
mfischrobert_ancell: do you know why/how a packaging branch gets out of date? I thought it was all automatic02:35
RAOFmfisch: Bugs in the package importer.02:35
mfischfor those packages do we fallback to the old style of just attaching a debdiff to the bug?02:36
mfischRAOF: one more question, when we hold patches for a package and then they're no longer needed because debian or upstream takes them, do we just sync from debian and lose the changelog entries?02:42
RAOFIf we no longer need the divergence from Debian, we sync and lose any Ubuntu changelog.02:42
mfischokay cool02:43
mfischtheres certainly no reason to hold a divergence just for a changelog02:43
mfischfindutils, for example, took all our changes in debian/experimental02:44
RAOFSync away!02:49
mfischI thought we sync'd from unstable02:50
RAOFWe can sync from any Debian series; the autosync syncs from unstable (or, sometimes, testing).02:51
mfischokay let me write up a sync request later02:52
RAOFYou're aware of “requestsync”?02:52
mfischI'm in the middle of another merge right now, but I will do it later02:54
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swissso, i have an issue with online-accounts. They won't hook in with the lenses03:44
mfischswiss: most of the team is probably in bed at this hour unfortunatel03:47
swissmfisch: well, i've switched over to gnome3 for now, so it's not urgent03:47
swissand i don't part, i'm hooked in through my server03:47
mfischswiss: did you ever file a bug?03:47
swissi've seen enough similar bugs that i was wondering if i had done something stupid first03:48
swissand I don't like submitting incomplete data03:48
mfischstrace data will be better than 99% of bugs filed03:49
swissyeah, but i can give better data if needed. I want someone to be able to look at the bug, and not have to ask any more questions03:52
mfischmore people will be around tomorrow during uds hours03:54
pittiGood morning05:05
darkxstpitti, hi05:16
darkxstapport is not working for me atm, when trying to process crash reports05:17
darkxstit doesnt seem to be crashing as stuff, just silently exiting when it should be uploading05:19
pittidarkxst: it uploads to errors.u.c.05:31
pittiwe haven't enabled LP crash reports yet05:31
pittieventually we only want it to report to errors.u.c.05:31
darkxstpitti, oh I meant via ubuntu-bug05:31
pittibug reports should go to LP; crash reports not05:32
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ricotzpitti, good morning :)06:09
didrocksrobru: you are making my life hard btw! :)06:13
* didrocks wonders if he should put "udaily"06:14
robrudidrocks, how can you say that?? this problem was caused by security team uploading direct to distro!06:23
didrocksrobru: heh, I know, just kidding and trying to make you feel guilty :p06:23
didrocksrobru: I didn't want to support those 42ubuntu1 TBH ;)06:24
didrocksrobru: so as I can do -> 42daily<blahblah>06:24
didrocksbecause d < u06:24
didrocksI think I'll be forced to do:06:24
didrocksuntil we bump to 4306:24
didrocksfor instance06:24
didrocksrobru: making sense? (yeah for ugly version :/)06:25
robrudidrocks, it makes sense, but I think we're actually ok right now because the offending versions are 2.2ubuntu1 and we're already at 2.4.x06:25
didrocksrobru: yeah, I added the support in case we don't bump though06:26
didrockswe never know how ugly things like that can happen apparently :p06:26
robrudidrocks, yeah. maybe "zdaily" or something ;-)06:26
didrocksrobru: heh, like "you can get higher than I": zzzzzzzzzdaily :p06:27
sarnoldoh sure, force us to use Zdaily to overwrite your packages.. :-P06:28
robrusarnold, if you are making daily packages that are more frequent than ours....06:28
* didrocks just needs to create a test for the download part now06:31
sarnoldrobru: haha :)06:32
Mirvdidrocks: morn06:38
didrocksgood morning Mirv!06:39
didrocksrobru: so in prod and working :)06:43
robrudidrocks, did you run the whole stack?06:44
didrocksrobru: I let the nightly daily happening, so only rerun those 2 (the whole stack ran a couple of hours ago)06:45
didrocksso if everything builds fine, we'll get it :)06:45
robrudidrocks, where can I find the build log? (as opposed to the *source* package build log, which is what I'm seeing in jenkins).06:46
didrocksrobru: in the ppa06:46
didrocksrobru: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build06:46
didrockslike https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4582836 ;)06:46
robrudidrocks, ok, great. that's where we have to look to see what the lint script complains about.06:47
didrocksrobru: exactly. Basically, the build really happens in the ppa (to have the same configuration than distro)06:48
