
keithzgArghh raring's broken time handling is really getting me down.00:22
keithzgMy actual time, the time it displays in the clock widget and the time KRunner claims it currently is in my timezone are all different.00:24
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samskiterhello. plasma desktop seems to be leaking pixmaps. my Xorg process grows in memory usage over days and the cuprit seems to be plasma-desktop01:27
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: What version?01:32
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: 0.401:33
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: Do you mean 10.04?01:33
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: (I was talking about the Kubuntu version, to be clear)01:33
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: ah right01:34
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: im on 13.0401:34
SonikkuAmericaOh OK.01:34
samskiterplasma-desktop is version 0.401:35
SonikkuAmericaI figured.01:35
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: I would first suggest getting Ubuntu Tweak and clearing the cache via the Janitor01:35
asheswhat happens to lts kubuntu after its done in 2014?01:36
ashesnothing will get updates?01:36
SonikkuAmericaashes: What, 12.04?01:36
ashesthe branch freezes01:36
ashesSonikkuAmerica: yes01:36
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120401:36
SonikkuAmericaashes: It didn't say that before... it'll be supported until April 2017.01:36
ashesoh. i thought it was next year01:37
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: could you explain the process of clearing the cache in more detail please?01:37
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: What Ubuntu Tweak's GUI will do is help free space on your computer by ditching the APT cache and most popular program caches.01:37
SonikkuAmericaashes: No biggie. Kubuntu's LTS plan is the same as Ubuntu's (Unity's).01:38
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: okkk, but it wont be able to clear out all this memory that's being taken up by the Xorg process?01:38
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: If it's taking up too much CPU... that's another story.01:39
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: its not. its taking up too much memory01:39
samskiterit increases over 3/4 days01:39
samskiteryes ram01:39
samskiterits a memory leak01:39
SonikkuAmericaI'd file a bug report in plasma-desktop.01:40
ubottuIf you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.01:40
samskiterso you dont recommend this ubuntu-tweak thing?01:40
samskiteris there not more information i can extract to narrow the bug down?01:41
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: Not for this.01:41
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: (Answer to Q1)01:41
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: For Q2, you said it was leaking pixmaps?01:41
samskiteras far as other people in other IRC channels say yes01:42
samskiter(personally, i dont know what a pixmap is, I just wanted to try and narrow the prblem to the point i can submit a useful bug report)01:42
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: Install Valgrind and use it to find where plasma-desktop is leaking then.01:43
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install valgrind ; valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full plasma-desktop ]01:43
samskiterOK. Ill have a go, but i've heard valgrind will slow my computer to a crawl01:44
SonikkuAmericaThat's because Valgrind sandboxes whatever is running inside it.01:45
samskiteryea, so i heard. also, thats not the correct way of starting plasma-desktop is it?01:45
samskiterand presumably i need to kill it before i run valgrind01:45
SonikkuAmericaWhich means switching to a tty01:47
samskiterright then. running valgrind now01:48
samskiterwhere does valgrind leave it's results?01:49
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: Good question. If you don't see anything, check /var/log/ for a directory or file that says "valgrind"?01:54
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: i think it just outputs staight into the temrinal01:59
samskiteranyway, heres a load of what it output01:59
samskiterbefore it crashed. there is a summary at the bottom02:00
samskiterim not sure i got enough running time really....  but maybe there is something useful in there02:00
SonikkuAmericasamskiter: Do you have an analog clock with a second hand running as a widget anywhere?02:02
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: nope. i dont use widgets02:02
samskiterthere's a reason they didnt take off on windows...02:03
SonikkuAmericaAre you using the proprietary NVIDIA driver?02:03
samskiterSonikkuAmerica: im using bumblebee02:03
SonikkuAmericaAn Optimus...02:03
SonikkuAmericaYou should file a memory leak bug at bugs.kde.org regarding this then.02:04
