
stokachudoko: http://goo.gl/rnQ4y - im having some trouble getting firefox built on raring/saucy and its related to python, any idea on what the error means?00:15
stokachuhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5669324/ thats the bottom of the error log00:16
stokachusame build works on precise/quantal00:16
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mwhudsonwhy isn't perf finding my source code..02:23
* mwhudson learns that cc -ggdb is something different from cc -g02:27
geofft-ggdb3! Featuring awesome things like preprocessor macros at the gdb prompt!02:29
mwhudsoni don't think perf will use that :)02:30
swissso is this where I could talk about an issue i'm having with a core ubuntu package?03:06
swissor would that be app-devel?03:06
mfischswiss: there's also ubuntu-bugs, but what's the issue?03:07
mfischLogan_: you around? I was updating distribute and wondered about the d/rules change you made in the last version03:07
swissmfisch: gnome-control-center-signin is looking for libraries that don't exist when working with stuff like unity-scope-gdrive03:07
swissi get an error, i straced it, and i can show you exactly where it's hunting. I tried purging and reinstalling all the related packages, but it didn't fix anything03:08
swissI'm assuming it's gnome-control-center-signon, but it might be the unity-scope packages03:09
swissin general I feel like I know what I'm doing when dealing with issues like this, the thing I find interesting is I've done most things to make my system similar to that of a fresh install, yet I still have this issue. And I imagine if others had this issue that the update that broke it (that happened with raring) wouldn't have been released03:10
Logan_mfisch: hi03:10
mfischYour best bet is to file a bug on g-c-c-so and attach those straces03:10
mfischswiss: ^^03:10
swissgnome control etc etc03:11
swisswell, i'm not sure if it's that, or signon, or accountsservice, or what :/03:11
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mfischLogan_: why did you disable building for 3.2?03:11
mfischswiss: the bug control team can look at it03:11
swissi'm debating a reinstall right now03:11
mfischswiss: send me the bug number and I will look since i'm on bug control03:11
Logan_mfisch: it was like that in the past - I was just carrying over the delta03:11
Logan_the current Python 3 version is 3.3 in Ubuntu, in any case03:11
mfischthe latest debian dropped 2.6 support though03:12
mfischwe need 2.7 and 3.3 I believe03:12
Logan_oh, that change log entry has a typo03:12
Logan_should say 2.6 and 3.203:12
mfischLogan_: that makes a lot more sense!03:13
Logan_could you fix that in a subsequent upload?03:13
mfischokay, so I'll update and keep the 3.2 drop03:13
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Logan_oh freenode03:14
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mfischLogan_: it looks like the python3-sphynx dep was removed upstream so our delta is pretty small03:14
mfischLogan_: what did freenode do?03:14
Logan_looks like a semi-netsplit03:14
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mfischLogan_: you still here? I was curious about your other changelog comment03:32
mfischLogan_: I cannot find python3-sphinx in the build-deps, but you did remove python3.3-dev03:33
swissso, this is actually a online-accounts-with-unity issue. Is there a unity specific channel?03:39
mfischprobably ubuntu-desktop03:43
swissis that a channel?03:44
swisschecked, yep03:44
pittiGood morning05:04
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dholbachgood morning06:35
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robert_ancellstgraber, do you know if someone is planning to maintain LTT-ng (source package ust) in Ubuntu? We're looking at taking a dependency on it for Mir, so I'll do a MIR for it. But if someone else is maintaining it I can leave it for them to do. (redirected from tvoss)08:13
infinityrobert_ancell: You might want to ask the kernel team.  rtg, specifically, seemed to have a keen interest in the kernel side of lttng-tools, the userspace library seems like it would go hand-in-hand.08:25
robert_ancellinfinity, thanks. What would be the best way to ask them>?08:25
infinityrobert_ancell: kernel-team mailing list, perhaps, or the #ubuntu-kernel channel.08:26
robert_ancellinfinity, ta08:26
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seb128@pilot in09:20
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: seb128
* dholbach hugs seb12809:22
* seb128 hugs dholbach back ;-)09:22
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seb128does anyone has an opinion on dropping from vsftpd (https://code.launchpad.net/~diddledan/ubuntu/raring/vsftpd/bug-1160372/+merge/162980)? seems like opensuse did it with this rational11:25
seb128"Kernel autid system prohibits the processes created with CLONE_NEWPID, so an11:25
seb128attempt to log into ftp server ends with11:25
seb128audit_log_acct_message() failed: Operation not permitted"11:25
