
ali1234~info dieharder00:49
ali1234!info dieharder00:50
lubotu3`dieharder (source: dieharder): Random-number generator test front-end. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.31.1-4 (quantal), package size 252 kB, installed size 857 kB00:50
kaushalHow do i focus pidgin window on Ubuntu 13.04 raring running unity whenever any buddy contact me?05:25
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SuperMattJamesTait: could you let us know what day it is already?07:49
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bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:18
MooDoomorning morning08:24
SuperMattso that Mir video looked pretty amazing, right?08:28
mungbeanok the about:memory page on firefox is hanging my machine...not good08:31
SuperMattmy prediction: slashdot new article uploaded, stating that the phone interface is running for now, but the desktop interface is still to come, then slashdotters will comment about how terrible it will be to have a windows 8 style interface without actually reading the article08:31
mungbeanmost g+ers didn't read the bit about phablet08:31
mungbeanand complained about windows 8 instead08:32
SuperMattI'm just looking at that now08:33
SuperMattit is remarkable how quickly people just to conclusions08:33
popeypeople in "don't read or listen" non-shocker08:33
dwatkinswhich video am I missing?08:34
SuperMattthe problem is that it just fuels the haters even more when they see misinformed comments08:34
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy International Day of Families! :-D08:38
JamesTaitSuperMatt, just for you. ;)08:38
SuperMattthanks babe08:38
* JamesTait blushes08:38
SuperMattwait, I forget people in here are real life friends08:41
SuperMattI can't get away with this sort of stuff08:41
JamesTaitSuperMatt, what sort of stuff?08:48
SuperMattcalling you babe08:51
JamesTaitSuperMatt, oh I wouldn't worry about it.  My wife is used to it.08:52
christelmorning cutesiecakes08:53
JamesTaitchristel, good morning dahling!08:53
* JamesTait air-kisses christel08:53
christelhow art thou my pretty? :)08:53
mungbeanwhat's happening in here today ?!?!08:54
JamesTaitVery well, thank you my sweet.  In the right frame of mind for seriously kicking some arse.  And you?08:54
* popey hugs JamesTait 08:54
* JamesTait hugs popey back08:54
JamesTaitmungbean, do you feel the love in the room?08:55
christelarse kicking is always good :D08:55
andylockrananyone use vagrant with puppet server?08:55
christeli am well! doing a spot of work before i have to head off to guildford for a growth scan to see how the small person is getting on :)08:55
christel(however, i dont trust their computers...)08:56
JamesTaitVery wise.08:56
christelit calculated david at 7lbs... two days later he was born08:57
christeland weighed 9 1/2 lbs08:57
* popey flashes his nexus 4 to latest daily ubuntu touch08:57
christelthis time i have decided to add 5lbs to any weight estimate provided by them08:57
christeljust to be on the safe side08:57
popeywait what..08:57
JamesTaitpopey, I'm not *at all* jealous.08:57
SuperMattchristel: that's what you get for trusting useless computers!08:57
popeyhave you another bun in the oven christel ?08:57
SuperMattI don't know why people bother with them08:57
christelpopey: haha yes, a GIRL apparently08:57
popey\o/ Girls are great!08:58
christeli hope she is still a girl as i have purchased "all the dresses"08:58
JamesTaitchristel, we were all girls at some point.08:58
christeldue date august 11th (tho if she is like her brother she'll arrive a couple of weeks early i guess)08:58
popeyMy gorgeous girl → https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-3zry8JH6pEw/UY_-W9MXjyI/AAAAAAAAYuk/icjm5iDit6c/w645-h860-no/779BA46F-CD51-4D42-A1C1-09E0E0EADB4B.JPG08:58
christelmy goodness, sophie is all grown up!08:59
JamesTaitI have no girls, but I have two ex-girls.08:59