robruI guess at this point we should review the lint script and decide which problems should be fatal (currently it only warns and never fails the build regardless of what problems it finds)06:48
didrocksrobru: what daily release is doing is preparing the source package, checking everything, monitoring the build, the integration tests and then eventually publishing06:48
didrocksrobru: right, the lint script should abort the package build IMHO if we get "this is fatal"06:49
robrudidrocks, yeah, I agree, but I haven't had time to figure out what is really fatal and what isn't ;-)06:49
robruso it only warns right now06:49
robruoh, I see a problem though06:49
robrumake[1]: /usr/share/unity-webapps/tools/po2json.py: Command not found06:49
robruthat's not so good... that's provided by unity-webapps-dev06:50
jibelgood morning06:50
robrudidrocks, and without it, the built package actually is broken in chromium...06:50
robruhi jibel06:50
didrockssalut jibel06:51
jibelHey robru, didrocks06:51
didrocksrobru: is this in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/139996744/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.unity-webapps-facebookapps_2.4daily13.05.16-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz? I grep for po2json and find nothing06:51
robru$ dpkg -S /usr/share/unity-webapps/tools/po2json.py06:52
robruunity-webapps-dev: /usr/share/unity-webapps/tools/po2json.py06:52
didrocksrobru: I mean, I don't see your make error on the above log06:53
robrudidrocks, oh, right, that one is good actually06:53
didrocksrobru: can it be that you invoke directly the script and you don't have python installed in the other one?06:54
robrudidrocks, you should grep for PLACEHOLDER. if you see sed replacing the PLACEHOLDER with emptiness, then that's very, very bad. in that log you linked, the PLACEHOLDER gets replaced with '%7B%7D', that's fine (just means no translation data is available for that app). some apps with translations will have a huge blob there instead.06:55
robrudidrocks, nope, can't be, because they all have identical debian/rules (provided by -dev package itself), and that is where po2json.py is called from06:55
didrocksrobru: do you have a link to the log having that failing?06:55
robrudidrocks,  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/139992170/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.unity-webapps-facebookmessenger_2.4.12daily13.05.16-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz here for one06:56
didrocksrobru: python is not installed in this chroot06:57
didrocksrobru: the -dev package should dep on python I guess06:57
robrudidrocks, it does06:58
didrocksso that's why it can't execute it, with vm, it doesn't work as good as it can be :-)06:58
robrudidrocks, oh, there was a bug in debian/control, missing comma on previous line made it not pick up the python deb. fixed in trunk. I guess rerun the stack and it should be fine.06:58
didrocksrobru: this is in which package?06:59
didrocksthe -dev one?06:59
didrockswell, webapps-applications06:59
robrudidrocks, yes06:59
robrudidrocks, yes, there is a bugfix in lp;webapps-applications that fixes the deps for unity-webapps-dev to properly pull in python that should fix these package builds.07:00
didrocksrobru: ok, it seems it's part of this daily release07:00
didrocksrobru: however, we need to rebuild what didn't work on the packages depending on it07:00
didrocksrobru: fortunately, you have those copyright issues still to fix, right? :)07:01
robrudidrocks, just checking which packages failed right now07:01
didrocksrobru: great! :)07:01
robrudidrocks, what? no, I fixed that all 12 hours ago :-P07:01
didrocksrobru: you are too fast, ok, so a dummy commit I guess will be needed (like a changelog build to force the rebuild) :p07:01
robrudidrocks, actually most of them are failing...07:02
robrudidrocks, so far I count 21 failures and I'm not done looking yet07:03
robrudidrocks, no way you can just force a rebuild? I really have to make 41 trivial trunk commits?07:03
didrocksrobru: it's the same way than for distro07:03
didrocksrobru: you need to bump the debian/changelog07:03
robrudidrocks, ok, I am just going to go through and version bump then.07:03
didrocksrobru: sounds good07:03
didrocksrobru: I'm waiting for this run to finish first07:04
robrudidrocks, actually but wait, the error message isn't that python isn't found, it's that the command itself is not found...07:04
didrocksrobru: yeah, IIRC, that's what happens if you run a python command directly and python isn't installed07:04
didrocksrobru: let me confirm in a terminal, one sec07:04
robru$ ./foo.py07:05
robrubash: ./foo.py: /usr/bin/python4: bad interpreter: No such file or directory07:05
robru$ make build07:05
robrumake: ./foo.py: Command not found07:05
robrumake: *** [build] Error 12707:05
robruso actually yeah, bad interpreter then07:06
