
knightwisemornin everyone05:58
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MooDoohello all07:29
czajkowskiGandi now offers discounts for Ubuntu Members -  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/05/16/gandi-now-offers-discounts-for-ubuntu-members/07:41
kaushalis there a way to focus Pidgin IM Conversation Window on raring running unity desktop shell?07:44
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brobostigongood morning everyone,08:09
BigRedSGood Morning!08:13
brobostigongood morning BigRedS08:14
knightwisehey dwatkins08:20
brobostigonmorning dwatkins and knightwise08:22
dwatkinsIf you have flash installed (and audio working) you might enjoy this brass band remake of some Daft Punk tunes... https://soundcloud.com/iamjasonalexander-108:24
JamesTai1Good morning all, happy Seamonkey Day! :-D08:34
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JamesTaitSeems like an odd one.08:35
JamesTaitCos clearly all the other observances are totally normal....08:36
andylockrangents and ladies..08:38
andylockrananyone got recommendations on how to stop phpunit crashing out on a fatal when running a CodeCoverage report (or set the params for which folders the Code Coverage should be looking at)>?08:38
andylockranmgdm_: ..08:39
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daubersRandom question of the day!09:27
daubersWhat are people using instead of google apps these days for email and stuff?09:27
MooDooi'm still using google, no reason to change09:30
TheOpenSourcererZentyal for our company email server, TB on the desktop. We do use G for shared calendars and some collaborative documents, and hangouts. My home email is G Apps.09:31
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mungbeanzimbra is all kinds of awesome09:38
daubersI have a new thing I'm setting up and don't really want to shell out for Apps now it's chargeable09:38
mungbeanhave y'all seen the OSS replacement for google reader that you can install on your own servers09:39
czajkowskimungbean: are you american and from the south?09:39
BigRedSmungbean: I thought that predated the demise of google reader?09:41
BigRedSczajkowski: hackntalk.org is still saying "First HacknTalk is almost here"09:41
mungbeanthe one called comma looks good09:41
czajkowskiBigRedS: hackntalkjune.eventbrite.com09:42
BigRedSI've still not mailed gllug :/ should I just link to the eventbrige page?09:42
czajkowskiwill update the site later on today09:42
BigRedSah, cool, that'll be a 'yes' then :)09:42
czajkowskithank you09:42
czajkowski21 so far09:42
czajkowskihoping tomake the 40 mark again09:42
BigRedSOooh, coool. Got another cake sponsor? :)09:44
czajkowskidid we have cake?09:45
czajkowskiwe had yummy coookies09:45
BigRedSOh yeah, I counted those as cake09:48
czajkowskithe bakewell tarts were rather tasty09:48
BigRedSAh! Yeah, those definitely count as cakes, surely?09:49
czajkowskithey do now :)09:49
czajkowskihmm now I want chocolate09:50
mungbeando duracell still replace items that get broken by their batteries leaking?09:52
mungbeanhas anyone every got compensation?09:53
davmor2Morning all09:54
dwatkinsmungbean: was this before the best-before date?09:59
mungbeanyes dwatkins09:59
mungbeanthey leaked and spazzed all over my radio09:59
mungbeangood marketing ploy - advertise the guarantee and silently rmove it, while everyone remembers it for next 30 years10:00
mungbeanlol i had a tomboy bug/error and googled it. top link was a bug filed by popey in 2007 \o/10:09
mungbeanbug 15297810:10
lubotu3bug 152978 in tomboy ""fuse: mountpoint is not empty" syncing over ssh" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15297810:10
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mgdmThunderbirds are go!10:22
knightwisetaadataadaaaaaah !10:31
MyrttiNOOOOOO only four teabags of Yorkshire for Hard Water left10:41
mungbeanalthough Myrtti is a scandie and i hate tea10:45
christeltea is revolting :(10:46
