=== jussi01 is now known as jussi [15:44] [08:44:35] Whiskey`Wonka: Can you peep in to #ubuntustudio and ask zequence? [15:45] Yeah my fault [15:45] zequence: having a virtualbox issue and was told to come here [15:45] lol [15:45] With -lowlatency [15:45] ok [15:46] right -lowlatency [15:46] So, what was the issue? [15:47] using muon to remove vbox and all its packages then reisntall, no kernel modules are made, even whenthe dkms package says installed [15:47] doing so via apt-get did fix that and make the packages [15:48] Whiskey`Wonka: I don't have any experience with muon, but the way it works should be no different between -generic and -lowlatency. Each have their own headers avilable [15:49] And both kernels are more or less the same kernel (the diff is very small) [15:49] I always install with apt myself, and haven't experienced any problems [15:49] zequence: His CPU was overheating with -generic [15:49] There was a bug with headers at some point though [15:49] Whiskey`Wonka: Which release is this, and which kernel version? [15:50] zequence: yea -low my cpu fan works, with -gen it does not [15:50] 3.8.0-19-lowlatency on rearing [15:51] It's very strange that -generic would cause more problems than -lowlatency. [15:51] No problems with headers with that version though, so that should be fine [15:52] its a ACPI issue causing my fan to not work [15:52] Thing is, -lowlatency is a copy of -generic, and has almost the exact same code [15:52] i would gladly give any information that i can to help solve that [15:52] And, when it comes to ACPI, I really doubt there are any differences at all [15:53] It's a copy of -generic, but has a couple of configs altered, so of course, the resulting binary is not a 100% match, but the diff is in things like PREEMPT and HZ [15:55] well i dunno, a clean cold boot with -low will let the cpu fan work and spin up, with -gen it doesnt ever come above the idle speed [15:55] Whiskey`Wonka: Did you monitor temprature? [15:55] -lowlatency should be harder on the CPU (not much, but still), and that might result in higher fan speeds [15:56] i did but no need, fire up google earth or such and you cna feel it over heating [16:03] anyone who has a korg microkey 25 keyboard and knows if it works on linux? [16:11] zequence: btw its not jsut 'oh thats hot' its 'omg its burning me' and goes into thermal shutdown [16:14] Whiskey`Wonka: I would make a bug report then. Do you have a launchpad account? [16:14] i do not [16:14] test [16:14] Whiskey`Wonka: Here, create one https://launchpad.net/ [16:14] test failed [16:14] crap. [16:14] zequence: okies [16:15] abort, retry? [16:15] Whiskey`Wonka: Then, boot into the generic kernel, and from the command line do: ubuntu-bug linux [16:16] It's pretty straight forward reporting bugs once you have a launchpad account [16:16] ah buggers thats going to be a pain [16:16] Only takes a couple of minutes, so I hope your computer will survive that :) [16:16] changing kernels isnt going to be easy [16:18] wanted to check... ub.studio comes with puredata vanilla, not extended, correct? [16:20] kai: Yes, -extended is not packaged yet in Debian (which is where all the multimedia packages come from) [16:20] kai: I will actually be packagin pd-extended for Degian in the not too far future, so it will be avilable hopefully from 13.10 and forwards [16:21] kai: You can get pd-extended from a PPA, ppa:eighthave/pd-extended [16:21] z: ok thanks, there are some instructions on pd.info, those should work yes? [16:21] eighthave == the guy who created pd-extended [16:21] I really recommend adding the PPA [16:21] ok i will try it [16:22] To do that: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eighthave/pd-extended [16:22] That will install a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* [16:22] sweet thanks [16:23] kai: Then, to install pd-extended, just do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pd-extended [17:46] yes [17:46] w ubuntu!!! [17:46] such windows [17:46] ubuntu is better [17:46] yesssssssss! [17:49] ok, that one was very enthusiastic about buntu... lol [18:10] !better [18:10] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [18:10] thats what i would have linked ;) [18:11] I have a friend who whenever he gets excited about something, like a band, he alwyas says "This is the best band in the world!" [18:11] And that happens about once a week or so [18:11] lol === driftwood is now known as driftwood_ [20:26] do tile based window managers work with ubuntu studio well? [20:26] or if a window manager is stable.. it should work on any linux distro in the same manner [20:28] thecodeischaos: Ubuntu Studio is not DE based. It's more really a set of meta packages, which depend on a selected list of packages that we like to be installed by default [20:28] Added to that, a couple of configuration changes to improve performance [20:28] what is de? [20:28] user realtime privilege, and swappniess [20:28] Desktop Environmant [20:29] Environment* [20:29] so are you saying i cant instal other window managers on it? [20:29] Yes, and this is true on any Ubuntu flavor [20:30] but there are tutorials for changing WM on ubuntu [20:30] thecodeischaos: What is it that you would like to install, exactly? [20:30] dwm looked pretty good. i wanted to try it [20:31] or another one that supports tile based windows [20:31] sudo apt-get install dwm [20:32] ok ill try it [20:34] ill try it on my mini pc. first i need to install the OS on there [22:28] Hi [22:28] Have a question [22:30] repositories could UbuntuStudio the DrumBurp program, which is very good for Tabs Drum http://whatang.org [22:40] wachin: It needs to be packaged for Debian (it is where most Ubuntu Studio applications are packaged initially) [22:41] wachin: I'll have a look. Maybe I can package it [22:43] I will tried of package it, but not can [22:43] I use Debreate but not working [22:44] I wish there was a program to devianizate that be like Install Creator Free [22:44] wachin: It requires some studying. Not only to create the package, but also how to write changelogs, licensing and most importantly, the debian/rules file for building instructions, etc [22:45] Ok [22:45] Thanks [22:48] The program DrumBurp working fine on Windows, but not on UbuntuStudio 12.04 [22:48] I tried in VirtualBox with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and working fine [22:50] I know that this program need , python2.6 or 2.7, python-pygame, phyton-qt4 to working from source code, yes, working fine frome source code [22:52] In UbuntuStudio 12.04 the only way to make working is launch the source code from command line [22:52] python drumburp.py [22:52] otherwise not work [22:53] wachin: I emailed the developer, and told him I was willing to package it [22:53] So, if no one else has done it, should be avilable at around 13.10 [22:54] Oh, well [23:14] God Bye [23:14] Thanks