
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | HA Openstack Charms V2 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21811/servercloud-s-openstack-charms-ha-v2/
=== stewart__ is now known as stewart
mattgriffinDaviey: hiya. can you send me and stewart the url for the hangout?13:59
* stewart introduces self: Stewart Smith, Director of Software Architecture at Percona.13:59
* mattgriffin is Matt Griffin, Director of Product Management at Percona13:59
Davieymattgriffin: i think you have it?14:00
Davieywaiitng to start..14:00
jamespagecan people see the stream yet?14:02
mattgriffinDaviey: don't think we're on the air yet14:02
stewarti can see everyone at least :)14:03
* stewart notes everybody has cool lines of text and Logos except me14:03
Davieywe are online..14:04
stewartor this morning if you're me :)14:05
Daviey(If anyone else thinks they should be in he inner circle, please shout)14:13
* med_ is just watching14:15
Davieystewart: can you remind me of your LP id?14:30
stewartDaviey, stewart14:30
Daviey(thanks was harder than i expected)14:30
=== francisco is now known as Guest4406
roaksoaxLink: http://blog.clusterlabs.org/14:51
med_thanks percona.14:59
stewartnp. thanks all14:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | MongoDB activities for Saucy | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21810/servercloud-s-mongodb/
DavieyWho is here for the mongdo session?15:03
Davieyrbasak: joining us?15:04
rbasakHaving trouble getting the untypeable link across to my other machine15:06
Davieyrbasak: you could use a url shortenr :)15:07
jamespagemed_, still here?15:08
med_I see starting soon15:09
rbasakApparently lower third doesn't work on ARM :(15:09
DavieyAnyone else want to be in the inner circle?15:10
med_live now15:10
med_Daviey, Hyde Park?15:10
Davieymed_: ^ ?15:10
Davieymed_: Yes, i was busy hunting deer.15:10
yolandahappybase is also supported by ceilometer15:11
Davieyyolanda: interesting15:12
zyga-udsloud typing15:15
zyga-udsloud typing15:17
zyga-udsloud typing15:17
Davieyzyga: noted, thanks15:20
med_j a m e s p a g e   can't efficiently mute and talk and take notes at the same time... so we tolerate the typing noise.15:21
med_youtube just froze15:22
med_and back15:22
* zyga didn't indent to say 'loud typing' three times, the irc web widget is borken,15:23
zygaI was actually interested in the mongo patches, where are they?15:23
rbasakzyga: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~james-page/ubuntu/saucy/mongodb/merge-2.4.3/files/head:/debian/patches/ for James' latest work in progress15:24
jamespageany questions from channel15:24
med_does MRE limit who can submit that?15:24
rbasakzyga: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/mongodb/saucy/files/head:/debian/patches/ for the latest in Saucy15:25
med_ie does it require someone have uploader status?15:25
yolandahbase, ceilometer team chose mongo because was a customer requirement only15:26
med_not sure how much lag between stream and live... seems pretty laggy based on the comments I'm hearing15:26
yolandabut they said in ODS ceilometer shouldn't be tied to that15:26
zulMIR as well15:28
Davieymed_: you rock15:29
jamespagethanks folks15:29
* med_ is just now hearing jamespage comments on MRE answers15:30
jamespagemed_, :-)15:30
* med_ would be happy to help15:30
med_very lagged I gather15:31
med_Note to self: if you want real time participation, join the hangout.15:31
Davieymed_: you were invited. :-)15:32
med_nod.  I just didn't think I had anything to add to this one.... and I didn't really.15:32
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Virtualization Stack Work for Saucy | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21827/servercloud-s-virtstack/
* stgraber waves16:01
SpamapSvideo died for me :-/16:02
SpamapSah came back16:02
DavieyWho else wants to be on te inner circle?16:04
DavieySpamapS: ?16:05
SpamapSDaviey: no I'm just watching. Don't have anything to add.16:05
DavieyNot started yet.. still finding participants16:05
Davieyogasawara: Want to join the inner circle?16:05
med_not live yet16:06
ogasawaraDaviey: I've got another meeting which is about to conflict, so was hoping to watch from the sidelines for now16:06