davmor2christel: unless it's a g&t right then you like it :D10:46
christelew no, gin is as revolting as tea10:47
christel(as is tonic water for that sake)10:47
christela hogsback tea is alright i suppose10:47
diploAfternoon all11:26
DanChapmanHi all :)12:09
DanChapmanIs there much going on with the UK LoCo at the moment? I would like to get involved12:26
BigRedSHeh. Apparently not :)12:32
BigRedSDid you have anything in mind?12:32
DanChapmanIm not sure. As i am new to the community, was just wondering if their was anything i can get involved in12:37
TheOpenSourcererDanChapman: Hi12:38
TheOpenSourcererThe "man man" is AlanBell who is at lunch right now.12:38
brobostigonliquid lunch ?12:38
TheOpenSourcererThere are always thing to be doing I guess12:38
TheOpenSourcererbrobostigon: I hope not. He didn't invite me.12:38
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: eeeek , :(12:39
DanChapmanTheOpenSourcerer: Hi, ok well i'm keen to get stuck in.12:39
TheOpenSourcererThere is a wiki for stuff.12:39
brobostigoni have just been playing with opensimulator the alst few days. challenging stuff.12:39
TheOpenSourcererDanChapman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/12:40
DanChapmanTheOpenSourcerer: thats great thanks will go take a look12:40
shrikbye bye Broadcom! Hello Intel!12:55
shriki took someone's advice on here and replaced my shitty Broadcom wireless card with an Intel12:56
shrikand I can see the difference already -- so thank you, whoever it was!12:57
directhexbut everyone loves broadcom now, for their Raspberry Pi involvement!12:58
shrikwait, really?13:02
directhexi dunno. i assume so13:03
directhexi know i fell out with intel wifi, over their broken 802.11n implementation13:03
shrikhrm. if they can provide a decent SoC for an Rpi then they should provide a decent wireless driver13:03
mungbeanyeah grrr13:03
directhexthe rpi soc is less "decent" and more "on crack"13:03
shrikheh why's that?13:03
BigRedS directhex: my intel chip in my Thinkpad works well enough that I've no idea what it is13:04
shrikdirecthex: erm, and what's wrong with the 802.11n implementation on the intel? that was my primary reason for getting the card :|13:04
directhexwell, it's down to what the chip was orignally designed for, then what that design became for the soc which was used in the rpi13:05
mungbean4965agn doesn't work with n wifi13:05
directhexshrik, there's an AP-dependent lockup issue when connected in 11n mode. connection stops routing packets after an indeterminite amount of time.13:05
directhexbut it depends on the wireless AP you're connected to13:06
directhexcisco are mostly fine. huawei you get minutes13:06
* mungbean has a huawei13:08
directhexbt homehub is huawei13:09
mungbeannot sure my huawei is dd-wrtable13:09
mungbeanand if it makes a diff13:09
shrikany idea what plusnet routers are? mine says "technicolor"..13:09
mgdmthat's the manufacturer, believe it or not13:10
* BigRedS doesn't believe it13:11
directhextechnicolor = thomson13:13
shrikreally? so it's the same routers as the Speedtouches that used to go out earlier?13:16
shrikalso, um, a PSA: Plusnet stores passwords in plaintext..13:18
shrikyeah, I signed up recently with them. Their welcome letter had my password with all but last three characters *'ed out..13:20
BigRedShah, that's both useless and insecure13:22
shrikyup, also shows that they store the cleartext passwords. Fortunately I'd used a throwaway..13:27
mungbeani thought that said somehthing else Laney13:44
SuperMatthmmm... clearing out a lot of the .files in my ~ has sped up my PC - most notably in launching a new terminal, and loading vim13:46
mungbeansearch paths?13:46
mungbeanunity launcher takes 15s on my home laptop13:47
mgdmdid you remove .bashrc or .vim? :-)13:47
SuperMattno I didn't13:47
SuperMattand I don't think it's search paths because I'm pretty certain I don't have ~ in there13:47
SuperMattI shall have a look13:47
SuperMattnope, not paths13:47
mungbeanbash compleition?13:47
SuperMattI don't think so13:49
