
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== dednick is now known as dednick|lunch
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Delivering a Unity 8 Desktop in Ubuntu 13.10 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21785/client-s-unity8-on-desktop/
seb128we just had a change of schedule, unity8 moved to 18utc13:53
seb128(some people couldn't make it to the old slot)13:53
seb128mterry_uds, kenvandine: do you have a conflict at 18utc?13:53
mterry_udsshould be fine13:54
kenvandinenah, was just excited :)13:54
seb128kenvandine, you have to be excited for the while morning then, even better!13:54
tedgSo what is going in this slot?13:55
seb128tedg, nothing13:55
kenvandineseb128, the next session is going to be weird then...13:55
seb128or "Provide more render types for Dash lens" if somebody wants to do that13:55
kenvandineit should go after the unity 8 session13:55
seb128the session seemed a kylin one with no subscriber that was scheduled by mistake13:55
seb128I dropped it13:55
* tedg doesn't want to do it13:56
seb128k, let's keep it dropped then13:56
tedgPerhaps we should just have the tedg and kenvandine comedy hour13:56
tedgThe Internet has been waiting for that.13:56
seb128can we get kenvandine to complaining about tedg's naming skills? ;-)13:56
kenvandinethe internets13:56
seb128to complain*13:57
* kenvandine just did :)13:57
seb128doh, can't type13:57
tedgseb128, That's all kenvandine does, not sure we could expect him to stop ;-)13:57
kenvandineseb128, what about the desktop unity polish for 13.10 session?  shouldn't that go after the unity 8 in 13.10 session?13:57
seb128kenvandine, there is no slot after 18utc13:57
kenvandinei know :)13:57
kenvandinebut having it first seems like a waste13:58
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
RAOFWait. Isn't the unity 8 in 13.10 session first?13:58
seb128kenvandine, what outcome from unity 8 is important?13:58
seb128RAOF, pmcgowan just asked me to change it to 18utc because tvoss can't make it13:59
rickspencer3morning all13:59
seb128RAOF, you can go sleep for an extra hour :p13:59
RAOFseb128: Extra hour? That's 4am.13:59
kenvandineseb128, i guess the unity polish session is really all about unity 714:00
seb128RAOF, make it extra 4 hours? ;-)14:00
seb128kenvandine, that's my guess14:00
ollican /me have an invite for the hangout pls14:00
olliseb128 ^14:00
kenvandineolli, no session14:00
kenvandinereschedule for 1800 utc14:00
seb128olli,  RAOF, pmcgowan just asked me to change it to 18utc because tvoss can't make it14:00
ollithat tvoss14:00
TheMusoWe have the wrap-up at 18:00... I didn't think sessions could conflict with that...14:01
seb128wrapup is 19utc14:03
olliwrap up? the closing plenary is 1900 utc14:03
bregmaand now I have a conflict with sessions at 1800, thanks14:03
GuidoPallemansI have an idea for unity 8, but I can't make it, now it is rescheduled... what are my options?14:03
seb128GuidoPallemans, it's a 18utc14:04
seb128bregma, what session conflicts?14:04
GuidoPallemansseb128: I know it is in 4 hours, but I can't be there since it has been rescheduled. How can I present my idea now?14:04
TheMusoSorry, I just got up, brain not working yet...14:04
bregmathe Unity8-on-desktop vs. the start-applications-with-upstart14:04
bregmaI'll get one of my henchmen to hassle Ted14:05
seb128GuidoPallemans, write them on the etherpad for the session?14:05
ollior catch bregma now if he has time14:05
seb128GuidoPallemans, http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1305-client-s-unity8-on-desktop14:05
GuidoPallemansoh, yeah, thanks for the tip :D14:05
bregmaevidently I have the time14:06
kenvandinebregma, great idea... we need more henchmen after tedg14:06
* tedg whips out his katana, "Bring on the henchmen!"14:08
tedgMy entire goal for that session is to make that foundation's problem, not mine :-)14:09
seb128bregma, the app launch stuff seems like a Trevinho topic ;-)14:10
GuidoPallemanscan anyone read my idea at http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1305-client-s-unity8-on-desktop ?is it worth sharing?14:10