christelshe is gorgeous indeed :)08:59
christeland such a sweet child -- mind, both of yours are ADORABLE08:59
popeyYes, yes they are!08:59
MooDooi have one girl and one boy08:59
bigcalmI have a cat \o/09:00
popeyOther fabulous progeny → https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-tQbZ7XSVXVk/UYfOoJG6n1I/AAAAAAAAYOk/ONBMsZws0bQ/w645-h860-no/34D9610B-4E43-451C-A7CC-B6B1E25B94A4.JPG09:00
christelwhen i was pregnant with david i had a "OMG NO I CANT HAVE A BOY" moment when they told us the gender -- (it was really daft -- my thinking was "i have never been a boy, i have no idea how they work")09:00
NafalloI have an american.09:00
JamesTaitYou're not wrong, christel, they're all grown up and very cute.09:00
Nafallowhat are you guys talking about? :-)09:00
christelthis time around i was all "oh i am sure it is another boy, i wouldnt have a clue what to do with girls..."09:00
christelaww, i love sam, he is cuteee09:00
christeldavid informed me that he wanted a baby sister mind so he is happy09:00
christel(apparently baby brothers are GROSS)09:01
christel(i have no clue how he would know, to my knowledge he has never had any!)09:01
popeygirls are great, especially for dads ☻09:01
SuperMattdon't girls come with a free shotgun?09:01
christelhaha yes, david is a serious mummy's boy so with some luck she will be more keen on gareth than he is09:01
christel(he scares me -- he comes out with stuff like "LOOK MUMMY, COME SEE< I HAVE BURIED DADDY IN THE SANDPIT" or "When I grow up and I am a Ciderman (Cyberman) I will take people away and upgrade them... apart from daddy, I will put him in a box!")09:02
mungbeani prefer boys atm09:02
christeli have this fear that he will dispose of gareth at some point in his life, he seems to have an unhealthy obsession with getting rid of him!09:02
mungbeanbut my girl has cried and pooed for the first 8 weeks of her life, so i haven't given her a chance yet09:03
mungbeanbut the thought of boys seems more fun09:03
bigcalmDaddy in a box09:03
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christelpopey: how many years are there between sophie and sam btw?09:07
JamesTaitThis is my youngest: http://ubuntuone.com/0zTsvDnW3aOPtQOQfhYBEx09:07
christelaww he is super cute09:08
JamesTaitAnd he knows it.09:08
JamesTaitBlurry photo of big brother: http://ubuntuone.com/0qA7EJi86uDu3JDXyJ1STL09:09
christeloh they are both rather cute arent they!09:09
popeychristel: 309:10
popeyand 6 days09:10
christelooh how was the age gap? david will be 3 and a half when she shows up09:10
JamesTaitchristel, they take after their mommy.09:10
christelJamesTait: :D09:10
popeythey play with eachother in the mornings09:11
popeysometimes there is disparity over things like what to play with or what to watch on telly, but not too bad09:11
popeyand less so now Sam is older09:11
JamesTaitpopey, wait, your kids' birthdays are 3 years and 6 days apart?09:11
JamesTaitWell that's uncanny.09:11
MooDooJamesTait: you don't know uncanny ;)09:12
popeychristmas conception09:12
JamesTaitExactly the same as my two.09:12
JamesTaitIIRC Sophie's birthday is the same as mine too!09:12
MooDoomy son and daughter have the same birthday and so do my wife and i :)09:12
JamesTaitMooDoo, it's a conspiracy!09:13
JamesTaitBetter photo of big brother: http://ubuntuone.com/album/7hD0KeVYDzwPOQse2azLBm09:13
JamesTaitOh, wait, no.09:13
JamesTaitD'oh, I broke it.09:13
Laneycannot has previews09:14
Laneysound the U1 alarm09:14
popeyU1 does photos?09:14
popey(I should probably know this)09:14
JamesTaithttp://ubuntuone.com/323nyoCnBdVwGFT3G3WYn8 there09:14
Laneygalleries, yeah09:14
JamesTaitpopey, I'm sure you knew this, but it's probably lurking in your subconscious somewhere.09:15
popeyprobably in long term storage, archived off to a microdrive somewhere09:15
mungbeandoes popey still package tomboy?09:15
JamesTaitpopey, eSATA brain dump?09:15
popeypopey does not09:15
