
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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pittiGood morning05:05
JoseeAntonioRhello, pitti05:12
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jibelgood morning06:50
JoseeAntonioRhey, jibel06:52
jibelmorning JoseeAntonioR06:53
JoseeAntonioReverything going good? :)06:54
jibelyeah, life is good :)06:59
pittijibel: bonjour07:26
pittijibel: FYI, I pushed two rather obvious fixes to lp:otto this morning, to make it work at all again07:26
pittijibel: but I sent a MP for the loop mounting, as this is debatable07:26
pittijibel: btw, does shutting down the container work for you? I never get back to my production system afterwards, so I usually lxc-kill it (which works fine)07:30
jibelpitti, thanks for the fixes07:41
jibelpitti, when I shutdown the container vt7 freezes and I cannot change to another vt, is it what you're seing?07:42
pittijibel: I either get a completely black screen, or I see the container's VTx with "halt", and then Ctrl+Alt+Fn doesn't work any more07:44
pittiI can only SysRq07:44
jibelpitti, here just vt7 is dead, but if I restart the container or lightdm over sssh it's back07:46
pittijibel: I start otto from VT1 (and shut down lightdm before)07:46
jibelpitti, I like your patch for the loop mounting. The idea behind the cache was to restart a test without specifying the image and reuse the same than previous run. But the loop mount offers much better performance, I'll merge it and just create a symlink to the image in the container directory then use it if it exists and -i is not specified.08:07
pittijibel: right, so we get the same effect08:08
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smartboyhwgema: Thanks! I will send them an email soon.09:51
gemasmartboyhw: no problem, pace yourself, no hurry09:56
gemasmartboyhw: I am giving you material for months :P09:57
gemasmartboyhw: thank your for such a thoughtful interview :)09:57
smartboyhwgema: :P09:59
gemasmartboyhw: what do you think if vUDS? do you like it better than when we did the other one? (I mean being a remote attendee)10:01
* Noskcaj feels like he missed something10:06
gemaNoskcaj: are you attending UDS sessions?10:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Nothing much10:06
Noskcajgema, no, i'm attending the xubuntu sessions though (they aren't proper vUDS)10:07
Noskcaj2000UTC is 6am for me10:07
gemaNoskcaj: uhhh, quite early10:07
Noskcaji make that time, but nothing before10:07
gemaNoskcaj: ack10:08
knomexubuntu most probably isn't having a hangout today, just an irc meeting.10:12
knome20UTC is 11pm for me, and i'm more worried about my neighbours than my sleeping rhythm10:13
Noskcajknome, ok. the combination of terrible mic, sleeping family and me still being in bed made it hard for me to talk anyway10:15
mlankhorstThe autopkgtest documentation doesn't mention external testsuites, how should those be handled?10:39
pittimlankhorst: if they are packaged, just add a dependency on it in debian/tests/control11:09
pittimlankhorst: the mysql test does that11:10
pittijibel: so are both packages/unity.pkgs and packages/unity.pkgs.nodeps installed? and how do they relate to unity-ppa.repo, does it make sure that *.pkgs and *.pkgs.nodeps come from that PPA, or from "whereever apt thinks it should come from"?11:14
mlankhorstpitti: well I can package xorg-integration-tests, do you mean adding a dependency to it in xorg-server, or xit?11:18
pittimlankhorst: no, not to the package, just to the test11:26
pittimlankhorst: debian/tests/control, not debian/control11:26
pittimlankhorst: it's best to package them; trying to download them in you test from some random web server doesn't sound like a good idea11:27
pittithe DC has rather strict network restrictions11:27
mlankhorstwhat about root? I need to modprobe uinput for some11:28
mlankhorstpitti: what I meant is that it's a different source package too :)11:47
mlankhorstso should I add a debian/tests to xorg-server, or to xit?11:48
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mlankhorstideally it would be run from xit, since it sort of expects to be run from the source tree, without installing anything :)11:52
pittimlankhorst: to xorg-server would make slightly more sense as those tests will be triggered whenever any (transitive) dependency of xorg-server changes12:06
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pittimlankhorst: xit won't ever be triggered by that12:06
