ?16:38
arosalesCharm Audit session done16:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/servercloud-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Charm Development Tooling | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21702/servercloud-s-juju-charmhelper2/
arosalesCharm Development Tooling starting in a bit17:57
arosalesIf your are interested in joining us in the hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7702813e48c52e2459fda12e4c5e86b4da64541c?authuser=0&hl=en17:57
arosaleswe are live in the google hangout.  If you have any questions please preface them with [QUESTION] so we don't miss them18:07
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
mattywQUESTION: I'm a bit confused by the idea of the contrib directory. Are we saying this is where contributers would merge to, and then it would get taken into 'main' when it was deemed ready?18:17
arosalesmattyw, thanks for the question. I'll tee it up18:18
avoine+1 for package in main, pip is not checking for signature18:18
avoineor other security check18:18
arosalesfor folks wishing to joing us in the g+ hangout feel free to join via https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7702813e48c52e2459fda12e4c5e86b4da64541c?authuser=0&hl=en18:20
bac_The branch can be seen at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel/files/head:/charmhelpers/18:22
arosalesmarcoceppi, sorry not main, but universe for charm-tools18:25
arosalesmarcoceppi, Filename: pool/universe/c/charm-tools/charm-tools_0.3+151-0ubuntu1_all.deb18:25
marcoceppiarosales: ack18:25
bac_arosales: there is also python-charmhelpers, which is in the lp:charm-tools project18:25
bac_packaged universe also18:26
arosalesbac_, thanks18:26
mattywIt sounds like contrib is a temporary place to put stuff in to achieve the goal of having stuff in one place - without contributors having to mess around with their package structure too much, and the first step on the road to organising it into a sensible place18:27
arosales+1 on keeping charm-tools seperate18:27
wedgwoodmattyw: that's exactly it18:29
mattywwedgwood, ok - thanks very much, sounds good18:29
arosaleswedgwood, thanks for confirming18:29
arosaleswedgwood, do you have the LP link to the current charm helper18:30
* arosales is trying to collect the list of charm dev tools at the bottom of the pad18:30
arosaleswedgwood, the icon for the project is nice too18:31
bac_arosales: ^^18:32
arosalesbac_, thanks18:33
mattywwedgwood, arosales does stuff that gets put it in here need to support py juju & juju-core? It looks like there's some stuff in here which is pyju specific18:33
wedgwoodarosales: I put a list of the included projects at the bottom of the pad18:33
marcoceppimattyw: great question, I'll ask in a second18:33
arosalesmattyw, I think going forward we would just make sure there is support for juju-core18:33
arosaleswedgwood, thanks for adding the list18:34
arosalesadam_g, did you want to confirm out of band relations with mramm, and file a bug if it is not there?18:37
adam_garosales, sure18:38
arosalesadam_g, thanks18:39
arosalesAny other questions ?18:59
bacmarcoceppi: did you see my comment: lp:python-shelltoolbox (documented via extensive docstrings)18:59
marcoceppibac: thank you!19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Juju Framework Charm for Server Application Technologies | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21697/servercloud-s-juju-framework-charms/
arosalesFramework Charms starting in a bit19:03
arosalesFeel free to join us in the hangout @ https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f7a5e5cb4adb060c1bc942cd70f0bf62b13c7fb2?authuser=0&hl=en19:03
* arosales will also put it in the pad19:03
hatchI'm hoping to start on it right away19:17
arosaleshatch, if you want to join us feel free to load up https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f7a5e5cb4adb060c1bc942cd70f0bf62b13c7fb2?authuser=0&hl=en19:18
hatchI would like input from anyone who wants this charm as to what relations and feature they would like19:19
hatcharosales, yeah it won't connect from either of my machines....I'm keeping trying19:19
hatchthat's a good idea19:25
* hatch is going to try and participate via chat 19:25
hatchCreating a base charm and then passing it off to someone in that industry is a good idea19:30
hatchI think it removes the barrier to entry19:31
hatchI would like to create a standard for node19:34
hatchso that the juju charm config goes in X19:34
hatchacross all node apps19:34
hatchI would be worried about a way to display these properly in the browser19:37
hatchnode would be an easy one for that I would think19:39
avoine[question] Where charmers should put documentation for an application charms? in the README of the framework charm? in a docs/ directory? rtd.org?19:43
hatchthanks arosales :)19:44
marcoceppiavoine: thanks, queued!19:44
hatchm_3, we SHOULD standardize the location of the config for juju19:46
hatchwrt node applications - so we could say - "put your juju config file in the root dir and call it juju-config.yaml"19:47
hatchbut we can has that out later on19:48
m_3hatch: ack.. that'd be awesome19:49
m_3hatch: it's also a problem with sinatra19:49
m_3hatch: but yeah, it's worth being opinionated about it imo19:50
avoineok, but what about documentation about creating an new application charm?19:50
m_3haven't been to date19:50
marcoceppiavoine: ack, queuing19:50
hatchyeah I'm ok with being opinionated ;)19:50
=== francisco is now known as Guest83331
hatchahh yeah that is also a good idea19:51
hatchsure thing19:52
hatchthanks I'll read that after this19:53
arosalesAny other questions ?19:55
jcastroavoine: any platform you're interested in in particular?19:55
avoineI'm Patrick, I'm writing the Django charm19:55
hatchyup will definitely be doing that blog19:55
arosaleshello Patrick :-)19:56
arosalesaka avoine19:56
avoineHey o/19:56
arosalesavoine, feel free to join us @ https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f7a5e5cb4adb060c1bc942cd70f0bf62b13c7fb2?authuser=0&hl=en19:56
avoinemy internet is really bad...19:57
arosalesavoine, our G+ ended, but please feel free to join us tomorrow in some sessions if you are available19:57
arosalesavoine, ah19:57
hatchgreat chat guys19:57
arosaleshatch, m_3 has complete confidence that you will fix all node.js problems :-)19:58
hatchhaha - I am excited to use the node charm so it's in my own selfish interests to do a good job ;)19:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/servercloud-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-2
avoinejcastro: I'll request a merge to get the Django+Gunicorn charm in the store maybe this week or the next one20:01
avoineI just need Bruno to check out my spelling :P20:02
jcastrosounds awesome20:02
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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