Laneydoesn't really appear to work at the minute though09:16
* popey looks at Laney 09:16
Laneyslideshow dead09:16
Laneythumbnails dead09:16
JamesTaitLaney, tell me more.09:16
mungbeanbeen getting on nicely with tomboy and ssh sync09:16
popeyoh good09:16
Laneyoh yeah tomboy!09:16
* popey has been getting on well with gvim09:16
christelMooDoo: i share a birthday with my mum!09:16
mungbeani lost the functionality on android but hey09:16
mungbeani could perform some sort of sync to sd card via dropbox but its messy09:17
MooDoochristel: yay09:17
Laneykind of slacked on that a bit09:17
mungbeantomdroid "After this release we will be merging our beta branch containing great features like note editing, two-way sync or tablet support"09:18
mungbeanne of the most important fixes in this release is the support of a secure connection to Rainy,09:18
* JamesTait has been using vim with the Orgmode plugin, and MobileOrg on my Android phone.09:18
popeyorgmode? wossat?09:19
* popey uses gpgvim plugin so all my notes are encrypted automagically09:19
popeyand thus I care less if they're in the cloud09:19
popeyJamesTait: i see your photos now, didnt do anything, it just eventually loaded09:19
popeyslideshow broken tho09:20
JamesTaitpopey, looking into it.09:20
JamesTaitpopey, Orgmode is an Emacs thing, but someone ported it to vim.  I don't really use most of its functionality, but it syncs nicely with U1 and gives me the ability to take notes, which is really all I need.09:22
* popey googles09:22
JamesTaitpopey, trying to get a link for you. :)09:23
popeyfor directhex09:23
JamesTaitAmazing - I can find URLs for the license, but not for the code itself!09:24
mungbeangnote developemnt seems to be catching slowly09:25
JamesTaitpopey, I think this is the one: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=364209:26
redtap|awayOT | Nice viral video for someone in the Northern areas :: :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWu8FKdTJOA  ::09:35
JamesTaitLaney, popey: photo thumbnails took a long time to load, and slideshow isn't working? Is this still the case?09:35
Laneyno thumbnails09:36
Laneygo abuse #ubuntuone!09:36
JamesTaitThat probably would be a more appropriate venue, actually. :)09:37
JamesTaitLaney, if you click on an individual image, does it eventually display?  I think it's just taking an absolute age to get the images from storage.09:39
Laneylet's see09:39
Laneyit's still pretty shoddy performance that I expect they want to fix09:39
JamesTaitHence no thumbnails, because the request times out, and no slideshow because it moves on to the next image before the current one has finished downloading.09:39
* JamesTait <--- is "they"09:40
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JamesTaitAnd yes, I'm pretty eager to get to the bottom of this.09:40
Laneyo rly09:40
LaneyI knew you were One Of Us but not which One09:41
Laneyyeah still waiting09:41
LaneyI'm trying to get http://ubuntuone.com/gallery/7hD0KeVYDzwPOQse2azLBm/IMG_1319.JPG09:42
Laneyhuh! so I loaded it in Chromium and it came up after about 5 seconds09:42
Laneyfirefox, still going - and no other assets like the U1 logo either09:42
JamesTaitCame up immediately for me - but then I've had that slideshow playing for the last couple of minutes.09:42
JamesTaitLet me try with a different album.09:43
JamesTaitCaching in the browser, on the server, etc. may be playing a part here.09:43
* Laney goes off to prod at rhythmbox instead09:44
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davmor2Morning all10:02
JamesTaitHey davmor2!10:02
JamesTaitTime for elevenses.10:03
bigcalmMorning davmor210:04
davmor2JamesTait: do you set your elevenses on my arrival or something ;)10:05
davmor2morning bigcalm10:05
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bigcalmdavmor2: remind me to have a lighter option tonight10:23
bigcalmdavmor2: that's a point. If you're attending vUDS, will you be coming to the LUG?10:23
