
rspurlocki tried installing lubuntu on my imac g3 and it runs unusably slow and i believe the system meets requirements00:29
rspurlockwhat can be done about this00:30
rspurlocki have an Imac G3 with 500mhz and 384 mg ram are there any distros that might run ok on this box? i have had no luck with lubuntu i cant even get it to boot after installation00:38
rspurlockit tries but it takes like 25 mins or so and then takes about 10 more to log in00:39
rspurlockit tries but it takes like 25 mins or so and then takes about 10 more to log in00:41
rspurlocki have an Imac G3 with 500mhz and 384 mg ram are there any distros that might run ok on this box? i have had no luck with lubuntu i cant even get it to boot after installation00:41
Unit193!patience | rspurlock00:44
ubotturspurlock: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/00:44
Unit193Could try Debian, but you'd have to know a little what you're doing.  Also, that's not a fast computer you have there.00:44
cerebraterspurlock you might get puppylinux to run on it, they talk about it in #puppylinux i think00:44
rspurlocki know it was an accident sorry00:44
* Unit193 isn't one of the PPC'ers.00:44
rspurlocki dont want to be a ppc'ers but i could only afford this used crap00:45
rspurlockunit193 i have installed deb on an old pc before00:47
rspurlockeven managed to get a gui up and running00:47
rspurlocknot much else00:47
rspurlocki'm just looking to have a box i can play my nes emulator and check email i aint looking for a fancy setup although it would be nice lol00:48
Unit193rspurlock: Ubuntu or Debian netinst with only fluxbox or openbox.00:49
rspurlockif i netinst it will allow me to opt out of gnome and xorg and use xfree with flux?00:50
rspurlockif i am not mistaken xfree has a smaller footprint than xorg00:55
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shiman6I've got a problem trying to forward audio from my android 4.1 phone to my lubuntu 13.04 computer via bluetooth. Could I get some help?03:17
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As001hello Can this distro work on celeron pc with 256MB of memory  ? I just tried it but it is under heavy load.11:52
As001I want to limit some cpu usage and memory usage for some processes but I can't find cgroup configuration file.11:52
As001I followed this tutorial http://linuxaria.com/article/introduction-to-cgroups-the-linux-conrol-group?lang=en but i am unable to find /etc/cgconfig.conf config file11:53
ghostwheeli can't get the right screen res. I've googled and tried a bunch of different stuff and nothing works. it's making me insane12:25
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: [ xrandr -s $WIDTHx$HEIGHT ]12:27
SonikkuAmerica!crosspost | ghostwheel12:27
ubottughostwheel: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:27
ghostwheelsorry about that12:28
ghostwheelmy resolution not found in available modes12:28
SonikkuAmericaAre you using Lubuntu btw?12:29
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu is easy to use, but hard to configure. What res are you trying to set it to, and what graphics card do you have?12:30
ghostwheeli tried adding the mode i wanted in xorg.conf file but there seem to be conf files in different places12:31
ghostwheeli don't think i found the right one12:31
ghostwheeli have an old laptop, it has a geforce 4 420 go12:31
ghostwheelthis stuff used to be easier12:31
ghostwheelthey moved files all over the place12:32
SonikkuAmericaYeah... I'll tell you right now you probably won't get higher than 1024x768 with it.12:32
ghostwheelthats crazy12:32
ghostwheeli had ancient version of cranchbang when it still used ubuntu that detected the screen better12:33
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: That's mainly due to the limitations of the Nouveau driver for 4:3 machine.12:33
ghostwheelthis is a 1280x800 screen12:34
SonikkuAmericaI assume you checked in Display Settings...12:35
ghostwheelthe display setting are useless when it display 3 settings and they are all wrong12:35
SonikkuAmericaLet me guess: 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480.12:36
SonikkuAmericaYep. You're not going to get far with that old GeForce card either.12:36
ghostwheelthis is like 2003, except worse12:36
ghostwheelback then i could change the conf file and be done with it12:37
ghostwheelwhy can't linux detect screen resolutions properly? why is this still a problem?!?! AAAHAH!12:39
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: New drivers + old card = disaster. Believe me, I've been there.12:49
ghostwheelscrew this, I'm installing an old version of ubuntu12:49
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: Not a good idea if you're keeping it connected.12:49
SonikkuAmericaLinux malware exists.12:50
ghostwheeli think i can manage12:50
SonikkuAmericaIf you insist... but don't say I didn't warn you. :)12:50
ghostwheelI'm not going to suffer with a laptop hobbled by "I'mprovements"12:51
ghostwheelyes, all those hackers targeting linux12:51
SonikkuAmericaIf you say so. I'll be back in a second12:52
ghostwheelyou're silly12:52
SonikkuAmericaghostwheel: I'm back! Me, silly?12:54
SonikkuAmericaOr rather: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware12:55
ghostwheelwhen I'm running a mission critical data centre, ill worry abut it12:55
ghostwheelin the meantime, a crusty old laptop being used to surf the net and run the gimp isn't going to be a problem12:56
KI4ROAnyone had success getting Flash to work in Chromium?14:55
n-iCeinstall the flash installer14:56
