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adam_gDaviey, 2012.2.4 + 2013.1.1 updates in their respective ubuntu release upload queue  and cloud-archive stagings, waiting for approval00:52
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nicekiwican someone help me restart my server?06:15
sarnoldnicekiwi: normally that's just "sudo shutdown -r now" -- is there something more to it? :)06:16
sarnoldnicekiwi: .. are you worried that e.g. sshd might not come back up and you'll have to drive to a datacenter?06:16
nicekiwiwell, the apache server in particular. It keeps saying "Fail" when i restart it06:17
sarnoldah :)06:17
nicekiwithe error log does not seem to contain useful information06:17
sarnoldnicekiwi: check /var/log/apache* directories... might be something useful there?06:17
nicekiwiunfortunatly not06:17
sarnoldnicekiwi: can you pastebin how you're trying to restart it, what output you get, and any log messages that might be generated at the same time?06:18
nicekiwithe only real error im getting is "[Thu May 16 10:16:11 2013] [error] Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] ((null):0)"06:19
sarnoldaha :) well, it does say 'error' rather than 'warning', might as well assume that's the problem..06:20
sarnoldnicekiwi: do you expect this server to serve SSL/TLS?06:20
sarnoldnicekiwi: do you have a SSLCertificateFile directive somewhere in the configuration?06:20
sarnoldnicekiwi: does ls -l on that filename look right?06:22
sarnoldnicekiwi: also check ls -ld on all directories above the file.. perhaps permissions are incorrect on a directory (it can be easy to overlook these..)06:22
nicekiwiwhat should the permissions be?06:23
nicekiwifor /etc/ssl/certs/06:23
sarnoldnicekiwi: for /etc/ssl/certs, root:root 75506:24
nicekiwii mean everything appears correct06:24
sarnoldokay, good06:24
nicekiwisarnold, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5669904/06:26
sarnoldheh, you're right, not very useful :)06:27
nicekiwiyeah :/06:27
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sarnoldnicekiwi: the last two comments here look useful: http://forums.freebsd.org/archive/index.php/t-6561.html06:32
nicekiwihmm.. in both of those they upgraded apche, I havnt changed anything :/.06:35
sarnoldnicekiwi: it did seem like grasping at straws06:36
nicekiwisarnold, fixed it! :D See point #3 http://imranbhullar.blogspot.co.nz/2012/07/server-should-be-ssl-aware-but-has-no.html06:37
sarnoldnicekiwi: woah.06:37
sarnoldnicekiwi: I saw that page and figured the dude couldn't possibly be right...06:37
sarnoldnicekiwi: thanks :) now I can go to bed happy.06:38
nicekiwilol.. i just opened heaps of sites and that happend to be the first one :P06:38
nicekiwisarnold, yes you can. thanks for your help :)06:38
sarnoldI wonder how it came that the error message is -so- vastly wrong compared to the cause..06:38
nicekiwiyeah :/ not really sure eh06:39
Davieyrbasak: thanks for kicking off the thread.07:12
mah454/etc/shadow is sha-512 or sha-256 ?07:25
mah454find ...07:26
rbasakmah454: see the crypt(3) manpage, and look up the id in the hash in your shadow file against the table in the manpage. /etc/shadow supports multiple schemes at once.07:31
Davieyrbasak: regarding bug 1180094, zul yesterday planned to discuss it with slangasek.. If we need to switch for support in LTS, it would be better to do this cycle IMO.07:46
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1180094 in samba "Update to 4.0" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118009407:46
rbasakDaviey: oh, OK. I didn't realise it was remotely near the cards.07:46
Davieyrbasak: Would "Wishlist, Incomplete" make more sense?07:47
rbasakDaviey, zul: what's the need to go ahead of Debian here?07:47
Davieyrbasak: Well, zul raised it yesterday - and broadly, *might* make sense?07:47
Davieyrbasak: I agree about desktop needing to be involved.  At base, it would be good for smb4 to get more exposure *IF* it needs to be standard for the next cycle.07:48
DavieyBut then, smb3 might still be ok for LTS.. so i don't know.07:48
