
=== Cracknel_ is now known as Cracknel
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
leoquantah its utc..:/13:09
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Localizing the Q&A Systems | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21834/community-1305-q+a-systems-localization/
balloonshello everyone13:55
DanChapmanballoons: hi13:56
balloonsI've started up the hangout13:56
balloonswho all needs to be in the session?13:57
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, you here?13:57
JoseeAntonioRballoons: it was basically jono and I13:57
JoseeAntonioRballoons: yep, I'm almost ready13:57
JoseeAntonioRballoons: I was about to tell you to not link publicly but anyways :)13:58
JoseeAntonioRjoining in 2-3 mins13:58
jonoJoseeAntonioR, I won't be able to join the session13:59
UbuPhilluphi YoBoY14:01
JoseeAntonioRhey, YoBoY14:01
UbuPhillupwhen the session will start?14:03
balloonsok should be live now :-)14:04
JoseeAntonioRUbuPhillup: live now :)14:04
YoBoYit's live for me too14:05
UbuPhillupyes for me too14:05
fkol_k4i can see you too14:06
YoBoYyes, english only for a tool who is promoted everywhere now, it's bad for foreign users :]14:07
YoBoYfrench :D14:08
JoseeAntonioRThere's a little bit of delay on the thingy :)14:09
YoBoYI like the idea to have finaly a localised tool from ubuntu.com14:13
fkol_k4who is going to create thh localised vrsion of AskUbuntu?14:13
UbuPhilluphmm thats a nice idea, but the german community have a very big own support page14:13
fkol_k4*the :-D14:14
YoBoYUbuPhillup, the french community too, but we are missing actually a Q&A tool, I think it's really more efficient than a forum. And we don't have the ressources to have our own right now14:15
UbuPhillupYoBoY: okey14:16
fkol_k4a localised Q&A is good for answer archive, and relieving our forums. I know that the Greek translators will help, but we are low on coding manpower. Will there be templates ready?14:20
UbuPhillupif i go to ubuntu.shapado.com i see a white page14:21
UbuPhillupokey i chromium it worked14:22
YoBoYhow this Q&A system will be integratd with the other support sessources ? askubuntu have bad integration with ubuntu.com for example, and I really don't like to send people somewhere without having a link for them to go back or to find more ressources14:24
JoseeAntonioRany more doubts/questions/suggestions/anything you want to discuss?14:26
JoseeAntonioRif not I'll just wrap it up14:27
fkol_k4can it work with ubuntu sso account?14:27
UbuPhillupwhen it will be ready to use?14:27
YoBoYHow this new q&a can be promoted on ubuntu.com website and on the ISO where localised ressources are so dably hightlited ?14:28
YoBoYonly this page http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/local-language14:31
fkol_k4how can we track the progress?14:31
* YoBoY counting "one hangout error" (new game of the day :D)14:34
fkol_k4subscribed already, thanks!14:34
JoseeAntonioRany other questions you may have?14:34
YoBoYno more question for now14:35
UbuPhillupyes everthing is fine14:35
fkol_k4everything fine here too!14:36
YoBoYok, thank you for holding this session and for your work :)14:36
UbuPhillupJoseeAntonioR: thanks14:37
JoseeAntonioRyou're welcome14:38
JoseeAntonioRI hope this can really be done soon14:38
YoBoYI just want to add, this kind of localised tool can be really usefull for starting loco/language community teams who don't already have a well established website, ressources, etc…14:39
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Enabling local subteams | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21835/community-1305-enabling-local-subteams/
balloonsrrnwexec, you want into the hangout?15:00
rrnwexecyes please.15:00
balloonsfor whomever needs it.. hangout is up: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/88071639044fa4733f799fc40426f337870537b1?authuser=2&hl=en15:00
fisch246i'm someone who wants to start a substeam. should i join the hangout?15:00
fisch246balloons: check my irc message please15:02
balloonsfisch246, definitely15:02
balloonsthe more the merrier15:02
balloonsrrnwexec, doesn't want to feel alone in here :-)15:02
coolbhaviballoons, I want to join in too15:03
balloonsanyone who wishes to join, please do so15:04
balloonswe'll start in a minute15:05