davmor2diet cokes and a salad then10:23
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MartijnVdS \o10:33
bigcalmTrying to debug somebody else's python code while they are not responding to emails. What would cause this to throw a syntax error? numericValue = 1 if value else 010:38
mgdmWorks For Me™. Wonky indentation?10:39
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bigcalmmgdm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5667228/ that's a bit more context10:40
mgdmworks on 2.7.1 for me10:42
bigcalmIs it a recent thing? The python embedded in this device is likely to be old10:43
mgdmI don't know, I don't do enough to know10:43
bigcalmmgdm: fair enough, thanks for trying :)10:45
bigcalmJust checked, this device has Python 2.4.3 on it10:48
bigcalmAnd doesn't support that type of if statement10:48
MooDoomungbean: I know you're a RHEL kinda guy, are you aware of this? - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=96279211:31
lubotu3`bugzilla.redhat.com bug 962792 in vulnerability "CVE-2013-2094 kernel: perf_swevent_enabled array out-of-bound access" [High,New]11:31
popeyJamesTait: please make a screencast showing how to use that vim plugin, thank you! :D11:33
JamesTaitpopey, I thought there already was one somewhere. I'm sure I remember watching one.11:33
JamesTaitHm, actually it was probably this one for VimOrganiser, another Org-mode clone. http://vimeo.com/1718285011:40
JamesTaitpopey, ^^11:40
JamesTaitI guess it's almost time for our weekly visit from the JWs, so time for me to grab my lunch and disappear into the gara^Woffice.11:45
mungbeanMooDoo: yep, was talking about that last night11:58
mungbeanalso affects debian stable too11:59
MooDoook thanks12:05
MooDoomungbean: do you have a bug report link for that one?12:05
mungbeani linked last night to a UVE page12:06
mungbeanperhaps not...hold on12:06
mungbeanjessie, wheezy3.2.41-2vulnerable12:07
mungbeanfrom my wife: "I open it and see a man so I say 'I'm not interested if you're selling anything.' Man: 'I'm not settling anything.' Me: 'ok'. Man: 'i was just wondering if you'd like to buy a better insulated door.'"12:09
popeymy opening line to people on the doorstep is "I have a policy of not buying on the doorstep"12:11
mungbeani have a notice that i point to and then slam the door12:11
popeythey don't realise that it matters not what they say next, the answer is always "no"12:11
popeyheh, i only have a notice on one door12:11
mungbeani usually am holding a crying baby and fending back a barkig dog12:11
popeybut we have two front-facing doors12:11
popeyneed to get another sticker12:11
mungbeanit's so selfish12:11
mungbeanit always wakes the baby etc12:11
mungbeanand if you ignore it the dog keeps barking until they finally get the message12:12
popeyi had one cocky guy with two girls he was clearly mentoring12:12
popeyhe tried to use his sales patter, the girls smiled awkwardly12:12
popeyeventually I let rip ☻12:12
mungbeani hate it because having a massive notice is not welcoming to friends12:13
JamesTaitmungbean, maybe he knows someone who's selling those doors.12:13
popeyoh ours was provided by the police ☻12:13
JamesTaitpopey, "and the foul stench of the fart scared them all off!" :-P12:13
popeyor maybe the council12:13
mungbeani asked for a coldcaller-free zone12:14
mungbeanbut there wasn't enough interst (i.e. i would have had to cold call my neighbours to drum up support)12:14
JamesTaitmungbean, do they exist outside of prison?12:14
mungbeanthere's one near me12:14
mungbeanespecailly if you live in a cul-de-sac which i do12:15
mungbeanif the 20 neighbours agree, then it's generally easier12:15
mungbeanthe council put a sign up12:15
mungbeanand you can shoot anyone on sight12:15
mungbean*may not be true12:15
JamesTaitmungbean, shoot them a death stare. ;)12:16
mungbeani have one of those12:16
