
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== dednick is now known as dednick|lunch
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Autopilot support for previous Ubuntu releases | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21796/client-1305-autopilot-old-builds/
thomiballoons: ready to join us in the fishbowl?13:58
balloonsthomi, linky? I have the wonderful fortune of hosting another session :-)13:59
balloonsso I'll launch that then hop into this one14:00
thomiballoons: haven't got it yet. wil PM you14:00
jasoncwarnerhangout for Autopilot session: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e23baffdc642146a169a4f631dbf4c8e19efd198?authuser=0&hl=en14:00
balloonsohh bother, maybe I can't join 2 at once :-(14:02
balloonsso it sounds like no quantal support14:09
dbarthmmrazik, thomi: sorry, i beg to difer; it would be great to have the last changes on 12.04 for testing the greeter/session scenario14:09
dbarthi'd like to know whether someone can help on fixing the gtk module, or whether i should take that on my plate14:09
dbarthno gripes, just to know where to go14:10
balloonsi don't see an issue with no quantal or precise support for my needs / community needs.. others can chime in if they disagree :-)14:10
gemadbarth: there was a session yesterday and they agreed to maintain it (I think)14:10
balloonsI think most will be running saucy or raring14:10
gemaor fix it and then someone else can maintain it14:10
balloonsdbarth, yes, check out this session: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-s-testing-technologies14:10
dbarthok, sorry; i was getting mixed messages on that front14:11
mmrazikdbarth: regarding 12.04 is there any development on top of 12.04?14:11
mmrazikaren't you moving to something more recent?14:11
dbarthi can do the work, that's not the problem; if you guys (rightly) think it's not a wise use of resources14:13
sergiusensChrisGagnon-uds: isn't UfA using AP?14:13
dbarthyup, we can do that for now; maybe that will help others; otherwise at least it will unblock our tests on the good old platform14:16
dbarthi appreciate that you guys have tons of your plate and i don't mind dirtying my hands in gtk for a bit to get that sorted14:16
mmrazikok dbarth :)14:17
dbarthand so with that said; consider precise and quantal as non targets now ;)14:17
olliQUESTION: did you guys cover backward compatibility yet?14:18
ollijust asking as one of the reasons why we can't land smart scopes atm is that apparently 1.4 broke the regression tests14:20
gemabackward compatibility of the shell, of ubuntu or of autopilot being able to run old tests?14:20
olliwhich is somewhat unfortunate14:21
gema(sorry, didn't understand the question)14:21
olliI was thinking of the latter gema14:21
gemaolli: ack14:21
sergiusensmmrazik: cwayne tells me he'd join soon and that they are planning on using it14:21
ollimmrazik, ^14:21
gemathomi: indeed x)14:21
mmrazikolli: do you have more details on that?14:21
mmrazikolli: 1.3 indeed broke the compatibility because of the features we needed to support touch14:22
ollithat's what didrocks & pawel told me14:22
mmrazikolli: I didn't know there are autopilot tests for scopes14:22
mmrazikolli: we can help them with porting14:22
mmrazikto 1.314:22
gemaCOMMENT: It'd be good to know that any tests we write now are going to be able to run in the future, with the caveat of course that if the shell changes, the tests will need changing probably as well14:22
olliI think that with a growing number of test cases keeping them somewhat stable where possible should be a goal14:22
sergiusensmmrazik: to be honest, the change could of been made without breaking... code base would of been ugly but it would of been doable14:23
gemasergiusens: +100014:23
mmrazikgema: I think you need to make sure you are using autopilot 1.314:23
mmrazikand not the one from raring14:23
gemammrazik: I will make sure of that14:23
thomiany autopilot questions?14:24
gemathomi: or if you change it, you do extend it, not break compability14:24
gemathomi: you can add your new stuff without breaking the old14:24
* gema has a simplistic view of things...14:24
sergiusensfginther: do you need to ppa_sync to force a rebuild?14:25
olliwell, sometimes (e.g. when the code base becomes too "ugly" due to providing compatibility) you might decide to break it14:25
balloonsi found the migration from autopilot 1.2 to autopilot 1.3 seemingly easy..14:25
balloonsfingers crossed, I haven't converted many yet14:25
gemaolli: agreed, but should be the exception, rather than the norm from one release to the next14:26
sergiusensballoons: it is, it's just many projects and no big announcements ;-)14:26
gemaolli: it seems normal to me that with the new shell things had to change on the testing side as well14:26
sergiusensthomi: fginther: you can backout14:28
fginthersergiusens, I'm not sure I understand the question. (lag and all)14:28
