
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
=== Cracknel_ is now known as Cracknel
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Enterprise Desktop Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21801/community-1305-ubuntu-enterprise-desktop-roundtable/
dholbachwho wanted to be part of the "Ubuntu Enterprise Desktop Roundtable" discussion?13:56
ballockI do :)13:57
OveRisbergI do13:57
dholbachanyone else who wants to join in today? anyone who wants to get on the hangout?14:01
dholbachsome new folks joined irc, so anyone else who wants to join in today? anyone who wants to get on the hangout?14:04
=== rbasak-test is now known as rbasak
gQuigscan I join hangout?14:05
MichelVHello Ove14:06
dholbachMichelV, want to join the hangout too?14:06
OveRisbergHi Michel :)14:07
MichelVCurrently do not have access to a webcam.14:07
dholbachthat's no problem14:07
MichelVWill try to find a headset and a cam. One moment.14:08
fr33r1d3I believe there are many out there who wants to start help spread Ubuntu on the companies, but its hard to know where to start.14:09
rbasakI see that this session is headed "Desktop" so I don't want to derail it by talking about server. I wonder though to what extent enterprise desktop solutions based on Ubuntu need related services from Ubuntu Server, and where we might be falling short there. This is probably off-topic, but the people here might be able to comment. So if you have any insight, please let us know on the ubuntu server list at ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com if th14:09
OveRisbergServers is also important so please join us in the Hangout14:10
MichelVDo you have a url for the hangout14:10
chilukYou mentioned live meeting.  Why not use google hangout?  Or bigbluebutton?14:11
OveRisbergWe are also using Hangouts but we have to be able to join a livemmeting and see the shared screen14:11
chilukbigbluebutton can be hosted internally, and you can write your own authentication plugins.14:12
chilukhangouts provide shared screen functionality14:12
chilukI know it's really a social problem as much as technical.... You have to train the windows users to play nice with their linux counterparts.14:13
MichelVDo you have the hanggout url again. Had some startup problems14:13
fr33r1d3Is it possible to join on G+? what url?14:16
jdstrandballock: fyi, the mozilla updates are prepared in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+packages14:16
dholbachfr33r1d3, hang on14:16
jdstrandballock: there are usually a few days where it is in there14:16
mdeslaurHave you ever thought of having a local updates repository that you delay a few days?14:17
mdeslaurDon't you have the same problem with firefox on windows?14:17
rbasakSecurity updates can't go through -proposed, AIUI. Updates that break things are an upstream thing - AIUI, we don't have any choice but to follow what upstream want to do, because we can't get security updates any other way.14:17
rbasakAIUI, the solution is to stage your updates through a local repository, and there are tools that can help you with this.14:18
jdstrandhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+packages is a native ppa and controlled by the security team14:18
eujfirefox doesn't update automatically on windows14:20
jdstrandrbasak: they actually can go through proposed, but do not normally because we don't want to delay up to a week14:20
eujor well it does but not via os upgrades14:20
rbasakjdstrand: didn't realise you guys were here. I'll step out of the way :)14:20
=== victorp_ is now known as victorp-uds
zulrbasak:  security team is everywhere14:20
satishWhat are your plans for supporting products for Ubuntu platform to work with Microsoft Lync product. Lot of demand from enterprise Ubuntu users14:21
fisch246exchange is a big problem on Linux. Specifically with no exchange 2013 support. If your work uses outlook, it would be using exchange 2013. So if the admin isn't smart enough to provide pop or imap, there's no way to get email but through webmail. This is a minimum interface outside of using the IE browser. No options to forward or anything.14:21
eujexchange imap support is really not quite there14:22
eujwe have dovecot as proxy for exchange imap which works quite well14:23
zullanscape anyone?14:23
satishwe are on14:25
dholbachsatish, want to join in the discussion?14:25
satishhow do i join14:25
chilukas I said.. consider switching your enterprise to big blue button!14:26