coolbhaviI am updating the plugins so in a bit ll be able to join15:06
YoBoYok, it's live :)15:07
UbuPhillupyes live15:07
balloonsremember to turn on your lower third guys :-)15:08
czajkowskicoolbhavi: you joinging ?15:08
coolbhaviyes in a bit15:08
czajkowskiballoons: want to have members of the loco council on :)15:08
balloonsczajkowski, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/88071639044fa4733f799fc40426f337870537b1?authuser=2&hl=en15:09
YoBoYI think it's good an bad at the same time to have teams at the same level as the country/loco teams. Not easy to explain, but for a strong loco/country team, they can have these teams on the country and work with them, promote them, etc… but where the loco/country team is weak, a strong city/region/whatever team can kill this loco by not participating in it too.15:15
* tiagoscd agree YoBoY 15:18
tiagoscdhere on Brazil we have twenty-seven LoCo subteams15:18
* YoBoY have to take a break T_T15:18
BobJonkman1I disagree with YoBoY - if the country LoCo is weak then a strong city/region LoCo may be all that keeps the community alive in that country.15:19
czajkowskiI think regions/provences/states within a country can work15:20
tiagoscdand is a very hard work to keep it working. now thinking in cities, towns and villages, I think that should be yet more hard to coordinate15:20
czajkowskiand using the parent loco as the main looc channel and mailing list15:20
tiagoscdczajkowski: +115:21
PabloRubianesczajkowski: +115:22
czajkowskiso in no way getting rid of a way to mentor young locos within the country loco15:22
czajkowskibut also foster a "fostering" loco15:22
czajkowskiso for example lets just take france YoBoY do no panic15:22
czajkowskiFrance is the mother loco :)15:22
czajkowskiand then you could in theory split it into states15:22
czajkowskidoesnt mean you have to have every single state created in one go15:23
tiagoscdwell, the UDS during work time is impractible for me :( I need to go15:23
czajkowskiand the mother loco helps the state one at the same time15:23
tiagoscdsee you gurs15:23
czajkowskibut leaves them able to run  more local events15:23
BobJonkman1+1 for everything czajkowski says, but applied at the city level instead of state15:24
dscassel_I feel like I'm maintaining two separate teams: Ubuntu Canada, the online team and Ubuntu Kitchener-Waterloo, the in-person team.15:24
czajkowskiballoons: see I'd say no for city15:24
czajkowskidamn tab completion gets me every time15:24
dscassel_Both the online team and the in-person team are valuable, and one helps the other. But they're two largely separate things.15:26
czajkowskidscassel_: yes so again using the main country as the main channel15:26
czajkowskito help one another15:26
dscassel_czajkowski: Yup! But I'd like to have a place for Ubuntu Kitchener-Waterloo events to be recognized somewhere.15:27
dscassel_And giving people Ubuntu Toronto or Ubuntu Ottawa a thing to take credit for.15:28
czajkowskidscassel_: still on the ltp15:28
* YoBoY back15:37
YoBoYbroken audio too15:38
SergioMenesesYoBoY, :S15:39
czajkowskiso far nobody seems 100% sold on the idea either15:41
YoBoYeach one have his point of view depending how they live their ubuntu advocacy/promoting experience :)15:42
YoBoYmine is more an online french promotion 14/7 + events sometimes, the teams more localised in France are doing events too, but less this online global promotion, it's more localised in their area, but they know we are doing the promotion for them too15:44
cheesehead14/7 seems relaxed. I'd prefer that.15:44
cprofittI have to break away for an emergency... sorry15:47
cheeseheadSo far, I see the purpose of LoCo structure is to 1) Prevent confusion, 2) distribute swag.  What else am I missing?15:48
YoBoYWhat is different for a french person who wants to start a local team is, he don't go to the loco council, he go to us, the loco, and we just say "GO, what do you need" :). But for english teams… the entity promoted for that is the loco council, and the answer is clearly not the same and it's normal15:48
cheeseheadReason for question: Is the same structure appropriate for both(all) purposes?15:50
fisch246cheesehead: it's for like minded individuals to gather, and/or to share ubuntu to the community.15:51