mungbeandns issues?14:02
SuperMattis that directed at me?14:02
mungbeansometimes the prompt is slow to appear when it can't gethostbyname14:03
SuperMatthmmm... my hosts file is quite fulll14:03
mungbean a bit unlikely thou14:03
mungbeani'm still suspicous of bash completion14:04
mungbeanisn't it called by /etc/bashrc14:05
SuperMattclearing out my hosts file a little bit helped speed it up14:05
SuperMattI think I've done enough now14:05
SuperMattI've done a lot of file clearing/moving14:05
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SuperMattlooks like it may have been tracker slowing my PC down too14:27
SuperMattthere were a number of things really14:27
mungbeanoh tracker...shagger14:28
SuperMattbut I guess tracker is what's needed for super-fun-happy-unity-times14:28
zleaphow do we get at the advocacy kit if we don't use ubuntu, i am using lubuntu (given the kit is designed for ubuntu and flavours) http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/16/getting-the-ubuntu-advocacy-kit-to-1-0/14:31
SuperMattyou can still complete all of those steps14:32
SuperMattit'll all work nicely14:32
zleapbut I can't point dash at anything as I don't have dash14:33
zleapit installed fine so dash isn't a dependancy14:33
SuperMattwell it'll simply somewhere in your list of applications14:33
SuperMattyou'll have to track it down14:33
SuperMattgimme a tick and I *might* be able to tell you where they belong14:35
SuperMattwell that's the link it opens14:37
SuperMattbut it doesn't look like it appears in any of the menus14:37
zleapsame here14:38
zleapgot it, thanks14:39
SuperMattit only appears in the dash because it reads all the .desktop files from /usr/share/applications. Lubuntu has a menu system with folders and subfolders, so relying on simply reading the *.desktop doesn't work14:39
mungbeanany nx/nomachine users here?14:39
SuperMattat least, I don't think it does14:39
SuperMatthooray! Now I killed and restarted tracker, my pc is back up to speed again14:40
SuperMattno more wait io, and my load is dropping fast14:40
SuperMattmaybe I should learn how to make conky things and keep a track of tracker14:40
SuperMattafter all, who watches the watchmen?14:41
zleapSuperMatt, i am filing a bug report on this14:41
SuperMattzleap: cool, good man14:41
SuperMattguh, my pc is running so must faster now14:42
zleapcan i cite you as having found the same thing14:42
SuperMattuhm, sure14:42
SuperMattwait, no, not yet14:43
SuperMattlemme try something14:43
SuperMatteven my vms have sped up14:43
SuperMattI must remember to keep an eye on tracker more often14:43
SuperMattzleap: what version of lubuntu are you running?14:43
SuperMatthmmm... well I'll try it in 13.04 for now, see what I come up with14:45
SuperMattif I still see the same thing, I'll happily let you cite me14:45
zleapSuperMatt, submitted as Bug #1180843 as i suggested they include the link you gave me above to it,  to help users with similar problems,  this is a easier fix i guess, adding a local url to a website14:50
lubotu3bug 1180843 in Ubuntu Advocacy Kit "Ubuntu advocacy kit not on menus in Lubuntu 12.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118084314:50
zleapSuperMatt, ok np14:52
SuperMattthere's really nothing more I need to add to this bug report14:59
SuperMattgood work chap14:59
zleapalso my first bug report, I have added comments to 1 before15:01
SuperMatthmm... my computer is going so much faster after tracker-control -e, I might just put in a weekly cronjob15:08
^SnakeI'm setting up my Laptop for dual boot (Vista & Ubuntu) on seperate partitions, I know I need to run Firewall & Antivirus on each OS, just wondering what recommendations for Ubuntu, as the versions I use on Windows aint making a Linux version15:15
MartijnVdS^Snake: Windows: MS Security Essentials and the built-in firewall15:15
MartijnVdS^Snake: Ubuntu doesn't really have antivirus, and unless you install programs that open ports, you don't really need a firewall15:16
