
netcrashhello, can anyone provide me the default groupS for the "admin" user in xubuntu?01:52
GridCubei have; gridcube adm cdrom sudo audio dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers01:59
GridCubeand sudo has root02:00
ubottuUp through Ubuntu 11.10, administrator privileges using sudo was granted to the "admin" Unix group.  In Ubuntu 12.04, privileges are granted to the "sudo" group, for consistency with upstream and Debian.  For compatibility, the "admin" group will continue to have access in 12.04.02:03
netcrashUnit193: thks for the aditional info02:17
xubuntu867does anyone know how to change the brightness in xubuntu?07:25
xubuntu867my current issue is that is that xubuntu recognizes my fn keys07:25
xubuntu867but i can only adjust the brightness in one increment07:26
xubuntu867i.e. right now it's at max, and i can only bring it down by one increment07:26
xubuntu867and then back up again by one increment07:26
TheSheepxubuntu867: xrandr --output NAME-OF-THE-SCREEN --brightness 0.507:33
TheSheepyou can get the names of your screens by running xrandr without parameters07:33
TheSheepbrightness 1.0 is 100%, 0.0 is 0%07:33
xubuntu867ok so i found out that my screen is called "Screen 0"07:37
xubuntu867but when i tried07:37
xubuntu867xrandr --output Screen 0 --brightness 0.507:37
xubuntu867it popped up another screen with a bunch of paramater information07:37
xubuntu867and no change in brightness07:37
TheSheepxubuntu867: xrandr --output 'Screen 0'  --brightness 0.507:38
xubuntu867warning: output Screen 0 not found; ignoring07:39
xubuntu867xrandr: Need crtc to set gamma on07:39
xubuntu867-> that's the error i got07:39
TheSheepcan you pastebin the output of xrandr?07:41
TheSheepno no, the one without parameters07:43
TheSheepsorry, I wasn't clear07:43
TheSheepok, so your screen is called LVDS107:44
TheSheepyour output, I mean07:44
xubuntu867it worked07:44
xubuntu867THANK YOu07:44
TheSheepbtw, xrandr has a lot of other useful options :)07:45
xubuntu867is there no easier way to adjust brightness?07:45
TheSheepwell, you could now bind xrandr to keys...07:45
xubuntu867how would i do that?????07:45
TheSheepin keyboard settings07:45
xubuntu867application shortcuts?07:46
xubuntu867what would i add for instance07:46
TheSheepwhat you just typed07:46
xubuntu867xrandr --output 'LVDS1' --brightness 0.507:47
xubuntu867i could configure that to a global hotkey?07:47
TheSheepthis is a workaround, of course, I suppose at some point they will fix the normal function keys07:48
xubuntu867is this an issue for other people07:48
xubuntu867with the Fn keys07:48
TheSheepfor me the brightness keys work, for the keyboard backlight keys don't07:49
bullgard4Is it normal that Xubuntu 12.04.2 Appications > Log Out > (Log out <username>) > shows a "Suspend" button but no »Hibernate« button?10:32
knomebullgard4, yes10:43
bullgard4knome: Do you know the reason why a "Hibernate" button does not exist?10:44
knomebullgard4, hibernating is disabled by default in xubuntu10:46
bullgard4knome: Right. --  Thank you for your help.10:48
xubuntu336Is firefox 21 ready for xubuntu ?11:05
knomexubuntu336, i'm sorry, i don't understand the question11:10
peyamMy computer gets so warm in xubuntu11:12
peyamI use a thinkpad e33011:12
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seronisIs anyone available with experience using Eclipse CDT to edit packages? I seem to be misusing the "New -> Makefile Project with existing code" option13:44
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xubuntu-noobhey people, anybody here?14:39
seronis114 people here.  most idle14:39
xubuntu-noobwhy be here if you are going to be idle? :)14:40
seronisIdle Response Chat.. of course =-)14:40
seronisfor slow channels (usually ones dealin with support) you can ask a question and as long as you dont log out when someone gets a chance to glance at the window they can answer14:41
xubuntu-noobi have a question, im currently installing xbuntu 13.04 on a intel pentium 4 3.4 ghz and 1 gig of ddr2 ram. Is that enough for mostly basic stuff?14:41