mungbeanunfortunately its there most days12:16
mungbeanespecially my "smartphone frown"12:16
popeyneed to get a second one for the "side" (note: not at the side) door12:16
mungbeani think moneysavingexpert do one too12:17
dwatkinspopey: does the bottom half go on the inside of the window?13:04
dwatkinsor door13:04
popeyback to back13:06
dwatkinsI couldn't work out where it folded.13:07
Myrttiso, um. yeah. Does anyone know if Debian Wheezy still supports Viglen MPC-L?14:22
brobostigongoogle I/O predictions ?15:17
MooDoothey ar buying m$ out15:18
brobostigonif only,15:18
brobostigonbbm for android is interesting though.15:20
directhexthe sequel to everyone's favourite nexus device15:22
directhexannouncing the nexus QQ15:22
* brobostigon hugs his nexus7, he likes it,15:22
mungbeanis nexus 7 reduced yet?15:26
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brobostigonmungbean: long time ago.15:29
mungbeanand again in july15:30
brobostigonwhich july?15:30
SuperMattwith gsettings, is there a way to list only the keys which have been modified?15:32
SuperMattah, nm about that now15:36
mungbeanthis july coming15:36
brobostigonmungbean: prediction ?15:36
mungbeanor is i/o goig on now?15:37
brobostigonmungbean: 20 odd minutes.15:37
mungbeani read lots of stuff saying they expect n7 prices to drop afer the new model announced15:37
mungbeancan someone explain like i'm five what an ERP package is?15:51
mgdmI suspect AlanBell or TheOpenSourcerer could15:52
popeysoftware to run your business15:52
directhexenterprise ravenous pandas15:52
mungbeanis it basically HR and project resource planning software15:52
TheOpenSourcererdoes most core business "things"15:52
popeypayroll, sales & distribution, financials, everything15:52
popeymanagement reporting etc15:52
TheOpenSourcererAccounts, CRM, Warehouse, stock,15:52
mungbeanso it has to do all these things or some15:53
popeyit may do some or all15:53
popeydepends on the package15:53
mungbeanhow do i know if its ERP15:53
popeysome are tailored to a specific industry like retail, education or the oil business15:53
TheOpenSourcererSome are "modular". You can enable/disable what you do/don't need15:53
mungbeanso northgate HR, or agresso, are they?15:54
TheOpenSourcererSome are Free Software.15:54
TheOpenSourcererMost are not.15:54
popeyif it integrates many of the above listed functions together15:54
popeyrather than be lots of disparate systems15:54
mgdmAgresso always sounds like a tool for organising a hit on someone15:54
mungbeani think the answer is no then15:54
mungbeanwe don't use one15:54
mungbeansomeone was asking if we did15:54
popeymost "large" companies do15:54
popeyand many small ones too15:55
popeyThe term ERP has fallen out of favour more recently though.15:55
TheOpenSourcererLibertus Solutions use an ERP :-)15:55
popeyis it Vi?15:55
TheOpenSourcererIt's the same one Canonical use IIRC15:56
mungbeanwhy did canonical move out of millbank? ££ ?15:57
mungbeanor size15:57
czajkowskimungbean: we outgrew it15:57
popeyyeah, new place is much bigger15:58
mungbeana field?15:58
mungbeanthe cloud?15:59
davmor2mungbean: millbank wouldn't allow us to have another floor, so the move to blue fin nearly doubled the floor plan15:59
popeytis a nice office, much more open15:59
davmor2popey: agreed15:59
mungbeanstill west end?15:59
popeyand nearer to "amenities"15:59
popeynear London bridge15:59
popeybehind the tate16:00
davmor2popey: However I miss the view16:00
popeygoogle IO live16:00
brobostigonpopey: linkie ?16:01
brobostigonpebble, hhhm.16:07
brobostigondefinatly ingress inspired there.16:11
brobostigonDSOTM :)16:51
brobostigongooglers listen to floyd, yay.16:52
brobostigonsamsung are releasing an aosp android galaxy4, without samsung dodgy overlay.16:56
dwatkinsChrome is rather popular.16:57
AzelphurIs there anyone I can talk to who is a specialist at bt infinity? I'm having some weirdness17:16