fisch246my school currently uses outlook, and i'm trying to find a different webmail for them so i can suggest a change for all the people who don't use windows.14:26
rickspencer3victorp-uds, can you invite satish into the hangout?14:26
dholbachrickspencer3, done14:26
chilukbigbluebutton runs via java in a browser, and provides shared desktop with video.14:26
rickspencer3thanks dholbach14:26
* rickspencer3 backs away quietly14:26
chilukso you guys have created your own calendar plugin for thunderbird?14:27
fisch246that thunderbird plugin doesn't support exchange 2013 just so you know.14:28
eujcould we have names displayed for all the speakers please :)14:28
rbasakDoes this "TB/FF update breaks plugins" problem affect just Ubuntu, or all distributions?14:28
dholbachballock, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages14:28
dholbachballock, feel free to subscribe me on the needs-packaging bug and I'll help to get some eyes on it14:29
fisch246does evolution work with exchange 2013?14:30
eujhow are people handling user accounts at the moment, especially cached credentials on laptops? Especially large AD groups have been a bit of a pain for us14:32
OveRisbergsatish can you join the Hangout?14:33
dholbachOveRisberg, I passed on the google+ link14:33
fisch246oh my apologies. an add-on for lightening. i thought we were talking about lightening itself14:34
victorp-udsgema -exhange setup for testing?14:36
dholbachsatish, are you still on?14:37
rbasakHave you considered running Windows in a VM under Ubuntu for these cases of requiring Windows-only programs?14:40
gemavictorp-uds: not sure what you are talking about, I was on a different session14:40
victorp-udsgema - ok, talking about if for ubuntu phone email and calendar are we targetting to test exchange?14:41
chilukcan some spell this zavi ?14:42
victorp-udsjdstrand, any comments on protocols for secure login? sssd, samba4...14:45
zulvictorp-uds:  we were talking about it this morning, still in the talking stages14:45
gemavictorp-uds: we didn't have any preference for server, we don't have a clear plan on that yet14:46
victorp-udszul, cool thanks14:46
victorp-udswas that on a session?14:46
eujwe are also using sssd, but it is not perfect in a couple of ways14:46
zulvictorp-uds:  nope14:46
victorp-udszul is there going to be one?14:46
gemavictorp-uds: we have a session on ubuntu touch image testing where we can discuss this later today14:46
zulvictorp-uds:  #ubuntu-server this morning14:46
zulvictorp-uds:  could be we need still need to talk to people like slangasek14:47
rbasakSo samba4 is already packaged and available.14:47
victorp-udszul ack14:47
rbasakAIUI, the discussion was about defaults.14:47
fisch246welcome jono14:51
chilukWe are working with citrix to fix these pain points.14:52
eujmost of the problems I'm bringing up here seem minor but they usually require the windows infra to adapt somehow (usually turn off state-of-the-art features), this can be a real problem sometimes even if it seems really trivial14:54
dholbachregarding cfengine, there's http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=69980914:54
udsbotuDebian bug 699809 in cfengine3 "cfengine3: Request to package newer version" [Wishlist,Open]14:54
ballocklaunchpad grou+mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~enterprise-ubuntu14:58
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Touch Porting Checkpoint | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21696/community-1305-touch-porting/
dholbachballock, and just drop me an email about organising the meeting - I'm sure we can do this fairly easily :)15:00
dholbachdholbach at ubuntu.c15:00
ballockyou mean the meeting at the next uds? Sure, I will.15:01
dholbachballock, or another meeting if you want to have one before15:02
dholbachto get some more input and interest from other enterprise desktop people15:03
gQuigsexample for publishing configs: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2011/09/19/ever-wondered-how-the-wikimedia-servers-are-configured/15:03
dholbachnext session: "Ubuntu Touch Porting Checkpoint"15:03
dholbachanyone interested in joining the session?15:04
sergiusensdholbach: I'm here15:07
sergiusensrsalveti: link?15:08
dholbachdoes anyone want to join the conversation on the hangout?15:15
ptlHow are the android packages updated when apt-get does its task? The android partition is remounted and the files mapped in there?15:24
* dholbach hugs sergiusens and rsalveti!15:31
* rsalveti hugs back15:31
dholbachand you can still enjoy some minutes in your other session :)15:32
