
MarkDudevalorie: when you get a chance- I would like to get some thoughts from you18:44
MarkDudeI saw quote about all of the community over -reacting18:44
MarkDudeI did- others did - you did NOT18:44
bkerensawell not all of the community18:44
MarkDudeYou were fair- and I DONT like the idea of you being painted by the same brush as others18:45
bkerensajust those who over-react18:45
bkerensait was kind of vague as to who that was18:45
MarkDudeThe way it was worded was wrong18:45
bkerensabut I think it was discounting everyone involved in the discussion18:45
bkerensait was18:45
bkerensaIt was like a.... If you are concerned then you are over-reacting so stop it18:45
bkerensaif nobody was concerned18:45
bkerensawell thats not healthy18:46
bkerensaconcern is a form of health check for the community18:46
MarkDudeAnd without me having official memebrship18:46
MarkDudeThe fact others were spoke to18:46
MarkDudeAnd I was NOT- speaks volumes, IMHO18:46
MarkDudeAgain, this dialog looks like it can be a bridge18:47
bkerensaMarkDude: Heh at a session earlier today I said membership is often put on a pedestal18:47
bkerensaand pointed out how many people dont have membership and dont want it and still are rockstars in the community18:47
MarkDudeEither the stuff they said is true, and solutions will sort out18:47
bkerensanathwill and cody smith18:47
bkerensaall great work they have done18:47
MarkDudeOr their words are a foot or two in mouth18:47
* MarkDude is betting on bridge18:47
MarkDudethey tried to get me as a signer of CoC18:48
MarkDudeOnce I pointed out I NEVER signed anything minus the ORIGIANL CoC18:48
MarkDudeThat was dropped :)18:48
MarkDudeThats why I am here18:48
MarkDudeThey cant get me directly18:49
MarkDudeLooks like they are making efforts in my other project - lol18:49
MarkDude<News flash>18:49
* MarkDude IS an a-hole. EVERYONE is shocked18:49
MarkDudeThe next step here is to look at solution based options18:50
bkerensaMarkDude: To what extent does the CoC end and a individuals private life begin?18:52
MarkDudeTo me 18:53
MarkDudethe orginal CoC does nothing to provate life18:54
MarkDudeThe specifics on it now?18:54
MarkDudeNot sure18:54
MarkDudeMe GOING to UDS supposedly made it softer18:54
MarkDudeEven after the time was switched to the one day I let be known in public- I was NOT available18:54
MarkDudeThey DO have a practice of using CoC to threaten to remove Membership18:55
MarkDudeI can offer no specifcs on this- its mostly NDA18:55
MarkDudeAltho - a few are pondering dropping their NDA18:56

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