rbasakAIUI, samba4 is useful for server people wanting to emulate AD. For this use case, the samba4 packages are available.07:49
rbasakAIUI, samba3 is fine for everyone else, but perhaps I'm mistaken.07:49
rbasakOh. Upstream list 4.x as current stable.07:50
Senorwhat is the relation between ubuntu and debian ?07:51
rbasakSenor: good question! http://askubuntu.com/questions/1336/how-is-ubuntu-different-from-debian has some answers if that helps you.07:53
rbasakSpamapS: ^^ some nostalgia for you perhaps? :)07:53
Senorrbasak:I am trying to implement one game server on linux , which distro is the best ?07:54
rbasakSenor: Ubuntu Server, of course. What a silly question! :)07:54
* rbasak notes that this is the #ubuntu-server channel, so answers here might be a bit biased.07:55
Senoris ubuntu distro open source ?07:56
rbasakSenor: essentially yes, with the exception of restricted and multiverse (like non-free in Debian). See: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-archive.html#s-ulp for details.08:09
RoyKSenor: yes08:21
RoyKSenor: or what rbasak said08:21
Alina-malinaHello all! Is there any mail caching server. For example the office has a very low  internet connection, but the workers sending e-mails so e-mails go very slow and the most of the time workers have to wait for the process rather then typing e-mails. How it is possible to make work with yahoo, gmal and other e-mail services? So the workers submit their e-mails to that server, and server during 5-6 hours login to their accounts an08:59
Alina-malinad send08:59
Alina-malinathose messages?09:00
Alina-malinaDo i need a separate caching computer to chache the stuff there and execute with queue?09:10
caribouDaviey: Hi, just saw your update of the rsyslog SRU being blocked by another inflight SRU (from stokachu)09:19
caribouDaviey: anything that must be done ?09:19
Alina-malinado i need a proxy caching serve?R How it works?09:19
SenorRoyK: I have installed ubuntu 10.4.2 server ,but why no step for password root?09:21
Senorand no root account09:21
RoyKSenor: because root normally don't have a password, login as your own user and run sudo -i09:22
Davieycaribou: Well the other SRU needs verification, that would help unblock it :)09:23
caribouDaviey: ok, I'll coordinate with Adam09:23
Davieycaribou: Thanks muchly09:24
SenorRoyK:That is ok!09:24
SenorRoyK:Is ubuntu server the best for deploying my gameserver?09:24
RoyKany linux distro should work09:25
RoyKup to you09:25
Senorwhich kernel version ubuntu server 10.4.2 is using ?09:26
RoyKSenor: 10.04.4 runs 2.6.32-38-server - you should upgrade to at least 10.04.4 (apt-get dist-upgrade), or perhaps to 12.0409:27
Alina-malinaHello all! Is there any mail caching server. For example the office has a very low  internet connection, but the workers sending e-mails so e-mails go very slow and the most of the time workers have to wait for the process rather then typing e-mails. How it is possible to make work with yahoo, gmal and other e-mail services? So the workers submit their e-mails to that server, and server during 5-6 hours login to their accounts an09:29
Alina-malinad send messages? Or do i need some webcaching proxy server? Are those secure? What is the secure webcaching server if any exist that can handle my request?09:29
DavieyAlina-malina: If the user wants to use gmail, yahoo or other WEB UI - it is not a good idea to interfere.09:30
DavieyAlina-malina: if they are using a local mail client, such as thunderbird or outlook - you can help.09:31
Alina-malinaDaviey, maybe i should put a separate computer and route the traffic to it and that machine queue the requests and send during some hours like?09:31
Davieycaribou: If you can get Adam's verified today - we can get yours in to proposed today09:32
DavieyAlina-malina: right, that is something you can do.  But only smart for IMAP or Pop3 and smtp09:32
caribouDaviey: won't both fixes interfere ? I suppose that my SRU don't have Adam's patch09:33
Alina-malinaDaviey, how i can do that? Is there any manuals? i never did anything like that before, i just have imagination:)09:34