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mlankhorstyeah but xit doesn't install anything :/12:16
mlankhorstmake check has to be run from inside xit's build tree for it to work correctly12:18
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pittimlankhorst: can you make xit depend on xorg-server?12:57
pittithen xit's tests would be triggered on xorg (and its dep) changes, so we'll get the same effect12:57
pittiand I guess that's actually necessary, as you need to test the installed X.org server12:57
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mlankhorstsure that would be fine13:06
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thomiballoons: so, I'm not sure how much of the autopilot session you were able to grok, but our plans are to support raring, saucy ONLY for autopilot 1.3.  I'm assuming this works fine with community QA people, now that raring is released?15:02
balloonsthomi, yes that does sound fine.. anyone else idling here is free to comment of course15:03
balloonsbut everyone wanting to help test is going to be running saucy at some point.. and likely raring on there 'stable' box15:03
balloonsthose with precise have already made vm's to help out with autopilot stuff15:04
balloonsand it works fine in there :-)15:04
thomiwell, that's one work item knocked off the list.15:04
thomiHello #ubuntu-quality. As part of the new autopilot changes, all the autopilot devs will hang out in #ubuntu-autopilot. If you have autopilot questions, that's the correct place to ask them15:07
thomiso come join us!15:07
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=== firefox-is-aweso is now known as chrisccoulson
SergioMeneseshi everybody19:17
SergioMenesesballoons, around?19:17
balloonsSergioMeneses, closing plenary19:17
SergioMenesesballoons, ok see you later19:17
balloonsSergioMeneses,  :-) you can watch if you wish19:18
* elfy forgot 19:18
SergioMenesesballoons, ofcourse! I'm opening my browser19:19
balloonshehe.. I'll be giving a qa summary19:19
balloonsmight be useful :-p19:19
balloonsi'll post it too, fingers crossed19:20
SergioMenesesballoons, sounds really nice19:21
SergioMenesesballoons, do you have the link to your session?19:23
balloonsSergioMeneses, my session? we had several.. 319:23
SergioMenesesballoons, perfect! thanks19:24
* balloons waves at phillw 19:34
elfyphillw: had no reply from scott - so will be going ahead shortly with that thread, I can add him in later if necessary19:35
elfyshall not be a particularly detailed thing - more a call to arms :)19:36
phillwelfy: thanks :)20:09
balloonswhew.. ok, so vUDS is complete20:10
SergioMenesesballoons, \o/20:14
SergioMenesesphillw, what happen about the lubuntu software centre?20:14
phillwSergioMeneses: there is a patch :) Julien is going to get it into saucy to check it is okay and then maybe get an SRU raised as it has been broken for a while.20:27
phillwthe patch works fine on my 13.04 :D20:28
SergioMenesesphillw, perfect20:29
SergioMenesesmaybe you can send this information to our mailing list20:29
SergioMenesesballoons, this guide still working http://askubuntu.com/questions/233219/how-do-i-contribute-an-autopilot-test ?20:33
balloonsSergioMeneses, more or less :-)20:35
SergioMenesesballoons, I am running autopilot on ubuntu12.10 and the command: autopilot list unity, send me this error20:36
SergioMenesesImportError: No module named unity20:36
phillwSergioMeneses: the details (and the patch) are on bug 1078820 I've emailed the lubuntu-qa team about it, but it is not yet passed as ready for 'full' release.20:38
ubot5bug 1078820 in lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu) "The lubuntu software centre is not showing any other software execpt the ones already installed on my computer." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107882020:38
SergioMenesesballoons, solved! dont worry, my bad20:40
balloonsSergioMeneses, ahh20:42
SergioMenesesballoons, but it sends a lot of errors20:42
balloonsSergioMeneses, autopilot is covered on this page: http://www.darkreading.com/monitoring/google-uses-reputation-to-detect-malicio/24015241320:43
balloonsspecifically, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Autopilot20:43
balloonsWe could probably clean that area up though..20:44
balloonsok, so your running on quantal tho right?>20:44
balloonsquantal is no good for autopilot20:44