dholbachrsalveti, sergiusens: is the dynamic duo always double-booked?15:32
* sergiusens takes the hug as it's cold and hugs back :-)15:32
GuidoPallemansIsn't it possible to also support CM10 to build up?15:32
GuidoPallemansthat would add a lot of devices15:32
GuidoPallemanstoo late :D15:32
dholbachsergiusens, rsalveti: ^ do you guys have an answer for GuidoPallemans' question or should that better be addressed on the mailing list?15:33
rsalvetiit might be possible, but problem is we might have some API/ABI incompatibilities there15:33
sergiusensGuidoPallemans: it should be possible, but I wouldn't really know the delta... what device?15:33
rsalvetiguess once we have mir it'll be a bit easier15:34
GuidoPallemanswell, I have a LG optimus l7 which only has CM10 and not CM10.1, but of coourse it's not up to you guys to support my phone15:34
GuidoPallemansthere just are a lot of phones like that15:34
rsalveti10.1 is ics, right?15:34
GuidoPallemans10 is jelly bean15:35
rsalvetihm, then it's weird that 10.2 is not supported as well15:35
GuidoPallemanscm 9 is ics, 4.015:35
rsalvetibut yeah, we can get an action to investigate that15:35
GuidoPallemanscm 10 is 4.115:36
GuidoPallemansthe lower the version you can go on CM, the more devices of course15:36
rsalveticool, added an action to the notes, so we can investigate this further15:36
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21730/community-roundtable/
skellatI'm here!16:01
YoBoYhere too16:01
skellatMissed the last panel I was *supposed* to be present for16:01
dholbachskellat, YoBoY: want to join in on the hangout? (we still have 3m)16:02
fisch246was coughing during all of last session... gah that was awful16:02
YoBoYdholbach, not really, still at work, always disturbed… :]16:03
YoBoYbut thanks :)16:03
dholbachanyone else who wants to join in?16:03
rrnwexeci do16:05
dholbachhttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7b8359466b422a7791afd3aa784b708f0876c5eb for everyone who's interested16:07
dholbachand http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21730/community-roundtable/ has the pad and everything else16:07
dholbachanyone else who wants to join in on the hangout?16:12
JoseeAntonioRwait I dropped16:18
cheeseheadDropped connection16:19
cheesehead"Approved" changing to "Verified"16:20
YoBoYverified is more like to verify if a team is in good health ?16:21
cheeseheadReconnected audio only16:22
fisch246as someone who isn't apart of canonical but apart of the community, i enjoy being able to contribute.16:24
fisch246yes a lot of youtube streaming issues, but the hangouts themselves went really well16:25
YoBoYlot of youtube glitches for me, and lake of time to really follow16:26
dholbachjono, UDS feedback: "More productive and more realistic discussions, working much better for the vast majority. Some network issues, some folks still hesitant to go on air."16:26
txwikingerI find vUDS very positive ... easier for me to participate than old style UDSs... only issue... youtube always freezes a lo16:27
cheeseheadOverall UDS good. My nitpick about Brainstorm is that the discussion occurred without stakeholders (the current volunteers working it)16:30
txwikingergoogle hangou always allows video feed to be disabled16:30
fisch246when Ubuntu gets bigger, I would suggest not sharing the hangouts so easily. it's nice in a sense of transparency and democracy, however i was surprised no one joined to do anything offensive.16:32
dholbachthat's a good thing, right? :)16:33
fisch246it is good, but it may happen in the future.16:33
drcfisch246: Most of those types have already given up on Canonical/Ubuntu and moved on.16:34
fisch246i'm not saying stop sharing them, i'm just giving advice.16:34
YoBoY+1 having to deal with home/work/friends/life… it's hard to include vuds without knowing when or what the session will be.16:34
cheesehead+1 try a track on a weekend...or not simultaneous tracks16:35
fisch246ah yea good point on the moderation.16:35
cheesehead...when I say "overall UDS good", I don't mean good = meh. Good is *good*.16:36
YoBoYCan we plan some classrooms on how to use efficiently hangouts ? (lower thirds, mute when not talking, share your screen…)16:37
fisch246also muting the summit webpage when on a hangout16:38
cprofittgotta run... sorry16:38
czajkowskiaye it's true folks on my team in AU cannot attend UDS16:39
czajkowskitimezones just are not fun16:39
YoBoYwe are working with IRC, perhaps showing the channel when there is a question to register them on the video too, that can be an improvement16:39