ogasawaraDaviey: but will be happy to jump in later if needed16:06
ogasawaraDaviey: if you need a kernel rep, lemme see if I can get apw16:07
jamespagehey channel16:07
jamespageping me with any questions for the inner circle16:07
med_live now16:07
jamespageor feel free to request to join if you want to be more involved16:08
pittidon't we already have user namespaces with logind now?16:10
pittii. e. sessions already run in a cgroup in saucy16:10
jamespagepitti, did stgraber answer that question? (stream lag)16:11
pittinot yet here16:12
ogasawaraDaviey: I've got rtg monitoring the session if you've got kernel topics needing discussed16:12
Davieyogasawara: I *think* it will be ok, but if he wants to join the inner circle he is more than welcome :)16:13
rtg_Daviey, I think I'm fine just listening16:13
adam_gfeed just died for me16:15
med_still alive here16:16
* dannf joins late from another session and searches for the word "arm" in the notes16:41
dannfany plans for arm/qemu?16:41
dannfer, qemu-kvm16:42
med_dannf, you can probably join the hangout if you want16:42
DavieyDid we cover openvswitch integration to kvm, xen and lxc?16:42
dannfmed_: good point - though i'm not sure how?16:43
med_see message in another server16:43
* Daviey pm'd dannf 16:43
dannfthx; waiting till serge is done talking before i switch over16:44
* dannf switches16:44
* med_ measures lag16:45
med_did anyone play with OpenDaylight yet? The code is downloadable....16:47
Davieymed_: not yet.16:47
med_not sure how it plays with lxc/libvirt16:47
med_or --if-- it plays or will play16:47
Davieymed_: Last week, i couldn't find the source - just the gerrit.. Where is the source?16:48
med_Daviey, the source is there too.16:48
med_same place.16:48
Davieymed_: it ws 404/403/500 error last week i thought...16:48
Davieyi guess they have fixed it16:49
med_no, it worked fine with the right credentials16:50
med_and then someone else posted in an etherpad the write URL rbasak may have.16:50
Davieymed_: it's authenticated source tree?16:50
Davieysounds like semi-open source :)16:50
med_there was both auth and non-auth16:51
med_but my checkout is auth:16:51
med_        url = ssh://medberry@git.opendaylight.org:29418/controller.git16:51
med_<humor virtualization> what about lguest and the puppies?   http://lguest.ozlabs.org/  </humor virtualization>16:54
med_is dannf the lxc upstream for debian arm?16:55
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/servercloud-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
DavieyAnyone here for the Interlock session yet?17:51
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Ubuntu Server - Interlock | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21832/servercloud-s-interlock/
ogasawaraDaviey: I'm here, just ping me the hangout when you're ready for me to jump in17:58
Davieysmoser: are you joining?18:05
zulfeel free to start :)18:07
adam_gim having trouble joining18:07
rbasakadam_g: it started late. It's live now.18:08
smoser* HWE Kernel ramifications on UCA testing18:08
smoser* ISO default kernels for 12.04.2 server and cloud-images18:08
rbasakHow about the samba4 question? That's more for the desktop team, but I don't think they're present?18:10
rbasak(though I'm still not sure why we want samba4 default anyway - it's packaged, and on server people install the package they want directly themselves)18:11
rbasakARM servers are moving to UEFI, so we'll need MAAS support for that. But as long as d-i works with it, I don't think there will be any issue. I assume secure boot won't be used for now.18:12
rbasakI'm told that UEFI support is working well with precise-updates on at least one server vendor's hardware.18:13
Davieyrbasak: ok will ask18:18
med_UEFI is pretty standard on laptops now.... (not that that means anything w/r/t servers but generally is good for installation story in general)18:19
apwDaviey, people are still reporting data loss and lack of integity control in btrfs18:19
apwDaviey, also performance has been poor, plus the space reporting is basically useless18:19
jdstrandgood stuff :)18:19
med_apw, so you love it?18:19
apwmed_, it is my very favourite18:20
med_so ceph folk seem to like it but don't use it in real deployments18:20