SenorRoyK:  Does debian branch  from ubuntu ?09:37
RoyKSenor: no, it started with debian09:48
SenorRoyK: where can I get the distro's source code ? include login relevent programes .09:56
Davieycaribou: Your update does include Adam09:59
Daviey's, no?09:59
caribouDaviey: lemme check09:59
Davieycaribou: The idea is that Adam's can be released to updates, and yours can then enter proposed.  Currently proposed is blocked with Adam's10:00
DavieyAlina-malina: I'm sorry, I am unable to spend the time helping atm10:00
caribouDaviey: yeah, but if mine doesn't have Adam's patch, there's no point into getting it into proposed. I should rework mine10:00
* caribou goes to check his10:00
rbasakSenor: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu for questions that aren't server-specific. I think there are more people there who will be able to help you.10:01
Davieycaribou: http://pb.daviey.com/zCDO/10:02
Alina-malinaDaviey, what is atm?10:02
DavieyAlina-malina: At The Moment10:02
caribouDaviey: yep, the Raring one does. I don't know if Adam's patch applies to Precise but I think it does10:03
Davieycaribou: Ah, i only looked at the Raring candidate so far10:04
caribouDaviey: ah, ok.10:05
RoyKSenor: apt/get source packagename10:07
SenorRoyK:qpt-get source ubuntu?10:07
RoyKSenor: no, linux distros consist of thousands of packages, each for a program or set of programs. those you can apt-get source10:13
Senorhow canI config my source get  mirror   ?10:18
DavieySenor: There is a bit of an expectation that you do some searching yourself for answers, and using this channel to help fill in the gaps.10:31
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yolandaDaviey, is ok that i start packaging testlib to reuse that on our dep-8-tests?13:11
Davieyyolanda: super idea13:31
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Davieyadam_g: I accepted your openstack uploads, but at least one will be superseeded today - so you'll need to rebase14:36
adam_gDaviey, i only saw the quantal-proposed get accepted. did the raring-proposed go in as well?14:37
Davieyadam_g: will be shortly14:38
BlueSharkI'm trying to set up OpenVPN on my Debian VPS. I followed the instructions on http://aahank.com/2013/debian-ubuntu-vpn-server/ . But when I try to do "/etc/init.d/openvpn start", it's giving the error "Starting virtual private network daemon: filmygirl failed!". What could be wrong?15:59
BlueSharkThis is what I found when I did "grep ovpn /var/log/syslog" : http://pastie.org/private/i7ljwz8qidykztwai2nkuq . But I can't figure out what's wrong. Could someone help?15:59
rbasakBlueShark: 503 Service Unavailable when I look at that pastebin. Try another one - eg. paste.ubuntu.com?16:02
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meghado vmware, kvm, qemu works flawlessly with ubuntu ?16:09
meghabecause in arch linux i am fed up of config things after each kernel upgrade.. :(16:10
meghais that the case with ubuntu too ?16:10
yolandajdstrand, i verified SRU this morning, and updated the related bugs16:11
rbasakmegha: KVM Just Works for me. I can't speak for VMware.16:13
megharbasak: kvm works flawlessly ?16:13
rbasakmegha: for me, yes.16:13
meghait good than...16:14
jacobwNothing works flawlessly16:14
megharbasak: what should be my ideal choice ubuntu server or ubuntu-desktop..16:15
meghajacobw: yeah you are right...16:15
jacobwIt depends what issues you have with Arch that you don't want to have with Ubuntu16:15
meghabut frequent probs is not a good sign...16:15
jacobwWhat's your use case?16:15
meghai am coding for Freebsd, so i need to run it in KVM  and qemu. as i would be testing for different platforms..16:16
meghajacobw: in arch linux a new kernel version in 15 days, and i have to config and install modules again. that's waste of time, when you have limited time left in your hand..16:17
jacobwOK, then you'll want to run a VM on your desktop16:17
rbasakFor coding, I'd use desktop with libvirt and virt-manager. Though virt-manager doesn't anything close to the snapshot UI that VirtualBox has.16:17