czajkowskireason why I'm not at UDS much is work - just lack enough time to be there16:40
cheeseheadAs someone who would never be able to attend a physical UDS, Virtual UDS is vastly better than the old physical meetings.16:41
JoseeAntonioRurgh, I hate dropping :(16:41
czajkowskiFEEDBACK: Does seem to be less women present at this UDS16:43
czajkowskifeels like a step back, but this may be down to the onair session, but again people can turn off their video.16:43
skellatFEEDBACK: Avoid scheduling UDS at the same time as Google I/O16:45
czajkowskijono: the live streaming would freeze16:45
czajkowskiand you'd just see static16:45
czajkowskisometimes you'd just head the voices and no video16:45
YoBoYit was with the live streaming on youtube16:45
txwikingerhappend every day for me16:46
cheeseheadI think timezone-shifting is very possible, but only if the schedule is firm earlier.16:46
skellatczajkowski: Could it be topical matter?  I found less topical matter relevant to me this round compared to March.16:47
skellatczajkowski: My participation schedule is far lighter than it was in March16:48
czajkowskijono: for me I care diddly squat about the on air but16:48
czajkowskibut I know some women and men also found it off putting16:48
czajkowskiI pointed out you can turn off the camera16:48
czajkowskijust an observation really16:49
czajkowskijono: ^16:49
jonothanks czajkowski :-)16:49
czajkowskiskellat: schedules always vary tbh16:49
czajkowskijono: yup thanks.16:50
YoBoYrrnwexec, on work days ? impossible to have a group attending like that ^^"16:51
dshimerEven a viewer count.16:51
czajkowskijono: question/feedback Why do people need to register on Launchpad for vUDs, I get why we did it for physical one but makes less sense.  I'd rather we promote the etherpad team people should join  tbh.  I spent monday and tuesday and a lot of yesterday liek toher people adding people to the team16:51
YoBoY(loco group i mean)16:51
skellatOn a weekend, I theoretically *could* call for a rally of members somewhere in the state capital to get increased participation.  Week days...no way...16:52
YoBoY+1 skellat on weekend I can orginize that too :)16:52
txwikingerWe need a paricipant from the ISS since they use linux up there now16:55
bashrcI think ISS is on RedHat16:55
fisch246+1 to the beer session16:55
czajkowskijono: http://uds.ubuntu.com/register/16:56
asomethingDebian, no?16:56
czajkowskiOnline from 14 - 16 May 201316:56
czajkowskifrom 2pm - 8pm UTC16:56
YoBoYthanks everyone16:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Regular Ubuntu development updates | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21800/community-1305-regular-ubuntu-dev-updates/
dholbachanyone who wants to be on this session?18:00
dholbachany join in on the hangout?18:00
dholbachbkerensa maybe - since you worked with me on the old dev updates? :)18:03
dholbachJoseeAntonioR maybe too? because it'd tie in with uonair?18:04
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: yep, just getting ready for it18:04
JoseeAntonioRurgh, coming back, I dropped AGAIN18:14
dholbachany more feedback?18:16
txwikingerstill thinking about it :-)18:16
txwikingerWill those reports be only youtube, or mp3/padcast too?18:17
asomethingI've definitely wondered what the CC gets up to. The TC at least has a public mailing list...18:17
txwikingerWould it be a good idea to have the councils being held as hangout, or is the fear to lose the documentation that happens on IRC?18:21
dholbachtxwikinger, oh, sorry - only saw your question too late18:22
dholbachbut yeah, it's something we discussed earlier somewhere already18:22
dholbachand the broad consensus seemed to be that both formats have their merits18:22
dholbachso that's why we are going to bring back the leadership/governance hangouts soon18:23
dholbachthat was an outcome of the community roundtable sessions I believe18:23
JoseeAntonioR yep18:23
txwikingerah ok.. sorry missed that dholbach18:23
cprofittasomething: the reason the CC mailing list is not public is due to some of the issues we have to deal with being personal/private18:26
dholbachrickspencer3, the session finished early :)18:36
rickspencer3I couldn't tell, I thought I was watching you live :)18:36
dholbachyeah, that's a problem we talked about earlier as well - the small red dot in the corner and the small piece of text saying "live" is not enough of an indicator  :)18:37
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1

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