
jammorning dimitern07:36
dimiternjam: morning07:36
rogpeppejam, dimitern: mornin'07:45
jammorning rogpeppe07:45
dimiternrogpeppe: heyhey07:46
wallyworld_fwereade_: later when you have a moment, this will interest you https://codereview.appspot.com/930305109:12
* wallyworld_ dinner09:12
fwereade_wallyworld_, cheers09:12
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: dimitern | Bugs: 8 Critical, 68 High - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/
dimiternoh, I just realized I'm the OCR today09:21
dimiternbring it on! :)09:21
mgzme passes dimitern a document in particularly bad handwriting09:21
dimiternmgz: not that kind of OCR :D09:22
jammgz: I wanted to chat with you a bit about the version dependency stuff.10:11
jamI saw that you had a data file listing everything.10:11
mgzjam: let's do that10:39
jammgz: um, I was hoping to learn the context and what code you were actually using, etc.11:05
mgzah, not literally a chat?11:06
mgzso, what we have:11:06
jammgz: ah, I misunderstood the "lets do that"11:07
jamI'm fine voice chatting.11:07
jamI thought you were saying "lets do that version dependency stuff"11:07
mgz* kapil's script that reads a text file and updates branches lp:goreq11:08
jammgz: I'm on mumble if you want to join me.11:08
mgz* roger's project that derives dependencies by looking at go packages lp:godep11:09
mgz* I wrote a throwaway thing for generating a release tarball, which is up in a juju-core branch under ~gz11:09
mgzso, we really want to combine those bits into something that gets the bot off the ground11:10
mgz* lp:godeps11:22
mgz...and actually, need the branch11:23
mgzfwereade_: ARE YOU FREE?12:01
mgzgah, sorry, caps12:01
fwereade_mgz, hey, yeah12:01
* fwereade_ was briefly worried that he'd just been staring into space for an hour or something ;p12:01
mgzhace a moment to talk constraints briefly with me and wallyworld_?12:01
fwereade_mgz, wallyworld_, sure12:02
wallyworld_fwereade_: mgz can't do google12:02
mgzI can atm12:02
danilosmgz, just remap that useless Caps key to Control and all your troubles will go away :)12:02
fwereade_sweet, because I forgot to set up mumble again12:02
mgzI have a non-ubuntu machine here :)12:02
* wallyworld_ starts a hangout12:02
wallyworld_fwereade_: mgz: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d3f48db1cccf0d24b0573a02f3a46f709af109a612:03
jammgz: very frustrating. Identical config, but 'test' properly runs and fails the test suite, but "trunk' does not12:15
jamanyway, I'm off for now.12:15
mgzhm, crazy12:17
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
rogpeppefwereade_: any chance of a review of https://codereview.appspot.com/9410043/ ?13:40
fwereade_rogpeppe, ah, sorry, I'll finish that up13:41
rogpeppeanyone else too. it's big, it's quite a big CL i'm afraid, but the more eyes the better13:41
rogpeppefwereade_: np13:41
=== Makyo|out is now known as Makyo
sidneiis there any document that i can follow to get started on submitting changes to juju-core?14:27
mgzsidnei: see CONTRIBUTING in lp:juju-core14:30
sidneicool, thanks!14:31
mgzyou may want to not use cobzr though, and use native colo, or your own arrangement instead14:31
sidneiim happily using cobzr elsewhere14:34
mgzthen stick with it.14:34
* fwereade_ is off for the day, take care & have fun everybody15:58
rogpeppefwereade_: see ya16:24
mramm2so it is not clear to me if all implementations of websockets actually use the heartbeat stuff17:25
mramm2some browsers do, others don't17:25
mramm2and I have not yet seen how the go implementation works17:25
mramm2rogpeppe, fwereade_: ^^^^17:25
rogpeppemramm2: thanks17:35
rogpeppemramm2: there's no mention in the go source code of heartbeats17:37
rogpeppemramm2: the diagram on this page is useful http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_WebSocket_implementations17:38
hazmatmramm2, most do.. not sure that go does17:49
hazmater.. ping/pong is what i meant17:50
hazmati didn't know there was a separate heartbeat17:50
hazmatisn't that just a ping on a timer17:50
mramm2it pretty much is17:50
mramm2everybody responds to ping/pong17:51
hazmatper the spec heartbeat is just unsolicited pong, no response expected17:53
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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