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seb128vsftp seems to be broken on >= raring atm, but I don't know enough about CLONE_NEWPID to feel like making a call on that11:26
seb128jdstrand, mdeslaur, sarnold, chrisccoulson: ^ any security team view on that?11:26
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mdeslaurseb128: seems reasonable11:45
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seb128mdeslaur, thanks, will sponsor it then11:58
seb128mdeslaur, oh and good morning ;-)11:58
mdeslaurseb128: good morning! :)11:58
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sunweaverdbarth: have you found time to look at the X2Go patches for unity-greeter + remote login?12:19
sunweaverdbarth: have you found time to look at the X2Go patches for unity-greeter + remote login?12:19
sunweaverdbarth: have you found time to look at the X2Go patches for unity-greeter + remote login?12:20
huluthe 13.04 livecd create default live user without copy /etc/skel12:51
huluwho can help me12:51
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mzazaIf I want to contribute to the brightness and lockscreen in system settings, how should I start?12:55
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pittiseb128: actually, I had a closer look and the xwiimote patch doesn't even seem necessary; I'll just sync current Debian13:11
pittioh, someone already merged13:14
pjotrinfinity: you've fixed this bug very quickly (which is great!): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/117732413:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1177324 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "xscreensaver: there's no translation file in the Dutch langpack anymore" [Undecided,Fix released]13:15
pjotrBut it's tagged for Saucy13:15
pjotrdoes this mean that it won't become available for Raring?13:16
ogra_pjotr, follow the SRU guidelines13:16
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ogra_you need to open a saucy task and get the SRU team to take care13:16
ogra_a raring task indeed13:17
infinityGiven that Q/R/S all had the same version, I probably should have just SRUed to Q and copied it forward to everything else.13:18
infinityI could still do that.13:18
pittiseb128: uploaded a revert13:19
pjotrinfinity: that would be great!13:19
dobeyshould i file a bug about restart notification in indicator-session against update-manager or indicator-session?13:25
seb128pitti, danke13:46
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seb128pitti, stgraber: can you set https://code.launchpad.net/~diddledan/ubuntu/raring/vsftpd/bug-1160372/+merge/162980 to merged?14:47
stgraberseb128: done14:53
seb128stgraber, thanks14:53
jodh/join #ubuntu-uds-foundations-115:09
jodh 15:09
jodh 15:09
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zequencediwic: I was working on the pulseaudio reserve card patch today. But, I don't understand how to apply it to for instance lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu.quantal15:14
diwiczequence, where are you now? I e, what have you got?15:14
zequenceI have the patch ready for quantal, and am able to apply and build it against the debian package, but I don't know how to apply it to the bzr branch. Do I just include it in debian/patches?15:15
zequencehmm, I forgot to add it debian/patches/series15:16
diwiczequence, I usually do "bzr bd-do" "quilt import <patchname>" "exit"15:16
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zequenceok, I was assuming there was some nifty tool for this :)15:17
diwiczequence, preferrably "quilt push -a" after "quilt import" to make sure it applies15:18
diwiczequence, then update debian/changelog (with dch or dch -i)15:18
diwiczequence, bzr add debian/patches/*15:18
zequencediwic: Great, thanks. I'll give it a go15:18
diwiczequence, bzr commit, bzr push15:19
psusihow do you do that thing where you flag a wiki page as broken/needs help?  It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the help page.15:22
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evmpt: bdmurray and I were talking at the client sprint about how the graph on the bucket page has wild data and seemingly not useful in its current form. I think this is partly because I've made a mistake and our calculation is:15:23
evtotal instances of the problem across all releases / the number of unique systems seen in a 90 day period for a specific release15:23
evI can fix not including the release in the numerator (by collecting more data), but in thinking about it more, I wonder if the ideal calculation would be the weighted instances of just this problem for a specific release divided by the unique systems seen in a 90 day period for the specific release.15:23
evIt's computationally more complex, but if that's going to give the best results then we can always try for it.15:23