samskiteryes. but I asked around in #bumblebee when first diagnosing the issue and im not using any features that would cause an issue apparently. so i was sent to #linux-gfx02:04
samskiterkde bugs not ubuntu bugs?02:04
SonikkuAmericaplasma-desktop isn't part of Ubuntu; it's part of KDE02:05
SonikkuAmericaRemember to tell them that it's Bumblebee or it'll be a dupe of another similar issue with NVIDIA prop drivers that got fixed in a new update of the NVIDIA driver.02:06
samskiter"then you were not using it. then you're using bumblebee only for powering down the nvidia card, if at all, and it is not responsible for memory consumption in your primary X"02:06
samskiterits not a bumblebee issue apparently02:07
SonikkuAmericaThat just means it's not a Bumblebee issue... the issue is that of plasma-desktop.02:08
samskiterah ok02:10
samskiterwell ill mention all this02:10
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samskiterSonikkuAmerica: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319891 here it is02:40
ubottuKDE bug 319891 in general "Plasma-desktop leaks pixmaps (valgrind output) - High X memory usage" [Major,Unconfirmed]02:40
samskiterthanks for the help btw02:40
SonikkuAmericaYou're welcome. Looks good on details. The next thing is to sit back, relax, and wait.02:41
samskiteryea. there are soem similar-ish reports around there. so might get marked duplicate..02:42
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Unit193!ru | ws1603:19
ubottuws16: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.03:19
audio (//) quit round here (//)03:32
audio (//) quiet (//)03:32
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> _02 (/,14/) o.o (//) _03:35
dillydogwhat's up03:37
ashesi installed kubuntu for my sister on her laptop, to replace her zombied windows 7. i picked kubuntu because it's intuative, easy to use, and performs well. she hasn't complained so far, which is pretty good for her03:40
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> _02 (/4/) indeed it is (//) _03:40
ashesshe configured kmail on her own, which is great. the only issue so far is that she didnt use muon to install a torrent client... instead she downloaded ktorrent's source code. i tried to explain to her and her husband to only use the muon app store03:42
ashesslightly different mentality03:43
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ashesin windows you go out and find your packages yourself. in unix you have a repo03:43
audio·.¸¸.·´¯`> :::::o.o:::::_03:46
ElTimabloIs there a simple sound recorder for KDE? I need to test my mic.04:15
ElTimabloAnd is there some sort of documentation for writing kwin effects?04:16
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Jarrisi did install kubuntu to a USB-Stick, with luks encrypted partitions.. booting from the USB shows the grub-menu i select the first Kubuntu-entry but this results just in a "_" blinking i a corner ...and nothing further happens. what could be my misstake? thx in advance07:54
valorieJarris: what did you use to create the liveusb?08:12
Jarrisalternate cd08:13
Jarrisi do not know any grafical live-usb ceator with can encrypt partitions..08:13
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Jarrisvalorie: do u know some? isnt it possible with alternate cd?08:14
Jarriskubuntu version is 12.0408:15
valorieI don't understand what you mean08:15
valorieoh, yes, you can put on any ISO08:15
valorieI meant what application did you use to create the LiveUSB?08:15
Jarrisu know the alternate cd? i used it and when i have to select the Harddrive i selected my usb-stick, with 1 boot and 1 encrypted root partition. and then installed the grup bootloader into the usb08:17
valoriethat won't work08:20
valoriefor starters, the alternate CD isn't a live CD/USB08:20
valorieI don't know the technical details, but that's why one uses a specific application to create a live image08:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.08:21
valorieyou have to use the desktop images if you want a liveCD or USB08:21
Jarrishammm, and how do i get encryption?08:21
valoriekubuntu comes with a Startup Disk Creator built in08:22
valoriewith which you can create or CD, DVD or USB08:22
valoriebut you have to have a desktop ISO image to put on it08:22
valorieno idea08:22
valorieI guess google for that?08:22
Jarrisdid it ...08:23
valorienot sure why you would want an encrypted one08:23
valorieany purpose for that?08:23
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valoriethere is no personal information on them08:23
valorieit's just an ISO + grub08:23
Jarrisi want to work with it, i wnat to put persenal information on it, i need to rent a a laptop some times08:24
Jarrisdont want to use the standart windose thing and want my personal informations safe08:24
tabsterleirHey guys, I have a bit of a question. I've been reading this: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2013/05/mir-in-kubuntu/ and i'm a little confused. Does this mean I should be jumping ship? Does Kubuntu still have a future or do we not know right now?08:25