seronismy laptop is a Core2 Duo 2.2ghz and it runs beautifully.  I do have 8gb ram (shared with gpu)14:42
ner0xAnyone using a dual monitor with one DVI and one VGA having issues with the latest nvidia update?14:42
xubuntu-noobOfcourse it works well on that kind of configuration :)14:49
xubuntu-noobim going to test my question right now14:52
xubuntu-noobso, bye :)14:52
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jdranybody some advice on accessibility features? I'm working with a class of students. I want to find a way to let them login without a keyboard.17:02
jdrI was thinking about mouse gestures to login, or a method where I can just login for them using my pc, so they get to see the desktop environment directly17:03
ranticjdr: There isa project called voximp which allows you to logon to a desktop with your voice17:03
rantici'm not sure if that's the kind of thing you're talking about17:03
jdryes, could be a way, I should take a look at that. Although not all pc's have a mic on them.17:04
xubuntu760When will Firefox 21.0 be in the software center ?17:10
brainwashedxubuntu760: it's already available in the repos, update your package lists17:12
GridCube!info firefox17:13
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 21.0+build2-0ubuntu0.13.04.2 (raring), package size 24894 kB, installed size 51769 kB17:13
xubuntu760brainwashed: I can only see 20.01. what package lists shud i update ?17:16
genii-around!info firefox quantal17:18
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 21.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.10.2 (quantal), package size 24893 kB, installed size 51765 kB17:18
knome!info firefox precise17:18
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 21.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.04.3 (precise), package size 25086 kB, installed size 52429 kB17:18
xubuntu760When i update firefox can i only remove the old and install the new ?17:19
holsteinxubuntu760: you just update, using a package manager or update manager (like the software center) and ff will be upgraded to the latest available17:21
xubuntu760I am little new.. never hear about pacakge manager.. but i will try to figure out.17:23
Hans-Martinhi I've got a lightdm problem - I want to configure an autologin user (that works) with a fixed custom session. Lightdm always uses the last session, but that is not what I need...17:24
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Guest26818hi. how can i specify a proxy?17:55
holsteinGuest26818: i would start with the browser settings..18:10
Guest26818chromium ?18:10
holsteinGuest26818: thats a good start18:11
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak18:11
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leoquanthee darkera18:59
leoquantu bent DE darkera?18:59
DarkErahi leoquant19:00
leoquanthow are you?19:01
DarkEradoing fine. want to go pm, would be better i think19:01
leoquanthaha yeah, but iam moe/pijn/etc19:02
DarkErai see19:02
leoquantlater misschien?19:03
DarkEraok :)19:03
=== NePtUnO|Off is now known as NePtUnO
Udmshow do you create a panel20:04
Udmshello anyone20:05
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xubuntu329how do i get apps thru terminal?21:12
knomexubuntu329, do you mean installing applications?21:12
xubuntu329ya srry21:12
knomexubuntu329, sudo apt-get install [packagename]21:12
xubuntu329ok thx :)21:13
xubuntu329i like xubuntu cuz it works on my old toshiba sattelite21:13
xubuntu329kinda gives it a new wind21:13
xubuntu329second wind *21:13
xubuntu329cyall :)21:14
xubuntu727do you just use halt in terminal to shutdown?21:15
xubuntu727ya or no21:16
xubuntu727people not too helpful (note to self)21:16
xubuntu727i said tht out loud didnt i o well :))21:17
ner0xhttps://gist.github.com/fswitalski/5587925  <-- after updating nvidia-drivers to the latest I get this error. Anyone able to help I'd appreciate it.22:25

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