cheeseheadfisch246: Right - that's the goal of the LoCo. I's asking about the purpose of the structure....I like that answer though!15:52
cheesehead3) Protect the Ubuntu name/trademark15:52
fisch246cheesehead: ah i see what you mean. it's not always to prevent confusion. the purpose is objective, but the structure is subjective.15:54
cheeseheadfisch246: Right. I deal a lot with various structures. This kind of discussion happens sometimes when an appropriate structure for one purpose is misapplied to another purpose.15:55
czajkowskiI'll update this wit the loco council15:55
cheeseheadFor example, my (unverified) LoCo cares nothing about swag, so we're happy to stay unverified.15:56
czajkowskicheesehead: yeah which is good15:56
czajkowskisome teams lkike it15:56
czajkowskime I liek reading the wiki applications15:56
czajkowskiyou should see some of the workd teams do15:56
czajkowskilove pictures :)15:56
YoBoY(what is swag ¬_¬)15:57
cheeseheadYoBoY: Sorry for the slang. "swag" = giveaways, usually from a company15:58
BobJonkman1YoBoY: swag is free gifts, like CDs or banners15:58
YoBoYthanks everyone :)15:59
czajkowskiYou can reach the council via mail: loco-council<at>lists.ubuntu.com15:59
* YoBoY needs to watch again this session to have the missing parts ^^"15:59
balloonsplars, you have someone hosting this ubuntu touch image testing session/16:00
plarsballoons: I just need the link16:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Client | Ubuntu Touch Image Testing | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21828/client-s-ubuntu-touch-image-testing/
gemawho's driving the hangout?16:00
balloonsplars, yes, I just want to know if I need to host or not16:00
balloonssince this is under client16:01
plarsballoons: ah, yes if you could16:01
plarsballoons: I don't know how that's decided, tbh16:01
plarsballoons: is there a different track lead who needs to create the client track ones? can't remember who's done it on here before16:02
plarsactually, this one is on community track16:02
plarsso I think that *is* you :)16:02
gemathomi: are you joining?16:06
thomigema: if you want me to?16:06
gemathomi: please16:06
rsalvetinot live yet16:07
gemawe are16:07
rsalvetifollowing this one via youtube16:09
gemarsalveti: ack, feel free to join if you want16:10
balloonssergiusens, did we finish our discussion about having the touch images under saucy milestone?16:10
sergiusensballoons: it's ok... we are migrating16:11
balloonssergiusens, excellent.. I assumed so but I can't remember if I heard back from you or not?16:12
rickspencer3QUESTION: is there any work being done to make an Intel-based Ubuntu Touch image so that we can more easily virtualize it?16:12
rickspencer3I'm thinking about running tests in the data center and on developer desktops16:13
balloonssergiusens, one more thing while we're talking about it.. I can mark the "Quantal Ubuntu Touch Final" milestone as complete now yes? that means no more results can be reported to that milestone16:13
gemathomi: thanks for your answer16:14
rickspencer3well, I guess the "Intel-based" part was a red-herring16:16
rickspencer3I guess I want us to be able to run our touch images in the cloud16:16
rickspencer3and I thought that it was easier to do that with Intel images16:16
rickspencer3QUESTION: can we run ubuntu touch tests in our testing cloud today?16:17
rickspencer3Google found that 95% of the bugs that tests found are not hardware dependent when testing android16:18
rickspencer3you need real hardware testing, but for CI I don't think you need to run that on real hardware, and this is what Google QA found as well16:18
sergiusensrickspencer3: we have CI sort of covered, the problem is the final image testing after integrating16:20
sergiusensrickspencer3: just shared a few pages of "how google tests code" with you for when you have time16:21
rickspencer3but I guess I thought testing the full stack in a parallized manner in our cloud before we push images to hardware seems faster16:21
rickspencer3thanks sergiusens16:21
sergiusensrickspencer3: the parallelized thing is a feature I want to see in autopilot (client - server) to push suites to different devices in a pool16:28
rickspencer3there is no point in testing an image if there are no indicators16:28
rickspencer3gema, I disagree16:29