valorieah, there are applications that let you write to the USB08:34
valoriebut I don't know about encryption on that08:35
valorietabsterleir: yes, we have a future08:35
valoriewe don't know whether or not mir is included yet08:35
valoriebecause it hasn't been released08:35
valorieall the flavors are in the same position, afaik08:36
tabsterleirAh, fair enough. Got myself in a bit of a panic is all :) ty08:36
=== julian is now known as Guest33964
oyeHaving an open Gmail session in rekonq and running LibreOffice Writer, sometimes when switching windows with alt+tab from the browser to the writer, I notice that the mouse pointer moves around freely, having me introduce text between lines of text already typed previously. I wonder if this erratic behavior is software related or hardware provoked.08:47
oyes/a Gmail session opened*08:47
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swookHi, does anyone know why system-config-printer-kde is gone?09:27
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valorieit's part of the KDE Control Module, swook09:31
valoriealt+f2 "printer" will find it for you09:32
swookwhat's odd is that the option completely disappeared09:33
swookIt might finally be time to have a fresh install...09:33
swookinstalled since upgrading to 4.10 that is09:33
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swookInstalling kde-full helped.11:18
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BluesKajHey all11:35
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ubottuk/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.13:31
swookthanks BluesKaj13:35
BluesKajswook, ??13:36
swookhaha I thought it was to do with a problem I mentioned here13:36
swookI lost quite a few things, like the print config menu in settings after an upgrade13:36
swookeither to 13.04 or KDE 10.113:37
swookan install of kde-full helped13:37
BluesKajthen that was before I arrived , i was just invoking the bot for reference13:37
swookI see, thanks nonetheless13:38
BluesKajfor another chat that doesn't have factoids13:38
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kurcinahi is kubuntu  basickly ubuntu whit other GUI?13:55
BluesKajiit use the ubuntu core , but a different desktop environment. kde on ubuntu uses kubuntu-desktop which uses the plasma desktop with it13:58
BluesKajthe apps ahave their own kde versions13:59
SonikkuAmerica(And a similar deal with Kubuntu Active as well)14:00
kurcinaso it does not use .deb pakages like ubuntu?14:01
kurcinai like more kde then gnome or unity or whatewer is now ubunut14:01
BluesKajkurcina, yes , and the same repositories14:02
kurcinaok  and does kde use compiz or not?14:02
SonikkuAmericakurcina: No; KDE has its own compositor within KWin14:03
kurcinaor is plazma desktop like compiz14:03
kurcinadoes it have ALT TAB fuction?14:04
BluesKajkde uses kwin , not compiz14:04
kurcinadoes kwin have alt tab fuction14:04
kurcinai am using zorin  but i wolud like to try some other KDE14:05
kurcinaso what compozotors are out ther14:09
BluesKajkwin uses it's own compositor , similar to compiz , look in systemsettings. desktop effects to find the options14:11
kurcinaand does kubuntu 13.04 have dash to sirche like ubuntu14:11
BluesKajit has a search in the kmenu14:11
kurcinadoes kubuntu 13.04 have dash to search ?14:12
BluesKajno dash14:12
BluesKaj!info nepomuk14:13
ubottuPackage nepomuk does not exist in raring14:13
ubottuSearch factoids for term: !search <term>14:13
kurcinaso what is behter compiz or kwin14:13
BluesKajif you setup desktop effects , you can do most of the compiz effects afaik , kurcina14:15
kurcinaonly efect i want is wobly window and alt tab fuction nothing more14:15
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BluesKajkurcina, then you should find those effects in systemsettings >desktop effects , if you feel like looking14:17
kurcinai dont have kubuntu i have zorin i am just asking does it have those effects14:18
BluesKajwhat's zorin?14:18
kurcinazorin is linux os thet looks like windows14:20
kurcinaand comes whit alot of inbuld softwer14:20
BluesKajthe wobbly windows and alt-tab/boxswitch are listed in the available desktop effects14:21
kurcinaBluesKaj:  ok ty i must go now14:23
roadfishthe 13.04 installer crashes when I do the manual disk partitioning. any one heard about this problem? any fix?15:11
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:11
roadfishok, I found a link talking about my bug:15:12
roadfish   https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/99046415:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1038522 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #990464 [kde] manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions" [High,Triaged]15:12
roadfishthanks ubottu!15:13
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rindolfHi all. How can I set up my time on the KDE clock in the panel to be in 24-hour (with "18:57" etc.) instead of in AM/PM (with "6:57 PM" etc.)?15:57