robrudifferent error from make than from bash07:06
robruok, so it should work with the right deps, which are fixed in trunk.07:06
didrocksrobru: right, that's what I remember :)07:06
didrocksrobru: confirmed here as well07:06
didrocksthe message is really not clear07:06
didrocksand I already lost some time for this :p07:06
didrockshence I remember now ;)07:06
robrudidrocks, do you know a way to make dch do a version bump non-interactively? like what options can I pass to it to force version 2.4.16 with message 'Version bump.'07:07
didrocksrobru: dch -v2.4.16-0ubuntu1 "Version bump for…"07:08
didrocksrobru: not sure if your setup is good though, do for one and check you have "UNRELEASED"07:08
robrudidrocks, ok, hang on07:08
robru+unity-webapps-amazon (2.4.16-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low07:10
robru+  * Version bump.07:10
robru+ -- Robert Bruce Park <robert.park@canonical.com>  Thu, 16 May 2013 00:10:27 -070007:10
robrulooks good right?07:10
didrocksrobru: that looks gorgious!07:10
didrocksrobru: well maybe be a little bit more explcit07:11
robrudidrocks, you've been looking at the codes for too long ;-)07:11
robrudidrocks, time to get some fresh air today ;-)07:11
didrocksrobru: like Version bump to build against latest webapps-applications-dev07:11
didrocksrobru: ahah, it's raining though :/07:12
didrocksrobru: now, I have to switch to otto :p07:12
didrocksrobru: btw:
didrocksmanual publication mode (I guess because of debian/copyright changes)07:13
didrocksI don't publish yet, right? Let's wait for the rebuild07:13
robrudidrocks, yeah, definitely wait07:13
didrocksah, as well, let me add cnn-news07:14
didrocks(well deploy the branch you proposed)07:14
robrudidrocks, ok, I just started a script to push all the branches, will be ready in ~10min07:15
didrocksperfect :)07:15
robru(bzr uploads are slow...)07:15
didrocksrobru: don't tell me, I'm doing the bzr config on the remote branch (remember this bugs so that lp-propose target the right branch? :p)07:15
robruheh, ouch07:16
robrudidrocks, I can't count how many times this month I have types "for i in *; do cd $i; bzr commit -m "foobar" && bzr push; cd ..; done07:17
didrocksrobru: you typed? I thought it was a script and you didn't rely on Ctrl + R ;)07:17
robruit's a script that I type into my shell prompt every time I need it ;-)07:18
didrocksbut the cleaning you've done to the packaging is awesome07:18
didrocksgood work!07:18
robruthank you!07:18
didrocksalso, nice to see we won't revert security fixes again :)07:18
robrudidrocks, well, probably the security team should be told to get their fixes accepted in trunk...07:19
didrocksrobru: well, in ubuntu, everyone has upload rights07:19
robruI mean, I understand the urgency of getting things fixed in distro and pushed to users, but that one fix was just never committed to trunk, that's terrifying.07:19
didrocksrobru: so, you can't be sure people are committing to the vcs (if attached)07:19
didrocksbut yeah, this one should have been backported for sure07:19
pittihey ricotz07:20
pittibonjour didrocks07:20
pittihello robru07:21
robrudidrocks, this is actually a really serious problem I think. There's this big mysterious "archive" that is somehow separate from the VCS... we should just drop the archive and declare "whatever is in trunk VCS *IS* the archive", so you want something in the archive you get it in trunk07:21
robrupitti, hi07:21
didrockssalut pitti!07:21
didrocksrobru: yeah, the archive should always be authorative, that was the taken decision when we started to have our Vcs (for desktop team or anything else)07:22
ricotzpitti, i was hoping you have a moment for libreoffice ppa builder tweaking ;), but i hope they work out already07:22
didrocksrobru: but I agree with you that Vcs should be the main source :) However, it means, we would need to fix perms everywhere07:22
didrocksrobru: as it blurries the line between distro maintainers and upstream devs07:23
didrocksnot an easy topic :)07:23
pittiricotz: sure07:23
ricotzpitti, so i might ping you later if they are failing on the current builders07:24
robrudidrocks, no no, not saying we merge upstream trunks with distro vcs, definitely there needs separation there. just that the archive itself needs to be in a public VCS that can be seen and have MP's proposed against in a meaningful way. not this "oh, here's an MP, please merge it, build it, upload it, sponsor it..."07:24
didrocksrobru: yeah, some people tried that 3 years ago, but it never reached to a point it was working top notch07:25
didrocksrobru: those are the lp:ubuntu/<package> branch07:26
robrudidrocks, yeah, backwards approach I think. lp:ubuntu/* tries to mirror what's in the archive. I think it needs to *BE* the archive.07:26
