
=== sandyd is now known as Guest78738
=== Guest78738 is now known as bellasbells
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JoseeAntonioRpleia2: ping04:26
JoseeAntonioRoh, nvm04:26
bkerensajono_: man Idk if that beer session was great for me :P I ended up take a nice nap after and got no work done04:32
jono_bkerensa, hah, nice :-)04:33
bkerensajono_: friday is bbq session right? I have wifi out on my patio :)04:33
jono_bkerensa, oh nice :-)04:34
jono_I might do some steak04:34
* jono_ is working on the UAK right now04:34
jono_bkerensa, around?05:02
bkerensajono_: yeah05:28
jono_bkerensa, hey, can I sign you up for a UAK work item or two?05:28
bkerensajono_: what did you have in mind? :)05:29
jono_you have some great experience writing docs, so can I ask you to write some docs about organizing events?05:29
jono_bkerensa, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-s-uak-first-release05:29
pleia2a fair amount can probably be taken from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamKnowledgeBase#LoCo_Activities05:30
pleia2the installfests and release party pages have lots of good info :)05:30
jono_pleia2, your point today about the UAK not being ready resonated with me, so I want to try get a simple first cut of 1.0 ready05:31
jono_and for us to ensure we curate the docs in the future so the kit always remains lean but up to date05:31
pleia2jono_: I was clued in later that it was talked about earlier in the day, I was really happy to hear that05:31
pleia2it's a great idea, just need to execute ;)05:31
jono_pleia2, indeed :-)05:31
bkerensajono_: sure I can write something up05:31
jono_putting together a blueprint and I am going to knock on doors to write some content05:31
jono_I think we could get something cohesive this month05:32
bkerensaits the 15th already05:32
jono_knome also contributed some flavor logos :-)05:32
jono_thanks bkerensa05:32
bkerensayou are optimistic05:32
jono_bkerensa, we can do it :-)05:32
pleia2he's great at keeping on top of those05:32
jono_bkerensa, can I put you down for how to organize a booth?05:32
jono_bkerensa, and maybe the page for organizing a jam too?05:32
bkerensajono_: booth is fine and jam works05:34
jono_bkerensa, awesome, thanks05:34
jono_bkerensa, I am adding additional docs for how to contribute to the kit05:34
bkerensajono_: I will have to give you soap when you come up in July05:35
* bkerensa is soap maker now05:35
jono_bkerensa, sweet :-)05:35
jono_bkerensa, okl05:44
bkerensajono_: did the certificates work out?05:44
bkerensajono_: also have you got a Gandi domain yet? :)05:44
jono_if you subscribe to the PPA when the package builds next you can see the docs for how to contribute05:45
jono_bkerensa, yep the certs are being printed05:45
jono_waiting for michelle to send them to Mark05:45
jono_unfortunately we won't be able to send all existing members a cert05:45
jono_too expensive05:45
jono_there are 700+ members05:45
jono_but when members renew membership they can apply for a cert05:46
jono_bkerensa, so you are helping to kickstart the docs team, right?05:46
bkerensajono_: yeah05:46
jono_bkerensa, would you be interested in helping to get the docs team involved in the UAK content development?05:47
jono_could be a fun project05:47
bkerensajono_: well atm we do not have enough hands to do Ubuntu Docs... That might be a nice goal for next cycle or something05:48
jono_bkerensa, might be cool to build some buzz on your blog to get people involved05:48
bkerensajono_: yeah we had a decent turnout at the session of people that want to get involved we just need to improve the docs and document processes and then begin onboarding05:49
jono_we can discuss some of this in the roundtable05:49
jono_ok bed for me05:51
jono_see you tomorrow, folks05:51
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
dholbachgood morning06:35
smartboyhwHello dholbach:)06:37
dholbachhi smartboyhw06:37
smartboyhwMeh, our class went for a very low passing rate for a geography OPEN BOOK test:P06:37
JoseeAntonioRhey, D!06:37
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: Hey06:38
JoseeAntonioRhey smartboyhw :)06:38
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JoseeAntonioRhey jono, you joining the Q&A systems session?13:59
jonoJoseeAntonioR, unfortunately not14:00
JoseeAntonioRhmm, ok then, no problem14:00
jonowere you expecting me to be there?14:00
JoseeAntonioRyeah, I thought you were going to see the pros+cons14:01
jonoJoseeAntonioR, you should have mentioned you expected me there, and I would have marked it in my cal14:01
jonothis slot is bad for me as I am looking after my son for this hour14:01
jonosorry for the misunderstanding14:02
jonojcastro, are you going to the session?14:02
JoseeAntonioRno worries :)14:02
jcastrojono: we have a juju session now14:02
jonoJoseeAntonioR, I will catch the hangout later and then we can discuss afterwards14:03
jonothanks for your understanding JoseeAntonioR, and thanks for running the session14:03
jonojcastro, np14:03
JoseeAntonioRno worries :)14:03
JoseeAntonioRjono: that's fine14:03
jcastroI am cancelling a juju session later14:04
jcastroif you want to move it14:04
JoseeAntonioRjono: I don't know if you have any suggestions for this, or if you want to say anything14:23
JoseeAntonioRjono: hey, please let me know how will I proceed with IS to continue with the project (if it's going to be done)14:51
jcastrohey so to me I don't think this software is any better than what's on lp answers15:00