SonikkuAmericarindolf: It should be in Digital Clock Settings (right-click the digital clock)15:59
Artakhayou need to set your time format in the locale settings iirc16:00
rindolfSonikkuAmerica: thanks! It was in the date format under the "config"/tool option.16:01
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Artakhawell that leads into locale settings so yeah :P16:02
SonikkuAmericaOh OK. (Just switched back to Unity earlier in the week but I know enough about Kubuntu from prev. exp.16:02
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KitzuneIs there a way to change the main panel opacity  so it can be different transparency levels?16:37
rindolfOh, Kitzune left.16:51
imgx64What is "System Settings -> Locale" supposed to do? It doesn't change LC_* variables, which means many applications (including KDE apps like Dolphin) don't actually respect the locale settings in it.17:03
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oyeAny clue why Bygfoot won't let me play in any other league but of Venezuela? When I try to select other leagues, I get nothing but a blank row.17:58
keithzgHmm, if I ask KRunner "time" it gets it right, if I ask "time Edmonton" it gets it right, but if I ask "time MDT" (which is my timezone) it thinks it's an hour later than it is.18:06
oyeMaybe MDT stands for something else in KRunner?18:06
keithzgIt shouldn't, that's the official abbreviation for Mountain Daylight Time.18:07
keithzgIt gives the same answer for MST.18:07
keithzgIf I ask it for "time MT", which is the non-daylight-savings-specific abbreviation, it thinks I mean GMT, which is bad behaviour too.18:07
oyeI have no idea, honestly.18:08
ninjabox_anyone good with services?18:09
keithzgninjabox_: I'm decent-ish ;) What's your issue/question?18:17
ninjabox_sorry, was looking around at the server list18:20
ninjabox_but my network manager service has to be restarted every time i reboot the computer or it will not connect.18:21
keithzgAhhh, Network Manager, my old nemesis ;) What's your actual networking situation like?18:22
BluesKajninjabox_, I have to ask , is it set autoconnect in the network manager18:22
ninjabox_would that affect it?18:23
ninjabox_no, wireless...but it does show up as eth1 for whatever reason18:23
ninjabox_by networkin situation do you mean what means am i using to connect to the network?18:24
ninjabox_at keithzg^18:24
BluesKajafaik it should be wlan018:24
ninjabox_it should. but atm it's not a major concern cause it works18:25
ninjabox_can i paste the outputs of ifconfig and iwconfig here for you guys?18:25
ninjabox_and just incase it's any different im using ubuntu 12.0418:28
ninjabox_not kubuntu18:29
SonikkuAmericaServices via terminal probably won't be different.18:30
SonikkuAmericaYou may be better off asking in #ubuntu though, unless your services are KDE-specific18:30
ninjabox_thx for the info :D18:30
ninjabox_i have that server open as well18:31
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darklittledevilhi, any spanish channel?20:54
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ovidiuhello, i have a problem on kubuntu with a player in html5 on voyo.ro. in windows8 when i click on the fullscreen button of the player even when i'm on the second screen it turns fullscreen on the second screen but in kubuntu it fullscreens it on the first screen always so i can't make it fullscreen on the second screen. any fix?22:48
KenHarpHi everyone.22:59
KenHarpCan someone tell me the best way to preserve grub? I have Kubuntu installed and I want to dual boot Windows 7. I've done this many times, but the problem I face is installing windows last. It keeps grub from showing up. Any suggestions?23:02
sakanginstall kubuntu last23:03
KenHarpKubuntu is already instlalled.23:03
sakangif you could boot to kubuntu, then update grub and then grub-install /dev/sda23:04
KenHarpI can't boot to Kubuntu, because of the grub issue.23:04
KenHarpRight now I'm on Kubuntu. I'm about to install windows but I dont want to get locked out of kubuntu because of grub.  Is it possibly the way I'm installing windows that causes the prob?23:05
valoriewindows likes to be first23:09
valorienot sure how to get around that23:10
seattlegauchoKenHarp: you can try booting from usb stick into your HD kubuntu (it has an option in the menu, I don't remember the specifics) ... then apply sakang's recommendation23:12
KenHarpwould this work?23:12
KenHarpif u install linux then it will be hidden23:12
KenHarpinsert the first linux installation cd23:12
KenHarpon the first window type linux rescue and follow the instructions23:12
KenHarponce u hav rached shell23:12
KenHarptype grub-install23:12
FloodBotK1KenHarp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
seattlegauchoKenHarp: similar to what I recommended :)23:13
KenHarpsorry for the flood..lol23:13
KenHarpand thank you23:13

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