didrocksquite complicated as 75% of the packages are coming from Debian07:27
didrocksso from the archive :)07:27
robrudidrocks, then debian needs to get itself hosted on launchpad ;-)07:27
didrocksahah :)07:35
didrocksrobru: want to start the discussion on debian ML?07:35
robrudidrocks, why do I have to do all the work? clearly this idea is brilliant and devs should be flocking to it ;-)07:36
Mirvrobru: a bit related, support for Debian package building in PPAs has been a very wished item for a long time, I wish someone would have time to implement that07:39
didrocksrobru: ahah, that's a manager's view :)07:39
didrocksrobru: well done :p07:39
robrudidrocks, great, time to promote me ;-)07:39
didrocksrobru: please, do a powerpoint with a plan :p07:39
Mirvwe don't have much perks for Debian devs to come to LP at the moment, including that plus lack of git support07:40
robrudidrocks, is there time to host a session about this tomorrow? ;-)07:40
* didrocks plans, set robru as leading the session07:40
robruMirv, yeah, I wouldn't mind being able to build debian debs in my PPAs, for sure07:40
robruMirv, what would "git support" look like? some kind of bridge to allow git tools to access bzr repos? or real git repos hosted on lp?07:41
Mirvrobru: either a very transparent bridge but probably real support so that one could easily merge from Debian packaging git:s to LP and vice versa07:42
Mirvfor example with Qt I'm now manually managing Debian git vs Ubuntu bzr07:42
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Mirvsome teams like X team do have Ubuntu packaging in Debian git actually, but it wouldn't hurt that there wouldn't be that barrier between Debian and LP07:43
robruMirv, I had a real nasty issue recently just within LP, it wouldn't let me merge a +junk branch back into a real project branch even though it did share history. the +junk branch lost it's knowledge of it's heritage, and bzr couldn't merge them in spite of the fact that the commit histories were identical. had to manually copy files from one branch to another and re-commit.07:44
robrufrankly I prefer git, git would have seen the common commit history and merged happily ;-)07:45
Mirvrobru: I've gotten past such issues at times by pushing the same branch into another location. ie. first gotten "this branch cannot be merged into xxx", then after pushing into second location merge proposal has been possible07:45
didrocksrobru: btw, can I rerun the whole stack?07:48
robrudidrocks, oh... well I didn't version bump libunity-webapps or anything, is that a problem? I did bump all of unity-webapps-* though, those definitely need to be rebuilt07:49
didrocksrobru: that's fine I guess, we already have the needed version in the ppa :)07:49
robrudidrocks, ok, so rerun it then ;-)07:49
* didrocks click *the* button07:50
Mirvdidrocks: sergiusens by the way asked about if all packages have been rebuilt in daily-build-next after the new Qt. it seems to me most Qt related packages, a couple haven't yet.07:51
didrocksMirv: they need a commit to be rebuilt, mind pushing something to them? (there is also something to clean up)07:52
BigWhaleI found an awesome way how to crash unity/compiz! :)07:53
Mirvdidrocks: ok, I'll look at if some relevant package would use a push07:54
MirvBigWhale: :P07:54
BigWhaleHave a program icon on the desktop.07:54
BigWhaleHave a program icon on the desktop, drag it to Launcher, delete the icon on the desktop, move the icon in Launcher.07:55
didrocksTrevinho: this is for you! ^07:56
didrocksBigWhale: a bug number (or looking for one, would be awesome!)07:56
BigWhaledidrocks, I'll look into this now... :)07:57
seb128hey desktopers07:58
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?07:58
seb128didrocks, lut, ouais, tjs gris et pluvieux mais ca va ... et toi, Lyon?07:59
didrocksseb128: ça va bien! par contre, arrête de partager ta pluie, ça va, j'ai compris hein! :p07:59
seb128didrocks, alright, you can get sun back tomorrow :p08:03
seb128Laney, good morning!08:03
didrocksreally? last time I checked, it wasn't really optimistic08:03
* didrocks looks08:04
didrockswell, far from stellar…08:04
seb128didrocks, it's a bit better tomorrow, really better starting next tuesday...08:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1108056 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "fetching URLs freezes pidgin" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:04
* Laney runs08:04
seb128Laney, isn't that the indicator-messages bug that we fixed yesterday?08:04
seb128the same as tb08:05
Laneylikely :-)08:05
seb128wfm since at least08:05
Laneyjust thought it'd be worth checking08:05
Laneydid pidgin break too for you?08:05
seb128nobody messaged me08:05
seb128let me give it a try08:05