MartijnVdS^Snake: but Ubuntu comes with "ufw" if you need it15:16
SuperMattufw is a nifty little app15:16
^Snakefor Windows I use Comodo Firewall & AVG Antivirus.15:16
mungbeanit's a shame that bulletin boards/forums don't follow a convention that would allow you to use reader software15:16
SuperMattthough I find the syntax of it a little hard to remember15:16
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: you get used to it though ;)15:17
mungbeana bit like rss reader/newsgroup reader for forums15:17
* MartijnVdS waves from Lulworth Cove btw15:17
^SnakeComodo now makes a Linux Antivirus but no firewall, so that's why I thought I'd ask15:17
mungbeanoh lulworth?15:17
mungbeanMartijnVdS: epic15:17
SuperMattyou can get avg for linux15:17
MartijnVdSmungbean: yeah, beautiful here15:17
SuperMattI'm not sure how good it is though15:17
MartijnVdSmungbean: drove here from Land's End today, have beautiful pics of both now :)15:17
^SnakeI just looked on the AVG site, & all I could find was their Specs saying for Windows only15:18
mungbeandurdle door too?15:18
MartijnVdSmungbean: doing that tomorrow15:18
mungbeancheck the pic ^^15:18
MartijnVdSmungbean: oooh, nice one :)15:18
^Snakewhat is that "ufw" ?15:19
MartijnVdS^Snake: it's a command-line tool, the "Ubuntu Firewall"15:19
MartijnVdS^Snake: it's made by the people that make ubuntu, and it's a wrapper around iptables and ip6tables15:19
mgdmYou don't really get firewalls in the same way for Linux as you do on Windows - there's nothing that can trap individual processes that I'm aware of15:19
mgdmWell, nothing simple15:19
shauno('uncomplicated firewall' ;)15:19
mungbeansee portland island behind durdle door? thats cool too15:20
mungbeanalso chesil beach joining them15:20
^Snakewouldn't most programs open ports on the net? Browser, Email, Skype (for Linux) ? etc15:21
mungbeanargh who just ruined g+?15:21
mgdm^Snake: No, for the most part they will connect to ports, not open any for listening15:21
SuperMatt^Snake: yes, you set your default rules so internal can reach external15:21
^Snakewhat about utorrent?15:22
SuperMattbut not the other way around15:22
mgdmWell, yes, utorrent will open ports15:22
* SuperMatt nods15:22
mgdmbut it will not work without opening ports15:22
^Snakeso basically, ubuntu is tight already?15:22
mgdmI personally wouldn't bother with firewall or antivirus15:22
SuperMattme neither15:22
mungbeanme threither15:22
SuperMattif it turns out that there are some killer drive-by attacks, I might think about it15:23
mgdmI've not run either ever on any of my Linux machines (aside from a mail server where I had Sophos to scan email before hitting an Exchange server)15:23
^Snakeso if I use uTorrent to work with ppl in Canada & Japan, I would use UFW to ???15:24
SuperMattyou wouldn't have to do anything15:24
SuperMattyou set ufw to automatically allow everything going out15:24
mgdmNo, ufw will only break things15:24
MartijnVdSonly if you want to explicitly *block* connections you really need it15:24
MartijnVdSor if you're paranoid and want to block everything and only allow things individually when you need them15:25
MartijnVdSbut that's going to be very annoying and a lot of work15:25
^Snakemgdm said utorrent would open ports, so only utorrent would be able to use that, or would anything be able to sneak through that?15:26
SuperMattwell sure, anything can sneak through an open port, as long as the attacker knows how to exploit utorrent15:27
mgdmas long as there's not a vulnerability in uTorrent then it'll be fine15:27
MartijnVdSeven if utorrent has a vulnerability, it will probably be fixed quickly15:27
^Snakeso basically, make sure uTorrent is always upto date, but if I don't have it running, would the port still be open or closed?15:28
MartijnVdSso as long as you keep your machine up to date there's no problem15:28
jpdsPeople use uTorrent?15:28
MartijnVdS^Snake: then it will be closed automatically15:28
jpdsReal men use rTorrent.15:28