holsteinKI4RO: the supported version of flash for linux works with linux.. any browser i have tried14:56
n-iCesudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:56
KI4ROholstein: Hmmm...maybe I have the wrong one?14:57
holsteinif you want the latest flash, the chrome browser has it... AFAIK, you can grab the *.so from chrome and use it in chromium14:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:57
SonikkuAmericaDon't even bother trying Gnash14:57
holsteinKI4RO: looks like what n-iCe suggested14:57
holsteinalso, refer to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ for what adobe is providing14:57
holstein*Flash Player 11.2 is the last supported Flash Player version for Linux. Adobe will continue to provide security updates14:58
holsteinyou'll note 11.7 available for chrome (not chromium)14:58
KI4RObut I'm running Lubuntu and don't see any restricted anything in that software center14:59
holsteinwhy would i use chromium? because its open-source.. i might continue that trend by not using flash with it14:59
holsteinKI4RO: lubuntu *is* ubuntu14:59
holsteinKI4RO: the same sources... you can run the command n-iCe gave15:00
KI4ROholstein: Okay...I'll try it that way15:00
holsteinif its just youtube you are interested in, you can do html5 via http://www.youtube.com/html515:00
KI4ROholstein: Okay did what nice said, now what?15:02
holsteinKI4RO: what "n-iCe said" installs the 11.2 version from the ubuntu repos on your system... i might expect to restart the browser.. i would test via http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/15:03
KI4ROholstein: okay15:04
shafoxhi i cant authorize my wifi , fresh install 12.04 on compaq laptop. it was working fine while installation but after restart it detects the wifi but when i try to connect it wont let me auth17:24
n-iCeshafox: change password17:27
n-iCeset it correctly17:27
shafoxn-iCe: it was all good in this laptop17:27
shafoxbut not in my laptop17:27
shafoxand this is a windows , mine is lubuntu 12.0417:28
n-iCeyou want to connect in the lubuntu machine17:30
n-iCeuse, sudo ifconfig wlan0 down17:30
n-iCeuse, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up17:30
n-iCeand try using network-manager again to connect17:31
n-iCemake sure you set the password correctly17:31
shafoxn-iCe: i did sudo ifconfig wlan0 down it said wlan0: error while getting interface flags: no such device17:33
n-iCeof course use your own interface17:33
shafoxi tried in my lubuntu machine only17:34
n-iCewhat are you talking about17:34
n-iCeuse: sudo iwconfig17:34
n-iCeto check your wireless interface17:34
n-iCethen change wlan0 on the command to your interface, it could be wlan1 eth0 wlan2, etc check yours17:35
shafoxit was eth117:35
shafoxdown no message up no message17:35
n-iCenow try again17:35
shafoxsame , authentication attempt was unsuccessful17:36
n-iCeand remove the ap17:39
n-iCeand connect again17:39
n-iCeaccess point17:42
wxlwhat's the command to show mouse input the os is registering?18:37
wxloh xev will do it eh?18:38
n-iCewxl: hi18:57
wxln-iCe: howdy19:03
n-iCewhat do you want to know exactly?19:06
wxli already figured it out; go back to sleep19:07
Unit193Answer is xev.19:10
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Noskcajphillw, we are discussing adding LSC to xubuntu. come over to #xubuntu-devel21:29
Ohgahello. is lubuntu more efficient than ubuntu besides due to having a different DE?22:41
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wxlit uses a lot less system resources, Ohga22:43
Ohgawxl: ah, great too know. Especialy because I'd like to use it gui-less for my server22:43
wxlOhga: so get ubuntu-server22:44
Ohgawxl: that's what the cool people use for servers? ok..22:44
wxlOhga: no, but that's what people who don't want a gui use.22:44
wxllubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, etc. are all defined by their gui. if you don't want one, ubuntu-server.22:45
Ohgawxl: right, but I were under the impression you could skip packages during install..22:45
wxlOhga: you could probably bother with that but that's likely more work than it's worth.22:45
Unit193Sounds like he wants mini?22:46
Ohgawxl: Guess that's true. Well thanks for the pointers, much appreciated22:46
wxlUnit193: if s/he wants to select packages, rather than meta, probably.22:46
Ohgawhat is this "mini"?22:47
Unit19310MB iso that is the core only.22:48
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:48
wxlso that's more of a "build it up" sort of thing, Ohga22:48
Ohgawell.. then what is..22:48
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server22:49
wxlbut if you want a base server build, ubuntu-server takes care of most of the thinking for you22:49
wxlalthough you might not want all the server apps22:49
Ohgabut can I review them during install, right?22:49
wxlas far as i remember yes22:50
wxlthey're tasks22:50
Ohgawell, sounds like ubuntu-server is the way to go22:50
Ohgathanks all22:50
wxlso it's not necessarily all packages22:50
Unit193Alrighty, have a good one.22:50
phillwOhga: just be aware that ubuntu-server does not install by default ssh. Make sure you flag it to be installed if you need that functionality.23:22
Ohgaphillw: alright23:22
phillwOhga: this page is out of date, but it does describe what tasksel can do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel From memory, the SSH stuff is near the top when the option appears (as it will if you install server)23:26
phillwit's great for 'throwing' LAMP quickly onto a server as it looks after all the various bits and asks the questions :)23:27

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