
mardyHi all, I have a question about Page and PageStack:08:05
mardythe page which I push in line 55 doesn't seem to be connected to the PageStack: it has no back button08:07
mardyoh, I got it: I was not pushing the first page08:49
t1mp_yeah the back button is shown if the pagestack size > 108:54
b2wi need to design an interface that supports running terminal commands using command buttons10:13
jnhghyb2w: what programming language are you using?10:14
b2wjnhghy: not a language...its a shell script..10:15
jnhghyb2w: check https://code.google.com/p/gtkdialog/10:17
b2wjnhghy: how to use it?10:19
boris_hello all!11:10
boris_I'm preparing package for uploading. My app have mans, init-script and temp files. How I must package init-script? As usual at /etc/init.d? My temp files my be placed in "/opt/extras.ubuntu.com/<package-name>/var" ? Can I place mans to /usr/share/man ?11:13
boris_My app is free but not opensource. I'm prepare package with recomendation from http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/my-apps-packages/11:16
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coolbhaviboris_, which license you are intending to release the app?13:04
dpmhey coolbhavi, how are you doing?13:11
coolbhavihey dpm m fine but been awfully busy over past few months.. how about you?13:13
dpmcoolbhavi, fine, busy with UDS, and happy to see you around13:13
coolbhavi:-) m sorry that I havent been active of late due to personal stuff taking over most of my time13:15
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