rickspencer3I don't think an image without indicators is worth testing16:29
gemarickspencer3: ok, so indicators are important, to which extent do we make sure they work to decide whether the image is worth further testing?16:29
gemarickspencer3: do you want to join the hangout?16:29
rickspencer3gema, no thanks, irc is fine16:30
gemarickspencer3: ack16:30
rickspencer3I just have a few points16:30
rickspencer3we can discuss the depth of smoke tests later16:30
gemarickspencer3: can you add them to the etherpad as well?16:30
gemarickspencer3: indeed, we'll need to review the smoke tests we add an interate a few times to get them right16:30
balloonsif we compare this to iso smoke testing, we'd be looking to see the image is sane, can be installed, and the phablet device boots up16:30
gemaballoons: agreed16:31
rickspencer3QUESTION: when does the image turn "green" on the dashboard? after it passes smoke tests, or after it passes regression tests?16:32
gemarickspencer3: there'll be two different views16:33
gemait'll be green in one and orange in the other, for instance16:33
gemarickspencer3: and the KPI view (summary view) will have an o verall rating16:33
rickspencer3no it's not16:34
rickspencer3*everyday* Ubuntu should work16:34
rickspencer3that's on the desktop, server, and Touch16:35
gemarickspencer3: the problem is that "ubuntu works" means different things for different people16:35
rickspencer3plars, ^16:35
sergiusensrickspencer3: sort of a an unofficial rolling relase I would think16:35
rickspencer3sergiusens, right, we need to raise our game in daily quality now16:35
balloonsindeed.. you have to define 'works'.. but in rickspencer3's case, I'm guessing he would include the smoke and essential tests to pass.. meaning, images work, boot, de's work, and default apps work (don't crash just by opening :-) )16:36
rickspencer3no, it speeds the development16:36
rickspencer3it slows development for the developer who wrote the buggy code16:36
rickspencer3but when an image is busted, it goes slowly for everyone16:37
rickspencer3I think the desktop smoke tests have a lot of room for deeper and broader testing16:38
gemarickspencer3: I absolutely agree16:38
gemarickspencer3: on the other hand, running all the unit / integration tests from autopilot for smoke testing may be not be wise either16:38
gemarickspencer3: trying to fing the right balance16:38
rickspencer3I think that all regressions should result in code getting getting kicked out of the image16:39
gemarickspencer3: agreed16:39
rickspencer3I think the right balance is to absolutely not tolerate regressions16:39
balloonswork items time :-)16:44
balloonssergiusens is going to feel lonely otherwise16:45
thomiany questions?16:56
plarsgood discussion, thanks everyone!16:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
teolemonhopefully things will be smoother today17:51
UbuPhilluphi teolemon17:51
balloonsok, try joining early17:51
balloonswork out the kinks now :-)17:52
teolemonare you joininh17:54
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Scaling Translations using Tech | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21803/community-1305-scaling-translations-using-tech/
asacgema: plars: sergiusens: added a few post session comments - mostly on what i think on the x86 and emulator discussion17:58
plarshi asac17:59
Henne91Hey everybody17:59
UbuPhilluphi Henne9118:00
balloonshello all18:02
balloonsfeel free to join18:02
teolemonare you joining ?18:04
UbuPhillupteolemon: no sorry i can only watch ;(18:05
balloonswe'll start in just a moment18:06
Henne91can hear you, need to check my mike18:07
balloonswe should be live18:07
Henne91yes, I can hear you18:08
UbuPhillupi can see and hear you nice18:09
balloonsremember to stop the video for anyone is the hangout18:09
sergiusensasac: ack... I'll take a look18:12
Henne91sorry, can't get it to work but I'm still listening18:12
Henne91no you are not18:13
UbuPhillupyou can talk we can hear you ;)18:14
teolemon_but there's no point talking alone18:15
teolemon_so basically18:15
teolemon_any launchpad dev in the room ?18:15
teolemon_no ?18:15
balloonsteolemon_, I'll leave the hangout up until you tell me to shut it down if you don't need it18:15
teolemon_we don't need it anymore18:15
teolemon_nobody will join18:15
teolemon_so useless18:15