GuidoPallemansand expressed well? I won't be able to attend14:11
seb128GuidoPallemans, the session is not really about discussing unity 8 design or feature14:11
seb128it's about how we make it available in Ubuntu14:11
GuidoPallemansoh ok14:11
GuidoPallemansis there a more applicable session for this?14:11
seb128you should probably just use #ubuntu-unity on IRC or the mailing list to discuss design ideas14:11
seb128I don't think so14:12
seb128but the team is available any day on IRC14:12
seb128you can just try to discuss the topic there14:12
GuidoPallemansI'll check that out then14:12
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
=== dednick|lunch is now known as dednick
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Desktop Unity Polish for 13.10 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21784/client-s-unity7-polish/
olliseb128, I'll take an invite for this one14:59
ollibregma, ^14:59
seb128olli, oh, this one is moved to 19utc...15:00
seb128joking ;-)15:00
seb128I should!15:00
seb128olli, bregma,  andyrock_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/62aab287aaaf62b9da6e28880c32a8d8de7fc4df?authuser=015:01
seb128trevinho, Trevinho|UDS: ^15:01
LimurxCompiz lost the Ring Switcher in 13.10 QQ15:02
seb128ok, session broadcast started15:06
ollishoot, forgot to grab me some coffee15:07
seb128video cast: http://youtu.be/g7CNGm9fZgQ15:07
didrocksolli: too late :p15:07
snwhthis is about the Polish version of 13.10 right? ;)15:09
olliwe confused bregma15:09
JohnLeathis is about the 13.10 default desktop15:10
didrocksolli: he looks confused!15:10
ollicorrect, what changes Unity 7 (nux) will see in 13.1015:10
bregmahad to close etherpad15:10
ollibregma, shall somebody else present on your behalf15:10
GuidoPallemanswhere are the blueprints?15:13
ollithat might be a short session ;)15:13
GuidoPallemansseb128: you think this moment might be suited for my idea too?15:15
olliif it's Unity 8 then probably not15:15
GuidoPallemansbut it's not strictly unity 815:15
seb128GuidoPallemans, not sure, ask bregma?15:17
GuidoPallemansthe hangout seems down15:18
seb128sorry, my box is ultraswapping15:18
seb128should be back up15:18
seb128GuidoPallemans, if you want to join the hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/62aab287aaaf62b9da6e28880c32a8d8de7fc4df?authuser=015:20
GuidoPallemansIdea: Let the launcher bar at the left react like on ubuntu touch, when dragging a finger from the side of the touchpad of a laptop - also possible: drag from top to go through indicators, drag from the right to do alt-tab, drag from bottom to open hud - should be possible to opt out (settings->mouse) - pro: nobody uses the side of the touchpad to initiate mouse movement anyway - con: scrolling with the right/bo15:20
GuidoPallemansinstalling plugin...15:21
ollihad network issues15:23
LimurxIs there still no plan on including the "Use online results" option to the installer?15:27
balloonsso did I miss the est. dates for landing these things?15:28
bregmaballoons, 100 scopes is in the next few weeks, compiz trunk probably sooner, other things later, and bugfixes are ongoing15:29
seb128chromium as default in 5 minutes16:01
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Foundations | Chromium as default browser | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21788/foundations-1305-chromium-default-browser/
qenghoseb128: what's the URL for joining discussion?16:01
seb128qengho, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f161b5a8b434d23cba668ceb7b223ff6eafde420?authuser=016:01
seb128session is in 5 minutes, I started the hangout16:02
seb128just grabbing a drink and I will be back16:02
=== chrisccoulson is now known as firefox-is-aweso
firefox-is-awesoah crap, not enough characters16:05
=== firefox-is-aweso is now known as chrisccoulson
TheMusofirefox-is-aweso: Not quite, nick character length limit. :p16:05
TheMusochrisccoulson: ^^16:05
TheMusochrisccoulson: But I happen to agree with you.16:05