jonothanks JoseeAntonioR15:02
jonodpm are you doing core apps next?15:02
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: it's like saying askubuntu is not any better than LP answers15:03
JoseeAntonioRlike, stackexchange itselg15:03
jcastrobut afaict shapado doesn't have reviews and editing15:04
jcastrothat's like, the crux of the entire thing15:04
jonoballoons, dholbach who is running the next session?15:05
jonodpm you there?15:05
dholbachjono, I'm running "Ubuntu Touch Porting" one, balloons the other one15:06
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: as far as I know it does have those features, can we discuss this a bit later?15:06
jonothanks, guys15:06
jonomhall119, who is running core apps?15:06
jonois that you?15:06
mhall119jono: yes15:06
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: sure, I'm in a session myself15:06
JoseeAntonioRthanks :)15:06
IdleOnejono: http://techrights.org/2013/05/15/ubuntu-and-microsoft-veteran/15:07
jonoIdleOne, I saw that15:07
jcastrohah, that site still exists?15:07
IdleOnejono: k. :)15:07
jonoIdleOne, I am going to leave a comment15:08
IdleOneThat is why I mentioned it.15:08
IdleOneseems most of it is half truth15:08
jcastroyou can't make this stuff up15:11
dpmjono, sorry, I'm there yes, but we're running the sessions on the appdev room15:15
dpmmhall119 is doing the core apps one15:15
dpmI'm running room 215:15
jcastrojono: you did not +1 my post about pork chops15:52
* jcastro shakes fist15:52
jonodholbach, thanks for the summary15:56
jonoyou did even before I asked :-)15:56
jonoit is as if we have worked together for a while :-)15:56
dholbachjono, anytime15:56
dholbachjono, don't worry - it's not like I can anticipate ALL your thoughts yet15:56
jonodholbach, lol15:56
dholbachnot sure if that's desirable :-P15:56
* dholbach hugs jono15:57
jonodholbach, :-)15:57
jonodholbach, I might some more specific detail on these15:57
jonocan we discuss briefly in the lunch session?15:57
jonotake 10 mins for me to ask a bunch of questions about sessions you were in15:58
dholbachjono, shall we do it right after the roundtable?15:58
jonodholbach, sure15:58
dholbachoh and I realise I missed one - let me go back15:58
jonoballoons, hey15:59
balloonsjono, pong16:00
jonoballoons, I would like to ask you to provide a summary of all the key decisions throughout the testing sessions this week16:00
jonoI will ask you to summarize these in the final session16:00
balloonssounds fun :-) I'm trying to keep tabs16:00
jonoplease provide concrete decisions that were made and plans16:00
jonodpm can you coordinate this with balloons?16:00
jonojust take a little time during lunch to finalize this16:01
dholbachjono, I'll start the roundtable session16:01
jonothanks dh16:01
jonothanks dholbach16:01
balloonsi have the ubuntu touch image testing session ;-)16:03
dpmjono, ok. balloons, let's sync up during lunch16:03
jonothanks, guys16:03
balloonsdpm, ohh a lunch date!16:03
nigelbjcastro: hah "I hear that guy is pretty awesome." re: chriscoulson :)16:35
dpmballoons, I'll be preparing my own notes for the appdev track now. Shall we do a quick hangout in ~30?16:54
balloonsdpm, same.. let's review at 17:4016:55
dpmballoons, sounds good16:55
balloonsdholbach, jono I have th Scaling Translations using Tech session17:51
jonodholbach, can you invite me to your sess?18:05
dholbachjono, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9b9c3a9946df787f1eba35e7fe8752bbe4aa3491?authuser=018:05
PabloRubianesjono, have a minute for a quick PM?18:06
jonoPabloRubianes, sure18:06
JoseeAntonioRwell, time for real lunch for me18:23
airurandoquick question about the Ubuntu Advocacy Kit.18:50
airurandoThe wiki page install instructions appear slightly off18:50
airurandothe final command sudo apt-get install uak yields E: Unable to locate package uak under 12.0418:51
airurandojono's email to the loco_contacts mailing list today differed in that final command18:53
airurandojono stipulated sudo apt-get install uak-en18:53
jonoairurando, apt-get install uak-en18:53
airurandothanks jono18:53
airurandoshould the wiki page be changed?18:54
jonoairurando, if you could, thanks!18:55
airurandowill do18:55
bkerensacjohnston: I am talking with the Security and Privacy Teams now RE that link cprofitt posted and should have an answer shortly19:18
bkerensacjohnston: I just clarified with the Security Team and they said not only has Mozilla responded to NSS Labs in blog posts but apparently so has Opera19:21
bkerensathey consider NSS Labs study to be inconclusive due to the limited testing they did19:21
bkerensacjohnston: http://my.opera.com/haavard/blog/2011/07/20/nss-labs19:21
bkerensaI am trying to see which our best responses have been on the Mozilla side but I will also see about getting a new response to this out the door19:22
bkerensacjohnston: apparently NSS labs has always ranked IE as the most secure19:22
dholbachall right, I call it a day - see you all - and enjoy the party! :)20:02
mhall119man, I'm exhausted now20:03
dpmsame here, same here :)20:03
dpmit's been a good one, though20:04
JoseeAntonioRthat page is bookmarked20:04
jcastrothe one with him in the viking helmet is the best20:05
bkerensaalmost gave me a seizure20:05
bkerensacanadian maple much20:05
SergioMenesesalways is fun to read this channel20:06
JoseeAntonioRnow, where's max singing lady gaga's?20:07
balloonsjcastro, that page hurts my brain20:33
balloonsso so so so so much20:33

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