balloonsteolemon_, sorry :-(18:16
Henne91sry, it actually should work but it does not18:16
teolemon_let's focus on the portal18:17
teolemon_that's the only thing we can move forward as translators18:17
teolemon_would you be able to host us18:17
teolemon_on your people.ubuntu.com space ?18:17
teolemon_basically, what we're going to do is host it first on a personnal folder18:18
teolemon_to have agility18:19
teolemon_and no restrictions18:19
teolemon_make an install18:19
teolemon_give rights to all the active members18:19
teolemon_(Hannie, Hendrik, if you're interested)18:19
teolemon_we'll use the same theme as the French translation portal18:19
teolemon_which is working well18:20
teolemon_if you want to have a look at it18:20
Henne91looking good18:20
teolemon_so basically, let's have a look at the note on the pad and let's expand18:21
UbuPhillupHenne91: would be also a good think to have for the german community18:21
asacsergiusens: that touch image testing session just ended ?18:21
Henne91yes. is it using the default Ubuntu theme or is it modified?18:21
asacyou were still talking :)18:21
asac(sorry for disturbing current session ... will move it offline)18:22
teolemon_I was wondering about doing an international one18:22
sergiusensasac: ended two hours ago18:22
teolemon_translated in various languages18:22
teolemon_including german french and dutch18:23
teolemon_and having some team specific pages18:23
UbuPhillupthat would be nice18:23
teolemon_so that we save on ressources18:23
teolemon_maintenance time18:23
teolemon_and when we write somethinbg18:23
teolemon_or add a tool18:23
teolemon_everybody benefits quicly18:23
teolemon_and have the pages translated using launchpad18:23
teolemon_what do you think ?18:24
Henne91teolemon_: Oh ok, so you mean completely combining everything. This way we could have an overview of packages that have to respect Upstream translations etc.18:24
Henne91yes I think that's the right approach18:24
UbuPhillupi think it would be a very good idea18:25
teolemon_not sure what you mean by combining everything18:25
teolemon_but one interface18:25
teolemon_informational pages18:26
teolemon_a page a bit like UDS18:26
teolemon_with a pad, irc18:26
teolemon_and hangout18:26
teolemon_for biweekly team meetings18:26
Henne91ok, and every team would have to have a page for language-specific rules18:27
Henne91translation rules18:27
teolemon_over time18:28
teolemon_we'll minimize the difference18:28
teolemon_it's basically having a place18:28
teolemon_that makes us feel efficient18:28
teolemon_not having to look for the info18:28
Henne91and where we can attract some new translators18:29
teolemon_make us look dynamic for potential18:29
teolemon_that's it18:29
Henne91ok, concerning the layout: I think we should maybe try to adapt to the standard Ubuntu layout to make it look uniform, but your layout basically does that I think18:29
teolemon_yes, i took it from launchpad18:30
Henne91what software are you using to run the page?18:30
teolemon_it's an official template for community18:30
teolemon_unfortunately drupal18:30
teolemon_which is a pain in the ***18:30
teolemon_but works ok18:30
teolemon_and has the advantage of being a standard for ubuntu18:30
teolemon_so more people ready to help us18:31
teolemon_and having a ready made template18:31
Henne91ok, I don't think it's to bad. I really like Joomla but Drupal is still better than Typo ;-)18:31
Henne91if it's the Ubuntu standard we should stick with it18:31
teolemon_hopefully we should have a plugin for multilingual18:31
teolemon_with po export18:31
teolemon_and many plugins so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel18:32
teolemon_YoBoY ?18:32
teolemon_are you here ?18:32
Henne91you mean a plugin with po export for Drupal?18:32
teolemon_to basically export content in a po file18:32
teolemon_put it up for translation on Launchpad18:32
teolemon_and reimport it18:32
Henne91oh I see18:32
teolemon_and bang, content translated18:33
UbuPhillupdo you know a plugin for that ?18:33
teolemon_i know that you can translate content within drupal18:33
teolemon_and i think the loco team more or less works that way18:33
teolemon_my guess would be: yes18:33
Henne91drupal does export translations as po for modules as far as i can see18:33
Henne91this module can import po translations18:35