seb128chrisccoulson, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f161b5a8b434d23cba668ceb7b223ff6eafde420?authuser=016:06
chrisccoulsonyou're going to make me install google software now? ;)16:06
seb128chrisccoulson, bet we are!16:07
achiangchad looks like the most interesting man in the world ;)16:07
TheMusoThe blueprint mentions some.16:07
nik90you should check the pad..there are a list of reasons against chromium16:08
seb128oh, I can see a chrisccoulson16:10
seb128chrisccoulson, how is google's software working? ;-)16:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, i hate it16:11
chrisccoulsoni install google-talkplugin at the end of the session :P16:11
pumpichankdoes chromium support multiple different profiles?  i use that a lot with firefox16:12
jj345I'm a long-time Ubuntu user...it doesn't make sense to me why Ubuntu would switch from Firefox...Chromium is dominated by for-profit Google, which is supporting DRM and other things at odds with Ubuntu's values16:12
vasa1will Chromium continue lagging Chrome stable or have you sorted out whatever build issues there are?16:12
jdstrandjasoncwarner: fyi, I added a question to the bottom of the etherpad16:13
mdeslaurdoes v8 have arm64 support?16:13
jasoncwarnerjdstrand: could you paste it here?16:13
nik90Question: What about adobe-flash support? Will Chromium automatically retrieve the latest adobe-flash package?16:13
jdstrandjasoncwarner: what are the plans for security support? (ie, we have predisclosure with mozilla but haven't with chromium in the past). Lack of predisclosure could delay timely updates16:13
roadmrchromium is very in-your-face about wanting you to log in, which potentially allows it to tie your activities to your account. Potential privacy implications should be considered, i.e. bringing another organization (amazon, now google) into the controversy?16:14
victorp-udsjasoncwarner,  the arm64 is more interesting.. since soon it will be the default ARM arch I will think16:14
victorp-udsbut I cant imagine google wont fix that for the chromebooks though16:14
pumpichankdoes chromium support multiple different profiles?  i use that a lot with firefox16:15
madjrmy default browser is chomium specially due to a couple of extensions, but specially because setting up sync on firefox tends to be harder, so I give up16:15
mdeslaurpumpichank: I believe that's going away in firefox16:15
pumpichankdoes chromium support multiple different profiles?  i use that a lot with firefox16:16
* Laney eyes pumpichank 16:16
pumpichankdoes chromium support multiple different profiles?  i use that a lot with firefox16:16
Laneyhe's asking the question once per profile16:16
chrisccoulsonpumpichank, yes, i believe it does16:16
barrygoodness, kiwi is horrible16:17
madjr@pumpichank any questions prefix with QUESTION and dont worry they will get to you16:17
jdstrandqengho: fyi, firefox only very recently got the pdf.js in Ubuntu16:18
alex-abreuyes for pds,js !16:19
alex-abreuexcept that it might not be very stable16:19
achiangchromium is much more performant on ARM16:19
chrisccoulsonalex-abreu, it should be more stable in theory, as it doesn't add any extra native code or additional API's (and thus doesn't widen the attack surface either)16:20
chrisccoulsonunlike things like adobe reader ;)16:20
mdeslaurhangout just died16:20
mfischsame here16:20
TheMusoAnd we want to use more Google products in our distro. Awesome idea.16:20
jasoncwarnercan everyone see us?16:21
jdstrandjasoncwarner: no16:21
alex-abreuchrisccoulson, sure I was using the word stable as in ... "works" for a great variety of PDFs and is secruity proof (using & testing it w/ malformed / malign dfs)16:21
Laneythere's probably some lag16:21
mdeslaurjasoncwarner: hangouts died16:21
jdstrand"We'll be right back"16:21
seb128still down?16:21
mdeslauroh! back up now16:21
jasoncwarnerI'll continue with the questions from the top16:21
mfischchrisccoulson: its back now16:21
blitzkrieg3its back16:21
=== blitzkrieg3 is now known as jmleddy