robru*yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*... 'night gents08:07
seb128robru, 'night08:07
pittibonjour seb12808:09
seb128pitti, salut, ça va ?08:10
pittiseb128: ça va bien, et toi?08:10
seb128pitti, ça va bien merci, toujours de la pluie ici par contre :/08:11
pittiici aussi aujourd'hui08:11
seb128pitti, are you online on icq?08:11
* seb128 is looking for somebody to im me to test that pidgin/libmessaging bug08:12
pittiseb128: no, I stopped using icq years ago, I got too much spam08:12
seb128but jabber doesn't behave08:12
pittiseb128: I can log in08:12
seb128pitti, it you could just send me a test message that would be nice08:12
pittihm, how do I add an ICQ account these days?08:12
seb128don't bother if you don't have it configured08:12
seb128I will wait a bit to have jabber back08:12
czajkowskiICQ still exists?08:13
seb128pitti, but if you need that at some point, you need to run empathy-accounts I think08:13
pittithat's indeed not the one that I get from the menu in empathy08:13
seb128you get the integrated online accounts by default08:13
robert_ancellseb128, hello :)08:14
seb128it's just that icq doesn't have a telepathy connector08:14
seb128it's going through haze and libpidgin08:14
robert_ancellpeople still use ICQ?08:14
seb128robert_ancell, hey, how are you?08:14
seb128robert_ancell, got my email? ;-)08:14
robert_ancellseb128, hey, good. Thought I'd say hello since I'm around this time08:14
seb128robert_ancell, very few, I still have one friend using it regularly08:14
seb128robert_ancell, I'm glad IS figured out that versions was slow because you were DoSing the debian web viewvc UI :p08:15
robert_ancellIt didn't seem like that many requests...08:15
Laneythey must have throttled us ages ago08:15
seb128the web ui sucks apparently08:15
Laneyhow did it only just come up now08:15
robert_ancellseb128, did you see the MP from mfisch? It changed the Debian links08:15
seb128robert_ancell, no, I didn't, I guess I don't receive email for those08:16
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, you might have to opt-in08:16
robert_ancellI set all the ownerships to ~ubuntu-desktop but I think LP defaults to not notifying (we have the same problem in Mir)08:16
seb128seems like a feature08:16
seb128I wouldn't like to spam the whole team08:16
robert_ancellseb128, I'd prefer opt-out because people miss things and it's not obvious how to opt-in08:17
seb128that's right08:17
pittiseb128: sorry, seems my ICQ account doesn't work any more, or I don't remember the password08:17
seb128pitti, don't worry, I will wait to have somebody showing up on jabber08:18
seb128seems like I've half the people I usually have there08:18
Laneyfor some reason I can remember my ICQ UIN despite not having used it for about 10 years08:18
seb128I guess some server side issue on jabber.org08:18
pittiseb128: I am in jabber08:18
seb128ah, jabber is finally listing more people08:33
seb128I can see a didrocks08:34
didrocksI think it's google+ :)08:34
seb128didrocks, can you reply?08:34
seb128didrocks, need to test that bug08:35
pittihm, jabber doesn't seem to work for me ATM either08:35
didrocksinteresting, I don't even see that you pinged me on any tab (in fact, I don't have a g+ page open)08:35
seb128didrocks, it's maybe your phone or tablet?08:35
didrocksseb128: ok, please try to ping me08:35
didrocksseb128: yeah, probably my phone08:35
didrockshum no…08:36
didrocksseb128: just try, I have a tab opened now08:36
seb128bah, got disconnected, jabber.org sucks08:36
seb128ah,  back08:36
seb128didrocks, pinged you08:36
pittiah, now08:36
seb128(Pidgin:4551): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: g_menu_item_set_detailed_action: Detailed action name 'im:prpl-jabber:seb128%40jabber.org%2F:pitti%40jabber.org%2F06baa216' has invalid format08:36
seb128Laney, ^08:36
Laneyso still there08:37
didrocksseb128: nothing…08:37
seb128didrocks, pitti: can you ping me again?08:37
seb128Laney, no, that was the old libmessaging-menu0 to confirm the bug08:37
didrocksseseI'm trying to look for you first, not sure with the new interface :p08:37
seb128Laney, it's fixed08:37
didrocksseb128: pinged08:38
seb128didrocks, doesn't work08:38
seb128new g+ doesn't work well for me08:40
seb128the hangout sidebar contain a "connect to talk to your friends" label with a "connect" button08:40
seb128which opens a new win, which tells me "you are logged in now, close that win and refresh the page you were on"08:41
seb128but that doesn't work08:41
seb128still get the same button08:41
seb128so I can't log in08:41
seb128which means I can't create an hangout08:41
seb128will be fun for vUDS later...08:41
Laneytried in chromium?08:42
seb128Laney, of course it works in chromium (though I'm using a personal account and not a canonical one there and the login process seems different since the login button sends me on an ubuntu.com url for auth)08:45