gemafginther: are you also a contact person for autopilot (a dev) in a US timezone?14:28
sergiusensfginther: thomi if it was a superseeded package it's doable14:28
fginthergema, yes14:28
mmrazikgema: fginther and ChrisGagnon are involved in autopilot14:28
sergiusensno need for dput14:28
fginthersergiusens, thx14:29
gemammrazik, fginther: excellent, thanks14:29
mmrazikwith Chris being fairly new to the codebase14:29
* gema nods at thomi's complain for timezone problems :D14:30
plarsyou are a victim of autopilot's popularity :)14:30
sergiusensthomi: you should use the mailing list more14:30
plars+1, '/query thomi' is always helpful, but doesn't scale and isn't fair to thomi14:31
veebersthomi: a channel or a mailing list sounds good14:31
sergiusensthomi: the announcement of 1.3 there would of been a good start14:31
ChrisGagnon-uds+1 an autopilot channel on freenode is a good idea14:31
gemabut then others read it and can answer, or you could have "Vanguards"14:31
balloonsthomi, you sleep? lol14:31
cwaynei thought we made an autopilot users mailing list last uds?14:31
plarsI like mailing list for dev discussion, irc for quick questions and general discussion14:31
gemacwayne: some questions can be dealt with much quicker than by email14:31
gemacwayne: the problem is that PM-ing thomi takes a full day for us in europe14:32
thomiPORTING GUIDE ^^14:32
balloonsit might be easier for the people "watching" for questions to have a specific channel14:32
cwaynegema: i was just asking if it was created, not suggesting it as the only form of communication14:32
balloonsbut I have no problem with everyone hanging in #ubuntu-quality14:32
gemacwayne: ahhh, I thought it was created x)14:32
balloonswe'll try not and ping thomi constantly :-)14:32
gemaballoons: I am going to make a script that does "/query thomi ping"14:33
thomiany final questions?14:33
gemathen when he pongs next day I ask x)14:33
=== dednick|lunch is now known as dednick
thomiotherwise, we are outta here14:33
thomi10 seconds14:33
balloonsgema, yea i guess i'm lucky i can catch him first thing in the morning14:33
gemaballoons: indeed14:33
thomijasoncwarner: we're done14:33
balloonsthanks everyone :-)14:34
gemathanks guys14:34
dbarththanks guys14:35
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Print Dialog Design for Ubuntu Touch | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21737/client-1305-mobile-print-dialog/
jasoncwarnerhangout for print dialogue session https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5275aee2933c6dfbac5ad792b10ca7fceb4b9bba?authuser=0&hl=en15:00
* tedg doesn't see video15:06
jasoncwarnerhi everyone15:10
jasoncwarnersorry, running a bit late. trying to wrangle some folks!15:10
jasoncwarnerkgunn: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5275aee2933c6dfbac5ad792b10ca7fceb4b9bba?authuser=0&hl=en15:12
jasoncwarnertedg care to join the hangout https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5275aee2933c6dfbac5ad792b10ca7fceb4b9bba?authuser=0&hl=en15:13
tkamppeterjasoncwarner, there is nothing written up, should I simple add the work item "Contact design" to the Blueprint?15:22
jasoncwarnertkamppeter: yes, please do15:23
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | PDF Renderer for Ubuntu Touch | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21738/client-1305-pdf-renderer-for-ubuntu-touch/
tsdgeosis the video for the pdf thing on?16:08
seb128tsdgeos, I think I can dropped from the schedule due to conflict, but check with tkamppeter16:15
tsdgeosno worries16:16
tkamppetertsdgeos, this session was canceled.16:16
tsdgeosit would have been cool if it was canclled not like 5 minutes ago :D16:17
tkamppetertsdgeos, but if you have any contribution to this question, fell free to post here on IRC now.16:17
tsdgeosi already gave you my contrbiuion 2 months ago16:17
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2
tkamppetertsdgeos, are you employee at canonical? Then you should join on #canonical at Canonical.16:18
tsdgeosare we not a free an open souce community now?16:18
tsdgeoswhat difference does it make if i'm a canonical employee or not?16:19
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Provide more render types for Dash lens | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21772/client-1305-more-render-types-for-dash/
whzhang https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b918f0e322d689c3a0f0933e1519752ab305f489?authuser=0&hl=en18:02
whzhangis Andrea on line?18:03
jasoncwarnerHi folks. we'll get started in a few minutes18:03
jasoncwarnerjust waiting for a few more people to join the hangout18:03
jasoncwarnerHI all - This session is going to get cancelled. Unfortunately some necessary people are not available. The discussion will be taken to the mailing lists instead. Sorry for the late notice.18:10
jasoncwarnerany concerns, get in touch with me.18:10
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2

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