evmpt, bdmurray: I also was toying around with the idea of having an instance count view, but I kept pulling myself away from it thinking that it was just papering over the problem with the graph in its current form15:26
evsomething akin to the left hand toggles on this: http://nvd3.org/ghpages/stackedArea.html15:27
evwell, looking more like a toggle15:28
mptev, if I understand you correctly, the formula for the bucket graph is different from the formula for the front page graph when it should be the same.15:48
evmpt: same with a smaller numerator for the bucket graph, yes15:48
mptyes, and correspondingly smaller scale15:49
evokay, I'll get a bug together for that15:59
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keeshrm, does nothing clean up /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available after an upgrade?16:13
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bdmurraybarry: do you think it still useful to get more information about these pyc file corruption bugs?17:26
barrybdmurray: i think so, yes18:00
bdmurraybarry: so gathering interpreter, release, and import failure line from them?18:01
barrybdmurray: yes, for all three.  if there's a way to figure out the affected imports and upload the pyc files related to them, that would help too]18:02
bdmurraybarry: Okay, I'll see what I can do18:03
barrybdmurray: awesome, thanks18:07
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mfischLaney: question on the DMB wiki pages, are the meetings at 15:00 UTC or 14:00UTC, the pages in the wiki disagree on this18:47
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mfischseb128: you too on that question to Laney ^^18:52
seb128mfisch, I don't know, I'm not on that board, I would trust the fridge calendar I guess ... what time is listed there?18:52
mlankhorstoops, forgot to upload wine to the ppa18:54
mfischseb128: 14:00 and 19:0018:54
mlankhorstseb128: did you ever sign my gpg key after I gave it to you in london a few months back? :P18:54
* seb128 looks on his desk, ops18:57
seb128mlankhorst, will do tomorrow ;-)18:57
zequencediwic: So, I think I might have applied the patch in a useful way to quantal, but there's something different about applying to patches to precise.18:58
zequencediwic: edit-patch is not working either, so I'm assuming it's not supporting this type of patch applying18:58
seb128stgraber, pitti: can you set https://code.launchpad.net/~pataquets/ubuntu/precise/mumble/mumble-bug-934239/+merge/161105 as merged?19:41
stgraberseb128: done19:42
seb128stgraber, thanks19:43
pittistgraber is too fast19:49
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diwiczequence, I never use "edit-patch", so don't know what this tool can or can't do.20:00
zequencediwic: I think it's basically just an automation of some quilt things20:00
zequencediwic: quilt doesn't work either20:00
diwiczequence, hmm, that's weird, in what way doesn't it work?20:02
zequencediwic: I do "bzr bd-do", then "quilt import <mypatch>". The patch is loaded somehow, but I don't see it in debian/patches20:02
zequenceI can even apply it with "quilt push -a", but still nothing in debian/patches20:03
diwiczequence, are you sure QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches so it doesn't end up somewhere else?20:03
zequencediwic: Haven't set that variable up. The patch didn't end up anywhere in the source tree anyway :P. I'll try adding that to .bashrc then20:04
zequencediwic: Yep. It started working now20:05
diwiczequence, good20:06
bdmurrayhallyn: your lxc upload in the raring proposed queue in the changelog indicates its patch 0005 but its really 0004.  I'd approve it anyway unless you want to fix it.20:49
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hallynbdmurray: oh.  drat, i copied the msg from the saucy pkg20:55
hallynbdmurray: pls go ahead and kick that, and i'll re-push - thanks!20:55
hallynbdmurray: note that we're still waiting for the current lxc in raring-proposed to be promoted to -updates20:58
bdmurrayhallyn: that's only been in the archive for a day so I was just going to approve yours.  if it was at 6 days I'd wait.20:59
hallynok, thanks - i've dput'ed with the fixed changelog21:01
bdmurrayroaksoax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1171418 is missing Regression Potential information21:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1171418 in maas (Ubuntu) "MAAS fails to power up machines when trying to install nodes" [High,Confirmed]21:21
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roaksoaxbdmurray: thanks. will take care of it in a bit21:26
bdmurrayroaksoax: let me know when to rereview it21:27
roaksoaxbdmurray: done!21:37
roaksoaxbdmurray: thanks!21:37
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infinity@pilot in22:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity, seb128
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Guest87491If I want to contribute to the brightness & lockscreen were to go, which source code? Unity or Ubuntu core?23:20

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