Laneyah, so could be some SSO interaction problem08:46
seb128is anyone using g+ canonical's account under firefox herE?08:46
seb128pitti, ^?08:46
Laneylet me try08:46
seb128or did you all go chromium?08:46
pittiseb128: no, I'm firmly firefox08:47
pittihangouts work again, too08:47
Laneyno, I just never use my C google account really08:47
seb128pitti, hangouts bar is working for you?08:47
pittinope, 'Unable to sign in"08:47
pittifor UDS I'll use my "public" account08:47
pitti(there it works)08:47
seb128I don't want UDS videos to be posted on my personal account08:47
seb128I try to keep the work one for work08:47
Laneyyeah, seems broken08:48
Laney#is probably want to know08:48
seb128yeah, I'm telling them08:48
seb128same issue in chromium08:50
didrocksrobru: webapps published09:10
seb128pitti, hey, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/134293864/xwiimote_0.3%2B20120630-2_0.3%2B20120630-2ubuntu1.diff.gz ... did you send that to Debian or upstream? (not sure if that diff is Ubuntu specific for some reason?)10:04
pittiseb128: ah, not yet, thanks for reminding10:07
seb128pitti, yw10:07
mlankhorstseb128: who should be approver for  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-s-xorg-general ?10:23
seb128mlankhorst, jason or me, pick one ;-)10:24
mlankhorstI'll select you for being in the same timezone10:24
mlankhorstit's not you jason, it's me!10:24
Laneyplaying with fire there10:25
mlankhorstit is kind of hard to talk with people in different timezones on a regular sleep schedule, though :)10:30
ogra_give up on that schedule then :P10:31
mlankhorstbut then I wouldn't wake up at 7 any more10:33
ogra_depends which 7 you mean :)10:33
Laneyit'll be close to 7am in some timezone :-)10:35
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittididrocks, jibel: ah, so by default there are indeed only 8 loop devices pre-created, one needs to request new ones from /dev/loop-control11:17
didrockspitti: ah thanks, I had a script for that, but better to be able to put in a configuration file :)11:18
pittijibel, didrocks: I confirm that "lxc-wait -s STOPPED" triggers on a reboot11:28
pittibeyond that I cannot really tell much, due to the "stopping lightdm messes up vt7" issue11:28
pitti(neither restarting lightdm nor rebooting the container really works due to that)11:29
pittistgraber: ^ did you find that on your system as well?11:29
pittistgraber: i. e. trying to reboot the container or restarting lightdm makes VTs unusable, and X.org doesn't really come back either11:29
didrockspitti: yeah, confirming, and lxc doesn't see the container running as well after the reboot11:32
didrocks(checked by ssh)11:32
=== soren_ is now known as soren
seb128chrisccoulson, hey12:05
chrisccoulsonhi seb12812:05
seb128chrisccoulson, what's is wrong with your country? ;-)12:05
seb128chrisccoulson, uploads12:05
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seb128chrisccoulson, http://www.atinternet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/navigateurs-201304-2.png12:06
seb128safari first? then i.e12:06
seb128then chrome12:06
ogra_mobile ?12:06
seb128ogra_, no12:06
chrisccoulsoni'm surprised at that12:06
mdeslaurthat almost doesn't make sense12:07
seb128yeah, it's weird for the u.k case12:07
seb128I can believe the other countries there12:07
chrisccoulsonperhaps this is only counting people in the uk visiting french sites? ;)12:07
seb128they say there looked at 9096 websites12:08
seb128but not which ones12:08
ogra_apple.fr :)12:08
seb128what else? :p12:09
ogra_and its 9095 subpages12:09
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cyphermoxgood morning!12:47
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mterryIs thunderbird crashy for anyone else?13:27
Laneydo you have current libmessaging-menu0?13:27
mterryLaney, ah sort of.  I have daily-build-next version.  That may screw things up13:28
czajkowskimterry: no works fine, but closing it and then reopening it tends to make it unhappy so itneeds to be killed13:28
Laneymterry: depends if it has larsu's fix from yesterday13:29
Laneybad interaction with new glbi13:29
Laneyassuming saucy etc13:29
mterryLaney, ah OK13:29
geserseb128 (or anyone else): could you go a give-back of file-roller on i386 and amd64 please? looks like LP lost track of those builds (no build log available)13:33
Laney(asking what went wrong first)13:36
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mdeslaurseb128: is anyone working on bug 1174740 ? (it's pretty annoying...)13:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1174740 in Online Accounts: GNOME Control Center "online-accounts-preferences crashes when accounts need access granted" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117474013:38