SuperMattI've just been using transmission myself15:28
MartijnVdSjpds: real real men use transmission15:28
mungbeanreal men run a getty and speak binary15:28
dwatkinsabout half the peers on a torrent I'm grabbing are running uTorrent.15:28
MartijnVdSdwatkins: it's huge on Windows15:29
SuperMattyeah, we all knew that ;)15:29
SuperMattisn't uTorrent the official bit torrent client now/15:29
SuperMattyes, yes it is15:30
dwatkinsstrangely the first few results for uTorrent are blocked, I don't think I want ot know why.15:30
SuperMattI don't know why anyone would use a windows client on linux, but each to their own15:30
^Snakeok, besides the "Store" that shows up on the Live CD, what's the best place for looking for/at linux software?15:32
MartijnVdS^Snake: the ubuntu software centre15:35
mungbeanMartijnVdS: see my foot at the bottom for scale http://i.imgur.com/lkkVq8Q.jpg15:35
mungbeani used to collect fossils as a kid.. never that size tho15:36
^Snakejpds mentioned rTorrent, looking online, Google says it's text based, is there one in a GUI ?15:41
jpds^Snake: No, it's suppose to be text-only.15:42
mungbeani don't think i even hav a bt client installed15:44
MartijnVdSmungbean: I think transmission is installed by default15:47
mungbeanso it is15:53
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Myrttisince this hasn't yet been here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-2254222216:27
MyrttiThis is not the Doctor you are looking for16:27
DJonesHeh, one for czajkowski, Irish court orders "the internet" to remove a video http://www.rte.ie/news/2013/0516/450685-court-rules-video-must-be-removed-from-websites/16:41
DJonesI wonder what the chances of compliance with that are on a scale of 0 to 1016:42
czajkowskiDJones: it's an interesting case16:42
mgdmI thhnk you could answer that in a scale from 0 to 016:42
czajkowskinot just for internet law but irish law16:42
DJonesI agree with the prinicpal, but I can't see being feasable16:43
shaunoit doesn't seem impossible, given that facebook & google both have their emea headquarters in the republic16:47
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SuperMattwaaait a second, why *does* my work PC have tracker installed? I just checked my home one and tracker isn't in sight at all. No wonder my work PC runs slowly when there's a piece of software on it that isn't standard19:20
MartijnVdStracker? isn't that the disk indexer?19:30
MartijnVdSwasn't that replaced/19:31
MartijnVdSdirecthex: does that still exist?19:33
directhexshame, it was always better than tracker. except a bit crashy19:34
MartijnVdSthat made it useful: no more system load19:34
directhexit was much faster at indexing19:35
SuperMattso tracker isn't being used?19:53
SuperMattI guess I know what's getting removed from my work PC on monday19:54
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: is it.. firefox?19:55
MartijnVdSapparently, I'm 2 episodes behind on the Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers19:56
mgdmthe what now?19:57
MartijnVdSmgdm: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Machinima/TheMiracleOfSwindonTown / youtube.com/hankgames19:57
MartijnVdSI don't follow football at all.. but like this it's fun :)19:59
mungbeanmight as well watch the bbc hoarders prog then..20:02
MartijnVdSmungbean: there's a program about the history of "the tube" on 220:03
mungbeanguy had a massive hoard in his house for 20 years and nobody knew, but a bus driver saw loads of flies , and the council gave him 42 days to clear it up20:04
shaunoI swear the only time I actually watch live/terrestrial TV is when someone in here mentions something20:04
mungbeansort of guy that wears a boiler suit all day20:04
MartijnVdSshauno: np ;)20:04
* mungbean thinks that someone is me20:05
mungbeani never used to watch telly until the baby requires me to put everything down and watch tv only20:05
mungbeani never used to spen devenings on irc either20:05