Henne91and it does export po files18:36
teolemon_for content as well ?18:36
UbuPhillupi think so18:36
Henne91it says "generating portable object files from your site's strings"18:37
teolemon_so basically18:37
teolemon_is any of you a ubuntu member18:38
teolemon_with a people£.ubuntu.com hosting ?18:38
teolemon_so basically18:38
teolemon_either YoBoY says yes18:38
Henne91but there was someone on the German translators team18:38
teolemon_or we can morph the French portal in the international one18:39
teolemon_during the test phase18:39
teolemon_and then properly host it on the official servers18:39
Henne91is there enough space to set up a second portal for testing?18:39
Henne91so we don't break the French one18:39
teolemon_we can do that as well18:39
teolemon_or I can host it on my personnal server18:40
teolemon_but I'd be more confident having something more or less ubuntu18:40
teolemon_can the person on the German team host us18:41
teolemon_and be reactive ?18:41
Henne91I'm not sure. I have to find out who it was first ;-)18:41
Henne91working on it18:41
UbuPhillupor we can ask in german community mabe ubuntuusers.de have space for as18:42
teolemon_i want as little bureaucracy as possible18:43
teolemon_and reliable people18:43
teolemon_if we need to install something18:43
teolemon_or change something18:43
teolemon_otherwise we'd be doing it with approval on canonical servers18:43
teolemon_the French team can host us as well18:44
Henne91they ubuntuusers folks are certainly reliabel but I'm not sure if they have any spare space18:44
teolemon_I'm not sure which team is the most bureaucratif18:44
UbuPhillupor use http://translations.ubuntu.com/18:44
teolemon_it's the canonical server18:45
teolemon_it's a pain to change a single thing18:45
teolemon_so until we have a V118:45
teolemon_to show them18:45
teolemon_I'd prefer to do that on our own18:45
Henne91I wouldn't put it on canonical's servers until it is done18:45
teolemon_I already have editor rights18:46
teolemon_but couldn't give be superadmin rights18:46
teolemon_due to process18:46
teolemon_and restrictions18:46
teolemon_so let's agree on key points and wrap the session:18:48
Henne91hm, I found the person who is an Ubuntu member but he is not on the team anymore18:48
Henne91sry, go ahead18:48
teolemon_i'll ping YoBoY18:48
teolemon_1. Package Manager Integration18:48
teolemon_1.1 I got mpt to promise a mockup of the UI18:49
Henne91which UI?18:49
teolemon_Software Centre18:49
teolemon_1.2 I have a scope developper interested in working on scope integration18:49
teolemon_1.3 I'll manage to convince mvo for synaptic :-)18:50
teolemon_2. Launchpad18:50
teolemon_2.1 Nothing.18:50
teolemon_3. Portal18:50
teolemon_3.1 Agreement on principle of a common portal with team specific pages18:50
teolemon_3.2 Agreement on the idea to bring various tools and content from various teams into one single portal18:51
teolemon_3.3 Said portal will enable productivity for exisiting translators and help attract new ones using a blog syndicated on planet18:52
teolemon_3.3 Pierre will contact this week the French teamto get a test portal up and running18:52
teolemon_and finally 3.418:52
teolemon_Hannie and Hendrik and Pierre and others, will do loads of tweaking until we have something beautiful to propose to the Ubuntu project18:53
teolemon_Anything to add ?18:53
Henne912 things18:53
teolemon_yes ?18:54
Henne91First: I think 1.3 should be at the end of the list for us since we don't have unlimited ressources (especially time) and synaptic isn't installed by default. Software center is more important18:54
Henne91Second: There is a global translation session next week, am I right on this?18:55
Henne91If so, we should do some advertising to get some people together18:55
UbuPhilluplike yesterday we can go to #ubuntu-translators if time is up ;)18:55
teolemon_a global translation session ?18:56
teolemon_who organizes that ?18:56
Henne91let me check real quick. I read this somewhere18:56
teolemon_may I ask :-D ?18:56
teolemon_global jam session ?18:57
Henne91maybe locos?18:57
Henne91let#s talk about it in #ubuntu-translators since time is almost over18:57
Henne91I think we can go with the points you mentioned above18:58
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