Laneymdeslaur: I can upload that patch13:41
Laneydoes it fix it for you?13:41
mdeslaurLaney: I haven't tried it13:42
seb128mdeslaur, isn't that fixed in saucy?13:45
mdeslaurseb128: I don't know, I'm on raring13:45
Laneythe patch is from 9 days ago so I guess not ...13:46
mdeslaurseb128: you know, the current release :)13:46
Laneyah, already cherry-picked13:47
seb128mdeslaur, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/139777904/empathy_3.6.4-0ubuntu4.1_source.changes13:49
seb128mdeslaur, typical sru team delay...13:49
mdeslaurseb128: ah, yes, thanks. I'll dupe the bugs.13:49
seb128mdeslaur, I uploaded to both13:49
seb128mdeslaur, I would appreciate confirmation that the fix works if you want to rebuild the one from the queue?13:51
mdeslaurseb128: sure, I'll test it in a minute13:52
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bcurtiswxanyone else having facebook auth browser popups using online accounts ?15:53
seb128bcurtiswx, facebook.com bug15:53
bcurtiswxseb128, ok, thanks15:53
seb128bcurtiswx, https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/44922182517139215:54
bcurtiswxyeah that seems to be it15:56
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Laneynew glib breaks skype too16:03
ubot2Gnome bug 698716 in build "Use of g_mem_set_vtable() breaks after gobject automatic init ctor" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:03
=== chrisccoulson is now known as firefox-is-aweso
=== firefox-is-aweso is now known as chrisccoulson
* Laney thinks chrisccoulson would enjoy that bug16:06
Laneylinker voodoo16:06
seb128Laney, "nice"16:07
Laneyyeah ... at least there seems to be one commit which we can do away with if necessary16:08
Laneydesrt: ^ thoughts?16:08
=== warp10` is now known as warp10
jcastroseb128: man, I kind of miss music player sessions16:52
jcastrohaha, just kidding16:52
seb128jcastro, you should put a banshee by default on the schedule for next vUDS!16:52
seb128still using it? ;-)16:53
Laneywhy wouldn't you be? it's still better :-)16:53
jcastroI use spotify/google play, heresy I know.16:54
Laneyused rb to test my upload today/yesterday16:55
Laneyit was a grim time16:55
* Laney snuggles up to Gabriel Burt16:55
seb128is that yet another of the kde app that want to install a mysql server to stock your song infos? :p16:57
highvoltagewell technically it's not a kde app.16:58
seb128it's bloated in the kde tradition though ;-)16:58
highvoltagebut it's inspired by old versions of amarok (when it was still good)16:58
chrisccoulsonhmmm, must stop drinking coffee17:24
seb128chrisccoulson, right you are, it's beer time!17:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, i might need some beer to round off the edginess of the coffee17:26
seb128chrisccoulson, how many coffee did you drink?!17:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, 8 so far today17:28
TheMusoI have been drinking 4-5 cups of tea each morning this week during VUDS.17:34
TheMusoSo I'm probably on a similar track. :)17:34
robrudidrocks, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/140003067/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.unity-webapps-amazon_2.4.16daily13.05.16-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz grep for PLACEHOLDER in there, now THAT's what we want to see in a successful webapps build ;-)19:13
didrocksrobru: but but but… that's crazy! :)19:14
didrocksrobru: it's a json file?19:14
didrocksright? ;)19:14
didrocksrobru: btw, you did see that it all landed! :-)19:15
robrudidrocks, yeah. it's a json dict mapping language codes -> msgids -> msgstrs, so basically just a translation table. because we needed gettext support inside the userscripts and there was no tool for that, so we just dump in by hand and write some js for interpreting it.19:16
robrudidrocks, yeah! so excited that it's all finally done ;-)19:16
didrocksrobru: next step is having autopilot tests! :-)19:17
robrudidrocks, yeah, we need to pester vrruiz about that more ;-)19:17
didrocksrobru: but first, get all your stack green! everyday :)19:17
didrocksyep ;)19:17
pittididrocks: looking at your recent otto commits -- did you tell your editor to have a tab width of 4 or so? you keep ruining the indentation :)19:34
didrockspitti: on the shell scripts? yeah, it replaces tab with spaces19:34
didrocks(and 4)19:34
pittididrocks: (no big deal, but it looks systematic)19:34
didrockspitti: I think we should have spaces in the shell script, wdyt?19:34
pittididrocks: I don't care much, as long as the indentation is consistant19:35
didrockspitti: ok, adding an item to look at that tomorrow and do a big sed in that case :)19:35
didrockspitti: thanks for noticing19:35
pittididrocks: no worries, just wanted to ask whether you have some broken setting in some editor19:35