jdstrandvideo is back16:22
madjr@pumpichank any questions prefix with QUESTION and dont worry they will get to you16:22
nik90jasoncwarner, chrisccoulson: you guys are back..no worries16:22
madjr@pumpichank any questions prefix with QUESTION and dont worry they will get to you16:22
madjr@pumpichank any questions prefix with QUESTION and dont worry they will get to you16:22
madjrhate kiwi16:23
alex-abreuQUESTIOn/IDEA did we try to create some bridges w/ some chromium/google devs to ease up the collaboration or something (I am thinking about the more and more restricted amount of enabled plugins etc.)16:23
alex-abreuthis ^ thinking about webapps16:24
qenghopumpichank: yes, arbitrary profiles.16:24
qenghoCommand-line switch.16:24
madjr@TheMuso if people already use google products is not like not having it default will keep them from using it :p16:24
nik90chrisccoulson: yes16:25
qenghoTheMuso:   Chromium:Google :: Ubuntu:Canonical.   Just a sponsor.16:25
alex-abreujasoncwarner, chromium automatic checks for outdated plugins .. and warns you about it w/ a banner16:25
qenghoalex-abreu: Chromium does something similar.  Upstream even blacklists ones that are insecure.16:26
TheMusoqengho: I know about the relationship with chromium and Google.16:27
alex-abreuqengho, yes, ... I had to work around that w/ webapps remember16:27
alex-abreuand we don't control that nor are aware of what there plans are16:27
qenghoTheMuso: So, your complaint with other code?  You don't like libprotobuf or something?16:27
mdeslaurCan we please the native window decorations turned on by default in the chromium package so it at least _looks_ like other ubuntu apps?16:27
seb128and has the win buttons on the same side16:27
madjr@TheMuso if people already use google products is not like not having it default will keep them from using it :p16:27
chrisccoulsonalex-abreu, it's the same for firefox (mozilla have a blocklist for plugins and addons that we don't control)16:28
alex-abreuand the message that I had from some of their guys was a bit "discouraging" from the perspective of linux default plugins16:28
qenghomdeslaur: native win dec will be on by default in next.  Already done.16:28
madjrQUESTION: what's best for the convergence ? or doesnt matter because Ubuntu's own browser from the phablet, be 16:28
mdeslaurqengho: cool, thanks16:28
jj345I am not clear on the main rationale for switching to Chromium as the default16:28
TheMusoqengho: I trust Firefox somewhat more than I do Google.16:28
alex-abreuchrisccoulson, yeah, but their extension mechanism w/ jsctypes allows for an easier integration that does not require binary plugins16:28
LaneyI've heard a lot of "Why Chromium wouldn't be so bad" but not a lot of "Why Chromium is better than Firefox"16:29
alex-abreumost of the time16:29
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, ditto ;)16:29
achiangjj345: many people feel that chromium is faster/snappier16:29
bashrcI don't have a strong preference, but I also tend to trust Mozilla more than Google16:29
jj345Will Canonical make more money from Google with Chromium as the default vs Firefox?16:29
achiangi have to say, i run both side-by-side daily, and ffx definitely feels slower and pokier16:30
achiangthat's on x86, and the difference is even starker on ARM16:30
Laneyhas that been measured?16:30
qenghojj345: No. Probably less, in fact. The default "Home" page isn't a google $earch any more.16:31
jj345I don't understand, Firefox has bigger market share https://www.netmarketshare.com/16:31
chrisccoulsontake figures for any of these sites with a pinch of salt16:31
achiangLaney: i've tried measuring, but it's really hard to do an apples-to-apples16:31
chrisccoulsonthey all tell you something different ;)16:32
seb128jj345, situation is different in different countries16:32
Laneyyeah, like all brits use safari16:32
seb128as well16:32
seb128Laney, they do, I read it on the internet this morning!16:32
achiangthe brits *invented* safari! (and tea time)16:32