Azelphurbefore I moved TalkTalk said I could get fibre, then when I moved they said I can't, then I asked BT and they said I can, then I asked TalkTalk and they said I can, then they tried to activate it and they couldn't.17:16
MyrttiAW MAN17:20
directhexAzelphur, there may be come confusion at openworld's end as to who owns the line right now17:22
Azelphurdirecthex: any way to fix that?17:24
Azelphuror to actually properly check if I have infinity17:24
AlanBellgo for a walk and find your distribution box?17:29
AlanBellshould be an A4 sticker poster on it saying fibre broadband here17:30
dwatkinsI just switched to IDNet to avoid BT infinity. Even on the same exchange different people can be told some can and some can't get fibre, though.17:30
dwatkinsas AlanBell says, it's the cabinet17:30
dwatkinsalso, BT should have replaced your master socket front plate if you got fibre to the cabinet17:30
AlanBellshould look like that17:31
directhexi don't think they have those on our cab17:34
Laneysome of them have it here but not all17:39
directhexand i got my infinity from BT. no bandwidth cap.17:39
Laneysounds infinite17:40
directhex"If you're on Unlimited Broadband, Unlimited Broadband extra, Unlimited BT Infinity 1, Unlimited BT Infinity 2, or for customers taking BT Total Broadband Option 3 from 1 February 2013, we won't place any speed restrictions no matter how much you upload or download, even at peak times"17:43
directhex"How does this compare17:46
directhexyour average monthly usage is17:46
directhex227.14 GB"17:46
ali1234does ipv6 work on bt yet?17:55
brobostigonnative ?17:55
ali1234last time i checked they were advertising broken tunnels so you couldn't even use 6to417:55
AlanBell112GB for me last month, but they only count 8AM to midnight18:00
AlanBelland I have a 250GB limit before throttling18:01
directhexali1234, nope, ipv6 sucks on bt18:11
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mungbeanguys, seen this? http://donottouch.org/19:14
mungbeancoolest site of the week19:14
mungbeanthis rogue traders programme is upsetting19:39
mungbeanblatant crooks misselling these mattress things to old people19:40
Azelphurhaving fun with my net at my new place, Phone line works fine, ADSL Modem refuses to connect, Sync goes orange occasionally, but that's about as far as I get in the process20:06
dwatkinsAzelphur: did BT send someone out to do the install, or did you just plug it in?20:21
Azelphurdwatkins: plugged it in20:41
AlanBellso you have ADSL, and are looking to get infinity?20:49
AlanBellinfinity gets you an openreach box and then you need a different router that does pppoe to connect to that20:49
AzelphurAlanBell: yea, I have ADSL (Broken) and I want Infinity20:50
* brobostigon makes notes.20:50
mungbeanthe hags are arguing on apprentice again20:51
MyrttiI am going to escape mwhahahahahaha21:18
mgdmwell played, dwatkins21:22
mungbeandwatkins: is officially bored21:24
dwatkinsnot at all, I've been reading about the zpanel wars on /r/netsec and feeding my rats pasta, I just saw Myrtti's line and felt compelled to respond in kind.21:25
mungbeanthere so much i could be doing but baby has only just stopped crying and im scared to try putting her in bed21:26
dwatkinsmungbean: perhaps you need to play her some death metal... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x01j3M3PrGk21:28
dwatkins(perhaps turn the volume down first before clicking)21:28
dwatkinshmmm, maybe it's "Black Metal".21:29
mgdmThat kid is more metal than I am21:30
mungbeanplanning on making a lancaster for the dambusters 70th anniversary21:32
cocoa117is it ever possible to have ssh client in the initramfs, so i can read a encryption key file from remote PC, and automatic the whole disk encryption process?23:22
cocoa117i know the drapbear is one solution, but i don't think i need the ssh server running on initramfs23:23
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