SergioMenesesI will update it20:47
balloonsspecifically autopilot 1.3 won't run on it20:47
balloonswe JUST talked about this today :-)20:47
balloonslol.. yes, raring or saucy is your best bet20:47
balloonsSergioMeneses, but if you find any issues, let me know.. I will update it20:47
SergioMenesesballoons, I'm trying with raring in this moment20:49
SergioMenesesif I find something wrong I'll tell you20:50
balloonsSergioMeneses, great... should work fine20:54
balloonsremember Letzoaf is also an expert at this :-)20:54
SergioMenesesI hope so!20:54
SergioMenesesballoons, none test works21:06
balloonsSergioMeneses, so it worked or it didn't work?21:11
SergioMenesesballoons, it didnt work21:11
SergioMenesesI got the last version and I'm running raring21:11
balloonsok, so autopilot list unity21:12
balloonshonestly, branching stuff from our project is more useful/interesting21:12
balloonsbzr branch lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests21:12
SergioMenesesballoons, there are 50121:12
balloonsSergioMeneses, I'm confused.. what do you mean?21:18
balloonsin raring, with autopilot installed you should be able to checkout and run our tests21:19
SergioMenesesmy desktop was crazy21:19
balloonsor the unity tests21:19
balloonslol.. so it worked? :-)21:19
SergioMenesesballoons, I got the branch and run: $ autopilot list helloworld21:19
SergioMenesesand plop... no screen21:19
SergioMenesesballoons, it doesnt work... I mean testcases doesnt run, send error21:20
balloonsSergioMeneses, ahh what error.21:21
balloonsI will say, english locale is needed for pretty much everything21:21
balloonsthey'll run without it, but will fail to run successfully21:21
balloonsas most of the time, we're looking for english labels, etc21:22
SergioMenesesballoons, look http://paste.ubuntu.com/5672215/21:23
SergioMenesesballoons, oh21:23
SergioMeneseslet me try21:23
balloonsahh.. ok, so it's running fine21:23
balloonstests are just failing21:23
balloonsI mean, that's good.. lol21:24
SergioMenesesbut it doesnt work21:24
balloonsbad the tests fail, but good in that it's working :-)21:24
SergioMenesesballoons, let me check the language21:24
SergioMenesesbecause tests arent working21:24
balloonsahh.. some of the tests will fail at certain points21:25
balloonsthe unity stuff I've no idea21:25
balloonsit's not important as the unity team runs and maintains those21:25
balloonstry running our firefox test21:25
balloonsthat should work21:25
SergioMenesesballoons, and for run our own tests?21:25
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SergioMenesesballoons, and how  ca I do it?21:26
SergioMenesesI get the branch ...so21:26
Noskcajphillw, we are discussing adding LSC to xubuntu. come over to #xubuntu-devel21:31
balloonsSergioMeneses, sure.. let's go through it21:33
SergioMenesesballoons, I have the folderubuntu-autopilot-tests21:34
balloonsSergioMeneses, one sec21:35
balloonsbah.. lost SergioMeneses :-(21:44
elfyno you haven't balloons21:45
SergioMenesesI'm back21:46
elfysee :p21:47
balloonshe's back21:49
SergioMenesesballoons, look http://paste.ubuntu.com/5672279/21:49
balloonsyes you :-)21:49
balloonsdo an ls from that paste SergioMeneses21:49
SergioMenesesballoons, -> debian     setup.py        ubuntu_autopilot_tests21:50
balloonsSergioMeneses, cd into ubuntu_autopilot_tests21:51
balloonsthen your command will work21:51
balloonsif you ls that, you'll see all the testcases21:51
SergioMenesesballoons, kk21:51
SergioMenesesballoons, here ~/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/ubuntu_autopilot_tests/helloworld$21:52
balloonsfrom here: ~/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/ubuntu_autopilot_tests/21:52
balloonsthe testsuite is the folder name21:53
balloonsthat's how autopilot will search21:53
balloonsso you have to be one directory above the testsuite folder21:53
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SergioMenesesbeautiful :)21:54
SergioMenesesballoons, it works!21:56
SergioMeneseshelloworld tests21:56
SergioMenesesbut gedit tests dont21:56
balloonsso not everything in there will work perfectly, but they all should run21:56
SergioMenesesballoons, thanks for your time :D22:01
balloonsSergioMeneses, ty :-) we'll be playing with these testcases again very soon22:04
balloonsso have at it22:04
SergioMenesesballoons, jejeje it was a nice run22:31

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