roadmrThere's plenty of open slots in the hangout so if you're participating actively perhaps you'd consider joining16:32
alex-abreuachiang, ... and jello ...16:32
vasa1will Chromium continue lagging Chrome stable or have you sorted out whatever build issues there are?16:32
qenghovasa1: those are never more than several days behind.  There's one right now, but it's not normal.16:33
jcastroso what's the security window then16:34
mdeslaurI wish chromium had a print preview feature16:34
jcastrosay it's 2 days after a stable chrome release and it fixes some security issues16:34
LaneyI don't know how much I find raw usage stats compelling as they can be influenced by a lot of factors16:34
jj345Missed this one: Will Canonical make more money from Google with Chromium as the default vs Firefox?16:34
qenghojj345: No. Probably less, in fact. The default "Home" page isn't a google $earch any more.16:35
jj345qengho: ok thanks16:35
Laneya usability study comparing the two would probably be good16:35
mdeslaurjcastro: +116:35
TheMusoWhat are we going to be using on mobile? I know it will be webkit based, but will it be Chromium or another frontend to webkit?16:36
jcastroalso do we care that there's no built in pdf reader in chromium? Or do we just punt to evince?16:36
achiangTheMuso: highly likely *not* actual chromium16:37
mdeslaurHow much work is involved porting firefox vs chromium to mir?16:37
seb128jcastro, we didn't have a pdf viewer in firefox for years either16:37
qenghojcastro: we punt.  We ask evince to implement pepper API.16:37
jj345WebKit or Blink?16:37
madjrQUESTION: what you guys think about Blink ? will it affect web apps or16:37
qenghojj345: webkit, specifically.16:38
TheMusoachiang: Is that going to be the case for the converged story as well?16:38
jcastroqengho: thanks sorry I missed it earlier.16:38
jj345qengho: thx16:38
achiangTheMuso: i don't know the plans for converged browser, unfortunately16:38
TheMusoachiang: Ok I'll guess I will have to wait till next cycle.16:38
jdstrandjj345: see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-webkit-maintenance16:40
jdstrandjj345: it's off-topic for this, but it is being discussed16:40
jj345y it is a bit off-topic, was curious, thanks16:41
jasoncwarnerany other questions?16:41
jcastroI have some questions about webapps16:41
jcastromind if I pop in the hangout?16:41
jasoncwarnerjcastro: sure16:42
Laneywhat's the update policy going to be for chromium in stable releaes?16:42
seb128jcastro, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f161b5a8b434d23cba668ceb7b223ff6eafde420?authuser=016:42
Laneyand will we continue to see firefox updated in the same way either way?16:42
jj345what's the next step in this process?16:42
achiangQUESTION: are we committed to backporting chromium to older LTS, for *all* architectures? :)16:42
achiang(at least arm*)16:42
qenghoachiang: all supported!16:42
jasoncwarnerachiang: not arm16:43
qenghoall supported ubuntu releases get today's chromium.16:43
jasoncwarnerachiang: j/k16:43
chrisccoulsononly powerpc16:43
achiangjasoncwarner: i hate you for giving me a temporary heart attack16:43
* achiang forces jasoncwarner to eat a carb-laden potato16:44
rickspencer3aiui webapps will not be impacted by a switch to chromium16:45
rickspencer3I can join and explain16:45
alex-abreujcastro, about webapps ... webapps already work on chromium16:45
chrisccoulsonachiang, jasoncwarner will accept the potato if it comes with a steak16:45
alex-abreuand w/ the chromless16:45
achiangchrisccoulson: no steak, just a tofurkey for extra punishment16:46
rickspencer3webapps are being built around QtWebkit16:46
rickspencer3jcastro, ^16:46
jcastrogot it, thanks!16:46
rickspencer3jcastro, deep design16:46
rickspencer3nah, jasoncwarner explained it16:46
jasoncwarnerabout 15 minutes left...any other questions or concerns?16:46
madjrQUESTION: what you guys think about Blink ? will it affect web apps or16:47
rickspencer3QUESTION: what about the Ubuntu Touch Browser? can I run that on my netbook?16:47
* rickspencer3 assumes it will be faster16:47