didrockspitti: well, it's a standard "replace tabs with 4 spaces"19:36
didrockspitti: and when I'm navigating the file, I see only spaces19:36
didrocksthat's why I didn't notice19:36
didrockspitti: thanks!19:37
didrockspitti: it's all space now? ;)19:37
pittididrocks: de rien, but you really should fix that to be 819:37
seb128it's not friday yet19:38
pittiyeah, all spaces19:38
didrockspitti: I give you 619:38
pittiseb128: c'mon, it's EOUDS beer o'clock19:38
seb128let's wait tomorrow for emacs being better than vim at handling those stuff :p19:38
didrocksnot more19:38
seb128pitti, you have a point there ;-)19:38
* pitti hugs didrocks and seb12819:38
* seb128 hugs pitti19:38
* didrocks hugs pitti and seb12819:38
pittiand watching Daviey sorta puts you into a funny mood19:38
TheMusoseb128: Yes it is. :p19:39
seb128I'm glad we had a sprint recently, or I would be really deprecated by the end of vUDS now19:39
didrockspitti: unfortunately, my ISP provider is limiting the youtube bandwith in the evening :(19:39
didrockspitti: so it's cutting…19:39
* didrocks can't follow the plenary19:39
pittididrocks: sheesh19:39
didrockspitti: they want google to pay for the bandwith…19:39
didrocksyou know net neutrality19:39
pittiyeah, that great thing we used to have19:39
didrocksanyway, so can't follow the plenary :/19:40
* didrocks waves good evening then!19:40
pittididrocks: bonne nuit!19:40
seb128pitti, french company that think they can twist google arms ... google luck ;-)19:40
didrockspitti: à demain ;)19:40
seb128'night didrocks19:40
didrocksseb128: see you tomorrow!19:40
pittic'est ça !20:01
pittibonne nuit tout le monde20:01
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
sil2100fginther: Fraaanciiis! Heeelp!22:18
sil2100Or hm, wait22:18
sil2100Scratch that22:18
sil2100alesage: Allaaaan!22:18
sil2100alesage: you around?22:18
alesagesil2100, how can I help?22:19
sil2100alesage: so, we have a unity branch that we want to merge in pretty soon, and I was kindly asking CI to run against it, but I get an error like: 'Cannot enable coverage targets because gcovr was not found.', since it seems that there is a B10gcovr_run hook enabled22:20
sil2100alesage: I'm not familiar with those parts, but what happened that suddenly it's missing gcovr?22:20
sil2100alesage: is it a problem with the packaging?22:21
alesagesil2100, give me a minute to investigate22:21
sil2100alesage: thanks22:23
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity/smartscopes-into-trunk/+merge/164227 <- here's the merge request22:23
alesagesil2100, there are a couple of fixes, one is on our side, so fear not :)22:23
sil2100Ah, I see something indeed changed22:23
alesagesil2100, what changed?22:23
sil2100alesage: I see there is a change in CMakeLists.txt related to gcovr and lcov22:24
sil2100alesage: line 21 of the diff in the MR22:24
alesageok sil2100 if you'd like to add these to packaging, that seems correct to moi22:24
alesagewas just checking to see if the build config had changed (on our side)22:24
alesagequite a merge btw :)22:25
sil2100Yes ;) Anyway, what package should I exactly add to the packaging if anything?22:26
alesagesil2100, gcovr and lcov22:26
sil2100alesage: hm, would it be possible to disable coverage for now, temporarily, for this branch?22:28
alesagesil2100, entirely up to you--you'd just have to revert this change in the CMakeLists.txt I believe22:29
sil2100I wonder how this worked before in the other branch, hmmm22:30
alesagesil2100, I can help you--do we have a few minutes or like 30 minutes?22:31
sil2100Soon I would be going to sleep, as it's past midnight here, but I want to have this in anyway ;)22:32
sil2100I was wondering if the gcovr hook could be disabled in CI22:32
sil2100Since something has to enable the coverage profile for this build, hmmm22:32
alesagesil2100, one min22:33
sil2100As I see H10enable_coverage and B10gcovr_run in the hooks :)22:34
sil2100alesage: I see that these changes never had coverage enabled before, so that's why it never failed in the custom branches - now that we're merging this big piece of code, suddenly it fails during coverage22:36
sil2100But I would think that we could fix that in some other merge22:36
alesagesil2100, yes it's now kind-of baked in to the prepare step (in CMakeLists.txt)22:37
alesagesil2100, if you'll give me 10 mins I'll attempt a fixed build, ok?22:39
sil2100alesage: ACK ;) Thanks!22:40
alesagesil2100, I've got a build in progress and this quick fix passes configure where we were failing before https://pastebin.canonical.com/91201/22:58
alesagehere's that build in progress (if you're on the Canonical VPN) https://pastebin.canonical.com/91201/22:58
alesageoopsies sil2100 here:

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