jacobwArch is rolling release whereas Ubuntu isn't, the breakages with Arch are a consequence of the rolling release scheme16:18
jacobwLot's of developers use Vagrant16:19
jacobw* Lots16:19
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meghajacobw: that link is really cool..16:24
meghashould i switch to virtualbox from vmware.... as i never have used virtualbox before..16:24
jcastroubuntu will still rebuild the kernel modules on upgrade16:29
jcastroit's automatic though16:29
jcastroit's about an extra minute when the package is upgraded on my machine16:29
meghajcastro: :)16:33
jacobwmegha: Vagrant is pretty awesome16:33
jdstrandadam_g: arg, bug #117962616:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1179626 in quantum "Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2013.1.1 Stable Update" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117962616:35
jdstrandadam_g: I'm trying to get keystone and nova out16:35
adam_gjdstrand, go for it. ill rebase on you, those were just accepted to proposed today16:35
jdstrandadam_g: ok, keystone already has it: 116667016:37
jdstrandso that will only be nova16:37
jdstrandadam_g: you could get ahead of it and just apply https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/a4fc0c800502338e4530cad910efb64a5483e1ea16:38
adam_gjdstrand, you're planning on releasing them as security updates based on whats in -updates currently, right?16:40
jdstrandadam_g: for raring, it is based on 1:2013.1-0ubuntu216:41
jdstrandadam_g: for precise, I based keystone and nova on -proposed and am waiting on the packages to migrate since they are now verification-done16:42
jdstrandadam_g: so I'm suggesting you just apply https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/a4fc0c800502338e4530cad910efb64a5483e1ea to 1:2013.1.1-0ubuntu1 and reupload16:43
adam_gjdstrand, right, we will. but that patch is going to go out as a security update in the meantime based on 1:2013.1-0ubuntu2?16:44
jdstrandadam_g: that was my plan, yes16:45
jdstrandadam_g: so I do my thing, you cherrypick that patch for -proposed and we're both good16:46
adam_gjdstrand, okay. ill rebase on your update when its out, to preserve changelog history and patch references16:46
jdstrandthat'll work too16:46
adam_gjdstrand, thanks for keeping us posted (yesterday, too)16:46
jdstrandadam_g: np16:50
jdstrandadam_g: well, some goes for quantal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/1179707/comments/717:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1179707 in quantum "Meta bug for tracking OpenStack 2012.2.4 Stable Update" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:19
jdstrandadam_g: (but it is both nova and keystone that need updates)17:20
adam_gjdstrand, k thanks17:22
jdstrandadam_g: yesterday I thought it was implied that me trying to get an update out for precise meant that quantal and raring were needed to. I'll try to be more explicit next time17:24
Davieyjdstrand: Don't worry, i already briefed adam_g with the expectation we'd need to rebase these recent ones17:39
DavieyAt least i thought i did..17:40
mdeslaurSo, what's the status of md in precise...is it working ok now? I have two mirrored sata disks running 10.04, and was holding off upgrading...17:51
K4kIs there a way, perhaps through editing isolinux/gfxboot.cfg to remove the language prompt and install/try screen from the install CD?18:45
sarnoldK4k: investigate preseed files18:45
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K4ksarnold: That's what I'm working on now, I've created a preseed that automates _everything_ but the language select prompt before I select the preseed boot option for install18:54
K4knone of the locale or language d-i settings seem to affect it, only thing I've found so far is something mentioning hacking up gfxboot.inc but I'm not building this on an ubuntu or debian system so I don't have access to that tool.18:55
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I make a full backup of my server with rsnapshot? (I mean databases, files, emails, ...)19:06