madjrsorry kiwi hates me16:47
alex-abreujasoncwarner, do we have a blueprint page for the work (or potential work involved) ? ...16:47
rickspencer3I can answer madjr's question if necessary16:48
alex-abreurickspencer3, it should indeed16:48
roadmrQUESTION: The point of the session was to consider whether to switch, how will this decision be taken, given the feedback and points raised here today, and how/when will this be announced?16:48
Laneyrickspencer3: it was an accidental question16:48
Laneythe web interface has a habit of repeating peoples lines16:48
madjrpackaged apps: http://developer.chrome.com/trunk/apps/about_apps.html16:48
roadmrjasoncwarner: yes, question answered, I blame the ~2-minute youtube lag :)16:49
jasoncwarnerroadmr: no worries ;)16:50
jasoncwarnerlast chance! any more questions?16:50
qenghoalex-abreu: the /topic has a Blueprint link, which will have these work items for closing the feature gaps.16:50
chrisccoulsonis the lag actually that bad?16:50
alex-abreuqengho, oops sorry missed that16:50
rickspencer3not a troll!16:50
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: yes, pretty bad16:50
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: :)16:50
alex-abreuchrisccoulson, it is bad :)16:50
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: like 30 secs16:50
rickspencer3I find chromium to be massively faster on my older hardware16:50
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: I believe that is the consensus16:51
jcastroI find it to be a tradeoff, faster but more RAM is used.16:51
alex-abreurickspencer3, +116:51
chrisccoulsoni don't have old hardware ;)16:51
jcastrobut I run it on an Atom machine and it's pretty snappy16:51
rickspencer3jcastro, well, I have a 1gig netbook, and firefox kills it16:51
alex-abreujcastro, it might actually change w/ blink as they have more controler over allocators & all16:51
jasoncwarnerthanks everyone...ending the hangout, though we can continue chatting here16:51
achiangjcastro: chromium is *much* faster on ufa ;)16:51
jcastroubuntu for android16:52
chrisccoulsoni think it's well established that firefox desktop sucks on arm16:52
rickspencer3thanks jasoncwarner16:52
mdeslaurthanks everyone16:52
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3 I have moved exclusively to chromium from firefox on my old machines, just FYI. that is an n=1 datapoint, but I find it much, much faster.16:52
chrisccoulsonwhich is why mozilla rewrote firefox for android ;)16:52
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, n=2, I'm the same16:52
rickspencer3firefox brings my older hardware to it's knees16:53
rickspencer3like, I can't look at FB on my netbook in Firefox :(16:53
seb128that's fb's fault :p16:53
rickspencer3I take it these points were well tread in the session that I missed16:53
rickspencer3seb128, well, it works fine in Chromium16:53
seb128but yeah, the performances difference was discussed earlier in the session16:54
rickspencer3seb128, did they discuss the profiles features in Chromium16:54
rickspencer3it is so awesome16:54
madjrwill chrome packaged apps work on chromium ? they dont look like browser tabs16:54
alex-abreumadjr, why wouldn't they?16:55
alex-abreumadjr, they run chromeless but all the support is in chromium no chrome16:55
madjra cool16:55
madjra cool16:56
madjra cool16:56
madjranother +1 for chromium then (till ff catches up)16:56
Laneymmm, well we've been criticised in the past for enumerating deficiencies in default applications while trying to argue to switch away from them and not before16:57
Laneylike "you have all these problems that are so serious that we can't advocate your software any more but we never raised them with you as such"16:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
* Laney will probably try to say something more eloquent in response to the thread17:03
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
bubbly193I see no problem, since I already switch my default to chromium on new installs anyway17:37