mungbeanhoping for cerebral stimulation..in vain :P20:05
mungbeanthis guy isn't hoarding clothes and bags like the women20:07
mungbeanseems to be man junk20:07
mungbeanlike paint tins etc20:07
mungbeana garden shed but in the house20:07
mungbeanit seems common with epic hoarders that they can't usually get onto their bed to sleep properly cos of the guff20:09
shaunobunkbeds ftw20:10
mungbeani think my son is a hoarder20:43
mungbeangoogle has an "evil" approach to tax?21:12
mgdmI would guess they'd not go as far as 'evil'21:15
mgdmAmazon do the same21:15
shaunoeveryone does the same. does anyone really want to pay more tax than they absolutely have to ?21:16
AlanBellthe problem is the Irish tax laws21:18
AlanBelland to a lesser extent the other offshore tax havens they funnel through21:18
AlanBellIreland should be screwing more money out of the shell companies that reside there21:19
mungbeani was quoting a govt commitee21:19
AlanBellyeah, I watched it21:19
AlanBelloh, actually I didn't watch round 2, was that today?21:20
mungbeani would vote in a party that sorted out the thieving21:20
shaunoI think 'shell' is a bit of a stretch21:21
mungbeanamazon got a 2.5m govt grant. more than the tax they paid21:21
shaunoI believe dublin is paypal's biggest emea footprint, but for regulatory reasons they're based on luxembourg.  that's my idea of a shell21:23
mgdmzsh is my idea of a shell (sorry)21:24
shaunobut for amazon, google, facebook, apple,intel, etc they have serious footprints here, not just a PO box for the taxman21:24
mgdmYeah; Google, Facebook and Amazon have serious buildings here21:24
mgdmdeveloper offices, and in Amazon's case warehouses21:24
mungbeandambusters is so cool21:25
shaunoI meant ireland :)21:25
AlanBellthick shells :)21:25
mgdmshauno: oops, sorry21:25
shaunoI know amazon are finishing off yet another datacenter here.  google barrow st. is closer to a city block than a po box, etc21:26
mungbeanwe could all stop using them..21:26
mungbeando we have moral responsibility to use only ethical companies?21:27
mungbeanin the long run it benefits us all to pay taxpayers21:27
shaunowhy not.  are canonical still based on manx for tax purposes?21:27
directhexknow who is ethical as far as tax goes?21:29
directhexpc world.21:29
mungbeancarphone warehouse21:29
mungbeani dont drink coffee , i cant afford such luxury21:30
directhexcosta's annual tax bill is enough to pay for the running of two 2000-student secondary schools, with full teaching & admin staff21:30
directhexstarbucks' annual tax bill is enough to pay for a drink at starbucks21:31
ali1234i would argue that avoiding tax is the more moral choice given the way politicians spend the money21:31
* mgdm watches a debate between an MSP and an MP about the Scottish independence referendum21:31
directhexali1234, taxes get spent on things you don't like. that's called "society". you get schools, and you get military intervention in the middle east. all comes out of the same pot of tax21:32
ali1234directhex: yes, exactly21:32
directhexavoiding tax means less money for both. personally, i prefer an educated population21:33
ali1234if we had an educated population this problem wouldn't exist21:33
mungbeanwhy not?21:34
mungbeanevrythings relative21:34
ali1234because people would vote more intelligently21:34
directhexeveryone should have the *opportunity* to excel. those that don't have squandered the chance21:34
ali1234directhex: but they still get to vote21:34
directhexthe alternative is allowing only those with the funds that opportunity. it is not a given that rich people's kids are all smart and everyone else is dumb, and unless that were the case, you are wasting potential talent21:35
mungbeani know intelligent people who vote on opposite end of spectru, to me because they belive in different priorities and views21:35
mungbeanquestion time reminds me of school21:39
mungbeansome people are just too interested in politics21:39
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