RoyKmojtaba: I don't use rsnapshot, never had, but if it does an rdiff/rsync backup, it should work. but what database(s)?19:08
mojtabaRoyK: mysqls19:09
mojtabaRoyK: The problem with rsync is that I must use sudo19:10
RoyKmysql should be dumped regularly - backing up mysql data files may lead to inconcistency19:10
RoyKso if you dump the mysql dbs and backup the dumps, it shouldn't be much of an issue19:10
RoyKpostgresql is better in most ways (tm)19:11
mojtabaRoyK: Actually I am pretty new to linux and this is my first time I am going to backup in this way.19:11
mojtabaCan you help me to figure it up.19:11
RoyKmojtaba: see mysqldump - dump the mysql databases somewhere and backup the dump files19:12
RoyKas in19:12
RoyKmysqldump --all-databases -uUSER -pPASSWORD > /var/backup/mysql-`date -I`.sql19:13
RoyKor something19:13
RoyKadd that to cron19:13
mojtabawhat does dump do exactly?19:16
RoyKmojtaba: it dumps the whole database(s) to SQL code so that it can be recreated easily - try it on a test db19:17
K4kmeh, setting the isolinux.cfg timeout to 1 works well enough. I still get the prompt but it skips it faster than someone can react in order to change it.19:17
mojtabaRoyK: ok, thanks.19:17
resnoRoyK: do you have to stop mysql or can you dump  and keep moving?19:18
RoyKno, it needs to be running19:19
resnowow, i asked that question19:20
resnothats not how i meant it19:20
resnoill justleave it there though19:20
RoyKyou can't dump a mysql db without the DBMS running :P19:21
resnomaybe i can the db binaries?19:21
RoyKno reason19:21
RoyKjust dump the db while it's running19:21
resnono, im just being silly19:21
bcessahi, just a doubt, can you recommend an available open source alternative to the landscape service? thnx20:11
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hallynstgraber: heh, you know, I *do* have an error_string in the lxc_container struct since day 1.  just never got around to using it yet :)21:29
stgraberhallyn: ;)21:31
hallynanyway got shutdown and stop converted, will do destroy and create and send off21:32
Rick28Hey. I want to mount one folder from server A at server B. There should be read/write access just like a usual folder. What is the best protocol / FS for this? Are there better options than WebDAV?21:34
sarnoldRick28: investigate nfs and cifs21:35
Rick28Thanks sarnold.21:35
Rick28sarnold, What would you prefer? nfs or WebDAV for non sensitive big data transfer.21:39
Rick28over the net21:40
sarnoldRick28: I'd prefer NFS, it does a better job of providing posix-style filesystem gaurantees21:42
sarnoldRick28: cifs if I had to work with windows-like systems too21:42
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dewdropHi I am root, can I login to a user who doesn't have shell access?22:28
dewdropsudo su username says shell access is not enabled for the user. There must  be a way root can login into a suer right22:30
sarnolddewdrop: if 'sudo -u name -s' doesn't work, 'sudo -u name bash' should work..22:30
ScottKsudo -i then su name should work too.22:31
dewdropsarnold: thanks, 'sudo -u name -s' works22:31
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* fortmac is away: I'm busy22:56
nsahoohi. /boot ran out of space. I tried to remove the old kernels using dpkg directly. However, now I am getting some dependency error and can't fix it.22:58
nsahooit's asking me to run apt-get -f install, which fails saying, "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-server"22:59
sarnoldnsahoo: when /boot is full, I think removing one or two kernels by hand _before_ removing them by dpkg is the best approach..23:00
nsahoosarnold: after removing using dpkg, i freed some space. Now it's failing because of some dependency issues. Let me post a paste bin link23:01
nsahoohere is the paste bin link23:02
nsahoosome more information : http://pastebin.com/Nn2ELaMP23:03
jdstrandadam_g: fyi, nova and keystone published for precise-raring23:06
* jdstrand -> out23:06
GrueMasternsahoo: Have you tried running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ?  It might help to fix this.23:48

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