bubbly193i can attest that on my 1gig machine, Firefox runs just as poorly17:47
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Delivering a Unity 8 Desktop in Ubuntu 13.10 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21785/client-s-unity8-on-desktop/
tvossseb128, you running this session?17:58
olliI thought bregma is17:59
bregmadoesn't the track lead set up the session?18:00
tvossbregma, that's what I was thinking :)18:00
seb128tvoss, bregma: I "host" the session18:00
tvossseb128, ah :) bregma should obviously lead :)18:00
seb128but I don't have an agenda of what to discuss to "lead"18:00
seb128starting the hangout now18:00
seb128I will give you the link in 30s18:01
olli1 mississippi18:01
olli2 mississippi18:02
seb128olli, tvoss, bregma: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/0f27676dfa03ae37619f5f68d91ed49e6acd0532?authuser=018:02
seb128be back in 2min, but the hangout is open18:02
seb128feel free to ping whoever else should join18:02
seb128tvoss, how do you do the floating yellow head thing? ;-)18:05
tvossseb128, in the toolbox :)18:05
rickspencer3"floating yellow head thing"?18:07
tvossrickspencer3, the one in the video :)18:08
seb128rickspencer3, http://youtu.be/CDmOboGlutU18:08
rickspencer3is stephen web on a boat?18:08
seb128too late18:08
seb128you get real tvoss now18:08
thomibregma: it should build for saucy as well18:11
thomibregma: u-s-c that is18:12
thomiin the PPA18:12
rickspencer3seems like if you could make a PPA you could get it into main18:12
rickspencer3just as easy18:12
seb128yeah, main just need a MIR with security review18:14
TheMusoI was under the impression that Mir was needed for the phone image in October anyway, which means the archive.18:14
seb128which is no problem, just a few days/weeks delay to have reviews done18:14
kgunnseb128: ack18:14
rickspencer3it has to get into the archives for 13.10 at some point18:15
rickspencer3just need someone who is motu to package and upload it, right seb128?18:16
kenvandineyou really only need it in main when we want to seed it18:16
kenvandinewe don't need that for 13.1018:16
kenvandineuniverse is fine18:16
kgunnkenvandine: rickspencer3 (i'm learning) what's meant by seed?18:17
kenvandinein the default install18:17
kenvandinefor 13.10 universe and unseeded for the desktop should be fine18:18
kenvandinebut seeded for the phone18:18
seb128rickspencer3, yes, but in practice we just want it to the daily landing stacks18:18
seb128in the daily*18:18
sergiusenskgunn: tvoss bregma can't this be added to daily release?18:19
kenvandinesergiusens, sure18:19
kenvandinesergiusens, we need to18:19
sergiusenskenvandine: assuming there are no clashes I guess18:19
seb128there was a discussion earlier this week/today about making the new scope not conflict with the old ones18:19
sergiusensSaviq: has to be in main I've been told18:19
seb128so old and new unity would use different ones18:19
kenvandinethey need to be parallel installable18:20
seb128kenvandine, ^18:20
Saviqsergiusens, why main?18:20
seb128that was discussed in the scopes session yesterday18:20
kenvandinesergiusens, no18:20
kenvandineit doesn't need to be in main18:20
Saviqkenvandine, yeah, they are18:20
kenvandinewe land universe packages already with daily release18:20
sergiusenskenvandine: ok, thought ogra mentioned it needed to be in main18:20
pmcgowanbregma, I think these are all being worked already18:23
pmcgowantalk to phonedations18:23
pmcgowanand didrocks18:23
kenvandinethe apps are all setup to daily release for saucy already18:25
Saviqyikes :D18:26
tvossSaviq, haven't heard that before? :)18:26
sergiusenskenvandine: did that happen already? Or is it, we are ready to flip the switch?18:26
Saviqtvoss, no ;)18:26
kenvandinesergiusens, i think we are ready to flip the switch18:26
kenvandinebut it's all ready to flip18:26
sergiusenskenvandine: ok, so we are still in sync :-)18:26
kenvandineSaviq, phonedations == Saviq18:26
sergiusenskenvandine: the saucy move is coming soon18:26
rickspencer3\o/ can't wait to run the touch apps on my netbook18:27
