
whzhangThe blueprint is scheduled on Thursday 18:05 - 19:00 UTC01:27
ypwongwhzhang, oh... so late02:27
smartboyhwypwong: I will join in the images UDS session in IRC.08:07
smartboyhwJackYu: ^08:10
JackYusmartboyhw: that's great, welcome!08:18
JackYusmartboyhw: do you have any issues what to be discussed? you can change the Whiteboard.08:20
smartboyhwJackYu: Blueprint link?08:33
JackYusmartboyhw: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+spec/client-1305-ubuntukylin-images08:47
JackYusmartboyhw: you can modify the Whiteboard section.08:47
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
ypwongfor anyone who will join the coming session: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3f399901093affca6063d4113420c6417b76ccef?authuser=0&hl=en13:56
ypwongwhzhang, see above13:56
ypwongmaclin, jzheng, freeflyi1g, see above13:56
maclinok,I see it, but the network is so good13:59
ypwongmaclin, 你可以把 bandwidth 调低14:00
ypwongwhzhang, 你怎样呢?14:01
ypwongquick quick quick14:05
ypwongJackYu, 能听到我们说话吗?14:06
ypwongJackYu, 听不到你说14:06
ypwongJackYu, 开始la14:08
smartboyhw_ypwong: That's Chinglish:ap14:09
ypwongsmartboyhw_, come on!14:10
smartboyhw_ypwong: ROFL14:10
ypwongsmartboyhw_, ....14:10
ypwongwhzhang, hi15:00
ypwongmaclin,  JackYu freeflyi1g  jzheng,  whzhang smartboyhw_ &&15:02
ypwonglink for google hangout is above15:02
smartboyhw_ypwong: Not joining. just IRC15:02
smartboyhw_And no watching:(15:02
ypwongsession will start in 4 minutes15:02
ypwongwhy not watching?15:02
ypwongirc is no fu15:02
jzhengypwong, I am in other session15:03
ypwongjzheng, gotcha15:03
* jzheng will only watch this session15:03
smartboyhw_ypwong: Mobile15:03
smartboyhw_YouTube app an idiot15:04
jzhengbtw, I saw csslayer still around and maybe you can ask him to join too?15:04
maclinjzheng: I have send message to him.15:10
=== jzheng is now known as jzheng_afk

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