apwmed_, well with cephs they work on the assumption that if one of their nodes implodes, they can just rebuild it18:21
jamespagemed_, apw: default ceph filesystem is XFS for good reason!18:23
med_jamespage, nod++18:23
apwjamespage, heh good :)18:23
med_El Torito boot image... I heard L32 boot image the first two times....18:25
* med_ needs subtitles18:25
med_arm64 definitely concerns server18:29
cjwatsonI almost forgot to mention it, oops :)18:30
med_are there only h/w sims or also s/w siims for Arm64? Ie, can we scale the testing18:30
cjwatsonhow do you mean?18:30
cjwatsonI mean what distinction are you drawing there18:30
cjwatsonanalogous to qemu-system vs. qemu-user?18:30
med_well, hardware doesn't scale well to many hands.18:30
rbasakDid we resolve our questions about the backported enablement stack?18:31
med_cjwatson, I didn't think there was much arm64 silicon (if any)18:31
cjwatsonwe have no hardware yet but some hardware simulators of various levels of performance18:31
cjwatsonqemu is, I hear, expected to give us something in Q3 or so18:31
med_cjwatson, thanks, that's what I wanted to know. much appreciated.18:31
rtg_apw, why don't we carry some of these non-binary-blob dkms packages in the ubuntu directory ? That solves the backport issue.18:39
apwrtg_, a good question.  they have often not wanted to be restricted by our process in updateing them.  I tend to agree that the ones for things like openvswitch which are now completely critical maybe should be spo18:40
s3hhWill kernel team be willing to consider enabling CONFIG_USER_NS, at least if we add a sysctl to disable unprivileged use of CLONE_NEWUSER by default?18:41
rtg_apw, those packages are subject to SRU anyways I would think.18:41
rbasakapw: size of the cloud images?18:43
rbasakapw: eg. a MAAS deployment needs to download a dozen images maybe, so it multiplies out18:44
rbasakAnd then each update of upstream images has to pull them again18:44
med_It's speed, time, cost.18:44
* med_ dropped due to b/w issues18:48
* rbasak had issues too18:48
rbasakI got it back though18:48
med_well, youtube is a lot less demanding than the hangout18:49
Davieyapw: did you see s3hh question?18:49
med_and just lost youtube18:49
DavieyI couldn't easily field that in the session.18:49
med_or session died18:50
med_looks like session died18:50
rbasakSecurity as an afterthought? Sounds like a number of upstream packages :)18:50
med_and back...18:50
Davieyany security questions18:52
s3hhrtg_: ^ ?18:52
s3hhDaviey: well, there's the qeustion of how apparmor stacking support is looking now, after uds18:52
rtg_s3hh, looking...18:52
Davieys3hh: stacking?18:53
s3hhDaviey: apparmor profile stacking,18:53
Davieyah ok18:53
rbasakI found privacy extensions odd on my IPv6 server.18:53
s3hhi.e. load a policy whil still confine dunder another18:53
rbasakI can't remember the detail - confusing netstat, etc.18:53
rtg_s3hh, looks like USER_NS depends indirectly on XFS_FS = n18:54
s3hhrtg_: yeah, obviously only if that is fixed,18:54
s3hhthat, plus a 2-line aufs patch are the only *tchnical* blockers right now18:54
med_youtube is dropping out, I'll replay later.18:54
s3hh(test build is in ppa:serge-hallyn/userns-natty working great for saucy)18:54
rtg_s3hh, send some patches on the k-team list ?18:55
rbasakRight now, IPv6 on my server is broken and I haven't got round to looking at it. Something to do with the addressing and configuration. It'd be nice if it Just Worked appropiately for server, without extra configuration necessary to make a server behave like a server, IYSWIM.18:55
s3hhrtg_: once eric gets the xfs uploaded, there'll be no patches.  it'll just be enabling CONFIG_USER_NS,18:55
rbasak(eg. I can ssh to it find, so ssh is listening on the right socket, but outbound connections don't work)18:55
rtg_s3hh, sounds like thats no problem for saucy18:55
s3hhrtg_: ok, thaks.  yes, once eric sends the xfs patches for inclusion, there'll be no patches at all.18:56
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/servercloud-1/ - http://ubottu.com/udslog/%23ubuntu-uds-servercloud-1
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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