sergiusensbregma: so the list of stuff affecting desktop is indicator-network, indicator-messages, regarding indicators18:27
sergiusensit shouldn't18:28
sergiusensjasoncwarner: it shouldn't18:28
rickspencer3QUESTION: do you envision the preview being installed by default in 13.10, or is it something I will install to get access?18:28
bregmanor by default18:28
TheMusorickspencer3: Going by previous discussion, I think it will be an optional install.18:28
sergiusensCOMMENT: everything here is targeted for archives: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next18:29
sergiusensCOMMENT we have meta packages18:29
sergiusensSaviq: everything in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next/+packages18:31
Saviqjasoncwarner, ^18:32
ollirickspencer3, did this answer your q18:32
rickspencer3olli, sorry, I was in another session18:33
rickspencer3unless you meant TheMuso's answer, then "yes" it answered my question18:33
ollirickspencer3, we dedicated valuable 4min of our air time to answer your question ;)18:33
ollirickspencer3, in essence: to be decided18:34
rickspencer3olli, ok18:34
rickspencer3I can replay the video later ;)18:34
ollidepending on quality18:34
rickspencer3olli, ack, that makes sense18:34
sergiusensolli: your question regarding rickspencer3 is just showing up for me now18:35
olliah, lovely delay18:35
ollioh good, so rick can listen to the discussion18:36
rickspencer3listening now18:38
rickspencer3interesting discussion18:38
Cimiagree with didrocks18:42
jasoncwarnereveryone always agrees with didrocks ... funny how that works ;)18:43
didrocksjasoncwarner: \o/18:43
rickspencer3nous sommes en accord18:43
rickspencer3jasoncwarner, ^18:43
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: hey, I got that ;)18:44
seb128google hangout error again, it's reconnecting18:44
seb128sorry guysd18:44
seb128should be back?18:44
rickspencer3I thought seb128's "gar" was in response to my French :)18:44
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3: his gar works on multiple levels. he's deep...like a woody allen movie or something (french like him, right?).18:45
TheMusoSurely if bug reports are being filed after saucy is released, they should be treated with some priority given the converged focus of 14.04.18:45
seb128rickspencer3, lol, no, that was good ;-)18:45
jasoncwarnerabout to wrap up. Any other questions or comments?18:46
LimurxQUESTION: Will this pretty flower be part of the 13.10 unity greeter? :D18:47
rickspencer3"anybody know how far the stream is behind"?18:47
Cimiit depends if you click the 'Live' button or not18:47
olliI just checked ~2min18:47
mterry_udsLimurx, it's still part of the phone greeter design, but not for desktop likely18:47
Cimiwas way less olli18:47
Cimijust click 'Live'18:47
olliI did18:48
mterry_uds(for 13.10)18:48
ollilast call... any questions18:48
seb128rickspencer3,  hum, "a certain amonth of time"? ;-)18:48
=== blitzkrieg3 is now known as jmleddy
Cimiolli, it's instant for me, less than 30s18:48
didrocksrickspencer3: un certain temps indéterminé18:48
sergiusensCimi: that should be a default!18:48
didrocks(let's continue on the French trending)18:48
Limurxmterry_uds: Looking forward to it!18:49
seb128didrocks, en temps certain? (comme le fut du canon)18:49
alex_abreudidrocks, that's doubly vague ... "certain"/"indertermine" :)18:49
didrocksalex_abreu: on purpose! :)18:50
seb128thomas "yellow head" voss was back for a moment!18:50
tvossseb128, yeah, without a scarf ...18:50
* tvoss waits for someone to twitter about that *cough cough*18:50
Limurxmterry_uds: Looking forward to it!18:51
Limurxmterry_uds: Looking forward to it!18:51
Limurxmterry_uds: Looking forward to it!18:51
Limurxmterry_uds: Looking forward to it!18:51
LimurxSorry the irc was somehow bugged18:52
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1
CraigWould you be able to include or easily add on pepperflash to your Chromium as it is much more current then then the flash we have on ubuntu22:17

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